Welcome To Your Awaken The Species Workbook

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Welcome to Your

Awaken the Species

Your Awakening Journal

4 Tips to Get the Most Out of This Quest

1. Don’t aim for perfect. Neale does not want you to spend hours on
the tasks to make them perfect. Take 5-10 minutes on days with
videos and 15 minutes on reflection days to complete the tasks.
Journaling means writing down your thoughts and the first thing
that comes to mind. Go easy on yourself. You can always come back
and take more time on a particular task after you complete the
quest. Done is better than perfect. Really.

2. Stay with the group. Even if you miss a task, continue the journey
with all the others who joined the Tribe. You can schedule a time on
the weekend to catch up on tasks you missed.

3. Set a clear time. Decide on a timeframe for watching the videos

and working on your tasks. Set a reminder in your phone or
elsewhere. You can also add a routine such as lighting a candle or
making yourself a tea, as a reminder to do your daily quest.

4. Team up. Community is one of the biggest benefits of participating

in a Mindvalley Quest. Share you questions, inspirations, results and
thoughts, and find support in the Tribe. You can also find yourself an
accountability partner, who will team up with you for the length of
the quest. An accountability partner will help hold you accountable
to do your best. They will also help you motivate stay motivated.

Week 1

“The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a

process of creation. Seek therefore, not to find who you are,
but seek to determine who you want to be.”


Introduction 3
A Reminder 4
Day 1 God and Highly Evolved Beings Exist 4
Day 2 Reflect & Digest 6
Day 3 The Purpose of Life 8
Day 4 Reflect & Digest 9
Day 5 Behavior #1: Unity 12
Day 6 Reflect & Digest 13
Day 7 Behavior #2: Truth 16
Day 8 Reflect & Digest 17


“The purpose of life is to recreate yourself anew in the next golden

moment of now, in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you
held about who you are.”


What do you think is the purpose of your life? Does Neale’s definition resonate
with you? Why/why not? 

A Reminder Of Who You Really Are

“You are a part of this magical piece of art called life.”


Why did you join this Quest? What are your goals? What brought you here?

Day 1 - God and Highly
Evolved Beings Exist

“We ARE that which God IS: 3-part beings made up

of matter, energy and essence.”


From what you understand from the 16 behaviors of HEBs so far - which are
the behaviors that are most challenging for you?

My top 3 most challenging behaviors of HEBs are

1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________

Share your top 3 with the Tribe!

Day 2: Reflect & Digest
”I believe your soul has brought you here.”


Make an action list for how you will implement one of the most challenging
behaviors of HEBs today.

What When How

Make it your mission to act according to this behavior

at least 5 times today!

Day 3 - Purpose of Life

”What has this to do with the agenda of my soul?”


What insights have you received today by using life’s magic question?

Day 4 - Reflect & Digest

“What you are being is a choice.”


Make a list of at least 6-10 states of being that you define as Divine.

1. ___________________ 6. ___________________

2. ___________________
 7. ___________________

3. ___________________
 8. ___________________

4. ___________________ 9. ___________________

5. ___________________
 10. ___________________

Enter your personal choices in the Beingness Grid and use it as a tool for
exercise the choice of being for the rest of the week.









Day 5 - Behavior #1: Unity

“Oneness is not a characteristic of life.

Life is a characteristic of oneness.”


How did you feel during the “I am that” exercise? What are your new insights?

Day 6 - Reflect & Digest

“Everything “out there” is you. You are one with everything.

One with God. One with all other human beings. One with the earth.
One with life itself, in all forms.”


One person with whom it is hard for me to experience oneness is:


My behaviors that support the feeling of separation are:

Circle the behavior you want to transform above. How can you change this
behavior in order to promote oneness instead of separation?

Engage in this new behavior today!

Day 7 - Behavior #2: Truth
“Tell the truth to everyone about everything.”


Remember a time when someone told you a lie about something that to you
was very important. How did it make you feel? What impact did it have on you
and other people?

Day 8 - Reflect & Digest

“Speak your truth, but sooth your words with peace.”


From whom have you withheld a truth in the past?

How do you think this affects their lives?

Decide if it is appropriate and beneficial to contact one of these people today

and reveal what you have withheld and why. Note how you feel afterwards and
share the story with your Tribe!

Create a digital or physical reminder for yourself to always speak your truth!



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