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Phys Educ Vol 14 1979 Prlnted In Great Br#ialn

acting between charges
between bodies.

The discovery of Further doubt was thrown on Maxwell’s statement

by Erik Edlund, Professor of Physics at the Swedish

the Ha// effect Royal Academy of Sciences, in an article, which Hall

read, on ‘Unipolarinduction’(Edlund 1878). This
term was used to denotea category of induction
phenomena defined by Edlund as ‘Induction due tothe
circumstance that the conductor moves in regard to
the magnet without the distance from the poles of the
latter to the different points of the conductor
necessarily varying, and withoutaugmentation or
G S LEADSTONE diminution of the magnetic moment’. Several experi-
Physics Department, Atlantic College, mental arrangements illustrating phenomena of this
South Wales type were discussed in Edlund’s paper and it was clear
to Hall that the assumption made was that, in a fixed
conductor, amagnet acts upon the current. Finding
that Edlund manifestly disagreed with Maxwell, Hall
On 28 October 1879, just one week before the death naturally enough turned to Rowland.
of James Clerk Maxwell, Edwin Herbert Hall obtained He found that not only did Rowland disagree with
the first positive indications of the effect which now Maxwell, but he had already attempted to detect some
bears his name. Havinggraduatedfrom Bowdoin action of a magnet on the current flowing in a fixed
College, Hall entered the graduate school of the Johns conductor. He had not been successful$, but his mind
Hopkins University in Baltimore in 1877 tostudy was far from closed on the subject, and he gave his
physics under Henry Rowland, newly appointed to the approvalto Hall’s plan to investigate the matter
chair of physics.Reading Maxwell’s Electricity and further. Thus began the series of investigations which
Magnetism (Maxwell 1873) in connection with finally led to Hall’s discovery and became the subject
Professor Rowland’s lectures,Hall cameacrossthe of his P h D dissertation, which was entitled ‘Onthe
statement: new action of magnetism on apermanent electric
‘It must be carefully remembered that the current’.
mechanical force which urges a conductor carrying a
current across the lines of magnetic force acts, not on New action
the electric current, but on the conductor which The ‘new action’ referred to (Hall 1879, 1880) was the
carries it. If the conductor be a rotating disc or a fluid, appearance of atransversepotential difference in a
it will move in obedience to this force; and this motion conductor, fixed in position with respect to a steady
may or may not be accompanied with a change of magnetic field applied at right angles to the current
position of the electric current which it carries. But if flowing in the conductor. This ‘Hall voltage’, as it is
the current itself be free to choose any path througha now called, is perpendicular to both the current and
fured solid conductor or a network of wires then, when the applied field. As ithappened Rowland, in his
a constant magnetic force is madetoact on the unsuccessful experiment, had used anarrangement
system, the path of the current through the conductors almost identical to thatultimately used successfully by
is not permanently altered, but after certain transient Hall. Furthermore, Wiedemann, in a standard work
phenomena, called induction currents, have subsided, (Wiedemann 1872), had described an experiment
the distribution of the current will be found to be the using a similar arrangement, specifically conceived as
same asif no magnetic force were in action’. a demonstration that the effect did not exist! It is not
Hallregardedthis claim as ‘contrary to themost surprising
therefore that, after
discussion with
natural supposition’ (Hall 1879) and his reasons may Rowland,a different line of attack was initially
be summarised as follows: adopted by Hall.This was based on the following
(1) A force is exerted only by virtue of there being a reflection (Hall 1879):
current flowing in the conductor. ‘If the current of electricity in a fixed conductor is
(2) The magnitude of the force is directly propor- itself attracted by amagnet, thecurrent should be
tional to thestrength of thecurrent,the size? and drawntoone side of the wire, and thereforethe
material of the conductor being ‘matters of resistance experienced should be increased’.
(3) In electrostaticsthefundamentalforces were $ This was specifically stated by Hall in his original paper
(Hall 1879). However,inaletter totheIrishphysicist
Fitzgerald written 15 years later, Rowland stated ‘. . . I had
t By ‘size’ Hall presumably meant dimensions other than alreadyobtainedtheHall effect onasmallscalebeforeI
the length, suchas the diameterof a wire. made Mr Hall try i t . . .’.
Ed\vin Herbert Hall 1855-1938. This photograph was Henry Ausustus Rowland 1848-1901. Elected to the
taken more than 40 years after Hall, as a young chair of physics at the Johns Hopkins University just
graduate of 24, discovered the ‘new action of the two years before Hall’s arrival, Rowland played a
magnet on electric currents’. (Courtesy the Ferdinand crucial role in the discovery of the Hall effect.
Hamburger JrArchives of the JohnsHopkins (Courtesy the Ferdinand Hamburger JrArchives of
University) the Johns HopkinsUniversity)

