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Wordlist 7

Word/phrase Meaning Example

Ambitious (adj) having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich an ambitious young lawyer
Authoritative (adj) showing that you are confident, in control, and expect She has an authoritative manner that at
to be respected and obeyed times is almost arrogant.
Conscientious (adj) feeling a moral responsibility to do your work carefully She was a conscientious worker, and I’ll
and to be fair to others miss her.
Creative (adj) producing or using original and unusual ideas: a creative
Diplomatic (adj) involving diplomats or the management of the diplomatic negotiations
relationships between countries
Knowledgeable (adj) knowing a lot: He's very knowledgeable about German
Objective (adj) based on real facts and not influenced by personal an objective and impartial report
beliefs or feelings
practical (adj) relating to experience, real situations, or actions rather Qualifications are important but practical
than ideas or imagination experience is always a plus.
Resourceful (adj) skilled at solving problems and making decisions on She's a very resourceful manager.
your owna
incidental less important than the thing something is connected Try not to be distracted by incidental details
with or part of
Delegate (n/v) to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else As a boss you have to delegate
so that they do it for you (responsibilities to your staff).
Offload (v) to get rid of something that you do not want by giving it I managed to offload some of our old
to someone else: furniture onto a friend who just bought a
Prone to (v) likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular I've always been prone to headaches.
negative characteristic
Discerning (adj) showing good judgment, especially about style and a discerning customer
Avert (v) to prevent something bad from happening: to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine

Friction (n) disagreement or unfriendliness caused by people having There's a lot of friction between my wife
different opinions and my mother.
Indecisive (adj) the state of being unable to make a choice: A moment's indecision when you've got the
ball and you could lose the game.
The crunch situation (n) a difficult situation that forces you to make a decision The crunch came when she was forced to
or do something: choose between her marriage and her
Painstaking (adj) extremely careful and correct, and involving a lot of It took months of painstaking research to
effort: write the book.

Unduly (adv) more than is necessary, acceptable, or reasonable: The court said the state law placed an undue
burden on working mothers.
Adjourn (v) to have a pause or rest during a formal meeting or trial: The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday.
Get on (with) get on with (someone) I've always gotten on with Amanda
To have a pleasant relationship with someone; to be
friends with someone.
Fall out (with) to argue with someone and stop being friendly with He left home after falling out with his
them: parents.

Get down to to start to direct your efforts and attention towards I've got a lot of work to do, but I can't seem
something: to get down to it.

Put up (with) to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation I can put up with the house being messy,
or experience, or someone who behaves unpleasantly: but I hate it if it's not clean.

1. Never mind Don’t worry

2. At the back of your mind you are not thinking about it right now but you know that it is true.
3. To be in two minds you have difficulty in making a decision.
4. Bring something to my reminded you of some experience/remind smb of smt

5. change your mind to change your decision or opinion.
6. Get out of somebody’s To stop thinking about him/her.
7. Bear in mind to remember to consider something
8. make up somebody’s to make a decision.

9. open-minded willing to consider new ideas
10.Someone’s mind goes unable to think anything.
11.Mind your own business telling someone rudely that you are not going to tell them about something because it
does not affect or involve them
(none of your business)
12.Out of mind To be silly and do not see or hear about something, you do not think about it
13.blow (one's) mind To extremely impress, overwhelm, or excite one.
14.peace of mind A calm, untroubled emotional state.
15.Load/weight off (one's) no longer having a particular problem/ relief
16.Keep an open mind to wait until you know all the facts before forming an opinion or making a decision about

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