Don't Worry:, She Always Knew That Something Was Wrong

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At the back of her mind, she always knew that something was wrong
with her body.
2. I’m in two minds about accepting this job.
3. That incident brought to my mind a strange experience I had years ago.
4. She had decided to go out but later she changed her mind.
5. No matter how hard I try, I can’t get him out of my mind.
6. When you speak to Lee, bear in mind he’s still pretty upset about what happened.?
7. I can’t make up my mind whether to accept the job or not.
8. When they asked for my comments on the issue, my mind went
completely blank.
9. She is a very open-minded person. Always understands what I mean.
10. The shop's shut, but never mind, we can come back tomorrow.
11. Don't drive so fast, Tom! Are you out of your mind?!
12. ‘Who were you with last night?’ ‘Mind your own business.’
13. I had really low expectations for that movie, but it totally blew my mind.
14. Having money in my savings account just gives me peace of mind.
15. Having a night out to talk over my problem with my close friend helped me get a load off my mind

1. Never mind Don’t worry

2. At the back of your mind you are not thinking about it right now but you know that it is
3. To be in two minds you have difficulty in making a decision.
4. Bring something to my mind reminded you of some experience/remind smb of smt
5. change your mind to change your decision or opinion.
6. Get out of somebody’s mind To stop thinking about him/her.
7. Bear in mind to remember to consider something
8. make up somebody’s mind to make a decision.
9. open-minded willing to consider new ideas
10. Someone’s mind goes blank unable to think anything.
11. Mind your own business telling someone rudely that you are not going to tell them
about something because it does not affect or involve them
(none of your business)
12. Out of mind To be silly and do not see or hear about something, you do not
think about it
13. blow (one's) mind To extremely impress, overwhelm, or excite one.
14. peace of mind A calm, untroubled emotional state.
15. Load/weight off (one's) mind no longer having a particular problem/ relief
1. ……………………………….., she knew he was lying.
2. The shop’s shut, but …………………………, we can come back tomorrow.
3. I saw his performance on stage and it just ……………………………………..
4. With this type of insurance, you’ll have ………………………………………....
5. When I am at the exams, my ……………………………………………………...
6. I'd go ……………………………………… if I had to do her job all day!
7. I'm so relieved that I don't have to make a speech - it's such a …………………………………….!
8. I can’t ………………………………………………. whether to go or not.
9. Travis was about to say something, then ………………………………..
10. Doctors these days tend to be more …………………………………. about alternative medicine.

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