AISC 1986v02

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New Bolt Specification Approved

Space Form in Steel
A Study in Simplicity
State-of-the-Art- in Steel
Fast Track : Where are We Now?
Steel Framing + Teamwork = Fast Track
A Perfect Fit Insured by Steel
1. Stud shear connectors should extend at least I ~ . above the 7. For many bay SIZeS it 15 advantageous to layout the deck so that
top of the deck. a deck valley hes over the center of the glTder For most
2. The slab thickness above the steel deck should be at least 2 · compos1te girders there 15 no reduction In capacity if the deck
3. Studs Installed In metal deck can be placed as close to the web 15 not split and spread apart at the girder
of the deck as needed for mstallation and to maintain the 8. N·Lok composite floor deck has a wlh ratio of 0.75 which
necessary spacmg makes Itlnefoclent for composite 00am deSIgn N· Lok Cellular
4. Deck anchorage may be prOVIded by the stud welds. deck can be blended WIth 3· Lok· Floor and acceptable
5. For composite construction. studs should not be spaced composite beam design can be obtained
greater than 32 " on center. 9. Designers are urged to check for the possible use of partial
6. 'The mmimum dtstance from the edge of a stud base 10 the composite
edge of a flange shall be the chameter of the stud plus :4 • but
preferably not less than 1'". "-A W.S.DI 1-79 Section


u.- ....
N u.",
.. iii °u ",ffi mQ
SLAB TYPE •~ g '<:w WQ.
.... "JO
z (/)
.... u 3000 PSt 3500 PSt 4000 PSt 3000 PSt 3500 PSI 4000 PSI
SOLID CONC . 3" - - 1.0 11 .5 12.5 13.3 9.9 10.8 11.4

• B-LOK 3" 1.5 1 1.0 11 .5 12.5 13.3 9.9 10.8 11.4

B-LOK 3" 1.5 2 0.9 10.4 11.3 12.0 8.9 9.7 10.3

...• B-LOK 3 '12" 1.5 2 1.0 11 .5 12.5 13.3 9.9 10.8 11 .4

B-LOK 3" 2.5 2 1.0 11 .5 12.5 13.3 9 .9 10.8 11 .4

1'k" LOK-FLR 3" 3.85 2 1.0 11 .5 12.5 13.3 9.9 10.8 11.4
z ...• 2 " LOK-FLR 3 '/2" 3.0 2 1.0 11 .5 12.5 13.3 9.9 10.8 11 .4
• 3 " LOK-FLR 5" 2.0 2 0.8 9.2 10.0 10.6 7.9 8.6 9.1
"' 3 " LOK-FLR 5" 2.0 1 1.0 t1.5 12.5 133 9.9 10.8 11 .4

·. 3" LOK-FLR 5 1/2" 2.0 2 1.0 11 .5 12.5 13.3 9.9 10.8 t 1.4

p : PITCH N = Number of Studs Per Alb

Rib Coefficient - ; ; . (~ )( ~ - 1 0 ) " 1.0 12" Lok Floor H : Length of Stud
6 " B-Lak h = Height of Rib ; 1'12", 2", 3" Lok Floor

j~ ' E 11h" B·lok

w = Average width of Rib

'- ..."\\++-. I-- -

- I-- -
I-- -
PO BOX 66'2. 4 7~ SPRINC I1I1 D AV I
SUMM II . N I W II RSl Y 0790 1 120 11277 16 17 ...ssoctAlI: MEMSER

lponaored by the Am. rlc.n InlUtut. 0' StH I Conltruction. 'nc.

June 12- 14, 1986 Opryland Hotel Nashville, Tennessee

Ponding of Concrete Decks
Beam-Column Design
Jointless Steel Bridges
Economical Short Span Bridges
Staggered Truss Systems
Moment Connections
Composite Construction
Bracing for Heavy Structures
Plate Girder Bridges
Useful Steel Design Literature
AISC-Load and Resistance Factor Design
• KEYNOTE SESSION ON RCSC-Structural Connections (Bolting)
AASHTO-Guide for Braced Compact
BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES Sections (Autostress)
Horizontally Curved Girders
3D Analysis of Bridges
• SPECIAL SESSION : r----- --------------l
Lessons Learned from the Mexican I To receive complete Intorrnahon on program . I
Earthquake I speakers. transportaltOn , hotel accommodations, J
I and the oHIClal registration form , return this coupon I
• EDUCATOR MEETINGS I today! Direct your Inquiry to; I
Department of PubliC Affa,rs
I American Insti tute of Steel Construction , Inc. I
• PRINTED PROCEEDINGS I 400 N Michigan Avenue, Chicago . illinoIs 60611 I
I Homo, I
and other door prizes

I ...._ I
I (Chy) (Slat.-County, Code) I
* Technology + Common Sense
IL __ ___ ____________ _ _ I
= Reliable Steel Structures

American Institute
of Steel Construction, Inc.
The Wrigley Building
400 North Mtehigan Avenue
Chicago. illinoIs 60611 -4185

OFFICERS New Bolt Specification Approved 5
Wemer H Quasebarth, Chairman
Norman G. Ridenhour. Firsl Vice Chairman
Henry Crown Center: Space Form in Steel 6
C. Farnham Jarrard, Jr.• Second Vice Chairman 1st Interstate Bank: A Study in Simplicity 9
Oscar W. Stewart. Jr.• Treasurer Nissan Motor: State-of-the-Art-in Steel 12
Nell W. Zundel, President Fast Track: Where are We Now? 17
William W. lanigan, I : Sugar Loaf Mountain:
Secretary & General Counsel Steel Framing + Teamwork = Fast Track 25
LeWIs Brunner. Voce President, Marketing
Geerhard Haailer,
Nevada Administrative Center: Perfect Fit Insured 28
Vice President, Research & Engineering
Richard F. Fox,
Vice President, Finance/Administration 1986 FELLOWSHIP AWARD WINNERS NAMED
William Y. Epling, Eight winners of AISC's 1986 Fellowship Awards competition have recently
Vice President, Govemment Affairs
been named. Each winner receives a $4 ,250 study fellowship, with another
$750 going to the academic department heads for administering the
awards. Students are judged by an outstanding award jury on the basis of
EDITORIAL STAFF grade point averages, faculty recommendations and contributions their •
expected programs will make to the engineering profession and the struc·
George E. Harper, Director of Publications
tural steel Industry as a whole. The 1986 winners are :
Brenda Follmer, Assistant Editor
James Herman. Business Miguel Betancourt, Purdue University
Michael D. Engelhardt, UniverSity of California-Berkeley
r Stephen M. Herlache, UniverSity of W,sconsln·Milwaukee
Christopher D. Hill, University of Kentucky
James M. laFave, University of lliinols
Marc C. LeBouton, University of Arizona
NORTHEAST REGION W.M. Kim Roddls, Massachuse«s Institute of Technology
New York. NY (Hdq ) 2126954291 Dan F. Schertler, Universily of Kentucky
Bosfon, MA 617i329 7417
Plttsburqh. PA 412'443 8840 Prof. Ralph Richard of the University of Arizona in Tucson will receive
SOUTHERN REGION AISC's prestigious 1986 T.R. Higgins LectureShip Award at the AISC Na-
Allanla GA (Hdq ) 404A58 7679 tional Engineering Conference in Nashville. Tenn. on June 12, 1986. His
Charlolle. NC 104 541 0960 award-winning lecture is ·Single Plate Framing Connections-An Over-
Dallas. TX >14630 5236 view."
Houston, TX 713'270 6363
HIS award, an engraved citation and a check for $4,000 Will be presented
CEN TRAL REGION by Robert P. Stupp, executive vice president of Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron
ChIcago IL (Hdq ) 312670 2400
Company, SI. Louis, Mo. Richard will present the paper at five other cities
Delr,,1. MI 313352 5558
and events during the year.
MIN'!eapolis, MN 6126470529
51 LOUIS MO 314721 1332
Los Angelos. CA (Hdq ) 818444 4519
Denver CO 303831 4622

San FranciSCO. CA 4 I 5.~32 0909
Chicago. Il 312'670 2400
Washlnqton. 0C 2021466 5548


New Bolt Specification Approved

new Specification for Structural Joints
A Usmg ASTM A325 on MOO Bolts has
been endorsed by the American Institute of
Steel Construction and IS scheduled for
publication In June.
One of the procedures approved In the
new RCSC Specification has already been
applied In at least one structure- a 17,000
sq-ft corporate office building under con-
struction at 1055 Washington Boulevard,
Stamford, Conn. Structural engineers for
the proJect, LeMessurier Consultants, Inc ..
approved a request from the steel fabrica-
tor and erector to ease the high-strength
bolt-tightening procedures and permit In-
stallation of snug-tight bolts . On this pro-
ject, field ironworkers were authOrized to

tighten certain bolts to a snug-tight condi-
tiOn, which requlles only the full effort of a
worker With a spud wrench. Previously, all
bolts had to be fully tightened to a pre-
scribed and verifiable level of tension.
In the Stamford proJect. Installation of
snug-tight bolts was reqUired for all con-
nections , except those in the braced
frames This represents a dramatic, and Ironworkers perform fmal mstafiallOn of A325
bolts to double-angle beam-lo-glrder con-
Significant, change In procedure, which nectIon accordmg to new snug-tight proce-
should be considered by structural engi- dure. The 1055 Washmgton Blvd Building
neers for each job by specifYing clearly (r,J, Stamford Conn. , IS first structure on
those connections which only need to be which new procedure was authOrized
snug tightened
In essence , the new Specification clari-
fies cmefla for design of hlgh-strengJh con-
nections to proVide for separate consider-
ation of strength and serviceability That IS, publication will Include an expanded Com- NashVille, Tenn .. June t2- 14 Will iam A
connections are deSigned for strength , mentary, based on experience With earlier Mllek, who was Involved (as the prevIous
considering bearing, shear and tension versions of the Specification , and will em- dllector of AISC 's Engineering and Re-
Subsequently, for slip-Critical connections, phaSIZe often overlooked material and search Department) With the development
the connect Ions are checked for reSistance shipping requllements, the effect of galva- of the new SpeCification from Incepllon to
to slip at working load , which requlles pre- niZing on fasteners and connected materi- completion, Will diSCUSS the process and
scribed levels of tenSion In the bolts. al, the effect of burrs and paint overs pray application of the new procedures Fred P
Recognition of the calibrated wrench on faYlng surtaces, the Importance of prop- Haas, vice president and general manager
method of Installation has been reinstated , er use of Installallon methods and Imple- of the \\Jgt & Conant Company. will pre·
but With the requirement for closer control. mentation of effectIVe Inspeclion. The sent "Economics of Field Bolting." With
Rules for use of each of five methods of Commentary will also provide background field examples shOWing how fastener se-

installatlon-snug-tlght, turn-of-nut, cali- and references to enhance understanding lection and 10lnt deSign affec t speed of
brated wrench, use of alternate deSign fas- and a baSIS for exercise of engineering erection. lob safety and other aspects of
teners and use of tension-Indlcallng de- ludgment In application . construction.
vices are presented separately to aVOid The new RCSC Specification Will be the Copies of the new Specification Will be
confusion. subject of a session at the National Engi- available from AISC. POBox 4588 . Chl -
The format of the Specification In ItS new neering Conference sponsored by AISC cago. IL60680 Price . $3 each Publication
edition has been reorganized . The new and scheduled for the Opryland Hotel, slated for June 1986
2nd Quarter/ l986 5
Henry Crown Center:
A Space Form in Steel

by Vanak Shagalov

Yanak Shaga/av, P E.. IS a senior project struc-

tural engineer with Hammel Green and Abra-
hamson , Inc , Architects/Engineers. Mlnne·
apolls, Minnesota

