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Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 51, No. 4, pp.

932–937, 2001
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0360-3016/01/$–see front matter

PII S0360-3016(01)01716-3




Departments of *Radiation Oncology and †Radiology, University Hospital Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Purpose: The high local recurrence rates after radiotherapy in early-stage lung cancer may be due to geometric
errors that arise when target volumes are generated using fast spiral CT scanners. A “slow” CT technique that
generates more representative target volumes was evaluated.
Methods and Materials: Planning CT scans (slice thickness 3 mm, reconstruction index 2.5 mm) were performed
during quiet respiration in 10 patients with peripheral lung lesions. Planning CT scans were repeated twice,
followed by three slow CT scans (slice thickness 4 mm, index 3 mm, revolution time 4 s/slice). All, except the first
scan, were limited to the tumor region. Three-dimensional registration of all scans was performed. The
reproducibility of the imaged volumes was evaluated with each technique using (1) the common overlapping
volume (COM), the component of the clinical target volume (CTV) covered by all three CT scans, and (2) the
encompassing volume (SUM), which is the volume enveloped by all CTVs.
Results: In all patients, the target volumes generated using slow CT scans were larger than those derived using
planning scans (mean ratio of planning-CTV:slow-CTV of 88.8% ⴞ 5.6%), and also more reproducible. The
mean ratio of the respective COM:SUM volumes was 62.6% ⴞ 10.8% and 54.9% ⴞ 12.9%.
Conclusions: Larger, and more reproducible, target volumes are generated for peripheral lung tumors with the
use of slow CT scans, thereby indicating that slow scans can better capture tumor movement. © 2001 Elsevier
Science Inc.

Lung cancer, Tumor mobility, Planning CT scan, Geometric errors.

INTRODUCTION arising from external setup deviations at the treatment unit,

or from tumor movement within the patient. The former can
The local control rates achieved after radiotherapy (RT) in
be minimized by the use of off-line setup correction proto-
patients with medically inoperable Stage I non–small-cell
cols (5, 6), but the mobility of lung tumors because of
lung cancer (NSCLC) are inferior to those obtained with
respiration and cardiac action continues to pose a formida-
surgery. Overall 3- and 5-year survival rates were 31% and
ble problem. In most institutions, the RT treatment planning
15%, and the corresponding cancer-specific survival was
only 42% and 31%, respectively, after doses between 60 CT scan is acquired during quiet respiration, based on the
and 65 Gy (1). Uncontrolled lung cancer remains the pri- assumption that the generated target volume will correspond
mary cause of death in these patients, and local failure alone to the position of the target during daily treatments, which
has been reported to occur in up to 49% of patients (2). are also performed during quiet respiration.
Early experience with three-dimensional (3D) RT tech- However, analysis using fast CT scans shows that signif-
niques suggests that doses in the order of 84 Gy or higher icant tumor movement occurs in lesions located in the
are necessary for a greater than 50% probability of local proximity of the heart, diaphragm, and lung hilus (7). Sim-
tumor control (3). A recent dose escalation study has shown ilarly, sequential CT scanning at the table position at which
that doses up to 102 Gy are feasible for peripheral lung a prior scan had identified the slice showing the maximum
tumors (4). tumor diameter completely failed to visualize any tumor in
In recent years, the role of geometric errors in RT treat- 21% of images (8). The short sampling times of modern CT
ment planning and delivery for lung cancer has attracted scanners relative to the respiratory cycle may result in a
much attention. Such errors may be broadly categorized as failure to generate a reliable 3D target volume for treatment

Reprint requests to: Suresh Senan, Department of Radiation diology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands, for
Oncology, University Hospital Rotterdam, Groene Hilledijk 301, the calculation of radiation exposure resulting from the different
3075 EA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel: ⫹31 10 4391116; Fax: CT scan techniques.
⫹31 10 4391013; E-mail: Received Dec 27, 2000, and in revised form May 15, 2001.
Acknowledgments—We thank Dr. J. Geleijns, Department of Ra- Accepted for publication Jun 4, 2001.

