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1. About it
1. Cover
2. Chapters
1. Tianyake (priest) introduction
2. Sunroof
3. Chance encounter
4. Desert temple
5. Righteous
6. Evil spirit
7. Beauty
8. Hit the road
9. Moonlight
10. In the forest
11. Ghost
12. Crypt
13. Fantasy
14. Show up
15. Get out of sleep
16. Restaurant
17. Spirit fox
18. Colored glass
19. Dongting
20. Fire night
21. Red
22. Poison scorpion
23. Sacred hand
24. Story
25. Demon mask
26. White
27. Qiye
28. Massacre
29. Ancient monk
30. Hate late
31. Rainy night
32. Shelling
33. Rong xuan
34. Ghost master
35. Demon girl
36. Green demon
37. Not regret
38. Farce
39. Rob
40. Flee
41. Despair
42. Make a noise
43. Save people
44. During shu
45. Hope
46. Unlucky
47. Puppet
48. Danger
49. Finches
50. Key
51. Old things
52. Yamai
53. New year
54. Dream
55. Wall root
56. Black crow
57. Gambler
58. Thrilling
59. Meet again
60. Couple
61. Put in array
62. Balance
63. The night before
64. Bet on life
65. Startle
66. Night raid
67. Depart
68. Lay down
69. Return
70. Eve
71. Inward
72. Exposed
73. Rule
74. War
75. Ultimate (on)
76. Ultimate (medium)
77. Ultimate (below)
78. Extraordinary
79. Extra two previous generations
80. Fan wai san bai yi jiang hu
Completed - 2020 - Web Novel - English

Action | Adventure | Martial Arts | Romance | Shounen Ai |


Faraway Wanderers: Tianyake (priest)
As soon as you enter the rivers and lakes, the young children are old

This article is a story of a royal spy leader entering the temple.

The world is big, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes


The author thinks that "The End of the World" is the most martial arts text
that the landlord has seen in recent years.

In fact, this story leaves all the branch lines aside. The main storyline of
his story is quite clear. Zhou Zishu wants to escape the vortex of power
struggle and abandons his life and waves; Wen Ke acts as a report of his
parents' hatred and flees the ghosts. Exhausted. Then the two men met and
knew each other. It's such a simple main line.

For example, what martial arts literature seeks is a taste of rivers and
lakes, a sense of rivers and lakes. Most authors ’rivers and lakes always
have a lingering old saying, that is, the sense of vision is too heavy, this
feeling is very abstract and difficult to describe. Little brother. But "The
End of the World" is doing very well, the words and stories are not
intentional, and the force is just right. Blow. "
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 1: Sunroof
The plum blossoms in the yard were full of branches, fell on the ground,
and spread on the residual snow that can be cleaned in the future. At first
glance, people can't tell where the snow is and the plums. When the wind
rises, the subtle fragrance is leisurely. Full house circulation.

Under the curtain of dusk, the eaves on the moon are as cool as water.

At the end of the courtyard, there is a corner door called plum blossoms
that covers half of the corner. For some years, the door is opened and the
inside is very different. There are two strong men standing at the door.
They are armed with swords. The porch is narrow and narrow. A large
bluestone brick is leading to a dark prison cell, and a long and swift
demeanor is coming.

The floral scent seemed to be blocked by the gate and couldn't get through
at all.

There were also several guards standing there, with swords on their bodies,
standing like wooden men, and a large iron fence with a thick adult man's
arm at the door.

Walking through the narrow black hole of the cell, and walking in, there
are three large stone gates controlled by the institution. Each gate is
guarded. After passing these three stone gates and going in, there is a little
human vitality. It's gone, as if the long and narrow road was Huang Quan's
path of injustice, and the lights flashed endlessly, like a ghost fire.

There was a man in the innermost cell saying something low, and then he
was silent for a while, as if another person sighed and couldn't help it

Suddenly, a scream suddenly cut through the darkness in the cell, and even
the flames were extinguished. The scream was sharp and dying like an
animal, and it only made people feel indescribable chill.
One of the two guards facing away from the cell door was a newcomer,
with a youthful adolescence on his face. He heard the movement quietly,
couldn't help fighting a shiver, and glanced at himself secretly. The
companion found that the other was deaf, standing upright as a mountain,
and immediately converged and lowered his eyes.

But the scream was too loud and persistent. The man's scream broke, his
husky voice kept endless, and the last breath continued. The scream was
turned into a sobbing groan / groan, but it seemed more miserable.

The new guard just felt that goosebumps scrambled out of his body.

It was only after a scent of incense that the voice of the man disappeared.
After a while, two people dragged out a middle-aged man who didn't know
if he was dead or alive. The man was naked with his head tilted to one
side, his hair was wet with sweat, his lips were bitten, and his blood was
running down the corner of his mouth. Nothing hurts, but a dark red nail
was nailed to each of the seven large holes in the chest and abdomen.

It seemed to be a weird and terrifying totem, and the eyes of the young
guard could not help but follow the middle-aged man until they
disappeared at the end of Shimen.

At this moment, a person said lowly behind him, "See this, and regret it?"

The young guard was frightened and turned back violently, only to see a
man in a royal blue robe knowing when he was standing behind him
silently, and his companion on one side was already kneeling on the
ground with one knee. He knelt too busy, and said in his mouth, "The

The man in the robe looked like he was twenty-nine years old. He looked
so gentle and gentle, but looked like a scribe, but there was a layer of
sickness on his face, the outline of his eyebrows was deep and clear, his
eyes were very bright, and he was always slightly hanging. The very long
and thick eyelashes covered the half of the eye, and occasionally it was
lifted up with the indifference of the strands. Every time I saw people's
hearts became cold, the bridge of the nose was very beautiful, but the lips
were very thin, called that handsome face Adds a taste of injustice out of
thin air.

Hearing the boy's title, the man couldn't help but glance at him one more
time, chuckling, and said, "Are you new here?"

The boy lowered his head, "Yes."

The man raised his hand and patted him twice on the shoulder:
"Remember, I can't call me the owner in the future. I'm no longer the
owner, and I should call Master Zhou next time."

The boy looked up at him quickly and lowered respectfully, "Yes, Master

The man nodded, waved his hand, and said, "You two go, I'll be clean for a

The two guards responded and went out side by side. The young guard still
couldn't help looking back and saw the man in the blue robe leaning
quietly on the door frame. His eyes seemed to be staring at what was in the
void, and what seemed to be Can't see, the boy somehow felt like he was
going far away.

The first iron gate fell down, and the silent old guard suddenly said lowly,
"You look like an adult, like a gentle and gentle scholar, can think of his
hands, nailing Lao Bi Have you got the "Qiaoqiao Sanqiu nails"? "

The young boy looked aside, turned his head to see his older companion,
and both of the old guards were white, and sighed, "How many things do
you not understand, our" skylight "is the only way to go in and out. If you
want to go out, you have to be dead and disabled. "

In the four years of Daqing Rongjia, the name of "Skylight" could have
made the whole story scary.

"Skylight" is an organization composed of spies and killers who are

directly loyal to the emperor. No one knows how many people they are and
where they are hidden. But no one doubts that their tentacles can reach the
ends of the earth. go with. It was established by Emperor Rongjia Helianji
while he was Chu Jun. Now, he has entered and exited with strict rules and

The first leader of the "Skylight"-the man in the royal blue robe, was the
former "Four Seasons Owner", and now is Zhou Zishu, an adult of Zhou

From the secret to the palace, to the death of the trafficker, there are no
secrets in the "Skylight", so there is a rule that no living person who has a
mouth can speak and leave the skylight, come in and go out, unless he is
dead. Or, they are asking for the "seven tips and three autumn nails".

The so-called "seven tips and three autumn nails" are the seven poisonous
nails that are internally sealed in the seven most important points in the
chest and abdomen of the human body. The seven meridians and eight
veins are stagnant. It looks like a wasteful person, poisoned the five
internal organs for three years, and died of anger.

Although stealing a living for three years, it is better to die.

But even so, from time to time, some people would rather be a living dead
than leave the skylight.

Three years of unscrupulous living is the greatest blessing of Yuci.

Let's say Zhou Ziping retreated, he went back to the small cell by himself,
closed the door, with his hands behind his back, and slowly walked
thoughtfully for a week, then stopped, took out the corners and placed the
clues. Small box, open. This horrible little thing actually exuded a scent
like lumpy plum, Zhou Zishu took a deep breath, and then reached out to
untie his robe.

On the surface, he seemed to be long and well-proportioned, but this

untied clothes showed a body that was as dry as anything, and between the
thin chest and abdomen, it was clear that there were six tricks and three
autumns. The nails, somehow nailed up, are almost in the flesh.
Zhou Zishu looked down at his own body, smiled at himself, and picked up
a small knife from the side, gritted his teeth, and cut open the flesh near
the nails. The knife was extremely fast and stable. As if it were not cut by
your own flesh, it didn't take much time, the entire chest was stained with
blood, and it looked like the nails that had been nailed in earlier seemed to
have penetrated.

Then, as if any level had been activated, he moaned, and then leaned
against the corner of the wall softly, slowly sliding down, his body
trembling, the little blood on his lips faded away, his teeth He bit a
"giggle" and suddenly twitched, his eyes widened slightly, then slowly
closed, his head tilted aside.

His face was pale and white, and his blood was like a dead body.

Until the early morning light of the next day, the person curled up in the
corner of the cell slightly twitched, and then slowly opened his eyes. When
he tried it for the first time, his legs were soft and almost fell back. The
second time, I barely stood up, took out the silk, dipped in water, carefully
wiped away most of the blood on the chest, re-folded the placket, picked
up a Qiqiao Sanqiu nail, and put it in his arms.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and went out.

Striding out of the cell and returning to the small yard of Lengmei Baixue,
Zhou Zishu only felt a refreshing fragrance coming out, as if he could
easily clean his **** body, he was in a tree Standing under the plum tree
for a long time, she sniffed up slightly, unconsciously showing a little
smile on her face.

He sighed softly again and said quietly, "Come."

A man in black got out like a shadow, and bowed for him to speak. Zhou
Zishu took out a dark token and threw it to him, and said, "Go and ask
Duan Butler to come and tell him to face me today."

The man in black took the token and disappeared without notice, as if he
had never been there.
Duan Pengjuan, Duan Pengju, was picked up by Zhou Zishu after
mastering the sunroof, listening only to his deployment. This person has
both ability and ambition, and never hesitates to show such ambition.

Zhou Zishu sometimes looked at him, just as he looked at himself a few

years ago. After a while, Duan Pengju came with the token. He was still a
bit unknown. After all, this is a group of people who can't see the light. In
addition to Zhou Zishu on weekdays, others don't have many opportunities
to face holy men.

Zhou Zishu didn't say much, only left him with a breakfast, presumably
the emperor was about to go to the early dynasty, and then commanded:
"Let's go."

Then he went to the palace. Although Duan Pengju didn't know what he
meant, he didn't ask much, but just kept up silently.

The two arrived at the study room one after the other. Emperor Rongjia
Helien was already there. When they heard that they were here, they
immediately called them in. After Zhou Zishu and Duan Peng had a great
gift, Zhou Zishu took a roll of bamboo tube from his sleeve and presented
it to Helian: "The emperor, this is what you ordered last time."

Helien took it over, but didn't look at it in a hurry, but looked at Zhou
Zishu, and couldn't help frowning. "You look worse and worse, and you
will be called back by the doctor to see if there is a dark injury on your
body Don't look down on it, don't take it for granted that you are young. "

Zhou Zishu smiled slightly, nodded, and only said: "The emperor is

He Lianchi met Duan Pengju again, firstly, and then asked, "Why is Pengju
here today? I haven't seen you in a day, and I've lost a lot of energy."

Duan Peng lifted a pair of small eyes and busily laughed: "It is difficult
for the emperor to take care of everything, but he can still remember the
old slave."
Helien smiled, faintly feeling that Zhou Zishu had something to say, so he
opened the bamboo tube he brought, took out a small paper roll, looked at
it in ten lines, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked up Shu Zhou
said: "This is a beautiful thing. How can Zi Shu reward you?"


Zhou Zishu suddenly raised his clothes and knelt down on the ground.
Duan Peng's movement was unknown, so he had to follow his knees.

Helian frowned, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhou Zishu whispered as though he was in a state of weakness: "Chen, but

I ask the emperor to appreciate the grace."

Helien laughed and said, "Get up and talk, you have been born and died for
my Daqing years. Except for this country, what can't I promise you? Let
me talk."

Zhou Zishu got up straight, but he was still kneeling, and then unbuttoned
the robe's jacket silently. As soon as the thick and impenetrable robe was
untied, a burst of **** gas rushed to his face, and he was healed to stop
bleeding The body blew again because of the bumps on the road.

He Lianchi stood up for a while: "Zishu!"

Duan Pengju was already scared.

Zhou Zishu opened his palm again, and on his long palm lay the last Qiqi
Sanqiu nail, saying, "The emperor and his own hit six. If the seventh is
also entered, I am afraid that they will not reach the palace and the
emperor. He resigned, and asked the emperor to give grace to ask Pengju
to help him succeed. "

He was so stunned for a long time that she couldn't say a word. After a
while, she sat back and looked up at the beam of the study, whispering to
herself: "Yunxing is far northwest, Beiyuan ... Bei Yuan is gone, do you
even have to leave now? "
Zhou Zishu silently said nothing.

Hellenheim was silent for a while, and sighed, "Well, you are alone."

Zhou Zishu continued: "Emperor, you don't need to worry about the
skylight. Pengju has been following me all these years. I can trust and
have the ability ..."

Duan Peng interrupted him by cutting his mouth: "Zhuangzhuang!

Zhuangzhuang, you can't say that, my old paragraph has no such idea! You
... you can't ..."

Zhou Zishu said lowly: "The Qiqiao and Sanqiu nails, Sanqiu will break
his intestine, and he will not bow when he opens his bow--"

He bowed and gave Helian a slap, but he did not raise his head when he
finished, and said in his mouth, "Read the servants for so many years of

Hellen stared at the blood-gourd-like person, and at that moment no one

knew what the right emperor was thinking-those years were cautious,
those years were exhausted, those years raged, those years were bitter and
cold In those years ... and finally he came to the world, but everyone was
gone, only he was left.

Everyone cannot escape the impermanence of the world, and the

abandonment of years.

After a short while, he closed his eyes and waved.

Zhou Zishu gave a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Thank Lord Ron."

He seemed to have encountered something very happy, with a pale flush on

his pale face, turned to Duan Pengju cheerfully, and shoved the last nail
into his hand: "Come on."

Duan Peng lifted his teeth for a long while, then gritted his teeth, raised
the dark red unknown nails, and nailed them into the flesh and blood of his
landlord. He knew that it was extremely painful, and I ’ve seen it all these
years. I couldn't stand this, but couldn't help screaming, but Zhou Zishu
just flinched a little, still straight up, no screams, only a few squeaks.

He even felt that Zhou Zishu was smiling in that stuffy hum.

Duan Pengju felt that the owner was crazy.

Zhou Zishu slowed for a while, and finally worshiped Helien, a face as
white as paper.

The strength in his body was receding quickly, the numbness began to rise
slowly, and he said the last four words: "Take care of the emperor."

Later, without waiting for He Lianji to reply, he strode out of the study
room, as brisk as if he had left some burdens, his figure flashed and
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 2: Chance encounter
There is a secret in Qiqiao Sanqiu. No one knows this secret except Zhou
Zishu, and probably not many people will know it in the future. If seven
nails are nailed at a time, people will not be able to do so at the time. Zhou
Zishu, probably enough to take a breath to tell him to leave the palace, I'm
afraid he can't reach the gate of the palace.

But if you nail it every three months, let the nail grow into your body little
by little, become one with yourself, and slowly adapt, although you have
to blow out the wax after three years, but you can still get five. It's
successful, and you can speak and act like normal people, but you have to
endure the pain of eclipse bone erosion for 18 months.

I heard that the pain alone can make people crazy, but Zhou Zishu thought
happily that this rumor turned out to be wrong. At least he is not crazy
now, not only is not crazy, he feels that he does n’t seem to be so happy in
his life. Relaxing time.

The skylight will naturally have follow-up monitoring of the people who
asked to leave. Who, when and when to leave, where to settle, and where
to be buried, have detailed records, like a huge net. I won't be able to come
out for a lifetime.

Poor he died half his life, after all, he still has a few henchmen.

Zhou Zishu, the skylight leader propped up by the Emperor Rongjia in the
past, is a martial artist with high skill, and he is very good at easy-
handling. When he walked into the crowd, no one recognized it.

And the most horrible shadow that walked in the palace disappeared from
the world in this way, and all that remained was a thin horse riding all the
way through the thatched wilderness and humming the country minor,
flattering. Homeless man.

Became the first person out of this horrible net.

He wore a not-so-exquisite human leather mask on his face, and smeared
himself with a pale and yellowish look. He seemed to be a sick man who
could kick his legs at any time. He looked at the water while drinking
water by the river and felt it was appropriate. My true situation, the more I
saw the more satisfied, I took a sheep out of a set of coarse clothes at the
roadside farmer's house, took off the original brocade, burned it, and tied a
half-rusted hip flask on the waist, which contained half A jug of crudely
made jug.

I remembered that I had been hidden in the palace for many years. I had
never walked the river or lake with my first name, and I did n’t even have
to change my name, so I happily got on the road.

He had nowhere to go. He said that Jiangnan is good, so he wanted to go to

Jiangnan to see, stop and do all the tricks to rob the rich, help the poor, and
go through Kaifeng, walk in Penglai, and slowly, more than three months,
until Caoqing Lily Jiangnan.

As soon as I arrived, I dived into the wine cellar on the first floor of the
world, tasted the sweet-scented osmanthus wine, and was drunk and
dreamy. It was beautiful, but I felt that this day was no better.

After more than ten days, I drank too much for a while, and almost found
my whereabouts. I also felt that although the wine was good, after all, it
was soft and less interesting, so I left my silver and left the wine cellar.

After more than ten days, the image was even worse. He wore a sickly
ghost's face and accompanied the insignificant facial features with him,
which was an authentic look and a suit of clothes. After more than ten days
in the wine, it almost became a distiller's grain, and the messy hair
drooped down like a beggar.

So when sitting on the side of the road with his eyes closed and basking in
the sun, there was actually a little fat baby who walked past him, and came
back abruptly, hit him, and found a piece from his body. The copper plate
was pinched in his hand, but he didn't know where to put it. After
searching for a long time, he asked, "Uncle, what is your bowl?"
He was immediately taken away by an adult at home, only to let him cry
and laugh.

Many years have passed, and the friends and caring people of the past have
either died or left the country. Zhou Zishu leaned on the corner of the wall,
stretched his limbs, and basked in the warm sun, with a smile on his
mouth. I began to wonder, what are the plans for so many years?

When I was young, I always felt that I was an extraordinary talent. I took
everything from myself to me, I was so clever, I knew what I was doing,
and I was very knowledgeable. I did n’t seem to have a career. The next
life is like this, but now when I think about it, what do I want to do?

What's left?

However, I gave up my free body and made a royal slave to the royal
family. I went around and lost everything I had. So far, I have no
loneliness, and I have deliberately tried to redeem myself. I still think I
can do it. Quite smart.

Suddenly he felt sad again, only to feel that there was no more stupid
person in the world, but he could not be stupid.

How many years haven't been the case, my brain was empty and
sunbathing on the roadside? The ridiculous pedestrians on the side of the
road are all in a hurry, rushing back and forth like death, it's even more
anxious than he is farting fast.

Just listening to the restaurant next to it, a woman said crisply, "My son,
look at that man. If he says he wants food, he doesn't even have a broken
bowl. If he doesn't, then he sits all morning in Babadi. , Do nothing, just
smirk, isn't it a fool? "

Although Zhou Zishu now has only half of his kung fu, his ear strength is
still as good as that year. Although the woman was separated by a noisy
street and the voice was not loud, he told him to listen to it without a word.
Before he could laugh at himself secretly, the next moment, another man
said, "He's sunbathing."

The man's voice was very nice, low and deep, spitting words very slowly,
but not sticky.

Zhou Zishu couldn't help looking up, and saw the second floor of the
restaurant on the street leaning on the railing. A beautiful girl in purple
clothes was sitting opposite a man in a gray coat. The man's face was
slightly pale, but his eyes were very Black, as if the light had been sucked
in. This black and white is clear. It seems that it is not like a living person.
Zhou Zishu looked up so closely that his eyes met him.

The gray-clad man missed his eyes expressionlessly, then turned his head
expressionlessly, intently eating the food on the table.

Zhou Zishu couldn't help laughing, saying that the vast sea of ??people
even met a confidant.

The girl in purple clothes still had a pair of big watery glasses on him.
After a long while, she couldn't help it, and when she knew the gray man,
she jumped to the underground floor and ran to Zhou Zishu, saying: "I'm
asking, how about I invite you to dinner?"

Zhou Zishu looked at her lazily and shook her head: "Xiaoshan, you might
as well invite me to drink."

The girl in purple smiled sweetly and turned back to the upstairs and
shouted, "My son, what a fool you call me a good man!"

It's a pity that the gray-clad man didn't seem to hear it. He didn't give her a
single look, and only devoted himself to eating. It seemed like the sky was
falling and he couldn't obliterate his love for food.

The girl in purple asked, "Everyone else wants food. Why do you want
wine alone? What is good about wine, can you manage it?"
Because of her beautiful appearance, Zhou Zishu couldn't help but want to
say a few more words to her, and then said half-jokingly: "Drink red with

The girl in purple was stunned, and couldn't help but laugh and couldn't
stop laughing. She laughed as if the flowers were trembling. Zhou Zishu
felt that she was lucky. Jiangnan was really beautiful. She admired her and
shook her head, sighing: "Speaking full of beauty, you should show pity to
the Pharaoh. The girl is not grateful for her glee."

The girl was surprised, "Yeah, what are you talking about?" Then she
crouched down, quickly reached out to untie the hip flask from his waist,
ran to the restaurant, and came back a moment later.

Zhou Zishu would reach out to pick it up. Who knew that the girl quickly
withdrew her hand and laughed: "I ask you something. If you are right, I
will give you a jug and ask you to drink. If you are not right, I just
poisoned it and told you to drink and wear it. "

Zhou Zishu smiled bitterly. The girl was beautiful and beautiful, but she
was also indifferent. She asked, "My jug was won from an old man named
Huazi, and I don't know how many lice's bodies were in it. "If you like it,
take it. I won't do it anymore."

The girl in purple clothes turned her eyes, and said with a smile: "You tell
the girl to run for nothing, I'm angry, I'll kill you if I'm angry."

Zhou Zi was relieved, this is where the little magic star came from, Bai
looks like Tianxian, only to say: "You say."

"I ask you, why are you asking for food here? Why don't you have a
broken bowl of money beside you?"

Zhou Zishu raised her eyes and looked at her, and said, "When did I say I
wanted to eat? But I just took a corner to bask in the sun."

The girl in the purple clothes was stunned, and she went back to see the
man in the restaurant subconsciously. The man in the gray clothes was
obviously a very good ear. When they heard them, they paused, and there
was no other expression. Xiaji Rufei continued to concentrate on eating.

The girl looked up at the bright sky, a little confused: "How can I not see
what the sun can do?"

Zhou Zishu shook his head with a smile, stood up, stretched out his hand,
and gently and cleverly retrieved his broken jug. The girl uttered "Ahhh",
but she got the hand without warning, and looked with a little confusion.
To him, just listening to this man named Huazi-like said: "The girl is
young and naturally has a lot of things to do. You have to hurry to eat and
drink and keep your spirits up. I am a person with loess buried in my neck.
In addition to drinking, I have to eat and die, what do I do without the sun?

He took a sip of wine and smashed it twice, praising loudly, "Good wine,
thank you girl!"

After turning around and leaving, the girl in the purple clothes
subconsciously reached out to catch him. She thought that the kung fu was
good, but who knows that the person who caught it when she stretched out
her hands dangled in front of her. I came across, and when I saw it, Hanako
was already in the crowd and could no longer be found.

She wanted to catch up, but he heard the man above the restaurant whisper
softly, "Axiang, you can't do it, can't your eyesight? Still shameful."

His voice seemed to be whispering, and he didn't increase the volume

intentionally, but the voice passed from the high-rise building through the
noisy crowd to the girl's ears accurately. The girl in purple was downcast
and did not dare to make trouble in front of her master. After taking a final
look into the crowd, he turned around and went upstairs.

Zhou Zi dangled holding the jug and drunk all the way, Jiangnan is full of
water. He walked beside the small bridge, and glanced himself from the
water. He also felt that this pair of honors couldn't live with this place. It is
estimated that there would probably not be any inn willing to stay with
him, so he went all the way along the river to the outside of the city. There
are small fishing boats in the river, passing by passers-by.

This is precisely because there are many tourists on the spring day. He
didn't have time to go around. It was easy to see an old fisherman leaning
on the shore and walked over.

The old widower's awning boat was parked on the side, everyone was too
busy to deal with it, and I wondered why he had nothing to do when he
arrived here. He lay dozing on the shore, his straw hat buckled on his face,
only showing Dry white hair. Zhou Zishu then walked over, not in a hurry,
nor calling the old fisherman, just sitting next to him with one buttock,
waiting for him to wake up.

Who knew that for a while, the old fisherman couldn't lie down, and he
pulled the straw hat off his face angrily, staring at him bitterly, and cursed,
"Grandma, no Do you see I sleep? "

Zhou Zishu was not angry, saying, "Lao Zhang, business is here."

The old fisherman cursed again: "Your mother, do you keep your mouth
full of gas or fart? You won't say a word if you want to take a boat?"

Yanba stood up and twisted his waist twice, patted his buttocks, and then
looked back at Zhou Zishu still sitting on the ground, and he was furious
again: "Are you **** long on the ground?"

With a blink of an eye, Zhou Zishu understood why everyone was busy
ferrying, and only he was idle.

Standing up sullenly, following the old man, listening to his curse and
grinning in his mouth, and asked cheekily: "Lao, do you have any food?
Leftovers are fine, give me a bowl."

The old fisherman said rudely, "I'm still a hungry ghost."

So he took a piece of cake with tooth marks on it half of it and threw it

over. Zhou Zishu didn't disapprove. He followed him on the ship, took it
with a smile, and opened his mouth to bite.

The old fisherman rowed out the boat, glanced at Zhou Zishu, and said
ruthlessly, "Your mother."
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 3: Desert temple
Zhou Zi Shuman didn't care-he had done all kinds of life-seeking and
death-seeking things in this world, and he didn't care about anything, so if
the old fish wasn't doing anything in his mouth, he would all eat.

The Wupon boat quietly separated the river water, and there was a ****
the other side of the river called Waoxian: "Water chestnuts, sell water
chestnuts." It was as if the light of the year was flowing slowly with this
river. Zhou Zishu thought that it was really worthwhile to die here. When
it happened.

When he passed by Penglai, he visited the legendary fairy mountain. He

thought about it on the mountainside at the time, but later felt that the
legendary apricot blossom and rainy Jiangnan had not been visited
carefully, and some losses caused him to go south to Jiangnan again. At
this moment, he suddenly had this kind of emotion, took a bite of the dry
and hard cake in his hand, and chewed for a long time with the help of his
cheeks. He swallowed it easily, shook his head, and thought again. He
looked at Jiangnan, Sanyue and Wuyue But I have n’t been there yet.

Then let go of the old feelings here.

Suddenly, the old fisherman seemed to be choked by spit, and the cursing
stopped, bowing his back, tilting his head slightly, and staring in one
direction without blinking.

Zhou Zishu was a little weird, so he slightly leaned out of the boat and
looked down his gaze.

I saw the old fisherman holding two people walking along the shore-the
man in the gray coat and the beautiful girl in the restaurant. Although the
old fisherman ’s hair was white, his eyes looked like electricity. Looking
closely, the temple hidden under the messy hair was slightly raised, the
palms were thick and the bones were knotted. Needless to say, Zhou Zishu,
as long as he was not blind, We can see that this old man is not easy.
It was not easy for him to stare at such vigilance, and the confidant
Pingshui who wanted to come and look at him from afar.

The beautiful girl would watch that although she was bouncing, she always
walked cautiously about a foot behind the man and did not dare to surpass.

Zhou Zishu glanced, and knew that the girl was a member of the gray suit
or a waiter. Although the girl was a bit arrogant, her appearance was quite
an appetite for him, but in the end it was someone else's. Examine more,
take a look back, and then deal with the dry cake in your hand.

Rivers and lakes, there is right and wrong everywhere, Chaotang is a

vanity market, and rivers and lakes are a right and wrong field. Some
people always do n’t understand this. It seems like riding a sword to go to
the end of the world is too much. With.

But right and wrong right now, what does it have to do with him who is
full of the family and not hungry?

Lao Yu froze, but Zhou Zishu felt a bit lonely, and he shouted, "Lao Zhang,
this cake is a bit salty, and you have more salt and coarse salt, so you can
add more."

The old fisherman scolded furiously: "Your mother, you ca n’t stop your
mouth from having such a big cake. You have to eat cake and return it to
his grandma. It ’s too horrible for you to starve your rabbit for three days. I
wo n’t say if you eat shit. Fragrant……"

He seemed to have a tendency to stop when he opened his mouth, and

Zhou Zishu laughed. He was also biting when he bite the dry cake, and felt
that he was a bit cheap.

Crossing the river but only a few copper plates, Zhou Zishu gave the old
fisherman a piece of broken silver. The old fisherman didn't feel ashamed
of it, and he walked away. The expression of the creditor on his face was
probably too disgusting. Give less money. Only when he got to the
opposite bank, the old fisherman rushed him down impatiently: "Hurry on,
don't delay Lao Tzu's business."
Zhou Zishu slowly threw the last piece of cake into his mouth, stretched
his waist, and got out of the cabin, saying vaguely, "Are you in a hurry?"

The pair of brass bells of the old fisherman stared, and they wanted to
swear and greet the posture of the ancestor's ancestor eighteenth
generation, but remembered what it was like. After all, he swallowed the
words and rowed the boat angrily. gone.

Thanks to this old thing, I do n’t know what to do here. With such a fake
identity, if he really lives by ferry, he must not be too poor to be pants.

Seeing the boat staggering away, Zhou Zishu calmly said, "Your mother."

He was mixed with a bunch of Sven scum in his whole life. It turned out
that he turned around and wiped the horns of Ziyun. He never spoke so
well in the broad daylight. At this time, he blurted out such a sentence, but
he felt very happy, as if the chest was all down It's like going out.

He was surprised to find that cursing the street turned out to be such a
comfortable thing, so he murmured again and again with a smile: "You
don't take money to handle things well, you don't eat shit."

After saying this, I touched this sentence for a while, only feeling
comfortable and full of scent, so I walked slowly along the river with

Zhou Zishu traveled east and west for a whole day, and at night, he
wandered out of the city, and found a small pond, and washed his acid rot,
which he couldn't bear, so much that he looked like himself Personally, I
thought about finding a place to deal with for a night, and walked about a
mile away, and saw a run-down deserted temple, he went in, spread the
thatch, and shrank at the foot of my Buddha. Yawned and fell asleep.

Although he is fine now, he can sleep until the next day when he touches
thatched head, but it still has to be disturbed by no one. In the middle of
the night, a sound of footsteps and vocals not far away still made him
noisy. Woke up.
Three people appeared at the gate of the deserted temple, and a **** smell
came to his face. Zhou Zishu opened his eyes and frowned.

The wounded man wore a bucket bucket, I do n’t know if he was

conscious. The whole man was framed by a fourteen-five-and-a-half-year-
old boy. The young man seemed to have some kung fu, but he was too
weak to breathe like sick cow Holding the injured person, an elderly
woman dressed next to him, holding a cloth bag in her arms, jogged all the

The moment the boy entered the temple door, he looked like a frightened
beast, sweeping his eyes carefully. Zhou Zishu was lying in the shadow of
the Buddha statue, his breath was very light, and the boy did not pay
attention to him at first, low He said to the man with the fight: "Uncle Li,
let's hide here for a while, I see your injury ..."

Before he finished speaking, the half-life person broke free from the
teenager, encouraged to stand upright, and clenched his fists in the
direction of Zhou Zishu with both hands: "Cough ... this friend ..."

When he raised his head, his voice suddenly stopped, and Zhou Zishu also
saw clearly. This man was the old fisherman who had ferryed him. There
was a knife wound on the back of his chest. The whole person was ****
gourd, and he sat up straight. :"It's you?"

The old fisherman smiled bitterly: "His mother, you want Hanako ..."

The voice didn't fall, and the whole person flew forward. The teenager was
busy reaching out to help, but he was exhausted, and he was brought to the
ground by his together. The voice brought a crying voice: "Uncle Li ..."

The old fisherman twitched a whole body, Zhou Zi could not help but
leaned up, and saw his blood flowing out with a strange purple, even his
lips were iron blue, and frowned.

The old fisherman smiled reluctantly and whispered: "You **** still a
man, why are there so many pee? Lao Tzu ... I haven't died yet ..."
The woman on the side also said in tears: "Uncle Li, if you have a three-
pronged or two-pronged one, who can we expect from our young master?"

The old fisher stared at her, took a hard breath, and said tremblingly to the
young man, "I'm ... unpromising ... I just received my father's favor and
paid my life. Something else ... "He coughed, and before he coughed, his
body twitched once," boy, you remember ... "

Before I remember anything, there was a rush of footsteps at the door of

the temple again. A man in black strode in. The black man had never been
masked, and had a scar on his face. I saw these three people at the end of
the road, the cat. He wandered like a mouse: "Wow, you run far."

The boy gritted his teeth and drew a sword from his waist, and rushed like
a man in black: "I killed you!"

It's amazing. It's a three-legged cat. It looks very aura with thick eyebrows
and big eyes, but the person is clumsy. He didn't make a move, and he was
taken lightly by the weapon. On his lower abdomen, the cat flew him as far
as a cat.

The teenager then got up and yelled ashamed, but without fear, he rushed
up bare-handed.

Lao Yu was anxious, and seemed to want to get up, but was too hurt,
moved a bit, and fell heavily to the ground.

The man in black sneered: "Is the little rabbit grandpa still biting?" He
flashed sideways, bent his claws, grabbed the young man's heart, and his
hand badge was not like flesh and blood in the moonlight, faint. The blue
cold light hurts the killer.

Zhou Zishu didn't want to worry about his business. He wanted to have a
fate with the old fisherman after all. The teenager was young and he didn't
want to see him die at this age. He already had a small stone in his hand
and his palm. I flipped it before it popped out, and suddenly a whistle
whistleed, and the man in black turned his eyes flatly, and turned over
flatly, and the young man emptied.
Where the man in black was standing, a one-inch long lotus-shaped hidden
device was nailed.

Just listening to a young girl Jiao Didi said, "Good guy, even in the middle
of the night, there is such a shameless person who bullies the old woman
and the weak in the wilderness."

As soon as Zhou Zishu moved, the sound was familiar—the little pebble
that had not been shot back was taken back, and he lay back slowly,
watching the change.

The man in black twitched his face and his eyes jumped abruptly—Zhou
Zishu felt that the scar on his face was scarred, his face was a bit stiff, like
a stroke, and a bit ridiculous in the fierce, only listening to his anger
"Where did the little **** come from?"

The young girl smiled. Zhou Zishu fixed his eyes and saw a purple figure
flashing at the door. It was the little girl who threatened to poison him
today. She felt that she had this adventure today. In this deserted temple
His grievances and hatreds were as small as half of them.

I don't know where the master of this girl in purple clothes went, she tilted
her head, leaned against the door innocently, her fingertips wrapped
around her argument, and gently scratched her face with her index finger,
laughing: "Old Bitch, you are not ashamed, you bully others, old people
and children, and you are going to die. "

The old fisherman didn't know he was suffocated. He scolded people

vividly during the day. This would hear people say that he was "dead", and
actually fell to the ground as if he was dying.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 4: righteous
The man in black and the girl in purple quickly fought in one place, and
the spectators of Zhou Zishu looked at it clearly. The two men's kung fu
paths were not the same, but the degree of fidelity and lack of morality
was comparable, unlike those in the so-called famous gate decent.

After fourteen or five moves, the man in black suddenly swayed back with
the palm of the girl, and then kicked her into the acupoint. The girl
sideways avoided it, gave a flick, and raised it with her palm. It was clear
that he wanted to abolish his knee bone on the spot. Unexpectedly,
something suddenly rang in the pants of the man in black, and a
mechanical spring popped up on his calf, and a broken arrow came out and
straightly took the girl's jaw.

The girl's martial arts is good. It seems that she is better than the man in
black, but he didn't expect that he still had such a cheap one, startled, and
then wanted to hide, it was too late, Zhou Zishu held the palm of his hand.
Shizi finally shot and was bounced on the tip of the arrow, and the tip of
the arrow was rubbing her horns with danger.

After experiencing such a risk, the young girl was not afraid of ordinary
people, but she became angry and angry, without hesitation for a moment.
She turned her hands into claws, grabbed the leg bones of the man in
black, and folded it. The man in black screamed, but she broke her leg
bones. She didn't stop. The little hand like a green onion came out, and she
brought blue light in the palm, and shot it on the chest of the man in black.
He flew out, slumped on a broken leg, his face quickly turned purple-gray,
and pointed at the girl with a cracked eye: "You are purple ... purple ..."

He didn't finish what "Purple" had, and he turned his eyes to meet the King
of Yan.

The old woman on the side saw that this beautiful girl shot so hard, she
was so scared.
But the young man, looking at Shi Shishi, reacted one step first, rushed to
the old fisherman, and hurriedly asked, "Uncle Li, how are you doing? You

The old fisherman seemed to have a breath. He laboredly reached out and
grabbed the young man's sleeve. The young man dragged him carefully
and held him in his arms. When the girl in the purple clothes saw the
situation, he came over and turned over the old fish. My eyelids were
frowned, and his mouth was straightforward: "It's San Geng's broken
intestine scattered, and with so much blood flowing, I don't think he's
saved, you'll be sad."

