Essay 1: Leadership and Influence

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Essay 1: Leadership and Influence

“Chevening is looking for individuals who will be future leaders or
influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this
requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and
influencing skills to support your answer.”

It is increasingly becoming a well-known fact that ‘influence is the new

currency for success.’ This is especially true in this new social media era

where several careers have taken off on the strength of social media influence

alone, and a number of political careers have been elevated through the

power and ubiquity of social media. Former American President Barack

Obama, who used the Internet to orchestrate an unprecedented political

campaign mainly using social media, is a prime example. As such, I am well

aware that influence and leadership are intertwined, where one cannot exist

without the other.

Amassing influence is therefore, in my opinion, the surest way of achieving

one’s leadership goals because, essentially, people can only be motivated to

follow a person who possesses some degree of influence. It is with this

knowledge in mind that I have therefore endeavoured to build my influence

over the years in order to develop into a leader within both my profession and

my community. This has seen me take on various leadership responsibilities

in school, at work, and in the community.

In high school, I held two main leadership responsibilities— I was both the

Head Girl and Netball Captain at Kereri Girls High School. Being a Head Girl

is the highest leadership position one can attain as a secondary school

student, and as you can well imagine, with it came a lot of weighty

responsibilities. I was the overall leader of all prefects in the school and had to

carefully use my influence to guide them towards exercising thoughtful and

balanced leadership over the rest of the students. As the Netball Captain, I

had to motivate my teammates towards achieving success in the various

national and provincial competitions we would take part in. Even at the

university, I found myself in a leadership role where I was tasked with heading

the Fourth Year University Project Group.

Professionally, I have consistently exercised my leadership skills throughout

my career. As the Branch Operations Supervisor at NIC Bank, I oversaw teller

operations, back office and customer service operations, and guided staff

accordingly. In fact, in recognition of my leadership capabilities, I was

rewarded with the ‘NIC Bank Branch Forex Champion’ award. These

leadership roles have continued as I progress in my career at NIC and

currently, I chair the NIC Securities Limited Welfare Committee.

Within the community, however, is where I have most enjoyed exerting my

influence as a leader because it has helped me to contribute towards the

betterment of society in my own little way. I am a Mentor at Nyabururu Girls

High School, Kereri Girls High School, and the Equity Bank Wings to Fly

Program. As a mentor, I have been able to guide young people in terms of

professional and academic mentoring, as well as financial support especially

with respect to sanitary towels and other school items. In addition, I currently

work with the Uthiru Area Chief to support disadvantaged families by donating

clothes, food, and some financial support.


Essay 2: Networking
“Chevening is looking for individuals with strong professional
relationship-building skills, who will engage with the Chevening
community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession.
Please explain how you build and maintain relationships in a
professional capacity, using clear examples of how you currently do
this, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future.”

I believe that building a strong network is crucial for professional success,

regardless of the career that one is in. From my own personal experience, I

have come to discover that a strong and expansive network is invaluable as it

provides you with insight into different trends in the professional world, in

addition to giving you access to insider information on job vacancies.

Moreover, there is so much one can learn just by interacting with people in

different fields. I, for one, have learnt so much from medical professionals that

I have networked with, knowledge that has allowed to me to better take care

of my health by way of new nutritional choices I have made as well as

preventative measures I have adopted against potential lifestyle diseases

such as diabetes. After all, knowledge is power and one of the best ways of

gaining knowledge is simply by interacting with people who are more

knowledgeable than you.

Social media networking has personally proven to be one of the most effective

ways of building and maintaining relationships. I read somewhere that ‘Social

networks represent the digital reflection of what humans do: we connect and

share.’ This is undeniable, since social media has become the new way of

forging relationships and sharing information. Personally, I love social media

because I feel like it's the first step towards discovering professionals in the

fastest, most convenient, and affordable way. LinkedIn, in particular, has been

such an indispensible platform that has allowed me to connect with

professionals from my field and other professions as well. Understanding how

the LinkedIn algorithm works and how to use SEO in LinkedIn has been

priceless in helping me to build incredibly valuable connections with

professionals within and outside of my field from all over the world. I am very

proactive on LinkedIn, making sure to comment on posts or responding to

comments on my own posts, ensuring that I add value as much as I can.

When I finally get to meet these connections in person, it is so much easier for

me to pick up from our online conversations and make reference to my

previous communications with them.

Even Facebook has been a great networking platform for me. Despite its

reputation as being strictly for social engagements, I have discovered that

there are a number of Facebook groups that are very professional and they

have provided me with the opportunity to meet new professionals and learn

new things. I have also had the pleasure of adding value and gaining from

others as well.

Other than social media, I do also enjoy face-to-face networking events. The

NIC Bank End Year Party, for example, has been a great avenue where I

have been fortunate enough to create and nurture lasting relationships.

