Emergency First Aid For Children: 12. Bone, Joint and Muscle Injuries

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Emergency First Aid

for Children
12. Bone, Joint and
Muscle Injuries
Bone, Joint and Muscle Injuries
The First Aider should:

• Steady and support the injured part

- Soft tissue injuries will benefit from
padding and bandaging
- Fractures and dislocations may need splinting

• If broken bone lies within a large bulk of tissue –

treat casualty for shock

• Obtain medical attention

Dealing with Broken Bones
Closed fractures -Aims
• To prevent movement at the site of injury
• To arrange removal to hospital

• Ask casualty to keep injured area still, steady
and support injured part until it is immobilised
• For firmer support, secure injued part to a sound
part of the body

Pages 38
Dealing with Broken Bones
Closed fractures cont’d
Upper limb fractures
• Always support the arm against the trunk with a

Lower limb fractures

• If removal to hospital will be delayed, bandage
the sound leg to the injured one

Pages 38
Types of Fracture


Pages 38
Broken Leg
• To prevent movement at the site of injury
• To arrange removal to hospital
• Lay casualty down, support leg at ankle
and knee joints.

• Steady the injured leg with packing. Pad

outside the injured limb and between
the legs with one or more rolled up
• Keep the casualty warm.
• Call an ambulance
Pages 38
Broken Pelvis
• Inability to walk or stand
• Pain and tenderness in the hip and groin
• Bleeding from the urinary orifice
Broken Pelvis
• Lay casualty down keeping their head low.
• Place padding between their legs with
figure-of-eight bandage and broad-fold
• Placing cushions under the knees may
alleviate pain.
Injuries to the pelvis are usually caused by crushing or direct
impact. There may be internal bleeding.
• Sit the casualty down, if possible get them to
support the injured arm in their hand.
• Place a pad between his arm and chest to
immobilise and cushion the injured limb.
• Put the arm in an Arm Sling secured with a reef
• For additional support, place a broad fold
bandage over the sling and around the
casualty’s arm and chest.

Pages 38
Elbow injuries need special care and
early treatment in hospital.

Recognising a broken elbow:

• Pain increased by attempted movement
• Stiffness
• Swelling or bruising

DO NOT attempt to straighten or bend the elbow

Pages 38
Broken Elbow


Pages 38
Sprained Ankle
• Suspect an ankle sprain if
the casualty can’t take their
full weight on their foot after
a fall or wrench
• Sit casualty down, raise their
foot and gently remove the
sock and shoe before
swelling occurs.
• Apply a cold compress or
• Wrap the ankle with a thick
layer of cotton wool.
Bandage the cotton wool in
place. Keep the ankle raised.

Pages 48-49
Ear Wound
Watery fluid from ear may be result of:

• Fracture to skull
• Perforated ear drum – could be caused by
foreign body, a blow to the side of the
head, explosion
Ear Wound
• To allow blood to drain away
• To minimise the risk of infection
• Put sterile dressing or clean pad over the ear
• Casualty should tilt their head to allow blood to
• Casualty should go to hospital in the treatment
Soft Tissue Injuries
• To reduce swelling
• Obtain medical attention if necessary

R Rest the injured part

I Apply ice or cold compress

C Compress the injury

E Elevate the injured part

Page 39
Emergency First Aid
for Children

End of Section

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