The teenager patted her hand and glared at her, "What are you talking

The girl in purple frowned, and the killing expression on the handsome
smiley face again, remembered what it was like, forbearance, forcibly
suppressed the killing intention, stood up with arms around her chest,
sneered unrelatedly. "I don't know good dogs."

The old fisherman's hazy gaze stayed on her for a moment, and then
passed, turning around, and fell to the foot of the Buddha statue, with two
straws slanting in his hair, and a ridiculous image of Zhou Zishu, facing
him. Open your mouth in the direction.

Everyone looked at Zhou Zishu with his eyes. The girl said "Oh," and
laughed, "Which expert did I return to help me back, but I didn't expect it
to be you. I asked you to drink. , You fight for me, it happens that neither
of us owes anyone. "

She said this very cheaply, but because she was a beautiful girl, Zhou
Zishu decided not to care about her, so she smiled and went to the old
fisherman and crouched down, "Dude, you call me."

The old fisherman put his hands into his arms with great effort. The other
four people in the field were waiting to see what he took out. Half a while
later, the old fisherman put out his fist and handed it to Zhou Zishu,
looking at him struggling. . Zhou Zishu hesitated, reached out to pick it up,
and saw a flash of light, a piece of broken silver lying on his palm.

The old fisherman said, "I ... return the silver to you, and Bai told you to
take a boat, and you ... for me ..."

Before Zhou Zishu heard what he was doing for him, he laughed and shook
his head. He shook his head to stand up. Who knew that the old fisherman
reached out his hand and held his wrist tightly: "For me ... send this child
to Zhaojiazhuang, Taihu ... "

This is not a pretty girl, so Zhou Zi sighed and said, "I said this man ..."

The old fisherman interrupted him: "Dripping water ... the grace ... when,
when ... the spring is reported ..."

Zhou Zishu raised his eyes and looked gloomily outside the door of this
ruined ruined temple. The night that shrouded all over him wondered
whether he should change his face. Is this face so thin that the yellow
muscles are not thin enough? ?

The old fisherman did n’t know if it was back to the light. The hand
holding him was getting stronger and stronger, the breath seemed to linger
in his throat, and he trembled with an angry voice when he said: "You
should be Jade, Jade! And the children and grandchildren of the younger
generation ... even if the offspring ... the grandson, and the next generation
... the next generation. "

This resembled the same lightning as Zhou Zishu's heart, and the Qiqiao
and Sanqiu nails on his chest seemed to be hurting again, as if he was
going to get into his flesh--and in my next life, I have done so in my life.
It's so wicked, it's dead three years later, even though it's a hundred, but ...
and the next life.

For a long while, Zhou Zi sighed, discarded the broken silver, caught it,
and slowly put it into his arms.
The old fisherman's turbid eyes lighted up, his lips pursed a few times, and
no sound came out, then the tiny light in his eyes slowly dimmed, grasping
Zhou Zishu's hand was powerless and hanged softly , Talking with ease in
his mouth.

Zhou Zishu slowly put his ear to his mouth, and only listened to him
intermittently, "You want to ... you can't ... you need to ... I ... go down, go
... also fuck, **** ... Eighteen generations of your ancestors ... "

Zhou Zishu straightened up and had nothing to say, and then Lao Yu
stiffened his head and was out of breath, and the teenager wept loudly.

The old woman was like an old lady or something, and she had no idea.
Liu Shen followed her wiping tears, and Zhou Zishu automatically stood
with the girl in purple. The girl in purple clothes turned around with big
eyes and asked softly, "My host said you are terrific. I haven't seen it yet.
What kind of school are you from? What's your name?"

Zhou Zishu bit his cheek gang Wenwen crepely and said: "Not only Zhou
... Zhou Su, there is no way, but there is a lonely ghost and a ghost, and
there are no traces. Have you asked me how to call it?"

The girl looked at him up and down, shaking her head and saying, "If you
don't look at your sickly and ghostly face, this speaking style really looks
like that, I'm Gu Xiang."

She had never heard of a person named Zhou Mingxu on the rivers and
lakes, and she met Pingshui again. She also knew that there was not so
much truth, so she didn't take it seriously and didn't care. She took the first
two steps and patted the young man's shoulder and said: "I said, everyone
is dead. You almost buried him, have anyone chased you?"

The teenager also remembered that she had just spoken out without saying
a word, snorted softly, and glared at her. Right now he couldn't let go of his
grief and indignation, and there was such a rotten girl in front of him, and
he couldn't help but secretly spread the anger into her, as if someone had
killed her.
Gu Xiang's beautiful brows frowned. Although she was high in kung fu,
after all, she was not too old, and she was a bit wicked. How could this
bear the young man's innocent anger over and over again? Suddenly
caught off guard, but Zhou Zishu grabbed his wrist.

Gu Xiang only felt that a cold hand was sticking to his wrist gently, and he
didn't feel the pain, nor did he feel how much strength the person used, but
the lifted hand couldn't hold it, and he couldn't shake it off. I couldn't help
but glanced at this thin-skinned, stricken ghost-like man in surprise, and
said, "This thing, the master gave him a high look, but he was also
capable. He couldn't see his depth. If you really do it, I'm afraid I can't
afford it. "

She turned her mind and saw that the machine was extremely fast, and she
knew what she was doing, and then she took her hands out of her hands,
pouted, and looked at Zhou Zi and said, "Sell your face."

Then he turned to the boy and scolded, "You see clearly, little bunny,
grandma just passing by, look at you pitifully and rescue him, don't kill
your whole family with grandma, but if you have a little urine, you should
avenge your enemies Go. Alas, your bear-like, in addition to holding a
dead person to shed urine, will bully your aunt and grandmother with good
temperament and tolerate you, great! "

This girl is clever, but she doesn't speak well.

Zhou Zishu had no choice but to comfort two words, but unexpectedly, the
teenager heard the words for a long while and turned around suddenly,
wiped his tears cleanly, kneeled on the ground, and banged Gu Xiang with
two voices. He whispered in his mouth, "This girl has learned a lesson and

He clenched his teeth tightly, and stretched the young man's face into a
somewhat sharp line, but Gu Xiang froze, taking a small step back,
blinking a pair of big apricot-like eyes: "I ... I But I didn't tell you to give
me a hoe, you or you should hurry up. "
Zhou Zishu then bent down slightly and held it gently, the young man was
somehow held up by him. Zhou Zishu said, "Buried this ... Brother Li,
please, I am under his trust. I will show you a ride. If you are not in a
hurry, you will make a night here and talk to me about it. "

The young man responded lowly. Zhou Zishu helped him find a place
behind the deserted temple and buried the old fisherman. Gu Xiang kept
watching while he felt something at the end. He ran out and cut a piece of
wood in. He pulled a dagger from his waist, cut a simple tombstone in
twos and threes, and asked, "What's his name?"

The young man thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "He only
said that his surname was Li, and after receiving the favor of my father, he
desperately rescued us. I called him Uncle Li ... but he couldn't even tell
his full name. "

Zhou Zishu sighed secretly, the people in the rivers and lakes, is not just
revenge with grace, revenge with revenge? What does it matter if you
leave it anonymous?

Gu Xiang buried his head, and engraved the five words "Uncle Li Yishi" on
the small wooden sign. After finishing the engraving, he probably felt very
satisfied and gave it to Zhou Zishu: "Look, good or not?"

Zhou Zishu took it over and saw that the word "bo" was missing a bit, and
felt a bit sad and ridiculous in his heart, so he filled it in with her fingers
and inserted it into this extremely simple wasteland on.

The boy knelt down, struck his head three times, tried to catch his tears,
then straightened his back and stood up.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 5: Evil spirit
"My surname is Zhang. It's Zhang Chengling." The teenager sat down,
with all the colors on the black face of a round face, but even though his
clothes had been torn torn, he could still see the background of the
brocade, not the common people. Affordable, "Chou ..."

He paused, wondering what to call the man named Luotuo who looked like

"Just call Uncle." Zhou Zishu said shamelessly.

Zhang Chengling squeezed out a smile, unsuccessful, and lowered his

head. With such a low head, his eyes were all over the ground of a deserted
temple covered with dust and thatched grass. Su Bian's fault is so big that
his mind has not been able to keep up with the progress of the situation.

Gu Xiang murmured: "Zhang Chengling? It sounds familiar."

Zhou Zishu then asked, "Your father is a hero in Nanhezhuang?"

Gu Xiang shouted, blurting out, "You are Zhang Yusen's son?"

The unbelievable expression on his face was uncovered, and he expressed

doubts about "how did Zhang Yusen have such a waste son"?

Zhang Chengling apparently glanced at her expression, buried her head

lower, and clenched her hands into fists, shrinking to the sides of her body.

Zhou Zishu interrupted Gu Xiang's extremely lethal mental attack. He had

discovered that the girl did not like to listen to what she said, so she
coughed out, "I didn't see it, I lost respect and respect."

Gu Xiang slammed the beans and asked, "Your dad seems to have some
fame ... We have heard about it the day before yesterday. It is said that
when he was young, he was very capable. In the past few years, his family
career was so big that he was half-hidden. Retired settled here, nothing has
been mixed up, Zhuangzi also lived in a lot of good martial arts, and no
one wants to trouble them. Who is this man, who hunts his son in the
middle of the night? "

There was a kind of indifference in her tone, and the old woman on one
side was dissatisfied, saying, "My master is a first-rate good man, a hero,
and a kind-hearted man. Looking for him, regardless of what he knows,
but do n’t know him, he will help him by means of justice and money ... ”

Gu Xiangxi laughed, Yin and Yang said weirdly: "Yes, ma'am, we all know
that this boy has a good old man who can handle it, heroes and heroes can't
be chased and chopped in the middle of the night ..."

Zhang Yusen, who was 50 years old, said that he had a high reputation and
was deserved of deserved reputation. In his early years, he rarely took any
action on the rivers and lakes, but if there was a martial arts ceremony, he
would usually invite him to show it. Respectful. Zhou Zishu thought that
the deceased was big after all. The girl may be unintentional, but she was
too disrespectful, so she interrupted her and asked, "Who was the one who
only chased you?"

Zhang Chengling was silent for a moment, and whispered, "It is the
hanging ghost Xue Fang."

"Who do you say?"

"Who do you say?"

Zhou Zishu and Gu Xiang almost shared the same voice. Zhou Zishu
frowned, and Gu Xiang looked strangely surprised.

Zhang Chengling said, "Xue Fang, the hanged ghost, I heard others call
him ..."

He suddenly took a deep breath, as if remembering something,

understanding what came over. The whole night's blood, fireworks, and
screams all appeared in front of him. He trembled, his face pale and
twitching, and he couldn't even speak. .
Gu Xiang was startled, pointing at him and saying, "He's not a sheep-horn

Zhou Zishu's face solemnly supported Zhang Chengling, stretched his

hand over his sleeping hole, and the boy softened into his arms. He
carefully set him aside, and Zhou Zishu sighed: "This is the reaction
What's the matter, his mind was hit too hard, let him sleep first. "

He turned to ask the six godless old woman: "Madam, but who has been
secretly accounted for by the Zhang family?"

The old woman was holding Zhang Chengling as she was, and she had no
idea. She snotted her tears and turned it upside down for four and a half
moments before she could clarify the matter. At midnight, a sudden fire
broke out in the backyard of the Zhang family. Where did the man in black
come from the sky like a ghost?

The most terrible thing is that none of the "masters" who can be shocked
by the wind and grass on a weekday can get up and don't know when they
have reached the road.

Only the old Li, a weird person, arrived at the Suzhou River five years ago
and did some tricks for ferrying. He kept secretly protecting the Zhang
family, but he did not want to come to the village. According to him, he
ate Zhang The meal at home is the Qingke beating man who was raised by
him. He is unwilling to do this. He is here to repay.

Thanks to such a freak, he barely left such a bloodline to the old Zhang

For a long while, Zhou Zishu sighed: "Brother Li, really a stranger in the
dust." He turned to the old woman again, this old woman was just a rude
old mother who didn't understand anything. , Can only accompany tears,
"Are there any relatives?"

The old woman nodded and said, "I have a nephew in the south of the city."
Zhou Zishu took a gold ingot from her arms and handed it to her: "You
take this and make your own way out. I see that you followed this little
master of the Zhang family to this place. When you are old, do n’t sleep
with the wind. ”

The old woman picked up the silver, bit her teeth subconsciously, and then
reacted again, a little embarrassed smile, no tears, and a light tone of
breath, saying, "Yes, the old slave is so old It is also a drag on the young
master. "

She took the money and for a moment didn't want to stay in a place that
was full of thatched dead people, so she said that she would leave, thinking
that she would work hard and no one would be like her. Zhou Zishu said
nothing and looked at her. Thanks for leaving.

At midnight, Zhou Zishu only felt that his chest was stabbed by a small
needle, and he knew that the Qiqiao Sanqiu nails were acting strange
again. The pain was not the pain of tearing the flesh, nor the dull pain of
internal injuries, but like Someone took a small knife and cut it down inch
by inch along the entire meridian.

Fortunately, he has been used to it for more than a year, and he has not
been exposed casually. He wears a human skin mask, and Gu Xiang cannot
see his face.

Recalling her carelessness when she mentioned Zhang Yusen, and the host
who did not see the dragon at all, Zhou Zishu reluctantly distracted
himself and asked, "Is that brother in the restaurant today not with you?"

Gu Xiang Yiyi asked, "How did you know he was with me?" Then he
nodded, "Yes, you heard us talking-when I said I asked you that question,
how did you and my family The master said the same thing. "

She poked at it, disdainful of such cheating.

Zhou Zishu laughed: "Yes, is your host here?"

Gu Xiang was sitting on the incense case, his legs couldn't touch the
ground, he swayed his head, tilted his head, looked very innocent and cute.
When asked, his eyelids dropped slightly, and he shrugged his shoulders:
"I'll see him getting better." "

Zhou Zishu only said that the gray-clad man kept such a beautiful girl
beside him, thinking she was a waitress or the like, and looked at her

Gu Xiang wrinkled his nose, glanced at him, and scolded: "What do you
think I do? He goes to sleep with a man, is it possible for his aunt to listen
outside the window?"

Zhou Zishu coughed, and was a little embarrassed, blowing his nose:
"Girls ..."

Gu Xiang banged his teeth like a beast, remembered what it looked like,
and tossed a young man, Zhang Chengling, who was ignorant of the
darkness with his toes: "Do you believe what he said? The man in black is
a hangman ? "

Zhou Zishu hesitated a bit: "If ... he meant Qingzhuling, the hanged ghosts
of the evil spirits ..."

Gu Xiang glanced at him slightly sarcastically: "You know a lot, how

many hanged ghosts in this world?"

Zhou Zishu shook his head before he wanted to speak. The dull pain in his
chest caused his voice to pause for a while, and he could only think
thoughtfully. After a long while, he slowly came over and said, "It is said
that there is a valley in Fengyashan and Qingzhuling, which is called
Ghost Valley. In recent years, the most sinful people in the rivers and
lakes, asylum seekers, have no choice but to go to Ghost Valley. Once in
Ghost Valley, they will no longer be human, and the grievances in the
world will be exhausted. If they can survive in Ghost Valley, it will be
considered a death. The legend about Ghost Valley is too horrible, and the
enemies no longer care about it. I heard that the hanged ghost Xue Fang
was a notorious flower-picking thief who carried 26 lives of young men
and women, including Emei Palm. The disciples who closed the door were
hunted down by the six martial arts and had to hide in the Ghost Valley of
Green Bamboo Ridge. "

Gu Xiang blinked: "Then you said, isn't that Xue Fang?"

Zhou Zishu laughed: "While Xue Fang became famous for thirty years, he
was an extremely wicked man. How could he be killed by you like this
little girl?"

Gu Xiang first had an attack, then thought about it, and felt it made sense,
then nodded: "Yeah, if the hanged ghost really let me kill it like that, that's
the smoke on my ancestor's grave-but I have no father Mother, the
ancestral tomb does not know where it is, maybe there is no root, there
must be no green smoke, then he must not be a hangman. "

Zhou Zishu didn't understand how the blue smoke and the hanged ghost
were linked by her. Looking at her with pride as if she wanted to
understand something, she was not embarrassed to hit her. She was sore in
pain that she kept silent. Lean on one side and close your eyes to rest,
waiting for dawn.

The Qiqiao Sanqiu nails will inevitably occur in the middle of the night, so
he always falls asleep early, and when he is young, he will keep up his
spirits and live through the half-night. Loudly next to each other, until the
East slightly faded, and then slowly eased, Zhou Zishu felt that his whole
body was a little numb.

He adjusted his breath a bit, and suddenly, Gu Xiang, who was leaning on
the buddha's head and holding his head to snore, woke up suddenly.
Xinghe's eyes rolled around and he said, "Someone."

Zhou Zishu frowned, and naturally heard it. He immediately wanted to

stand up, but he frowned for a moment before standing up. When he turned
his head, he saw Gu Xiangzheng looking at him in surprise, and had to
hold the incense case slowly and stand upright, while lowering. Chant:
"My legs are numb."
This reason is too bad, so Gu Xiang's expression is even more surprised.

Zhou Zishu was almost at his weakest day at dawn. Only a short breath
adjustment did not make him calm down, and he was not willing to fight
with others, so he whispered: "Hide people and hide."

"Hide? Where to hide?" Gu Xiang stared at him with big ignorant eyes.

Zhou Zishu was weak for a moment.

It ’s too late to move, a group of masked people trained to break through

the door, saw Zhang Chengling unconsciously at a glance, and said
nothing, they rushed aggressively, Zhou Zishu still leaning on the incense
case, watching A masked man went straight to the subject to cross the
knife with a knife, without seeing how he moved. The figure flickered, and
the thin finger, which was as thin as the human skin mask on his face, fell
on the masked man's neck.

The masked man didn't even have time to scream. The whole body
twitched and was out of breath.

His fierce hand really acted as a deterrent. All the masked men couldn't
help but look at this sick man who seemed to be unstable.

Gu Xiang secretly tongued out, jumped from the incense case, and stood
behind Zhou Zishu.

At a glance, Zhou Zishu knew that these people were just dressed in scary
style. Just being so cautious and careful, he must not be a dead assassin—
if the assassin in the skylight was not a dead companion, his neck was
pinched In the hands of others, we should run to the goal without
hesitation. It is certainly not the legendary evil spirits. The evil spirits
have their own affairs. It is impossible to be as uniform as these people. It
seems that they are deliberately targeting the Zhang family.

He slid his sleeves slowly, as if the ragged shirt was still a robe rolled with
silver edges, and the movement was half done. He didn't feel fit, so he
stopped and smiled. Early in the morning, I didn't even say hello, so I
slammed at a defenseless child, right? "

The author has something to say:

The next chapter gives Brother Wen a positive face ...

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 6: beauty
The people present did not have a word, and they quickly communicated
with each other with their eyes. They no longer controlled Zhang
Chengling, and slowly formed a circle, surrounding Gu Xiang and Zhou

Gu Xiang sighed sighing, "It's not easy to live in the past, and you don't do
a good thing for 300 years, and you get into trouble once you hit it.
Brother Zhou, I'm a fragile woman. I haven't seen such a big battle. I'm
scared. You protect. "

The last sentence was almost astonishing. Zhou Zishu almost didn't
mention it in a breath, and looked at Gu Xiang who wasn't blushing and
heartbeat with a very disgusting expression.

Gu Xiang looked at him with a very resentful small eye.

The masked people apparently felt that the two of them had different
feelings and feelings that were out of place. I don't know who whistled and
took the lead in the first. The people behind them followed and formed a
net-like formation. Life is under pressure.

Gu Xiang was right, his mouth “snapped”, curiosity rose, and he was not
pretend to be weak. Regardless of Zhou Zishu, he reached out and reached
for her little dagger.

As soon as I fought, I realized that this formation was powerful. She had
some confidence in her kung fu. The other fourteen people each took it
out, maybe it wasn't her opponent. However, the pressure was so tight that
it seemed to stretch out countless others. The hands were countless, and
the stormy sea was so strong that she couldn't help but fight and retreat,
and the formation shrank with her, forcing her to retreat.

Gu Xiang was secretly shocked. He had retreated to Zhou Zishu, and the
two stood back to back. Zhou Zishu's eyes sank, and he looked at them
without blinking, and whispered to Gu Xiang, "I was so entrusted."

Gu Xiang was a little overwhelmed, and he saw a little sweat on his

forehead, and asked, "What kind of team is this?"

Zhou Zishu said: "I have never seen it. I only heard that there is an array
method. It consists of fourteen people. It is called the Eight Wilds and Six
Combinations. It is endless, endless, and properly coordinated. Everyone ’s
slight flaws can be just right. It was patched up by someone else, it was
seamless ... "

Gu Xiang exclaimed, Zhou Zishu raised his hand, but hit the pressed blade
with his flesh and bare body, barely hitting the split knife.

Gu Xiang asked quickly, "What then?"

Zhou Zishu didn't answer, his gaze was fixed, suddenly he flew up, and
stepped on the incense case. The incense case that was worn out and
accumulated a layer of dust seemed to be all weak, and it didn't shake. The
others have taken advantage of it to vacate. At first, three people leaped
with him at once, blocking all the way between the sword and light, but
unexpectedly Zhou Zi was reluctant to advance and retreat, as a swimming
fish, wearing flowers around the tree, and turned to the side of the statue in
a blink of an eye.

Then he saw how hard he tried to push hard, and reached out and pushed,
the stone Buddha was pushed out by the palm of his hand, and Zhou Zishu
said, "I am compassionate and save the disciples once."

The stone Buddha did not know how many, and came with a strong wind,
Gu Xiang was startled, quickly bent over and flickered away, only to feel
that the wind wiped her scalp, and the three men who killed Zhou Zishu
were in the air. I did n’t expect to have such a quick body style, I could n’t
use my strength to avoid it, I had to try my best to stop it all, how to stop
it, I was thrown out by the Buddha statue, and a gap was ripped open in the
airtight formation. .

Gu Xiang smiled "Hey": "This is interesting."

But the action was not slow. As soon as he raised his hand, the flashlight
fired in the sleeve of the flashlight. The person across from her was the
first to hit the door in the middle. The masked man didn't have time to
make a sound and fell on his back.

The rest of the people no longer have the climate, Gu Xiang's killing is up,
no matter how he fights and makes a group.

At that time, Zhou Zishu had exhausted his internal interest that he had not
had time to recover. At the moment, his hands and feet were paralyzed,
and he was no longer stubborn. The old **** was sitting still on the
incense case.

After a while, Gu Xiang reacted. In his busy schedule, he couldn't help

turning back and cursing: "Zhou Xu, what are you doing?"

Zhou Zi said slowly: "Gu Meizi, I'm a weak caller, I haven't seen this
battle, I'm afraid, I need your protection."

Gu Xiang just shook his hand with anger, punctured a masked man's chest,
and his dagger was stuck by the ribs, so he couldn't pull it back.

Gu Xiang was smart, but he didn't endure the war. This time he lost his
sword, and he was a little flustered. He took three steps back and
encouraged him to parry. Zhou Zi took a sigh of relief, but didn't rush to
shoot, watching them with a smile. Picked up a bunch of small stones, held
it in his hand and played with it, and then suddenly a pop-up popped in the
head of a masked person who was about to sneak in.

He opened his mouth and pointed out, "It's not good, girl, you have no

A shot is like a flash of electricity. A stone is popping up. He is hitting a

ring jumping point of a man. The man is unstable in the set and flew
forward immediately. He just hit Gu Xiang's feet. Gu Xiang lifted his feet
subconsciously and flashed light on the embroidered shoes. , Popped a
short knife, pierced the man's throat, and only listened to Zhou Zishu
leisurely said: "The lower plate is the foundation, the roots are moving,
there is no root, no movement, why not miss?"

Gu Xiangnai was a very clever person. When he bent over, he slashed

across the knife, kicked him across the leg and kicked the other person's
leg. The man went forward wrongly, Gu Xiang split his hands and caught
his veins, and seized the sword. The palm patted him to Baihui Point and
sent him to meet the King of Yan.

Zhou Zishu also popped a stone, a person in the middle of his shoulder and
a large hole on the side, the person was fluttering forward, and suddenly
suffered this, he felt only paralyzed, and could no longer move, then fell to
the ground according to inertia, Gu Xiang Then he heard the plagued caller
sigh half-true and half-false: "It's not good, the formation has dispersed,
and it's anxious to break in, it's really careless."

When Gu Xiang heard the words, she immediately stepped on a very

delicate lotus step. The masked man who flew over was struck by her
strength, and the subconscious turned into a trick, but she just passed the
sideways flaw to Gu Xiang's hand, and resolved it smoothly. Two.

When the bodies were not long on the ground, they piled up side by side.
When the rest saw something bad, they winked at each other and quit.
Zhou Zishu frowned, and these people were in trouble. Although he agreed
to escort, The teenager went to the Zhao family in Taihu Lake, and was
unwilling to deal with these pursuits along the way. It really made them
run away, I'm afraid they still had to deal with it on the way.

It is not a good thing to want these people to secretly count on others, to

kill people, and to hide their heads and tails.

Gu Xiang just felt a flower in front of him, and a figure flashed, and the
man who was sitting on the incense case suddenly fell like a fluffy catkins,
and suddenly fell in front of the temple door. A man in black was caught
off guard by his side, and now he wanted to hit him with his shoulder
However, when he heard "click", his entire shoulder was unloaded. Zhou
Zishu grabbed his neck and twisted his neck with his finger, and picked up
the knife that was falling aside with his toes.
A ghostly smile floated on the yellow-skinned face--

Gu Xiang just felt that he hadn't had time to react, and the masked people
who rushed to the door all turned into corpses, couldn't help blinking, and
he was astonished—I thought it would be like to see this person speak like
a pie. The arrogant doorman came from, but unexpectedly, he was so neat
and vicious that some people were not sure what he was.

Zhou Zishu was not as prestigious as she imagined. His legs were still at
Microsoft. He had n’t stopped since he landed. When he stopped killing
someone, he could n’t stand, and he did n’t want to be seen by Gu Xiang.
A few steps later, looking at his body, he was just embarrassingly looking
for a way to support him.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hands behind his back and steadily
supported him. Zhou Zishu was so excited that he didn't know when the
person was approaching. Han Mao suddenly stood up. Fortunately, the
person just helped him and did nothing. .

Gu Xiang's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Master!"

Zhou Zishu was slightly relieved, then turned around after standing. The
man who helped him was the man in the gray coat at the restaurant. He
took a closer look and was only two-eight-nine years old. He was pretty
handsome, but his eyes were staring at the people. It always makes people
less comfortable.

Right now, he was staring at Zhou Zishu, his eyes seemed to be under Zhou
Zishu's face, and he was very rude.

Zhou Zishu coughed dryly: "Thank you ..."

"Wen, Wen Kexing," said the man in gray, then his face seemed to have a
little doubt, and his eyes fell on Zhou Zishu's neck and hands, and the
doubt seemed a little heavier.

Although I don't know what this person is looking at, Zhou Zishu is calm.
His own craftsmanship is clear and easily recognized by others. He was
already in a different place ten years ago, so he calmly said, "Oh, thank
you Brother Wen. "

The gray-clad man looked at it for a long time and didn't know what he
was looking at. After a short while, he looked away and nodded, "No

After speaking, he walked into the ruined temple, Gu Xiang hastily rushed
a few corpses to the side, paved him a clean place with thatch, and then the
Wen Kexing looked again. After giving Zhou Zishu a glance, it was not
enough, and he explained specifically: "I didn't mean it."

Zhou Zishu knew where Gu Xiang ’s unflattering strength was the teacher,
and sat down to adjust his breath.

It was more than an hour before he opened his eyes, but when he saw the
Wen Kexing leaning against the wall, his leg was leaning, and he was still
looking at himself with his head tilted, he couldn't help but say, "What is
on my face Nothing works, so this brother Wen studied for a long time? "

Wen Kexing said expressionlessly, "Have you been easy?"

Zhou Zishu's heart was tight, but his face indifferently asked: "What?"

Wen Kexing ignored it, and only said to himself: "Strange ... It's strange, I
can't see that you're easy-going. If you haven't touched your hands, hey ..."

He stretched his hands and rubbed his chin, quite puzzlingly, "I have never
seen anyone in these years, but at first glance I saw the sphenoid bone of
your back, clearly it should be a beauty."

Zhou Zishudeng was speechless.

Wen Kexing nodded and said to himself: "I don't think anyone has ever
done anything wrong, you must be easy."

Zhou Zishu continued to be speechless.

Wen Kexing perseveredly stared at his face, looked at it for a long time,
and then gave up his head like a back and tilted back: "But I can't see the
flaws, these rivers and lakes small tricks, how much skill can I show? No
flaws? I'm afraid they haven't been born yet? Impossible is impossible ... "

Gu Xiang said rudely, "Master, the last time you pointed at the back of a
pig butcher, you concluded that it was a beauty."

Wen Kexing whispered quietly: "Although the man is a butcher, he can

only be called a beauty with only those eyes that are radiant and hopeful.
Whatever happened to the butcher no matter where he came from? What
do you know, Children do not know the beauty and ugliness. "

Gu Xiang sighed: "Shuiguang ? ?, Gu Pansheng? Isn't it a yawn and didn't

shed clean tears? Not to mention the wide nose, wide mouth, fat head and
big ears ..."

Wen Kexing said categorically: "Axiang, your eyes are not good."

Zhou Zishu had slowly crawled up and went to check on the situation of
the young Zhang Chengling.

The author has something to say:

Brother Wen came out ==

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 7: Hit the road
Zhou Zishu clicked on the sleeping acupoint of the young man Zhang
Chengling, but he was afraid that he couldn't turn in his heart for a
moment, so that he calmed down, but didn't use much strength, so after
that strange Wenke walked in, it did n’t take long before, Woke up.

He opened his eyes and looked at the roof of the ruined temple for a while,
as if his soul was out of touch. Before yesterday, he was still the master of
the Zhang family with thousands of people-even though he taught him to
read The gentleman shook his head and said that this boy was bad, because
the wall of dung was not dirty. Even though the master who taught him
martial arts nodded in person, he always felt that he couldn't get on the
wall--he still had a happy life.

I opened my hands and opened my mouth. My mother-in-law waited in the

room behind me. The book didn't read well, but I did n’t miss the night to
add fragrant red sleeves. There was a small owl behind him to flatter all
day. Although Zhang Chengling also knew What happened to him did not
prevent him from occasionally enjoying the fluttering feeling in such a
compliment. This grows to fourteen five in a honeypot.

But overnight, everything was gone.

Home is gone, father and mother are gone, relatives and friends are gone,
and his world suddenly turned upside down, but he was at a loss.

Zhou Zishu still had two hands for spanking his teeth, but he wasn't
comforting, so he sat silently. Zhang Chengling froze for a while, and two
lines of tears ran silently in his eyes.

Just listening to Wen Kexing asked Gu Xiang: "Who is that little thing?"

Gu Xiangdao: "I heard Zhang Yusen's son."

Wen Kexing nodded, his face was very dull, as if the three words Zhang
Yusen were a cloud in his heart. After a while, he asked: "The Zhang
family heard that they were left with nothing and they had nothing left.
Why? Has Yusen's son become this kind of virtue? Is he running away
from home without bringing enough silver, or is he lost and can't find
home? "

Gu Xiang whispered: "I heard that the Zhang family was secretly
calculated the night before, and the door was destroyed. It is estimated that
the city is full of wind and rain. The master, you went out last night to get
too involved, and you never heard of it."

Wen Kexing thought for a while, and thought it made sense, so he nodded:
"No wonder he died."

He then looked at Zhou Zishu again and asked Gu Xiang: "So what does he

Gu Xiangxi laughed: "The man named Hua Zi claimed to be Zhou Su.

Yesterday, he received the money from his family and sold him to that boy.
He wanted to send him to Taihu."

Wen Kexing opened his eyes slightly and thought seriously for a while,
and said to Gu Xiang: "He must be a beauty, and he can't be wrong. Only
beauty in the world can be so stupid."

Gu Xiang used to pretend that he hadn't heard, and while Zhou Zishu
couldn't figure out the depth of the person, he followed suit.

He glanced down at Zhang Chengling, who was still crying silently. He

was a little annoyed, thinking that this bunny wasn't finished yet, so he
gently stabbed him with his toes and coughed: "Zhang Little Master, if you
are well rested, get up and clean up. This place should not be left for a
long time. Maybe there are many chasing troops waiting to cut you off the
grass. Zhou is entrusted by someone to send you at least with all arms and
legs. To Taihu. "

Zhang Chengling's eyes slowly rolled around, and then he froze again,
covering his face with both hands, and gnawing himself into a prawn,
weeping. As soon as he cried, Zhou Zishu had a heartache. He said that he
would scold him for two words, and he still felt unbearable. When a child
coaxed, he wouldn't, and he sat in silence for a while, then suddenly stood
Get up and walk outside.

He meant to look at the Buddha image that was photographed by his palm.
He always felt that it was necessary to accumulate morality, so he
prosecuted the Buddha. It was not very good. He wanted to find a way to
put the Buddha back. Who knows Zhang Chengling? He was about to
leave, but he rolled, quickly got up and rushed forward, hugged Zhou
Zishu's legs, and said urgently: "Uncle Zhou, Uncle Zhou, don't ... don't
leave, I ... I……"

He looked so pitifully pitiful. Although he met Zhou Pingshu Pingshui, he

had nothing to rely on except for this person. He regarded Zhou Tzushu as
a living Buddha.

Zhou Zishu glanced at him expressionlessly and said quietly: "The man
has gold under his knee, hasn't your father taught you?"

Zhang Chengling paused for a moment, suddenly blessed his soul, wiped
his face hard, and snotted tears on his sleeves and said, "Belief to the
heavenly monarch and the righteousness, Zhou Shu is a benefactor, let
Chengling worship you as a teacher! "

While Wen Kexing and Gu Xiangjin looked at it with interest, Gu Xiang

also whispered: "Well, a kid who was so stupid yesterday, how could he be

Zhou Zishu had to say, "You get up first."

Zhang Chengling stubbornly said, "Master will not rise if I don't agree! If
there is no revenge, why would I be Zhang Chengling ?! Master ..."

Zhou Zishu was too lazy to listen to his rhetoric again, grabbed him by the
shoulders, and scratched him like a chicken, and then slammed him from
the ground. He laughed at himself and said, "I am a waste man who is
about to enter the earth. I live one day and one day. Teach you, I heard that
the hero of Zhao Jing in Taihu Lake was your father ’s old friend. I will
send you there. No need to ask. Naturally, some people will line up to
teach you kung fu to help you get revenge. "

Then he turned and carried his hand in his palms, held the big buddha to
his back, walked to the incense case, pushed it hard, and pushed it back to
his original position, saying "sin and guilty" in his mouth, hands clasped
together, and worshiping indiscriminately. After a couple of glances, I
glanced at Zhang Chengling stupefyingly and said, "You can get up and go.
Don't you want revenge? You have to find Zhao Daxia as soon as possible,
and I will take you out to find something to eat."

Yan Yan stretched out a laziness, smiled at Gu Xiang, ignored Wen

Kexing, turned around and walked, regardless of whether Zhang Chengling
kept up or not.

Zhang Chengling stood in grievances for a while and found that the man
had really left, so he had to chase out in a hurry.

Wen Kexing's fingers were on his chin, and he looked at the backs of the
two men with interest for a moment, then stood up with a thigh, and said
to Gu Xiang, "Go, go to Taihu and follow them."

Gu Xiang accepted the hippie smile on his face and groaned before he
whispered: "Master, according to Zhang Chengling, the evil spirits of
Qingzhuling were slaughtered in Zhangjiamen Gate yesterday, and Xue
Fang, the hanged ghost, was also there."

Wen Kexing glanced at her lightly and said, "Well, so what?"

Gu Xiang froze, watching Wen Kexing go out, hurried to keep up, and said
positively: "The hanged ghost was obviously a counterfeit. I was killed
yesterday. The master ... what did you know? "

"Axiang." Wen Kexing glanced at her as if to draw people in.

Gu Xiang immediately lowered his head and whispered, "Yes, the slaves
talked a lot."
At that moment, the girl who was not afraid of the day turned pale, and her
expression was clearly fear. Wen Kexing gave her a deep look, and then
turned his eyes with satisfaction, and continued to move forward, Gu
Xiang still silently followed not far behind him.

I only listened to Wen Ke's deeds: "We follow the man named Zhou. I
definitely look good. He must be a beauty. Following this path, there will
always be his fox tail. Ah Xiang, if you do n’t believe us, we can bet."

So Zhou Zishu must be restless.

Taking Zhang Chengling, it was like bringing an invincible smelly fart,

recruiting unknown flies along the way. This night sent a bunch of people
who chased after him. He played with the money in his hand and broke the
silver, and he regretted it.

He has 50% of his skill left, and he is capable of being able to do what he
can, but these people ca n’t help it, but they are nailed to each other, and
they have no energy, so they are impatient. Worm, while guarding against
the inexplicable master and servant who followed him that day.

If it was only Zhou Zishu himself, it would be easy to get rid of them, but
he always has a small burden. Moreover, the gentleman does not know
where the sacredness is, but he has some skills. He threw them away
several times, but it took less than half a day. Then I saw Wen Kexing's
face that made him want to punch him very much.

Zhou Zishu silently dragged out the body of the man in black who was
trying to attack, then returned to the room, and sat down in the dark again
to adjust his breath. Zhang Chengling was unaware, still sleeping and
dreaming. I was very happy to take him in these days, but I don't think this
boy has anything to do with the young master's habit. At first, the water
did what he did, and the child who cried wow, seemed to be forced to grow
suddenly after this incident. Big adult.

Regardless of the extremely slow time to go, never say a word, what Zhou
Zishu said was what he said, honestly, but he could n’t change it.
If you ca n’t change it, you ca n’t change it, Zhou Zishu thought to
himself, anyway, if he lost him to the Zhao family in Taihu Lake, he would
leave. He should plan where to travel, and he planned well. , I will not go
to the north. There is still a friend in the southern Xinjiang who has not
had time to visit. We must go to Huangquan to say hello to him and ask for
a glass of water ...

