Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works: A Talon - One White Paper

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Promotion Gamification:
How and Why It Works

Find out why an increasing number of brands are

gamifying their promotions Talon.One GmbH

A deep dive into the world of gamified promotions

Discover how to sell more while also giving your

customers a much more enjoyable shopping

What is Gamification? 04

How Does It Work? 05

Inspiration From Southeast Asia 06

Tiered/Daily Rewards 07

Target-Based Rewards 08

Loyalty Tiers 09

Stamps & Badges 10

Gamified Experiences 11

Shopping Gamification 13

Gamified Loyalty Programs 14

Talon.One’s Solution 15
What is
Gamification allows brands to give
their customers a much more
rewarding shopping experience.

Gamification is a concept that many brands Early promotions were limited by various
use to improve the shopping experience for factors. But now that we, for the most part,
their customers. While most of the newest live and shop online, the possibilities for
and most creative gamified promotions are gamification are almost unlimited.
digital, the idea of gamification has been
around for a long time. There are some great examples out there
that can provide inspiration for any business
In fact, gamification has been around in looking to give customers a more engaging
some form or another as long as modern shopping experience.
promotions have been a thing. Take coupons Let’s take a look.
and prize giveaways, for example.

They’re some of the most common

Over 70% of consumers
promotion techniques, but they still rely on are more likely to
gamification to attract customers. Physical
recommend a brand if
coupons often resemble money to give
them an aesthetic appeal. Meanwhile, prize it has a good loyalty
giveaways are gamified from head to toe. program. -Bond

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 4

Gamification: How
Does it Work?
Gamification positively reinforces
buying behavior with rewards and
game-like features.

Compared to other promotional techniques,

The key to effective gamification
gamification taps into the brain’s reward
mechanism to encourage sales. Just like Nowadays the majority of all gamified
normal promotions, gamification uses promotional campaigns are set up and run
attractive deals and discounts to win over digitally. This means that choosing which
customers’ wallets. platform you use to run your promotions is
one of the most crucial decisions for anyone
What sets it apart is the additional ‘gamified’ looking to run their own gamified sales
mechanisms that trigger the brain’s promotions. Before you launch your first
dopamine reward system. This is usually campaign, you need to consider which
triggered when we experience something techniques you want to use.
exciting or complete an achievement.
Because gamification makes use of a
This reward mechanism is what makes number of different promotion techniques,
games fun and rewarding. But it can also be the best option is usually one that’s more
triggered by incorporating elements of versatile. It’s this interconnection of different
games into the shopping experience. promotion features that gets results.

The value of the worldwide gamification

market is forecast to be $11.94 billion in 2021.
- Statista

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 5

Inspiration From
Southeast Asia
Gamified promotions are hugely
popular in Southeast Asia, where
brands use them to great effect.

When it comes to gamified promotions and In Southeast Asia, gamification is common

shopping experiences in general, one region practice among luxury and mainstream
in particular is way ahead of the game. brands alike. Consumers in the region are
Brands throughout Southeast Asia now used to interacting with gamified
incorporate gamification into many different features when they go to shop online and
aspects of their shopping experience. when they shop in store.

There’s a lot that brands in other regions can In fact, gamification is now so prevalent that
learn from the Southeast Asian way of brands can risk falling behind competitors if
gamifying promotions. It helps sell more they lack gamification in at least some small
while also increasing brand reputation in the part of their marketing/sales operation. This
eyes of existing and potential customers. is partly because mobile purchases are
significantly more common in Southeast
Gamified shopping experiences help Asia than the global average. And where
brands bring a degree of excitement that there are lots of online shoppers, there are
online shopping typically used to lack. countless opportunities for gamification.

69% of individuals in Southeast Asia regularly

shop online with a mobile device. The global
average is just 53% - Globalwebindex 2019

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 6

Rewards, points and incentives can
be given to customers periodically to
encourage repeat purchases.

Daily rewards may not be the flashiest

Achieving business goals
gamification technique, but they’re very
effective at encouraging customers to spend You can steer customers towards certain
regularly. To work they need to be part of a behaviors and/or purchases depending on
properly implemented loyalty program. what incentives you offer them. For example,
if you want to get rid of excess stock of one
This type of gamification involves giving particular product, you could include a 50%
customers points or rewards for daily/regular discount on that product as a reward that
interactions with a brand. The interactions your customers can work towards, e.g. after
involved aren’t necessarily just purchases, using your app four days in a row.
they could also be visiting an online store or
using an app. For every completed action,
Rewarding customers
the customer gains points or rewards. These
rewards usually accumulate as the customer Daily rewards are also a great way to give
returns and completes additional actions back to your customers and make them feel
over a given timeframe. This technique valued. Depending on the type of rewards
serves two main purposes - pushing you include, which customer segments you
customers towards a brand’s own target, and which loyalty tiers you focus on,
business objectives, and also rewarding you can improve brand loyalty among any
them for their loyalty. specific customer group.