hen the architect was commissioned

W to design the Henry Crown Space
Center addition to Chicago's Museum of
SCience and Industry. one of the significant
challenges was to house a new Omnlmax
Theatre In a dome structure
The museum Itself, which occupies a
classIc Greek revival building on Lake
Shore Drive, IS the only remaining struc-
ture from the 1B93 World 's Columbian Ex-
position. Scheduled to open In July. the
Space Center IS Ihe first major addition
since the oligIOal Museum complex
opened In t933 . The museum manage-
ment decided to create a permanent ex-
hibit to reflect the growing Importance of
space exploration In today's world The
exhibit will have three areas an outdoor
space hardware plaza, a to,OOO-sq I!
exhibit hall and a 25,OOO-sq I! Omnlmax
With a seat ing capacity of 330, the the-
atre contains t 3 rowS of seats sloped on a
30· plane This permits vISitors to Sit In a
reclining position to View the dramatic flIm
Image surrounding them. The projection
screen, a 76-ft dla hemisphere, lilted at
30· to be parallel with the seats The 70-
mm fish-eye lens projection system, the Henry Crown Center, Chicago, nears completion on lakelront site German sub exhibit In
12-channel. six-track surround-sound foreground Rendeflng (top) shows completed structure. slated for mid-summer debut
audio system, and other special effects
projectors are synchronIZed by a comput-
erized controller.
Two major elements of the architectural The Steel-framed Dome
Archltecturaf Rejationshlp tmportant design are the repetition of the 8-1! high Domes. one of the oldest structural forms,
Design requirements of the museum StiPU- stone base and the dome used on the ex- found architectural use dating back more
lated the new structure must relate archi- Isting museum bUilding The 20-ft high ex- than two thousand years They provide a
tecturally to an eXisting bUilding, with the hibit hall area IS enclosed by a dark, set- very efficient structural solution when a
mass of the structure kept as low as POSSI- back wall which re inforc es the strong large area must be enclosed without col-
ble. The site IS on the east side of an eXist- hOrizontal lines of the stone base Al- umns In auditoriums, arenas, stadiums .
Ing structure along the Lake Michigan though the dome shape ties the two struc- exposition halls. theatres and government •
shore. Connection to the eXisting Museum tures together visually, It created acousti- bUildings. One of the earliest domes bUilt
was difficult because of the proximity of a cal problems within the dome-shaped with steel was a design In 1863 by JW A
submarine display and three exhibit trains theatre which reqUIred special acoustical Schwedler, In Berlin . In 1865, the National
The trains were relocated treatment Capitol In Washington 0 C. was construct-

1 1

the extenor wall around the dome base.

The dimensional restnct,on of Ihe dome
diameter Imposed by architectural profile
considerations resulted In light Intenor
space allowance Consequently, prolec-
tlon room framing was suspended from
several dome nbs. which resulted In a non-
symmetncally loaded and highly Indeler-
mlnate structure (Very little recent deSign
information based on pracllcal expenence
of others was available) AISC furnished
the results of a study It had conducted In
Intflcate steel·framed dome IS one of the 1960s on symmetrically loaded
more popular and economical types domes
The extenSiveness of analYSIS for non-
<,.\ . symmetncal loading IS directly related 10
:\~ ed uSing one of the lirst steet domes In the the large number of members Involved

!.~. ~,
US. Preliminary deSign was done by hand cal-
Based on cost Input from the prolects culation, uSing vanous englneenng publl-
•• construction manager, steel was chosen callons. The final deSign Included a 192
• w,~,,_. as the least expensive and the most appro-
pnate structural matenalfor the museum's
member space-frame deSign usmg a
three-dimensional frame-analYSIS comput-
Of DOtU£ #1.

... -~;f:'f_
1#7 dome roof structure The particular framing er program Dome nbs and nng beams
system selected was the Schwed ler- were designed forcontlnully redUCing con-
Iype-wlth ItS radial nbs and concentnc Siderably the magn,tude of the bending

'v "'f
..• • nngs-one of the more popular and eco-
nomical types of steel-framed domes.
moments and making the structure more
economical Also, each nb was detailed as
The l00-1t dla steel dome IS supported a single element wl~h shop-welded stubs
on 11 columns and five transfer beams for nng beam connections Since shop fab-
Sixteen W14 steel nbs radiate from an 8.5- ncatlon IS typically more economical Ihan
ft dla compression nng (Fig 1) A lens Ion field assembly II proved cost-effective to
nng was designed around the penphery transport even very large fabncated struc-
near the base of the dome to reSISI the lural elements 10 the Job site All remalnlrg
honzontal thrust from the nbs, leaving only connections for the dome framing were de-
vertical load to be transferred to support- signed as fleld-bo ted moment connec-
Ing beams and columns. Four Intermediate lions (Fig 3)
circumferential nngs were added 10 reduce The dome surface IS a 4 5-10 thick
un braced length of the nbs and provide a Ilghlwelght concrete slab Heavy metal

means to dlslnbute iJve and dead loads lalh, used as a form, remained after con-
The lateral load-reSisting system IS a re- crete was placed by shotcretlng A syslem
Inforced concrete nng beam at the dome of purllns supported the metal lath be-
support level (Fig 2), which redlstnbutes tween the main framing ExtenSive and
t and delivers all Wind forces to four ngld costly shonng and formwork were ellmlnal-
steel frames In the lower level Also, the ed by thiS system The concrete dome sur-
reinforced concrele ring beam supports face prOVides both stiffening for the entJre
FIgure 3
dome structure and meets acoustical Isola-
lion requlremenls for the theatre


The 16 dome ribs. each 61.5 I! long. were
PRODUCTS fabricated full length to elimina te field
splices SpeCial permits and an overSize
What% of your needs trailer. wllh speCial frames. moved four ribs
require ST. LOUIS at a time from shop to job site. The 8.5-ft
dla dome compression ring 16 separate
SCREW & BOLT HIGH mllered W14 pieces 10 form a segmented
STRENGTH Bolts? circle. was fabrlcaled on a table Jig. wllh
full-penetration welds
Consider this - Fabrication dates were met and erection
of the dome began as scheduled The thor-
.American Made ough efforts In deSigning. detailing and fa-
• Tested & Certified bricating the steel resulled In a rapid. effi-
Cient erection sequence, Dome erection
• Full Range of began by raising and suspending over-
Type I & ill Products head Ihe compression rings With a 25-ton
• Fast Delivery crane. A second 50-ton crane hOisted and
.95 Years of set the ribs Bolting was completed from
below With two manllfts wllh 60-1! booms
Dependable Service located In the dome center
Elimlnalion of all f eld welds by deSign-
Ing bolted conneclions was a major factor
_ affecting the speed of erection. Field-boil-
Interesting erection photos (above) show ed conneclions eliminated Ihe need for a
compression rmg swmgmg mto place scaffold lower to support the compression
ring dUring ereCl lon. which resul ted In fur-

ther time and cost savings In three days.
Ironworkers had erected all16 ribs and the
crane supporting the compression ring
was no longer necessary A five-man crew
remained on the lob seiling purl Ins and Im-
Photos below detail ribs dropping mto pacling bolls. Fourteen days and over
place World-famous Museum of SCience
and Induslry In background (boN) 10.000 bolts later. the structural steel erec-
tion was completed

/ In July 1986. Ihe Henry Crown Space

/ -
Center opens With space artifacts. hands-
on-exhibits. a Space ShUll Ie Program entl-
lied ·The Dream IS Alive. " Yearly allen-
dance at the new center IS expecled to
average 750.000 pecple

Hammel Green and Abrahamson , Inc
We wantto be involved. MinneapoliS. Minnesota

CALL US COLLECT! Construction Manager

Schal ASSOCiates
Today at 314·389· 7 500 Chicago. IlI,nOIS


Steel Erector
6902 NORTH BROADWAY Midwest Steel Erection Company
ST. LOUIS. MI SSOURI 63147-9990 Chicago, IlhnOIS
PHO NE (314) 389-7500


Museum of Science and Industry
Chlcaao. IllinOIS


First Interstate Bank:
• A Study in Simplicity
by Robert E. Langdon, Jr.

Robert E Langdon. Jr AlA IS a partner-,n-

charge. Langdon -Wilson-Mumper Architects ,
Newport Beach. Caillornia

W ith the completion of Its new oper·

atlons center, First Interstate Bank of
California continues to provide state·of·
the-art data processing capabilities for
The 12·story facility, distinctive for ItS
grey and macaroon-accented facade, IS lo-
cated on a f,ve·acre site next to the new
First Interstate Bank, Los Angeles Below, 6O-ft long brIdge
financial area of Los Angeles The Center,
takes pedestflans from 4th ffoor dlfectly to parkmg deck
embracing the latest In facIlities for flnan·
clal operations, Includes to acres of data
processing eqUipment Wllhln the
764.000·sq II building are nine floors

• above grade for administration and . to fa-

cIlitate hlgh·level secUrity, for three floors
below grade to house the computer/data
processing operations These three floors
total 125.000 sq ft each, eqUivalent to eight
and one· half acres, With over 120,000 sq ft
devoted to computers

Seismic Consideration s
The bUilding structure has four Intercon-
nected modules of 120 It x t 20 ft. three of
which are In line and have a one· bay off-
set. With the fourth module carned around
one end The bays. 30 ft x 30 ft, are com·
poslte A36 steel beams spaced at 10 ft oc
The floor slab. of 2V"ln rock aggregate
concrete over a 3-ln metal decking . con-
tains electrified cells ,n the floors above
ground The floors were deSigned for su-
perimposed live loads of 100 psf typically,
and 125 psf ,n the lower computer floors
Additional reqUIrements were to deSign
a steel structure (for below grade levels)
capable of supporting a future 21 -story
bUilding; and span a 6O-ft bridge from the
fourth floor to the parking structure
Of majOr Importance IS the seismic de-

sign of the bUilding . which limits movement
between floors to a one-Inch maximum
dUring a mafor earthquake, Lateral resIs-
tance for major earthquake load conditions
was reSisted by ductile moment-resisting
frames above the ground floor and a com-
bination of frames and concrete walls be-
2nd Quarter,' 1986 9
low There are four transverse frames , I'NO
at each end of the bUilding and two at each
of the building offsets at 120-ft modules.
The two longitudinal frames, at the perim-
eter, have one oHset condition on each •
Frame columns are of 50-psI steel and
all other steel conforms to A36 for a total of
6.000 tons. The bUilding was fast tracked
In phased construction to permit placing of
the tie-back shOring system and basement
walls dUring the steel fabrication . The net
result was a conllrluous construcllon pro-
cess, with overall savings over other struc-
tural support systems

Sloping Site Accommodated

The architect took advantage of the 40-ft
sloping site by plaCing the Operations Cen-
ters entrance on 7th Street, the high pOint
of the sile-and the parking deck entrance
at the low pOint . The two structures are
JOined by a pedestrian bridge which ex-
tends from the fourth floor of the oper-
ations bUilding over the landscaped plaza
Steel-framed building was fast tracked to permit tie-back shorIng
to the top level of the parking structure. The and placement of basement walls dUfing steel fabflcatlon

ttii y -I- r I -I- ' +f f f !1

=r 1:~. c.~ t
-+- proved
B 0 and S.B.C.C. ap
I. C. . . d A490 grade
Full range of A32~:~omplement of
bolts, and c?mp/~all or write for the ~
toolS tor installatIon , est distributor or
location of the n~a;aVing up to 50%
warehouse, i:r;!/~ti~stallation costs now,

Construction Fastener
Systems Division
630 E LambM Road. Br.a CA 92622 . 714990·6555 I

r -;- I I I I j I WATS 1 ·800·~726587T

VJ to 1y. Dla • Type A325 and A490 Bolts
A36 and fy50 Steel
Single and double shear values
For decimal and fractional thicknesses
Standard connection angle capacities for
holes and slots


0/., 1fe and 1" A325 Bolts
2VJ and 3" Eccentricity
Span, end reaction, number of bolts given
Structure IS lour Interconnected modules designed to support B future 21 -story building
No calculations reQuired
Full range 01 wide Nange beams