Suddenly, the boy on the bed sweated sweatily. He almost came out every
night. On the surface, it was okay. He devoted himself to thinking about
revenge and cheering up, but the memory of that night was always a
dream. As the shadow follows, Zhou Zi sighed and pushed him awake.

Zhang Chengling yelled and sat up, staring straight, half a moment before
he reacted, turned to Zhou Zishu, and whispered: "Uncle Zhou ... I didn't
mean it."

He was a younger man. Although his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, his
eyes were still pure and inexplicably pure. Zhou Zishu reminded him of a
person buried in his memory.

The one who ... was thinking about going with him.

Could not help but hold back.

Zhang Chengling said carefully: "Uncle Zhou, I didn't wake you up on

purpose, I just dreamed about my dad ..." His lips trembled and turned
white, "Why ... or should I not sleep?"

Zhou Zishu patted his shoulder, and said softly subconsciously: "It's okay,
you can sleep with you, and I'll call you nightmares."

Zhang Chengling gave a low-pitched sound, got back into the quilt, his
fingers still subconsciously pulled Zhou Zishu's sleeve.

Zhou Zishu took a meaningful look at the sleeves being pulled, Zhang
Chengling smiled wryly, and curled his fingers back.
At this moment, it seemed that someone had plucked the strings a short
distance away, and "Cheng" just felt that the sound was like a thunder that
blew up in his ears, and all the internal organs trembled. Pain, groaning,
desperately covering his chest--

The author has something to say:

My nails were split and it hurt ... Wat is still struggling to type, so
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 8: Moonlight
The harp sounds very thin, like a spider's silk entanglement, as if coming
from all directions, with a treacherous killing meaning beyond words.

As soon as Gu Xiangfu heard it, she felt that her interest was tumbling, but
she saw that the machine was fast and immediately forced herself to calm

Wen Kexing, who was lying in bed and sleeping on the bed, did not know
when he got up, and stood silently by the window, shining through the edge
of the window on his face, and his face seemed to be softer. But his eyes
stared at a place in the darkness without blinking.

His long shadow trailed behind, motionless, expressionless at first glance,

but with a hidden smile, like a cold and weird stone statue, and the danger
of his body was released undisguised under the night.

It looks like a ghost without joy.

Gu Xiang was very clever. When he realized that he wasn't right, he

immediately closed his ears, tried not to listen to the outside sounds, and
sat down to adjust his breath and hugged Yuanyi. It took a while to
suppress the nausea.

Wen Kexing used his slender fingers to cross the window, and smiled
lowly: "The charm Qin Song has been invited ... This is not a small pen,
and I don't know who it is dealing with."

Suddenly, he heard the sound of something breaking through the wind, like
the strings were too dry, and the sound of the piano could no longer be
heard, but he could only make a "pop" sound dullly, and it was like
someone popped a few times. A tiny pebble struck in the boundless void.

It's almost inaudible, but it interrupts the lingering endlessly delicate

sound, like throwing a small stone into the water. The clear stream ripples
instantly, and it can't be seen or captured. Spread away.
The piano sound really stagnated.

Wen Kexing leaned against the window, closed his eyes, and listened
carefully, a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then, the sound of the piano suddenly sounded again, and the flood surged
like a beast, and the player of the piano suddenly smashed, and almost at
the same time, a squeal came from the next room. It sounded like a flute,
but Ordinary flutes do not make such sounds. They are extremely sharp, as
sharp as something torn.

Time flies counts perfectly, the squeak of the flute and the violent piano
squeals meet.

The player's strings broke instantly.

Then Wan Ji was silent.

Wen Kexing stood there again for a while, shaking his head and
whispering to himself: "Those who are longer than the sword will die from
the sword, and the ancients will not bully me."

Gu Xiang was relieved and wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead:
"Master, what Qin ... Qin, did you die?"

Wen Kexing said softly: "Even if I don't die, my veins will be broken.
From then on, it's a waste. I think he's still more comfortable when he

Suddenly he reached out and pushed the window open, making the voice
lighter, as if he was afraid of being alarmed: "Axiang, things in this world
are always so interesting. What I want, I never give anything for nothing.
The lyre, killing invisible things is fun and fun, but we must also guard
against others' backlashes. "

Gu Xiang tilted his head and asked, "When will it go back?"

Wen Kexing explained patiently: "When others are better than you."
Gu Xiang nodded, thought for a while, and said, "What to do is to compete
with people who are stronger than yourself, and to bully those who are
weaker than yourself?"

Wen Kexing looked back at her. He turned against the moonlight. The
whole portrait was inlaid with silver edges. The look on his face became
more and more indistinguishable. For a while, he said, "You can't bully
anyone, like me, be a good person. . "

Then he reached out to open the door, and Gu Xiang trembled and watched
the "good man" go out.

Zhou Zishu's own situation is not very good. His flute is boring and
cutting, it is probably not technical, and the sound of the blown out is not
accurate. The wild tone and ridicule are no longer Fiddle with it, who
would have expected it tonight. The flute only blew once, and then broke a
big mouth. Fortunately, he seduced the man into full force, and then he
was lucky enough to hit it, otherwise he really didn't know how to end.

The whole portrait of Zhang Chengling was taken out of the water. His
skill was too shallow. Even though Zhou Zishu blocked his ears in time, he
still suffered internal injuries and had vomited once. His face was like
gold paper.

Zhou Zishu was worried that he was sick at an early age, and he didn't care
to adjust his breath. Then he put his palm on his back, and Shen Shen said,
"Ning Shen."

Then he walked for a week with internal force and saw that his complexion
eased a little. Then he withdrew his palm, but he was already sweating.

Fortunately, this place is not too far away from Zhaojiazhuang in Taihu
Lake, otherwise I'm afraid that he really has to humiliate the mission. He
hasn't done any good things in his half life.

If you talk about big and small things, people from the north and the south,
I am afraid that no one knows this better than the former skylight leader.
Only when Qin Yinyin together, he immediately knows who this person is

In the legend, "Charm Qin Song" is a eunuch. He loves to be dressed as a

woman and wears red and green fields to show that he is a poison. Because
of his skill in killing blood, he has really started a murder sale. Mother
principle, whoever pays more will be a dog.

There will be no sound. Zhou Zishu knows that he is not dead. If he is full,
it is not necessary to kill such a person, but he has lost five successes, only
half a life left, and he has no confidence in himself. Large, but a lot of

Just listening to someone clapping out the window and praising: "Nobody
can hear the willow in this night song, no one can afford the hometown
love-so stars and so months, Brother Zhou and Qin Yin caress the flute, so
elegant, non-beauty is not feasible."

Nonsense to such a level can be considered as stunning.

Zhou Zi was relieved, and he didn't notice the person's appearance. He was
already standing outside the window. Such a ghostly man still needs to be
afraid when he is heyday. As far as he knows, there are three and a half
people in the rivers and lakes.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the window, pointed at his green-skinned

dough, looked at Wen Kexing with a very dull look and asked, "Beauty?"

Wen Kexing froze. Although he was not terrible, he was too lazy to scan
the face with a second glance, then turned to look at the moon.

Zhou Zishu sat on the window with his legs raised, and followed his gaze.
The night was a full moon, with moonlight like water and ground like

Zhou Zishu wondered to himself which one of the three and a half of the
self-proclaimed Wen Kexing, and couldn't help thinking about his
motivation to follow him all the time, the more he felt more and more

From this man, he felt a very subtle and similar taste, so he knew that this
man must be unprofitable too, follow himself ... Or, follow Zhang
Chengling to Taihu, there must be a plan After thinking for a while,
without any clue, he secretly laughed at himself, asking the bottom of the
heart, but he was old.

When he bowed his head, seeing that Wen Kexing was looking at him with
interest, he laughed: "If Brother Wen is really curious, why not take my
skin and look at the layers of meat and bones?"

Wen Kexing raised an eyebrow and suddenly said, "Yeah."

He didn't fall into his "good" words, so he took a lightning strike and
grabbed Zhou Zishu's face. Zhou Zishu had been prepared for a long time,
leaned back, folded his waist, and kicked up one leg and kicked Wen
Kexing's wrist.

Between the electric light and the fire, the two of you have come to me ten
times in a row, making you dazzled and overwhelmed.

Zhou Zishu felt that he was choking on the window, and his movements
were quite limited. He was relatively disadvantaged, so he bowed his head
and dodged him, and jumped down. However, for him, the night book was
not good, let alone half a night, and his chest A nail was sharp and painful,
causing him to stagnate.

Just moments later, Wen Kexing's palm had reached his chest, and a strong
wind struck, but his moves stopped in vain.

Zhou Zishu glanced down at the hand that was almost on his chest, but his
expression was still calm, and he smiled: "Thank you Brother Wen for
staying ..."

However, the words faded away, and Wen Kexing's hand suddenly touched
his face. It wasn't enough to touch, and he rubbed his fingers slowly, as if
to distinguish whether the thing was made of human skin or pigskin.

Before Zhou Zishu had time to step back, he saw that Gu Xiang over there
probably heard the movement, leaned his head out of the window, only
glanced, then covered his eyes and retracted his head. He cried, "Oh,
Indecent ass! "

—Yes, he spoke.

Wen Kexing was very close, and his expression was very serious-he
always looked very serious, Moonlight became ambiguous, and looked
really impolite.

Gu Xiang didn't know to lower the voice over there, and muttered: "Needle
eyes should be longer ..."

Zhou Zishu coughed, took a big step back, calmed himself, and asked with
a smile: "Master Wen, can you see what is done in this face?"

"It's made of flesh." Wen Kexing groaned for a long while and came to
such a conclusion.

Zhou Zishu expressed his unconditional approval.

Wen Kexing stared at his fingers and said, "Strange ... strange, it feels like
you look like yourself."

Zhou Zishu said calmly, "No, I am just growing myself."

If a third person was present, one of the two men would definitely feel that
one of the two men was mad-of course, except Gu Xiang.

Wen Kexing seemed to feel a bit of a blow, stared at Zhou Zishu again, got
up and left—not going back to the room, but walking out. Then Gu Xiang
poked his head again, his eyes turned, and said with a smile: "This time,
okay, my host is probably not able to accept the reality, go to Golanyuan to
find his beauty, he is gone, everyone can go earlier Wash and sleep. "
Wen Kexing's head won't. People are far away, but his voice flutters gently,
like a line drifting along the wind, and floats into Gu Xiang's ears without

He said, "Axiang, do you speak human?"

Gu Xiangconscientiously said: "I'm farting."

Then quickly retracted and closed the window-as if eager to swallow the
fart alone.

Zhou Zishu was slightly relieved, slowly put his body down, leaned
against the wall, bit his teeth firmly, without making a sound.

Fortunately, the pain lasted for a while. After a while, it was a little better.
Then he sorted himself out and went back to the house.

This place seems to be particularly long.

Three days later, Zhou Zishu arrived in Taihu with his young master Zhang
Chengling who had lost a circle in just a few days.

Knocking on Zhao Jing's door, he didn't wait for him to explain his
intentions. The old housekeeper looked straight at Zhang Chengling with a
blind eye: "You are ... Are you Chengling? Are you Chengling?

Then he yelled back at Xiao Xiao: "Go and call Master, Master Chengling
is here! Master Chengling is still alive!"

Not long after, Tai Lake Zhao Jing Zhao heroes greeted him personally,
Zhang Chengling "thumped" and knelt down on the ground. It seems that
the Zhang family ’s bad news has spread all over the river, and a group of
people cried to make a ball, and then they were welcomed with great
fanfare. Go in.

Zhou Zishu thought, finally, there is no need to worry about someone

having trouble finding his ancestor underground—Jide's good deeds, but it
was too hard.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 9: In the forest
Tai Jing Zhao Jing, known as Akiyama Swordsman, is a generation of
famous knights.

Before Zhou Zishu had arrived in Taihu Lake, he was still looking forward
to seeing the famous Wu Lin name in person in the future, especially when
he heard that the only son and master of Huashan Yu Tianjie, the only son
in charge of Huashan, Broken Sword Villa Zhuang Mu Yunge, Cyclops
Jiang Che and others were also in Zhao's house.

The identities and backgrounds of these people are as many treasures in

Zhou Zishu's heart—to prevent those who are guilty of martial arts, the
skylight has a separate storehouse. All those who have been named in the
rivers and lakes in the past fifty years are included in their lives and

For example, Zhou Zishu knew that the heroic Qiushan swordsman Zhao
Jing had been expelled from his home when he was young, so he was
impoverished, and as a bounty, he had done something similar to that of
the phantom Qin Song, and changed back after 27 years old. His real name
was Zhao Jing, who took the only daughter of the Feng family in Taihu
Lake, and used his skirt to trace his life. He also secretly hunted down
those who knew his past. The Zhao family recognized him again.

For example, Yu Tianjie, the most famous young man at the moment, is
said to have had an affair with a girl from Emei, and then abandoned it. He
told the girl to take the fetus for three months and kill herself in the room
—of course, the girl ’s love Deeply, never giving out who the adulterer is.

Mrs. Zhou Zishu knew what these people were talking about, so she
became more interested. Besides, she couldn't help Zhang Chengling
begging and stayed with him for a night at the Zhao family.

No matter what Zhao Jing did, right now he really has some heroes. He
doesn't look down on Zhou Zishu because he has three steps and shakes his
shabby honor. After all, he has some knowledge. When he heard Zhang
Chengling crying, he knew This was a difficult road, so naturally he had
doubts about Zhou Zishu's history.

After the two had settled down that day, after bathing and changing clothes
and having enough food and drink, Zhao Jing called Zhang Chengling to
the study and listened to him for details of what happened.

Zhang Chengling was a child, and it was so easy to see his loved ones.
Naturally, he had no idea what he said. Many things he did n’t understand.
Zhao Jing was frightened when he heard it. After thinking for a long time,
he could n’t help asking: “What is that hero Zhou? Do you know the
details? "

Zhang Chengling honestly told what happened in the deserted temple that

Zhao Jing narrowed his eyes, scratched his beard, and comforted him a
few more words before telling Zhang Chengling to go to rest.

However, Zhou Zishu got to know Zhang Chengling as a child for a few
days. He knew that although he had grown up spoiled and grew up, he was
a little child, but he was also a good boy. He had a good heart and could
endure hardships. It is estimated that Zhao Jing's old fox told him to
speak, and he could sell himself cleanly in a few words-and he probably
did not realize it.

A secret smile in his heart-either Zhou Su or Zhou Zishu, these years are
invisible. Or knowledgeable and well-connected people faintly know that
there is a group of people called "skylights", but no one knows who the
leader of the skylight is.

It is "Master Zhou", but it is only named as a small general and is

responsible for the dispatch of the guards in the big men. In the eyes of
those big men, it is a character worthy of tying but not in the eyes.

Sure enough, starting the early morning of the second day, Zhou Zishu
suddenly became the first freshly baked cilantro in Zhaojiazhuang, Taihu
Lake. Without leaving the small yard where he lived, the visitors would be

He had no choice but to start buying and selling--

Oh, heroine Zhao, for a long time, it was a pleasure to see Zhen Rong San
Sheng. It ’s better to see it all ... Where is the teacher? Hey, nothing more
than a nameless pawn.

Oh, Qian Qian, for a long time, I had the pleasure of seeing Rong
Sansheng for life. In the next name Huahuazi, is there any person who is
not born, no no no, it is not a beggar, where can you stand up to be a
beggar? Anonymous ...

Oh, Lord Sun, for a long time, it was a pleasure to see Zhen Rong San
Sheng. It is better to see it in a hundred words ... You should have never
heard of it, an unknown little puppet, not enough.

Oh, Lord Li, for a long time, it ’s a good luck to see Zhen Rong Sansheng.
It ’s better to see it all ... No, no, I do n’t have a personal relationship with
that hero Li, I ca n’t help but see the unevenness. Martial? No, there is
only one unnamed soldier, not enough, not enough.

In the evening, Zhou Zishu's face was already smiling a little stiffly, and
he rubbed it for a while before rubbing it back. He deeply felt that if he
went on like this, there was a danger of a stroke, and he planned to leave.

In terms of obsessiveness about other people's private affairs, the heroes in

Jianghu are actually very similar to the eight women in the market. They
ca n’t wait to cut their heads and drill into the cracks in the door. They
blink with fire and golden eyes. They have to see through you. .

The one who said that I came from the Eight Schools, who can be my
master, who can say, oh, long, long, long ago, in the early years of the
uncle and the respected master, this is a relationship.

Otherwise, it is the non-ethnic race and the character of it, which will be a
long-term investigation.
It ’s night, the moon phase is at a low point, and midnight, Zhou Zi opens
his eyes comfortably. He lay down before dark. At this moment, the Qiqiao
Sanqiu nails began to attack. It is not serious. I don't care much.

He got up, hesitated, and felt rather rude not to say goodbye, so he left two
notes, one for Zhang Chengling, and wrote: Qingshan does not change
green water. After writing, I felt very proud, and found that I have become
more and more popular, and then rolled out another one, leaving Zhao Jing
with a sentence: Thank you for your hospitality.

Pressing under the teapot, she fluttered to the roof.

A little civet cat was walking along the tiles silently on the roof. It just felt
a shadow flashing in front of it, paused alertly, stared at it with big eyes
and looked around, but when it saw everything, it was quite He tilted his
head in confusion, then ran towards the kitchen.

Zhou Zishu left Zhaojiazhuang quietly, thinking that no one was alarmed.
Who knew that someone in Zhaoxiaozhuang, a grove less than a mile
away, seemed to have expected it, and was already there waiting for him.

At a glance, Zhou Zishu turned two heads at a glance, and saw Wen Kexing
hugged his fist with a smile: "Well, Brother Zhou, it ’s a coincidence. It
seems that you and I are not close friends. I met each other several times
in three months. "

Zhou Zishu also smiled and said, "It's a coincidence, brother Wen."

Mind-Qiao a ghost, plague god.

As soon as he tilted his head without seeing Gu Xiang, he asked with a

smile: "Why don't you see Gu Girl?"

Wen Kexing said very directly: "That girl is hindering her hands and feet,
and her feet are slow. With her following her, I am afraid that I will not
see your lordly creature ... big man."
With a smile on his face, Zhou Zishu stared at Wen Kexing, half a moment
before he said: "If the district is not only a big man, what about the ancient
monk of Changming Mountain, the poisonous king of Guanyin Hall of the
South China Sea, and the host of Qingzhuling?"

Wen Kexing gave him a meaningful look and said, "The ancient monk
didn't ask about the world, but just wanted to cultivate the immortal. The
poison king is said to have entered the rivers and lakes, and his traces are
hard to find. Can it be counted as two people? "

Then the two looked at each other and smiled.

Zhou Zishu took the lead to look away and said, "Zhou is just a passing
road, why do you all stare at me?"

However, Wen Kexing seemed to meet an old friend by accident, saying

slowly: "Since this is so, the scenery of Taihu Lake is well-known in the
distance. Why didn't Brother Zhou live in the Zhao family for a few more
days? ? "

Zhou Zishu said: "The scenery of Taihu Lake has already been appreciated
one or two in the future, so I do n’t have to bother much. I am afraid Zhao
has a lot of troubles. A small figure in Zhou, there is not much skill, and
has nothing to do with Zhao. Live with them and die. "

He paused and added: "Escort Master Zhang Xiao, but only by virtue and
good deeds. After a hundred years, I met Yan Wang and suffered less
cramps, so I was content."

"Accumulate good deeds." Wen Kexing repeated again, nodding in

agreement, "Yes, Brother Zhou is really like-minded people like me, and
Wen-min has always been like-minded beauty, so we can see ..."

When Zhou Zishu heard the words "visible from this" in his mouth, he felt
that a neurite on his temple jumped out, and then he interrupted. Suddenly,
there was a scream from far away in the forest behind Wen Kexing .

They paused at the same time.

Later, I saw Wen Kexing pointing behind him and asked, "Look, like-
minded people, the opportunity to build morality and goodness is here

Zhou Zishu hesitated for a moment, but still flew away in the direction of
the voice, but said helplessly: "Brother Wen, eye disease is a big deal, it is
right to find a doctor early."

Wen Kexing followed closely behind, Zhou Zishu's light work has almost
reached the point where the snow can be traced, but this person seems to
maintain a distance of about three feet with him effortlessly. Ordinary
people usually do not speak at this time in case they lose their anger, but
he indifferently said: "Yes, Brother Zhou is right. If there is an
opportunity, he must visit a few famous doctors and heal them well. As I
get older, my eyes become worse and worse, even now I can't see the flaws
in Brother Zhou's face, ashamed and ashamed. "

Zhou Zishu very much wanted him to never need those "more and more
bad eyes".

Just thinking about it, knowing yourself and not knowing one another, the
reason and self-control of the former skylight leader will never do such
unreliable things.

The two walked very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they entered the deep
forest, and then saw a body.

The man was dressed in night clothes, but the mask on his face had fallen
aside, his eyes widened, and his death was terrible. At a glance, Zhou
Zishu felt that this person was very familiar, so he leaned down and looked
carefully, and couldn't help frowning: "Isn't this ... the Broken Sword Villa
Zhuang Mu hero?"

In the daytime, he was still tired of talking in his room for half an hour of
nonsense, and he did not expect to be a night owl like him at night, and
unfortunately became a dead night owl.
Wen Kexing also came up, rubbed his chin with interest, and asked, "Moon
night, night clothes, is it possible ..."

Zhou Zishu turned his head and prepared to listen to his talk.

I only listened to Wen Kexing's high argument: "This Mu owner came out
to pick flowers?"

Zhou Zishu turned back expressionlessly, consciously determined.

There was no blood on Mu Yunge's body, but his lips were a little blue.
Zhou Zishu thought for a moment and gently opened his placket, only to
see a black palm print on this man's chest.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 10: Ghost
Zhou Zishu stared at the palm print for a moment, then suddenly turned
the body over and took off his coat-I saw that there was a palm print in the
same position on the back of the body.

Wen Kexing sighed and asked, "Did he get burned or cracked?"

Zhou Zishu said lightly: "No one has made such a great effort to hit a dead
person. He was penetrated by a single palm. In this way, I only know one
person in the past fifty years ..."

Wen Kexing replied: "The Rakshasa palm of Sun Ding, the joyless beast."

Zhou Zishu glanced at him, said nothing, bent, and groped carefully on Mu
Yunge's body. He actually found several silver tickets and a pile of loose
silver from Mu Yunge: "Oh, most of the night Zhao Jiazhuang secretly
scooped out, and brought entanglement ... "Zhou Zishu touched his arms-
also brought.

"Brother Wen, this night's owl is not out of trouble, and people who don't
usually bring so much silver and two."

"It doesn't seem that the color-changing people bring their clothes to
change." Wen Kexing used his feet to draw a small package from the
bushes on one side, also a black cloth bag, which contained some luggage
for changing clothes and other things.

The soil in the forest is moist and soft, with chaotic footprints, but there
are no traces of fighting. Mu Yunge has no scars except the fatal palm, and
his famous broken sword is on his body. This sharp weapon didn't even
have time to unsheath.

Mu Yunge is not weak, and he will never be as weak as a weaned baby.

Zhou Zishu was silent for a moment, thinking, that is the magnificent
Broken Sword Mountain Villa owner, and Guigu Happy and Ghost Moon.
On the willow head, after about dusk?
A **** story that was thought to be affectionate, who knew that someone
was angered, and finally turned around.

It seems that there have been three people here. Mu Yunge's footprints
stop here. The other two people seem to be different. They are going in
different directions. One of them seems to be following Mu Yunge. Like
Zhou Zishu, he squatted in front of the body and looked at it.

Zhou Zishu crouched on the ground and asked the old man who had found
the root. He felt like a kitten scratching in his heart. He wanted to follow
the footprints and look at it, but rationally told him that this must be a
troublesome thing. He is no longer The omnipotent omnipotent sunroof
leader, no need to find yourself awkward.

When Wen Kexing saw him squatting on the ground very indecently, he
had a lot of thoughts about his posture that he couldn't afford to squat.
After observing him for a while, he couldn't help but say, "Aren't you

Zhou Zishu glanced at him and continued the battle between heaven and

Wen Kexing thought about it, and suddenly strode out of the second
person's footprints and said, "Then I chase."

Zhou Zishu followed him subconsciously, and said strangely, "Are you
going to worry?"

Wen Kexing said positively: "Someone killed the owner of Broken Sword
Villa. I am a good person who likes to do good deeds, so I decided to try it
out. Anyway, I was idle."

Zhou Zishu felt that his last sentence was very reasonable. He nodded,
thought for a while, and asked, "Why don't you chase the footprints of the
first person? That person's footprints are very light, and his skill is
probably in these three people. At the deepest level, if the person who
followed Mu Yunge secretly came from Zhaojiazhuang, the one in front
must be Sun Ding, the mournful ghost. "
Wen Kexing blushed and said, "You're going after chasing after the
funeral. I won't go. Although I'm a nosy person, I'm afraid of death."

Zhou Zi Shumo was stunned by his frankness, and followed Wen Kexing
all the way down, during which he naturally noticed the foot of Wen
Kexing-he had no footprints.

A man who walks on the snow without a trace says that he is afraid of
ecstasy and death.

Zhou Zishu, who had been in charge of the gossip, immediately decided to
succumb to his desires in his heart, and decided to follow it up-anyway, he
was going to die, and the person who was about to die was afraid of what
he wanted.

The two of them were daring to shuttle through the forest, and then on the
side of a river, they found the person they were following-Huashan Yu

He was hung from a tree by a spider-like silver thread, his head fell
halfway, and a little bit connected to his neck, fluttering in the breeze and

A drop of blood fell, Wen Kexing took a step back to prevent the dead
blood from splashing on himself, and then he slightly raised his hand,
which was pushed by Tian Jie, and Yu Tian Jie's neck and head were
completely separated. ——The head was still sticking to that line, and the
body dropped suddenly. Wen Kexing touched him, and poked, "It's still
warm, just dead."

"Spider silk." Zhou Zi looked up at Yu Tianjie face to face, paused,

"hanging the spider silk of the ghost."

This Taihu Lake is destined to be lively.

Suddenly Zhou Zishu's ears moved, and she said, "Who ?!"
Then a dark shadow slammed behind the tree, flying out like a big bat, and
a few ups and downs disappeared. Zhou Zishu even kept up with him
without thinking.

Wen Kexing paused in the place, and said in his mouth, "I'm afraid of
death, I'm afraid of death ... um ... I'm afraid of death, so I can't stay alone
in this place." So he followed.

Zhou Zishu clasped a pine cone in his hand, flicked his fingers, and took
the back of the man in black. However, he was not strong enough in the
middle of the night, and chased after such a large amount of time. It
seemed that he was not strong enough. Although he hit, The man just
fluttered forward, instead of falling down as he expected, without turning
his head, he ran wildly.

Zhou Zishu was a little puzzled. Does this really hang the ghost Xue Fang?
Naturally, he would not feel that he was not Xue Fang's opponent, but if he
was really one of the top ten evil spirits in Qingzhuling, would he have run
away like this without a name?

Zhou Zishu thought strangely: "I'm not looking at the mirror ..."

Several ups and downs came out of the woods. Behind the forest was a
large cemetery. The ghostly fire was scattered around. The hanged ghost
seemed to have finally reached his own place. His body was more ghostly.
I wonder if it was Zhou Zishu's illusion. He heard In this graveyard in the
middle of the night, it seemed that someone was "giggling" and laughing,
and the laughter was still far away, which really made people feel upright.

Then, the figure of the hanged ghost flickered in the ghost fire, and
disappeared out of thin air.

Zhou Zishu suddenly stopped.

Wen Kexing also stopped next to him. The ghostly blue light reflected on
his handsome face, and it turned out that his slightly unruly face became
weird. There was a whistling of some animal in the distance, a mouse.
Suddenly emerged from the ground, not afraid of people, staring straight
at them, wondering if they had eaten the dead, those little eyes turned red.

The hanged ghost disappeared under a large locust tree, and an owl stood
on the branch, looking at the two uninvited guests with their heads tilted.

Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing inspected the tree for several laps, but did not
see any clues. Zhou Zishu frowned: "See a ghost ..."

Then he heard a weird laughter, and looked up creepily at Wen Kexing,

who pointed to the owl on the tree, and that laughter came from the mouth
of the ghost bird.

The owl and Zhou Zishu stared at each other for a moment, suddenly
spread their wings and flew away.

Wen Kexing said: "I heard that when I was young, I was not afraid of owls
crying, I was afraid that owls would laugh. When I heard that this thing
laughed, someone was going to die. Are you afraid?"

Zhou Zishu began to study the tombstone under the big locust tree. He
didn't write a word on it, and Wen Yan said casually, "Two people are

Wen Kexing probably felt very atmosphere, so he ignored him, and

continued with interest: "I heard that there is a village. One year, a villager
was holding a bowl of red water in his hands and was overturned by an
owl. As a result, Twenty people were killed in a village that year. "

Zhou Zishu looked up at him.

Wen Kexing deliberately lowered his voice, "This is the real thing."

Zhou Zishu asked puzzledly, "Why a villager should carry a bowl of red
water in his hands?"

Wen Kexing froze, turned his head to dry cough.

Zhou Zishu smiled slightly, suddenly reached out and held the tombstone
under the locust tree, and exerted a little force. The tombstone was
actually active, and then he pushed the tombstone aside vigorously, only to
hear a "squeak", the ground actually A hole was opened out of thin air, and
the black hole in it did not know how deep it was.

Wen Kexing gathered around to look around, and turned around the hole
several times, saying singularly: "I heard that the place where the yin and
yang are connected is the place where the yin is gathered. There must be a
half-dead old Huai-- The locust tree is an overcast thing, a ghost tree.
Have you heard of it? "

Zhou Zishu arms around his chest, watching him expressionlessly as he

continues to tell ghost stories.

Wen Kexing said eloquently: "There is an unknown grave beneath Lao

Huai. Below is the legendary Huangquan Road. Every July and a half of
the night, a ghost from the underworld crawls out from here and returns to
Yang. Huangquan Road It was extremely cold. When we reached the end,
we reached the Ghost Gate, and after passing the Ghost Gate, we were no
longer alive, and we went all the way to the Naihe Bridge ... Hey! "

Zhou Zishu has jumped down.

Wen Kexing watched with a stunned expression as he disappeared into the

spooky hole, and then jumped down. When I landed firmly, I felt very soft.
When I looked up, Zhou Zi looked at him with a smile, and asked, "Why,
Brother Wen is also interested to see what Huang Quanlu looks like?"

Wen Kexing nodded earnestly: "In this way, when I tell others next time, I
can solemnly fill in the words 'is true'."

Zhou Zishu shook his head and smiled. Suddenly, Wen Kexing "shushed",
frowned, listened for a moment, and whispered, "Have you heard that?
What sound?"

Zhou Zishu carefully distinguished for a while, hesitantly said: "... the
sound of water?"
Wen Kexing's eyes brightened for a moment, and he rushed out in front of
him, not forgetting to lower his voice and said, "It's true!"

There was a very narrow path in front of them, which was very aggressive.
The two men could not walk side by side, they had to bow and shoulders,
and they could barely pass. Then he frowned, and said that the Huangquan
Road, which he took alone, was not orthodox, and was dug for women and

I do n’t know how long it ’s been until this long narrow road has been
drilled. Both of them have fallen a lot of dust, and the front is suddenly
open—a huge crypt is actually connected, and a small river flows from the
front. And in the end, where to go.

There seems to be wind in the crypt, but I don't know where it came from,
but it is getting colder and colder in all directions.

Wen Kexing also shut up this time, no longer mentioning his "fantastic
cold on Huangquan Road" and other nonsense.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 11: Crypt
Zhou Zishu stood for a while in front of the "Huangquan" and turned
around to walk back. He felt that he must have eaten too full in
Zhaojiazhuang, and he would jump down without thinking-Huashan head
himself Not a good thing, his son is simply out of blue, not to mention a
good thing.

Besides, if people are drifting in rivers and lakes, how can they not be
attacked. Is Yu Tianjie's head or brother cut off by spider silk, and what
does it have to do with him?

I don't know if it was affected by Wen Kexing's nasty words above. He

suddenly had a particularly bad feeling. There was an indescribable
strange air in the crypt. Zhou Zishu calculated it and himself Although
there are only two and a half lives left, it is still more cost-effective to
save lives and help the good ones.

There is really no need to dig into a man's graveyard with a man who is
convulsing at any time.

However, when he was going back to the original road, he suddenly

"gadden", and it seemed that the spring was touched. The small hole
actually stretched out from all directions. Small places are blocked.

Fortunately, Zhou Zishu retreated quickly, otherwise the steel knife that
was almost swept out of the air was worn as a lamb skewer.

He frowned, glanced at the steel knives, and turned back to Wen Ke: "Who
offended you?"

This unexpected sentence made Wen Kexing's eyes widened and his
expression very hurt: "Why did I offend someone?"

Zhou Zishu shook his head with a smile. He found that he had no choice
but to walk along the "Huangquan" to see if he could find the other end of
the exit. He walked and said, "Isn't it difficult for you to be me? I An
unknown soldier who has just entered the rivers and lakes, who hasn't
stolen anyone, hasn't stolen anyone, and enjoys traveling peacefully, who
can live with me? "

Wen Kexing was silent for a while, marveling at the other party ’s open-
talking bluffs, and for a while, gently said: "You escorted Zhang Chengling
all the way, starting from that deserted temple, killing a total of thirty-two
people. There are four such roles ... "

"Fart, it's only eleven when you're full," Zhou Zishu said, "most of the
people in the deserted temple that day died in the hands of your little

"So it must be you." Wen Kexing said, and he held up his slender palm.
"My hands have not even killed a chicken since the day I left home, and let
alone a person, How could anyone offend? "

Zhou Zishu was too lazy to give him a look.

Wen Kexing quickly caught up with him and stood in front of him,
emphasizing positively: "Although I don't look like this, I am really a
good person."

Zhou Zishu nodded and said, "Yes, good man, please let me know, I am a

Wen Kexing didn't seem to hear this sentence as perfunctory, but still said
with a smile: "You tell me your face is easy-tolerant, and I will forgive

Zhou Zishu laughed: "You are so magnanimous."

Wen Kexing: "Good to say good to say."

Zhou Zishu then bypassed him and continued to walk forward.

Wen Kexing smiled and followed him about two steps behind him.
The water in Huangquan seemed to be living water, and the current was
particularly urgent. Zhou Zishu kicked a small stone in it. Seeing that the
water was not deep enough, it was zigzag. There seemed to be fish in the
water, but it passed too fast. Zhou Zishu's water is not good, basically it is
dropped into the water by the deep internal force to close the air, and it
will be drunk at a level of one and a half, so after observing for a while, I
decided to stay away from the "Huangquan".

This crypt is in all directions, and the sound of the two's footsteps and
occasional talking seems to be able to swing far away. Suddenly, Zhou
Zishu stepped forward: "Brother Wen, look there."

Wen Kexing followed his gaze and saw that there was a pile of bones not
far away.

Wen Kexing murmured: "Shouldn't Huangquan Road be the other side

flower? People have left souls, why are there bones?"

Zhou Zishu stretched out his hand and chopped in the white bone. He
picked up the broken half of a skull with one hand, raised the fire fold in
one hand, and looked carefully: "This head is broken. People decapitated
... eh? No, this wound is uneven, and there are tooth marks. Can it be bitten
by an animal? "

Wen Kexing asked: "Howling bite off one's head?"

Zhou Zishu picked up a thigh bone again: "Tooth prints ... still tooth prints,
the tooth prints on it are slightly smaller, and the shape does not seem to
be the same ..."

He just felt that the tooth print was familiar, as if he had seen it
somewhere, but after all, he hadn't done any work, and he wouldn't
remember it for a while.

Wen Kexing seemed to feel a little sick. He stretched out **** to take over
the thigh bone in Zhou Zishu's hand, and looked at him for a long while,
and came to a conclusion: "This ... it's really clean. I eat chicken legs."
Much cleaner. "
Zhou Zishu decided not to eat chicken legs again after going out.

"What is this stuffy, isn't it a beast?" Wen Kexing thought for a while, and
asked, "I heard that there is a monster in the city called Yanting, a big guy.
Do you say it loves meat?"

-Not willing to give up his ghost story theory.

Zhou Zishu then smiled and said without a smile: "Brother Wen can go and
ask after a hundred years ..."

His "question" word faded, and suddenly there was a sound of

"knowingly", in the black hole of the crypt, next to "Huangquan", it was
almost chilly, Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing turned at the same time. Turn
around, take a step back, and be alert to the river.

Wen Kexing slowly said, "I heard, I can't listen to Huangquanli, and there
are not so many."

A lot of people climbed up in the river ... like human things, but not very
human, with particularly long limbs, very short stature, whole body red /
naked, flesh pale with water, long hair, and extremely wide body, Wide
enough to be a bit deformed, like two or three times that of a normal
person, but the eyes are particularly bright, and there is a faint light
shining in the dark, slowly approaching them like two people.

Zhou Zishu suddenly lowered his head, took a bite on his wrist, and then
watched the thin tooth marks whispered to Wen Ke: "I remember, the
smaller tooth marks ... yes ... ... "

Wen Kexing asked, "What is it?"


When Wen Kexing heard his words, he paused suddenly, cuffed his entire
sleeves and hair, and raised his fists to the slowly approaching monsters:
"Ranking ... My dear, I didn't intend to break into this place, and there was
no offense. And please ... "
Zhou Zishu laughed indifferently when he cried, the suspected monster
headed opened his mouth, screamed miserably, and hurled towards Wen

Wen Kexing screamed, "I haven't finished it yet."

The body, like a weak leaf, floated aside three feet lightly, letting the
monster pass. The monster's movements and reactions were extremely
fast, and he turned and chased after it. His claws extended out, as if
shimmering on the ground, leaving traces as deep as two inches.

