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NAME:_______________________________ SECTION:_____________ DATE:_________

True or False. Write true if the statement is true and false if it is false.

1. Families have the same number of people.

2. Families can celebrate different holidays.
3. Families live in one house.
4. Families celebrate birthdays in the same way.
5. Families change all the time.
6. Even though family members fight, they still love each other.
7. In all families, mothers and fathers work.
8. Mothers and fathers always live together.
9. Different families have different rules.
10. Families have children.


From the beginning of the marriage, the spouse embrace a new heart which makes them a gift for each other.
The ultimate goal of marriage is to raise a family. The implication relies on how parents assumes their
responsibility in caring and supporting their children to attain the best possible future. Preparing for parenthood
requires a lot of considerations.
After marriage, pregnancy expected and occur. Pregnancy is a time of changes. It is the time when a
woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus. Thus, responsible parenthood will comes in the importance of
responsible parenthood, to recognize the factors for a successful family life, to explain the effects of family size
on health, to enumerate the important roles and responsibilities of parents in child rearing and care, and to
propose ways on how to plan an ideal family size.
Activity 1: Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down

Direction: Write TP if you agree with the statement and TD if not. Write your answer on the space provided before
the each number.

_______1. Mom and Dad provide my basic needs.

_______2. Security is the priority of my parents.
_______3. Parents give love and care to their children.
_______4. We live under the bridge because our parents are jobless.
_______5. I get what I want from my parents.

Parenthood is the state of being a parent. Traditionally, it means being a father or mother of the biological child. When
adoption is involved, the parents are the legal father and mother of the child. Responsible parenthood is the will and
ability to respond to the needs and aspirations of the family.
Responsible parenting is defined as the series of decisions couples make to ensure the best possible life for the family
and for the community to which the family belongs. It is the ability of the parents to raise children in the Filipino way
and to satisfy the social, economic, and religious responsibilities of a family. Parenting also includes the inculcation of
values and instilling of discipline.
Parenthood is a great responsibility or task. It is not a role which can be successfully played on the basis of chance. It is a
status where responsible couples arrive at after making a decision to have a family.

There are several factors when thinking of parenthood:

1. Happiness and stability of the marriage.

The relationship of the couple should be satisfactory because a child’s arrival may only become another source of
marital stress and misery.
2. Physical and emotional readiness of both partners for parenthood.
A wife should be physically and emotionally prepared to give birth to a healthy child and the husband should be mature
enough to carry out his responsibilities.
3. Financial stability.
The cost of living gets higher as the new born child completes the family and it depends to his parents.

Activity 2: Slogan Making

Direction: Make your own slogan or a quotation about the importance of responsible parenthood
Activity 3: A balloon of promise
Direction: Give at least ten (5) importance of responsible parenthood. Write it inside the balloon.
Activity 4: My Diary
Direction: Write your story on how you will be a responsible parent in the future.
Activity 5: It’s Me
Direction: Enumerate at least three (3) points when you are thinking of parenthood.


A responsible parenthood plays an important role on family health. It has an adverse effect on the family growth.
Parenting task is not an easy because it lies the effect of childs personality. So, the parent must plan ahead
towards the size of their family want and make sure to do their responsibilities well. In parenthood most likely will
start the success of the family either it is a smaller or larger/bigger gamily.

Activity 1: My Family tree

Direction: Draw the structure of your family tree. Then, write the name of the members of your family.

Activity 2: Guess Me!

Direction: Write L if the information tells about larger family and S if it is smaller family. Put your answer on the space
provided before each number.
---------- 1. Compose of father, mother and a child only.
---------- 2. Must budget the money.
---------- 3. May share the bedrooms to their siblings.
---------- 4. More attention and love.
---------- 5. Financially stable.
---------- 6. Competition between siblings.
---------- 7. Exercise sacrifice especially financially.
---------- 8. Disadvantages in terms of physical development.
---------- 9. Children tend to be bigger, heavier, and healthier.
---------- 10. Happier and more emotionally stable.


1. Allows the parents to give more attention and love to their children
2. Happier and more emotionally stable
3. Financially stable
4. More time, energy, and money left for other pursuits
5. Children tend to be bigger, heavier, and healthier.


1. Nutritional intake per member tends to be smaller, malnutrition tends to
be higher.
2. Disadvantaged in terms of physical development
3. Prone to infection and parasite infestations
4. Exercise self-deprivation and sacrifice.
5. There is a stiff competition among siblings
Activity 3. Concept Map

Direction: Give at least four (4) effects of smaller and bigger family size on health. Write inside the map.

