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Key Terms Definitions

Attitude 4.A strong belief about people, things, and situations
Extrinsic reward 13.Rewards from external sources such as money and praise
Goal 7. A target in your life plan
Human relations 15. Interactions occurring with and through people
Intrinsic rewards 10. Rewards that come from within and may include self-satisfaction and
pride of accomplishment
Learning style 8. How you best take in new information and/ or learn new ideas
Life plan 22. A written document that identifies goal in all areas of your life
Locus of control 2. Identifies who you believe controls your future
Long-term goals 16. A target that takes longer than one year to accomplish
Mirror words 9. Describe how you view yourself and how you believe others view you
Personal brand 17. The way you feel about yourself is reflected in how you treat others
Personality 18. Set of traits that assist in explaining and predicting an individual’s
Priorities 11. Determine what needs to be done and in what order
Professionalism 14. Workplace behaviors that result in positive business relationships
Projection 6. An individual’s perception of how others view him or her
Self-concept 3. An individual’s perception of himself or herself
Self-efficacy 1.Your belief in your ability to perform a task
Self-image 19. Reflects traits you want others to think of when they think of you
Short-term goals 20. Goals that can be reached within a year’s time
Smart 21. Acronym for goal setting method
Trade-off 5. Giving up one thing to do something else
Values 12. Things that are important to an individual
Think like a Boss

1. Create learning opportunities that allow workers to learn and be able to

repeat these behaviors by observing others with experience doing a task.
2. The better you know your personal work style, the more you can tailor your
approach and environment. For example, do unto others as you would
have them do to you.
3. Goal setting is an important practice. setting strong goals boosts
performance by motivating people to increase their effort, inducing
stronger focus and helping them prioritize.

Activity 1.1
1. Diligent
2. Reliable
3. Ambitious
4. Conscientious
Raise my awareness, build trust and credibility for myself, Get New Opportunities,
leave a Positive Impact, I define my goals and audience, Build my goal

Activity 1.2
Positive Factors Negative Factors
Statement of the problem Being Unprepared for Class
Attitude and motivation Negative Attitude
Positive mental attitude. Failing to Follow Instructions
Activity 1.3

Personal Education Career

Financial progress Bachelor’s degree My own Business

Specific: I am the manager of my own company

Measurable: Have good financial progress
Achievable: Obtaining a degree
Relevant: I want to build my goal
Time based: By 2025

Activity 1.4
Personal Education Career
Long-term goal Financial progress Bachelor’s degree My own Business
Short-term goal 1 saving Get a certificate Find job
Short-term goal 2 Buy stocks Continue education Enhance work experience
Short-term goal 3 investment Continue education Financial Management

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