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 7

Rewards, points and incentives can
also be tied to targets to encourage
customers to spend.

In a similar way to daily rewards, This initial offer could be altered as follows:
target-based rewards use clear goals to
encourage customers to complete certain ● Target: $400 spend over two months
actions or behaviors. Where daily rewards ● Reward: $40 coupon + 50% for every
focus on regular interaction with customers, additional $200 spent
target-based rewards set specific goals
related to spend and other customer actions. This new offer adds a clear incentive for
Most of the time this kind of reward is linked customers to up their spend over the two
as part of a loyalty scheme to track customer month period, as the coupon amount
progress in relation to the promotional goals. offered with every additional $200 spent
increases significantly.
For example, a brand may run a promotion
that offers customers a $20 coupon for every Again, target-based rewards don’t just have
$200 they spend. This is a simple promotion to be related to the amount of money
in itself. But they could add additional customers spend. You could also link the
targets to increase the incentive over a rewards to Facebook likes, number of friends
longer period of time. referred, number of different product
categories bought, etc.

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 8

Loyalty Tiers

Loyalty tiers are essential to keep

customers interested in the rewards
you have on offer.

Loyalty tiers are another very important

mechanism that can be used to encourage
customers to work towards any specific
target. A loyalty program with a single tier The consecutive tiered rewards could look
will be much less effective than one with like this:
multiple tiers where each have their own
unique perks and incentives. ● Bronze Tier - 20% off $200+ shops
● Silver Tier - 25% off $200+ shops
The key is to offer increasing incentives as ● Gold Tier - 30% off $200 shops
customers rise through the ranks of your
loyalty programs. This way customers know
what they’re working towards and they To facilitate movement between different
know what they’ll be getting once they’ve tiers, this mechanism needs to be tied to a
reached their goal. loyalty points system. Creating your own
branded points system can aid your

The incentive of larger gamification experience significantly.

Instead of using simple unbranded credits or
discounts encourages a real-world currency, you can design your

customers to stick with own loyalty currency to fit your overall brand

image or loyalty program-specific
a brand over a longer messaging.
period of time.

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 9

Stamps & Badges
Stamps and badges are a popular
gamification method that help bring
out customers’ inner collector.

Gamification options have been increased This type of promotion is easy to implement
massively thanks to the rise of digital digitally. But giving customers a stamp card
technology and shopping. But there’s still a where they can see their progress and watch
significant role for gamification in offline stamps being added in person makes this
situations too. gamification technique more tangible.

Take a simple stamp loyalty card as a basic This is the same idea behind special edition
example. Many establishments, like coffee products that are only available to top
shops, offer customers a free drink after customers. Collectable badges and stamps
they’ve bought X amount of coffees. This is can also be replicated digitally to evoke
effectively the physical version of the the same feelings when customers shop
tiered/daily rewards mentioned earlier. online. Just like games give players awards
and badges for completing certain
objectives, businesses can set up badges for

Coffee Card
customers when they complete certain
actions. For example:


Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 10

Many brands now use gamified
experiences to increase their brand

The gamification examples we’ve talked

Gamified apps
about so far are usually employed to
encourage some form of purchase Gamified experiences are most commonly
behaviour or customer action that tangibly served to customers via app. Rather than
benefits the business. But sometimes incorporating a game into an online
gamification is simply used to provide webstore or store app, standalone apps
users with an exciting or fun experience, specifically for gamified experiences allow
without explicitly trying to encourage a brands to draw a clear line between the
purchase or exchange of money. experience and their sales operation.

This gamification technique is particularly Take Nike’s ‘Nike Run Club’ for example. Nike
popular among luxury brands, where brand created a full, standalone app with a range of
image and customer loyalty is a more special features specifically for runners.
important consideration than in many other Rather than being geared towards selling
business models. Again, this type of Nike’s products, the primary purpose of the
gamified promotion is big in Southeast Asia, app is to provide a fun, engaging user
where luxury brands have a big presence experience. There aren’t any obvious
among middle class consumers. purchase options in the app. Instead, it’s part
of a wider, longer-term marketing strategy
A ‘gamified experience’ can be one of many that aims to increase Nike’s brand image.
different things, from apps, to contests or Importantly, the app is free and you don’t
real life games. have to be a Nike customer to use it.

