Scrutinize The Network Performance

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developed by the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

Network Performance Monitor is a software tool, which is intended to make the job of
the network administrator a lot easier. It basically provides a graphical interface to him so
that he can perform his daily cores.

This process proceeds up to the networks. At that time, one network served as client
and other as a Server, thereby making use of networking concept. The local cache serves its
purpose, to store the data, which is not present in the current network. Thus the required
information is retrieved using this process.

This project can be developed using VB.NET in GUI which enables a powerful remote
server administration system in a network enabled platform. This system consists of
authentication, rooting, listing files and folders in the remote server and modifying the same
with a strong administration backend. This application system can be configured dynamically
for an efficient performance.

The project entitled “SCRUTINIZE THE NETWORK PERFORMANCE (SNP)” can be

applied in real time to access a remote server in a network enabled management system.
This project can be divided into three modules.
 Network Manager.
 User interface.
 Client database.

Network Manager does the bread and butter job of the NPM. It makes use of the
various packages in order to send packets to the monitored node and receive information
from them. This information can either be loaded on to the log file or to the database.

A socket in VB.NET is a virtual path between the sender and the receiver. (NPM and the
remote system in this case) The datagram packets through which the information is
transferred, take this virtual path. The datagram packets are typically byte arrays, which have
to be converted into the required format (say strings) before being stored.

While collecting information from the network ‘s data stream, Network Performance
Monitor acquires the following type of information:
 The Source address of the computer that sent a frame onto the network. (This address
is a unique hexadecimal number identifying that computer.)
 The destination address of the computer that received the frame.
 The protocols used to send the frame.
 The data, or a portion of the message being sent.
The process by which NPM collects this information is called Capturing. By default,
NPM gathers statistics on all the frames it detects on the network into a capture buffer, which
is a reserved storage area in memory. When we have finished capturing information, we can
design a display filter to specify how much of the information that we have captured will be
displayed in NPM’s Frame viewer window.

A node can be a router, switch, multiplexer, computer or other device which supports
SNMP and talking with MIB-II information. To start monitoring, chose new device button. You
must enter at least IP address of the node to the Host Address field. The other fields are
optional for profile information only.

Status Monitor will plot the bandwidth graph of the monitored interface per 12
seconds and the average monitoring value per hour. Each node will be monitored in different
threads so there is no influence between each other. If you want to save the monitoring data
directly to the database, click the checkbox of Saving to DB. By default, the program also
writes the data to logfile. You may set DB driver with default driver and url provided from
button of the main program or set each monitoring node with particular driver and url by
clicking Set Login and Table button in the right side of DB checkbox.

If you want to send the error message via email while monitoring such as because node
is unreachable or timeout, click the checkbox of Send Alert Mail. You may set email sending
with default SMTP server and email address provided from SMTP button of the main program
or set each monitoring node with particular SMTP server and email address by clicking Set
Email Address button in the right side of Mail checkbox.

The user here is the network administrator. The user interface provides him with the
following features. Creating a new node to be monitored. Node can either be a computer,
router, bridge, switch or any other device.

In order to create a new node one has to specify only the IP address of the device.
However other details like the system name, SNMP port address, group name etc can be
specified for storing in the log file or the database. Specifying the database connectivity. We
can choose the particular database by giving the location of the database driver.

Database connectivity is an added advantage of the Network Performance Monitor. By
default all the information provided by the user as well as the information obtained from the
datagram socket are stored in the logfile. We can specify whether we want to store the data in
a database by checking the appropriate box in the user screen.
The implementation of Network management today is made available in the market
along with some of the prosperity software which the Operating System vendors supply along
with their Operating System as Network Operating System. Some of the popular applications
that are supported along with the Operating Systems are Netmon.exe. These applications are
mainly confining their monitoring activities amongst devices and clients that are connected
on the Network.

This software provides various networking facilities as different component and not as
an integrative one. Existing system has its own quality but also some disadvantages. To
achieve it supremacy it has to be configured to its highest possible limits. There was no such
readymade tool available for the Network Administrator to administrate everything that’s
happening on remote machines in the network.

The existing system had the facility to provide the users regarding network services as
separate module for the features like Ping, List out the computer names & IP Address of the
machines that are active in the network. In the existing system, the network was monitored
from the server. Hence only the administrator could know and monitor the entire network.
Existing system also gave statistics about:
 Connection oriented Statistics like IP Address List and Port information
 Network Oriented Traffic
 Protocol statistics
 Bandwidth statistics

The proposed system is a software network analyzer, which incorporates all the
features mentioned in the existing software analyzers. It combines all the features present in
the existing software analyzers and has some additional features also.

The proposed system does the function of monitoring any network and providing
information about the client statistics and protocol statistics of each node in the network. In
the proposed system, any host from within the network could monitor the network. The
proposed system provides the statistics of IP Address List and port information, traffic
analysis, protocol and bandwidth statistics.

Apart providing all these information it also provides packet information like
 Packet capturing and decoding.
 Mapping packets to the application.
 Searching a string from the packet content.

The following are the objectives of the proposed system

 Presenting proper and accurate information to manage the performance of the
 Integration of all the features present in various existing systems.
 Analysis of the network traffic.
 Providing overall reliability

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