In his first two published accounts (1879,1880) attracting pole pieces of the electromagnet.
Hall describes two experimental variations on this The other variation of this type of experiment was
theme. In one the conductor was madefrom German- suggested by Rowland. This was topass acurrent
silver wire about 0.5 mmin diameter. The wire was radially from the centre to the periphery of a disc of
first drawn through a triangular die in order togive it a gold leaf and onceagain to apply a magnetic field
cross section of this shape. Hall’s idea was that the perpendicular to the plane of the disc. It was thought
sought for increase in resistance would be enhanced if that this would distort the lines of current flow from
the current could be squeezed into one of the vertices. radii into spiral arcs and hence cause an increase in
The wire was then wound into aflat spiral, sand- the resistance. The outcome was again negative and it
wiched between two discs of hard rubber, and placed was decided to abandon this line of investigation and
between the poles of an electromagnet so that thelines revert to theform of apparatus used previously by
of magnetic flux would pass through the spiral at right Rowland. Hall ( 1 879) takes upthe story:
angles to its plane and hence to the current. Making ‘But though conclusive, apparently, in respect to
the spiral one arm of a Wheatstone bridge and using a any change of resistance, the above experiments are
low-resistance Thomson galvanometer, Hall achieved not sufficient to prove that a magnet cannot affect an
a sensitivity such that he coulddetectachange of electric current. If electricity is assumed to be an
resistance of one part in a million. Using a flux density incompressible fluid, as some suspect it to be, we may
-0.3 T, no consistent effect of a significant magnitude conceive that the current of electricity flowing in a
was observed during 13 series of observations of 4 0 wire cannot be forced into one side of the wire or
readingseachmade between 7-1 1 October 1879. made to flow in any but a symmetrical manner. The
Earlier in the year there had been some evidence of an magnet may tend to deflect the current without being
increase in resistance but this was of such a nature able to do so. It is evident. however, that in this case
that Hall had suspected some kind of thermal effect. there would exist a state of stress in the conductor, the
Eventually he traced it to the mechanical stress set up electricity pressing, as it were, toward one side of the
in the wire by its being squeezed between the wire. Reasoning thus, I thought it necessary, in order

