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Define siesmic hazard and siesmic risk

A seismic hazard is the probability that an earthquake will occur in a given geographic area, within a
given window of time, and with ground motion intensity exceeding a given threshold.With a hazard thus
estimated, risk can be assessed and included in such areas as building codes for standard buildings,
designing larger buildings and infrastructure projects, land use planning and determining insurance
rates. The seismic hazard studies also may generate two standard measures of anticipated ground
motion, both confusingly abbreviated MCE; the simpler probabilistic Maximum Considered Earthquake
used in standard building codes, and the more detailed and deterministic Maximum Credible
Earthquake incorporated in the design of larger buildings and civil infrastructure like dams or bridges. It
is important to clarify which MCE is being discussed.

Surface motion map for a hypothetical earthquake on the northern portion of the Hayward Fault Zone
and its presumed northern extension, the Rodgers Creek Fault Zone

Calculations for determining seismic hazard were first formulated by C. Allin Cornell in 1968 and,
depending on their level of importance and use, can be quite complex.The regional geology and
seismology setting is first examined for sources and patterns of earthquake occurrence, both in depth
and at the surface from seismometer records; secondly, the impacts from these sources are assessed
relative to local geologic rock and soil types, slope angle and groundwater conditions. Zones of similar
potential earthquake shaking are thus determined and drawn on maps. The well known San Andreas
Fault is illustrated as a long narrow elliptical zone of greater potential motion, like many areas along
continental margins associated with the Pacific ring of fire. Zones of higher seismicity in the continental
interior may be the site for intraplate earthquakes) and tend to be drawn as broad areas, based on
historic records, like the 1812 New Madrid earthquake, since specific causative faults are generally not
identified as earthquake sources.

Each zone is given properties associated with source potential: how many earthquakes per year, the
maximum size of earthquakes (maximum magnitude), etc. Finally, the calculations require formulae that
give the required hazard indicators for a given earthquake size and distance. For example, some districts
prefer to use peak acceleration, others use peak velocity, and more sophisticated uses require response
spectral ordinates.

The computer program then integrates over all the zones and produces probability curves for the key
ground motion parameter. The final result gives a ‘chance’ of exceeding a given value over a specified
amount of time. Standard building codes for homeowners might be concerned with a 1 in 500 years
chance, while nuclear plants look at the 10,000 year time frame. A longer-term seismic history can be
obtained through paleoseismology. The results may be in the form of a ground response spectrum for
use in seismic analysis.

More elaborate variations on the theme also look at the soil conditions.Higher ground motions are likely
to be experienced on a soft swamp compared to a hard rock site. The standard seismic hazard
calculations become adjusted upwards when postulating characteristic earthquakes. Areas with high
ground motion due to soil conditions are also often subject to soil failure due to liquefaction. Soil failure
can also occur due to earthquake-induced landslides in steep terrain. Large area landsliding can also
occur on rather gentle slopes as was seen in the Good Friday earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska, March
28, 1964.

Siesmic risk:-

Seismic risk refers to the risk of damage from earthquake to a building, system, or other entity. Seismic
risk has been defined, for most management purposes, as the potential economic, social and
environmental consequences of hazardous events that may occur in a specified period of time.[1] A
building located in a region of high seismic hazard is at lower risk if it is built to sound seismic
engineering principles. On the other hand, a building located in a region with a history of minor
seismicity, in a brick building located on fill subject to liquifaction can be as high or higher risk.

A special subset is urban seismic risk which looks at the specific issues of cities. Risk determination and
emergency response can also be determined through the use of an Earthquake scenario.

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