Multiple “slow” CT scans for assessment of tumor mobility ● F. J. LAGERWAARD et al. 933

Table 1. Characteristics of study patients Table 2. Parameters of both CT techniques

Patient Stage Location Slice

thickness Index mAs Pitch Sec./Rev.*
A T2N0M0 Left upper lobe, adjacent to mediastinum
B T1N0M0 Left upper lobe, subpleural Planning CT 3.0 mm 2.5 mm 175 2.0 1
C T1N0M0 Right upper lobe, subpleural Slow CT 4.0 mm 3.0 mm 50 1.0 4
D T1N0M0 Right upper lobe, central
E T1N0M0 Left upper lobe, central * Time (seconds) per CT revolution.
F T2N0M0 Left upper lobe, subpleural
G T1N0M0 Right upper lobe, central
H T1N0M0 Right upper lobe, subpleural clinical target volume (CTV) used for treatment. The entire
I T1N0M0 Left lower lobe, central scanning procedure required approximately 45 min per pa-
J T1N0M0 Left upper lobe, subpleural
tient, and the duration of a single limited slow scan was
comparable to the time required to perform the initial com-
plete planning CT scan. As slow CT scans were limited to
planning (9). Such work has called into question the use of the region of interest, the radiation exposure arising from
3D treatment planning in its current form to improve local this scan was calculated at between 20% and 25% of that of
tumor control in Stage I NSCLC patients. a standard planning CT scan.
One method of addressing tumor mobility would be to Image registration of all CT data sets was performed
irradiate patients during a deep-inspiration breath-hold using the contour matching software tool (ACQSIM version
(DIBH) maneuver, during which mobility arising from res- 4.0.5), an object-based registration method with contour
piration will be avoided, and the irradiated volume of lung segmentation. A thoracic vertebra adjacent to the tumor was
tissue will be minimized as a result of the hyperinflation of contoured on all CT data sets using predefined window level
the lung (10). Because this approach requires the use of settings and magnification factor. Vertebrae were used for
respiration-gated CT scanning and treatment, both of which matching, because they represented nondeformable struc-
are not available at our institute, we explored alternative tures without motion artifacts. All image registrations were
methods of addressing the problem of target mobility. performed by one radiation oncologist and then evaluated
We describe here a technique of “slow” CT scanning that by the other (F.J.L., S.S.). The accuracy of the registration
enables the 3D movement of lung tumors to be character- method was within 1 mm in all cases.
ized on a standard spiral CT scanner, thereby allowing more The gross tumor volume (GTV) was contoured on all
representative planning data to be generated for patients registered CT data sets by a clinician at an ACQSIM work-
with peripheral lung tumors. station using a preset lung window setting and a standard
contouring protocol (11). The following volumes were gen-
erated: (1) planning GTVs, derived from rapid CT scans,
and (2) slow GTVs, derived from the slow scans. After
Planning CT scans (ACQSIM, Marconi Medical Sys- image registration, all contours were automatically pro-
tems, slice thickness 3 mm, index 2.5 mm, pitch 2) were jected onto the initial planning CT scan, which was used for
performed during quiet respiration in 10 patients who pre- further analyses. CTVs were generated after the 3D addition
sented with peripherally located NSCLC (Table 1, Patients of a 5-mm margin for microscopic tumor extension. To
A–J). Patients were immobilized using a lung board with evaluate the reproducibility of both scanning techniques,
adjustable arm rests (6). The cranial and caudal extent of the two additional volumes were manually contoured. The com-
initial standard planning scan was the subcricoid region and mon overlapping volume (COM) was defined as the com-
the second lumbar vertebra, respectively. Intravenous con- ponent of the CTV that was covered by all three scans using
trast was used only if tumors were located in the proximity a specific CT technique. The encompassing volume (SUM)
of the hilus or great vessels. An isocenter for treatment was defined as the volume enveloped by CTVs from all
planning, generally located at the center of the tumor mass, three CT scans of a specific technique (Fig. 1). Volumetric
was defined using this CT scan and demarcated using ink calculations of these CTVs were performed using Cadplan
and tattoos on the patient’s skin. (Dosetek-Varian v. 3.1).
Immediately after the treatment planning CT scan, addi-
tional scans, restricted to the region of interest, were per-
formed to study tumor mobility. The planning scan was
repeated twice in all patients using the same CT parameters. The volume of the CTVs generated using the two CT
Next, three slow CT scans were performed using 4 s per techniques (Table 3)
rotation and a pitch of 1. Scanning parameters are shown in For each patient, the mean CTV derived using the two CT
Table 2. Thus, a total of three planning and three slow scans techniques is shown in Table 3, as is the ratio of the mean
were available for each patient for the analysis of tumor planning-CTV to slow-CTV. Target volumes generated us-
mobility and reproducibility of both scanning techniques. ing slow CT scans were invariably larger than those derived
Information from all CT scans was used to define the actual using planning scans, as shown by the mean ratio of plan-
934 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 51, Number 4, 2001

