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Running head: MANAGEMENT

Assignment name-Group case study project 1

Name of the Student- Amandeep kaur

Student Id- 7911519

Teacher name-Melanie

Name of the university- University of Manitoba

Winnipeg Community Centre (WCC) which started back in 1980 has no doubt come a

long way serving the social needs of the people of the Winnipeg community. However in all

these years of successful operation the network of WCC has also expanded quite fast and

today it has its presence in 14 locations spread across the city of Winnipeg and the operation

is divided into four regions headed by regional managers along with staffs, program

coordinators and employees. The funding of the activities of WCC is managed by Winnipeg

Community Building Foundation.

Problem statement:

The primary area of problem that can be analysed from the referred case study is:

Organizational shortcomings that are affecting the quality of service of WCC. This is

affecting the quality of service of WCC along with its reputation in the society. The internal

shortcomings in the functioning of WCC is making the leaders question the overall

coordination of the teams present in different regions (Latif & Williams, 2017) and how the

age old functioning process needs a change owing to the changing circumstances,

expectations and demands of the society. The increasing rift amongst staff is a very big

reason for the declining quality of service that WCC is currently extending

Key players and the present conflict:

The key players in this scenario are the regional or area managers, the programme

coordinators, the employees along with the senior management. It also includes the

community people for whom WCC design the programs. The significant issues that can be

identified from the round table meeting where all the regional managers participated includes

the internal management of each team where some regions are facing serious issues owing to

culturally diverse team where language barrier is the concern (Luthans, K.W.2015).

Moreover, there is significant Lack of coordination among the managers and team employees
where the communication is not open and direct which is again affecting the work culture.

Employee participation is not equal. There are significant behavioural issues within the teams

that are restricting smooth functioning of the activities (Yoerger, Crowe & Allen, 2015). As

mentioned by the regional manager of South, Keri Waters feel that the organization has not

been able to keep pace with the changing needs of the society and the employees working as

a team are not well coordinate to support each other. This is altogether hampering the positive

spirit with which WCC had begun its journey

Along with this in some regions the community is quite large however, the resources that are

allocated for WCC activities are not adequate. Again in few areas the problem is people’s

participation where the current activities are falling short of meeting the expectation of the

community people; hence this has lowered the participation rate (Rogiest, Segers & van

Witteloostuijn, 2015). This has been a persistent problem that has been identified by Keri as

well as Dale as they feel that the age old sports activity programs that was initially started by

WCC needs modification to suit the demands of this day society and expect people to

participate. The responses are low owing to the fact that people are not finding it interesting

enough which is big matter of concern.

Leadership styles:

Addressing these issues it is very well understood that leadership has an important role to

play as it is the leader’s vision and attitude that is carried forward by the team members.

Thus, it is seen that while Calvin the manager of North Region who manages the largest team

ensures to have one-on-one discussion with all his employees where as Keri who has the least

team member does not have good team coordination (Rodrigues & Ferreira, 2015).

Strategic Solutions:
Hence, in addressing these issues the first and foremost important strategy that needs to be

implemented by WCC leaders is emphasising of diversity and cross-culture training of all the

managers and staffs. This is very necessary to broaden the flexibility of the employees to

accept the new and open their perspectives. This will automatically build team coordination.

Apart from this it is also necessary to have specific activity plan for specific regions because

a fit-for-all approach is not suitable for the present demands of the clients (Lindsey, et al.

2015). This might be a little more expensive for WCC but it is important to increase the

participation rate. The activities or programs that are been planned by WCC should be in

accordance with the society that it caters to. For example, where women participation needs

to be increased, WCC can host small cookery classes or game shows, for active participation

of the old and aged people WCC can come up with some healthy exercising ideas like

arranging a laughing club session or light exercises or morning jogging sessions.

This kind of versatility training has to be initiated by the president and upper management of

CC which will then proliferate to the regional managers and then be implemented for each

regional team


Ghobadi, S., & Mathiassen, L. (2016). Perceived barriers to effective knowledge sharing in

agile software teams. Information systems journal, 26(2), 95-125.

Latif, K. F., & Williams, N. (2017). Team effectiveness in non-governmental organizations

(NGOs) projects. Evaluation and program planning, 64, 20-32.

Lindsey, A., King, E., Hebl, M., & Levine, N. (2015). The impact of method, motivation, and

empathy on diversity training effectiveness. Journal of Business and

Psychology, 30(3), 605-617.

Luthans, F., Luthans, B. C., and Luthans, K. W. (2015). Organizational Behavior: an

Evidence-Based Approach, 13th ed. Chapel Hill, NC: Information Age Publishing,


Rodrigues, A. D. O., & Ferreira, M. C. (2015). The impact of transactional and

transformational leadership style on organizational citizenship behaviors. Psico-USF, 20(3),


Rogiest, S., Segers, J., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2015). Climate, communication and

participation impacting commitment to change. Journal of Organizational Change


Yoerger, M., Crowe, J., & Allen, J. A. (2015). Participate or else!: The effect of participation

in decision-making in meetings on employee engagement. Consulting Psychology

Journal: Practice and Research, 67(1), 65.

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