1,660-car deck has four levels above ate in an emergency without outside water
grade and five below grade, a design plan The Operations Center also features an
which visually reduces the massive ex- uninterruptable telecommUnication sys-
panse of the complex. tem By using microwave and satellite ENGINEERS DETAILERS
First Interstate worked closely with em- technology, the private network handles all
ployees to Incorporate their Ideas in the EASY TO USE EASY TO READ
data between the Southern Center and the
Center's design - to create an envlron- Northern Operations Center In Fremont, IDEAL FOR
menl to best serve both employees and Cal. , which opened in 1983 and serves as AID IN DESIGNING CONNECTIONS
management. The Plaza on the entrance the back-up for the Los Angeles Center. COORDINATING APPROVAL
level contains a SOD-seat cafeteria with The First Interstate Operations and Ad- ECONOMY IN FABRICATION
around-the-clock service. This level also ministration Center was deSigned Simply LIMITED OFFER
boasts a fitness center, for all employees, and systematically to meet the clienl's re- BOLT TABLES - $12.50 each· buy 2·
featUring professional Instructors, aerobic qUirements, budget restrainls and fast- gel one free
classes and Nautilus equipment. track construction schedule First Inter- PLATE FRAMING· $27.50 each- buy 2-
The building 's power system is housed state Bank justifibly claims to be one of the get one free
below ground level. Five 1,100 kw diesel best equipped and finest operations cen- - JUSTOUT -
engine generators supply standby power ters In the world. 0 COMPREHENSIVE COMPUTER PROGRAM
for life/safety, security and essential bank FOR ESTIMATING THE COST OF FABRICAT-
operations. These generators, which come ING A STRUCTURAL STEEL PROJECT
on line within 10 seconds, can support the BROCHURE AVAILABLE.
facility at least a week without outside utili- Architect FOR ORDER OR
ties A 1,500 kva, uninterruptable power Langdon-Wilson-Mumper Architects MORE INFORMAnON
supply with 15-mln. battery backup pro- Los Angeles, California
Vides continuous and stable power to all
computer operations, security systems Structural Engineer R.J, ERHARDT & COMPANY
and the telephone sWitch. Brandow & Johns(on ASSQCiales 4800 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE
Los Angeles , California
The building's air conditioning systems CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60630

Include a 4,000-ton refrigeration system, 312-736-5442
General Contractor
500 tons of which operate on emergency Turner Construction Company
power. The concrete cooling towers adja- Los Angeles. California
cent to the parking structure are uniquely
deSigned for high security and minimum Owner
disturbance to an adjoining hotel. On-site First Interstate Bank of California
water storage permits the towers to oper- Los Angeles , California

2nd Ouarter/19B6 11
Nissan Motor:
State-of-the-art-in Steel!
by Henry L. Ritter

Issan Molor Co caplured Inlernallonal
Henry L Ritter, PE • IS senior associate and as-
sIstant chief. structural/CIII.I engineering with N headlines when II announced plans 10
form Nlssan Molor Manufaclunng Corp
Albert Kahn ASSOCiates. DetrOIt. M1crlgan
US A (NMMC). a wholly owned subsld·
lary to manufacture Its fust North Amen·
can· made vehicles
Today. NMMC captures headlines of Its
own In 1984 For/une magazine named
the planl one of the 10 best·managed fac-
tones In Ihe U.S BUI/dmg Design & Con·
struet,on magazine gave NMMC Its 1985
Owner of Ihe Year award for Ihe posil ive
Impacllhe planl has made In Ihe commUni·
ty And Ihal same year. Ihe Michigan Soc"
ely of Arch llects presenled lis presllglous
Honor Award for archlleclural excellence
Beyond Ihe head ,ines. however. IS yel
another story transformation of 782
acres 01 limeslone-Iaden paslure land in
Smyrna. Tenn., Inlo a slale-of-Ihe-arl aUIO- •
mollve assembly planl , Ihe relallonshlp be-
lween Ihe owner. Ihe architecl-englneer.
and Ihe conslrucllon manager/conlraclors,
which enabled Ihe 3.400,000-sq fI planl 10
begin produclion lwo monlhs ahead of
schedule. and Ihe majOr role sleel played
In Ihe design and conslrucllon of Ihe planl
The planl design reflecls lis dual pur-
pose as NMMC 's corporale headquarlers
and Ihe fum 's lirsl Norlh Amencan manu-
factunng facility A two-story. Inangular-
shaped bUild ing containing corporale and
admlnlstrallve offices and employee facill-
lies IS attached 10 one Side of a 3,700-11
spine. Ihe fac,l,ly's main producl move-
ment and pedeslnan link. On Ihe olher Side
of Ihe spine are Ihree major bUlldings-
body, frame and slamplng (1 .1 million sq
II); palnl (524 ,000 sq fl) ; and Inm and chas-
SIS (1 2 million sq II)- whlch compnse Ihe
manufaclunng componenl of Ihe planl
Large ouldoor courtS separale Ihe bUild-
Ings, provid ing penmerer access . slorage
areas. employee recrealional areas and
expansion zones for Ihe buildings On-slle
anCillary facllilies Include a vehicle slorage
yard . service parts warehouse. emiSSions
lesllng facllily. vehicle lesllrack, employee •
Iralnlng cenler, boiler house Wllh Ireslle for
uillity dlslnbulion 10 Ihe main buildings
Nissan MoJors bUlldmg Ifansformed 782 acres of pasture mto slate-of-srt assembly baler bUilding and wasle Irealmenl plant
plant More than 14.000 tons of steelframmg went mto 28-mllllon sq It fa CilIty
More Ihan 3,000 are employed al
NMMC Operallng IWO ShiftS, Ihe planl is
scheduled to reach Its annual production
capacity of 100 000 cars and 140000 light
trucks late this year Currently the plant.

representing a $745-mllllon Investment for
Nissan. IS the company 5 largest overseas
Investment and the largest to date by a
Japanese company In the U S It also IS
one of the moSt technologically advanced
In the automotive Industry Computers
monitor and control the manufactUring pro-
cesses. energy management. security and
maintenance functions Assisting In the as-
sembly process are 237 robots which per-
form various welding and painting tasks

Acceferated Desfgn Schedule

An accelerated design schedule began Im-
mediately after NMMC announced selec-
lion of ItS site Oct 30. 1980 On Feb 6.
1981. lhe three main manufactUring bUild-
Ings and spine. representing over 2 8-mll·
lion sq ft of faCIlities and 14.000 tons of
steel. were out for slructural steel bids In
those three monlhs. a remarkable chemiS-
try had developed belween the owner and
the archltecl-eng,neer 10 allow thiS chal-
Handsome employee entrance to admmlstr8tlOll
leng'ng prOlecl to evolve from concept to buildIng Photos courtesy Albert Kahn AsSOCiates
f,nallzed des'gn ,n such a short penod of

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2nd Ouarter/l986 13
From the beginning. Nlssan presented a chord height above the first floor and full The bUildings have extenSive overhead
well-developed plan of matenal flow and coverage crane runways for 30-ton top conveyor coverage As a result roof truss-
productIon reqUirements The owner"s runntng cranes A 19 It-S In deep base- es were placed 16 It-S In 0 c as opposed

onglnal concept called for 15-m x 15-m ment spans the full 336-1t stamping area to 25 It 0 c to lessen the we'ght of steel
bays with 7 m clear height In the body and Width Four tier steel framing supports the framing required to support conveyors
frame areas and the tnm and chassIs bUild- presses and the first floor framIng The Since most of the conveyors fun easuwest.
Ing These dimensions were ultimately presses Include several huge and heavy roof trusses span north'south t6 It-S In
rounded off to SO-It x 50-It bays. With a 23- "tn-axIS' transfer presses Foundation o c east west
ft clear height bearing capacity was no problem as the Minimum truss depths were d,ctated by
Resolution of the paint bUilding bay basement rests on solid limestone the space requirements for the mechanical
sizes required considerable diSCUSSion and electrical bUilding and process utili-
between the owner the paint equipment Typicat Bay Space Optimized ties The malor utlitty lines enter the main
consultant and Ihe architect-engineer so The administration bUilding IS a two-story bUild Ings on trestles from the boiler house
column lines could be located 10 meet the steel structure Architecturally, ItS bay mod- and then loop around InSide each bUilding
process eqUipment layout reqUirements ules are 25 It 0 c at right angles to outSide A minimum truss depth of 7 fI-6 In was
Ultimately a senes of 50-It x SO-ft and diagonal walls The structural module IS selected To give more open truss space a
lDO-1t x 50-It bays were selected By re- the diagonal of the 25-1t square architec- Warren-type truss was used This gave the
cessing some equIpment In shallow PitS. tural module or 35 ft-4'1. In. square The deSign option 01 eliminating every other
the same 23-1t clear height could be used tYPical second floor construction IS steel vertical unless reqUIred for support 01 con-
as In adlacent bUildings Maintaining the floor beams located at the quarter points of veyors Actually very few of the omitted
same bottom chord elevation throughout the bay and framing Into shallow floor verticals were Installed
the bUilding areas served by conveyors trusses The lloor beams use steel studs In The prolect governed by the provISions
was an advantage because the overhead compoSIte With the concrete floor slab of the Southern BUilding Code. permits a
conveyor system could aVOid exIra level Rool constructIon IS beams and purllnS roolitve load reduction Irom 20 to 12 psi
changes With several million sq It of the project for trlbutory load areas over 600 sq It. for
The 336-1t x 6OO-1t stamping area con- comprised 01 50-It x 50-It bays the archi- which most trusses quaitlled Of greater
SiStS of a lDO-It x 336-1t steel receiving tect -engineer obViously gave conSiderable concern than the absolute code live load
bay and three 112-1t x 5DO-1t long stamp- thought to optimizing deSign of the typical minimum was the prevention 01 mapr wa-
Ing bays All bays have a 46-1t bottom bay ter bUildup on the roof

Aerial photo of finished car assembly plant displays mass of project •


Computer -designed Trusses Perhaps the most useful deSign aid de·

The paint bUilding has a constant one·way veloped dunng the deSign phase of the
t % sloping roof across the full 350 tt width
of bUilding Truss depth at the high pOint IS
prolect was a series of draWings. one for
each of the three manufactUring bUild Ings.
11 ft. the truss depth at the low pOint IS 7 It- which Indicated the deSign loadings by FASTENERS
6 In Roof scuppers placed In the low point bay for bottom chord hanging load provI-
parapet supplement the roof drains and SionS tor conveyors and other eqUipment From foundation to roof
prevent major water pondlng The in· below the bottom chord ; and mechanical
creased truss depth was used effectlvety and electrical services In the truss space Haydon is your one
to support fan rooms on the roof across the The conveyor loads in particular in· source. Quality bolts to
full width of the loo-It bay at the high end volved extensive research because at the
Since the other two major bUildings vanetyof load combinatIOns The architect·
ASTM standards at
body frame and stamping and tnm and engineer was turnlshed data for all can· competitive prices. Direct
chaSSis- were segmented with Interior veyor components. the product weights
and spacing and a senes ot layouts show·
from the
parapeted expansion 10lnts. a roof scupper
approach was not feasible . The roof sys- Ing conveyor routing lor bolh presenl and manufacturer.
tem selected for these bUild Ings has a 1% future conSiderations. To their further de' l
roof slope with ridge fines and valleys alter· light. thiS data was furnished In the early
natlng 50 It oc A secondary I/,% slope stages of the prolect and all loading provi'
bUilt Into the valleys assures positive drain· slons were Incorporated Into the Initial fab·
age to the rool sumps These two bUildings rlcat,on Without requiring any subsequent
then were deSigned for the possibility of reinforcement
water completely filling up a loo-It Wide Steve Steele. the N,ssan staff engineer
trough . As an extra safety precaution . assigned as structural/civil liaison dunng
overflow drains prolectlng several Inches the prolect reported . -The loading charts
above the primary roof drains were In- allowed us to find out eaSily the deSign
stalled In each valley loads for a specifiC area Representatives
When the computer·deslgned trusses tram the archltect·englneer·s office and our
company really did their homework dUring

were run for the typical roof truss (50 fl
Jong. 16 fl-S '" o.c.) uSIng the dead-. live· the anginal deSign phase of the project '"
and wind· load combinations. It was found order 10 Include provIsions tor tuture plans
that both the top and bottom chords select· As a result . we recently converted our op·
ed had significant reserve capacity for ap· erations from truck production to truck and
proximately 25% additional downward ap· car productton Within the eXisting structure
pl/ed foadlng . Further anafysls determined Without the need to reinforce a Single
the Increased loading could be accommo· truss · 0
dated by bnnglng the chords to full capac·
Ity by Increasing only two diagonal memo You
bers name
The principal reason for the reserve reo Architect/Engineer the structural anchor, bolt,
ferred to was fhat the code stipulated Wind Albert Kahn ASSOCiates , Inc nut or rod you need in the
With dead-load case which created a net DelrOlt. Michigan
uplltt condition. ThiS caused most mem-
size, metal and finish you
bers to have stress reversals due to Joad Construction Manager want. Either we have il in our
Daniel Construction Company large inventory, or we can
conditions in compression from either a
Greenville, South Carolina
net upward Wind With dead load or down· make it for you in a hurry.
ward from the dead with live load condl' Structural Steel Fabricators We've been known for quality
tlon. With a relatively small tributary load Mosher Steel Company and fast service since 1864.
area and relatively deep truss height. the Houston. Texas
member forces were relatively small. Most And, we'll quote prices and
Boyce Steel. Inc
members were controlled by the minimum Kingston Springs. Tennessee give details right over the
slenderness ratio Ii( of 200 for compres· Haven-Busch Co phone. Try us. Call :
sian members as opposed to the magnl' Grandville. Michigan
tude of the force Tallman Iron Works. Inc (215) 537-8700
ThiS additional load capability was In- Maryville. Tennessee
corporated and used effectively by in- HAYDON BOLTS, Inc.