plan:plan-CTV was 71.1% ⫾ 10.8% and ranged from 46.9 –

85.6%. The degree of reproducibility as evaluated using the
mean ratio of the COM-plan and the SUM-plan was 54.9%
⫾ 12.9% (range 30.2–76.0%).
The reproducibility of slow CT scans was evaluated in
the same manner. The reproducibility of slow scans was
better in all but one patient (G), as illustrated by the larger
mean COM-slow:slow-CTV ratio of 77.2% ⫾ 7.8% with a
smaller range (61.3– 89.1%). Similarly, the mean COM:
SUM ratio of 62.6% ⫾ 10.8% (range 41.9 – 80.2%) for the
slow scans was larger than that of planning CT scans.

Number of CT scans necessary for characterizing mobility

(Table 5)
The SUM volumes were derived from three separate slow
or planning CT scans. The coverage of this SUM volume,
when only one or two CT scans from a specific technique
were used, is shown in Table 5. The mean coverage of the
Fig. 1. The SUM volume refers to the envelope encompassing all
SUM-slow was 80.6% ⫾ 6.1% (range 68.4 –90.0) when
three scans of the same technique, and the COM volume refers to
the overlapping common volume of all three CT scans. information from only one slow CT scan was used and
increased to 93.3% ⫾ 2.5% (range 87.5–96.9%) when data
from two slow CT scans were used. The comparable data
ning-CTV to slow-CTV of 88.8% ⫾ 5.6% (mean ⫾ 1 SD, for SUM-plan were 76.7% ⫾ 6.9% (range 64.6 – 88.8%) and
range 81.8 –97.3%). This indicates that tumor mobility is 91.8% ⫾ 2.9% (range 87.7–97.1%) for information from
better imaged when slow CT scans are used. The overlap- one or two planning CT scans, respectively.
ping component of the CTVs in a specific type of scan
(referred to as COM) was larger for slow CT scans, as
indicated by the ratio COM-plan:COM-slow of 81.2% ⫾ Comparison of the SUM-plan and SUM-slow volumes
9.3% (range 62.6 –91.4%). The volume enveloped by all (Table 6)
three slow CT scans (referred to as SUM-slow) was some- To incorporate spatial information into the comparison
what larger than the SUM-plan, as indicated by the ratio between planning and slow CT scans, an analysis was
SUM-plan:SUM-slow of 93.5% ⫾ 6.8%, range performed to link the SUM-plan and SUM-slow volumes.
81.7–103.2%. The mean percentage of the SUM-slow volume not covered
by the summation of three planning CT scans was 15.7% ⫾
Reproducibility of the scanning techniques (Table 4) 4.9% (range 6.5–24.4%). Alternatively, the mean percent-
The reproducibility of the target volumes captured by age of the SUM-plan volume not covered by the summation
planning CT scans was analyzed by determining the ratio of of three slow CT scans was smaller, i.e., 9.7% ⫾ 3.8%
the overlapping area (COM-plan) to individual planning (range 1.7–14.6%), indicating the superiority of slow CT
CTVs for all patients (Table 4). The mean ratio of COM- scans.

Table 3. CTVs and ratios of COM and SUM volumes for different CT scan techniques

Mean plan- Mean slow- Ratio (%) plan-CTV: Ratio (%) COM-plan: Ratio (%) SUM-plan:
CTV (cc) CTV (cc) slow-CTV COM-slow SUM-slow

A 191.7 198.9 96.4 88.0 103.2

B 22.7 23.4 97.3 88.2 101.7
C 17.5 18.7 93.9 91.4 97.6
D 17.0 20.0 84.9 77.1 94.0
E 37.2 43.3 85.9 84.8 88.3
F 75.8 86.4 87.8 83.6 90.9
G 25.0 29.9 83.8 85.8 81.7
H 23.0 28.1 81.8 62.6 86.7
I 30.1 35.7 84.4 67.7 93.2
J 23.1 25.3 91.5 82.7 97.6
Mean ⫾ group SD 88.8 ⫾ 5.6 81.2 ⫾ 9.3 93.5 ⫾ 6.8