Zhou Zishu laughed, "Why, Brother Wen, can't you speak the language?"

The siege of the monster began. Zhou Zishu couldn't treat this thing as an
adult at all. They were indeed not human. The body was incredibly strong,
extremely destructive, extremely fast, powerful, and didn't seem to know
the pain.

Zhou Zishu took a solid shot on the chest of a monster. He didn't leave
much energy, and even Dashi could tell him to break it. Who knew that
monster just flew out obliquely and hit the wall severely? Up, but just
wailed in the mouth, for a long while, got up again.

Zhou Zishu was secretly shocked, but for a moment he could not think of
what it was.

I only heard a "click" sound next to me. It turned out that a monster
touched him behind and planned to sneak attack, was caught by Wen
Kexing, and twisted his neck.

Wen Kexing said with a smile: "I save you once."

Only then did Zhou Zishu find out that the whole thing was very strong.
Only the neck seemed to be very fragile, and some could not bear the huge

He was a little surprised. Why did Wen Kexing discover it so quickly?

"Thank you very much."
Another monster rushed over, Zhou Zishu let him sideways, his elbows
bent down, hit him on the back of the monster severely, then bent his
fingers to make claws, and twisted the monster's head.

The two killed the chickens and solved three or five of them. Those things
looked a little bit of a brain. They looked scared, but they became
frightened. They opened their mouths and howled, and then they slowly
returned. In the water, he occasionally made a head and looked at the two
extremely powerful intruders with stern eyes.

Zhou Zishu whispered: "The size of this thing, I'm afraid you can't bite off
a person's head in one go? It seems that it shouldn't be here for a long
time, let's go."

Wen Kexing was silent for a while before he said, "I thought of it."

Zhou Zishu thought he thought of what was biting off the human head, so
he asked, "What did you think of?"

Wen Kexing said: "The real person's leather will be red if you push it hard
with your hands, and Yi Rong can't see it. If you let me rub your face, I
will know if you have touched your hands."

Zhou Zishu said nothing, turned and walked away, feeling that he would
actually ask this product seriously, it must be a cramp in his head.

Wen Kexing followed closely and said, "You won't let me be guilty of
guilty conscience, and I know you've moved your hands and feet! Isn't it
too good to be afraid of being tricked by a disciple? Rest assured, Brother
Zhou, next It ’s a gentleman. It ’s not going to happen. You let me take a
look at the true face of Lushan ... ”

Zhou Zishu turned a deaf ear, determined to die.

At this time, I only listened to Wen Kexing's voice and said, "But your
ability of Yi Rong is really good. I can't think of anyone else who is so
good in martial arts today. It is impossible ... you are the legendary
'skylight' 'People?'
Zhou Zishu's footsteps suddenly stopped. Wen Kexing's smile seemed to
have no meaning in the dark crypt. However, Zhou Zishu just raised an
index finger and reached out to stop his footsteps, whispering, "Did you

The two calmed down, and in the depths of the dark crypt, there was a call
from the vague beast, Zhou Zishu whispered, "Bite off the human head."

Wen Kexing was obviously not interested in "things that can bite off the
human head." His eyes only stared at Zhou Zishu thoughtfully, but he saw
that the man had no response to what he had just said, but listened with
vigilance and silence. From the look to the expression, there was not even
a trace of fluctuation.

Another roar came, this time the sound was obviously loud, as if the thing
was going this way, Zhou Zishu found that the monsters who probed in the
water seemed to be afraid of something and retracted. He stretched out his
hand and pulled Wen Ke, and the two turned into a path, and saw Zhou
Zishu pull out a small bottle from his arms and sprinkle it while walking.

The two then retreated to the corner and held their breaths.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 12: Fantasy
Wen Kexing didn't know what Zhou Zishu's powder was, but he didn't ask.
As if he knew that this person was reliable, he stood beside Zhou Zishu so
quietly, for a moment, just listening to the thick The gasp of the animal
slowly approached, the beast seemed to be careful, he didn't walk fast, and
passed by about three feet away from the two.

It was a big guy, looking like a dog, but the size of a pony, with black hair
all over his body, and a "snoring" sound in his nose. There seemed to be a
smell in the air, which slowed down. Smelling around as if confused.

Zhou Zishu clasped his hands on his chest, leaned against the wall, and
narrowed his eyes to look carefully.

There was a faint smile on Wen Kexing's face, and the smile was a bit
cold, fleeting, as if it had never appeared.

The monster was not far away, but they didn't notice the existence of the
two of them. They stayed there for a while and then went on. The four of
them watched the big guy's back without blinking. Seeing that it followed
the smell of blood, he walked all the way to the monsters' bodies, sniffed,
and then roared, then bowed his head and chewed cheerfully—it really bit
off the head of a humanoid monster.

Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu glanced at each other. Zhou Zishu was
secretly shocked. Although not a pretense, he has lived for so many years.
After all, he is so knowledgeable that he will never admit that the human
skull is wrong. Really human?

But how can people become like this?

Wen Ke pointed at him, pointing to the path behind him, Zhou Zishu
nodded, and left carefully with him.

The road was wide and narrow at all times. I did n’t know how many turns
I had taken. After walking far, Wen Kexing whispered, "There are other
tooth marks on the bones left by the beast. What do you say in the water
are Did you eat your own? "

When he didn't talk nonsense, his voice was extremely low, like a sigh, but
he didn't look weak, as if he didn't want to use it with a little energy. He
took a little indifference, and he paused and asked, " That stuff is human,
right? "

Zhou Zishu glanced at him and whispered, "I'm so ignorant."

Wen Kexing laughed softly: "Are you ignorant? Hey."

He didn't say anything, but just strode forward.

I walked around without knowing how long I took a turn, but the fast-
flowing "Huang Quan" lay in front of my eyes, Zhou Zishu suddenly
called, "Slow."

Wen Kexing looked back at him, and his face regained the look of being
embarrassed and looking for photos: "Brother Zhou, what's wrong?"

Zhou Zishu knew that he could n’t respond to people ’s madness, otherwise
he would kick his nose more and more on his face, so he ignored it and
just barked, saying, “The water in the water is powerful and fast. Then,
they can come and go freely in the water. Only then did the beast walk on a
dry road, and know that they need to stay a little farther away from the
water, to see it eating, but also on the shore, not to prey in the water.

Wen Kexing paused for a moment, looking out, looking at the gloomy
underground, wondering whether he was talking to himself or asking Zhou
Zishu, "How big is this place?"

Why is it like you ca n’t reach your head, and you ca n’t find your side?

Zhou Zishu groaned for a long while, and suddenly said: "This river is
east-west, and I have always remembered the direction. Although we took
a few turns, we should go north-south ..."
"You mean ghosts hit the wall?" Wen Kexing suddenly got excited and
blinked. "I have heard one thing, it is said to be true, there is a man ..."

Zhou Zishu turned around, turned his back to him, made a mark on the
wall behind with his fingertips, and walked out along the weird river
without a word.

Wen Kexing's ghost story was treated coldly and was not angry. He sniffed
and followed.

Suddenly, a roar of a fierce beast came, and the whole crypt seemed to
shake with it. There was a scream in the roar, the sound was very tender,
and it sounded like a child.

Zhou Zishu stepped forward.

Then the child started screaming and crying, getting miserable.

Zhou Zishu immediately swept away in that direction, his body speed was
very fast, and he went out more than a foot in a flash. Wen Kexing had to
say something, but it was too late, and the hand that was stretched out was
so airborne that he had to I swallowed it back, shook my head, and chased
after it.

I saw the monster like a dog and a horse under the paw of a monster, and
was pressing a little girl, and the huge fangs were resting on the white
neck of the little girl, and she wanted to bite it down. Actually, there was
the ability to fight cattle in the air, hitting the beast's head, deflected his
head, and Jushuo's body rolled to the side.

Then she hugged the weak **** the ground.

The big guy shook his head vigorously, as if he was beaten a little blindly.
It took a moment before Zhou Zishu snatched the food in his mouth, and
immediately roared and rushed at him.

Zhou Zishu first wanted to throw the little girl to Wen Kexing
subconsciously, but then he paused subtly, stepping on a strange number of
steps under his feet, looking like a ghost, and stepping back three or four
feet away. The little girl set aside and flashed out to the other side.

The monster followed, and the smell in the open mouth of the blood basin
smoked the human brain. Zhou Zi snatched Lao Gao, the electric light and
the fire, and turned over to ride on the monster's neck.

Wen Kexing stood aside, glanced expressionlessly at the little girl who
was twitching, and then stood on the wall.

Zhou Zishu made a catapult and crushed the monster stiffly. Who knew
that the beast was actually clever. When the body crooked to the side, he
had to come in place and roll eighteen-follow it and roll on one In the
circle, I was afraid that the copper skin and iron bone would be crushed by
the one hundred pounds of big guy.

While it fell on its side, Zhou Zishu immediately gave a soft whistle,
rolled it down, and kicked him on the monster's stomach.

Its back and bones were knotted, but its belly was very soft. Zhou Zishu's
foot nearly turned over five internal organs and screamed in pain.
However, after all, it was thick and thick, and he could climb up and
opened his mouth wide. Zhou Zishu bit it, his hind legs were strong, and
his pain was very tense. He was very angry. This flutter was extremely
fast. Zhou Zishu blinked aside, but he might as well stagnate, but he didn't
mention it.

The monster's teeth were close. He held his chest with one hand, his
elbows in his hands, and received his claws. He leaned his elbows and hit
his nose. The bones of the monster's nose bridge folded in response, but
the sharp claws caught Zhou Zishu's left shoulder, and he immediately saw

Zhou Zishu found that the monster ’s nose was actually a weak point, and
he ignored his wounds, and patted the monster ’s nose again with a
backhand palm. The internal force broke the bone of his forehead directly
by his broken nose bone. Crisp, the monster staggered back two or three
steps, and then fell suddenly.
Zhou Zishu frowned and reached out to seal the acupuncture point on his
left shoulder to stop the blood. He wanted to wash the wound with the
water in the "Yellow Spring", but remembered that there was no ghost or
ghost in it. The passenger bank snorted and asked, "Do you have internal

Zhou Zishu looked back at him and calmly said, "It's probably that I didn't
have enough food at night, and my hands and feet became weak."

Then she leaned over and hugged the little girl, patted her back, and asked
softly, "Who are you from, how can you be alone in such a ghost place?"

When Wen Kexing heard such a sentence from him, he immediately

sneered and said, "Little girl? How can a little girl be here? You might as
well ask her what the evildoer is. Good, what to save her?"

The little girl said nothing and went straight to Zhou Zishu's arms.

Zhou Zishu no longer asked, but only to Wen Ke: "Jide and do good."

Wen Kexing's eyes moved down, and he thoughtfully looked at his ****
shoulders, and suddenly laughed, "Brother Zhou, you didn't color your
shoulders too. It's so different from the neck of your hands, faces and
necks, but I saw it. . "

Zhou Zi paused for a moment and said briefly, "It's sunbathing."

Wen Kexing laughed: "Well, for the first time, I heard that a beauty with
ice muscles like snow can bask in the sun."

The word "ice muscle is like snow" successfully made Zhou Zishu fight a
chill. He asked the little girl to hold her up before she could speak.
Suddenly, she glanced across the ground and saw a very weird scene-that A
small tree grows on the body of the god-like dog, and the tree burns its
ground ... full of peach blossoms!

Wen Kexing followed his gaze and his face changed immediately.
Zhou Zishu didn't have the energy to manage the change of other people's
faces. He stood still as a chicken and looked at the growing peach tree, and
there seemed to be an unknown flower fragrance floating in the air. It was
long gone, the peach blossom seemed to have sucked out some vital
energy, and it was extremely prosperous, covering a large area in an
instant-as if he could touch it with his hand.

A man stood under the peach tree.

A youthful man with thick eyebrows and full lips seemed to have a smile
on his shoulders. He was covered with peach petals on his shoulders. He
carelessly reached out and moved his lips. Zhou Zishu saw him clearly

Jiuxiao ...

At that moment, Zhou Zishu's heartbeat seemed to stop.

Suddenly, there was a painful heartache in the injured shoulder, Zhou

Zishu couldn't stop snoring, and looked down. The little girl who was held
in his arms opened her mouth and bit her fiercely on his wound.

Zhou Zishu almost instinctively bounced her away with her internal force,
and then returned to her mind. The peach tree and the person under the tree
were gone-there was still a spooky crypt, and a huge black hair monster
corpse ran out. Underground, next to the pile of bones they had previously

The little girl who was thrown out by him screamed like a human, and he
looked intently, where was the little girl, clearly a little monster in the

The little monster opened his mouth and snarled at him, staring greedily at
his bleeding wound, eagerly trying to pounce again, and suddenly a slender
palm was stretched out next to it, pinching its neck, and the little monster
did not even struggle Having had a little time to struggle, he was torn his
neck and died.
With a smile on his mouth, Wen Kexing casually left the little monster's
body aside and said casually: "I know why these things in water are afraid
of being like that, and they will come ashore and be eaten by monsters. It
seems, It's not just the two of us. "

Zhou Zishu was as if he was pulling out of power, and he heard a bitter
smile: "Is that just now we were going around the circle and returned to
where we were?"

Wen Kexing looked at him and said, "Can you still go? I can carry you ...
well, hold it, as long as you let me see your face."

Zhou Zishu Gan laughed: "Thank you, don't have to."

He covered the wound on his left shoulder, struck a twelve-point spirit,

and continued to walk along the "Huang Quan". Suddenly he thought of
something like, and asked: "I saw the monster's grass and flowers on it just
now. A bunch of dog-tail flowers are still singing and jumping there, what
do you see? "

Wen Kexing said behind him: "I saw an owl-I'll tell you, it's not a good
sign to hear an owl laughing, sure enough-I also saw a man with a bowl of
red water in his hand, and then The owl knocked over ... "

Zhou Zi closed his mouth, and he said a ghost word himself, and the other
party responded with a ghost word, and it was fair.

He walked ahead without looking back, and did not see the expression of
Wen Kexing at the moment-the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed
to have been frozen there for a long time, staring blankly, staring at the
ground, as if staring at Far away, seeing Zhou Zishu impatient and
listening to his ghost story about owls, he swallowed his voice and
followed him silently.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 13: Show up
Suddenly, Zhou Zishu froze, and frowned at the entrances and exits in the
crypt. He suddenly said: "This crypt is connected to living water and there
is wind. It is impossible for anyone to use medicine."

He dare not say that he is proficient in medicine, but today ’s emperor, the
former prince, and the southern Xinjiang witch boy who has been a proton
in Beijing have some friendships. When the witch boy pretends to be the
“Witch Doctor Valley” in the early days when he tested the water in the
Central Plains Wulin The unheard of southern Xinjiang secret drugs were
shot through him.

Zhou Zishu has not eaten pork, and has seen pigs running for so many
years. I have never heard of anything that can make people have such an
illusion that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false for such a
long time.

Wen Kexing nodded his head and asked, "That's someone who stuck us
here with Qimen's Armor-do you understand that thing?"

Zhou Zishu said unhurriedly: "You mean the so-called Sanqi, Bamen, and

Wen Kexing was surprised: "Are you very knowledgeable and have studied

Just listening to Zhou Zishu continuing to say without hesitation: "Of

course I don't understand, you say 'Qimen Jiajia', I only heard these three
words." He couldn't move anyway, so he just sat on the ground. With his
back against the wall, he accidentally touched the wound, his expression
distorted, and he took a cold breath. I never imagined that he would be
tortured by a beast to such a terrible day.

Wen Kexing thought that at least he knew what the "three odds and eight
doors" meant, and he felt quite intellectually superior. He also
remembered the strange things of Zhou Zishu and Qian Yinzi who sold
himself. It feels a little boring. So he sat next to him, and turned his head
to look at the wound on Zhou Zishu's shoulder. There was a bit of gloating
about it: "Let you be idle and hold a water ghost as a chick."

Zhou Zishu closed his eyes and recuperated, and ignored him.

Wen Kexing stood up silently, walked away for a while and returned, Zhou
Zishu just felt a cold on his shoulders, opened his eyes, and saw Wen
Kexing holding a small piece of water in his hand, slow. Slowly wiped his
messy wounds.

Zhou Zishu immediately flashed subconsciously, but Wen Kexing pressed

his shoulder: "Don't move."

Zhou Zishu asked bitterly, "Where did you come from?"

"It's in the river," Wen Ke said, thinking about it, and added: "Living
water, clean."

Zhou Zishu only felt that the cold hair was erected all over his body. Even
though he knew in his heart that the water was living water, let alone
rubbing the wounds, it was also drinking, which made him think of the
extraordinary group of children born in the selfless water stream. Living
creatures goosebumps burst by burst.

Wen Kexing sharpened his eyes and saw his goosebumps, so he laughed
and said, "You're a crocodile like yourself, but you also think that other
things are dirty? Come on, pretend to be fragile, be honest."

Zhou Zishu knew in his heart that he was right. He still looked at the piece
of papa he was holding in disgust, only to feel a scent of fragrance coming
from it, and a bunch of orchids embroidered on the corners. Exquisite,
with a touch of feminine femininity, if it is a girl ’s thing, the size of the
parcel seems to be a bit large, and the pattern is too clean. If it is a man ’s
house ... Which big man is it? Bring this thing?
He couldn't help but glanced at Wen Kexing, his eyes were quite strange,
and there was no one left or right. Zhou Zishu laughed straight back: "I
said, man, how can you bring the girl's things, is there anything

Wen Kexing was slowly peeling his blood-stained clothes from the wound,
and when he heard that, he put a little expression on his face, and tore off
the piece of cloth that stuck to the wound. Zhou Zishu sighed, his facial
features wrinkled, and Wen Kexing said comfortably: "This is a gift from
the son of Hua Kui Suyue of Yangzhou City. If you do n’t know the goods,
you can say a few words. Provincial delicacy. "

Then directly tear the piece of gift given by the son of Su Yue directly into
a strip and tie it to Zhou Zishu's wound.

Zhou Zishu didn't know that Jiangnan's folk customs were so open. It was
the capital of the thirty-mile-long Wangyue River, the emperor's defeated
old emperor, and the poorest and most extravagant. He never heard of
where to choose a male flower queen. , Then asked without thinking.

Wen Kexing looked at him with a very sympathetic eye, and asked, "Did
you grow up in this world? Are all the people in the skylight buns? Or am I
guessing wrong?"

Zhou Zishu said with a smile: "When did I admit ..."

Before he finished speaking, Wen Kexing suddenly shot like electricity,

poking lightly on the big hole in his chest. If he clicked elsewhere, Zhou
Zishu could not feel it across the clothes, but he was catching up. Zhou
Zishu's body was so exhausted that Qiqiao and Sanqiu nails all came out to
be arrogant, and they were encouraged to suppress it. Pressing this lightly,
it was the last straw that crushed the camel, and the pain immediately
slumped and said, "You ... "

I saw Wen Kexing rubbing his chin, and he said quite deeply: "You have a
very serious internal injury, but you still have such skills at the moment,
and the skylight is unlikely to let you go. But the legendary Qiqiao Sanqiu
nail is the most terrible Things ca n’t be difficult under the prestige. I
think you can eat, drink, run, and jump, and you are very energetic.
Although people are a bit silly, they are not the stupid way of hitting the
ghost nails. Wrong guess? "

Zhou Zishu was sweating profusely, and he did not forget to squeeze a few
words out of his teeth: "Wen ... go, I ... **** your ancestor ..."

Seeing that he no longer pretended to be full of mouth, Brother Wen was

short. Although Wen Kexing was scolded, he felt inexplicably feeling a
sense of accomplishment, so he moved like a mountain and said, "My
ancestors do n’t know who their last names are. I'm afraid it won't work. If
you wash Yi Rong and let the next look, then if you are a beauty, you can
make a promise to yourself. "

Zhou Zi gritted his teeth, bent his waist like a prawn, endured pain, and
mobilized his internal interest to suppress the nails to be rebelled. He
heard that he was still chattering, and finally could not help interrupting
his irritable words: You **** shut up! "

Wen Kexing shut up and stood by without guilt.

I don't know how long it took before Zhou Zishu opened his eyes and there
was blood in his eyes, but others could not see how his true face looked,
but he also knew it was not good-looking and said, "It's dawn."

Qiqiao Sanqiu's nails subsided, but it was dawn outside-the two were
trapped in this weird crypt for a whole night.

Wen Kexing seemed to be in a hurry than him, and nodded when he heard
the words: "It seems that the person most likely introduced you
intentionally, deliberately trying to trap you in it."

"Will you," Zhou Zi eased.

"It's clearly you, I'm a good person." Wen Ke thought hard.

Zhou Zishu didn't bother to care about him, stood up holding the earthen
wall of the crypt, leaning on it, pondering how to get out, just listening to
Wen Kexing and asking, "Zhou Su, are you afraid of death?"

Zhou Zishu said: "Afraid."

Wen Kexing looked at him a little unexpectedly. I only listened to Zhou

Zishu honestly, "I haven't finished accumulating morals yet. Now going
down, Wang Yan may let me have a baby in my next life."

Wen Kexing thought for a while and flatly said, "Then you must not have
been a good thing before."

However, before Zhou Zishu answered, he asked again very seriously: "If
you weren't good at all, this will remind you of good deeds, is it still

Zhou Zishu straightened up and walked in one direction, and said

smoothly: "Why it doesn't work, haven't you heard 'put down the butcher
knife and become a Buddha'?"

Wen Kexing got up to keep up and said, "Where are you going?"

"Eat dog meat." Zhou Zishu said, "Now that man is just trapping us in this
place ..."

"Take you," Wen Kexing corrected.

Zhou Zishu rolled his eyes and continued: "The beast is not small enough
to eat for a few days, and then there is nothing in the river, anyway,
hungry, no matter what the black clothes are, by the time it will be Will
come out to meet. "

Wen Kexing was terrified and said, "You thought the water in the river was
dirty yesterday, and you want to eat the shellless king in the water today

"So you plan to starve yourself, and then let the King of the Shells come to
knock you?" Zhou Zishu glanced at him and concluded, "Brother Wen is
really a sage too."
There was no light in the crypt. Fortunately, Zhou Zishu intended to run
away late at night. There were several firebreakers on his body. There was
also a small night pearl that robbed the rich and helped the poor. Although
it is very small, it can only emit a little shimmer, which is enough for both
eyes Struggling to look at things, half of his side face was reflected by the
dim light of the night pearl, just as Wen Kexing could not see his
appetizing complexion and facial features, but only a pair of extremely
bright eyes, looking diagonally , With an indescribable joke.

The look was quite familiar.

Wen Kexing thought about it for a long time, and did not remember which
beauty face he had seen such a look, and did not answer for a moment.

The two were silent, and Zhou Zishu's ears caught a light breath different
from himself and from Wen Kexing at that moment, and he smiled silently
—Sure enough, someone would not be sober when he heard the words.
Hold your breath.

Then he stood by the river, bent down, first washed his hands with the
water in the river, grabbed the neck of a monster who was trying to attack,
lifted it all up, and got used to the ground fiercely. He broke his neck and
died with a short click, Zhou Zishu picked up a little water and drank

Wen Kexing was also a bachelor. He gave him a thoughtful look, picked up
the monster's body with his toes, and kicked him aside. He also drank a
few mouthfuls of river water to moisten his throat.

At this moment, a strong wind hit the back, Wen Kexing had expected it,
and flew away in a hurry. A steel knife wiped the corner of his clothes into
the water, and said "through". Zhou Zishu laughed, and stood up while
watching the excitement: "Look, Brother Wen, I said it was for you, right?
You're messed up like this to kill you, you are certainly not a good thing . "

Steel knives were shot from all corners of the crypt, and those steel knives
ignored Zhou Zishu for the time being, and took Wen Kexing directly,
almost interwoven into a sword and sword rain. More brilliant than Zhou
Zishu imagined.

It was just a curse in his heart—the man named Zhou had to get revenge in
one sentence. The belly is extremely good. It is not only a good thing, he is
not a thing.

Wen Kexing raised his hand and hit a steel knife. The blade was rubbing
Zhou Zishu's trouser legs and nailed it to the ground. He said, "You can't
save me from death, Zhou Mei, are you good at doing good?"
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 14: Get out of sleep
Zhou Zishu's eyes glanced at him, and he said slowly: "I don't think you
are going to die at all."

He hadn't finished saying this, as if in order to cooperate with him, I saw

Wen Kexing snorted suddenly, and bent down, a steel knife submerged into
his body, leaving only a knife handle outside, he looked Pale, squeeze a
word out of your mouth: "You ..."

Zhou Zishu first glanced, but the next moment, he suddenly swept out in
the opposite direction. There was a dark shadow flashing in the corner, and
the tunnel was extremely narrow. As soon as the man showed his mark, he
was immediately seen by Zhou Zishu. The palm smashed past, the shadow
was too late to dodge, four or five steps back, and then bleed, even the
mask on his face was red, but he could get up and run.

Zhou Zishu snorted and found that the pine nut that he had hit on him
before was probably not powerful enough, but that the person was
particularly restrained.

Suddenly a shadow came out, holding the neck of the man in black, lifting
him up and pressing it against the wall.

The man in black was shocked: "You ..."

Wen Kexing smiled, tilted his other arm, and the steel knife clamped under
his arm fell to the ground, without even scratching his clothes.

Zhou Zishu said lazily, "You can believe him, I have seen such a stupid
murderer for the first time."

Wen Kexing heard the words, and gave him a thoughtful look, and smiled,
"It's not that he can't, it's because your brother's eyesight is too good. If it
doesn't hurt you, I'm afraid ..."
He shook his head, not saying what he was afraid of. He strengthened his
hands, and the man in black made a "chuckling" sound in his throat, but
his eyes were exposed with unexplainable terror. Wen Kexing reached out
and touched the man in black, humming softly in his mouth: "Golden silk
armor ... good things, rest on you, wasted."

At this moment, the man in black barely spit out a few fragmented words:
"Lord ... is ... ? ..."

Wen Kexing smiled, and only heard a "click", the man in black twitched
violently and stopped.

Zhou Zishu watched him wink without saying a word, but he didn't ask
anything. He actually killed the man, his eyes sink, and he thought of
something. He held his hands on his chest, stepped back, and leaned
against the crypt. On the wall.

Wen Kexing reached out and opened the mask of the man in black,
revealing the whole picture of the man. I saw that he was about forty years
old, with a small body, but the flesh of his cheeks bulged out. He had a
large blood-red birthmark on his right face, a pair of mouse eyes, a garlic
nose, and his open lips showing two cavities.

Wen Kexing looked at him for a while, and suddenly commented, "This
man looks so awe-inspiring, it's really time to kill."

Then he looked up and smiled at Zhou Zi: "Brother Zhou, do you mean it?"

Zhou Zishu said: "You are really nothing."

Wen Kexing waved his hands and hugged his fist, "Dare not dare, let us
accept it."

Zhou Zishu gave a sneer and walked over to find the body of the man in
black. He actually had many questions in his heart, such as how the gold
soft armor that had disappeared in the rivers and lakes many years ago got
into this man's hand. For example, is this dead man hanging on to Xue
Fang, such as how to get things out of the river, is it a human, such as ...
Then he threw away the clothes of the corpse three or two times, and found
a ghost tattoo with blue face and fangs on the back of the corpse. Zhou
Zishu made a move and knew that this man was one of the evil spirits who
had been replaced by fakes.

Hanging ghost? The hanged ghost Xue Fang turned out to be a fang?

Uh ... no, Zhou Zishu was busy throwing this very “Wenkexing” idea out
of his mind, and said, Is it really the evil spirits who chased him and
Zhang Chengling along the way? No-if the evil spirits in Qingzhuling had
only this ability, how could they have been the forbidden area of ??Wulin
for so many years?

Why did the hanged ghost kill Tian Yu? And that one who ran in the other
direction, is it really the true deity?

Ghost Valley's attack on the celebrities outside Zhaojiazhuang at this time

is tantamount to acknowledging the Zhang family's extermination. What is
it for?

And ... he looked up at Wen Kexing with a kind face and suddenly asked:
"Did Brother Wen ever kill a person after claiming to be away from home
and going down the rivers and lakes, why is he so broke today?"

Wen Kexing stared at him: "It was clear that he was going to kill me first.
If it weren't for my cleverness and danger, I would have just been chopped
into a flesh with a steel knife."

Zhou Zishu laughed: "Wen Hao Ren, you weren't determined in the first
place. Didn't you cause this trouble?"

Wen Kexing said rightly and confidently: "Look at the ghost-faced doll on
his waist and look at the young man outside, his wife has no head before
he has time to marry. What does this mean? He is a bad person, or is he
really bad? Kind of, the bad guys want to kill the good guys, is there a
reason? "

Zhou Zishu looked at him speechlessly.

Wen Kexing shook his head and said earnestly: "I see that you are also a
big boss. I don't even understand why this is so big, I am really sad."

Zhou Zishu was silent for a long while, and only two words popped out of
his mouth: "Teach."

Wen Kexing said busyly: "Dare not dare, you are welcome."

Zhou Zishu lowered his head, continued to toss the body, and plucked the
famous golden soft armor from him, only to see a small bag falling against
the chest of the body. Zhou Zishu carefully untied the small bag By the
light of the night pearl, there is actually a piece of colorful glazed glass
with big palms, and there seems to be lines on it, and the workmanship is
extremely fine.

Zhou Zishu lifted the little shard, took a picture under the light, and asked
casually, "Luri?"

Wen Kexing said "Yeah" and came over and looked at it for a long while
before taking it carefully, holding it with both hands, lest he break it,
saying "No wonder he wants to wear gold soft armor, if I have A piece of
things, I have to ask the master ironsmith to get me a pair of armor, so I
have to protect it personally. "

Seeing his solemn look, Zhou Zishu couldn't help wondering: "What is

Wen Kexing: "I'm afraid this is one of the five pieces of glazed armor in
the legend ... I thought it was a rumor of the rivers and lakes, but I didn't
expect it to be true. I heard that the five pieces of glazed armor were put
together, which was enough for any unknown soldier to dominate The
entire Central Plains martial arts. Some people say that there are hidden
martial arts inside, and some people say that there is a map inside, and if
you go down, you can get what you want most.

He seemed to reluctantly put the piece of glazed armor on Zhou Zishu's

palm, gently gathered Zhou Zishu's fingers, and said softly, "It's a good
Zhou Zishu nodded, indicating that he understood. Then he patted Wen
Kexing's hand in an ambiguous way and put the glazed armor back into the
pouch. He threw it aside and continued to toss the dead corpse. After
turning it over, there was nothing else, Zhou Zishu frowned, stood up and
said, "This is very troublesome. How can we go out?"

As soon as he bowed his head, he saw Wen Kexing still squatting on the
ground staring at him with a strange and inexplicable gaze. Then he said
angrily, "Wen Dashan, what do you want to say? Just hold your hands and
kill this. Goods, should we learn to drill holes out of a mouse? "

Wen Kexing pointed at the Liulijia who was left aside and asked, "You ...
don't you want that?"

Zhou Zishu said positively: "If the entire glass is made of such fine things,
it is worth a little money. There is such a fragment left at the moment. It
doesn't matter what the pawnshop owner does."

Wen Kexing heard a chuckle, patted his hands and stood up, while walking
forward with Zhou Zishu, said: "Brother Zhou is full of heart and would
not believe the rumors of the rivers and lakes? Do you have nothing to
dream of?"

Zhou Zishu didn't look back and said, "No one picks Li Shengda Road, it
will be bitter. You do n’t have to. What do I have to do to worry about this?
Do n’t Wen Shanren have anything to dream of?"

When Wen Kexing heard the words, he immediately turned his head,
carefully picked up the bag, put it in his arms, and put it against his chest,
and asked, "What if I want it?"

Zhou Zishu glanced at him and said, "Oh."

There is no other expression.

The two kept turning around, and where they came down, the small
entrance was still uneven, and Zhou Zishu groped around: "I just want to
go out, and the hole will be closed. The dead ghost must be nearby, and the
authorities controlling it should be nearby. "

However, the two of them had ten tricks and nine tricks on Qimen's armor,
but they did n’t know anything. After searching for half a day, they could
n’t find them. The seven fatal nails started to move again. Zhou Zishu
knew that it would be almost midnight. Now, the two were trapped here for
a full day and a night. His physical strength was not as good as before, and
he couldn't hold it. Is he really going to eat that dog meat?

As I was thinking, suddenly there was a human voice across the hole, and
said vaguely, "Hurry up, I'm looking for this place, and wait for my shout
to try-Master! Master! Hear What ... Master, will you still be able to
breathe out? If you can breathe out, I will dig up your grave. If you have
already seen the King, I will not disturb you to rest! "

Gu Xiang!

Zhou Zishu did not know why, after experiencing chasing by a bad dog,
being bitten by a monster, and being horrified by a hanged ghost, she felt
particularly kind when she heard her voice.

Just listening to Gu Xiang whispering, "Did you hear it or have you farted?
Master, you can't say anything, I can go, I really go!"

Wen Kexing said slowly: "Axiang, do you know what would happen to a
girl who talks more and does less?"

This seems to be a special kind of effort into the room. Zhou Zishu has
seen it several times. It seems that no matter where he is, how loud he is,
he can always be heard by those who should hear it.

Gu Xiang snorted and urged: "Hurry up, the master said that I talk more
and do less, and dig him out."

Immediately outside, a bit of digging and digging started.

Zhou Zishu understood that she did not do less, she did nothing at all.
It will be almost two hours after the two have been dug out from the
ground by a group of people like radishes.

I saw Gu Xiang with a group of ordinary labor men on the side, shouting:
"Climb out! Climb out!"

Zhou Zishu Wenyan immediately didn't want to come out.

Wen Kexing was still calm. He was ashamed to drill out of the small hole
dug out, glanced at Gu Xiang, and commanded: "You can shut up."

Gu Xiang put out his tongue and made a face at Zhou Zishu.

A "labor" came up and saluted Wen Ke: "Lord, you are late."

Gu Xiang interjected: "In fact, we saw the owner ’s mark you left, but I do
n’t know why there were two dead people. Zhao Jiazhuang was crying
today and scolding the streets. It was so shocking that all the bears were
here. -How did you two become like this? "

Winker walked: "We heard an owl laughing."

Zhou Zi looked at the sky, saying nothing was happening to him.

Gu Xiang confused and said, "Oh?"

Wen Kexing explained: "When I heard the owl laugh, there is a bad luck
coming, and it is very likely to kill people, so we must hide under the
ground and let the claiming ghost think that you are already a dead person,
in order to avoid a calamity."

Gu Xiang suddenly realized: "Oh!"

Wen Kexing patted her head and said shamelessly: "Well, remember,
maybe it will save your life in the future."

Then he glanced at the man who looked like a laborer and commented,
"Lao Meng, this dress is not suitable for you. You should wear a pig
butcher's clothes next time."
Old Meng respectfully said: "Yes, obey."

Wen Kexing then waved his hand: "Go, don't get so many people together,
the province's people think we are gangsters."

Lao Meng whistled, and a group of people who did not know where they
came from were dispersed instantly.

Zhou Zishu also had to leave, only to hear Wen Kexing say to him,
"Brother Zhou, shall I follow you?"

Zhou Zishu expressed his protest in silence, and only listened to Wen
Kexing continued: "I am a good person, and I can guide you how to
accumulate virtue and do good."

Zhou Zishu remained silent.

Wen Kexing and he looked at each other for a while, Gu Xiang on the one
side looked at this and then that, only to find the atmosphere strange.
Finally, Wen Ke made his last move and said, "It's useless to object, I can
follow you."

Zhou Zishu squeezed a rigid smile on his face, and nodded, "Then Brother
Wen, please."

Gu Xiang looked at Zhou Zishu, and suddenly understood what it means to

be "leaving and walking backwards" and looking at Wen Kexing, then he
deeply realized what it means to be "invincible." After a lot of learning in
the evening, they followed with satisfaction and left behind.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 15: Restaurant
"Master, how can you be sure that if you are easy to look at, you must
make yourself ugly?" This is Gu Xiang who asks if he doesn't understand.

Wen Kexing said slowly: "No matter how beautiful and ugly people are,
they have natural features, they naturally have a harmonious rhythm, and
if they make hands and feet, they will not be seamless. If they become
beautiful out of thin air, others will not help but look at them twice. Don't
you see the flaw? "

The three walked on the street together at noon, and the crowd was busy.
Zhou Zi Shu Han was very homey. He listened without saying a word, deaf
and let them discuss. Ren Wenke lined his eyes on him from time to time.
Hearing here, he couldn't help but glance at Wen Kexing. At a glance, the
man in his heart knew a lot.

When Wen Kexing saw that he was getting attention, he became more and
more crazy, and eloquently said, "This easy-to-receive technique is
compatible and inclusive, the means are different, and it is painted with
paint. This requires a clever method, a little unevenness, and it is easy.
People can see that there are people who put on human skin masks on their
faces. This effect is better. If the easy-handed person has a clever method,
it can have the effect of realizing falsehood. "Yan Zhou thoughtfully
looked at Zhou Zishu.

Gu Xiang immediately put out her claws and touched Zhou Zishu's face
very practically. Her hands were soft and her sleeves exuded a girl's unique
and fresh fragrance. Zhou Zishu did not hide, she let her touch with a
smile. I do not know who is taking advantage of whom.

At the end he asked patiently and softly, "What have you found?"

Gu Xiang shook his head in confusion, and turned back to look at Wen
Kexing in disbelief: "Master, I still think he looks real ..."
Wen Kexing: "Of course he did not wear a human skin mask, that thing is
not airtight. If it is worn for a long time, there must be time to take off and
breathe. I have followed him for so long just to see if he needs to take off
the skin. mask."

Gu Xiang said admiringly: "Master, for the sake of understanding, you

have wasted so much time fooling around with beauties."

Wen Kexing pointed at Zhou Zi and said, "If he is a beauty, I will not waste
a moment."