creasing the load allowance for mechanl' Owner
Adams Ave. & Unity SI.,
cal and elect"cal services from 6 psf to 12 N'ssan Motor ManufactUring Corp U.S A
Smyrna Tennessee Philad elph ia. PA 19124
psf on the typical 5O·tt long trusses 16 fl·8
In on center ThiS allowed the bUilding ser-
vices to be located With a greater degree of
fleXibility Without requlnng special truss reo
2nd OU8rter/ l986 15

na continuing effon to provide design aids PROGRAM PACKAGE
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Part 1 of the 8th Edition , AISC Manual of c. M Shapes
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Fast Tracking :
• Where are We Now?
Emile W.J. Troup
AISC's Boston regional engineer
The fast-track method for building BUILD BOSTONI'85, the annual Another common thought: fast
design and construction has been In two-day everything sponsored by tracking is probably nere to stay.
use for quite a number of years now, the Bostpn Society of Architects. And you will sense the speakers be-
accounUng for a vast majority of the During their presentations and the lieve It is important to understand
work done in many offices. Late in lively discussion that followed, the the weaknesses and disadvantages
7985, the AISC New England Advi- architect, structural engineer, steel of the process as well as its posllive
sory Committee decided the time fabricator and erector frankly ad- aspects. In thiS regard, we think you
had come to take a critical look at dressed what they perceived as the will find the following discussion re -
the first 70 years (or thereabouts) of issues raised by fast-tracking. vealing and useful, despite the fact
fast-track accomplishments and As you will see, fast tracking has the op/lons are indiVidual ones by
disappointments and, in the pro- different implicaUons for each of the professionals operating In the New
cess, perhaps develop some useful four disciplines reporting here. England market.
pOints from "lessons learned. " However, there is a general sense The reader should appreciate the
A panel of distinguished profes- that, given the right type of project, a Willingness-even eagerness-to
Sionals representing the "supply dedicated supply side team and an discuss th e undiscussable.· the
side of the building equation " (see experienced owner and construc - need for earnmg a financial reward
Michael Nelson 's remarks) was tion manager, the fast-tracked proj- for a job well done In servicing a
convened at a workshop during ect can yield rewards for all. demanding client.

• Fast Tracking:

E_ Crawley Cooper
can be resolved In cost-effective ways With
the open communications available In hav-
Ing the steel fabrlcalor parllclpate with the
architect and engineer In reviewing deSign
options Early feedback on costs can help
Principal, JunglBrannen Associates keep a project Within budget
Boston, Massachusetts
Not the least of the reasons for fast
tracking, however, ,s that the contracting
Industry strongly tavors It Those contrac-
tors With strong marketing departments
t IS not immediately clear why the steel short tIme. If a client needs a warehouse or
I Industry would ask someone from our
fi rm to speak about fast tracking. Actually,
factory, the fast-track process IS the obvi-
ous choice. Or, If a contractor needs to get
face less competition, and there are fewer
risks Involved from the" pOint of view Not
all sub-contractors are In a position to bid
fewer than three percent of the projects In into the ground before the building is de- on thiS kind of job, and the competition
our office are done on a fast track baSIS-- Signed, because of New England weather,
the rest are done on "zoom-track"' it IS again a reasonable solution.
The fast track process, of course, has It is a fact that fast tracking can shorten
been around for some time, and for many the objection time posed by reviewers. We Early feedback on costs
good reasons. A very prominent compo- find the approval process today actually can help keep a project
nent of the deCISion to go to fast track, and takes longer than the deSign and construc- within budget.
probabfy the reason most frequently men- tion processes combined. There is always
tioned, is the Influence of high interest an army of "ag'lnners" out there. But if the
rates on debt service dUring deSign and project IS already underway, the opposition
construction, Even with Interest rates com- is somewhat inhibited. among sub-contractors IS reduced gener-
Ing down, however, we are gOing to be ally to only three or four bids Because con-
struction starts before the deSign IS com-

dealing with thiS process for some time. Better Communications
We think thiS is good . From the architect's viewpOint, fast track plete, chan\les become a cost burden 10
There are many positive things about proVides an opportunity to better commu- the owner, and the contractor almost has a
fast track, especially for certain types of nicate before and during the deSign pro- blank check, This proVides a good Incen-
buildings. For a client in a volatile market cess with suppliers, fabricators and erec- tive for the owner to keep changes to a
who needs to produce a product quickly, tors. As pects such as moment connection minimum Coupling all of these reasons
the window of opportunity is open only a details, erection problems and sequencing together, fast tracking sounds like a good
2nd Ouarterl t 986 17
Strangely enough, it is
much easier to design a
building which is very
adaptable and flexible

than to design one
specific to a particular

Idea from both the owners and the con-

tractors points of view
Some bUilding types. such as commer-
cial office buildings. warehouses or slngle-
story factories . make a great deal of sense
If done fast track However. on other kinds
of buildings. such as Institutions. hospitals
more complicated concert halls and labo-
ratories . where fast track IS probably nof a
good Idea because the process tends to
Inhibit Innovation The architect tends to go
back to the tried-and-true design formulas .
refining them. but not really creallng or de-
veloping new Ideas ThiS may be a good

thing occasionally. but It certainly should
not be the process on every type of bUlld-
We recently deslgnea a concert hall us-
Ing the fast-track process The bUilding. on
a very tight site. had an egg-shaped plan
and a radial column grid with Intersecting
ellipses As you know. a concert hall has
balconies and unusual shaped spaces. We
actually had to program a computer to de-
termine the exact location of all of the col-
umn Intersecting grids We prOVided a
computer with the Identical program to
both the contractor and the structural engi-
neer You can Imagine trying to create shop
draWings where beams are on a sloped
diagonal. on a chord of an ellipse that may
have a radiUS of 500 h. It was a very diffi-
Boston's new World Trade Center (lop) IS remodeled Commonwealth Pier
cult kind of project to do uSing the fast track
(boll) FaSllrackmg was major consideration In eXCiting renovation project
process The result IS a nice building . but It
should not have been done under the In-
tense pressure of fast tracking
Strangely enough. It IS much easier to
deSign a bUilding which IS very adaptable (a very costly item). a floor-to-floor height Modified Procedures for Documents
and fleXible than to deSign one specific to a In an office bUilding can be 14 ft. Even wllh Thus. It IS ironiC Ihal many aspects of fasl-
particular program One of the problems of a 40-h span. it is qUite easy to design the track deSign are relatively easy Yet. wllh-
fast track IS the necessity to Integrate the strUClure fasl traCk. knOWing It Will work out out concentrated efforl al the approprlale
variOUS systems In a building early In the laler when you start developing Ihe branch time. Ihe bUilding can be very expensive
process. Including the heating system. duct deSign. II IS much more difficult to At our firm . fast track IS Ihe normal process
ductwork. risers. elevators. shah openings.
etc It IS qUite easy to prOVide a very fleXI-
ble deSign. If the client IS Willing to spend a
lot of money. but few owners or developers
are Willing to do thiS If you are uncon-
cerned about cost on an exterior wall area
deSign In advance when trying to keep Ihe
overall bUilding costs down. The costly pe-
rimeter wall musl be squeezed A 101 of
beam penetrations must be eliminated be-
cause Ihey can be costly. espeCially if
made aher sleel IS erected.
of prodUCing building deSigns. as we do
very lillie publiC Instllutlonal work. As a re-
sull. we have modified our procedures for
prodUCing documenls We have 10 dlsllnCI
bid packages to develop and release dur-
Ing Ihe process;

1 Site utilities and earthwork you know pretty much where you stand
2. Foundations With the elevators. The shaft size IS a func-
tion of the size of the cab and the number It is certainly clear to all

3. Steel frame or bearing walls
of cars Thus, each package has to be
4 Mechanical and electrical who work with fast track
brought up to a minimum level of comple-
5 Vertical circulation tion before It can go out. ThiS IS particularly that the process is
6 BUilding skin and roof true of the steel package on which so many around to stay_ It meets a
7 Doors, frames and hardware building parameters depend great many needs posed
6. Interior finishes It IS certainly clear to all who work with
fast track that the process IS around to
by today's economy,
9. Specialties and equipment business climate and
stay It meets a great many needs posed
10. Landscaping and site Improvements by today's economy, bUSiness climate and operational procedures,
operational procedures . However, there IS
These 10 packages are presented here In a real need to refine the process conSider-
the general sequence In which they are ably, so that each Job runs more smoothly
needed to keep construction moving . Most and the Individuals Involved are more com- With the others, prOViding expertise and
senior people In the office spend more time fortable as Ihey work Within the process cost Information as reqUired
on "zoom-track" projects than those bid In ThiS refinement requires the evolution of Fast tracking IS not favored by everyone
the normal way architects were trained to ground rules that become accepted In the Industry The architect IS pressured
practice when I was In school The compli- throughout the Industry, so rules are not to develop final answers earlier than most
cations of the deSign process demand developed on an ad hOC baSIS like to do Owners assume a greater risk,
more senior staff attention Above all else, the process demands permitting deCISions to be made before de-
We developed checklists In our office for open lines of commUnicalion that often do sign IS complete, and spending money be-
these 10 packages An Interesting aspeci not eXist In the traditional bUild Ing process fore they are sure of a final product The
of these checklists, and one which demon- The deSigner, owner, fabricator, erector pressure and intensity are great. but some
strates the majOr complications of fast and structural engineer must all communi - economiC and market conditions dictate
tracking, IS that they are Inter-related. It is cate yet maintain their separate areas of fast track as a process With merit for a
difficult to have the steel complete unless responsibility. Each must Initiate contact great many buildings