Abbreviations: COM ⫽ the component of the CTV that is also covered by the other two CTVs from a specific CT technique; SUM ⫽
volume enveloping all three CT scans from a specific technique; CTV ⫽ clinical target volume.
Multiple “slow” CT scans for assessment of tumor mobility ● F. J. LAGERWAARD et al. 935

Table 4. Reproducibility of both scanning techniques measured by the ratio between a single CTV and the COM volume, and the ratio
between the COM and SUM volume


Mean CTV-plan (cc) 191.7 22.7 17.5 17.0 37.2 75.8 25.0 23.0 30.1 23.1
COM-plan (cc) 156.0 14.7 13.1 11.2 27.2 59.4 21.4 10.8 19.8 16.3
SUM-plan (cc) 228.0 31.4 22.7 24.1 48.6 93.2 28.2 35.6 39.5 30.7
Mean ratio COM/CTV-plan
(%) 81.4 65.5 74.9 66.1 74.1 78.4 85.6 46.9 67.6 70.8
Ratio COM/SUM-plan (%) 68.4 46.9 57.9 46.3 56.0 63.8 76.0 30.2 50.0 53.1

Mean CTV-slow (cc) 198.9 23.4 18.7 20.0 43.3 86.4 29.9 28.1 35.7 25.3
COM-slow (cc) 177.2 16.7 14.4 14.5 32.1 71.1 25.0 17.2 29.2 19.7
SUM-slow (cc) 221.0 30.9 23.2 25.6 55.0 102.5 34.5 41.1 42.4 31.5
Mean ratio COM/CTV-
slow (%) 89.1 71.6 77.1 72.7 74.5 82.4 83.8 61.3 81.7 78.2
Ratio COM/SUM-slow (%) 80.2 54.1 61.8 56.4 58.3 69.4 72.4 41.9 68.8 62.7

Abbreviations: COM ⫽ the component of the CTV that is also covered by the other two CTVs from a specific technique; SUM ⫽
enveloping volume of all three CT scans from a specific technique; CTV ⫽ clinical target volume.

Can multiple slow scans be replaced by a single slow Can multiple slow scans be replaced by a single planning
scan expanded by a 3D margin? (Table 7) scan expanded by a 3D margin? (Table 7)
The generation of multiple slow CT scans requires up to Expanding a single plan-CTV with a 3-mm margin re-
30 min and can be taxing for the CT scan equipment and sulted in inadequate coverage of the SUM-slow volume in 6
sometimes for patients. As such, we studied the coverage of out of 10 patients (mean 89.2% ⫾ 6.3%). However, expan-
the SUM-slow volume by CTVs derived from a single slow sion using a margin of 5 mm ensured full coverage of the
CT scan expanded with a 3D margin of 3 mm. A margin that SUM-slow volume (96.1% ⫾ 5.5%), but at the cost of a
resulted in at least 95% coverage of the SUM-slow was 56% increase in irradiated volume (Table 8).
considered adequate. An expansion of the CTV derived
from a single slow CT scan with a margin of 3 mm resulted
in a mean coverage of the SUM-slow volume of 96.4% ⫾ DISCUSSION
3.4%. The CTV-slow expanded with a 3-mm margin also The high local failure rates reported after high-dose RT for
covered the SUM-plan (95.8% ⫾ 4.8%). However, this Stage I medically inoperable NSCLC (2) may be due to factors
margin of 3 mm was inadequate for 3 patients who had such as the earlier use of two-dimensional RT planning, sub-
mobile tumors (C, D, F), and the use of information from all optimal doses of RT (3), and geographic misses (8). Even 3D
three slow CT scans provided superior target coverage. In conformal RT, which is delivered to target volumes generated
addition, the use of a 3-mm margin around a single slow- using rapid CT scans, can result in the treatment of a volume
CTV resulted in a 29% increase in target volume compared that is captured at a random point within the respiratory cycle,
to the SUM-slow volume (Table 8). thereby introducing possible systematic errors (8, 9). Our anal-

Table 5. Coverage of the encompassing volume (SUM) of slow and planning CT scans versus the number of scans performed

Mean coverage of SUM-slow (%) obtained Mean coverage of SUM-plan (%) obtained
with with