Effect of Family Size on Health

Smaller Family Bigger Family

LESSON 3Roles and Responsibilities of Parents in Child Rearing and Care

Activity 1: Pre-Assessment
Direction: Say Yes if it is asked about parenthood, Say Absolutely if it is about the effect of family size on health
and say Nope if it is not. Write your answer at the bottom of the question.
1. Children’s succeed because of the responsible parents.
2. Malnutrition is a problem of the family.
3. Smaller families are prone to infection and parasites infestations.
4. Responsible parenthood includes the process of deciding how to choose our partners.
5. No worries on parenthood even you have a bigger family size.
6. Parenthood disregard the family size whether it is smaller or bigger size.
7. Couples can be families without having children.
8. Smaller family gives more attention and love to their children.
9. Large family exercise sacrifice especially financially.
10. Parents must aware on their role as parent.
A responsible parenthood plays an important role on family health. It has an adverse effect on the family growth.
Parenting task is not an easy because it lies the effect of childs personality. So, the parent must plan ahead towards
the size of their family want and make sure to do their responsibilities well. In parenthood most likely will start the
success of the family either it is a smaller or larger/bigger gamily.
From the moment your child is born, it's your responsibility to care for him and keep him healthy. In addition, need
to take your child for regular dentist visits, normally every 6 months, and an eye exam annually. You'll make sure your
child is getting the proper amount of sleep for his age, well rested and energized. You'll also need to make sure your
child stays active, through playtime outside, sports and other activities. These are some few of the roles and
responsibilities of parents to look at.
As you go along in this lesson, you will learn that there are lot of things to do as role and responsibilities of being a

Activity 2: The Role of Mine!

Direction: Write in the circle if it is cited as role of parent, place it also on the box if it is duties and put it on heart
symbol if it is the responsibilities of parents. Select your answer above the symbols.

1. Choosing a name: parents are almost always the ones who choose their child’s name.
2. Love: love is not just an emotion.
3. Material necessities:
4. Protection
5. Financial support
6. Moral examples
7. Moral guides
8. Care givers
9. Educators
10. Providers of emotional support


Activity 3: Slogan Time!
Direction: Compose a saying regarding what have you observed about the work of your father or mother.

My Parent

The Role of parents.

1. Care givers: parents give their children the love and care that they need to grow up happy

and healthy, and full of love themselves.

2. Material providers: parents provide all of the material things that a child needs, including

food and shelter.

3. Educators: part of a parent’s role involves educating their children about everything from

doing up coat buttons to learning the alphabet.

4. Moral guides: parents ought to provide moral guidance as early as possible, so that their

children grow up into upright citizens.

5. Providers of emotional support: sympathy, empathy and kindness ought to be abundant in

everything that parents do. There is no point in providing material things for a child if this

is not accompanied with love and kindness, and a willingness to listen to and help with

any problems that the child may have.

The responsibilities of parents.

1. Their children’s health: it is down to the parents to ensure that their children are healthy and

well nourished.

2. Basic education: before children start school, it is their parents who are responsible for their

education. Once they are at school, parents still are responsible for ensuring that their

children attend classes and do their homework.

3. Moral examples: parents should not just tell their children what is right and what is wrong.

They should also be a good example to their children of what is right and wrong.

4. Material necessities: parents are responsible for ensuring that their children have enough

to eat and drink, that they stay nice and warm in winter and are protected from the sun in

summer. They do not need to spoil their children, but they should ensure that they have a

safe place to live and sleep and clothes to wear as well as toys to play with and books to

5. Love: love is not just an emotion – it can also be argued that it is a parent’s responsibility to

show love and individual affection to their children at all times. Parental love is something

that comes naturally – parents just need to make sure that they express this love so

their children can see it clearly.

The duties of parents.

1. Choosing a name: parents are almost always the ones who choose their child’s name,

though a child may choose to go by a nick name or to change their name once they become

an adult.

2. Protection: a key parental duty is protecting their child from things that could harm them

physically and emotionally. Of course, that does not mean that a parent should lie to their

child about the world, or wrap them in cotton wool. However, they need to keep their child

safe from danger – and to teach their child how to keep themselves safe as well.

3. Discipline: children can be disciplined without the need for angry words or physical violence.

one of the key parental duties is disciplining a child so that they can practice self-discipline

later in life.

4. Financial support: the duty of ensuring that a child is supported financially so that they have

all of their material needs met is very often a legal requirement of parents.

