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Australia is a unique and diverse country in every way - in culture, population, climate,
geography, and history.

As of December 2014, Australia's population is roughly 23.6 million people. The most
populous states are New South Wales and Victoria, with their respective capitals, Sydney
and Melbourne, the largest cities in Australia. Hence, their population is concentrated
along the coastal region of Australia from Adelaide to Cairns, with a small concentration
around Perth, Western Australia, which sparsely populated.

Whereas their culture is as broad and varied as the country's landscape. They have
multicultural and multiracial, and this is reflected in the country's food, lifestyle and
cultural practices and experience. Moreover, their important heritage from its indigenous
people, which plays a defining role in the cultural landscape.

This diversity of influences creates a cultural environment in Australia that is lively,

energized, innovative and outward looking. Because of the good looking and the
opportunities given, many of the us look forward for migration. Hence, in the article of
topmost immigration countries, Australia is one of top. Thus, no doubt migration in
Australia increasingly because of the benefits and the economy of being there.

However, migration in Australia is not that blooms every day because it depreciates due
to the temporary migrant that their government mostly concern. Because of the growing
population of temporary migrant, it affects their local labor market, which some of their
migrants turn to overseas. Indeed, temporary migrants is an application of individual who
wants to test the living to Australia before deciding whether to make a permanent stay.

Moreover, the Government of Australia conducted more hearing to resolve the issue.
Whereas they recently reform the 457-visa program to have the resolution. They are three
policies that the Australian government are implemented for them to help the migrants as
well as their local labor market. The skilled immigration stream which they given a
chance to stay those expired visas in exchange they must work their visa in allotted time.
This program is to help the migrant, and the shortage of labor. And the other policy is the
special eligibility stream, which covers special circumstances for those who send back to
their home country because of the temporary permanent, thus they have special offer to
live and work in Australia in which they must apply it again. Thus, between the
Philippines and Australia has their bilateral agreement.

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