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2nd Ouarter/ l986 t9

Fast Tracking: When IS fast tracking appropriate?
There are d,ffenng opinions Clearly, the
THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER purpose must be to reduce the time be-

tween Initiation of the deSign and delivery
Michael J.A.H. Jolliffe
of the bUilding- not to reduce the overall
Vice president. Zaldastani Associates cost olthe bUilding, because there are cer-
Boston. Massachusetts tainly many cost penalties aSSOCiated With
thrs approach It would therefore appear
appropnate when It IS necessary to con-
struct a bUilding to meet market timing de-
o be sure that my remarks may be demand for conSiderably more construc-
T property Interpreted I think It IS Impor-
tantlor me to first define some terms retat-
tion englneenng, planning and coordina-
tion than In a traditional prolect where, to a
mands-for product manufacture, Identi-
fied early real estate demand, changes In
tax structures and anticipated Interest
Ing to method of contract. I would like to greater extent, the bUilding systems have rates and so on. Fast-tracking should not
discuss 3 methods ; Traditional-Ad- been coordinated Within construction doc- be a substitute lor advanced planning . We
vanced Construction Award-Construc- uments. Emile Troup (AISC 's Boston re- have seen bUildings . which were onglnally
tion Management gional engineer) has talked about the lact conceived as CM prolects, being bid sub-
Traditional assumes a completed set of we have had construction managers tn our sequently at conSiderable savings.
coordinated design documents. bid on and midst long enough for us to have learned
awarded to a general contractor. some lessons and reached some conclu-
In the Advanced ConstruCtion Award Sions Perhaps!
method. fast tracking . which can be de- We have reached a time when we One idea that is helpful
fined as provld Ing a senes of sequenced should be defining the Issues. What we in designing a structure
sub-contract documents to advance con- have attempted to do over the last few for fast, track construc,
structIOn operations. IS usually used for years is to try and use the traditional meth-
tion is to consider the
only a few trades such as excavation, sub- od of prepanng deSign documents and the
structure concrete and superstructure traditional relationship between the parties building is going to be
steel. These subcontracts are aSSigned to dunng the construction phase to respond remodel/ed.
a general contractor, who IS awarded the to a totally d liferent set of CIrcumstances
work afler bidding conventionally the re- created by the CM approach. This has
mainder olthe prolect. The contractor then Jeopardized the cost and the Integnty of If It IS possible to follow the traditional
works against a lump sum and has the re-
sponSibility 10 coordinate all the trades and
complete the bUilding on a schedule. He
has the Incentive to function eiflclently and
make a profit. The owner has the advan-
tage of bidding the major/tyof the work and
the project and potentially, and In reality
the safety of the public . I am convinced It IS
a condition we cannot responsibly allow to

Design Phase
route , I would recommend It. If an earlier
start IS reqUlfed , the advanced construc-
tion award approach should certainly be
conSidered as a subStitute to uSing con-
struction management
We should be sure CM IS adopted for the

has a clearer Idea of hiS final costs, the As a structural engineer, one who IS re- nght reasons Frequently It appears to be
architect and hiS consullants have the op- sponSible for the structural deSign of the adopted by the owner to control costs In
portunity to prOVide a set of documents bUilding frame and usually responSible for the deSign stage There are methods to
that are Internally coordinated except for the first set of construction documents IS- enjoy the fOYS and rewards 01 cost control
the Initial trades and they are able to func- sued to the CM , I am acutely aware of Without marriage
tion In the traditional way dunng the con- some potential plttalls Except lor the Sim- One Idea that IS helpful In deSigning a
struction phase plest bUildings, we Irequently prepare final structure for fast-track construction IS to
With Construction Management, In most working draWings Without adequate Infor- consider the bUilding is gOing to be remo·
cases the CM acts as a broker to purchase mation about dimenSions, the location of delled In all likelihood It Will occur before
dliferent elements of the building from a floor openings, and occupancies (and the constructIOn IS completed . ThiS remo-
number of dliferent subcontractors. Al- therefore loadings) In dliferent parts of the delling Will occur either because of modifi-
though, In many cases, the CM assumes a building changing All Without deciSions cations to the architectural deSign Intent,
role Similar to that of a general contractor having been made about the matenals to because of changed loading conditions, or
dUring the construction process, all too fre- be used to enclose the extenor, with little the needs of a tenant, or to accommodate
quently In my expenence, It IS not clear Information about the size of mechanical unknown mechanical ducts, and for count-
who IS the 'licensed bUilder;' who is re- ducts which must be accommodated , and less other reasons . A structure, which In ItS
sponSible for coordination between the so on. Often, while the building is slill in a baSIC concept IS responsive to changes
work of the subcontractors and who IS re- state of flux , when neither gravity nor later- and is not deSigned for the absolute mini-
sponSible for quality control; who stops the alloads can be established , there IS a re- mum loading allowed by Code, Will be
earthwork subcontractor from backfilling quest for a foundation deSign . much more accommodating and fleXible to
against the retaining wall before It has at- ThiS IS not to say that given a set of conditions created by fast-track construc-

tained suificlent strength, who polices the circumstances which warrants fast-track tlon . ThiS IS why we see a predomlnence of
concrete subcontractor for the integnty of construction, we should not respond But structural steel bUildings-their ability to
hiS work. Too often, It appears the CM con- we should conSider whether thiS method of accommodate change.
Siders hiS role to be pnncipally that of main- construction IS appropnate for a particular
taining schedule. Often there appears to set of circumstances and develop better Construction Phase
be absent the recognition that, because of techniques, dunng both the design and Although we may have such a responsive
the sequential Issue 01 draWings, there is a construction phases to accommodate it bUilding structure designed and presented
on our construction documents, It is vital When fasl-Irack conslruCllon is used, II conslrucllon, I was reminded of some anal-
Ihal we keep Irack of it We all know Ihere is even more vital the deSign engineer ysis done almost 20 years ago when we
are likely in all bullhe slmplesl buildings 10 have the opporlunily to follow conslrucllon were looking al syslems hOUSing conslruc-

be changes of considerable Significance. In the field . ThiS assures him no changes lion and which was expanded on when we
There has been Ihe lendency In Ihe pasl by olher Ihan Ihose 10 which he has respcnd- were Involved wllh maslerplannlng a new
many owners, archilecls and engineers 10 ed have been made, and that those re- city in the Mid-Easl. What IS Interesllng IS
somehow consider Ihat because changes. qUired have been incorporaled . PeriodiC Ihal many crllerla which appeared Impor-
which always preclpllale increased inspeclion provided In Ihe slandard Form lanl to Ihe economical developmenl of
charges by Ihe contraclor, occurred 10 Ihe of Agreemenl of Ihe American Insiliule of bUildings have been adopled In slruClures
slruclure, Ihere must have been something Architects is inadequate. now being bUill. For Instance, In Ih,s analy-
defficienl in preparing Ihe documents. One Bul clearly, other parlies must be In- sis, building elemenls were diVided InlO
thing vve can now say with confidence is volved In Ihe p,ocess. Because Ihe struc- Ihree calegorles-enclosure subsystems ,
Ihat II IS Ihe contract melhod which Incurs lural engineer has not had Ihe opporlunlly service subsyslems and finish subsys-
Ihe increased cosl-and Ihis cosl should to coordinale his work with that prepared tems Siructure . along wllh plumbing ,
cerlainly not be borne byor assigned 10 Ihe by Ihe archilecl and his olher consullants HVAC and eleclrlcal d,Slrlbullon subsys-
design team. in Ihelr construction documenls, and be- tems, IS seen as a servIce subsystem. It
But more Ihan Ihe design of Ihese cause del ails of olher trades ' requiremenls fixes Ihe enclosures In space- Ihis IS much
changes IS impcrlanl. It is vllal they be fol- were nol available 10 the concrete or steel more how structure IS now being used
lowed Ihrough shop drawings and carefully fabricator at Ihe time of shop drawing prep- One of Ihe goals for enclosures was Ihal all
Iracked in Ihe field. aration or fabrication, II IS Vital the eM be exposed surfaces should have an unex-
I! is In Ihe field Ihe grealest leopardy to prepared wi th qualified slaff 10 Identify pcsed surface so service funcllons could
Ihe Inlegrilyof slruclures occurs under Ihe Ihose parts of Ihe structure which must be be distribuled 10 them-Ihe ubiquilous
eM approach. There has been a lendency amended 10 accommodale Ihe Irades In- drywall pari It Ions and suspended ceilings
for eMs 10 selilheir services as providing cluded in laler construction draWing pack- and raised floors respcnd to thiS. These
quality conlrol and assurance. There IS no ages. ThiS efforl should receive much concepls, and Ihe olhers derived from Ihe
subslilule for Ihe deSign engineer provid- more anemion Ihan al present, and should analYSIS, permit greater Independence of
ing qualilyassurance. Tradilionally, field In- be formal ized . Ihe building subsyslems. W,lh Ihe CM
speclion represents Ihe lasl opporlunl!y 10 melhod, II may well be we should be look-
verify Ihe slruclure has been deSigned and Building Design Philosophy ing more carefully allhe selecllon of bUild-
bUll! according 10 Ihe deSigner's inlent In reflecllng on Ihe issues of presenl day ing compcnenls and Ihe dimenSions of un-


'fOIl ~ good ' ''t>C:IU'11 de"gn sollwl'llor YOU' mlUo COmpulef You n.1Id soll_'.lh.1 w'IIIOI ....1I YOU' '~"W'IlIY probleml ollln .... ~ • • nd " .... n NO' 111M h . , eomc>II. ~ If._ .1,l1li• ........,1
Ina/orMII problem. YO<I neoed Pfogr.m.IOf OHogm,. sIMIs. bN~, tohunnto, PIn ""'II, foOI,ng'. II''''I. 1'10_'. .. en .........'w.I... w.t"".nd ' ...."""' ... II1II YO<I....cI 100ft• ..,. lhe\ doHognt flIUClu," 1"-' .. ,
110M e_oon.d, c:ornpo&ol'. lam,nel"', conc:..' • • • 1_.•nd soIod lIm_ NOI only Ih.1 You MotcIIO ~ ...... nd ~A9f... "m O( ~ H"fI P"'I.I<". 0;01......., fold""" ""ulall.~_
,. ...,Ior ...... cr~'" HChor, propell ... '"ctlOA 105_. punefl""9 m ....'.nd \QfI.on.1 "' ..... OUR PflOGRAMS 00 AU. THAT! fu"hermor. when 0111 _'I
.ne.........'rUCI .... ,I leCO.. nt.loo P-iItII..
tfl.eQ.. (",hH'W'! IIHm and_~ uK/!. .... out 01 piumbneM, It ..... ·....... _11 ,n,.1ICI1Of'I,
COUfIIed ..,....,....11I...nd _,OC
IoId _PUIIIIOA end 1.... 1o!Id .lIduelJOll And _ H'I\CIIIIfUI\IIy . """"" ... 'fIII ...." ' " InII
"""9IItI compIellld ovt pog,.m. pr_" ,1'bI • .cfl... u.... AISC .....ptI selectoOnl. 'Ad glulem 00 .ohd I,m_ rnemb« .or..