Zhou Zishu thought about it, and finally felt that he couldn't be so silent
anymore, so he asked, "When have I been fooling around with you?"

Wen Kexing said unhurriedly, "I haven't done it before, I will definitely do
it in the future."

As he said, he also reached out to touch Zhou Zishu's face: "I touched your
shoulder that day, and it feels different from the texture of the skin on my
face, alas ..."

Zhou Zishu hid behind and opened his hand. Wen Kexing raised an
eyebrow and was a little displeased. He pointed at Gu Xiang and asked,
"How can she touch it?"

Zhou Zishu spared no time to trim his leaky sleeves on his ragged shirt,
and said, "If you also look like her, don't mention it, I'll take it off and
touch it for you."

Gu Xiang originally thought that Zhou Zishu was a good-looking

crocodile. When he met her shameless master, he had been blood mold for
eight lives, and had been sympathizing with him silently. When he heard
these words, he immediately felt that they One king, one mung bean, all
the way to the goods, it's a good match.

It can be fooled together from now on. It is okay to fight internally and
consume energy, and it will save the world from harm.
Wen Kexing turned his face, looked at Gu Xiang with an uncertain look,
and then Shen said, "Axiang, you can go."

Gu Xiang said "ah" and blinked innocently: "Where does the owner want
me to go?"

Wen Kexing stood by his hands, and he didn't want to look at her at a
glance: "The world is big, except Dongting, where you want to go."

Gu Xiang stood still for a long while, and suddenly said a word from his
mouth, asking, "Master, are you eating slavery vinegar?"

Wen Kexing gave her a glance, and Gu Xiang slap on his cheeks
immediately and kindly: "Hey, make you talk cheap, just talk too much,
you have to tell the truth, you have to ..."

Wen Ke Road: "Axiang."

Gu Xiang said, "Hey," he turned around and walked, and said, "Go away,
go away. The master rest assured, the slave must roll far away. The three-
legged toad cannot be found, and the two-legged man is still few What?
Slaves eat double servings of heart and leopard gall, and dare not rob you
of a man from your master.

Then he started to panic while rolling.

Zhou Zishu thought about the far-reaching "Except Dongting", and looked
at the noisy master and servant with interest.

Gu Xiang only walked on his forefoot. Wen Kexing seemed to suddenly

change his face, pretending to make a cough, and made a please gesture:
"Brother Zhou, do you know if you can enjoy the meal with me?"

Zhou Zishu thought, anyway, said no, this person also had to keep up with
dogskin plaster, so he might as well agree, and at any rate could save a
meal, and he readily agreed.

Wen Kexing opened his way with an eyebrow and smiled. Zhou Zishu
silently reflected on his thoughts. Those days when he walked in the
palace are like the last thing. He was wearing a robe and lived in a plum
blossom. This mysterious place is doing killing and arson, although it is a
beast, but it is also a crowned beast.

When did it become so blatantly shameless?

He glanced at the back of Wen Kexing, thinking that it must be black near
the ink.

The two went to the restaurant, and they have been hungry for a short time.
The food was served, no one talked nonsense, they all yelled at each other,
lest they eat a bite. Occasionally, when chopsticks run into each other, they
make a few tricks in a small area. You win me a piece of chicken, I win
you half an elbow.

The two of them have always had a great passion for food. One does not
eat white, does not eat, does not rob white, does not rob, and makes a good
dining table straight out of the sword, sword sword light, pervading a
murderous spirit.

After grabbing a set, the next set has not been served yet, and Wen Kexing
just freed up time to smile at Zhou Zishu: "The chess meets the opponent,
and it really feels delicious to eat."

Zhou Zishu gave him a scornful look, and he said, "Are you chicken?", He
is willing to eat in a trough.

Just as it happened, there was a commotion suddenly downstairs, and I

only heard the little two loudly sarcastically said, "This boy, I think you
are not bad at talking about clothes, why do you want to eat overlord
meals? In return, you are 80%. I heard that you've heard a lot of books?
Dare to ask which generation of celebrities you are and what kind of
champion you are today? Also Mobao ... "

A group of people laughed, Wen Kexing looked down, suddenly felt his
chin, and muttered, "Is it a beautiful lady ..."
Zhou Zishu looked down with his eyes, and saw a young man, standing
with red ears and a red face, in a dark blue robe with a flute on his waist.
His clothes were unobtrusive at first glance. It is particular about the
fineness of the jade flute around the waist, which is not a connoisseur, but
it can also be seen as expensive. Zhou Zishu only felt that the man was a
bit familiar, so he smiled slightly.

Wen Kexing asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Zishu said: "I don't want to be noticeable on the surface of him, in
fact, he is very arrogant and looks like an old man."

As he said, the young man who was surrounded by countless people looked
around blankly, raised his head, and his eyes just passed them. Zhou Zishu
shook his head. The man in his heart said that he was the No. 1 person in
Beijing. Eating, drinking, playing and having fun, how have you ever been
so confused? Then he kicked Wen Kexing with his toes and said, "Wenshan
people, the opportunity to accumulate good morals is here."

Wen Kexing was studying his expression, and when he heard the words, he
drew his hand into his arms: "Well, yes, the beauty is in trouble, and it
should be help ... eh?"

He touched in his arms, his face suddenly became very strange: "Brother


"I think I'll give you this opportunity to do good deeds, right?" Wen
Kexing chuckled, "Jede has accumulated enough in the next life, there is
no need to take your chance from your brother ..."

Zhou Zi looked at him with a smile.

For a moment, Wen Kexing sighed, and his shoulders fell down: "Only in
the street, a handsome man tripped under his feet and reached down to
help him. He also smiled at me ... Hey, Qing Benjia, what to do What
about a thief? "
Zhou Zishu raised an eyebrow and decided that he could be more
shameless, at least not to the person in front of him. He thought about it,
and then dragged Wen Kexing's sleeves, rubbed his hands, and then found
a piece of silver from his arms, and tossed it gently, just throwing it on the
second child's head, which became more and more outrageous Xiao Er
couldn't stop being smashed before he had to scold. When he lowered his
head, he found that the intimate contact with his scalp was a white flower
ingot, and he immediately lost his temper.

I only listened to Zhou Zishu lazily, "The account of this boy is mine."

Xiao Er collected the silver, naturally speechless, nodded and walked

away, the blue robe youth immediately looked at Zhou Zishu gratefully,
and went upstairs to thank himself.

Zhou Zishu pointed to an empty plate on the table and said to Wen Ke:
"Save him for me, this is for you, look back, and owe me three or two

Wen Kexing whispered, "What about you?"

Zhou Zishu smiled calmly: "Sorry, my appetite is not so good."

The blue robe youth had already come upstairs, and the two beasts
received a sneaky smile at the same time, posing like a heroic gentleman
with the same "unable to help each other". I saw the young man in the blue
robe deeply sulking: "Under Cao Weining, I would like to thank the two
for helping each other. Please accept the next ceremony."

Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu almost agreed: "Dare not dare, Cao Gongzi is

Immediately after saying this, the two looked at each other meaningfully,
each feeling very subtle.

Zhou Zishu coughed, looked away, and said to Cao Weining, "Cao Gongzi
sit down, next week, this ..."
"Wenkexing." Wenkexing smiled slightly and nodded softly. He sat quietly
a little far away, distinguishing a gentle gentleman with a whispering
smile, almost like a serious man.

Cao Weining thanked him and sat down. He was a close disciple of the
Qingfeng Sword School. He went to the rivers and lakes for the first time,
and he happened to be separated from his uncle, and he did n’t know when
he was thiefed. I don't know what to do, just happened to meet Zhou Zi
Shujie, I just felt that this man was very righteous, along with his very thin
and insignificant face, all of which were pleasing to the eye.

Zhou Zishu was accustomed to long-sleeve dance. He met normal people

other than Wen Kexing, and was very easy-going. With a few words, Cao
Weining felt at first sight as usual, and cracked open the box: "My uncle
and me are Who went to the Dongting conference, who expected that when
he passed by Zhao Jiazhuang a few days ago, he heard that something had
happened there. His old man had a good relationship with Zhao Daxia in
his early years, so he had to go over and tell me to go to Dongting first,
and to be late with the noble heroes Sin ... "

"Dongting Conference?" Zhou Zishu stunned.

"Exactly," Cao Weining explained, "I don't know if Brother Zhou had heard
of the Jiangnan Zhangjia destroying the door. Not only that, but I heard
that in the past few days, the head of Taishan died in his room unclearly.
All the victims were killed overnight. The death resembled the Zhang
family very much. The little boy of the Zhang family survived, and he was
also identified under the shelter of Zhao Jiazhuang and Zhao Xia. The
murderer was the evil spirits of Qingzhuling. It is the noble hero who has
issued a mountain and river order to gather the power of the world's heroes
to eradicate the Valley of Ghosts. "

Zhou Zishu took a subconscious look at Wen Kexing, but saw that he was
quite interested, and asked, "Is this really the case?"

Cao Weining said: "It's true that my uncle and I were at my command to
go down the mountain to attend the Dongting Conference."
The boy really went down the mountain for the first time, and said it as
soon as he asked.

Just listen to Wen Ke's way: "Brother Zhou, don't you say you want to
accumulate virtues and do good deeds? It is better to walk with this little
brother and punish evil and good deeds. Dade too."

Zhou Zishu bowed his head and took a sip of Chinese wine, and lowered
his eyes, some of whom could not understand Wen Ke's plan. But listening
to Cao Weining's high-five, "It's a good thing to punish evil and promote
goodness. Dade also, brother Wen said well. I see that the two are very
straightforward in their righteousness, and they are very close to the
younger brother. How about going to Dongting with the younger brother? "

Alas, this silly boy.

Wen Kexing laughed: "That's really what I want."

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 16: Spirit Fox
So the two-person line became a three-line line. Anyway, Dongting was
also one of Zhou Zishu's goals, and he had no objection.

The normal state of life of some people is that they are full of food and it
’s getting dark, so he thinks more, he ca n’t react too much, and has a
headache, such as Cao Weining. Some people are accustomed to
encountering things. They always look at them more than others, and think
a little bit more. This is also a habit. Perhaps he didn't realize it, and his
brain had already taken a lot of tricks. Zhou Zishu.

Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing's fangs and farts proceeded as usual, and if
you were okay, you would hurt me a few words, I would tease you a few
words, there is a lot of life and temptation.

Only Cao Weining listened to the music stupidly, summing up: "The
relationship between the two is really good."

Zhou Zishu closed his mouth and gave Cao Weining a glance. He was very
speechless. He knew Mo Huaiyang, the head of the Qingfeng sword
school. He was an old fox. Why would a big rabbit be raised in the fox

Wen Kexing went down the donkey and had to reach out and embrace
Zhou Zishu's shoulders. He smiled at Cao Weining: "Thank Cao Zi, I don't
hide it. In this life, Wen decided to not marry Zhou Xu."

Cao Weining's mouth opened as round as her eyes.

Zhou Zishu thought as usual and quickly replied: "I'm afraid to live up to
Brother Wen's love. He is dying and suffers from terminal illness. It hasn't
been a few years to live a full fight. This crooked-neck tree looks
crumbling, I'm afraid he can't hang Brother Wen Neck, please change
another one. Where is the endless grass? "

Wen Kexing said earnestly: "If you are gone, I will grow old alone."
Zhou Zishu smiled and said with a knife: "Respecting such a natural
wizard is bound to be high above the ground, and loneliness is always his
destiny. In the next mortal world, how can He tamper with his destiny?"

Wen Kexing said blankly and shamelessly, "Where and where, Ah Su, you
are so polite, it is very kind."

Zhou Zishu waved his hands and said, "Dare to dare, in fact, I am not
polite at all."

Cao Weining's gaze shifted for a while between the two, and finally the
three souls and seven souls returned to their positions. Then he asked, "...
due to the embarrassment of Brother Zhou, did the two lovers not become

Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu were at a loss for a while at the same time,
Wen Kexing laughed aloud, only to find that Cao Weining was extinct.

For a long while, Zhou Zishu coughed, and pulled Wen Kexing's arm from
his neck. He said, "Brother Cao doesn't have to be careful. I can't be a
family member with this brother. "

Cao Weining thought he was a strong face, so he frowned for a while, and
said painfully: "Brother Zhou should not suffer this kind of character."

Zhou Zishu smiled bitterly: "Thank you Brother Cao, I don't think ..."

Cao Weining said: "The master has been dealing with some strangers in
the rivers and lakes, and I have been fortunate to have met some seniors in
Witch Doctor Valley. Going back, Master and his old man will have a
solution. "

Zhou Zishu was so touched that he was sobbing, then he kept silent.

It was expected that Cao Weining was still an activist and immediately
fisted at the two of them: "Please wait for me in front of the inn, and I will
leave a note to the uncle."
After turning off and leaving, Wen Kexing marveled at his back: "The
ancient road is hot, it's really my generation."

Looking back, but seeing Zhou Zi Shu Zheng staring at him thoughtfully,
Wen Kexing paused for a moment, and asked, "Why, wasn't it just the next
words that moved you, that touched Ah Su's heart of iron and stone,
intending to stand up Maybe? "

Zhou Zishu sneered, "Forgive me for being dull, I really feel ... Brother
Wen's motivation to go to Dongting is confusing."

Wen Kexing solemnly said, "It is critical to save people, and to save
money for justice. These are all small good. Do you know what is good?"

Zhou Zi closed his eyes and looked at him silently.

Wen Kexing said slowly, "Hell is not empty in one day, I am not a Buddha
in one day, and since ancient times, there has been no conflict between evil
and evil, what do you say?" When he said this, he looked calmly far away.
In the place, a handsome side face, the joke of the usual jokes, disappeared
without a trace, really like a stone Buddha statue without sorrow and joy.

"This is the world," he continued, "the world, there should be no seductive

things, the noble and noble hero who is prestigious and high-profile, but
also kills the people. If I ca n’t help, I would not read many The Book of
Sages of the Year? I heard that many years of spiritual practice can only
come to the world. Wouldn't I be sorry for these decades if I didn't make
some careers? "

Zhou Zishu didn't answer, but Wen Kexing turned back and asked, "Axu,
are you saying that?"

For a long while, Zhou Zishu chuckled and said, "This sounds as if Brother
Wen is a gentleman."

But Wen Kexing suddenly said to the horse's mouth, "There are three kinds
of people in this world, who love meat, dispensable, and people who don't
love meat. These are all born, but sometimes they love to eat. Is n’t it
ridiculous that flesh people are born in the poor and those who do n’t like

Zhou Zishu was silent for a while, and then said very cautiously and
slowly: "I don't understand what the mystery of Brother Wen said, but I
have heard a truth."


"Orange is born in Huainan, but is born in Huaibei."

Wen Kexing heard the words for a moment, and suddenly burst into
laughter. He almost leaned forward and laughed, tears burst out. Zhou
Zishu looked at him with expressionless expression. The waxy flesh and
twisted features could not be seen. Joy and sorrow, but the eyelids were
slightly lowered, as if to look into Wen Kexing's heart.

I do n’t know how long it took before Wen Kexing got out of breath and
straightened up, reached out and wiped out the little tears from the corner
of his eyes, watching Zhou Zishu said: "I found that you are the best I have
ever seen in my life. I have an appetite, Ah Su ... I actually know a little
bit about Yi Rong. "

He blinked at Zhou Zishu without blinking. Seeing that Zhou Zishu's face
was a little uncomfortable, he said smoothly: "Is it?"

Wen Kexing said very seriously: "So I can barely transform myself into
Ah Xiang."

Zhou Zishu stayed for a while, seeing Wen Kexing going up and down
three roads and looking at himself warily, and immediately reacted,
without saying a word, turned and walked towards the inn.

Wen Kexing looked at his long and thin back, his eyes fixed on the pair of
scapula showing his clothes loosing, and he felt that even if the man was
ragged and down, there was such an unspeakable thing on his body, like
that In the afternoon when the sun was falling, he squinted and leaned on
the corner of the wall. Da La La sat on the street, distinguishing a pair of
flowers, but leisurely and calmer than anyone else.

Wen Kexing knew that the man was just basking in the sun.

How could a person with such a back view not be a beauty? Wen Kexing
complacently thought that he hadn't missed one of his eyes for nearly 30

Seeing that Zhou Zishu had gone far, Wen Kexing raised his legs to follow
them, and whispered in his mouth, "The orange tree doesn't have long legs,
how do you know that you want to become Tangerine is still going to
become a puppet? Besides, whether it is a meat-lover or a meat-lover, if
one day accidentally falls into an inaccessible place, it will be very painful
to drink blood all day long. "

In the evening, Cao Weining caught up, and then intuitively felt that the
atmosphere between the two was not quite the opposite, so he carefully
asked: "Is Brother Zhou and Brother Wen ... awkward?"

"Brother Cao is more attentive." Again in unison.

Wen Kexing narrowed his eyes and glanced at Zhou Zishu, his eyes looked
like a hook, full of playfulness, Zhou Zishu just didn't see it, and he
couldn't move like a mountain.

Cao Weining scratched his head and said, "Actually ... I don't know how to
say this. To be honest, I have heard of it before, but I am the first time I
have met a man ..."

Wen Kexing raised his eyes and looked at him quietly. Cao Weining said
busyly: "Brother Wen, don't get me wrong. I don't mean anything, although
I find it difficult to accept, but both are chivalrous people ... It ’s still a
little weird, but ... keke, do n’t go in your heart, we are standing upright ...

Zhou Zishu unhurriedly poured himself a glass of wine, smashed it, and
drank it, thinking, this silly boy has been speechless.
Cao Weining then lowered his head and raised it for a while, then blushed
and asked quietly: "Then ... two people staying in the night, do you want
one or two rooms?"

Zhou Zishu took a sip of wine and sipped it out.

Even Wen Kexing looked straight at Cao Weining, and said, it turned out
that he had picked up a strange flower and returned.

The air between the three people was strangely still, just when no one had
time to talk, and only heard Zhou Zishu's breathless cough, suddenly, a
terrible scream came from the floor, below Not many guests looked up,
and saw the shop erlian crawling down the stairs from the upper floor, like
a ghost, and trembled: "Kill ... kill ... kill!"

Cao Weining's face was so stubborn that he grabbed the sword and
slammed it up, almost at the same time, a pair of short-dressed men and
women on the table next to each took their blades and rushed up-there are
always people scrambling to rush behind Nosy. Wen Kexing kicked Zhou
Zishu with his toes: "Axu, don't you take a look?"

Zhou Zishu stood up, Wei Wei stunned: "You first please."

Wen Kexing stood up and walked upstairs. When he passed by Zhou Zishu,
he suddenly paused, approached him, and lowered his voice, "If you are
willing to have a room with me tonight, I will give you Yi Rongcheng
looks like Ah Xiang. "

Zhou Zishu said: "Thanks for your love, I would rather go to the sleeping

Wen Kexing gave a "slap" and gave him a sideways glance:

"Understanding the style." He went upstairs, followed by Zhou Zishu.

As soon as he went upstairs, a smell of blood rushed towards him. The

door of the Tianzihao room was wide open. Cao Weining stood solemnly
at the door and turned back to see them both.
Zhou Zishu walked over and gave him a glance, and saw a man standing
with his back against the bedpost, his clothes undressed, revealing a chest,
with a dark palm print on his chest, his hands being cut off, falling in the
corner, and blood spilling. The man's head was tilted aside, his eyes were
stunned, and his complexion was long gone.

Wen Kexing snorted: "How does this man look like ... the gentleman on
the street that hit me in the arms that day?"

Cao Weining also said "Ah", and made a close look at the dead man's face,
and said queerly, "He ... he seems to have hit me!"

Two brothers and brothers relying on Zhou Zishu's relief at the moment
looked at each other, and they suddenly developed a feeling that they were
both fallen.

The woman who only listened to one side said, "I know this person.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 17: Colored glass
Cao Weining paused and asked, "He ... he is the ancestor of the thief, I
don't know?"

The young woman nodded and pointed at the left hand of the corpse:
"Look, the legend is that a man in his thirties is a 30-year-old man with a
deformed left hand. If he isn't sure, he is still ..."

She blushed and couldn't keep talking.

Zhou Zishu looked at the corpse's clean face and chin, and said on the side:
"Furthermore, it is said that Fang did not know that he has a disability. If
the girl is unwell, she can go out first or turn around. You take off his
pants. I know if he really stole it. "

The woman glanced embarrassingly at the youth who was traveling with
her, and Qing Qing coughed out, "Xiao Lian, go out first."

The young woman turned around and waited at the door, turning her back.

As soon as she turned around, Wen Kexing took off the trousers of the
deceased, and looked at the special part of the corpse, he thoughtfully
touched his chin, and said with emotion: "Really No wonder he touched
something from me. I didn't even notice it. "

Then I just kept on doing it, and Fang Fangzhi's whole body was slick, and
he turned around politely, found his purse in a pile of bits and pieces,
opened it a little, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was not
much money, so I was very satisfied and stuffed it into my arms. I still
remember to say: "Brother Cao, come and see if your stuff is still there?"

Cao Weining and the youth on one side stared at the man in astonishment.

Zhou Zishu reminded coolly: "The gentleman, the dead is the big one." No
matter what the agreeable gaze cast by the strange young man, he paused
and added, "You owe me three or two dollars. Can you return it? "
Wen Kexing looked sad: "I'm all yours. You still care about me for two or
two dollars?"

The face of the strange young man looked even better. Zhou Zishu reached
out and grabbed Wen Kexing's collar, pulled the obstructing thing aside,
squatted, touched the body from head to toe, and frowned and came to a
conclusion. Road: "With a single stroke of death, the palm print from the
front chest to the back heart should be the Rakshasa palm."

The stranger uttered "Ah" and lost his voice: "You mean, the Rakshasa of
happy and derelict?"

"I'm afraid so," Zhou Zishu nodded, covering the body, and said to the
young woman outside the door, "that girl can come in."

Unfamiliar youth looked at the three of them and hugged their fists. "Deng
Kuan, the teacher is Gao Chong, this is my teacher and sister Gao Xiaoli. I
originally went out to practice. I received a letter from my teacher a few
days ago. I rushed back before the Dongting Conference. I wonder how
many people would call them? "

Cao Weining busyly said: "Oh, disrespect and disrespect, long heard of
Deng Shaoxia's name, and this girl, is the daughter of a noble hero? Is Cao
Weining sent to Xia Qingfeng Sword to attend the Dongting Conference by
order of the head, the old man should I will be there in a few days, and on
the way, this ... this **** sneaked away and tangled, thanks to the brother
Zhou and Wen who helped each other by justice. "

Deng Kuan said: "I don't know if these two heroes are ..."

Zhou Zishu still kept squatting on the ground. He smiled at him after
hearing the words and said, "Which hero is this? My name is Zhou Su, but
it's a prodigal wanderer who doesn't know where to go." ... "

He pointed at Wen Kexing, his voice paused subtly, and then said,
"Welcome Wen Kexing, although pretending to be a gentleman, is actually
a veteran hooligan ..."
Wen Kexing calmly said: "Axu, I'm only a rogue you."

Zhou Zishu whispered quietly and said, "You're really upholding."

Obviously, Gao Xiaoli's attention is no longer on the corpse. Deng Kuan

was calm, smiled generously when he heard the words, and he was neither
humble nor overbearing. It was true that some famous orthodoxy and the
Lord of the Dongting were the leaders of them. Hugging the fist: "The two
are really funny. Since the two came to my Dongting with Brother Cao,
they also want to come from my Tao-Brother Zhou said that the thief also
died in the Rakshasa of the joyous and derelict?"

He and Gao Xiaoli stared at each other, Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing didn't
know, and looked blank. Cao Weining asked: "Also? I heard that there
seems to be a mess in Ghost Valley outside Zhaojiazhuang. Is it ..."

Gao Xiaoli said: "Cao Shaoxia didn't know. Some news came from
Zhaojiazhuang in Taihu Lake a while ago, saying that it was Mu Yunge, the
Broken Sword Villa who was a guest in Zhaojiazhuang, and he died under
the palm of this Rakshasa. The ghosts are really evil and so arrogant. "

It's not far from Dongting here. It's just one day away, and it will be the
next day. It can be said that it is the site of the heroic hero. I wonder if this
girl is really filling in righteous indignation or because someone broke
into her father's. The site is not fast.

Anyway, Deng Kuan and Cao Weining nodded subconsciously and agreed:
"Yes." "Exactly."

At the time of the Wulin Grand Alliance, there were a total of three
"Rivers and Rivers Orders", which were held by highly respected people.
They could be used whenever there was a major disaster or disaster. The
three "Rivers and Rivers Orders" could be held together, and a hero
meeting could be held. The heroes of the world, together they plan. Today,
these three "Landscape Orders" are in the noble hands of the "Iron
Convict", one in the Shaolin Temple, and one in the hands of the ancient
monk of Changming who has been ignorant of the world for many years.
I did not expect that this time all the targets were directed at the turmoil in
Guigu, and even the ancient monk who was legendary Xiuxian asked not to
ask anything about it was shocked.

Deng Kuan and Cao Weining consulted and consulted several others, and
decided to hire a carriage to send the unknown body to Gao Chong
overnight, just in case night long dreams.

Cao Weining and Deng Kuan had a destiny, almost at the first sight, Zhou
Zishu looked on coldly, and thought that how to say that noble character is
to educate the apprentice and daughter, it is good, then Gao Xiaoli
followed, occasionally interjecting, Such a young girl was very decent in
her manners and speech. She was about the same age as Gu Xiang, but she
was not indifferent, insolent and polite.

Wen Kexing sighed suddenly and said with emotion: "If I could have a
character like Miss Gao in my home, I would be stunned."

Gao Xiaoli turned back and smiled politely at him, saying, "Brother Wen
has won a prize."

Zhou Zishu chuckled and whispered: "Is Miss Gao the daughter of Gao
Xia, Gu Xiang ... Actually, she is also a good boy.

Wen Kexing said positively: "Axu, Miss Gao is good. I'll just tell the truth,
but you should not be jealous or jealous ..."

Gao Xiaoli immediately glanced at the two of them awkwardly, and took a
few quick steps to catch up with Deng Kuan and Cao Weining. Zhou Zishu
and Wen Kexing were behind.

Zhou Zishu laughed softly and lowered his voice: "Brother Wen, there is
something unknown next-when you said we went in, why was the
unidentified corpse of that party undressed? As far as I know, that fellow
Fang is not a People who work at sunrise and sunset. "

Wen Kexing put his hand up to his chin, pondered for a moment, and
asked, "You mean that the happy and the devil see the other side and do
not know what they want to do with him, they are desperately resisted,
fail, and are angry. kill?"

After saying nothing, he shook his head and sighed, "It's really a sloppy
beauty since ancient times."

Zhou Zishu said expressionlessly: "Brother Wen is so insightful. I thought

it was the murderer who wanted to find out what happened to him."

Wen Kexing paused for a moment, and nodded pretendingly: "There is

some truth."

When he turned his head, he saw Zhou Zishu Zheng looking at him
meaningfully. I only listened to Zhou Zishu and asked: "Brother Wen, in
addition to missing a purse that day, what else is missing?"

Wen Kexing looked directly into his eyes and said frankly, "Yes, the
money is in the purse, but Liulijia is gone."

Zhou Zishu's face gradually lost his smile, and his eyes were washed like
ice water, dark and cold, but Wen Kexing seemed to be unaware, still

For a long while, Zhou Zishu whispered, "Wenshan, you don't kill Boren,
but Boren died because of you. What should I say?"

Wen Kexing silently, just as it was, Cao Weining and Deng Kuan
mentioned Zhou Zishu's physical embarrassment. Deng Kuan had to go
back and ask him if he had to rush to eat late at night. But I saw that the
atmosphere between the two was abnormal.

There was no smile on Wen Kexing's face, and Zhou Zishu's eyes seemed
to be flashing with an inexplicable light. Deng Kuan felt weird and asked
for a question. When Wen Kexing seemed to smile suddenly, he pinched
Zhou Zishu's chin like an electric light and lowered his head and kissed
Deng Kuan stood still for a while. After all, it was everyone's demeanor.
After a while, the lantern turned around in a mess. Pretending to calmly
stunned Gao Xiaoli and Cao Weining, "Since ... this is the case, we four of
us Go ahead, go ahead ... "

It's a pity that even if you don't pay attention, even the number is wrong.

It was not until the three men dared to run far back. Zhou Zishu broke free
from Wen Kexing's restraint and punched him fiercely. His face became
cold: "Brother Wen, this joke is not at all funny."

Wen Kexing stooped, covered his stomach, and looked at the slightly
uncomfortable smile in his heart with his face, and whispered: "I don't kill
Bo Ren, Bo Ren died because of me? Ah Su, are you wrong? "

Zhou Zishu stared at him coldly.

Wen Kexing slowly straightened up and sighed on a quiet road in the

middle of the night like a sigh: "In the glazed armor, there may be peerless
martial arts, there may be the treasure of the enemy country, who doesn't
want it?"

He bent his mouth silently, but there was no smile on his eyes: "The party
who knows nothing about the dogs and thieves does everything on their
own selfish desires. Everything they care about, they don't even care about
other people's life-saving money. They do n’t want it? That joyous and
miserable man was forced to enter the Ghost Valley helplessly. He didn't
want to live for many years. He didn't want it? You don't want to? You said
goodness and goodness in your mouth. Hell is waiting for you to judge the
bad things you did in this past life and this life, I ask you, if there is such a
thing that makes you invincible from now on, and you are not afraid of
knocking on the door in the middle of the night, do you not want to either?

Zhou Zishu shook his head very slowly and smirked: "I was not afraid of
knocking on the door in the middle of the night."

He stopped looking at him and turned and strode forward.

Wen Kexing stared at his back with a dim expression for a while, then
suddenly laughed again, and said, "Sage of Zhou, the taste of osmanthus is
really good."

Zhou Zishu wanted to pretend he didn't hear it, but still couldn't help
raising his sleeves, rubbing his mouth fiercely, scolding in his heart: Wen
Kexing, your mother!
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 18: Dongting
Dongting was really lively. Overnight, countless people from rivers and
lakes rushed here, men and women, young and old, three teachings and
nine streams, together under a name, and then each had their own ghosts
and their own affairs.

Just one day, Zhou Zishu and others have eaten at two restaurants in total
and have watched three or four clashes.

Zhou Zishu felt that this place was like a dog market, barking one by one,
playing fiercely, and biting each other's hair for three days because of
trivial matters, but in the end I do n’t know what these heroes will do. .

Deng Kuan and Gao Xiaoli first took a few people to meet Gao Chong.
There are only three in the world. Shaolin is a martial arts fighter. He wins
with strength. The ancient monk of Changming Mountain sees nothing at
the end and wins with martial art. Majors, the widest and most influential.

He wasn't a chic and elegant hero in Yushu's style. He didn't look

handsome and fierce, but he was an elderly, two-spotted, white, short and
fat man. When speaking, he was full of energy and spirit, and his laughter
was particularly bright.

When Zhou Zishu saw him, he understood why Gao Chong had the status
he has today.

Each person has a unique temperament, and then people will automatically
based on these invisible and intangible temperaments, and things are
grouped by type, and people are grouped by group.

For example, people like Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu, others may think
that it is just a scolded ghost called Huazi, or a hooligan who likes male
tongues and tongues. It may not have any characteristics, but once you
make a deep friendship, you are keen , You can feel the subtle difference.
Whether it is Zhou Zishu or Wen Kexing, they may be able to mix into the
crowd unobtrusively, but in the end they do not belong to that crowd, so
naturally they do not integrate, and mixing in just becomes an unobtrusive
background. .

However, Zhou Zishu will be subconsciously alert every time Wen Kexing
approaches. When Wen Kexing can meet for the first time, he warns Gu
Xiang not to provoke him.

It's an instinct to identify similar people.

But Gao Chong does not have this quality.

He can be called a brother or a brother with anyone. When he stands in

front of others, the other party will automatically ignore his identity
background age. No matter young or old, whether it is a decent or prodigal
ranger, he can rise to one. The intimacy of people of the same age and

Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing could not help but stop the meaningless
lunatics, silently observed the famous Gao Xia, only occasionally said a
shudder and politely answered some necessary questions.

Zhou Zishu couldn't help thinking, if Skylight also had such talents ...

Looking at the whole world, there is only one noble.

They arrived early, and within a few days, representatives of various

martial arts came one after another. The Dongting Lake has become a
recognition meeting, and the daily meeting must be: "Oh! This is so and
so, Jiuwen Daiming Jiuwen Daiming ... Dare to be afraid of being afraid,
yes, the people in Guigu have many evildoings and have been doing evil
for Wulin for a long time, everyone wins it. My generation should be the
one who fights together and takes the lead in martial arts ... "

After stopping for a few days, Zhou Zishu's ears almost became cocoon.
When he was very bored, Wen Kexing turned out to be a ghost, without his
noise in his ears, it was really aloof.
He wore a new robe provided by Gao's house and strolled to the streets in
his destination. Apparently, it was stained by Cao Weining and others.
Zhou Zishu lived in Gaofu, and his days were very moist. It was delicious
and delicious every day. He finally changed his ragged shirt and put on his
good clothes. It's just that I'm a little accustomed to it. I wear coarse
sackcloth for a long time, but I feel that the brocade is slippery and chilly,
wrapped around my nose.

Looking at his skinny waxy palms that were exposed outside, the same
skinny and waxy face, Zhou Zishu also shook his head with ridicule. The
body that was about to be drained by Qiqiao Sanqiu was actually unable to
support the clothes, like a bone rack crumbling to barely bear a piece of
cloth, I felt that my dignity was very insignificant, and occasionally in the
mirror After glancing at it, I was too lazy to look at it for the second time,
and I didn't feel like a prince in my robe.

I thought to myself, it was probably that Wen Kexing followed him all the
way to death and walked along with him. I did n’t have time to meet those
men who could embroider orchid towels. They were too hungry to choose
food. Nonsense.

Didn't you say that when you were a three-year soldier, the old sow can
still compete in the eyes? Zhou Zishu thinks that Wen Kexing's state is
similar to that, but I am afraid that this brother is interested in her

Today he went to a restaurant alone, picked a seat by the window, asked for
a few side dishes, a pot of rice wine, and drank slowly while basking in the

As soon as Wen Kexing walked in, he saw his back. For some reason, he
felt that Zhou Zishu's back was special. Among many people, he could
always recognize it at a glance.

Zhou Zishu's back is not always straight. Most of the time, he just lazily
arches an innocuous arc, his posture looks particularly comfortable, Wen
Kexing always feels like he has nothing in his heart, only Looking at it, I
felt particularly quiet and relaxed.
He couldn't help but pause for a moment, his expression blank, his eyes
staring at Zhou Zishu's leisurely back for a while, and suddenly a special
taste was raised in his heart—not particularly.

It felt as if the man was using such a silent gesture to laugh at him who
was running for things and pressing things in his heart, and had to pretend
to be indifferent.

Zhou Su-he thinks that people are like duckweed, and they are like catkins.

The vast world, three mountains and six rivers, what kind of person can be
a decisive one, carelessly walking alone and between heaven and earth, not
minding anything, and worrying about nothing?

But it wasn't indifferent--he had anger and sorrow, but the emotion came
and went quickly, and he passed by in a flash, and after blinking, it seemed
like he didn't remember anything.

Wen Kexing took a deep breath, lowered his eyes, and for a moment, his
face re-emerged with a smile that made people want to take a flat look,
walked forward, and sat opposite Zhou Zishu, not at all polite He took a
cup by himself, snatched the jug from Zhou Zishu, filled it with a glass,
took a sip, and commented: "This wine, even if it can be done."

Zhou Zishu glanced at him lazily and shouted, "Little two, change the jug
for good wine, and two more signature dishes, and it's on him."

Wen Kexing looked at him silently, and Zhou Zishu smiled slightly. In
order to show that he was not an iron rooster, he didn't even want to invite
him for a drink, and explained specifically: "You still owe me three or two
silvers, early It's cost-effective to pay off without interest. "

Wen Kexing was silent for a long time and could only say: "... Thank you."

Zhou Zishu smiled with his eyes narrowed, "Brother Wen is welcome."

Wen Kexing looked at his appearance, and suddenly wanted to find a trick
to tease him. Just as it happened, Zhou Zishu turned his back to the
restaurant door, and suddenly someone said, "Let's rest here first, eat some
food, and then in the afternoon Go and call on Brother Gao. "

Then another familiar voice answered: "Yes, it's all by your uncle."

Wen Kexing saw a rather dramatic scene. His creditor, who had just been
sober and reminded him to calculate interest, suddenly shook his head. He
"snapped" and "drunk" and fell on the table with his fingers pinched.
Holding the wine glass, his face against the table, facing out the window,
seemed to struggle and remembered, and it seemed like he couldn't get up,
and snorted in a loud voice: "Not drunk ... I can drink another pot ..."

Zhou Zishu and Zhang Chengling went the same way, Wen Kexing and Gu
Xiang followed, so although Zhou Zishucha felt that Zhang Chengling
didn't know, he was hurt at the time and had no time to take care of him.
Wen Kexing was not impressed.

And Zhou Zishu was so prone that Zhang Chengling and Zhao Jing did not
see him when they passed by, and did not pay much attention to them.
They went straight to them and went to the second floor elegant room.

After they went up, Coincidentally, Xiao Er came to the restaurant to serve
wine. When he saw it, he asked in amazement, "Isn't this a sober officer
just sober, so drunk so soon ..."

Before he had time to be surprised, he saw Zhou Zishu sitting up like

nothing else, without looking at Jiu Cai, he took the jug unwaveringly.

The shopkeeper was stunned, and Zhou Zishu waved, "I said just now that
I'm not drunk, can I drink another pot, I never say anything outrageous."

Thanks to Xiao Erdian's knowledge, he turned around and walked away.

Wen Kexing then smiled and said in a low voice, "Are you afraid of that
little thing?"

Zhou Zishu didn't lift his eyelids and said, "What am I afraid of?"

Wen Kexing looked at him: "What are you hiding?"