galvanometer needle, or to any similar cause. It was,
moreover, a permanent deflexion, and therefore not to
be accounted for by induction. The effect was reversed
when the magnet was reversed. It was not reversed by
transferring the poles of the galvanometer from one
end of the strip to the other. In short, the phenomena
observed were just such as we should expect to see if
the electric current were pressed,but not moved,
toward oneside of the conductor'.
The suggestion of Rowland regarding gold leaf thus
turned out to be crucial and this, not because of any
special property of gold, but because of thegreat
increase in current density brought about by using a
very thin specimen. Rowland had formerly used plates
of copper and brass, necessarilymuchthicker than
Figure 1 Specimen mounting used by Hall in his early
gold leaf.
measurements of the transverse potential difference set
up in a fured current carrying conductorsubjected to a
transverse magnetic field. gggg represents the plate of Further experiments
glass upon which the specimen, in the formof a metal
strip mmmm,is mounted. Contact with this strip is A few weeks later, on 12 November 1879, Hall made
made at the ends by the twothick blocks of brass bb, a series of measurements onthe gold leaf using
which are held firmly in place by the four brass clamps different values of the current through the leaf and of
worked by means of the screws SSSS. The main the transverse magnetic field. He found a reasonably
current of electricity enters andleaves the metal strip constant value for the ratio
by means of the binding screws ee. Running out from Current throughgold leaf X strength of magnetic
the middle of the strip are two projections which make fieldlcurrent through Thomsongalvanometer
contact with the clampsCC, worked by the screws SS.
From thescrews ii wires lead to the Thomson In modern notation this is equivalent to the statement
galvanometer. (The diagramis about half actual size VH a B1 where V, is the Hall voltage, B is the flux
and is based on Hall 1880) density of the applied field and Z is the current through
the specimen. Inthe following yearHall(1880)
published results of measurementsmade on gold,
to make a thorough investigation of the matter, totest silver, iron, platinum, nickel and tin, all made using the
for a difference of potential between points on arrangement shown in figure 1. This is the familiar
opposite sides of the conductor. version of today, with the exception of the potential
'This could be doneby repeating the experiment divider which is incorporatedto enable two equi-
formerly made by Professor Rowland, and which was potential points to be established when the current is
the following: a disc or strip of metal, forming part of flowing, but in the absence of the magnetic field. Hall's
an electric circuit, was placed between the poles of an own method of solving this problem was original and
electromagnet, the disccutting acrossthe lines of basic. With reference to figure 1 he wrote (Hall 1880)
force. The two poles of a sensitive galvanometer were 'The projections from the metal strip . . . make the
then placed in connexion with different parts of the apparatus very easy to adjust,for by scraping off little
disc, through which an electric current was passing, particles from the prbper part of the projections, while
until two nearly equipotential points were found. The the current is allowed to run through the metal strip,
magnet current was then turned on and the galvano- the current through the Thomson galvanometer may
meter was observed, in order to detect any indication be reduced to the extent desired'.
of a change in the relative potential of the twopoles. In relating measurements made on different speci-
'Owing tothefactthatthe metaldisc used had mens Hall's greatestproblem, interestingly enough,
considerablethickness,theexperiment atthat time was not associated with the sensitive electrical
failed to give any positive result. Professor Rowland measurements, but with the determination of a reliable
now advised me, in repeating this experiment, to use value for the effective thickness of the specimen in
gold leaf mounted on a plate of glass as my metal each case. He had hoped to find a universal constant
strip. I did so, and, experimenting as indicated above, expressing the magnitude of his new effect for all
succeeded on 28 October in obtaining, as the effect of specimens, irrespective of dimensions and material.
the magnet's action, a decided deflexion of the The nearest he came to this was to show that, for a
galvanometer needle. given metal (using modem notation),
'This deflexion was much too large to be attributed BJbI V , constant
to thedirectactionof the magnetic field onthe

