Verse One: Name: Aulia Moris Class/No.: XI IPS 4 / 12

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English Assesment : SONG

Name : Aulia Moris

Class/No. : XI IPS 4 / 12

The song that i choose is “Sincerity Is Scary” by The 1975. “Sincerity Is Scary” is about; a fantastic
message about being true to yourself, not in an obnoxious way but in a sincere way,
being true to yourself for the sake of your own health, and for the sake of the health of
the relationships that you have with other people so it won’t be called as “toxic
The lyrics in the each of the part has their own meaning such as :

Verse One
And irony is okay, I suppose
Culture is to blame
You try and mask your pain in the most postmodern way
You lack substance when you say
Something like, "Oh, what a shame"

which is actually something that the songwriter has written as lyrics in the past in songs,
“Oh what a shame! I guess that’s not a big of a deal!” but it was of course about
something that was kind of a big deal.

It's just a self-referential way

That stops you havin' to be human

and that what people do sometimes, when they take irony and sarcasm too far, it’s
when you take those honest true human emotions, and you end up being like a cold
metallic heartless robot. The pre-chorus jumps into this weird discussion about this

Why can't we be friends, when we are lovers?
'Cause it always ends with us hating each other
so, instead of tearing each other using sarcastic, ironic, and sardonic comments, why
can’t we just sincerely enjoy each other? Isn’t that better that of having to “seem cool”

Verse Two
And why would you believe you could control how you're perceived

that’s a big part of Postmodernity, being very careful about your image management,

When at you're best you're intermediately versed in your own feelings?

like, you know your feelings, why can’t you just enjoy them? Why can’t you just be

Keep on putting off conceiving

It's only you that you're deceiving
Oh, don't have a child, don't cramp your style, I'll leave it

it’s basically saying that we shouldn’t be doing what everybody else is doing, just
because everybody else is doing it, we just need to be ourselves.

I'm just pissed off because you pied me off

Which is what I think is a British slang for saying “I wanted to kiss you, but you left me

After your show when you let go of my hand

In front of some sket who wanted to bitch

showing emotionally vulnerable in that moment, he asked to kiss her, but he didn’t get
to, and that by him telling us that, is him doing what the song is telling us; it is being
sincere and vulnerable in a scary way.

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