During this party, I have made concerted efforts to meet colleagues that I

rarely get to engage with during the year and even learn of various

happenings in the company that I otherwise would not have been privy to.

Essay 3: Studying in the UK

“Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses,
and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional
experience and your plans for the future. Please do not duplicate the
information you have entered on the work experience and education
section of this form.”

For my master’s degree course, I have a keen interest in specialising in

Financial Economics and seek to pursue it in the UK at the University of

Manchester, the University of Kent, or the University of Glasgow. My decision

to zero in on Financial Economics as opposed to any other course has been

underpinned by my long-term career goal, which is to rise through the

professional ranks to eventually become the Chief Financial Economist in the

National Treasury (Kenya). I am acutely aware that such a senior and

important position will require expert-level knowledge and advanced

understanding of financial analysis, planning and strategy, international and

bilateral trade, investment policy, micro and macro-economic trends, global,

regional, and sectoral developments, international business development,

negotiating international agreements, trade litigation, and the production and

distribution of goods and services. It additionally requires the ability to collect

and process economical and statistical data, in addition to carrying out trade

and economic research and high-level analysis using different sampling and

econometric methods, hence my desire to become an expert in Financial


Evidently, a rigorous course that equips me with the above knowledge and

practical skills, and more, will therefore be critical. From my extensive

research, all the three universities I have chosen offer very high quality

training in Financial Economics and I am confident that any of the three

universities are well equipped to help me advance my knowledge in this area.

The University of Manchester, in particular, stands out to me because it has

been ranked at sixth place in the UK in the 2019 Academic Ranking of World

Universities. It also offers a wide array of facilities and resources, plus

numerous societies at the university, which will provide me with excellent

opportunities for networking and exchanging great ideas.

Moreover, the Financial Economics course ties in perfectly with my current

educational background and professional experience. I possess a Bachelor of

Science in Actuarial Science from the University of Nairobi, and CISI Level 1

and Level 2 professional qualifications. Given my existing grasp of finance

and economics, I will be able to cope with the challenges of the course with

relative ease. As far as my work experience is concerned, I presently work as

an Equities and Fixed Income Trader at NIC Securities Ltd. Before this

position, I had worked as the Operations Assistant/ Supervisor at NIC Bank

Kenya, the Relationship Officer (Operations) at Equity Bank Limited, the

Acting Supervisor (Operations) at Equity Bank Limited, and the Relationship

Officer (Operations) at Equity Bank Limited, respectively. These professional

experiences perfectly lend themselves to the field of Financial Economics,

and I have no doubt that I will be able to draw on my considerable hands-on

experience in both Finance and Economics to handle the course’s

requirements. My work and education are essentially going to serve as a

natural progression into a Financial Economics career path.


Essay 4: Career Plan

“Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study
career plan. Please outline your immediate plans upon returning home
and your longer-term career goals. You may wish to consider how these
relate to what the UK government is doing in your country.”

I intend to put the new skills and knowledge I will have acquired from my

education in the UK into good use in Kenya. Therefore, my immediate short-

term career goal as soon as I return to the country will be to use my new

qualifications to search for a job that is commensurate with my master’s

degree course. The position I already have in mind is that of a Personal

Financial Advisor as it is a financial/economics advisory role, a role that I am

very interested in. I will also seek a job as a Financial Analyst, Budget

Analyst, Management Analyst, and any other related job. I anticipate that

getting my first job after returning home will not be too difficult given my

existing professional experience and the master’s degree I will have obtained.

Moreover, since I have already built excellent relationships at NIC Bank, it will

be the first place that I seek employment from. In whatever new job I will have

secured, I will be able to put into practice everything I will have learnt in the


My medium-term career goal is to establish a consultancy company where I

will be providing expert advice on all things business, finance, accounting, and

economics. This will present an admittedly daunting yet rewarding challenge

to me as it will be the first time I will be stepping out of formal employment into

running my own business. This I plan to venture into after about 5 years of

employment. By this time, I expect to have gained enough knowledge and

skills, and should have saved enough capital to sustain my business for at

least 1 year. This one year grace year period will allow me to roll up my

sleeves and build the necessary foundation for the business from the ground

up before it becomes profitable and sustainable on its own. I quite look

forward to this challenge.

I will give myself about 10 years in this capacity so as to develop my skills,

expertise, and also a strong network of professionals in the corporate world

and government before eventually applying for a senior position such as Chief

Financial Economist in the National Treasury. This is my ultimate long-term

career goal. By this point, I will be in a much better position to use all the

information I will have accrued from my education and work experience to

provide the requisite expert advice that the government and government

bodies need.