Zhou Zishu drank on peanut rice unhurriedly and said vaguely: "Trouble,
the little ghost chased me down when I saw him, master and master, short
and sticky, like a girl."

Wen Kexing raised his eyebrows and asked, "What did you do to save him
then, and you sold yourself for two dollars?"

Zhou Zishu chewed on the peanut rice with a quack and a half sip, then
slowly said, "Look at him pitifully."

Wen Kexing heard what he said, he was silent for a while, and suddenly he
felt the purse from his arms, reached out and grabbed a bit of scattered
silver, carefully counted for a while, pushed forward, and said, "Three two
two money, three two back to you, give more If you have two dollars, you
can also sell it to me. You will be guaranteed to feed you in the future. No
one will kill you. "

Zhou Zishu glanced down at the silvery shattered silver, held the wine
glass in one hand, took a sip with much enjoyment, and pushed back three
or two first, saying, "Today the wine money arrived."

After thinking about it, I pushed the money back: "No."

Wen Kexing couldn't see the emotion with a smile, and asked, "Why not

Zhou Zishu commented plainly: "It's awful to see you."

Wen Kexing laughed as if he had received some praise.

Half a month later, the world ’s heroes gathered in Dongting, and Gao
Chong borrowed a large temple near the Dongting. This heroic meeting
was scheduled here. For another half a day, Master Shaozi, the abbot of
Shaolin Temple, brought his disciples to bring a number of people. Two
mountains and rivers order.

The ancient monk of Changming did not appear in front of the crowd, and
only sent a twenty-something disciple who was very immortal and brought
the last piece of mountain and river order.

On the night that the three mountains and rivers gathered together,
Gaojiazhuang caught fire.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 19: Fire night
As soon as Zhou Zishu passed midnight, he couldn't fall asleep. He was
adjusting his breath in the room, and suddenly he heard the shrieking
shouting outside. He frowned, straightened up, pushed the window open,
and saw a lot of disheveled people running under his window, and then a
burst of fireworks came across him.

"Go water! Go water!"

In the cold night, thick smoke began to permeate. It seemed that the fire
was not far from him. Zhou Zishu said comfortably, anyway, this is
Gaojiazhuang, so many people are there. Looking at the smoke, I know
that the fire is not small. It is not beyond control. He was reluctant to do
anything, and felt a bit shy, so he reached out to close the window.

Suddenly a hand stretched out, and naturally opened his wrist to close the
window, and he ambiguously touched the back of his hand, then jumped in
from the window with agility, smiled at Zhou Zi, turned back and closed
the window. .

Zhou Zishu looked up and down the Wen Kexing guest before talking, and
when his nose was itchy, he turned his head to give a strong sneeze,
frowning indifferently, and took two steps back, and this I do not know
which rouge gouache just rolled out of the "xiangxiang" to keep a certain

He glared at the gentle man, and saw that his hair was untied and tied thick
with a hairband. Although it wasn't messy, the open neckline, a little red
on the white placket, and the sleeves lifted The savory powder smell that
came out during the movement, and the marks from the ambiguous nails
on the wrist ... and the look on the face, I was afraid that others would not
know he was going to sleep.

Zhou Zishu suddenly subconsciously adjusted his sleeves and sat upright,
a certain sense of moral superiority suddenly emerged. For a moment, he
almost felt that, compared with Wen Kexing, he was almost an
unscrupulous gentleman.

Wen Kexing sat on his bed with a butt, feeling that the quilt was cold.
Apparently the owner in the room had already got up, so he opened his
mouth and said, "Don't be ugly, I said, you don't sleep deeper in the middle
of the night. Are you lonely? I didn't say it earlier, I said I took you there
... Dongting, alas, Dongting is really a good place, Zhongling Yuxiu,

Zhou Zishu laughed lightly, no longer pretending to be pretentious, and he

was quite self-aware. The seriousness of others must be serious, and he
himself was serious, like explaining to people what is called "difficult in
appearance", "different in appearance", "full mouth" Kindness and
morality, a man with a belly steals son-in-law ".

He took a quick look at Wen Kexing and said slowly: "Brother Wen chose
the right time to go out. You just left your front foot and your back foot
was on fire ..."

Before he said a word, Wen Kexing's complexion suddenly turned blue,

and he was angry: "Fart, I've been away for several hours!"

Zhou Zishu froze, didn't understand what he was angry at, and saw Wen
Kexing look up and down to look at him unwillingly, his face faded, and a
wretched smile appeared: "Asu, this is changing the law Then, you wash
your face on the face, and I'll show you ... it won't be long. "

Yan Bo also reached out and grinded his lips, pointed out his tongue, and
licked the corner of his mouth, as if aftertaste something.

Zhou Zishu stared at him for a while, and arbitrarily put an empty glass in
his mouth to drink, and after pouring for a long time, nothing was found,
only to find that there was no drop of water in it. Wen Kexing looked at
him with interest, thinking to himself that although he could not see the
real face of the man, he must have blushed. The more I think about it, the
more I feel happy, and then I can't help but laugh out loud.
Zhou Zishu gritted his teeth and squeezed a few words out of his throat:
"Unfortunately, thank you."

Wen Kexing laughed back and forth.

Fortunately, everyone's eyes have been attracted to the place where the fire
broke out. Otherwise, the uncle will be photographed—is there any
onlooker who is on fire and laughs like this? Zhou Zishu felt that the word
"deficiency" was tailor-made for Wen Kexing.

So he stood up, gathered his scattered hair, turned around and walked out,
preferring to smoke outside, rather than be in a room with someone.

The fire was basically suppressed, and it was a room in the Gao family
that was on fire. Basically, all living things in the Gaojiazhuang were
alarmed tonight. Gao Chongzheng frowned, his head crooked, and he said
something to Deng Kuan.

Gao Xiaoli was also on the side. When he saw him, he nodded anxiously,
and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Brother Zhou, I didn't expect such a
thing to disturb your dreams. "

Zhou Zishu had a good impression on her. She smiled, and then lightened
her voice and asked, "Which house is running out of water?"

Before the words were over, we saw Wen Kexing carrying an outer robe,
and Dala stepped out of his room, reached out and put the robe on Zhou
Zishu's body, then chin against his shoulder, and beat lazily. Yawning,
sleepy-eyed also greeted Gao Xiaoli.

Gao Xiaoli's face turned red immediately, and he turned his gaze to the
side in a hurry, saying very quickly: "I heard it was the little boy in
Zhangjiazhuang, but it was all right, he and his father still had tonight.
Uncle Zhao talked late, so he rested in the cabin ... "

The poor girl's eyes were agitated in a hurry, and she saw Wen Kexing
hooking Zhou Zishu's waist arm and the scratches on her wrist, so her face
became redder, and I whispered: "I go to my father Look at Zhang
Chengling. "

Then ran down with his head down.

Zhou Zishu then reached out and pinched Wen Kexing's wrist, and plucked
his hand out of his own body. The sound of "Gala Gala" came out of his
bones, which matched his expression of gnashing his teeth.

Wen Kexing smiled without notice: "Axu, isn't your little apprentice okay,
what are you doing with me?"

Zhou Zishu didn't let go of his wrist, but he got up and looked up in front
of him carefully, then smiled, narrowed his eyes and looked at Wen Kexing
coldly, and asked, "I don't know which beauty has such strong nails. ,
Brother Wen, have you left such a ... good-looking impression? "

Wen Kexing's eyes "brushed" and flashed: "Asu, are you jealous?"

Zhou Zishu said, "I want to eat you."

Wen Kexing opened his eyes and looked at him for a long while, and was
almost overjoyed, and chuckled, "Okay, come to the house, I can give you
whatever you want, and eat it as many times as you like."

Someone can be so shameless all the time, Zhou Zi sneered with a smile
and flung Wen Kexing's wrist back into his arms, and looked back at
Zhang Chengling surrounded by a group of people, showing a thoughtful
look , Then turned to return to the room. Zhang Chengling's room can't
possibly catch fire for no reason. Where did Wen Kexing go in the middle
of the night? And why would you want to use it to play in front of Gao

At this moment, Wen Kexing suddenly asked very lightly behind him:
"Axu, in such a long time, I have never seen you sleep in the middle of the
night. Could you ..."
Zhou Zishu's pupils shrank. Although his face was expressionless, he
couldn't help walking.

I just listened to him continue to answer: "Is it because the defensive lady
is too lonely, she can't stop talking all the time ..."

Zhou Zishu strode into his room, as if what Wen Kexing said was not a
word, but a fart, and he was so frightened that he could scare him away.

Wen Kexing smiled and didn't say any more. He stood in place and looked
at Zhang Chengling, who had lost weight in just a few months. The boy
seemed a little taller, his face paled like a dead man, his mouth closed
tightly, but his eyes were dark and bright. It seemed a little stubborn and a
bit repressed. The whole person seemed to be on fire, and the little rabbit
that knew it suddenly burned into a little wolf.

Wen Kexing believes that this kid is indeed a child of the Zhang family.
Then he smiled softly, opened his mouth, and said silently in the direction
of Zhang Chengling, "Be careful, boy."

On the second day, Wen Shanren suddenly noticed that the "Sage of the
Week" who had not been out of the house since Zhang Chengling came out
was gone in the morning. The house was neat and tidy as if no one had

Zhou Zishu didn't know why he would follow Zhang Chengling secretly
early in the morning, just in case, he also specifically found a Zhang Renpi
mask and covered his own once-processed skin.

He lurked in the crowd, like a ghost that came and went without a trace.
No one noticed this stranger in a light-colored shirt, and forgot it when he
saw it. He walked under the eyelids, and it would never cause others more
than a gust of wind. attention.

Zhou Zishu and Zhang Chengling kept a close distance. Looking at this so-
called martial arts event, everyone was expressing their own indignation.
The child who was most qualified to express his position was just aside,
silent. Watching it all silently.
His eyes widened, reflecting the faces of everyone. Suddenly Zhou Zishu
thought of someone—the dark-feared crypt that day, he saw the young man
with thick eyebrows standing under the peach tree.

Liang Jiuxiao.

He remembered what happened when he was a kid. Liang Jiuxiao's little

bunny called his brother, and he liked to stumbling in front of and behind
things. He chattered and never stopped. Man is stupid, and teaches him to
slow everything down.

At that time, Zhou Zishu was young and had little patience. He was very
dissatisfied with Master throwing this little thing to himself, and he was
impatient and had no good looks.

He was not good as a big brother, and when he got a chance, he turned
around and stabbed him in a strange way, but the boy seemed like he had
no nerves.

When others learn it once, Liang Jiuxiao learns it two or three times. If he
doesn't understand, he will ask. The master is impatient and says
something bad. Liang Jiuxiao listens and waits for the master to get angry.

It's like the little guy in the Zhang family. It belongs to the dog skin plaster
and cannot be thrown off.

But ... who knows that the dogskin plaster can be dropped someday? Who
knows that the four seasons owner and sunroof leader who had endless
scenery at that time would one day stand in the crowd without any sense of
existence, watching a half-year-old child in his tenth year, thinking sad
and sad?
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 20: Red
God did n’t give a good face because the world ’s heroes gathered in
Dongting. This day was gloomy, as if a rain was pressing in the air, ready
to fall at any time, the steaming humidity hit the face, Slightly cold, and
the fallen leaves are Xiao Shu.

At this moment, there are always those who sadly hurt the gods, lamenting
that I don't know where the old hometown is. For thirty years, it was a big

Gao Chong gave Master Cimu to the chief and placed himself second.
Zhou Zi shrank in the crowd, and only heard a young man next to him
suddenly sigh and said, "If one day, I will be like him."

Seeing the honor of the first emperor, Xiang Yu, the king of the Western
Chu, opened his mouth and said, "It's better to replace him." When
Emperor Guangxiu Liu Xiu was young, he had such a silly feeling that "the
official wife is like a prince, and marrying a wife like Yin Lihua." There
are so many people in this world, who doesn't want to stand out and
become a hero of the first generation?

The young man is Hao Shaoguang. Who never looked up at a certain

shadow like this and clenched his teeth and said, "If one day, I will be like

I am near the world, killing and killing.

But what about the scenery?

Master Zhou Zishu died prematurely, and Sijizhuang Qunlong had no head,
so the burden was so pressed on the shoulder of his elder brother-but how
big can the elder brother be? That year was full of calculations, and he was
only fifteen.

At 15 years old, the emperor was still reluctant to hide his strength and
hide his strength. When the king of Nanning was fifteen, he was still
fooling around to understand when he was confused, that is, the southern
witch who was called the Central Plains Martial Arts who passed on his
god. At the age of 15, he was just a A foreign child who is full of anger
and helplessness.

So Liang Jiuxiao seemed to be his sole consolation, dependent on each


When did the crack start?

Xu was the first time that Liang Jiuxiao went to Beijing that year. He saw
the battle of erosion and praise, saw the intensified robbery, saw brothers
and sisters, and saw so many of his master brothers who worshipped Sin,
planting evil, marrying evil, and even mourning loyalty—

At this time, Gao Chong had stood up, and he was full of spirits to applaud
the ghost valley to the heroes.

Zhou Zishu lowered his eyelids slightly, as if asleep, motionless, Liang

Jiuxiao questioned his words, word for word, for many years, he had never

"What are you for? Power? Throne? Ronghua rich?"

"If you continue like this, there is no end to it, wake up!"

"Brother, killing lives ..."

Killing lives? Why is it necessary to kill someone? In this world, there is a

way to make life worse than death-Zhou Zishu laughed at himself,
thinking, Jiu Xiao, we are all wrong.

Just then, a humming noise came from not far away. A sharp voice
suddenly interrupted Noble and Zhou Zishu's thoughts. The sound of the
man sounded like a child at first glance. Slightly hoarse. There is internal
force in the noble voice. If you can interrupt him, you can see that this
person's skill is not too shallow.
I only heard him say, "Gao Xia, based on just a few words, it was
concluded that these murders were committed by Guigu, I'm afraid it was
far-fetched, right?"

Everyone's eyes were attracted to one place. Zhou Zishu narrowed his eyes
and looked at him. I saw that the person who spoke was less than three feet
in length and was actually a dwarf. He was riding on the shoulder of a big
man. The big man looked like a hill. Zhou Zishu In men, they are already
considered to be long, and they still have to look up to see the big face.
There was a mess on his face, and only a pair of brass-like eyes were
exposed outside, but he was quite careful to bear against the dwarf, as if he
was worried about his instability, and he gently held it with that big fan-
like hand. Gnome ankle.

"Dagong" Feng Xiaofeng and his three-legged can't make a fart?

Given that these two physical characteristics are too obvious, many people
already know who they are as soon as they exit. Zhou Zishu's eyes flashed,
and he didn't have any bad feelings about Xiaofeng in his heart. It was
rumored that he was a righteous master, and he acted on his own likes and
dislikes. There was no principle. It's also fierce and moody.

In addition to his whole life with his high mountain slaves, no one's
account is bought. In short, it's a thorn.

I only listened to Feng Xiaofeng's stern voice: "Gao Daxia speaks well. It
doesn't make sense to say that the ghost valley is treacherous and evil.
Naturally, the evil spirits in Qingzhuling are wicked and evil. Ghosts,
forgive me, the Green Bamboo Ridge Ghost Valley has been secretly in
existence for many years. Ghost Valley has rules, there is no entry, no
return, no return, the evil spirits have never been to the world to do a case
again. Why is it not a curse to come out at this time? "

Gao Chong pursed his lips. When the heroic face like a Maitreya didn't
smile, his eyes were surprisingly strong, and there was an indescribable
pressure. He stared at Feng Xiaofeng for a long while, then slowly Di
asked, "It turned out to be Feng Brothers, so what should Brother Feng
Feng Xiaofeng sneered: "Feng doesn't need to be kind to you. You say
brothers in your mouth. You must scold the dwarf in your heart. Why is it
so hypocritical? I just heard some gossip and gave it to the heroes. Just
wake up, just in case you're full, and lard is overwhelmed, what to do ...
nothing to do without a door. "

After listening to two sentences, Zhou Zishu knew that the rumors were
true. This Feng Xiaofeng wasn't a big deal, maybe he was a personality
lover, but he didn't like people. Not only did he not like people, it was a
crazy dog.

I heard that someone had cut off his tongue because he said "dwarf" in
person-someone called him unceremoniously, and he wanted to turn his
face and cut his tongue, and when others said politely, he felt that others
were hypocritical and it was too difficult to serve.

Gao Chong frowned slightly, but after all, a generation of chivalrous men,
holding their own identity, is unlikely to care about Feng Xiaofeng, a crazy
dog, and still politely asked: "I also want to ask what kind of rumors Feng
Feng heard ? "

Feng Xiaofeng ’s strange bird-like “??” laughed twice and said coldly,
“Noble, why are you pretending to be confused? I do n’t know how Mu
Yunge and Yu Tianjie are, but you dare to say Zhang Yusen and Taishan's
case has nothing to do with Liulijia? "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the community changed his
face immediately and whispered. Zhou Zishu noticed that Gao Chong
seemed to turn his head and looked at Master Tzumu with a dignified
expression. Instead, it was a legendary ancient monk disciple. The young
man was very indifferent, sitting in front of the sublime, still lowering his
head and wondering what he was thinking.

Zhang Chengling sat on the other side, relying on Zhao Jing, heard the
words to see Zhao Jing secretly, and actually saw that the elder was
wrapped in vain on the face after hearing the words "liujia". It means that
mixed with resentment and deep thought, he looks a little dazed.
When the boy was near his mouth, he couldn't ask in his throat.

In these few days, he understood a lot of things. From the opinions and
eyes of others, Zhang Chengling had read the kind of contempt mercy
more than once—yes, his father is Zhang Yusen Zhang Daxia , How can
there be such an unharmed son? He even heard that the servants on Zhao's
house secretly argued that so many people have fought their lives to keep
such a little child. What use is it?

If the text is not complete, can he be expected to avenge Zhang Daxia, or

can he be expected to revive the Zhang family?

They just regarded him as a signboard. No matter who it is, when talking
about Ghost Valley, after filling in indignation, they must point at him.
This is the orphan of the Zhang family. Child, rest assured, we must be for
your father and the whole family. Justice.

A useless and poor signboard.

Zhang Chengling couldn't help thinking of the man who had met the water
in the ruined temple that day, a man with a thin face and a whispered face.
Since that horrible night, he hasn't had a night without nightmares, but no
one can say that, who cares ? Even Uncle Zhao said to him, boy, you have
to stand up, you can't be afraid of those seductive ghosts, the big guys are
on your side, and one day you can avenge the Zhang family. However, no
one held his shoulders again, and said softly, "It doesn't bother you, you
slept with you, and I called you when you had a nightmare."

The scene was in chaos. Feng Xiaofeng had a sneer and asked Gao Chong
to give an account of the "glazed armor" rumored by the rivers and lakes.
Zhang Chengling lowered his head and pressed his own temple. Suddenly,
a dark wind came, and a small paper ball hit the back of his hand
accurately. Zhang Chengling stunned, and no one noticed him at the
moment. Mission picked up.

There was only one small line written on it: if you want the truth, follow
Zhang Chengling looked up, and saw a man in a dark shirt in the crowd,
staring at him without blinking, with an indescribable malicious smirk in
his mouth, as if he was afraid to come Again, looked at him scornfully and

So for a moment, Zhang Chengling didn't know whether it was because of

impulse or anger, so he clinched the note, leaving no one silently while
chaos, and followed the man through the crowd.

No one noticed him except Zhou Zishu.

Zhou Zishu kept splitting his heart and stared at Zhang Chengling. His
eyesight was very good. When he saw someone playing a note in Zhang
Chengling's hands, he became alert and saw that this little thing had gone
alone without knowing how to do it. These heroes frowned, and frowned,
and followed them secretly.

The man seemed to hang him deliberately, Zhang Chengling chased after
him and disappeared, but after a while, there was always a small stone
hitting him from various tricky angles, the look on his shirt The man
appeared again, as if he was laughing at his poor kung fu intentionally,
walking around like cats and mice.

Zhang Chengling gritted his teeth, but he didn't realize that he chased all
the way. He was not qualified. He had never used any power. After he came
to Zhaojiazhuang, everyone was planning how to do justice. No one
thought of guiding him to do some work. I was in a hurry, I was out of
breath, my eyes were dark for a while, and I could almost hear the pulse of
"burst" near my temple.

This young boy who was born and raised from Xiaojiao has never been so
angry at himself, only to hear someone sneer: "This is Zhang Yusen's cub?
It's a waste."

The boy thought to himself, "Yes, Zhang Chengling, you are a waste. Why
did Uncle Li rescue you in the first place?"

How is it you?
Then the man who led him out stopped in front of him, his iron jaw-like
palm lifted his chin, the vicious eyes fell on Zhang Chengling's face, and
the teenager's blood temperature began to recede. Then he realized that he
had reached an uninhabited place. The place.

A few shadows fell from behind the man, all in the same dark clothes that
were unremarkable, and surrounded Zhang Chengling.

Just listening to the people who led him chuckled, let Zhang Chengling
open, and said loudly: "That buddy who is hiding his head, you are just for
such a small thing, how can you motivate the teacher?"

As soon as the words fell, a crimson man came out with a blood-red slap-
shaped birthmark on his face, making the facial features look intimidating.

Zhang Chengling's legs began to tremble, and he raised his chin as much
as possible, pretending to look fearless, and looked at the man in red.

The man in red suddenly laughed lowly, his voice was dry and husky as if
the rusty iron pieces were scraped together. He heard goose bumps in his
ears, and then he came to Zhang Chengling and pinched his neck. The
man's fingers were cold like dead people. At that moment, Zhang
Chengling even felt that the man in front of him was a zombie.

Then the man asked softly: "I asked you, in Zhangjiazhuang that night,
have you ever seen a man with one finger missing?"

Zhang Chengling opened his eyes and looked at him, shaking his head

The man narrowed his eyes and made his voice softer: "No? Good boy,
think again, yes, no?"

The softer his voice, the greater the strength of his hands. Zhang
Chengling was a little choked, worked hard, his face was flushed, his arms
and legs struck the man in red without any rules, and cursed in a mute
voice. "I have your grandpa!"
The man in red seemed to be unaware, with a ghostly smile on his face:
"Yes ... or not?"

Zhang Chengling just felt the pain of his chest being blown open. He
understood that the man wanted him to say yes, but at a critical moment,
the young master ’s donkey had a bad temper, opened his mouth, and spit
in his mouth. On the face of the man in red, at that moment, the hand
around his neck suddenly became a pair of pliers. Zhang Chengling has no
energy to fight.

The man asked softly, "I'll ask you again, yes, or no?"

Zhang Chengling's consciousness gradually blurred, he thought, he was

going to die ...

Suddenly, just listening to the man snoring, the hands around his neck
suddenly loosened, and the air suddenly poured into Zhang Chengling's
chest. He took a few steps back, and fluttered, sitting on the ground,
tearing his heart. Lung coughing.

The man in red stepped back a few steps, staring awkwardly at a pebble
that had almost discounted his wrist: "Who?"
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 21: Poison scorpion
A thin-skinned man walked slowly around the corner, and his face almost
made people forget, and he couldn't see how old he was. He didn't know
how long he had been there, but no one noticed it.

The man in red frowned, somehow, the moment he saw the man who was
thrown in the crowd and wouldn't make people want to see the second
look, suddenly there was a kind of shuddering shivering, climbing up the
backbone. He couldn't help but adjust his posture with the man's pace,
staring at him without blinking.

Quite cautiously again: "Who are you?"

Zhou Zishu had originally subconsciously imagined to answer Gu Xiang,

and said an understatement "Unknown Little Pawn", but he bowed his head
and swept the bruises on Zhang Chengling's neck, and suddenly thought to
himself that he had installed his grandson for half a lifetime What kind of
politeness is there with such a group of hidden things?

Those extravagances like Ranger Wanderers in his bones have been

suppressed for a long time-Zhou Zishu's eyes swept around a group of
obviously nervous men and red men, chuckling, "What do you count, who
cares who I am?"

The man in red jumped at the corner of his eyes, and his palm slowly
retracted into his sleeve. If anyone can see his palm at this time, he will
find that a layer of dark air slowly floats on his skin, and his face is blood
red. The birthmark of my baby seems to be darker.

The people who were standing next to him scattered involuntarily, and
then winked at each other, surrounding Zhou Zishu and Zhang Chengling.

Zhou Zishu didn't care. If no one leaned down and grabbed Zhang
Chengling's collar of clothes, he just lifted him from the ground, and said,
"Little devil, what do you look like when you stand up?"
Zhang Chengling froze for a moment, and looked at Zhou Zishu, who was
wearing another mask, as if still a little confused.

The man in red said with patience: "This brother, I'm just waiting for
something. I need to ask this child, don't ..."

The word "nosy" has not been spoken yet, but Zhou Zishu's hand was like
an electric ground. He actually used the same action as the man in red and
caught the neck of the person who had lured Zhang Chengling.

The man was taken aback. His martial arts was actually quite weak, but he
didn't want the thin-bodied man who lived like a bone rack in front of him
to look like a ghost. He had to avoid it in the future. Hand.

People who have practiced a little bit also understand that the neck and
chest are the most important places to guard against death. They are not
intentional but also subconsciously protected. Anyone who dares to strike
against the neck of others is generally not an opponent too Weakness
means being too confident in your strength.

Then Zhou Zi grinned without a smile and asked, "Am I your grandpa?"

The man he was carrying was stinging for a moment, then became so
angry that he planned to yell in disregard: "You ..."

However, only one word was spit out, Zhou Zishu's hands violently
strengthened, and the man's swear words became a hoarse scream. In
panic, he raised his hand and waved to Zhou Zishu's chest. The two were
very close. He only heard one scream that changed his tone. He had never
seen the other man do anything, and his two arms were disengaged and

Just listening to Zhou Zishu's prolonged voice again, he asked softly, "Is

The man in red said angrily, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Zi slowly turned to him and sneered, "I just have something. I need
to ask this beast to ask. Don't worry about it."

The bones of his hand exploded violently. The man didn't even hum, so he
rolled his eyes, twitched, didn't move, and didn't know if he was dead.

When Zhou Zishu let go, he was paralyzed to the ground without bones.

At the same time, two people rushed out at the same time, one rushed to
Zhang Chengling who had just stood, waved a long hook in one hand, and
greeted Zhou Zishu with a strong wind. Zhou Zi did not flash, and kicked
from a very incredible angle, in the middle of the hooked man's chest, this
kick kicked solidly, actually kicking the man out of the blood on the spot
and flew out , Just hit the man who attacked Zhang Chengling, and they
rolled out like a gourd.

Zhou Zishu frowned, holding Zhang Chengling's neck in disgust, throwing

him aside as if catching a kitten, and impatiently said, "Small things will
get in the way. Honestly, stay there. "

Zhang Chengling felt that his body was light, but he was thrown into the
corner to stand as if he had no weight. At that moment, he opened his eyes
slightly, opened his mouth, and silently spit out the word "Master".

The man in the red suit didn't move, the others rushed towards Zhou Zi
with a rush of thought.

Zhang Chengling couldn't bear to blink his eyes. He remembered that

when he was very young, his father said that together with martial arts, the
roads are different. There are those who are rock solid, those who are
stable like Mount Tai, those who are very strong, all invincible, and
stormy The disease is like lightning, but these are all tangible kung fu. The
most powerful thing is that it must be silent, intangible and unspeakable.
At first glance, it seems like spring rain, and the moist is silent, but it only
belongs to eight words. Piao Ruohong, lifting heavy weight.

Now, he finally understands what it means to lift weights lightly.

Those people held a hook exactly in their hands and looked closely. They
looked like a scorpion's tail pin, but also gloomy blue light. There was a
secret coldness. Zhang Chengling didn't know at this time. These people
were notorious "poisonous scorpions". It is a group of desperate people
who kill people and buy more goods. As long as you have money, you can
do everything, you are despicable, and you get sick.

But they don't look very much now. Zhou Zishu doesn't move very much,
as if lazily. Occasionally he can only move forward and back a half-step.
He fists bare-handed, his body is soft, boneless, and shakes. No one of
those holding hooks could get close to him, but it was such soft hands and
feet that got caught a little before they knew it was terrible.

Zhang Chengling stared at him for a while, but he was dazzled and dizzy.

Within a short time, the thirteen "poison scorpions" had all lay down.

At that moment, Zhang Chengling's blood was boiling, and he couldn't

help but clenched his fist and squeezed it hard. Zhou Zishu slaps his robe
gently, stands silently against the man in red, looks at him for a long
while, then tilts his head slightly, narrows his eyes, and asks, "The
birthmark on your face, folk It ’s called a little ghost slap, is n’t it that you
are the funeral Sun Ding who looks like a funeral star? ”

The man's complexion suddenly changed.

Zhou Zishu gave a sneer and said, "Guigu has the rules of Guigu. When
you are an evil spirit, you are no longer a human. You ca n’t see the light.
Except for July and a half, there is no truth. Are you brave enough? Then,
dare to do it in the land of Dongting. "

The man in red clenched his teeth and said, "You talk too much." The
words didn't fall, and the person had turned into a blood-red shadow,
bullying him, with a smell that he could not say, like fishy smell. Mixed
with the smell of carrion, a strong wind hit, so fast that people couldn't see
Zhou Zishu's body suddenly risen, and floated out of the air three feet out
of thin air.

The man in the red waved his palm without hitting him, Zhang Chengling
could see clearly--the piece of ground that Zhou Zishu had stepped on had
a slap-shaped dent, and the grass was shaking in the autumn wind.
Withering at the speed visible to the naked eye, the boy looked up in
suspicion, but he did not expect that the horrible man in red was actually
the legendary sorrowful Sun Ding!

Killed the murderer Mu Yunge and Fang unknown.

Zhou Zishu folded a branch with his hand, and made a flick, straightly
inserted between the hands of the joyous and derelict. The branches and
leaves on the branch died quickly. Zhou Zishu didn't move and didn't let
go. Infused with internal force, it seems to be very flexible. For the
moment, the joyous and derelict feel like it has life, and there is a faint

In shock, he had to step back. Zhou Zishu's palm had forced him to his
lower abdomen, and the joyous and derelict turned a few somersaults. He
went backwards by three or four steps, his face turned pale, and it was easy
to stabilize. Zhou Zishu casually threw the dead tree branch that had
spread to his hand aside, and slightly folded his sleeves, standing upright.

The happy and bereaves are very knowledgeable and do not hesitate to
land on the ground. With the power of backlash, a few ups and downs

Zhang Chengling said anxiously, "He's gone!"

Zhou Zishu glanced at him, ignored it, turned and walked in the other
direction, Zhang Chengling rushed to catch up and called: "Master!"

Zhou Zishu stepped forward, frowning, "Which is your master?"

Zhang Chengling chased it regardless, climbed on his arm, and said firmly
with his head up: "I know that you are Uncle Zhou, a benefactor, and a

Except him, who would have such a rather impatient tone of speech, a pair
of skinny but warm hands, and a ghostly light work? Except him, at this
time, who else would come out of the crowd and save his life?

Zhang Chengling determined that it was him, and he was definitely not
wrong. Zhou Zishu had tossed around a bit. He didn't expect to hide some
people, but he didn't want to be seen by this little fart child. He was still a
bit frustrated, so he had to make a good effort to throw him away: "You ...

Before he finished speaking, suddenly his eyes were cold, he pulled Zhang
Chengling into his arms, and staggered to the side. Zhang Chengling hadn't
responded yet, but felt a moment of breeze, holding his own His arms
seemed to stiffen, and then just listened to Zhou Zishu coldly: "Look for

He slashed out with a palm, before the attacker had time to jump up
completely, his neck turned aside and it was broken.

Zhang Chengling looked intently and saw that the attack was actually the
first unlucky ghost who was wrapped in the neck by Zhou Zi. He did not
expect this person to be proficient in turtles, only to pretend to be dead.

The next moment, he was tossed aside again, and Zhou Zishu walked
without a word and left, and where Zhang Chengling could let him go
again, he had to catch up with his face deadly.

However, he only felt a flower in front of him, and the figure flickered,
and was no longer in sight. Zhang Chengling knew that he was extremely
talented, and he could not keep up even if he practiced for another 30 or 40
years. He was so sad that he cried out, "Master ..." anxiously shed tears.

But at this moment, just listening to a chuckle, a gray-clad man emerged

out of thin air, just blocking Zhou Zishu's way, raising his hand and
hooking his waist, it seemed like he was trying to mess up the time.
Zhou Zishu spun around in the air, but for some reason, his body was
stagnant and he was hugged by the gray man.

I only listened to the familiar, itchy hateful voice, "Master Zhou Shengren,
why are you in such a hurry?"

When the two fell to the ground, Zhou Zishu snorted suddenly and hugged
his right arm. The gray-clothed man Wen Ke Xing unceremoniously tore
open his sleeve and tore it horizontally. Like, but the next moment, he
frowned again-I saw Zhou Zishu nailed two small scars on his right arm,
like purple poisonous insects, and turned purple.

Wen Ke walked: "I said how you run so fast, I dare to be stung by poison

Zhang Chengling didn't expect such an outing, and he looked back at him,
glanced at the dead who had attacked them, his face paled.

Before Zhou Zishu had time to say anything, Wen Kexing shot and sealed
several of his big points like electricity, and said, "Shut up."

Then he took a magnet out of his arms, and carefully sucked out the two
small oxhair-like needles that had been nailed to his flesh, then leaned
forward to take care of sucking blood with his mouth.

Zhou Zishu instantly stiffened into a stone.

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 22: Sacred hand
Wen Kexing sucked the poisonous blood on his arm cleanly and skillfully
dealt with it for him. He unlocked Zhou Zishu's acupuncture point, then
pulled out a small medicine bottle from his arms, poured out two pills, one
Squeezed into one's mouth, took another one in his hand, and smiled to
Zhou Zishu's mouth with a smile, dragging a long voice obscenely /
vocally: "Come, Ah Su, open your mouth."

Zhou Zishu looked at him sinkingly, Wen Kexing was full of

determination, still smiling brightly, even if the other person's eyes turned
into an awl, it would not poke his wall-like skin. He also took a
meaningful look at Zhang Chengling, deliberately lowered his voice and
said, "I've seen it, I've kissed it, too. What are you shy about?"

Zhou Zishu raised his hand to take the pill, and walked forward without
looking back.

Wen Kexing beckoned to Zhang Chengling, who was like a chicken, and
said in a good mood: "Your master didn't run away, why didn't you follow

At this time, it was going to be dark. Zhang Chengling was seduced by the
poisonous scorpion all the way from the Dongting Heroes Convention. He
didn't know how far he ran. Seriously, it was a place where he could not
reach the village but not the shop. embarrassed.

Zhou Zishu went for a moment, and returned a few wild rabbits. Although
he didn't say anything, he even typed out the rations of the other two
people. He only smiled at Wen Kexing and said to Zhang Chengling, "You
know the world What is the second loveliest person on the planet? "

Zhang Chengling looked up at him and felt that although the master was
injured first, the man could restrain him effortlessly. It can be seen that the
kung fu is very high, and there are people who are a little crazy, so he fears
him more and obeys Shaking his head in silence.
Wen Kexing said: "It's a hard-bodied person-do you know what the cutest
person in the world looks like?"

Zhou Zishu cleanly opened a few rabbits and broke his belly, and heard
Wen Ke glanced at Wen Kexing coldly, and commanded: "Don't fool there,
go and pick up some firewood."

Wen Ke Xingle gave a loud response, and turned and left, glimpsing Zhang
Chengling still looking at himself with a very wonderful and complicated
look, thinking that the child was too curious and curious, so he explained
to the teacher: "A man with a long, thin legs and a hard mouth."

Only listened to Zhou Zi's faint answer: "Little devil, don't listen to his

Zhang Chengling looked at Zhou Zishu again uncertainly, thinking that he

might have misunderstood it, but this one was very clear ...

Zhou Zishu continued: "Stay away from him. He wants the old cow to eat
tender grass."

Wen Kexing was tripped over by dead branches and leaves, and turned
back in a grievance: "Axu, you are too condescending."

Zhou Zishu pointed to the corpses of several hares and said, "If you don't
pick up firewood anymore, I will tell you and your brothers to open your
stomach together."

Wen Kexing was startled, and immediately covered his stomach, and ran
away with great vigilance like a rabbit.

Zhou Zishu found a small stream and washed his hands, and
uncomfortably wrapped most of the torn sleeves around his body. The
touch of Wen Kexing ’s lips on his arm seemed to be still there, and he felt
it clearly. After the man had sucked the poisonous blood, he even licked
his wound, and immediately blasted his scalp-absolutely intentionally.
Zhou Zishu then angrily peeled off the human skin mask and threw it into
the water. His heart was able to make the man look so hungry, so bright, so
ubiquitous, so estrus, he lived For so many years, I really know such a
wonderful flower like a dog's tail.

He turned his face, and Zhang Chengling saw the familiar face again, and
exclaimed in surprise: "Master!"-As if he had only recognized it, a puppy
turned around behind him. Going, as if afraid of annoying him, carefully
keeping a certain distance.

Zhou Zishu took a glance at the corner of his eyes, and his heart softened.
He beckoned to him, "Come here."

Zhang Chengling came to him, shouted charmingly: "Master."

Zhou Zishu thought for a while, and said, "In your footsteps, I'm afraid I
won't be able to go back today. I have to sleep overnight. I will send you
back to Zhao Daxia tomorrow morning."

Zhang Chengling's eyes dimmed for a moment. He didn't say anything,

just looked down at the tip of his shoe, and kept silent. Zhou Zishu always
eats soft and not hard. What he can't stand is his suit. He had a cough and
frowned, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Chengling still lowered his head and said lowly, "Yes."

Then he did not squeak again, just glanced at Zhou Zishu secretly with a
small glance, turned away quickly when he was found, his mouth down,
his eyes blinked, and there was a tear on his eyelashes.

