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Angely Guerrero

8vo grado
Dialogo de ingles
Sofia: Good morning angel!
Ángel: Good morning sofia!

Sofia: How are you?

Ángel: I’m really fine, enjoing this day: so cloudy and warm.
Sofia: It seems so pretty Good, but I don’t like rainy days.
Ángel: Why?
Sofia: Because it’s too cold and I don’t like it.
Ángel: I understand, but for me, those are a wonderfull days, full of silence, and the drops
in the ceeling are like melodies.
Sofia: I prefer a hot day, those are comfortable to spend time outdoors, and I dont like
the thunders I those rainy days, scares me!!
Ángel: Mmm ok, what are you going to do this weekend?
Sofia: I Will go with my family to take some vacations. And you?
Ángel: I Will go to the mountain with my sister, you know? That one near the downtown,
some people says there is snowing, then we Will see the sunshine with Friends.
Sofia: Wow, sounds pretty cool! Did Winter begin?
Ángel: Yes, it began a few weeks ago.
Sofia: Uuhm ok! Whats about your sister?
Ángel: She’s ok, she Will comeback tomorrow from college, she may end up college this
Sofia: Awesome! It look like yesterday, when we were kids and played on mud after the
Ángel: Yes, we grew up son fast!
Sofia: I cant belive this, started to hail!
Ángel: Lets go to that cafetería, still open.
Sofia: Ok in this cafetería its warm, really warm.
Ángel: I think this hail Will end up fast, the sky is taking clear.
Sofia: That makes me happy, I have to go quick to my house…
Ángel: you like rainbows?
Sofia: Yeah! Of course!. Why?
Ángel: Because there is a beautifull rainbow near the mountain top
Sofia: Is so wonderfull, is the only thing I like about this rainy days
Ángel: Ok, now we can go out, sky is clear.
Sofia: Wow, this weather is so interesting, early was so cold, now is humid and warm.
Ángel: If the weather stills like this, Im not go to the beach this weekend.
Sofia: I think the same, the forecast says that Will rain the whole week
Ángel: Is so sad to cancel some plans only for bad meteorological conditions.
Sofia: Yes, but what can we do? I wish that the forecast don’t get right on those rainy days
Ángel: So, wich is your favorite season?
Sofia: Well, Winter and autumn are not my favorites, because are so cold and there are so
many thunders, remember, those scares me.
Ángel: Uhm, ok, im completely sure that you don’t like cold!
Sofia: Exactly, so remains spring and summer. And I like more summer because is warm
and we finish classes.
Ángel: Nice choice, I like more Winter because it got cloudy and humid days, its relaxing
for me, and those are the best days to read a book and drinking a coffe cup, draw some
things, and many things more.
Sofia: Wow, I did not think in that…
Ángel: See? Cloudy days sometimes are better.
Sofia: Well Ángel, is getting too late. I must go to my house.
Ángel: Take care of yourself, is getting so foggy there at night.
Sofia: I’ll take care, see you son
Ángel: Goodbyee!

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