All of these plans coalesce with everything that the UK currently engages in in

Kenya. The UK has quite a healthy economic relationship with Kenya, even in

the face of Brexit. It continues to export goods from Kenya and make

significant investments into the country. For instance, in May 2019, the UK

government committed to funding various high impact projects across the

nation, investments that are worth KSh14.5 billion (approximately

£113,655,360). This came after a proposal for the establishment of a UK-

Kenya Economic Development Forum, which shall be meeting biannually.

Essay 3: Studying in the UK

Despite being among the top ten destinations for foreign direct investment in Africa and

initiating reforms that have led to economic growth since 2003, Kenya faces a high poverty

rate and a widening inequality gap. This is due to the lack of evidence-based policies,

corruption and political instability during elections. The fact that the number of

millionaires is expected to increase while the number of poor people is increasing in the

next decade should be a concern for any policymaker in the country. This has motivated

me to pursue a Master’s degree in International Development to gain knowledge and skills

on poverty reduction, development and addressing inequality. Though much of my career

has been in banking, my experience with poor rural communities as a parliamentary

candidate in the 2017 General Election makes my case to switch careers

The MSc Applied International Development offered at the University of Reading is my first

choice. The university is among the top twenty institutions in the United Kingdom by

research intensity and top thirty by research power which will develop my research

competencies to come up with effective evidence-based poverty reduction policies. I plan

to specialize in their Agriculture and Social Development pathway as this will be in line

with my goal of addressing poverty using agriculture In addition, the course is offered at

the Graduate Institute of International Development, Agriculture and Economics (GIIDAE)

where I can take electives in agriculture such as Agriculture Project Planning and

Management in Developing Countries taught by Dr. Chittur Srinivasan.

My second preferred course is MSc International Development: Poverty, Inequality and

Development offered at the University of Manchester. Apart from learning strategies and

policies being implemented to advance equality, development and reduce poverty, I will

also have a chance for a field trip to experience the global challenge of inequality in

another country as part of the course. Based on the 2018 World QS universities rankings

by subject, the university is rated 14th in the world and 3rd in the United Kingdom on

Development Studies.

My third choice is MSc International Development at the University of Edinburgh. The

course is appealing because apart from learning about the historical approaches of

international development and politics associated with the subject, there is a whole unit

on contemporary issues and organizations of importance to development policy and


practice. The university also offers an eight-week research-based project where one is

attached to an institution either in the United Kingdom or overseas with an option of

completing a research dissertation based on the fieldwork or print and library sources. This

will also provide practical experience to complement coursework. The University also has

beautiful classic buildings and surrounding scenery that would provide a perfect getaway

after lectures to refresh the mind

Overall studying in the UK will provide an opportunity to build collaborations to achieve

Kenyan Vision 2030 which aims to industrialize and transform the country into middle-

income status while ensuring high-quality life for her citizens

Essay 4: Career Plan

According to a 2017 report by Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, over 70% of

Kenya’s poor and hunger-stricken people live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for

their livelihoods. Growth in the agricultural sector has been estimated to be over ten times

more effective in reducing poverty compared to growth in other sectors in poor countries.

According to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the sector employs

over 40% of Kenya’s population. This could increase if more efforts are directed there and

this is why am seeking to build on my experience with rural poor communities to pursue a

career in International Development. This will impart me with knowledge and skills to

influence policies on poverty reduction through small-scale agriculture, rural development

and research.

In the short term, I see myself starting a community-based organization in Murang’a

County that will endeavour to transform agriculture into a viable businesses for rural

small-scale farmers. I will achieve this by seeking partnerships with the county

government and relevant social enterprises such as Juhudi Kilimo to increase smallholder

farms productivity, enhance marketing systems and offering business, safety standards

and technical skills training. These initiatives will turn small-scale farms to businesses, link

them to regional and global food chains and create job opportunities.

I plan to serve in the next Murang’a County Government as a County Executive Committee

Member in charge of Agriculture and Cooperatives. In this role, I will work with the County

Assembly to improve the reliability of water supply for irrigation for small-scale farmers,

build more wholesale market sheds, employ more extension officers, identify and invest in

first-mover crops and improve on feeder roads to support agriculture.

In the long-term, with experience and skills gained in the local government, I plan to serve

as Member of Parliament in the National Assembly, chairing the Agriculture, Trade and

Cooperatives Committee. In this role, I will build on my success with the County

Government to work closely with the Executive arm of government to spearhead

legislation to transform Kenya’s Agricultural sector to ensure food security and create

more jobs. I will lead negotiations with United Kingdom Multinationals such as Marks &

Spencer to increase their fair-trade products in Kenya and rope in more tea and coffee

factories in their supply chain. In addition, I will advocate for Diageo to replace imported

grains with local crops such as sorghum and cassava for their beers. This will promote

trade between Kenya and the United Kingdom, deepen our relations and create jobs in the

country. By following this career progression, it will be possible to make necessary

adjustments based on my experience and the prevailing circumstances.

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