''''IIf...... _
10 ......1op, uPgf_ our softw". 01.1< A'ueI ....1.""...... fl .... bKomt .tocognorlld lor 11Ie" 'n .Uuct....1.,.,..... ,,.IOft_.
Itow ~n IfI'I'" _IbIoo JW.... "wlln I tny We _.'I>II"A people .n , ....t'I'CI",.I ...'~!nelOlt_ .. IMn''''I'' _","'" 20.,.. . . . '19661 0\1< declc8ltd
hel_klldll'''Il"nlty lor m- 2OYd'1
Tn., ""... _II,... ptIPOII't tor A.CIIIId ASCt.. ~td
..... 'nersior . , . , _.... _ North Amef.u IIld Eu,ope. Ina ~1Id llIe ~1cIpmen1 01 lI.. c ..".nl.ll1. oll'" .llonll.UCI..... OIll11n COfT!9U'If .ppIoCII_ W.I"It~. Plod IIIe proc:,,1 BUI MoO ... _ ""... IM
fir,",. the - . c:omprehensNl.nd lilt _1fI.ce .... ' 'UCt........,......,.
IOhWl,. 10-..... on IfII _tel And _ CIn po-..... \tIII1 L.ool III". foHooooIl,. hA 01 our POll/ems 1m(If_)

10TRUSS !lAdlI.. m,I'\a'. Pi.n.. T.u" Ane"""1 WOOOfRAM !indlllfm'M" TII't\bIf F....... 0..9'1' 8RACEWAt. IIr,,*, COf'fCfet. FOI>fIdat<)fl Wei Oet,ogn)
Sf'AC£ (SelKe f"'1mI ANIytII' WOOOCON1(Conllnuou. T,mber 8. .m DHognl AETAIN (Cln" ...... R... m'ne W.II o... gn)
WINO !WInd ForOl"l on SIfUCIU'HJ WOOOCOt. CT _ CoI .. mn "",,nl fOOt {GrOUO '-'ntI ~I
PI...IoH[ (PI ..... f' ......nd 1, .." AI\IIvSIII WOOOTRUSS (T ,mbe< T...11 o.l,gnl MONOfOOT (Mono!.lfloe 51.., '_'110 DIItQ<t,
B£AMANAl. IS..... ScNon h.", Anatytoal
WOOO MEM ((i_.'
WOOO8EAM (T1fTIber G,,"" 0It0gn)
T,mbe< M.mbotf o.",nl
WOOOfI.AFT fT_ R.II .... ..IO!'I OIIo9n)
PIL£ IAnt,"" 01"'" .... 'fI u"'lll..IIoIcItI
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WAWOOT!W1lI Faal,no DHIi"I
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POSTsu,B 1"* tlntIOf\Id Slit) De$9'l1
P INEAT I"HUI$$Id Cona.,. Sectoon PfOlMl1~ fRMWAt. !F,_ S _ _ R!n,"ee',"o.. AnI..,..., PlATESHR (Siell .... ncfl,ng S ..... AnI-,,"'1
POSTX IPosI ttnlfOAtd hem Ind SI.D ~lIIellOA) COUPlE ICouuIecI S ......... AnI"""l 8EAMCOI..{Concr... ham ·CoI_ O"ognl
P·RBEAM ' ' ' " ' ' ' _ A.ellneu'" Bllm
P lOSSES ILassIt on ,.. t_oon.d 'tndonIl
OIIl11nl COlOAO (Column loIId'ne Anel,..'aI
SEISMIC ~ 01 1I'lmoc loIId ..... )
ACBEAM IConcret. ~.,.ul.' BMm o..'9n)
&MINEAT (R .... loreed Conef_ SaaIllO'l PfOPlfllMl
P ' BEAM [PYlAt...... T" a..m Stceoon o..,gn) MOUISTR (Mu'lOttooy fI.m. AnI..,.,'1 BEAMTEN lCombontd T . _ " lIt~ong M...... Oonogn,
POSTSHA (Posl 1-.ontcI Sl.D Punet" .." S ....., ...... 1y5••1 OYNAM (Struct .... F"nd.u...rn.c f.It!UIfOC1' C.lcu"'IIIIO'I' COlCON (DIIogn 01 CoI .. mn s.cUonl'
SHEAAWAt. (o..ogn 01 ShHrWlIII StcttOrlSl
STEEL IS,III F....... "",..,..... De$9'l1 RCCOI. (Aeetlngu'" Column AlII,"". ~ 0Hql) MOMAG lcone•• " Column MorfIInI Magnofoauonl
BEAM lSI .... 8Mm ............... DIt",nl WALOES (Cone.... ShufWlH An.!nII" 0II111f'1 STlOES (51'" M.mbe< OIIognl
STlCOlISINI Column AnI"", .. OuI!Inl PI...IoHECOfroI (Comple. c-.~. PIe... f ...... AnlI.,.... nd o...vnJ
SfLCOU:; (u.llfIOId 51.... Column 0..111"1 CIRCOI. tc"~ular CoIllltln AMIysjI" 0II111f'1
COMPil M IComposuI IIttm ......'"'... o.."n) lOAOCON, Column Load,,.AM""',) Calli 800-435 43No..J r_"4, "IIMoon" , Iotrmor.
MULTlSn. (MuIt." ...... SIIII F'I""~' SlAB IFill PIe". SIIb .. W.1l1e DIso9n) IIIfMlild ontorIN.1IIO'I, tN wflfe lor a ".. btrJdIvf_IOI¥r'1
lOAOSfL ISIIII Column Lotd.,. ......
TRUSS (SIMI T,uss AneIyM" 0...",
1,....1 RATIONALIR"oonel f,.",.·Sh... w.M 'n'"KhOn An."",, )
HEAOER (Concr............ o..llInl
Pi.AHESTlIComoIe> Pi.... Stili F...... AI'\aIytIl Ind o..'9nl
S_w." Int.. IClIIIO'I ..............,
PlP£COl ISIIli P,pe Column.......,...... 0Hql)
CONBM IConhnuou. 8e.m Ane.,.... .. OII'9nl
CONSlA810ne W.y SlID AnalyS,'!Io Oetogn'
MUlTICON CMuil'ttorv Cona... f ...... Anelyulj
TUBECOl,S'eel Tubi Column AI'\a"""" OIIognl
JO S E 71h SI ,Su'I,O 21. Ioo;IlIlIon FL 3,..32. Oept 2'


T.... O\IoIjh I". ¥Nt, ,,,,,,,, ... nIIt 04 1f'I9'~' hIvI u""_ pog'lIftS on h""", pilflou",,* 01 JohnllOfl. 'ne , Boe.ntI EntI._,ng, CASIS""... lne . ao... co.n'ntI CooP Jot>n f"orlm8f\"
."UClu.H W... n IfI .... 1IIIded .uppor l horn U• . Ihl'/ ~ "I We _ •• III" ,n III. PIli 10 ...... lhem. _ AHOttll", II S L-, N.lfOf\IllruiutulI 01 H••lttl, Moc,,", II. ~, H N Til , c..-....... .JofI..-on, Inc
......... now 10 ...... lhIn\.lfId_ wdI be .......n ,... 1..110(110_1...... 't'ou~n ooum on Ihll' If Floflda 1..."1 .... 01 TIUWIoIogy, lI<:son .. Auot .. lel Un._.,lyof florotll Wall..- P MoOf. a
...... douDt 11. 1S~ OIl' cull_. w.... not. tub50d0.ry 01 ......" . ~'" - ....... ,ndI(oendlnl AHoc: ..I... 1t It 8 N A ....kJn • • W,'~ A J ReynoktI SAlSGE[ 1rw; . U S Atmyco.". ot
W. WA!of onIW_ ,,,IOII - eot""'*" IQIIW. . . .nd IIfwel to.trUCI"'-. 0 ... _I ..... II EAQ'AHflntl. GAS H a £ Colli R.... noId. Smoth" H,II CebIIIllb ["", ...... ,AQ. CIIIII. Bu.gett,
• MoCJy 10 ...... you L.ooIL II 1111 Itli 01.,_ 04 _ ~u,,_t Af. you torMnctd1 Inc . INRYCO, StrUCII",1 Wood S,......... Uro~1Y 04 So C."""'nl&, _ _ •

2nd Quarterl 1986 21

exposed volumes 10 reduce the amount of
Fast Tracking :
Interface between trades. Where Inter-

faces are necessary, we should attempt 10
standardize them Michael L. Nelson
Vice preSident, Leake & Nelson
Conclusions Bridgeport, Connecticut
In summary, In uSing fast-track construc-
Iton, firstly, It IS Imperative Ihe method of
construction be a vital parameter consid-
ered In making decIsions regarding the de- f I could sell one thing to all With regard to reached through a clear deftnltlon or un-
sign of all bUilding elements and their as- I fast tracking , It would be the spmt of fast derstanding of what needs to be accom-
sembly, so documents may be prepared tracking- to get It accomplished as a plished and how to accomplish It for the
which are, to the greatest extent possible, team-the Initial rush of excitement when It mutual benefit of both parties.
not dependent on subsequent coord Ina- has been determined the job will go fast
tlon with other trades. However, these doc- track. Great Opportunity to Pool Know-how
uments must consider the ease with which Everyone SitS down In a room together. The best thing about fast-track construc-
other trades may be Incorporated Into the The architect has a concept, the engineer tion IS that It presents the greatest opportu-
total bUilding In a sequence which IS co- has a typical bay framed and the fabricator nity for all parties concerned to use their
ordinated byan organized and diSCiplined has an Idea of how to best Implement them accumulated knowledge and skills to ac-
CM These staged documents must eXist most effiCiently and at the lowest cost. complish construction of a bUilding In an
In Ihelr own right and should be amended There IS where the dollars and cents are extraordinary time frame . The Incentive for
and reVised , when reqUired by the further saved, and when the time IS saved Every- a fabricator to get Involved With thiS type of
development of the bUilding deSign . In a thing after that IS mechanical, although It construction IS the elimination of some of
formal manner With change orders to each takes a certain amount of time to accom- the competitive forces of an openly bid
of the multiple subcontracts, and With ap- plish It. But the dollars and cents savings, prOject. The Incentive for the developer IS
propriate compensation to the deSign team and the ability to make a fast-track job a that he can complete the structural frame
for the preparation of these changes to the good job, are accomplished even before a weeks, or even months, ahead of what he
completed stage documents. whole lot IS on paper might expect ordinarily
Secondly, after developing a schematic It IS the SPlrtt of fast tracking that makes Suppose, for example, we have a job
deSign In response to the bUild Ing program me look forward to coming to the office. A With eqUilibrium between the supply Side

developed by or With the owner, the Input of lot of fabricators can do what I do every and the demand Side of the fast-track
the CM , With regard to economies which Single day as well as I do it. but I think we equation . By the way, I rule out as legiti-
can be achieved , must be Integrated Into have an opportunity when It comes to fast mate fast tracking the follOWing situations:
the deSign process. The Impact of thiS In- tracking to show something speCial , to do
put on the Immediate and long-term objec- something speCial . It IS a different kind of A buyer who wants to meet an acceler-
tives and value to the owner and to the opportunity ated complelton schedule, but InSists
publiC weal, to whICh the deSign profes- The people on thiS panei-an architect, on five prices and three weeks to evalu-
sional must always recognize hiS respon- engineer, erector and myself, a steel fabri- ate the bids
sibility, must be assessed by the owner cator- really represent the supply Side of 2. A buyer who has an accelerated com-
and the deSign team. Then the manner In the fast-track equation . The other half, the plelton schedule, but who does not
which the adoplton of any of these propos- demand Side of the equalton, IS represent- have the talent, or has not hired a con-
als IS Incorporated Into the deSign must ed by the owner-developer. EqUIlibrium In tractor With It , to process and under-
remain under the control of the deSign pro- thiS fast-track market place can only be stand your draWing needs.
feSSional to ensure clear lines of responsi-
bility are drawn and the secondary Impact
of any changes are recognized and ac-
counted for
Thirdly, dUring the construction phase, it
IS vital that there be centralization of con-
trol of document coordination and the de-
livery of coordinated documents to all af-
fected parties Equally Important, because
of the added compleXities associated With
thiS coordination. IS the more frequent
presence of the deSign professional to en-
sure correct Interpretation of current docu-
ments In the field , and that proper control
procedures are adopted
Failure to recognize the need to adopt
these procedures IS likely to cause confu-
Sion, delay, error and added cost to a pro-
ject and produce results which run counter
to the Original Intent In adopting the CM Bays/de /If was promment fast-tracked project for
method (hiS Boston Society of Architects conference