Single slow-CTV Two slow-CTVs Single plan-CTV Two plan-CTVs

A 86.5 ⫾ 4.6 94.6 ⫾ 1.5 88.8 ⫾ 1.1 97.1 ⫾ 2.2

B 80.4 ⫾ 5.7 93.4 ⫾ 2.4 77.4 ⫾ 1.6 91.4 ⫾ 3.7
C 68.4 ⫾ 2.0 87.5 ⫾ 5.4 64.6 ⫾ 2.3 87.7 ⫾ 8.0
D 75.7 ⫾ 3.8 91.3 ⫾ 0.5 72.4 ⫾ 8.9 90.1 ⫾ 7.6
E 78.0 ⫾ 6.1 93.6 ⫾ 3.1 70.4 ⫾ 6.0 88.5 ⫾ 4.8
F 78.7 ⫾ 6.3 92.2 ⫾ 5.6 76.5 ⫾ 10.3 90.6 ⫾ 7.4
G 84.3 ⫾ 3.1 94.7 ⫾ 3.8 81.4 ⫾ 3.2 94.0 ⫾ 2.8
H 90.0 ⫾ 1.2 96.9 ⫾ 1.1 84.1 ⫾ 2.4 94.8 ⫾ 2.4
I 84.2 ⫾ 3.1 94.9 ⫾ 1.6 76.2 ⫾ 15.6 92.8 ⫾ 5.9
J 80.3 ⫾ 4.8 93.7 ⫾ 3.0 75.3 ⫾ 5.8 91.1 ⫾ 4.5

Mean ⫾ group SD 80.6 ⫾ 6.1 93.3 ⫾ 2.5 76.7 ⫾ 6.9 91.8 ⫾ 2.9
936 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 51, Number 4, 2001

Table 6. Comparison of the encompassing volume (SUM) of cardiac contractility, which can be substantial in lesions
slow and planning CT scans located adjacent to the heart and major vessels (7). For
Volume of SUM- Volume of SUM- DIBH, additional time is required for analysis of respiratory
slow missed (%) plan missed (%) patterns and coaching, and the technique has to be used at
when 3 planning when 3 slow CTs all stages of the treatment planning and delivery process.
CTs are used are used These steps can double the time required at each stage (10),
A 6.5 9.4 and such an approach may not be feasible in many depart-
B 13.2 14.6 ments.
C 11.4 9.2 We evaluated the feasibility of using the slow CT scan
D 16.1 10.8 procedure to provide a more complete characterization of
E 18.5 7.6
F 14.8 6.3 tumor mobility. The additional time required for the slow
G 19.7 1.7 CT scans was limited, the procedure was well tolerated by
H 24.4 12.8 patients, and the technique can be implemented without the
I 18.0 12.0 requirement for additional equipment. Slow CT scanning
J 14.3 12.2
resulted in the definition of more reproducible, and inevita-
Mean ⫾ group SD 15.7 ⫾ 4.9 9.7 ⫾ 3.8 bly larger, CTVs than were obtained with standard planning
CT scans. Ideally, slow CT scanning should use slice ac-
quisition times that are equal to or greater than the total
length of a single respiratory cycle in order to gain infor-
ysis of data from patients who underwent three sequential rapid
mation on the position of the lesion during the entire respi-
CT scans confirms the low reproducibility of target volumes
generated using such scans. ratory cycle. Incomplete information may result in tumor
There are essentially two approaches toward the problem mobility being underestimated and give rise to systematic
of tumor mobility. First, mobility could be better character- errors in treatment delivery. Although slow CT scans were
ized, and a “mobile” target volume could be generated more reproducible, they failed to capture all mobility. Rea-
based upon all available information on tumor movements. sons for the latter may include mobility that is not captured
Fluoroscopy is currently used for checking the adequacy of by a single scan, variations between respiratory cycles, and
treatment portals in many institutions; however, fluoroscopy variations in contouring. Technical limitations of our CT
is possible only when the tumor can be visualized and scanner prevented us from further prolonging the slice ac-
represents, at best, a crude two-dimensional estimate of quisition time to capture more respiratory cycles, and we
mobility. In addition, the absence of an accurate link be- opted instead to perform three sequential slow CT scans.
tween fluoroscopy and the geometry of the planning CT The use of multiple slow CT scans seems important, be-
scan may lead to inaccurate margins. cause a single slow CT scan captured only a mean of 80%
A second approach would be to control the target motion of the volume enveloped by three slow CT scans.
by cessation of respiratory movements, e.g., DIBH (10) or The additional radiation exposure resulting from a
active breathing control (12). We attempted this approach in single slow CT scan that is limited to the region of a
an earlier patient cohort, but, in the absence of appropriate peripheral lung tumor is low, and the generation of three
equipment, were unable to evaluate this technique in a such slow scans will generally double the overall radia-
satisfactory manner. In contrast to slow CT scans, DIBH is tion exposure in a typical patient. This additional radia-
unable to address the problem of motion resulting from tion exposure is justifiable in patients with Stage I