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 11

Arcade-style games Competitions & giveaways

While most of the gamified experiences Many brands also use gamification to make
created by brands are now digital, there are competitions and prize giveaways more
still many examples of real-life physical attractive. Prize giveaways are one of the
games or experiences that are also designed oldest forms of gamification because they’re
for the same purpose. This type of simple to run and immediately eye-catching
gamification is particularly popular in China to consumers. But, with the help of digital
where it has proven a hit with the millennial platforms, modern prize competitions can
and Gen Z age groups. be made even more exciting.

Many brands have created their own There are all sort of ways you can add
versions of classic arcade games that additional elements to a standard prize
customers can play to win products. For giveaway. For example, you could add some
example, Chanel developed a series of sort of location rule via a geofence to get
arcade games which toured Asia as the customers to travel to certain locations in
‘Coco Game Center’ back in 2018. Customers order to participate.
could play a claw game to win samples of
Chanel’s new lipstick colours, a driving game Alternatively, you could offer customers free
and even a Chanel-themed Guitar Hero-style entry into a prize giveaway, but only if
music game. they’ve spent a certain amount of money
with you over the past two months. This way
Chanel invested a significant amount of you’re introducing an additional incentive to
money to create the Coco Game Center and encourage customers to spend. You’ll also be
transport it to numerous cities across Asia. able to balance the cost of your prize
But it’s a prime example of the power of giveaway with the amount of money you
marketing and brand awareness, as it’s expect to gain from increased sales. The key
still being talked about as an excellent to making this kind of gamified promotion
marketing campaign two years later. more effective is creativity.

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 12

Smaller gamification techniques can
be employed throughout your online
Reactive messages

Alongside larger gamification mechanisms, While they’re not gamification in the typical
like loyalty programs and target-based sense, many brands use personalised
rewards, there are a number of smaller, more messages to encourage certain user
subtle techniques that are commonly used behaviours. This type of promotion can help
by businesses to add a level of gamification frame a brand in a positive light because it
to their online experience. shows that they’re reacting to the user’s
behaviour in real time. For example, if a user
Gamified webpages has items in their cart, but they’re taking a
while to complete the purchase, you could
Brands often gamify their websites or apps apply a discount to their cart and let them
with interactive graphic elements, know via a custom notification. The logic for
personalized messages and other subtle this promotion would look like this:
techniques to make the user experience
more enjoyable. These techniques often go ● IF customer has ≥$70 worth of items
under the radar, but they can play a in cart
significant role when it comes to spreading a
● AND no purchase completion within
positive brand image and encouraging 20 minutes
customers to shop with you.
● THEN apply 10% discount to current
Small features like this all add to the
● AND custom notification: ‘For a
general user experience and their limited time only: 10% off everything
satisfaction with a brand. in your current cart!’

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 13

Gamified Loyalty
Loyalty programs form the basis of all
good gamified promotions because
they track customer achievements.

All of the separate gamification techniques Working out how you want to fit each of
we’ve already discussed can be combined as these separate elements together under one
part of a loyalty program to give customers loyalty program can take a bit of planning.
the ultimate gamified shopping experience. But the payoff can be significant. According
To successfully gamify objectives and targets to Harvard Business Review, increasing
over a longer timeframe, you need some customer retention by just 5% can increase
way to track and store customers’ progress. profits by 25% - 95%.
That’s why loyalty programs are ideal.
They can track customer profiles, loyalty In conclusion
points, loyalty tiers, collectable badges
and much more. There are many different gamification
elements that brands can incorporate into

Rather than simply adding gamified their online and offline operations. But

elements to an online shop where user data generally, the more interlinked these

is less available, tying the gamification to a elements are, the better. That’s because the

loyalty program allows you to build a much data they provide about customer trends

better picture of the kinds of products, and shopping habits is highly valuable when

promotions, and gamified elements each of it comes to planning ahead and increasing

your customers is interested in. your sales in the long term.

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 14

The Promotion Engine allows you to
tailor loyalty programs as much, or as
little as you need to.

Setting up and running all the gamification

examples mentioned above is quick and
simple using Talon.One’s Campaign
Manager. Loyalty programs can be
combined with any other incentive you like
to offer the most relevant and compelling
rewards to your customers. At Talon.One we understand how important
these options are when it comes to creating
With the Promotion Engine you can adapt promotional campaigns that provide value
the inputs and outcomes of your campaigns to your business.
to meet your current business goals, and
adjust them accordingly using the wide We don’t limit the functionality of our
variety of customization options. software, because we understand that the
ability to personalize is key to building and
Many promotion services are restrictive in running successful promotional campaigns,
their customizability and the number of whether you’ve opted for referrals, coupons,
integration options they offer. loyalty programs or all of the above.

Book a demo online today and discover how to

build a loyalty program with Talon.One.

Promotion Gamification: How and Why It Works 15

Talon.One - The World's Most Flexible

Promotion Engine

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