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To: Nasrin Pervin

From: Arif Hossen

ID: 1621785030
Section: 10
Topic: Declining Interest of Reading of Bangla Novel of English Medium Students


Mohua Mouli illustrated that the emergency of Bangla language is divided into five clusters. She
said that declining interest of reading Bangla novel is started after 1947 and after dividing of the
Indian subcontinent. She also separated the evolution of Bangla language into five categories
BANGLA, and PRESENT DAY BANGLA[ CITATION Mou19 \l 1033 ]. These categories have
immense impact on our Bangla language and our culture. The emergence of Bangla literature
actually started from the modern era of Bangla which is from 1757 to 1946 Though there had the
influence of western culture, still the demand for Bangla Novel literature was very significant.
During that time, the first Bangla Novel and literature was published by Bankim Chandra
Chatterjee named Durgeshnandini in 1865. This actually created an important revolution in the
literary side.

The country with increasing population declines ineptest habit of reading Bangla novels
comparably to large population. Students in school, college, university are guided to academic
career to a specific curriculum approached. Consequently Students are discouraged to read
Bangla novel books due to lack of academy systems. They read text books for class works and
examinations. Another reason is internet by using smart phone which make addicted students and
teachers in digital world to reduce interest of reading books. Many people access to read books
by using internet and e-books which slowly increase interest to read book and parents and
teachers are main way to inspire them to develop interest in reading book. Thus a change in the
habit of reading book is also taking place slowly.[ CITATION Kib19 \l 1033 ]
The reason of reading habit is declined because of browsing the Net, TV and the silver screen
filling the minds of the modern youth, taking majority of their free time and playing the game.
People give attention on them consequently, their habits capture with technology. He also said
that acquire the habit of reading is to construct to for tour self a refuse from all miseries of life.
Reading is begun disappear from our culture because people are adopting to modern world
culture. Reading power can grow if we want to increase academy capacity of the people it is the
very important that we bring our people toward reading. Government also needs to take
responsibility to ensure basic facilities for people that they can develop the reading habits. We
also have to think about growing generation how they find time to spend on reading books.
[CITATION Mau11 \l 1033 ]

Bangla literature of Modernism was adopted from Europe, as firstly we were the part of
inhabited culture, and international Bangla novels came through the novelist’s hand of
Rabindranath Tagore. Writers are moved to modernism and internationalism that does not mean
Bangla literature is being grown. It basically lost writers’ main traditional writing structure. The
significant of Bangla novel and literature itself as different to modernism and internationalism
and philosophy of modernism and internationalism lies to the extent of which we can be related
ourselves to our culture, being encouragement from our 1952 Language Movement and the 1971
Liberation War. However the article highlights that the number of original novelists and
contemporary writers in our country has been decreased as the world is being moved towards the
fast pace growth of the modern world, globalization and corporate world. Parents in today’s
generation nurture their children’s individual life to become a good graduate and executives but
nowadays no modern writers are not being produced.[CITATION Sha13 \l 1033 ]
Our Prime Minister wants extensive and quality translation of Bangla literature into other
language because of reaching our literature to the world and increasing value of Bangla culture.
She is also greeting the Bangla Academy Literary Award recipients, she said her government has
taken long-term initiatives for advancement of education, literature and culture .As reading of
Bangla novels is gradually losing its sight which it used to be, our government, as a result, is
thinking to translate Bangla literature into a foreign language to the world to get the taste of
Bangla literature in their own tongue and encourage students to read. It also focus on academy

curriculum to grow the value of Bangla novels.[CITATION Unb16 \l 1033 ]

Kibria,A. (2019). Decline and change in book reading habit. Retrieved from

Maugham,W.S. (2011). Declined Reading Habit. Bartleby Reseach. Retrieved from

Mouli, M. (2019). Evolution of Bangla. The Dily Star. Retrieved from The Daily Star:

Shamsuddin,T. (2013). Modernism and Internationalism in Bangla literatur. The Daily Star. Retrieved

Unb, D. (2016). Take Bangla Literature to the World. Retrieved from

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