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Industrial Gas Leak Detection

and Repair Service

Air Products’ leak detection
service can identify and repair
costly leaks in your industrial gas
piping system, improving your
facility’s safety, part quality and
bottom line.
Industrial gas systems should receive vigilant
inspections and maintenance at least every
two years or after equipment’s added or moved.
Without proper system attention, the results
can range from gas losses, gas purity issues
and potential safety concerns like fire or

Air Products’ leak detection and repair service

allows you to outsource this important task. Our
engineers can inspect, audit, maintain and repair To help you improve workplace safety and
your gas system as part of a comprehensive promote steady operations, we can:
assessment to help enhance safety, reliability
and operating performance. • Inspect your entire gaseous supply system
• Make repairs ranging from preventative
Uncover hidden dangers maintenance to rebuilding or replacing supply
Most industrial gases are colorless, odorless
and tasteless, and some are highly flammable. • Conduct a gas optimization audit to identify
Undetected leaks present a risk for you or your potential operating efficiencies
employees. • Perform acoustic emissions testing of
high-pressure storage tubes to determine
“A pinhole leak in a high
Obtain thorough advice the condition of the tube walls
pressure gas line is a
serious safety concern. • Provide temporary gas supply to avoid
Plus, it can cost you
Our comprehensive industrial gas leak detection
unwanted interruptions if your system is
tens of thousands of and repair service can give you and your man-
dollars per year. For agement peace of mind. Let experienced indus-
example, if your facility trial gas technicians scrutinize and evaluate • Manage the project
has just one 1/32 inch your system.
• Relocate an out-of-compliance system if it no
hole in a line operating
at 80 psig working
longer conforms to regulatory guidelines
pressure, your wasted You’ll receive a customized report after our
gas costs can be greater team’s assessment. We can itemize and priori-
than $30,000 per year.
tize required actions, then work closely with you
That’s why it’s so impor-
to perform tasks safely, quickly and completely.
tant to find and repair
any leaks in your lines.”
John Dwyer
Air Products
Applications Engineer
Rely on our experience
For decades, Air Products has safely and
reliably produced and delivered industrial gas
worldwide. Take advantage of the knowledge,
expertise and skills we have accumulated while
maintaining thousands of industrial gas systems
around the world.

We’ll perform vital safety and performance

evaluations without undue burden on you or
your staff. Service is provided by highly trained,
safety-minded technicians that are experienced
in working with a variety of industrial gas supply

For More Information

Corporate Headquarters
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
7201 Hamilton Boulevard
Allentown, PA 18195-1501
Tel 800-654-4567
Fax 800-272-4449

Air Products PLC
Hersham Place
Molesey Road
Surrey KT12 4RZ
Tel 44-1932-249200
Fax 44-1932-249565

Air Products Asia, Inc.
Suite 6504-7, Central Plaza
18 Harbour Road
Hong Kong
Tel 852-2527-1922
Fax 852-2527-1827

tell me more

© Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 2007  (27078) 330-06-078-US

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