5. Wellbeing: parents’ duties extend to caring for children both physically and emotionally.

that means taking them to the doctor and getting their vaccinations, promoting positive

mental health and attending to any cuts and bruises with first aid – among other duties.

Activity 4 : Duties, Role, and Responsibilities

Direction: Give at least two (2) duties, three (3) roles and five (5) responsibilities of your father and

Father Mother
LESSON 4 The Effects Of Rapid Population Growth on the health of the Nation

All nations are committed to achieving a higher standard of living for their people—adequate food, good health, literacy,
education, and gainful employment. These are the goals of millions now living in privation. An important barrier to the
achievement of these goals is the current rate of population growth. The present world population is likely to double in the
next onward years, producing a population of billion by the year onwards. Such rapid population growth, which is out of
proportion to present and prospective rates of increase in economic development, imposes a heavy burden on all efforts to
improve human welfare. Moreover, since we live in an interconnected world, it is a nation problem from which no one can
In this lesson, it discussed and explain the various effects of rapid growth to the nation.
You will learn on this part about how important to be a responsible parent or being a smart parenthood to avoid the hard
living of people especially children.

Activity 1: Pre-Assessment
Direction: Check the box if the statement indicate about population, if not, just leave it blank or empty.
1. The number of individuals in a nation.
2. The quantity of individuals in a particular place.
3. The size of growing individuals changes any time.
4. Pregnancy associates to the growing individuals in a place.
5. Various other illnesses will somewhat occur to rapid growing of individuals.

Activity 2: True or False

Direction. Write T if the given statement is true and write F it is false. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.

------------- 1. Rapid population growth means too much crowd all over the nation.
------------- 2. It is not problem to have a rapid increase of population.
------------- 3. Crimes is one possible effects of rapid population growth.
------------- 4. Overpopulation is one of the main contributors to many other environmental
------------- 5. Growing of population is not an alarming precadence.
------------- 6. Overpopulated nation affects environmental aspect.
------------- 7. Easily disease infection is too high risk for the increasing population.
------------- 8. To control the rapid growth population, you must consider responsible
------------- 9. The effects of a high number of workers exist for a limited number of vacancies
and this seems destined to lead to high rates of joblessness in the future.
------------- 10. Rising unemployment is also an effect of rapid growth population.
A.Modified true or false.
Direction: Write true if the statement is correct and write false if it is not; Underline the word or phrase
that makes it wrong. Write your answer on the space provided before the

_______ 1. Having fewer children and proper spacing of birth are good for the health
of the mother and the children.
_______ 2. Adoption is involved, the parents are the illegitimate father and mother of
the child.
_______ 3. The situation of every person and each couple is the same.
_______ 4. The cost of living gets higher as the new born child complete the family.
_______ 5. Even though family members fight, they love each other.
_______ 6. Motherhood and fatherhood are simple tasks for which we are naturally
_______ 7. It is the duty of the neighbor to nurture their children’s education.
_______ 8. A family is small if it consists of parents and three or more children and
other members.
_______ 9. Security is the priority of the parents.
_______ 10. Parents provide the children’s basic needs .

B.. Shade of Life

Direction: Shade the box of green if you agree that the given description or information relates the rapid
population growth. Shade it black if it is not.

Information / Description G B
1.Deforestation and desertification, extinction of animal and plant species and the most
direct consequence of all in the form of emissions of large quantities of greenhouse
gases leading to global warming.

2. Popularization of communication technologies and the generation, collection and

use of for sustainable ends, as well as the emergence of adapted to ensure good
living conditions for the increasing population.
3. The planet has a limited capacity to generate raw materials and each year the
consumption of resources at a faster rate than the planet is able to generate them
is reached earlier.
4. Throwing garbage’s everywhere is not an effect of overpopulation.
5. Overpopulated is not concern of the nation
6. Malnourishment and starvation are some of the outcome of the rapid growth of
7. Overpopulation causes fierce rivalries to control resources.
8. Rapid unemployment.
9. Easily disease infection.
10. Overpopulation will place great demands on resources and land
C.. Yes or No

Direction: Write Yes if the given information is one of the effects of rapid population growth and No if it is

1. Environmental issues ---------------

2. Pollution ---------------
3. Climate Change ---------------
4. Water shortage ----------------
5. Desertification ----------------
6. Disappearance of Non-renewable resources ----------------
7. Water supply contamination ----------------
8. Easily spread disease ----------------
9. Starvation ----------------
10. Crimes ---------------

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