TA-1987-11-12 Written by Winters

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NEWS. co111i11ued from page 28 ning Council.

a nonprofi1 c ivic organiza-

patible land use plan; and developers and
commercial property owners on the other, tion composed mosLly of business leaders
on enamel plate and inserted into retain- wi1h a ves1cd interest in maimaining whu promote quality growth through
ing walls and the paving of walks. Skid- property values 1hrough preservation or planning. Zoning, in their view, was only
more. Owings & Merrill is dona1ing its noor area ratios and hcighl envelopes. a tool to achieve a grunder plan. Yet i n
services for the preparation of construc- A~ u result or the ongoing baule royal , Dallas, the ··grand plan·· was missing.
tion drawings and construction manage- some civic leaders fell 100 much time was At the request of lhe Planning Council.
ment. being spent on zoning issues and not the Dallas Chapter/ AlA ro nned a 1ask
The references in the new park will enough time on planning. One such o r- force of architects and plannerlt whose
draw on 1he history of Houston 's every- ganization was Lhe Greater Dallas Plan- primary goal was " to initiate. promote
day life. not its heroic or cxcep11onnl
moments. This is not 10 everyone'<;
taste-some find ii not " designed''
enough. while others find ii too much like
an art park- but on the whole 1he design
comes ingeniousl y to terms with whm
can be done at Markel Square.
In early 1987. the Downtown Associu-
1ion coordina1ed demolition o f a mock-
pastoral landscape. which had occupied
the square since 1976 and which hud ac-
tively discouraged public occupation. As
part o f this phase. new in fn1:.1ructurc wui,
installed and Lhe sire ·s tree:. were re-
moved to lempornry storage. Almost all
the work i nvol ved was donated by I luus-
1on contrac1ors and engineering and dc-
c;ign consultan1s. DiverseW orks (housed
i n a nearby Victorian building) has
formed a steering committee and a spe-
cial council 10 procure fund s Lo finance
the second phase. the realization of the
Hollis-Turner scheme. T o date the Brown
Foundation and Lhe Cultural Arts Council
of Houston have contributed funds 10 Lhe
proj ect. 11 is hoped that construction on
the second phase improvemen1s will be-
gin in 1987.

-Stephen Fox


In 1986 Dallas undertook the formi-

dable task of developing a new zoning
o rdinance. The unprecedented building
boo m that started in Lhe late '70s had
slowed, and that. combined with an in-
crease in the political influence of the
city 's neighborhood associations. left the
scene ripe for change.
The decision 10 revise 1he c ity's 1965
development code proved highly volatile,
and by the summer of 1986 lhe battle
lines were clearly drawn: homeowners on
Circle 53 on Reader Inquiry Card
one side. seeking a predictable and com-

Te.ms Arcl11ru r Nn1·emht•r DeC'l'mher 1987 51

sity commercial centers. According 10
cily planner Ray Srnnland, the report is
"an excellent resource for those who
want a good visual sense for whal an area
could be."
The cask of mapping and identifying
all the dislric1s in 1hc city. an effort tha1
was begun by the Visions task force. is a
job tha1 will have 10 be taken up by an-
other group. The work of 1he msk force is
complete. and the already strJined cicy
planning staff canno1 tackle 1he job. De-
spite this pause in 1he project 's momen-
tum, however. "Visions for Dallas''
promises 10 become a 1imely and valu-
"\'isin,,s .. s11p(H1rti flfr1rn111>1 tl,r 11111q11t't1t'Sf <if Dallas 11r 111l,IJ<1rl,oodJ. s11rl, <1s Dup £1/11m. ABO\1£.
able 1001. not only helping to refocus at-
tention on broad planning issues. bu1also
and s1imula1e lhe adoption of a vision for illustra1ing achievable urban-design goals
Dallas's fu1u re." according 10 task force in the in1erim.
chairman Brent Byer., of Corgan Associ-
ates. Larry Good. Dalla, Chapter/A IA - Willis Winters
Prcsidem in 1986 when the tusk force
was organi1.cd says. "We wanted 10
change Lhe no1ion of 1he Loning debate.
We wanted to do something fasler with HOT FUN I N THE SUN
shoner-1erm benefit!.." The result of 1heir
1'11r report .mg11r.m 11.nn,~ ,1tret't I lo.111rrs tr1 A.up
effons is a repon and accompanying !.lide tl,r1111J1h trafli< n111 ,if 1wi11hlmr/,O(l(/s.
Sun 95°
show entitled "Visions for Dallai.." Sand 105°
The final rcpon. distribu1ed to archi- too clol.ely aligned 10 1he developer Wa1er 900
1ec1s. developers. and city planner.., i!. a camp. The c11y planning l>la ff wal. also Wind SE 5mph
kind of urbun-design primer wri11e11 spe- ini1ially concerned 1hu1 the Vi1,1ons group l-lumidi1y 100%
cifically for Dallas. II renec1s on 1he con- would oppose 1he ci1y's new growth-pol-
1ras1and character of Dallas neighbor- icy plan. Some hands-on use of the ideal. TI1is was the suffocating environment
hoods and suggests zoning 10 heighten presented in the repon, however. has at 1he uuer east end of Galveston Island,
1hese con1nis1:., as an alternative 10 the changed lheir minds. Now ci1y planners the edge of the earth chosen for the First
suburban homogeneity charac1eri1..ed by see the report as complementary to their Annual Sand Ca'ille Competition. Organ-
1he new growth-policy document. The own effons: where 1hey are dealing with ized by architect Bruce Simoneaux and
report is divided into 1hree interrelated growth policy on a "macro" scale. '"Vi- sponsored by the Interior Architecture
chap1ers: I) neighborhood-;, 2) urban ac- sions for Dallas•· focuses on the smaller- Commiuee of the Houston Chapter/A IA
tivity cen1ers. and 3) urban networks. Ur- scale urban-design issues as they concern and Steelcase Stow Davis. the competi-
ban design concepts are illuscra1ed by neighborhoods. networks, and high-den- tion auracted 200 heal-crazed architects
simple sketches or diagrams ranging in
scope from 1he type of neighborhood
analyses done by urban planner Kevin
Lynch to illustrations promo1ing upper-
s1ory building complexity in high-risei..
According to Byers 1he final report
"doesn·1 have the strength of any singular
idea. bu1 rather relies on a pluralistic
idea." In other words, small notions that
cun be applied on a broad basis.
A !.lide , how version of "Visions for
Dullu," wa, pre ·ented 10 the Ci1y Plan-
n,nl! Comm,,,,on earlier 1his year. where
11 <l1 t·w II rnol rc!.ponse from Commission
11u-111hcr,. who pcrlmps viewed 1he
<•H',IICr D,,lln, 1%nnmg Council. and
hl·m ~· lhl ' Vl\11111'" 111\k lorce. :1' hc111g
"A M 1111 s 1/omt' ll lhl Custll'," 1m 11 tl11rd place for Morris•Arrl11tt'rts in ,1,,. sm11J t'<1Stlr c:ompc'titim,.
Tr.ws Ardlitu t Ntll'l'mher Drcrmlll'r l 9R7

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