where J is the current density in the specimen, b is its
breadth and B and V , areas before. On the
elementaryclassical theory of theHall effect for a
single carriersystem
the significance of Hall’s
constant is easily shownt to be ne, where n isthe
numberdensity of chargecarriersand e is the
electroniccharge.Hall used the reciprocal of this
quantity, now termed the Hall coefficient R,, as repre-
sentative of themagnitude of the effect in different
metals. He subsequently realised that it could not be
expected to havethe same value for all metals,
because of the nature of the quantity J, the current
density. As he put it (Hall 1889)
‘We must, however, think of a metal as not strictly
continuous, but consisting of metallic particles more
or less compactly aggregated in the space occupied by
Figure 2 Modified form of apparatus used by Hall to
thebody as a whole. Evidently,therefore,the cross
allow rotation of the specimen about its long axis. This
section effective in conduction would vary in different
enabled him to test for a potentialdifference in a
conductors of the same nominal cross section’.
direction parallel to theapplied magnetic field. (After
And with prophetic insight he continued
Hall 1880)
‘It can hardly be doubted that the action we have
been considering, placing at our command, as it does,
a new point of view from which to study the interior
workings of the substance examined, is destined to
teach us agooddeal in regard tothe molecular
structure of bodies, while helping us toward an under-
standing of thephysical nature of electricity and
In the same paper (Hall 1880) in which he placed
his new effect on a firm quantitative basis, Hall also
describes several associated
prompted by Rowland as result
of theoretical
speculations of various kinds. The first of these is
l / D
illustrated in figure 2. The specimen is made narrower Figure 3 Hall’s search for his effect in dielectrics. A
than in figure 1 and the side projections (not shown) glass plate was drilled and fitted with brass plugs to
are much shorter. With the specimen in the position allow connections to be made toa source of high
indicated by the full lines, Hall obtained the expected voltage (wires A and B) and a charge detector (wires
transverse voltage. When rotatedinto the position C and D). The magnetic field was directed
shown by the dotted lines, however, the effect disap- perpendicular to thelarge facesof the plate
peared. Hehadthus established that no potential
difference is set up in a direction parallel to the applied Faraday effect (the rotation of the plane of polar-
magnetic field. isation of light by a magnetic field applied parallel to
the direction of propagation), thus providing a most
Early responses important link between electromagnetism and light, as
Hall’s announcement of his discoverywas quickly required by Maxwell’s theory.It onlyremained to
followed by a paper from Rowland (1879) in which he show that the Hall effect existed in dielectric as well as
suggested a rotational interpretation of the Hall effect. metallic substances. In response to this, Hall investi-
Hall’s transverse e.m.f., when compounded with the gated a piece of plate glass, drilled with four holes, as
primarylongitudinal e.m.f., could be regardedas shown in figure 3. Brass plugs were cemented into
rotating thecurrent vector slightly. This seemed to each hole and leading outfromeach plug was an
Rowland to pave the way for an explanation of the insulated wire. One pair of opposite wires, A and B,
was connected to theinner and outer coatings of a
battery of Leyden jars, and the other pair, C and D,
t Accordingto this theory the transverse voltage is was
connected to a quadrant electrometer. On
developed until the transverse electric field associated with applyingamagnetic field perpendicular to thelarge
this exerts a force on each charge carrier which is equal and
opposite to that exerted on it by the applied magnetic field. faces of the glass plate, no significant deflection of the
Thus Bel7 = eV,/b where iiis the mean drift velocity, given electrometer was obtained. Hall cautiously concluded
byT= Jlne.HenceBJIn = e V H / b o r B J b / V H = n e . (Hall 1880)