Zhou Zishu leaned against a tree and sat down with one buttock. I really
couldn't figure out what to do with this little thing. I don't know if Zhang
Yusen and Zhang Xiaoxia didn't have a daughter in his life. Just raised
such a thing. So impatiently impatient, frowned and drank, "You stand
upright, look up!"

As soon as Zhang Chengling was excited, he stood upright and raised his
head. It didn't matter if he lifted his head. The tears in his eyes fell down,
and Zhou Zishu looked terribly, and unconsciously relaxed a little. The
voice said, "You wiped your face, or is it not a man? What a big deal, why

Zhang Chengling wiped his face vigorously, but did not wipe it clean, but
he was even more aggrieved, and the tears wiped more and more, and
finally he couldn't help, choking and choking intermittently: "Master ...
Master ... I didn't cry, I, I ... I just saw you, I was wronged when I saw you
... I, I ... I ... "

Zhou Zishu turned into two big heads, reluctant to look at him again,
barely maintained an indifferent look, and looked away.

At this time, Wen Kexing came back with a pile of burning things. When
he saw this battle, he paused for a moment.

The sky was completely dark, the light on the horizon was slowly
extinguishing, and a bleak gray in the west, the faint stars hung from the
treetops, the night wind rose, and the coolness slowly leaked out.

Wen Kexing didn't say anything, cut a few pieces of wood, raised the fire,
raised the rabbit treated by Zhou Zishu, patiently roasted, and hummed a
little song in his mouth without a tone, which sounded a bit Like Shibamo,
it is very consistent with his usual style. Zhou Zi was sitting silently on
one side, with one leg up, his arms resting on his knees, and Zhang
Chengling desperately choking on the side.

After a while, the flavour of the meat floated out, Zhang Chengling's belly
was screamed, and the teenager flushed with a little flower. Then Wen
Kexing smiled and glanced at him: "I have to wait, not roasted. "

Zhang Chengling nodded cleverly. Wen Kexing thought he was better than
the bunny, so he turned to Zhou Zi and said, "Hey, I said, if he wants to
follow you, you let him follow. If you do n’t want to see him, How many
times did you save him? "

Zhou Zi stood up slowly, leaned over, put his hands on the fire and grilled,
and several points in his chest hurt slightly, which made him a little bit

Wen Kexing kicked him with the tip of his shoe: "Ask you."

Zhou Zishu still said slowly: "I'm happy."

Zhang Chengling suddenly spoke, and his voice was still a little hoarse, a
little trembling, and whispered, "Master, don't take me anymore. I'm in
trouble. Many people want to kill me. I ... I ca n’t do it, either. Master was
injured ... "

Wen Kexing comforted: "It's okay, he's rough and thick-you stare at what I
do, everyone else has a skin, you wrap yourself like a cricket all day long,
and one layer is not enough yet another layer."

After seeing Zhang Chengling sulking, Wen Kexing explained patiently:

"Look at his arm, below the wrist and above the wrist are two colors. Your
master has hidden his head, and he is still reluctant to follow me. See you
frankly. "

Zhou Zishu was too lazy to bother him, and tore himself a piece of meat
from the roasting rabbit's leg, and slowly chewed it into his mouth.

He was going to tear it, but was avoided by Wen Kexing, who was
abandoning the authentic way: "Are you starving to death? The oil has not
been fully roasted yet."

Zhou Zishu swallowed the rabbit's meat slowly and looked at him and
said, "Are you mother-in-law giving birth? You do n’t even have a smell of
fat on your body, and you just carry a papa with you. Your mouth is so
broken. Where is it? How nonsense? "

Wen Kexing shut up.

After a while, the rabbit was roasted, the flesh was golden and bright, and
the outside was tender and tender. Zhou Zishu also called Zhang
Chengling. Two men and one child, no one was polite, were hungry for a
day, and they went gorging relatively silently. It didn't take long for the big
fat hares to become a pile of clean bones.

After eating and drinking enough, three people roasted for a while beside
the fire, Zhou Zishu leaned on his side and closed his eyes to raise his
soul. Wen Kexing then said to Zhang Chengling: "Why can't you work
hard? Your father didn't teach Have you ever? "

Zhang Chengling whispered: "Teached, but I'm dumb and I don't want to
work hard, most of them don't remember."

Wen Kexing thought about it and shook his head: "When my father taught
me kung fu when I was young, I was unwilling to work hard, just like you,
but my qualifications were not very dull ..."

While Zhou Zishu didn't open his eyes, he couldn't help smirking.

Wen Kexing ignored him, only looked up and down Zhang Chengling, and
asked casually, "Would you like to learn kung fu?"

Zhang Chengling suddenly raised his head and looked at him with burning

The gaze was so enthusiastic that Wen Kexing looked for a long time. He
seemed to have been for a long time. He had never seen such a persistent,
frank, desperate look, and couldn't help saying: "You ... you little thing,
Why do you feel like a hungry wolf when you hear this? "

Zhang Chengling suddenly knelt down: "Senior! I beg you to give me

pointers and let me do anything!"

Wen Kexing touched his nose and coughed, "Look at what you said, I'm
not interested in you being so tender ... cough!"

The firelight reddened the boy's face, and his slightly childish face was
covered with a layer of indescribable fortitude, but with childish fragility
and supplication.
Wen Kexing was stared at him for a while, and he reacted very much in
accordance with Zhou Zishu, and uncomfortably looked away. Hesitating
for a moment, he sighed, stood up, patted the dirt on the ground, picked up
a one-foot-long stick, and said, "Okay, I'll teach you a few tricks, look
carefully No second time. "

Having said that, he really demonstrated slowly with one stroke, one
stroke, one stroke at a time. Zhang Chengling couldn't bear to blink, and
when he saw the tail from the beginning, he got up and practiced by
himself. This is indeed not a clever boy. Although Wen Kexing taught it
once, he couldn't help correcting it and telling him in detail. Zhang
Chengling looked at him with bright eyes, and his voice was shaking with
excitement. Acclaimed: "Thank you seniors, thank you seniors!"

Wen Kexing apparently has not been so grateful for others, but he showed
a little restraint.

Almost after the middle of the night, Zhang Chengling was still not tired
at all. Wen Kexing sat silently, without a smile on his face, as if thinking

Suddenly, Zhou Zishu, who had fallen asleep early, asked gently: "What is
your surname Wen ... Wen Ruyu, the" holy hand "of that year?"

It seemed that Wen Kexing was shocked, and for a while, he said lowly,

Zhou Zishu opened his eyes, stared at his silhouette for a while, and then
spoke again, with a lot of solemn tone: "Jiu Wen Wen Ruyu Wen's
predecessor's holy heart, in his early years walking with Qiu Mingjian and
his wife, the great doctor Gu Miaomiao At the time of the rivers and lakes,
there were countless people saved, and later they retired together. No one
knew where they were going, but it was reverence and disrespect. "
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 23: story
Wen Kexing seemed to smile, and he seemed to have a bit of indescribable
sadness: "Does anyone still recognize his swordsmanship now?"

Zhou Zishu was silent for a moment, even if it was a skylight, it could not
be completely leak-free, otherwise he would not be able to escape. The
retreat of Qiu Mingjian was probably more than 20 years ago. Until now,
no one knows that the couple will go later. Where did it go, and what

He looked at Wen Kexing silently—Wen Kexing was sitting beside the

fire, with a slight bow on his shoulders, and his eyes looked at Zhang
Chengling awkwardly practicing his sword technique that his father had
taught him in the past, and it was obvious The calmness and tranquility
that can't be explained by a few points are really like the same as Wen
Ruyu in Zhou Zishu's imagination.

I only heard Wen Kexing suddenly sing: "He who is away from me, the
seed of him. He walks away, the center shakes. He who knows me is
worried, and he who does not know me is what I ask. You long sky! This
person! ? Peer Lili, Peer Spike ... "

His voice was extremely low, a little hoarse, dull, and chaotic with
articulate words, and the word seemed to come from his chest, lingering in
his throat, lingering The ground refused to come out.

The fire was burning Chai He, and "cracking" sounded. Zhang Chengling
had a trick that he didn't understand. He wanted to come over to ask, but
when he heard the song not far or near, he suddenly stopped.

When King Ping relocated and his family drifted, it was said that Doctor
Zhou passed by Zong Zhouhaojing during the battle and saw that the
palace room of the old Zongmiao had been ruined, and Zhu Yan was
lonely. This tragedy.
I was hurt in a bust that was dead in the heyday, and I was hurt in the
inextricable past life yesterday.

What is Zhang Chengling thinking about when he hears the song? He was
just a child, but I am afraid that in this life, he would never have the
courage to go back to the Jiangnan Zhangjia, a place that once carried too
much of his happy childhood. Nowadays, I do n’t know how many tiles
and rotten are left. Red mud, he must bear it for a lifetime.

Zhou Zishu narrowed his eyes, reached out and touched the hip flask from
his waist, drank his head, and made a spicy punch, almost making him cry.

The one who knows me is worried, and the one who does not know me is
asking ...

Wen Kexing seemed to bring such a bit of subtle self-mockery, humming

these two sentences repeatedly, the corners of his eyes slowly bent, as if
showing a little smile.

What did he ask for?

I do n’t know how long, no one spoke again, Wen Kexing's humming
gradually faded, Zhang Chengling was holding the branch that was folded
freely, as if holding a peerless sword carefully, already crooked to one
side, and fell asleep Now, I don't know what I dreamed about, the corners
of his mouth were slightly raised, but his brows were tangled together and
refused to open.

Zhou Zishu got up, took off his robe, covered him gently, and sighed lowly,
saying, "Lingzun's Tyumen 18th style is said to run across the martial arts.
You only taught him three moves. I Look, none of the tricks is in the
eighteen styles. But think about it, the autumn eighteen styles are ever-
changing, but they are all from these three tricks. Brother Wen ... is really
blue. "

Wen Kexing also lowered his voice, and said frankly: "He must be far
worse than me in swordsmanship, but I don't know anything about his
medical skills, so I will bandage a wound and know that I will cover my
sweat with a cold."

Then he turned to look at Zhou Zishu: "How old is your old man's
swordsmanship, what else do you know?"

Zhou Zishu and him were sitting around the fire, gathered their collars
together, half of their hands retracted into their sleeves, and their
fingertips were on fire, slowly saying, "There are witch doctors in the
rivers and lakes who can't distinguish between medicine and poison. Gu,
there is also a **** doctor valley that rescues the wounded and hangs the
pot. Hear that the **** doctor valley does not excel in martial arts, but no
one provokes them easily, so the heroine of Cigu is the disciple of the
master of the valley doctor. A beautiful woman suddenly heard the news
that she was marrying, but she did not know how many people broke her
heart. "

Wen Kexing smiled softly when he heard the words, and teased, "You
grandfathers, why do you know anything trivial? You have nothing to do
all day long, have you inquired about it?"

Zhou Zishu also laughed: "But isn't it? That's the point."

The two remained silent for a while before Wen Kexing whispered: "It's
been many years ago ..."

Xu is because they have some kind of indistinct resemblance. As soon as

Zhou Zishu heard his singing and sighing, as if he could understand
something, he couldn't help but bring some consolation to him, and said
softly: "Lingzun Lingci, are very rare and good people. They are relatives
of immortals, traveling around the rivers and lakes, and then living in
seclusion together. If I could have such a day, I would really die tomorrow
and be willing."

Wen Kexing smiled very lightly: "Good guy?"

I do n’t know if it was because the night was too peaceful, his expression
was a little confused, and he whispered: "I haven't thought of it for so
many years, and some people remember them, and some people say they
are good. What do you say is good? Why do you want to be good? "

Zhou Zishu was about to speak. Suddenly, there was a little movement in
Zhang Chengling's side. As soon as the teenager's breathing was delayed,
the frequency changed. Zhou Zishu didn't look back and knew that he had
a nightmare again, and woke up for a moment.

Zhang Chengling didn't say a word, just nested there silently, holding Zhou
Zishu's robe and the broken tree branch, listening.

In this way, when Zhou Zishu came to his mouth, he swallowed back and
thought carefully for a while before he said lightly: "Not everyone in this
world is a good person, but most people are also Those who are willing to
be good people, even if they are not really good people, will act as good
people as possible. "

He paused for a while and then continued: "As for why ... I think it may be
because you are good to others, and you do n’t want to hurt others. Do
good things, others will be good to you. Only be a good person, you will
There will be friends, loved ones, and loved ones, and there will be many
people who are willing to be with you and be nice to you. If you have only
one person in your life, you are always on guard against everyone except
yourself, with whom They are not close, they have no feelings for anyone,
and can only hurt themselves. Isn't it too pitiful? Being a bad person is too
bitter. "

Wen Kexing listened for a while, and for a while, he smiled and shook his

Zhou Zishu said nothing, but added firewood to the fire. Wen Kexing
lowered his head, stared at the flames, and shook his head, but his
movements became slower and slower.

Finally, he crossed his hands, put it behind his head, and lay down on his
back, facing the starry night sky, exhaling a long breath, and said in an
inaudible way: "You are right ... Axu, you are right Makes sense. "
Zhou Zishu smiled.

Wen Kexing asked himself, "Hateful people ... must there be pity?"

Zhou Zishu said: "Good."

Wen Kexing didn't care whether he could see or not, nodded his head, and
then solemnly commented: "Axu, I found that even if you are not a beauty,
you are more and more appetite for me."

Zhou Zishu knew that he was serious for a moment, and wanted to regain
his state of mind, so he twitched his lips and ignored him.

Wen Kexing held up his elbow on one side, raised his face with a smile
and looked at Zhou Zishu, and said, "I don't think you need to envy the old
man and the old lady. Follow me in the future, and you can swim in the
rivers and lakes, She lives in seclusion and doesn't have to die tomorrow. I
don't mind making up with you, what do you say? "

Zhou Zishu said facelessly, "I'm sorry, I mind. Brother Wen, you look at
me too high."

Wen Kexing laughed, and then in the insignificant minor tune of "Beauty,
why are you covering your face, brother and I can't hide my heart",
admiring Zhou Zi's sorrow for breaking off the stick with which he pulled
the firewood? , Had to pretend to be deaf and dumb. Indecently
suppressing his happiness over the anger of others without feeling guilty,
only to feel at ease.

In the early morning of the second day, Zhang Chengling came over
holding Zhou Zishu's robe, handed it to him, and whispered, "Thank you,

Zhou Zishu took it, put on it, glanced at him, and said, "Let's go back to

Zhang Chengling's footsteps still followed him silently, as if he was an

upset boy.
Wen Kexing looked on coldly and comforted: "Your master is determined
to mingle with the heroes all over the world, stunned by snakes and mice,
and now lives in Gaojiazhuang, you might as well follow Zhao Daxia, you
can always look for it he."

Then he quickly added: "Of course you can also come to me at any time."

Zhou Zishu walked in front of him and heard the words turned back,
"When did I say I would stay with this group of people?"

Wen Kexing put his hand around his chin and asked with a smile: "Aren't
you staying?"

Zhou Zishu frowned, "Don't stay."

Wen Kexing glanced at Zhang Chengling and asked, "Really?"

"Do not……"

Zhou Zishu subconsciously followed Zhang Chengling with him, and saw
that the young man was staring at him without blinking, his eyes looked
like a trembling little rabbit, with a look of anticipation, but he did not
dare to be too obvious. Zhou Zishu looked over, busy pursing his lips, and
made a determined face. The words below Zhou Zishu automatically
disappeared, hummed, and turned and strode forward.

Wen Kexing was afraid that the world would pat Zhang Chengling's head
without chaos, and said with emotion: "Axu, do you think we are like a
family of three?"

Zhou Zishu then went faster.

Wen Kexing really regarded himself as a father, and said to Zhang

Chengling with a kind face: "It's all right and left, the road is still long,
can I tell you a story?"

Zhang Chengling nodded obediently, and heard Wen Kexing smugly say,
"There is a demon boy named Red Babe living under the Five Elements
Mountain. He lives with a group of demon monsters. Of course, he really
doesn't care much. This group of things, just feel that they have nothing to
do all day long ... "

He seemed to be quite proficient in this way. Zhou Zishu was walking in

front of him. Hearing Wen Kexing's frustration and whispering, he coaxed
Zhang Chengling's stupid boy to follow him. It was found that the scum
named Wen also had a sense of Mr. Storyteller walking away with one
mouth open.

"... The red child knew that his life was actually extraordinary. His mother-
in-law was a big white snake, known as the white lady. Because she was
private and communicated with mortals, she was found by an old monk
called Fahai and was crushed. Under Huashan ... "

Zhou Zishu was tripped over by a stone suddenly, and almost hit the

"... The red child wanted to split the mountain to save his mother. The old
monk Fahai contacted a dry **** and was defeated by him. But who
knows that the fairies in the original cave also turned against the water and
wanted to put him to death."

Zhou Zishu had no idea what to say, but Zhang Chengling was nervous and
asked, "Why?"

Wen Kexing said: "This is actually a secret. The white lady wasn't
originally a white snake, but a mere mortal. Somehow she passed on to
others, and she was treated as a fairy by the people. She was under
Huashan. You think, If she was released, wouldn't the parents of the red
child all become mortals, wouldn't he be a mortal himself? "

Zhang Chengling listened stupidly: "Oh mortal ... I still don't understand

Wen Kexing laughed and said, "You're stupid, it's not my race, it's
Zhou Zishu heard a move in his heart, and seemed to have a vague idea,
but did not have time to catch it, and flashed quickly. Just listen to Zhang
Chengling and ask: "Is that red baby dead? Has the mountain split?"

Wen Kexing thought about it and asked, "I haven't programmed it yet.
What do you think?"

Zhang Chengling said decisively: "He must have won a group of fairies,
rescued his mother, and finally became an omnipotent hero!"

Wen Kexing added: "Well ... it's okay, but it seems a bit boring. It's said in
nine of the ten books, then ... it's better to let the red child become a
mortal from now on, and never be able to fly away again. Is that right? "

Zhang Chengling said "Ah" and felt that the ending was a bit regrettable,
and couldn't say anything about it. He looked up at Wen Kexing and felt
that the senior was very good and very good at speaking. He gave birth to a
close heart and tried Says, "Senior tell me another story?"

Wen Kexing finally found a loyal audience, and felt that the boy was very
face-saving and very preached, so he opened the conversation box and
successively talked about "owl and a bowl of red water", "Ginger Ziya vs.
Bone Essence", "Cui Yingying Angrily Treasure Chest" A series of novel
and interesting stories returned to Gaojiazhuang in Dongting just like this.

When the three talents arrived, they bumped into Cao Weining. The Jun
met Zhang Chengling for a moment, and shouted, "Oh my little master,
where are you going with these two grandpas, Zhao Daxia is looking for
you and going crazy!"

Zhou Zishu said: "We accidentally saw this child running out alone, and
went after him, without saying goodbye, and ..."

Before he finished speaking, Cao Weining pulled him, saying: "You can
miss the big news, hurry up, everyone's head is almost a dog's head!"
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 24: Demon mask
Zhou Zishu lacks interest, not to mention being a dog's head, or being a
pig's head, it doesn't matter to him. The only thing he wants to do now is
to find a restaurant and fill his empty jug. , And then find a dark sleep, in
order to dangle the story of how the red child with a brain in his head split
the mountain to save the white snake.

Then he made a clever effort, and gently broke away Cao Weining,
explaining, "We still have to return this child to Zhao Zhaoxia first."

Cao Weining patted his head and said, "Yes, forget this thing."

He turned to look at Zhang Chengling. A strange pity of compassion

appeared on his face that did not cover his emotions. He sighed and patted
Zhang Chengling's shoulder, saying, "It's hard for you to be young. But be
more careful. "

Zhang Chengling and he were unfamiliar and unintelligible, but Wen

Kexing reacted and interjected and asked, "Why, those people are still
arguing about Liulijia? Could they be suspicious of the Zhang family ..."

He glanced at Zhang Chengling and paused.

Cao Weining also did not take them as an outsider, so he explained

unobstructedly: "You are still running around at this time. Yesterday was
very lively. When Feng Xiaofeng mentioned the word" liujia ", it was
almost on the spot. The pot exploded, and the two talents Gao Xia and
Master Cimu reluctantly suppressed the scene. Many people moved other
thoughts, and Huashan headed Qiu Yi to stand up first and asked Zhao
Jingzhao whether it was swallowed Did the Zhang family's glazed armor
kill his son because of this? "

Cao Weining thought for a while, and said in a flat tone like an
endorsement: "Yu Qiu was like a nose and a tear, and he made a special
trip to the Dongting. It was about to lose his mind. Emei, Qiang, Cangshan
and other schools, On weekdays, I have a good relationship with the
Huashan faction. This time I was standing at the side of Qiu Yi. I just
wanted to give an account of what happened outside Zhao Jiazhuang, and
Feng Xiaofeng's gang was igniting the wind and making noisy arguments.
Finally, you punched me. I was stunned, and some people asked Gao Xia to
explain why the people in Ghost Valley suddenly returned to the rivers and
lakes, and what exactly Liulijia was. "

Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu looked at Cao Weining with interest. Why did
this silly boy disappear for a day and his lips became sharp?

Cao Weining coughed and said, "This is what my uncle and his elderly
said. What was going on was actually noisy yesterday. I didn't understand."

No wonder it looks like an endorsement ...

Suddenly Zhou Zishu turned his face and asked Zhang Chengling, "Did
you know something? Otherwise, why was the house burned first, and
someone bought a poisonous scorpion to get you started?"

Zhang Chengling looked at him blankly, shaking his head stupidly.

Zhou Zishu rolled his eyes at the sky and really couldn't see his stupid
look, so he ignored him and said to Cao Weining, "I'm troubled that
Brother Cao sent him back to Zhao Daxia, thank you."

Yan Ba ??turned and left, clearly not interested in gathering the world's
heroes into a pot of fun.

Zhang Chengling looked at his back silently, pouting.

Suddenly, I just felt a hand on my head, looked up, and saw Wen Kexing
smile at him, and said, "Senior."

Wen Ke said: "Do you know why he behaves like a dog to everyone, but is
so impatient to you?"

Zhang Chengling lowered his head and whispered: "I'm probably too
stupid ..."
Wen Kexing laughed: "You are just generally stupid, and you are not 'too'
stupid. He doesn't talk to you in a nonsense manner, indicating that he is
willing to get close to you, and he is embarrassed to say, I see he is shy. "

Zhang Chengling stunned: "Really?"

Wen Kexing looked at Zhou Zishu's back with a smile, and said casually:
"The one who has the other, the parents, the knowing one, and himself. I
am the only person in the world who can be his confidant, and I am
naturally not cheating. you."

——Internal injuries on that person, that person ’s easy appearance, that

person ’s habit of consciously or unconsciously hiding his traces, his kung
fu, and the age-old things of the rivers and lakes all look like treasures.
Except for the “skylight”, he thought No second explanation.

But it is really a "skylight". How did he escape the punishment of the

sorrowful trilogy?

Wen Kexing was puzzled for a few days and suddenly realized a truth. The
point was not how the man escaped the Qiqiao Sanqiu nails, but that he
knew how to escape the Qiqiao Sanqiu nails--

He thought he was really keeping up with a big man.

Before Zhang Chengling had time to realize the meaning of this sentence,
he heard Cao Weining, who had no idea of ??the truth, said with emotion:
"Although I have always felt that the two men are the same, this is a bit
weird, but now it seems that one person is born. A confidant who knows
something profoundly with just a few words, isn't he happier than the
relatives of the immortals? Does it matter if he is a man or a woman? "

The resignation shook his head and said, "There is a way to ask what is
love in the world, to teach life and death, the Taohuatan is thousands of
feet deep, not as much as ..." He couldn't say anything, only that the
sentence was there At the lips, I couldn't think of life or death, and was
very embarrassed, so I supported the past, and commented at the end,
"Although the poem written by Mr. Du Fu is a bit obscure, it is very
meaningful to take a closer look at it."

Zhang Chengling and Wen Kexing looked at him strangely.

After a long while, Wen Kexing said: "The Sword Sect of the Qingfeng
Sword really can be literate and capable, and admire it."

Cao Weining was thin-skinned, and felt a little embarrassed to be praised

by others. He laughed shyly: "Where and where, the old man said, Master,
we martial arts, it is useless to read, and we do n’t expect anyone to take
the first prize. The word is not just to open your eyes. It is only reasonable
to practice your kung fu. I have only read the article for two days, and I do
not want to understand it. "

Wen Kexing thought the phrase "not asking for any solution" was

The two sent Zhang Chengling back. Zhao Jing was almost anxious. He
dragged him to ask Dong Wenxi. Wen Kexing watched coldly. He thought
that Zhao Jing was an old thing, although he was very cunning. He was not
indifferent to the son of the deceased. Yes, he turned silently to leave, and
then just turned around, he felt that he was staring at him.

Wen Kexing stepped on his feet and turned to look at him. The moment he
met his eyes turned out fierce. He looked like a crazy dog ??who wanted to
jump up. Wen Kexing saw Cao Weining talking to him respectfully, in his
heart. Guess, this is his uncle, Qingfeng Jian, who sent Mo Huakong, an
old thorny head that is not something.

Mo Huaikong listened to Cao Weining's mouth and tongue, and talked to

Wen Kexing in the direction of Wen Kexing. He first felt that this person
was familiar, and then his deep eyes It made him feel a little scared, but he
couldn't remember anything.

Suddenly I was surprised to see Wen Kexing raise his corner of his mouth
and smile at him. He heard Cao Weining's affection for how he and
another man could be affectionate. He snorted and felt that there was no
place like the name Wen from head to toe. good stuff.

So he turned his head and scolded Cao Weining, "Are you not finished

After Cao Weining said half of the words, he swallowed back immediately,
and had to shut up, he couldn't wait to sew two mouths together.

On the evening of the day, Zhou Zishu was full and drank. He was leaning
on the railing of the restaurant and sipping his new drink. Suddenly, only
one person came in and said something to a few people at the table next to
him. Then checkout and go. Zhou Zishu raised his eyelids and found that
half of the people in the restaurant were instantly absent. Then he grabbed
a young man and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The news came just now, saying that Gaojiazhuang has caught a ghost in
Ghost Valley, and he wants to show the public!"

Zhou Zishu frowned slightly, and noble caught a ghost in Green Bamboo
Ridge? Now he has no doubt that the ghosts have re-entered the rivers and
lakes, and he has already seen two himself, but what does Ghost Valley

The evil spirits in the world are all people who can't stand on the ground of
big **** and evil, and then enter the Ghost Valley to seek asylum. Are you
not afraid to run back to the land of longevity?

Could it be that there is really an incredible secret in the "glazed armor", it

is so amazing that the ghost valley is out of the nest, so that the noble
heroes are secretive, and even at this time use such a clumsy **** to
divert people's attention ?

Zhou Zishu thought and walked. When he came downstairs, he bumped

into a person inadvertently. He said "Sorry" on his mouth, and looked up,
only to see that the man was an ancient monk who did not eat human
fireworks. Later generations are just a moment.
Suddenly a thought popped up in his heart, and he turned out to be eating

The ancient monk later said, "It's okay," he put on his clothes, looked at
him, and took the initiative: "I heard the younger brother of the breeze
school said, Your Excellency is the one who escorted the descendants of
Zhang family to Taihu You have seen me, my name is Ye Baiyi. "

He never likes to talk with people like Gao Chong. He is basically in a

state of not doing his own thing and not talking. He has no sense of
existence, and I don't know why. The whole person has a strange sense of

Zhou Zishu froze, and for some reason this man suddenly found a
conversation with himself, and handled some of his scenes with ease.

Ye Baiyi ignored him, but stared at him indifferently for a while, then the
next sentence came out: "I see you breathless, heavy manners, as if already
dying, but why a dying person would Your spirit? It's weird. "

Zhou Zishu Moran felt that most of the brothers and Taiwan had been in
Changmingshan for too long, and he cultivated a fairy with his master, so
he didn't talk much.

Ye Baiyi thought about it and asked, "How long can you live, three years?
Two years?"

Zhou Zishu only felt this topic. He nodded his head, shook his head even
more, and smiled stiffly: "Brother Ye has good eyesight, is indeed ..."

Ye Baiyi seemed to have a filter on his ears, filtering out the nonsense that
he was too lazy to listen to, and did not wait for Zhou Zishu to finish, then
he said, "There is still five failures in heaven and death. It ’s really fun to
eat, drink, and play. When the Yangtze River pushed the waves, when did
the Central Plains martial arts have so many such people— "he said as he
turned and walked away, regardless of Zhou Zishu.
When I walked a long way, I remembered something, and turned to him
and said, "If you are free, you might as well invite me to drink."

——As if asking him to drink is to give the other side great face, Zhou Zi
is silent.

He followed most people to watch the legendary "evil spirit" in

Gaojiazhuang. In fact, he didn't see anything. He just saw a middle-aged
man with a fierce appearance who was kidnapped to everyone by
Wuhuada. It felt that the evil spirit had a naked upper body and
deliberately exposed the creepy ghost face on his waist to show that this
person was a genuine product.

Zhou Zishu was staring at the man, and suddenly he put a hand on his
shoulder silently. Wen Kexing didn't know where to come out, and smiled
at him with a white teeth charmingly. It's been a whole day for you, where
have you been? "

Zhou Zishu ignored it, only pointing at the man with the big cup **** and
asking, "Do you say this is true or false?"

"Well?" Wen Kexing glanced in the direction of his finger, said rather
disapprovingly, "Evil tattoos stabbed on his waist, which means he can't
appear under the broad daylight. Nobody can get a fake out. But it may
also be that this unlucky man has offended and was framed and thrown
here to show the public. "

He spoke lightly, but Zhou Zishu knew just a few things. For example, the
pigment used in the ghost face tattoo was milled from the leaves of a plant
called "yin quan grass", which is only found in Guigu.

For example, not everyone who has entered the Valley of Ghosts can
survive as a ghost—just like not every soul that kicks its legs and braids
can re-enter the six reincarnations or become a ghost, and maybe the soul
is gone. It is a terrible place for individuals to eat people and bite ghosts.
Weak meat and strong food are the only rules. When you go in, you have
to watch out for everyone and forcefully cross everyone to be eligible to
survive and get such a tattoo.
Zhou Zishu stared thoughtfully at the man with the tattoos. At this
moment, the group was excited, and someone from the Huashan group had
stepped forward to say that he would burn the person alive.

He suddenly turned around, lined the crowd, and strode out.

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 25: White
Wen Kexing's interest in him was obviously greater than that of the
hanging evil spirit. When he turned around and saw him go, he would soon
catch up. Who knew that the person who was still in front of him seemed
to shake out of thin air and disappeared. Wen Kexing paused, his eyes
swept away from the vast crowd.

Zhou Zishu was like a drop of water that had penetrated into the sea. Wen
Kexing was a little confused, narrowed his eyes, and unwillingly swept
around in the direction of his disappearance again, and found that the man
was real, and he just disappeared from his eyes.

At that moment, a little emotion in his heart suddenly appeared that was
not humane, as if something was out of control, and a little bit of anger
grew out of unknown origin.

It turns out that this person can disappear at any time-even if Wen Kexing
guessed his identity and guessed his mind, he can still disappear at any
time-as long as he wants.

He fell out of the skyroof net of the skylight, the most cunning fish in the

Zhou Zishu left Wen Kexing, but went to a silver village.

Dongting and even Jiangnan, the most famous Yinzhuang has a very plain
name called "Ping'an Yinzhuang". The business is quite prosperous, but it
is not overly noticeable. It has never thought about intervening in other
places. As if the host had no big ambitions, he was just settled on the
wandering of this grassy long warbler.

Zhou Zishu looked up at Yinzhuang's signboard, pushed in the door, and

someone immediately shouted: "A guest officer, please in it-are you
against the silver ticket or ..."
Zhou Zishu passed the guy, went directly to the shopkeeper, smiled lowly,
and whispered, "I want to ask your Song Da's help to do something. Could
you please contact me for a steward."

The shopkeeper froze, raised his head and looked at Zhou Zishu for a
while, then cautiously asked, "You?"

Zhou Zishu lowered his voice even lower: "I am the deceased of your
seventh master, surnamed Zhou."

As soon as the word "Seven Lords" was output, the shopkeeper's face
changed immediately, and he was in awe of reverence. He took a few steps
to walk out and asked him to sit down. He also called the shop Xiao Er to
have tea, but he stood on the side, respectfully and authentically. : "Please,
please, the villain immediately sent a letter to Song Da's head, but I'm
afraid that Dad's head is not in Dongting at this moment. Look, can you
wait a few days?"

Zhou Zishu nodded and said, "No, you are sitting."

He politely asked the shopkeeper once again, and the shopkeeper's

sincerity was afraid to wave his hands and dared not to dare, and then
asked: "Master Zhou, do you talk to the master personally, or do you want
the villain to do it now?"

Zhou Zishu thought about it and asked, "I don't have anything important,
but I don't know if the shopkeeper has heard of the number" Liulijia "?"

The Yinzhuang shopkeeper froze for a moment: "This ... the little man
heard something, Yeah said, isn't it the five glazed armors made of the five
pieces of broken glazed?"

Zhou Zishu nodded: "Exactly."

The Yinzhuang shopkeeper pondered for a moment, spread out a piece of

paper, wrote the three words "liujia", and said, "The villain knows
something, but I'm afraid it is not thorough. If Zhou Ye doesn't care about
waiting for a few days, the villain will fall. There are also channels to find
it for you. "

Zhou Zishu looked at him and saw that the shopkeeper was only thirty or
forty years old. He had a savvy face, did not leak water, and spoke fast. He
had to think twice before exiting, and it turned out that it was a group of
old foxes under the hands of a refined man. He didn't know how much
influence the old friend had after leaving the capital for so many years.
Now it seems that it is not just as simple as Yinzhuang.

He drank a cup of tea and left. I ca n’t think of the former skylight leader,
but also relying on other people to collect news, and even to keep Zhang
Chengling ’s little life as a kid, he even wanted a day on that person ’s head
—but speaking, Zhou Zishu himself could n’t understand, Zhang
Chengling I met Pingshui myself, but what about his life?

It's nothing to do.

But in my life, there are always so many times, there are always so many
people and things that make people know that it is not good, but they can't
help being nosy. Zhou Zishu thought, is it fate? Otherwise, why is Jiangnan
so large that he just met the little thing?

He strolled down the street, wandering around basking in the sun, enjoying
the scenery of the Dongting, until the sun was west, he was content to go
to a restaurant, called a pot of wine, a few side dishes, I thought this was a
really good day. He didn't seem to have had such a good life in his life-
either he was exhausted by himself, or he was calculated to make others

There was a little girl singing a tune on the piano. People were also water-
sounding, and their voices were water-sounding. What a beautiful look,
just a song. Everyone upstairs and downstairs applauded. Fang Di found an
ingot of silver and put it on her plate. The little girl first scooped her head
and pouted and smiled at him, blessed a blessing, and thanked softly, Zhou
Zishu's mood was even better.
Suddenly, there was a person sitting on the opposite seat, and the comer
took it for granted and said plainly, "I'll let you invite me to drink."

Zhou Zishu's head was tense-this is the creditor's arrival.

Ye Baiyi was not polite. In his opinion, the common practice of eating and
drinking was for him to appreciate his glory. Since it was his glory, it
should be the sincerity of the other party. Naturally, he was not polite, and
he did not care about Zhou Zishu. After going to the shop, he reported a
bunch of dish names cracklingly, and said calmly to Zhou Zishu, "You can
eat whatever you want, don't be restrained."

Zhou Zishu's eyes looked at him strangely, which one of your eyes could
see that I was restrained?

He had some doubts that the ancient monk's descendants had deliberately
come to poke himself. Just the things he just ordered, let alone two people,
I am afraid that they are just two pigs, enough to feed.

Seeing that he didn't mean to add food, Ye Baiyi suddenly realized: "Oh,
yes, you have an injury, and your appetite will certainly not be very good.
But I advise you to eat more when you can, and the rest is not too much."

Zhou Zishu's eyes were even more weird. If this thing in the heart was not
an ancient monk's descendant, it would really be too much for people to
use sandbags all day long.

As it happened, another person walked up to them, uninvitedly pulled over

a chair to sit down, looked at the leafy white with a smile, and said, "Axu,
how do you say today I didn't say hello, so I disappeared all afternoon.
Dare to ... is someone else? "

Zhou Zishu called the little girl's smile to light up the good mood. There
was no dregs left immediately, and I thought to myself, should I stand up
directly and leave the sentence "I left two freely" to leave. Wen Kexing
turned his head, and somehow asked, "Who is he?"
"He is ..." Zhou Zishu was going to say that he was just a friend who met
by chance. When he reached the lips, he suddenly felt totally unclear. So
he didn't understand what he was doing to explain this to him, and he
paused strangely.

Ye Baiyi nodded generously to Wen Kexing and said, "I'm Ye Baiyi."

Wen Kexing turned his head with a smile on his face and smiled, and then
heard Ye Baiyi said in a wave: "I know you, you were the one who burned
that kid's house that day."

Zhou Zishu's hand holding the wine glass stunned in the air, and the smile
on Wen Kexing's face disappeared instantly. He stared at Ye Baiyi with a
pair of eyes, just like staring at a dead object, and some kind of
indescribable ... sense of deep and cold killing slowly condensed on his

Zhou Zishu frowned and frowned.

It happened that the Xiao Er Dian came up, and was shocked by his killing.
His hands were shaken, and the plate was about to fall off. In the
flashlight, Xiao Er felt that there was a flash of white shadow in front of
his eyes. Some of the dishes that almost fell were somehow. It landed
steadily on the hand of the white man without even a drop of vegetable
soup spilling out.

With Zhou Zishu's eyesight, he couldn't fully understand his movements.

Ye Baiyi is such a master? If he is an ancient monk descendant, the

legendary ancient monk of Changming Mountain ...

A bit of cold sweat leaped behind Zhou Zishu, and found that the skylight's
estimate of the mysterious ancient monk turned out to be inaccurate.