3. A buyer who has an accelerated com- anchor boll plan and preliminary mill or- range of 5% Ihe job could be expecled 10
pletion schedule. but who has not ders If Ihe bid price were unacceplable. COSI belween $594 .000 and $656000
shared the schedule with all the compo- all drawings and delail ing lime would ThiS IS very. very rough. but II should give
nents of the supply side. Ie architect be paid for and lurned over 10 Ihe buyer Ihe developer an Indlcallon of Ihe neigh
• engineer or erector. borhood In which Ihal bUilding should cosl
Unll prices would form Ihe baSIS of adds If Ihe developer or archileci wants 10 add a
4 A buyer who Insists upon unilateral liq- and deducls (A caul Ion here delailing corner office wllh a lillie skew Ihal IS nol
uidated damage clauses He IS not part would be charged by Ihe hour and would 100 bad bul nol a curved corner office
of a team. but ralher someone lOOking nol be pari of a per-Ion allowance.) As we These kinds of Ihlngs add 10 delivery lime
to place blame and POint fingers . all know. and cerlalnly In Ihe Inilial slages and cosl Now Ihal Ihe developer IS con·
5 A buyer whose acceleraled schedule IS of fast Iracklng. Ihe delaller can make sev- vlnced of Ihe fabrlcalor s compelence wllh
beyond the reasonable eral changes wllhoUI really affecllng Ihe relallon 10 budgel ard UOlI cosls we
6. A buyer who does not pay his bills In a welghl of Ihe bUilding And If he IS pari of a should lalk aboul Ihe Ihlngs deSigners
timely fashion. no mailer how reason- unll price. $1 .2oo/lon. lei's say. the delailer need 10 do fo make sure the lob does nOI
able all other aspects of the prOjeCI are. In facl may be donallng hiS lime Also. a get hung up
7. A buyer who has nOI gone fasl Irack suff,c,enl number of unll prices would be ThiS budget could form Ihe baSIS of an
before Lei someone else be his gUinea provided 10 cover a varlely of Circum- agreement. but It must be an agreement ot
pig Of course. depending on Ihe slances respect. common goals. and. above all
slrenglh of your relallonshlp wllh the How might you agree to agree on unll mulual benefll lIems benetlclal to the early
buyer. there are exceptIons prices? The buyer must have al least a complellon ot delailing and fabricallOn In
reliable budgel In order 10 enter Inlo an elude. overtime premiums lor detallerSdnd
8. A buyer who has no good reason 10 go
agreemenllhal also prolecls Ihe fabrlcalor approvers Remember Ihal In a JOb laking
so fast; I e olher paris of Ihe conslruc-
The fabrlcalor should have an hlslorlcal 14 weeks 10 deliver aClual fabricallOn lime
lion or slle work. or demolition. cancel
perspecllve of whal a IYP,cal lob mig hi may consume only Ihree or four weeks
Ihe need to have sleel ready early
cost For Inslance. Ihls l00.000-sq II office The resl of Ihe lime IS consumed by Ihe
ThiS may all seem like slallng Ihe obVIOUS. bUilding IS 250 II x 100 ft . has unllmlled submilial and approval of shop dr aWl rig.
bul many a fasHrack job was III-conceived. Slle access. 25-11 x 25-ft bay framing . and Of course. malerlalls galhered dUring Ihal
We all have horror slOrles aboul lawsUils. a glass curtalnwall II has 90· corners. same lime period The hours consumed by
reVISions, misunderstandings and rUined Ihree slories and a roof The IYP,cal floor Ihe draWing submilials IS 10lally dlspropor
relallonshlps because of Ihem I like 10 framing IS composlle beam and girder. and Iionale 10 the dollars spenl dUring Ihal
think of Ihls saying relallve to fasllracking. a bar-jOISI roof. lime. The job previously discussed mlghl
"illS beller 10 be pari of a solullon Ihan pari In my markel place. Ihal floor should be COsltyplcally $401lon 10 delall. or $16 000
• of a problem' aboul $6.50 per sq II and Ihe roof aboul 10 $20.000 As a percentage of Ihe 10lal job
$525 per sq fl . excluding a penlhouse COSI. Ih,s amounls to aboul 3% Thai
A Candidate for Fast-track Each floor IS 25.000 sq ft . or 75.000 sq II In means 3% of Ihe fob cost consumes 60 10
Anyway. suppose we legillmalely Idenllfy a all. al $6 50. or $487.500 The roof IS also 70% of Ihe lead lime There certainly
candldale job for fasllracklng The lob IS a 25.000 sq II al $525. or $131 .250. for a should be no hesllallon on Ihe part of rhe
l00.000-sq II office bUilding wllh on-grade 10lal bUilding COSI of $618.750 If I were 10 buyer 10 cooperale In Ihe expedilious pro
parking. The framing scheme. and hope- check Ihal figure. and al Ihe same lime cesslng of shop draWings
fully Ihe fabricalor had some Inpul. has Indlcale 10 Ihe buyer we knew whal we
been chosen 10 be slruclural sleel The were dOing. we mig hi do Ihe follOWing ' Tips for Tighter Cooperation
bUilding fOOlprlnllS a given. Ihere are lypl- The fasHrack buyer mUSI be very careful
Say Ihe floor area. hlslorlcally should
cal wall delalls. elevallons and archlteclur- 10 dovelall hiS olher Irades A granlle skin
weigh aboul8 5 psf and roof aboul7.5 psf
al renderings The engineer has been cho- wllh an 18-week lead lime. or a mechanical
ThiS Iype of square framed bUilding In A36
sen. bul he has only come up wllh Ihe syslem requiring a deplh of conslrUCllon
Sleel should COSI aboul $1 .200/lon . There-
typical bay framing . The owner says he grealer Ihan Ihe Iheorellcal floor helghls
wanlS Ihe slruclural frame to be delivered and Iherefore. beam penelrallon delalls
8 5 psf x 75.000-sq II
10 Ihe job site w,lh,n 14 weeks. Can you do and local Ions mlghl cancel Ihe gains In
il wllh Ihe Ilmlled amounl of Informal Ion
floor area = 637 .500 Ibs
7 5 psf x 25.0oo-sq ft fasl tracking Ihe frame Ideally a bUilding
already supplied? My answer would be should be sectionailled Immedlalely aller
roof area = 187.500 Ibs
·yes.· and even fasler If: the conlraCI has been awarded ThiS per
The engineer gives me typical lloors. TOlal 825.000 Ibs mlts Ihe delaller. approver and fabrrcalor 10
roof and spandrel sections wllh,n IWO (a $1 .2001ton = $495.000 concentrale on prodUCing Ihe Ilems re
Add 75.00c-sq II floor deck qUired flrsl (I e I Sl floor before Ihe roof)
Cr. $1 25 = 93.750 The engineer should Sile the sections
2 The engineer agrees 10 a draWing lurn-
Add 25.000-sq II roof deck conservallvely ThiS may allow for dupllca
around lime of Ihree days lion and also speed Ihe engineering lime
3 Shop draWings are hand-carned. or al
Crl $100 = 25.000
Add 15 sluds (an hlslorlcal reqUired For Inslarce If a W21 x 62 Will
worSI . mailed overnlghl In bolh dlrec- work wilhoul further engineering Invesllga
number) per 100 sq ft
lions. lion. while a W18 >. 60 mlghl work If Ihe
of floor area ~, $1 60 ea 18.000
The buyer agrees 10 agree on a price. deSign were more Ihoroughly Invesllgaled
Tolal $631 .750
Ihal price 10 be In hiS hands wilhln one or live load reduction accounled for. Ihe
week of receiving Ihe fasHrack bid doc- This compares 10 Ihe square-fool budgel exira lime spenl mlghl nOI be lusllfled Par
umenls DUring Ihal week Ihe fabrica- of $618.750. Then. lake Ihe average of Ihe Ilcularly. where Ih,s Iype of change resulls
lor's delaller is aulhorized 10 make an two prices al $625.250 and a plus or minus In malerlal-only saving of $500l lon nOI
2nd OU8"erI1986 23
fabrication eliminated , resulting In savings Fast Tracking:
of $1 ,2oo l ton
This is absolutely crUCial the fabricator

should submit and the engineer verbally
approve job standards as qUickly after con- James F. Stearns, fV
tract IS Issued as practicable Nothing
slows a job faster than a detaller who pro- President, L. Antonelli Steel Erecting Co.
ceeds with all possible haste In a manner Quincy, Massachusetts
the engineer IS eventually gOing to disap-
prove . If there IS a problem with the job
suggest the follOWing conSiderations In • Request use of torque-control bolts
standards, they should be resolved by
phone and confirmed In writing ASAP The
engineer must try to be as sympathetiC to-

fast tracking
Maintain close contact With architects
where easy tightening and visual In spec-
lion qualities Will save time and money.
ward the fabricator's standard details as and engineers when designing In steel, • Zone steel storage carefully With respect
possible If the fabricator IS reputable , he and Iry to Incorporate as many duplicate to contractor needs Promotes better
will submit onty fob standards of good fab- beams as poSSible, and use slap-type crane timing , less lob site room and re-
rication practice connections where pOSSible handling of steel.
ObViously. there are conditions where • Have pre-job meetings With unions or • Determine what types of accelerated
the engineer IS gOing to say. "I need thiS erection crews to stress the Importance methods of steel erecting are reqUired ,
type of loading and thiS type of connection of a fast-track. problem-free job. such as pre-unloading of steel. need for
In thiS particular Instance .' The fabricator • Predetermine With the engineer. contrac- more cranes, over time when erecting or
who IS gOing to go fast , however. IS the one tor and testing company the type and on backup work.
who uses his own standards amount of testing reqUired to Insure a • Plan carefully for added shifts With prop-
Try whenever pOSSible to avoid painting timely test of steel where It is to be erect- er lighting supervIsion night deliveries,
the steel. Not only IS It about $40/ton ed on an accelerated schedule. etc.
cheaper, but also It IS about one hourl ton • Arrange for prompt availability of power • Reach agreement With engineer and
qUicker to fabricate . ThiS could represent a because all Critical phases of backup contractor regard ing field changes-
reductIOn of as much as 10% In fabrication work depend on It welding , bolt lighten- beam penetrations, added steel or modi-
time Hard-to-get-Items. such as a long Ing and lighting fications 0
lead time metal deck or exotic materials
should not be speCified
ConSider the feaSibility of high-strength
steel. remembering that the more competi-
tive, and therefore available, materials are
A36 We do not recommend high-strength
steel at thiS time In a fast-track project.
unless the weight savings are at least 25%.
"T -".

Market conditions may change rapidly. so

thiS relationship bears close monitoring
Fabricators should be allowed to use se-
pias of the engineers' plans for their own
erection pfans . Of course, lhe fabricator
becomes responSible for their ultimate cor- _ dO of AI~C
rectness , but thiS may save as much as d of DIre rs
ihe Iloor u to enter
two weeks or more of detailing lime inviteS yo Q86
Beyond all of these Items, the Single
most Important part of fast tracking is the
_thee 1coenpetitiOn,
relationship between those who supply the Pri~e Ilndg the enost
materials and expertise and those who which h:>no~~eel bridges
create the demand The developer or buy- outstondlngd to troffic
er should not employ the supplier, and then opene 1Q8 4
use money for leverage. Nor should the froen July 130 1Q86.
buyer conSider his time or op'nion more
through June '
valuable than that of those he hires In re-
turn, the supplier must recognize he IS In-
volved In the profect to prOVide extraordi- -
nary service for which he has been paid a
premium He IS, therefore, obligated to ful-
fill hiS promises If the terms and conditions
(i ~
Entry deadline ts Juty 22, 1986.