‘. theequipotential lines in thecase ofstatic Table 1 Measurements of the Hall coeflcient R Hfor
induction in glass, if affected at all by the magnet, are various metals, presented to the British Association
affected much less than the equipotential lines in the f o r the Advancement of Science at the York meeting
case of a current in iron; but we cannot say that any of 1881 (Hall l88lb). For comparison modern values
such possible actioninglass has been shown to be are given for the nonferromagnetic metals (Condon
smaller thanthe analogousaction in the case of a and Odishaw 1958)
current in tin’.
At all eventsRowland developed his rotational Metal values
Hall’s values of
theory(Rowland 1881)and in duecourse Hall ofRH/lO-”
Rn m’ C-’
(units not stated)
adopted the
term ‘rotational coefficient’ for the
Iron + 78
quantity EH/J where EH is the transverse electric field
Cobalt + 25
(Hopkinson 1880, Hall 188la).
Rowland’s theoretical speculations
also placed
Zinc + 15? +3.3
Lead No value listed +0.9
great emphasis on the direction of the Hall effect. Both Tin-0.4 -0.2?
men had expected the direction of the transverse e.m.f. Brass - 1.3?
-2.4 -2.4
to be the same as thatof the ordinary force exerted on Gold -6.8 - 1.2
a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field. It Silver
-8.4 -8.6
was, however, found to be in the reverse direction for Copper -IO? -5.5
the first two metals examined, gold and silver. Aluminium - 50? -3.0
Drawing further analogies with the Faraday effect, for Magnesium -50? -9.4
which there was evidence of opposite signs in
Nickel - 120
diamagnetic and ferromagnetic media (Rowland Note: Values denoted by (?)were regarded by Hall as
1879), Rowland urged Hall to investigateiron. As uncertain by anything up to 100%.
predicted, this showed a Hall effect of opposite sign to
that observed in gold and silver. This turned out to be attract eachother.
a false clue, however,for when nickel was investi- ‘It is, of course, perfectly well known thattwo
gated its sign was the same as gold and silver. Thus conductors, bearing currents parallel and in the same
theearlypromise of a dramatic confirmation of direction, are drawn toward each other. Whether this
Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory of light was not fact,taken in connection with whathas been said
realised. above, hasany bearingupon the question of the
On theotherhand,Hall fully realised that the absolute direction of the electric current, it is perhaps
constancy of the direction of his effect in most of the too early to decide’.
metals tested (five out of the first six) did have funda- Variousobjections were raised when Hallfirst
mental significance. Atthe time of his experiments announced his effect. In particular it was suggested
fluid theoriesof electricity were common, though it that a conducting strip, necessarily fured as in Hall‘s
wasnot known whether one or two fluids were apparatus, would be undermechanicalstrain as a
involved, and if the former which was the ‘absolute result of the force exerted on it by virtue of its being a
direction’. Once again his conclusions were tempered current carrying conductor. Heat would be generated
with caution. In the following passage (Hall 1879) the at the stress boundaries within the specimen and this
italics are Hall’s own would give rise to thermoelectric e.m.f.s of which
‘In regard tothe directionof this pressure or Hall’s transverse e.m.f. could be one manifestation.
tendency, as dependent on the direction of the current This cause was shown by Hall to be insignificant, by
in the gold leaf andthe direction of the lines of the simple expedient of using two similar strips of soft
magnetic force, the following statement may be made: steel (in which the magnitude of the effect was large),
if we regard an electric currentas a single stream each fixed to a plate of glassbut using different
flowing from the positive to the negative pole, i.e. from methods of attachment so that the strain patterns set
the carbon pole of the battery7 through the circuit to up would be different.
thezinc pole, in this case the phenomena observed
indicate that two currents, parallel and inthe same
direction,tend to repel each other. If, on theother British Association paper
hand, we regard the electric currentas a stream In the summer of 1881 Hall travelled in Europe and
flowing from the negative to the positive pole, in this made a number of further measurements in
casethe phenomenaobservedindicate thattwo Helmholtz’s laboratory in Berlin. He summarised all
currents, parallel and in the same direction, tend to his results in a paper read to the British Association at
its York meeting in the same year (Hall 1881b). These
t Hall is referring here to the Bunsen cell, using zinc and are presented in table 1 together with more recent
carbon electrodes. He used a battery of such cells to power
his electromagnet. Each cell had an e m f . of approximately values of the Hall coefficient. Hall placed the metals in
1.9 V. order of decreasing coefficient, with due regard to

