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Each team member needs to contribute to this contract (i.e each member can color-code their contributions).
So, you will have to share this document with your teammates once you have completed your part.

Due: By 11:59pm, Tuesday Week 2

Where: 1.2 Discussion Board

Team Members/Personal Information

Last Name First Name Phone Email
Branner Corey (760)677-8360
Bridgeforth Brian (760)994-7190
Thornburg Tommy (909)223-5746 tthornbu@mail.brandman.ed
Milioto Robert (843)804-5799

Team Member Skill Inventory

(Areas individual members can contribute/want to develop)
Our team will contribute what we are tasked to contribute to the best of our abilities and we want to develop a
standard for other groups to emulate._______________________________________________________________

Team Assignment Description

(Describe the assignment this team is responsible for)
Team Amber (Alpha) Team Development_____________________________________________________________

Team Goals
(May include project assignment goals, group process goals, quality level goals, etc.)
The team goals are to accomplish a rough draft by week 2, obtain full credit for this assignment, and lead by
example for other groups to try and beat the bar that we are going to set.__________________________________

What are potential barriers to the achievement of these goals?

The lack of face time in class to collaborate our thoughts and actions fully in person.__________________________

Team Roles
(Identify and assign roles and responsibilities to each team member)
Each team member is a leader in the area that they will be working in to accomplish our tasks._________________

Ground Rules
Meeting schedule, locations, attendance expectations, agenda, assignment completion, communication methods, etc.
We will be calling and texting throughout the week to ensure communication and assignments are fully understood
and/or needing assistance.________________________________________________________________________

Conflict Management
What are potential conflicts that might arise among or between team members during this course? How will team
members deal with these and other conflicts?
There will be no conflicts during this course. We are all adults that all know and understand each other’s
capabilities. That is the reason we are in this group.___________________________________________________

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