For rules and entry forms contact your AISC

(which he has InSisted upon as conditions • ''''.mo~-(:- regional engineer or write
American Institute of Steel Construction , Inc.
of hiS employment) are adhered to. Awards Committee
Ideally, the measure of success should 400 North Michigan Avenue
be the Willingness of all parties concerned Chicago, IL 6061 1·4185
to co-venture another fast track profect on
time and Within budget
,. Sugar Loaf Mou ntai n:
• Steel Framing + Teamwork Fast Track
A remarkable example of fast-track con-
struction unfolds at Sugar Loaf Moun-
tain tn Central Maine It IS not a new expert
slope, but rather the Thomas Center Hotel
and Conference Center under construction
near the base lodge And two key factors
emerge as essential Ingredients of a suc-
cesslul fast-track profect a commitment by
the entire team to the owners schedute
and the use of fabricated structural steel
Fast-tracking does not omit any of Ihe
necessary steps In the deSign/construct
process But It does require that founda-
tion and structural steel draWings be IS-
sued and materials ordered prior to com-
pletion of architectural plans, The owner
must weigh the Increased probability of
shop or field changes In the steel framing
against an occupancy date several months
earlier than With the conventional process
Earlier occupancy means reduced finance

costs and earlier Income, and often results
In savings of hundreds of thousands of dol-
lars, even on modest projects
"It IS a more risky proposition for the en-
tire team," says Jonathan Buhl, formerly a
prlnclpaj With the structural engineer "You
cannot always do things by the book You Model of Thomas Center Hotel and Conference Center on famed Sugar Loaf Mountam
have to be prepared to bend, adjust and Closeups show details of steel frammg on sa-mli/1Of) hotel Center opened Just one year
change as the need arises The project IS from lime structural engineer received commiSSion to deSign 'rame
more difficult to control. and because of
the Inevitable field changes dUring con-
struclion, the deSigner Winds up spending
as much time on the profect dUring thiS
phase as dUring the deSign, and he must
allow for thaI. "
One of the crowning achievements of
the team InllOlved In the Thomas Center
was a "three-day turnaround time" for re-
View and approval of shop draWings dUring
deSign reVIsions ThiS was no easy task,
conSidering the deSign team IS In Water-
town, Mass, the steel fabricator IS In Ber-
lin, N H , the steel detaller In Canada the
construction manager In PrOVidence, R I , residences and which would be commer- the SIte so fast, says BuhL They had pur·
and the owner at Sugar Loaf Mountain Cial Changes In occupancy occurred In chased all the steel from service centers to
(Central Maine) "None of the overnight areas sometimes after steel had already save time ThiS allowed field changes to be
services could accommodate delivery of been erected To Buhl, It seemed that parts completed Within two weeks after changes
shop drawings," according to Buhl Draw- of the Thomas Center were changed three were ordered by the owner

Ings were often hand-carned to airports at or four times The construction manager, when In-
either end and placed on commercial The fabricator recommended slngle- formed of the owner's schedule, Instructed
flights plate connections at many locations the slructural engineer to submit structural
The Thomas Center IS a condominium These were espeCially economical and plans In three weeks In order to have the
hotel, One of the Issues not resolved unlil fast for framing beams into 4 x 4 and 6 x 6 project completed In one year Fourteen
very late In construction was fust which structural tube columns, "The fabricator draWings for thiS $8-mililon bUilding were
spaces In the SiX-StOry bUilding would be did an Incredible job In get ling material to completed by the end of February 1985,
2nd Ouarter/l986 25
and the final architectural plans were not
finished until May "That's the fast-track
process In Its truest form," In Buhl 's opin-
The structural engineers considered
other framing matenals, Including masonry
beanng wall. composite steel JOiStS and
light gage metal But the construction
manager ultimately went with composite
steel beams and steel columns. One rea-
son for thiS was the tremendous transfers
of load reqUired between the second and
third floors. where the occupancy changes
from open commercial space to resldenllal
above (with bay sIZes of 15 x 21 It). The
deCISion turned out to be the nght one
"There IS no way we could have kept on
schedule with all these changes had any
other framing system been used." Buhl reo
In spite of the challenges Imposed on
the entire team by the fast-track method.
there IS a major advantage for the owner.
ironically In quality assurance. Since the
deSigners were totally Involved In the pro-
ject throughout construcllon. these profes-
Sionals were on top of the job and In con-
stant contact With other team members
dUring the most crucial phase. A better
building has to be the result I
The Thomas Center opened In February
1986 at the height of the ski season ThiS
was fust one year from the date the struc-
tural engineer received the assignment to
deSign the frame In three weeks-qulte an
First is Arbed's new rolled 40" beam . .. available in 16
achievement for an $8-mlllion bUilding But sections from 149 to 328 Ibs. It gives high section moduli,
that was only the start of thiS fast-track great lateral buckling resistance, and competes economically
project. and ItS ultimate success depended with both fabricated sections, as well as reinforced precast
on the commitment of all team members and prestressed concrete.
And the use of adaptable. "forgIVIng " Then there's Arbed's rolled " tailor-made" series (up to
fabricated structural steel l 42.45" x 18.13" x 848Ibs.) ...that lets you specify the beam
weight you need, other than what is normally available.
Result? Big savings: in fabrication costs and weight.
Architect Why not get all the facts? Send the coupon now for
information including complete specifications.
Watertown. Massachusetts
r;(212) 486·9890. Domestic Telex: (W.U.) 125159, Int'l Telex (In) 421180.
Structural Engineer
Sousa True and Partners
II In Canada: TradeARBED Canada, Inc., 1176 Blair Road, Burlington,
OntariO, Canada L7M 1K9. (416) 335·5710, Telex 0618258
Watertown. Massachusetts
Please send complete Information on TradeARBED's 40 ' beams and I
Construction Manager I " TAILOR-MADE" beams.
The G,lbane BUIlding Company I Name Title I
Providence, Rhode Island

I Firm I
__ J.
Address _
Steel Fabricator
Isaacson Structural Steet. Inc ~~ ________s.!!!.e__ 2~
Berltn New Hampshire

Sugar Loaf Mountain Corporation i .&-""\DE nco

2nd Quarler, 1986 27
Nevada Administrative Facility:
A Perfect Fit Insured by Steel
by Thomas J. Schoeman

Thomas J Schoeman. AlA vice president 01
JMA Architects. Las Vegas. Nevada was de-
sign architect for this facility

ommitted to a service concept which slon project creates a central home for
C stressed an Integrated administrative.
prevenllve and treatment program. In t 974
previously scattered State Insurance Serv-
tlon and created a maintenance-free ex-
tellor The extellor envelope IS well
Ices The two-story. 7S.000-sq ft faCility Insulated. With all glazed areas either re-
the State of Nevada Initiated a compre- maintains a low profile Image complemen- cessed from the building edge or
hensive master ptan study for the State tary to the eXisting complex by matching screened With louvers to prOVide shading
Industllal Insurance System To satisfy the Its eXisting parapet heights . PubliC healing from the sun
operational delivery needs of Southern Ne- and employee services are situated on the A vaulted skylight extends the full length
vada the study called for a Single-Site fllst floor to prOVide ready access to the of the bUilding to define cllcutatlon and
phased faCility development program disabled. With policy holders' and admln- proVide a Visual focus to adjacent admln-

•• ;0
Nevada AdministratIve FaCIlity.
Las Vegas. created central
home for scattered Insurance
.a operations Model (I) detBlls
steel-framed skylIghts
so Important to project

Phase one IS a rehabllitatron center and Istratlve services on the second By cra- Istratlve areas The skylight prOVides nat-
Industllal therapy faCility Phase two -fea- dling the new faCility In the arm of the ex- ural light to the office areas and d,l,neates
tured In thiS article-called for a central- Isting southern facing complex. a volumetllcally different open office areas

Ized administration faCility Phase three. to sheltered outdoor atllum zone IS created A structural steel gild. 22-ft x 22-ft at
be completed In the future. calls for a pa- ThiS area serves as a protected recrea- Level one and 22-ft x 44-ft at Level two.
tient housing faCility to serve the needs of tional. dining and conversation area for was developed as the optimum module for
clients livIng In areas remote from avail· staff and clientele compatibility With proposed open office
able treatment programs The bUilding extellor IS finished In 3D-In layouts and systems. A steel IIgld frame
Located on a t6-acre site In central Las x 22-ft weathellng steel panels The pre- was chosen as the structural system for ItS
Vegas. the admlnlstratron faCility expan- fabllcated panels afforded rapid construc- design POSSibilities, effiCiency and ItS ca-

pac.ty lor fast construction
Poor sOil conditions required the use of
e.ther drilled ,n concrete piers connected
together at the top by grade beams or a
mat foundatIon Concrete piers and grade
beams were determIned to be the more
economical solutoo The p,ers range from
2 fl-6 In to 6 ft·6 on In diameter
The bUilding was deSigned as a duclile
moment· resisting frame In both dlrecllons
with five ductile frames In the short dlrec·
tlon and two In the long dlfectlon As a Structure was deSIgned with moment-feslstmg frames HOfllontal
X-braces provIde continuous roof opening to frame skylights

• Compudron is the leader In computerized structural steel detailing

and fabricating systems ... because Compudron provides the greatest variety
of capabilities, greater speed and more acCuracy than manual or pure CAD
detailing methods No other computerized detailing system has the ability to handle
as many special conditions, add-on components, or deSign and detailing options
which are routinely and automatically accomplished by the Compudron system
Compudron IS a unique turn-key package of complimentary programs that
operate on the Hewlett-Packard 1000 Series computer The system combines
menu-dnven batch processing and interactive interfacing of all plot programs to
• Beams • Erection plans • NC eqUipment data
• Columns • Advance bills of matenal • Full-SIZe templates
• Vertical braCing • Gather sheets of • Weights, cutting lists and
• Stair stnngers detail matenal shipping IIcket reports
Compudron IS not Just a CAD. system modified to make structural steel detail
draWings. You get options of graphiCS Input from indiVidual work stations or batch
input which allows the work of many detallers to be key d in by an operator
Quick, easy reVisions can be made With Interactive graphics and are automatically
processed by the system to update the database. Our full range of connecllon
deSigns meet AISC specificahons, which is increasingly Important with the current
concerns over deSign liability
Compudron-generated data files may be fed thru HP85 and IBM PC compallble
terminals to automatically dnve NC fabncatlon equipment Including dnll lines,
punch lines. plate fabricators and burning machines
Call (404) 992-0062 for I demonstration ...or w rite for 8 free brochure .

2nd Quarter. t986 29

Steel-framed atrium
lone Joms addition
to eXisting facility

result. about one-fourth of the frames In

each direction are moment resisting ThiS
arrangement resulted In maximum free-
dom of design because there was no brac-
Ing And at the same time. It contributed
to the economy of construction because
pated energy performance IS well below
federal gUidelines, analyzed at only 40%
of total demand levels recommended by
those gUidelines
In summary the selection of a structural
steel frame and weathering steel panels

only about one of four had to be mcment permitted not only rapid construction but
resisting also created a humane. fleXible enVIron-
To accommodate a t2-ft overhang ment compatible With the operational re-
above continuous glaZing on all four bUild- qUifements of the State Industrial Insur-
Ing edges. special attention was paid to ance System
constrUClion details and sl1ffness of fram-
Ing members Two large hOrizontal X-
braces were used to prOVide the contin- Architect
uous roof opening required to frame the Jack Miller and ASSOCiates (JMA)
vaulted skylight The X-braces were Las Vegas. Nevada
wrapped In drywall to create an Integral
Structurat Engineer
architectural feature Strauss & Loftfleld
Greater flexibility of telephone data and Las Vegas Nevada
electrical systems was achieved In the
open office areas by uSing fiat-Wire distri- General Contractor
bution The mechanical system for the new Del E Webb ConstruCllon Company
faCIlity IS an ali-air variable volume system Phoenuc Anzona
With air-handling unitS on each floor to Steel Fabricator
serve both Intenor and peflmeter zones Steel Structures
The central plant consists of two hermetic. Las VeQas Nevada

electric-driven centrifugal water chillers.
two Induced-draft cooling towers. one nat- Owner
ural gas- fired hot water boiler for morning State Industnal Insurance System
Public Works Board State of Nevada Inteflor photos highlight several uses
warmup and the associated pumping and of structural steel to accommodate
anCillary systems The faCility also Incor- skylights and overhang framing
porates a flat plate solar collection system
for generating domestic hot water Antlcl-
Plated Decks-Plain or perforated
Most complete line of deck products
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• Pittsburgh. Po .
Epic has these profiles available for shipment • Chicago. III.
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Your order will be processed in One Week

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Call (412) 351 -3913 today for price and EPIC
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on all types of Form Decks, Composite PHONE' 412/351 ·3913
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All you need to know

aboutconnecuons ...

Keyed to 8th Edition Manual of Steel Construction

• Brand new text geared to advanced Features . ..

detailer's and design engineer's needs. • All aspects of connection design and
• Comprehensive guide to current detailing detailing
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• Handsome, concise, with 370 pages of • Updated skewed, sloped and canted
directions, problems/solutions, 315 beam connections
• Framing for heavy construction
• A valuable reference for anyone involved
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