sign. Although he claimed no absolute significance for relating to Edwin Hall and for access to the doctoral
his numerical values it appears from his 1880 paper dissertation of John David Miller. To this latter work
that the conversion factor to modem unitsshould the author is greatly indebted. He also wishes to
involve a simple power of 10, though one cannot be acknowledge the assistance givenby the Natural
certain about this. Suffice it to say that the correlation Philosophy Department in the University of Aberdeen
is convincing for those metals whichheclaimed to in obtaining many of the references.
have measured with reasonable accuracy. The ferro-
magnetic metals are a special case inviewof their
morecomplicatedbehaviourinmagneticfields, and References
values quoted by different observers vary widely. Bridgman P W 1939 Biog. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. 21 73-94
Modem values for these metals have therefore been Condon E U and Odishaw H (eds) 1958 Handbook of
omitted; Hall’s values are retainedforhistorical Physics 4-74 (New York: McGraw-Hill)
completeness. Edlund E 1878 Phil. Mag.( 5 ) 6 289-306
TheBritish Association paper was wellreceived, Hall E H 1879 A m . J. Math. 2 287-92 (republished in Phil.
and Kelvin said (Bridgman 1939) ‘The subject of the Mag. ( 5 ) 9 225-30)
communication isby far the greatest discovery that Hall E H 1880 A m . J. Sci. (3) 20 161-86 (republished in
Phil. Mag.( 5 ) 10 301-28)
has been made in respect to the electrical properties of
Hall E H 1881a Phil. Mag.(5) 12 157-72
metalssince the times of Faraday-a discovery
Hall E H 1881b Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Reports552-3
comparable with the greatest made by Faraday’. The
Hopkinson J 1880 Phil. Mag.(5) 10 430-1
seal of authenticity thus beiig placedon the Hall
Maxwell J C 1873 A Tkeatise on Electricity and Magnetism
effect, many investigators moved into the field. It was Vol. 2 (Oxford: Clarendon)
soon found that it is one of four transverse effects, the Miller J D 1970 ‘Rowland and his electromagnetic
others nowbeingknownby the names of Ettings- researches’ ch. IX Doctoraldissertation Oregon State
hausen, Nernst and Righi-Leduc. Hall himselfdevoted University
a great deal of effort to the accurate determination of Rowland H A 1879 A m . J. Math. 2 354-6
the coefficients associated withall foureffects. The Rowland H A 1881 Phil. Mag.( 5 ) 11 254-61
delicacy of the measurements involved is indicated by Wiedemann G H 1872 Die Lehre vom Galvanismus und
the fact that one of the sources of error which Hall Elektromagnetismus nebst technischen Anwendungen
had to consider and eliminate in hislast apparatus was (Brunswick 2nd edn)
due to convection currents in the air created by the
magnetic field as a result of the slight paramagnetism
of oxygen. As Bridgman (1939) records ‘The daunt-
lessness ofhis experimental attack on this problem
was characteristic of the man’.
Ofhimself Hall wrote‘I am insome respects
distinctly handicapped in all my scientific endeavours,
being unskilful of hand and slow of apprehension. On
the other hand, I amverypersistent, and fond of
wrestling with a difficultprobleminmyownslow
way; any success I mayhave attained is to be
Kent lectures
The Institute of Physics (Kent area) and the Kent
attributed to these two qualities’. Physics Centre are organising a number ofevening
The other factors involved in the discovery of the lectures in thecoming months. Amongthese are
Hall effect are succinctly identified by Miller (1970). ‘Physics,
science’ (9 October,
‘By going to Johns Hopkins University in 1877 Edwin speaker Dr J M Warren, Brunel University), ‘Nearly
Herbert Hall found two expedients for carrying out 50 years in the cold’(25 October, reviewoflow
physical research which were uncommon in American temperature physics by Professor D Schoenberg,
universities: he gained access to instruments of Cavendish Laboratory), ‘TheVoyagermission’ (13
precision and to the counsel of Henry Rowland‘. November, Dr G F .Hunt, University College
It isnotaltogetherfrivolous to point out the London),‘Colour isfun’ (4 December, Dr A W S
appropriateness of denoting the Hall coefficient bythe Tarrant, University of Surrey) and ‘Somehistorical
symbol R,. aspects of photobiology’ (6 December, Professor I A
Magnus, Institute of Dermatology). All lectures will be
held at the Physics Laboratory, University of Kent at
Acknowledgments Canterbury, at 19.30.
The author wishes to acknowledge the very ready Further detailsmay be obtained from Dr C I
assistance given by the Johns Hopkins University, in Isenberg, Physics Laboratory, University of Kent at
particular the Special Collections Department of the Canterbury, Canterbury CT2 7NR (tel. 0227 66822
Milton S Eisenhower Library for general information ext. 293).


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