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m-kg-s-K-A (-mole-cd) basic units

Electric current I Ampere(A) Basic unit
Electric charge Q=It Coulomb(C=As)
Electric potential V =W /Q Volt(V=J/C=Nm/As)
Resistance R=V / I Ohm(Ω =V/A=Nm/A2s)
Conductance G=1 /R Siemens(S=1/Ω ) Older “mho”
Specific resistivity ρ=RA / L Ωm
Specific conductivity σ =1/ ρ S/m
Electric field E=V / L∨F /Q V/m=N/C
Dielectric displacement D=Q / A C/m2
Capacitance C=Q/V Farad(F=C/V)
Dielectric permittivity ε =D/ E F/m
Magnetic flux density B=F /(Qv) Tesla(T=N/mA)
Magnetic field strength H=I / L A/m
Magnetic flux ψ=BA∨Vt Weber(Wb=Vs=Tm2)
Inductance L=ψ / I Henry(H=Vs/A=Ω s)
Magnetic permeability μ=B / H H/m
Electric and magnetic Unitless
susceptibilities χ e , χ m

Ampere is easier to produce than C.

“mho” is denoted by upside-down Ω . Still used occasionally.
In May 20, 2019, the new definition of SI system was introduced.
Essentially the same values; only, the definition of kg now does
not depend on an artifact.
New definitions are based on 4 universal constants:
Planck constant

h=6.626 ×10−19 kg m2 /s
Elementary charge (of electron or proton)

e=1.602 ×10−19 As
Boltzmann constant

k =1.380 ×10−23 J / K
Avogadro number

N A =6.022× 1023 1/ mole

In em, the basic constants are ε 0 , μ0 , c
c 2=
ε 0 μ0
Magnetic constant or vacuum permeability is defined “exactly” as

μ0=4 π ×10−7 N / A2 (¿ H /m)

(from Ampere). Velocity of light
c=299792 458 m/s
Then, electric constant or vacuum permittivity

ε 0=8.854 × 10−12 F /m

(If c=3 × 108 m/ s then approximately ε 0=10−9 /36 π ).

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