Table 7. Coverage of the encompassing volume (SUM) of slow and planning CT scans using a single CTV expanded with a 3-mm and
5-mm margin, respectively

Mean coverage of SUM-slow (%) Mean coverage of SUM-plan (%)

Slow ⫹ 3 mm Plan ⫹ 3 mm Plan ⫹ 5 mm Slow ⫹ 3 mm Plan ⫹ 3 mm Plan ⫹ 5 mm

A 98.7 95.5 98.8 100 99.4 100

B 98.4 96.8 99.8 97.3 97.7 99.9
C 88.1 75.1 86.2 87.7 81.4 88.9
D 94.0 88.1 95.2 90.3 92.4 97.9
E 97.4 88.1 96.9 95.5 93.3 99.4
F 94.6 84.7 91.6 97.1 93.6 97.6
G 98.2 93.4 98.6 97.3 96.7 99.4
H 98.6 94.0 97.8 98.3 95.5 98.6
I 97.9 88.4 95.3 96.3 92.8 97.9
J 97.7 88.0 95.6 98.0 93.8 98.0
Mean ⫾ group SD 96.4 ⫾ 3.4% 89.2 ⫾ 6.3 96.1 ⫾ 5.5 95.8 ⫾ 4.8 93.7 ⫾ 5.9 97.8 ⫾ 3.8
Multiple “slow” CT scans for assessment of tumor mobility ● F. J. LAGERWAARD et al. 937

Table 8. The coverage (absolute and relative) of SUM-slow by a mean single slow or planning CTV with different margins

Absolute volume (cc) Volume relative to SUM-slow

SUM-slow Single slow ⫹ 3 mm Single plan ⫹ 5 mm Slow ⫹ 3 mm Plan ⫹ 5 mm

A 34.5 48.0 56.6 1.39 1.64

B 23.2 32.3 42.9 1.39 1.84
C 41.1 46.0 52.8 1.12 1.25
D 30.9 39.4 52.7 1.28 1.71
E 25.6 34.7 42.6 1.36 1.66
F 55.0 66.7 77.6 1.21 1.41
G 102.5 127.6 144.8 1.24 1.41
H 221.0 268.0 310.3 1.21 1.40
I 42.4 56.8 65.7 1.34 1.55
J 31.5 42.2 54.3 1.34 1.72
Mean ⫾ group SD 1.29 ⫾ 0.09 1.56 ⫾ 0.19

NSCLC. The complete procedure described here requires initial planning CT scan into the generation of the “mo-
approximately 30 – 45 min of CT scan time. As such, a bile GTV,” which is then expanded by 5 mm to derive the
simplification of the method using a single slow scan CTV for treatment. The resulting 3D volume more accu-
with the addition of a 3-mm margin was investigated. rately represents the axis of tumor movement than is
This margin seemed sufficient to ensure adequate mean possible with a single planning CT scan with the use of
coverage of the SUM-slow volume; however, in 3 pa- isotropic margins.
tients with mobile tumors, this was not the case. Such an In conclusion, slow CT scanning seems to be a feasible
approach resulted in an increase of 29% in the irradiated and practical method with which reliable data on tumor
volume. Only one of our patients had a lower lobe tumor mobility can be generated for RT planning. Although recent
and, until more data on mobile tumors become available, studies have shown that doses of up to 103 Gy are feasible
we suggest that the use of a single slow scan expanded (4), a failure to better define the “mobile GTV” may limit
with a 3D margin is not advisable. We currently incor- therapeutic gains from dose escalation in medically inoper-
porate the information from all three slow scans and the able NSCLC.

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