Wen Kexing's pupils shrank for a moment. Although his face was not
shocked, he calmly closed the anger back and looked at the young man in
white—he had ... twenty-five or sixty? No, I'm afraid it's just skin tender,
and the true age is more than that, or is there about thirty? Not like ...
This man feels just like his name. It's blank. When he sits there and
doesn't speak, it's like a dummy. It makes people not feel his emotional
fluctuations and it is difficult to use himself. His emotions affect him, like
sitting next to each other, but living in two different worlds.

Ye Baiyi didn't seem to notice the fierce reaction of the other two because
of his own words, and thought about eating stuffy heads. As the dishes
were put up one after another, the expressions of Zhou Zishu and Wen
Kexing again appeared to a certain degree of distortion-

This ancient monk descendant is simply a peerless rice bucket!

He stuffed things into his mouth very quickly, although it was not rude, but
the posture of the wind and the remnant clouds was absolutely like nothing
that he had eaten in eight lives. His diarrhea was flying, and his chopsticks
passed through like locusts, leaving no room for the enemy Grain, Zhou
Zishu, who was not hungry, and Wen Kexing, who was obviously not in the
mood to eat, were driven by him, and he couldn't help picking up
chopsticks, trying to taste what the restaurant made.

It wasn't until a cup and a mess were on the table that the situation was
terrible. When the dishes were empty, Ye Baiyi took down his chopsticks
and wiped his mouth contentedly. The corner of his mouth turned into a
less obvious arc. He smiled and said to Zhou Zi: " thanks for treatment."

After speaking, there was no other expression, just stood up and left.

Suddenly, Zhou Zishu felt that the ancient monk in Changming Mountain
could be a person if he could only afford such a meal!

Wen Kexing suddenly said, "What he said ... I didn't mean ..."

He paused, as if a little confused, wondering why he suddenly said this, his

chest seemed a bit stuffy, he quickly raised his eyes and looked at Zhou
Zishu, then lowered his eyes, smiled at himself, shook his head, recovered
It used to look like: "This is an ancient monk descendant? I look at him
like a white-skinned locust."
Zhou Zishu held up the jug and poured a little wine at the bottom of the
jug on himself.

Of course, he knew that if Wen Kexing wanted to kill Zhang Chengling, it

would be no different from killing an ant. He would definitely not go on
fire with a big fanfare, and he would pick someone to go when he was not
there. He knew something and went ahead and put a warning.

The question is, how did Ye Baiyi know?

But suddenly he remembered something else ... Zhou Zishu put his hand in
his arms, his expression was very exciting, he raised his head and asked,
"That ... Is there enough money for you?"

Wen Kexing looked at him face to face.

The author has something to say:

The next chapter gives a shot to Uncle ^ _ ^

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 27: Qiye
The green trees are thick and dry all the time, and the birds pass through.
The rolling hills are like the beauty's back, rolling up and down endlessly.

This is South Xinjiang.

Under a tree that is hundreds of years old, there is a small table, and a
teenager from the south of Xinjiang is sitting there doing his homework.
He is young, but he is full of strength and has a full He didn't look up for
many hours, as if nothing could disturb him.

There was a reclining chair next to the small table. A man closed his eyes
and rested on it, but he was dressed in the Central Plains, a wide-sleeve
robe, and an open old book on his leg.

There was a little marten under the man's feet, and nobody cared about it,
and chased his tail very boringly.

At this time, a southern Xinjiang warrior took a letter in his hand and
walked in quickly. Seeing this scene, he could not help lightly and waited
in silence.

The man on the deck chair opened his eyes with the sound of the sound.
This man was about twenty-six. He had a pair of peach eyes with a little
smile. Gu Pan was a peerless and beautiful figure. In his arms, he climbed
over his shoulder and swept his chin with his tail.

The samurai handed the letter respectfully, and said, "Qiye, is the letter
from Song's steward."

Qiye answered, lazily picking up, and opened some interest indifferently,
but only looked halfway, the whole person stood up, his eyes cleared up,
and said, "Is he?"

Little Marten just felt that the stationery was dangling in front of his eyes,
so he unwittingly stretched out his claws to grab him, was caught by Qiye
around his neck, and was lightly thrown to the teenager's desk on one side.

The boy then looked up: "Dad, who is it?"

Qiye didn't answer directly, stood up, took two steps in place, slowly
folded the stationery, and said indiscriminately: "Luta, I told you last time.
Do you remember the truth that Hejiu must divide? "

Juvenile Luta seemed quite used to his father's need to pull things before
he said the key points, and then co-ordinated: "Dad said that it is like a
person who has been standing for a long time to sit down, and a long nail
on his butt. It ’s the same, it does n’t make much sense, but just because
people are alive, they have to toss. ”

Qiye said with a satisfied smile on his face, and said to the southern
Xinjiang warrior in the mist in the cloud: "Alai, go to your Dawu for me
and ask him if this sentence makes sense."

Samurai Samuel looked at him dumbly and asked, "Ah?"

Qiye just wanted to talk, only to hear a chuckle, and slowly said, "Why are
you so busy? Do you want to toss something up?"

The man in black was holding a scepter in his hand. The scepter was also
black and unremarkable. When Ai Lai saw it, he hurriedly lowered his
head and said, "Big witch."

The big witch said, "Well," and waved his hand: "Go and do your work-
Beiyuan, don't bully the kind people all the time."

Qiye passed the folded letter to him, and laughed, "Guess who came to my
shop, this is a rare customer."

Da Wu wasn't very interested, but he also took it over and just hummed:
"Not the emperor of Daqing ... eh? Is it Zhou Zhuang?"

An unfavorable smile appeared on Qiye's face: "Small poison, shall we go

to the Central Plains? An old friend is in trouble. Naturally, shouldn't he
insert a knife?"
The big witch looked at his fear of chaos in the world, and said nothing in
his mouth, but he felt silently that this man clearly wanted to go to watch
the fun and insert his friends by the way.

Zhou Zishu still didn't know the end of his personal friendship. He was
worrying about a more realistic thing—such as Ye Baiyi's sudden arrival
of food, which caused him not to bring enough food.

After a while with Wen Kexing's big eyes and small eyes, Zhou Zishu
understood a truth-if Wen Kexing could be trusted, sows could go up the
tree. He only felt that he was very unscrupulous and met these two things,
one is a peerless rice bucket and the other is a peerless rice bucket, which
is a pair of fetish.

Wen Kexing found that Zhou Zishu's eyes were not good, and he couldn't
help but tighten his placket. He whispered, "I laugh and don't sell myself.
You mustn't hold me here."

Zhou Zishu asked, "What do you say?"

Wen Kexing: "Since it is your treat, I suggest that you can sell your debts."

Zhou Zishu squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "Lao Tzu's mother is
not a big girl, do you buy it?"

Wen Kexing's eyes flashed immediately: "Buy, I'm going to sell iron and
sell my house to pawnshops and pants!"

Zhou Zishu lowered his voice: "Now you can smash the pot to sell iron and
dump your house to pawnshops and trousers. Do you give the meal money

Wen Kexing was silent for a while, and finally said, "Axu, let's run?"

Zhou Zi turned his face to one side silently. Although he had always been
rich by relying on the work of robbing the rich and helping the poor, he
still had a little conscience. He really felt that eating the overlord meal
was detrimental to morals, and ... The shameless face of Kexing definitely
can't afford to lose this person.

With this twisted face, he suddenly saw a man coming in at the gate of the
restaurant. Zhou Zishu immediately came to his spirits and called: "Girl
Gu, it is so coincidental!"

Gu Xiang was walking in, only to see the two of them after hearing the
words, she was frightened immediately, and turned to leave, but she was
not as quick as Wen Ke, and turned around, Wen Ke Xing was already in
front of her, and Wen Yan asked softly "Axiang, what are you running?"

Gu Xiang stunned for a long while before uttering a sentence: "Lord ...
Master, slave me ... just went the wrong way."

Wen Kexing patted her on the shoulder, pulled her in, and comforted him,
"Well, you can come."

Gu Xiang was full of goosebumps. She only felt that her master was a
traitor. She couldn't escape, so she had to follow him step by step. It
looked like she was going to the guillotine. Wen Kexing took her to the
table for two and asked, "Have you brought any money?"

Gu Xiang immediately took out the whole body of copper coins, broken
silver, ingots, gold leaves, silver leaves, and silver tickets. Wen Kexing
nodded with satisfaction. The rich man shouted, "Little two, checkout!"

Gu Xiang was so impressed, thinking, no wonder that fortune teller said

that she would break the fortunes, Amitabha.

It was about short-handed and soft-mouthed, and Wen Kexing brought Gu

Xiang, a follower, and never bombed her again. Zhou Zishu walked in
front, pondered for a while, then suddenly turned back and asked directly:
"Brother Wen, what did you mean when you burned Zhang's little ghost's
house that night?"

Gu Xiang was astonished: "Master, how could you kill and set fire?"
Wen Kexing said solemnly: "I watched the sky at night and found that the
little devil would have a **** calamity. We had to attack it with fire before
we could pass it and do good every day."

His words only fell. When Zhou Zishu and Gu Xiang looked at him with
scorn, they added: "I never leave my first name for good deeds. You don't
have to worship like this."

Gu Xiangdao: "Master, can you show me the sky?"

The Wenke Road: "You will have a **** disaster, unless you shut up for a

Gu Xiang did not dare to speak.

They returned to the place where the evil spirit was dealt with in the day,
and the people were almost dispersed. The evil spirit did not know where
he was going. It was said that the martial arts had been abolished, the lute
bone was pierced and locked. Just when Cao Weining was looking for
them with Zhang Chengling, he greeted him and asked, "Brother Zhou, this
little brother said that you are his teacher ..." He suddenly paused, staring
at Gu Xiang behind Wen Kexing, Zhang Da He mouthed, speechless.

Gu Xiang blinked for a long time, so Cao Weining just stared at her with a

Zhou Zishu had to make a cough on one side, Cao Weining was awake like
a dream, and his face was so red that he said neatly, "Aunt, girl ... I'm
sorry, I didn't mean to be abrupt, but really ..."

Gu Xiang was inexplicable, and thought that the boy had an abnormal
brain. I saw Cao Weining stepping back suddenly, mosquito-like said: "The
surname, surname Cao, the small print Wei Ning, Tai, Taihang people,
Qingfeng sword school 'Wei' generation, Qingfeng sword school leader Mo
Huaiyang is my teacher, Master ... "

Gu Xiang looked at him up and down, and asked Wen Ke, "Master, what's
wrong with him?"
Before Cao Weining's genealogy had time to end his report, the pure and
innocent youth feelings broke down.

Zhou Zishu glanced at Zhang Chengling, thinking something like, said:

"Little devil, you and I are here." Zhang Chengling saw that he went away
without seeing him, so he was overjoyed, and fartly followed, Wen The
passenger patted Cao Weining's shoulder and took Gu Xiang all the way
back to the room.

Cao Weining only felt that when Gu Xiang passed by him, there was
actually a small scent of incense passing by his side, his mind turned into
a paste, and the world did n’t know until they had gone far away. As if
returning to God, he said swiftly: "Guanguan ? Dove, on the water side,
there are beautiful women in the north ... Gentlemen are so good ... There
are such beautiful girls in the world, but such ..."

He walked away with a sigh of dementia, and went back intently to hurt

After going a long way, Gu Xiang whispered to Wen Kexing: "Master, Lao
Meng is here too, tell me and the host to know, the following ..."

Wen Kexing kept his footsteps and his head turned back. The corners of
his mouth were bent upwards, but the corners of his eyes were not smiling,
and he said gently, "Does Meng use me to tell him what to do?"


Zhou Zishu silently took Zhang Chengling back to his room, nodded
briefly, and said, "Sit down, I have something to ask you."

Zhang Chengling sat on the side squarely: "What does Master ask?"

Zhou Zishu thought about it and asked, "Is that man with a little ghost slap
on his face that day, did you ask, have you ever seen a man with one finger
Zhang Chengling nodded. Zhou Zishu asked again, "Have you ever seen

Zhang Chengling shook his head and asked, "Master, who is he talking

Zhou Zishu lifted Erlang's leg, and forefinger gently tapped his knee,
without answering this question—one finger missing, rumored that the
ghost Xue Fang was hanged, and because of this, he It was determined that
the man in black who was killed in the ruined temple that day by Gu Xiang
was by no means a hanged ghost.

But what does that red-happiness mean?

A moment later, he slowed down, and asked in a very positive way: "Little
devil, think about it, have you seen anything unusual that night?"

What he said was "that night", of course, the night when the Zhang family
died. Zhang Chengling's breathing was quick, Zhou Zishu put his voice
more slowly: "Don't worry, think about it, it is very important."

Zhang Chengling was pale, half a moment before shaking his head and
crying, "Master, you asked me what was unusual that night, but is there
anything unusual that day?"

Zhou Zishu frowned, no longer forced to ask him, only a moment of

silence, said: "I teach you a recipe, you go back to your own realization,
practice yourself, if you don't understand, you can come and ask me."

Zhang Chengling froze.

Zhou Zishu also said: "It's better not to leave Zhao Daxia recently, don't
act alone, don't leave Gaojiazhuang, have you heard?"

Zhang Chengling opened his eyes wide, "Master ... Thank you, Master!"

Zhou Zishu coughed uncomfortably and rebuked: "Less nonsense,

remember clearly, I will only say it once, if you ca n’t remember it, forget
it, I wo n’t say it again.”
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 27: massacre
He knew he was dreaming, but the dream was so real. The north wind
brushed his mask, and he couldn't feel cold. He had been waiting there for
a long time, calm, and his pulse was even slower than usual. The sun
gradually passed through the earth, and the night was approaching.

Seeing all this, Zhou Zishu has long been used to getting rid of it. He
knows how not to treat himself as a person—a conscience and affectionate
person. This is a kind of instinctual self-protection, just doing things, not
thinking, So as not to drive yourself crazy.

He just held up the blood-stained hand of Daxing Zhongxing Jiangshan.

This prosperous world is like a gorgeous and wide sleeve. His hand is
always hidden in that sleeve, and it is not easy to show people. When the
war and decay of this era are all over, everyone lives and works in peace,
and the history book has turned a new page ... ...

Zhou Zishu lowered his head. The faces of the people in the dream were
generally fuzzy, but he seemed to see the little girl's face—held by her
grandmother, and the woman was like a weak and helpless lamb, still
guarding with due diligence. The little child looked desperate.

The girl raised her head and whispered, "My dad is a good man, my big
brother is a good man, and I am also a good man. We are all good people,
don't kill us."

He remembered that this was the last strike of the Emperor's Party when
the emperor was alive. The skylight was ordered to assassinate the family
of Jiang Zheng, the family member of Jiang Zhen, whose younger
daughter, Jiang Xue, was four years old and very clever. What would she
be like if she had the opportunity to grow up?

Zhou Zishu felt his hand sent out, the woman's sharp scream cut through
the night sky, the long sword pierced her chest, and then passed through
the little girl's body. He didn't feel sick or sad, because he was already
accustomed to that seat.

You are good people and loyal, what about? Who stipulates that good
people can't cross the street and cut off their grandchildren?

However, there was a sigh in the air. It was long and long. Someone said
that killing pays for life--

Zhou Zishu's chest ached sharply, and he opened his eyes sharply and sat

The next moment, he slowly bent down, covering his chest, biting his teeth
tightly, not letting himself make a cry, his pale fingers gripped the corner
of the quilt, his hair was scattered, and he described how embarrassed. In
the heartbreaking pain that came, thinking blankly, Zhou Zishu, you
bastard, you are going to die.

This night, Zhou Zishu did not sleep well, Wen Kexing did not sleep well,
and even Ye Bai did not sleep well.

Wen Kexing didn't leave the room door, but just sat quietly against the
window. Gu Xiang was on the side. The girl who didn't know the basket
and wrote a tombstone would make a joke. Her face was full of solemnity.
She Looking out of the window, there is no difference in the dim night sky,
and the silence is like a treacherous beauty lamp.

The window was not closed, the cool breeze rolled in, set off Gu Xiang's
dress corner and long hair, and turned a picture of the Spring Palace on the
small table up and down, Wen Kexing smiled very slowly and gently,
saying gently "I've waited for twenty years."

Gu Xiangmo stared at him silently, only to see the man's face with a kind
of inexcusable, even a little crazy smile, in a place without light is not
human, so awe.

Wen Kexing stretched out a hand and grabbed it out of thin air, as if to
catch the wind through the window: "I want nothing in this world to stop
me, whether he is a man or a ghost, is The fairy is strange ... I want all
these seductive charms, these things that should not be on earth, all rolled
back to their eighteenth floor of hell. "

He held a piece of paper in his other hand, and Gu Xiang's eyes fell on that
yellowed piece of paper, and a ghost face was sketched on it, and his
strokes were not very immature, like a child's graffiti. Wen Kexing got up
and lit the candlelight, put the paper on it, and burned it to ashes.

His expression was as devout as the sacrifice of God.

Ye Baiyi slept into the middle of the night without knowing why. Suddenly
he awakened from his dream. In his narrow eyebrows and eyes, there was
no confusion of the person who just woke up. He was still lying on the bed,
slowly raised his hands, and put his neck A small pendant hung out and
played with it. If you look closely, the small pendant is very delicate, it is
actually a reduced version of the mountain and river order.

Ye Baiyi closed his eyes and said to himself, "Changqing, I always have an
unpredictable feeling. Why do you say you are gone ..."

He thought, if there were no orders in the world, no ghost valley, no glass

armor, no skylights, would it be much more peaceful?

In the early morning of the second day, everyone who greeted everyone, in
addition to Chen Xi, had corpses.

Nine corpses were thrown in a circle not far from Gaojiazhuang, and a
circle was formed with the word "Ghost" written on the ground with blood.
It was two or three feet long and wide and blocked a street. The place
where the evil spirit was executed in the day.

When Zhou Zishu arrived, the identity of the body had been identified.
The evil spirits are very fair, and try to make all the martial arts raindrops
touch. The eight martial arts plus a high family, a total of nine corpses,
monks, nuns, men, women and children.
A noble apprentice was also among them. Zhou Zishu was not impressed
by him. He only remembered that this person was not as eye-catching as
Deng Kuan, but was very quiet, just helping entertaining guests and not
talking to anyone. Gao Xiaoli had fainted into tears, but Gao Chong
couldn't care less about his jewel in the palm of his hand, and only let
Deng Kuan accompany her. He followed Master Cimu to examine the body
one by one.

One was hanged, one was killed by blood, the other was killed by sucking
blood, and the body was separated ... Everyone's death method is still

Zhou Zishu listened to a person sighed softly and said, "Qingzhuling Ghost
Valley came out of the nest."

He tilted his head and saw that the person who spoke was Ye Baiyi. Zhou
Zishu was surprised to find that there was a layer of unspeakable
compassion on his face, making him look like a porcelain man. Guanyin

Zhou Zishu asked subconsciously: "What?"

Ye Baiyi glanced at him and said blankly, "Are you deaf?"

Zhou Zishu turned his face to be boring, but Ye Baiyi patted him on the
shoulder and said nothing at all: "You come out at night and go to a place
with me." That tone actually greeted Zhou Zishu the night before. Zhang
Chengling is quite different.

Zhou Zishu decided that before the kid with the last name Ye did not learn
to speak, he ignored him, but nodded uncontrollably.

After ordering, he felt very regretful, and couldn't wait to unscrew his
troublesome head, thinking in his heart whether it would be better to kill
the so-called ancient monk descendants now.

Suddenly, the crowd didn't know who it was, and said, "How can these
people be killed? It is said that all the people gathered here are from the
valley of ghosts. The evil spirits sneaked in unconsciously yesterday, and
everyone was not prepared. However, why did they only choose to kill
these few martial arts? I have an informed story, is this Ghost Valley going
against the entire rivers and lakes? Ca n’t they be so stupid, what are they
trying to figure out? Or is there anything you are hiding? Thing? "

Gao Chong heard the words stand up, and the whole person looked around
in a round, not looking very spirited, and his footsteps were slightly
agitated. Deng Kuan was busy helping him aside, Gao Chong pushed him
away, waved his hands, and slowly set his eyes on him. Go out, glance over
the sad faces of the eight majorists, and look to those who are hesitant to

The eyes seemed to have weight, suppressing the voices of others.

They looked at this legendary man in the martial arts for nearly two
decades—his gray hair and somber expression, slowly opened his mouth,
and murmured, “This is a blood debt.”

Then he lowered his head and stared at the nine corpses for a long time,
his voice suddenly raised: "Blood debt ... my Gaojiazhuang's blood debt,
all the decent blood debts of the world, all the people in the world ... Blood
debt! "

He seemed to have some instability. Master Tzumu held a rosary in his

hands, "Amitabha" closed his eyes, and uttered a word in his mouth,
presumably overdoing these strangled people. Deng Kuan looked at his
elderly Master anxiously, and seemed to want to help him again, but felt
disrespectful, and held back.

Gao Chong lowered his eyes for a while, and when he raised it again, he
was already in tears. He pointed to the young man who died in
Gaojiazhuang and said, "My apprentice has no father or mother since he
was a child. After my last name is Gao, it ’s called Gao Hui. They do n’t
like to talk. These kids bully others and give him a nickname, Lao Men ...

He seemed to want to smile, but didn't laugh out. The cry of several
female disciples in Gaojiazhuang couldn't stop.

Gao Chongton paused, and then said, "My little old man is a good boy.
Many of you have seen him these days, scratching his head, not getting a
fart on his three feet ... but it is really good Child, work hard and
complain, never blush with people. There is a grandma in his family who
is not dear. He was picked up and brought up when he was a kid. Now he is
over 80 years old. The old man is blind and stupid and does n’t recognize
him People, only seeing Gao Hui as a child, I can still react a little ...
Everyone, how do you tell me to explain to her? Heroes, you can do well,
do well, teach me a few words, let me Explain to the elderly! "

The autumn wind in Dongting was bleak, and Hongbo was surging,
looking quietly like an old man without a living person, standing in the
middle, asking everyone-how can I explain to the old lady?

Even **** like Feng Xiaofeng shut up and couldn't speak. At this point, if
anyone needs to say one more thing that is not necessary, it is not just a
human, it is simply an animal.

The new head of the Taishan group Hua Qingsong called out first: "This
group of ghosts will not die one day, and martial arts will not be able to
survive one day. I will follow the instructions sent by the heroes in the
future. There will be no words! Revenge for the head, revenge for these
strangled fellows! "

The head of Taishan dies, and now the dragons are headless. Hua Qingsong
is just a young man in his twenties. He is very impulsive, but he does not
know that he is open and other people will not be able to keep silent
anymore. Come out and express your position.

On the afternoon of the same day, under the auspices of the noble, a
solemn funeral was held for several dead people. There was a gloomy
death in the air over the entire Dongting. He was suppressed, like a close
Noble is a capable person, and the people who originally acted
independently seem to be unanimously outside.

That night, Zhou Zishu sent Zhang Chengling, who ran secretly, and
ushered in another uninvited guest, Ye Baiyi. The man didn't even wear the
night clothes, and the artist dared to knock on the window outside and
said, "Come with me."

Zhou Zishu didn't realize his idea of ??killing people in the day. He
regretted it at this time and had to follow him out.

Wen Kexing's room was next to him. He heard the movement over there
and frowned, his arms folded together, his face was very unsightly.

Gu Xiang was hanging upside down on the beam of the house, who had his
eyes closed and was awakened by him at the moment, so he yawned and
asked vaguely: "Master, you said at first that Zhou Xu was a mysterious
person from a mysterious place. It ’s been a few days since I got to you.
Why do n’t you worry about his bad things now and keep staring at him? ”
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 28: Ancient monk
Wen Kexing gave her a cold glance, and said badly, "When will it be your
turn to take care of me?"

His tone was rare and terrible. Gu Xiang narrowed his eyes slightly, his
eyes widened, and he rolled down from the beam of the room. She
followed Wen Ke from an early age, knowing that even if this person
talked about the major events, it was not to be joked. On weekdays, Gu
Xiang had been playing with him a lot, never seeing him turning his face,
and I don't know what happened.

Gu Xiang carefully looked at him and whispered: "Master, this is ..."

Wen Kexing closed his mouth for a while before taking a deep breath, but
still felt very upset, he leaned gently against the window and told the cold
wind to blow, so he didn't visit Gu Xiang. He even said in a tone: "I don't
care about the women in the world according to your meaning. In my eyes,
the man should only be good, able to go to bed, and not good to look at.? I
can't have that one or two. A talking friend? "

He didn't mean to intimidate Gu Xiang, but Gu Xiang didn't understand

what he was thinking for a while, but he was more frightened and had to
say, "Yes, the slaver said something wrong."

Wen Kexing only wanted to speak. He took a look at Gu Xiang's

understanding, and then swallowed the words again. I just felt that talking
to her was also a chicken and a duck, which was not very interesting. At
that moment, Wen Kexing felt a bit late for his grievances. Over the years,
they saw him one by one, either because they were afraid, or because they
felt that he was crazy and insane, and a few were able to sit at the campfire
and listen to him at night. Singing wildly to sing a piece of music, tell a
few stories that only you can understand?

He suddenly asked, "Axiang, do you think I'm crazy?"

Gu Xiang looked at him with a hesitant glance, seeing that his face was
faint, and there was no dullness, and he nodded hesitantly, Wen Kexing
turned his head and laughed.

Gu Xiang thought for a while, but added: "If you are crazy, I will follow

"What are you doing with a lunatic?"

Gu Xiang thought about it for a long time. She was reluctant to study since
she was a child, and no one forced her to learn these things. She was free.
Now she only knows a few words, only to find that there is still some ink
in her stomach. Well, for example, she seems to have thousands of words
to say, but she never knows where to start.

Finally, with only one sentence left, he blurted out: "A lunatic is a lunatic.
I just feel that following you is better than following others."

Wen Kexing looked at her for a long while and smiled softly.

Gu Xiang was so excited by his slightly lonely smile that he uttered

another sentence without thinking, "Master, I think in fact ... you are a
good person."

Wen Kexing laughed and nodded: "Okay, you put a fart all night tonight,
and finally say a word of people." Then he opened the window and jumped

Gu Xiang busy: "Where is the master?"

Wen Kexing waved his hand and said, "I see that the white coat is a little
white face. The little white face usually doesn't have a kind heart. I'm
afraid the silly boy with the last name Zhou will lose out.

Before Gu Xiang had time to answer, others had disappeared. Gu Xiang

had a moment of recollection, and understood who the "silly boy with the
last name Zhou" was, and his face was quite wonderful at once, and he said
to himself, "I only know today what it means to talk nonsense with my
eyes open, silly boy ... silly boy ... Hey, I must be the first silly girl in the
sky. "

It was a pity that no one heard it, or someone would remind her-although
Gu Xiang thought that this was only self-deprecating, in fact it was still
very reasonable.

Ye Baiyi called Zhou Zishu more in the middle of the night, and didn't say
what to do. He just walked through the night quickly. The light work had
already reached the point of galloping power. Zhou Zishu was shocked to
find that if this person was not waiting for him intentionally, it is
estimated that Has been dropped.

The two did not know how far they ran out one after the other. Ye Baiyi
kept his footsteps behind his hands, facing Zhou Zishu sideways. Zhou
Zishu didn't know why he suddenly brought himself to such a no-one
intersection, but at this moment, a guess popped up in his heart, and he
stood not far away from him, looking at him in surprise. .

Ye Baiyi didn't explain his intentions, let him look at it-this person is tall
and straight, and the person in white clothes is said to either appear dusty
and handsome, or look frivolous and pretentious, this is a kind of look that
flutters lightly The color that he wears is always a little heavy, but he is
"pressed" by Ye Baiyi.

At night, he was like an ancient Buddha-Zhou Zishu suddenly felt for no

reason that his weapon should be an epee, or that Taishan was in front of
him, and he could stand still.

For a long while, Ye Baiyi asked, "What do you see?"

Zhou Zishu froze, this would understand where the sense of disobedience
on him came from, and could not help lowering his head slightly: "Forgive
the younger eyes, and there are many disrespects these days, please
forgive me."

Ye Baiyi remained silent for a while, and suddenly said nothing, such as
electricity, and patted Zhou Zishu's left shoulder with a single palm. The
palm wind was very harsh. He said that he would do it without mercy.

Zhou Zishu was startled. He pulled up two feet tall and flew away. Ye
Baiyi immediately pursued it, and his long sleeves turned out, so that he
had sealed all the holes in his body.

Zhou Zishu only said that his martial arts path should be rigid. His internal
strength was damaged by half. It was not easy to hit him. Only then did he
want to go around in circles with him, only to find that he had made a
mistake. Overwhelming, as if it were everywhere, he had nowhere to
borrow, and in a hurry, he had to lift his leg and kick it at Ye Baiyi's wrist.

Ye Baiyi didn't care. He turned his palm and grabbed his calf. Zhou Zishu
turned around, and just by his palm wind, the whole person was like a
flying flower and a leaf, and slid two feet stiffly. It has changed, and
slowly groaned, "What does senior mean?"

Ye Baiyi retracted his hand, and he looked at him for a while, and then
asked: "The 'Charm Qin Song' was a descendant of an old man who was
not a thing at that time, because this sissy boy was not a thing, nor was he
hit. Use, so he was expelled from the division, I heard that he ca n’t do
anything else. He played a piece of music, but also got a bit of truth, like
that, it ’s been broken by your voice for decades of practice. Where did a
terrible postnatal come from, it turns out ... boy, I ask you, your weapon,
but a soft sword? "

Zhou Zi opened his eyes sharply, and moved a half step to the side. His
hands had been subconsciously retracted into his sleeves, and his heart had
been killing for a long time. This was the first time he had encountered
this situation, and he did not know the other party. The depth, but the other
seems to know himself well.

When Ye Baiyi saw her, her mouth bent upwards, revealing a stiff and
sarcastic smile, and said, "If I want to treat you, can you still stand and
speak right now? The hand you just showed is light, all over the world
This one family is called 'Infinite and Traceless.' Qin Huaizhang of
Sijizhuang was your master, wasn't it? Huh, the two of you and your
apprentices are the same. Regardless of who you meet, you must first use
the heart of a villain. Of it. "

Zhou Zishu said coldly: "The old monk is certainly a martial arts master,
but the teacher has already passed away. Even if the younger generation is
not filial, they cannot tolerate him in this way."

Ye Baiyi froze and lost his voice: "Why, Qin Huai Zhang died?"

Zhou Zishu had time to speak in the future, Ye Baiyi's eyes suddenly dim,
and a little blank expression appeared on his face, saying lowly: "Yes, I
don't know how many years ... Wei Jin ... There is no sun and moon in the
mountains. It turns out that the world has been for thousands of years, and
even Qin Huaizhang is gone. "

Zhou Zishu frowned and looked at him for a while, and found that he was
not malicious, but he still could not speak, so he relaxed slightly.

He determined that this man was the legendary ancient monk of

Changming Mountain. Although I don't know why he has been immortal
for so many years, he has maintained his youthful appearance. Is it true
that the world has said that he has become an immortal?

Ye Baiyi reached out and said, "Give me your sword."

Seeing Zhou Zishu's immobility, Ye Baiyi said impatiently: "When I

haven't seen it, I still gave it to your master that year, and no one snatched
your gadgets. Wouldn't it look good? Qin Huaizhang's apprentice did this
Nothing! "

Only then did Zhou Zishu remember that his sword was engraved with the
word "white clothes". At first, he thought it was a weird sword inscription.
Who knew it was the name of this article, and his face looked so good at
first, so he was very sickened, so Unwillingly, he stretched his hand into
his waist and tossed it on the belt for a while. He added an extremely clear
and soft sword to Ye Baiyi.
Ye Baiyi glanced at his blue and yellow and thin hand, and frowned as he
picked up, and at the same time he stabbed: "Good people, you have to
cover another layer of skin. Go up and down your two apprentices. "

Zhou Zishu said silently while he was not eating, and he was thinking that
this is immortal.

Ye Baiyi took the soft sword in his hand, and the sword body was filled
with his internal force, and the sword body stood up, shaking slightly like
a resonance, making a buzzing sound, Ye Baiyi's slender eyebrows,
squinting A flash of sorrowful nostalgia flashed. He looked at the sword
named "White Clothes" and thought to himself that the old people were no
longer there. Instead, these things were long-lived and reached the hands
of juniors.

It took a while before returning it to Zhou Zishu.

Zhou Zi Shupi smiled and said without a smile: "I don't know if the
seniors called out the younger late at night. In addition to trying the
younger fighters and teachers, what else ..."

He didn't finish this sentence, Ye Baiyi suddenly reached out and stuck it
to his chest, and the movement was so fast that he could not react. If the
man took the opportunity, he would have no room to dodge. Zhou Zishu
stiffened, and immediately stopped. Already.

Ye Baiyi didn't have any other movements, just frowned slightly. Zhou
Zishu felt a soft and gentle internal force coming down the palm of his
hand, as if exploring something on him. Qiqiao Sanqiu nail was
immediately stimulated by his inside, and after the attack, Zhou Zishu
slightly sweated, but still stiff, and did not show it.

Who knew that at this time, Ye Baiyi suddenly exerted strength, and the
internal force that stuck to Zhou Zishu's chest turned into a stream like a
stream, rushing into his veins that had already dried up for half, Zhou
Zishu only felt that nail on him The nail on the chest seemed to be
overturned by the internal force of the opponent, and the eyes immediately
became dark. The whole person shook a bit and then fell backwards.
Behind him suddenly a figure flashed, and said lightly, "What are you
doing ?!" While catching Zhou Zishu, he immediately opened his sleeves
and opened Ye Baiyi's hand. Ye Baiyi "snapped" and did not hide. , The
two bumped into each other. Ye Baiyi only felt that he was struck by a
strange and strong internal force, and his heart was slightly shaken, and he
felt a little tightness in his chest.

Wen Kexing was even more frightened. The one that he threw out almost
used 80% of his internal force, and he seemed to hit a wall that was
invisible. He was blocked back, he clamped Zhou Zishu's waist and backed
away. Half a step, turned to sideways to block Zhou Zishu, and also
stabilized his footsteps.

Then I looked at Ye Baiyi, his eyes went to a smile, and he froze slightly.
At this moment, when he looked at the eyes of the people, Ye Baiyi
thought of the poisonous snake-very cold, sticking to the human body, like
a sacral bone.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 29: Hate late
Ye Baiyi frowned slightly. His face was more fake than Zhou Zishu. It
seemed to have been stiff for a long time. No matter how slight the
expression was, it looked laborious and weird. He asked, "Yes. You? Who
are you? "

Wen Kexing sneered and asked, "You don't have to report to your family
first, but ask me who is it? Did the ancient monk teach his disciples this

With the help of Wen Kexing, Zhou Zishu stood up easily. He coughed a
few times, only felt that his throat was hot. He turned his face and spit out

Seeing the corner of Wen Kexing's eyes, his face froze and Shen cursed:
"Zhou Su, are you stupid? You don't know who he is, so you have to stand
like a door and let him touch it casually?"

I haven't touched it yet-he glanced at Ye Baiyi while standing and

swallowed the sentence again.

Zhou Zishu's entire body was disturbed by Ye Baiyi. He was busy

suppressing his anger. How could I listen to Wen Ke's nonsense to
facilitate his busy schedule? He rolled his eyes half-deadly.

Ye Baiyi asked again, "Your kung fu is not weak. Who is his disciple?
What is the relationship with this boy?"

Only then did Wen Kexing feel the strange place in his tone. Ye Baiyi
spoke slowly, jumping out word by word, like an old man, with his face
and expression. , And feel a bit weird.

Wen Kexing was not a person who didn't know the depth, but was just
impulsive, and now there was some doubt in his heart.
Before he could answer, Zhou Zishu raised his sleeve, wiped the blood
from the corner of his mouth, and asked softly, "What does the ancient
monk senior mean?"

Ye Baiyi said calmly: "Look at your injuries and save them." He paused
and said, "When did I say I was an ancient monk? Don't be smart."

Wen Kexing knew that Zhou Zishu had internal injuries, so he was not
surprised, but he stumbled when he heard the second sentence-Zhou Zishu
guessed that he was an ancient monk. Although Ye Baiyi denied it, he
mentioned that "an ancient monk "Two words, without the slightest
respect, look like a generation of people.

Wen Kexing couldn't help but sweep up and down Ye Baiyi's wrinkle-free
face, thinking to himself, what a freak this old thing is?

Ye Baiyi said to Zhou Zi: "The upper beam is not right and the lower beam
is crooked. I know that the surname Qin cannot teach a good person to be
an apprentice, but if you do n’t know the details of this person, I still
advise you to deal with him less, he Less like a good thing than you. "

Wen Kexing felt that this food was almost a crime with himself. When he
saw him, he felt panicked, and then he blurted out, "I don't know the
details? Old man, haven't you heard of what is called Baishouxinxin and
dumping like that?" Just rely on the old and sell the old. You control the
world, but also the **** and fart? "

Ye Baiyi was not a good-natured man, and he scolded, "The boy is looking
for death." He patted it with one palm.

Zhou Zishu consciously felt that his internal interest was disordered at the
moment, and it was not suitable for them to mix in the street fights that
disregarded the old and the young, so he took a few steps backwards, flew
on the wall, sat cross-legged, and adjusted his breath. Watching these two
people while you come and go.

When everyone was in the dark for Guigu and Liulijia people, no one knew
that in this alley, there was a brawl between two masters that never
happened in a century. Ye Baiyi denied that he was an ancient monk, and
Zhou Zishu could not figure out who he was. He only felt that his martial
arts skills were so rare in his life that it was really the ancient monk

And Wen Kexing could not reveal his defeat. Zhou Zishu took a closer
look and found that his martial arts approach is not the same as the sacred
hand Wen Ruyu-no, it should be said that even though Wen Ruyu was once
a famous place in the world, but he and he The son is by no means

The three tricks that Wen Kexing taught to the young man Zhang
Chengling that day were all swordsmanship from Wen Ruyu, giving people
a sense of peace and fairness, with a sense of frankness.

But at the moment, Zhou Zishu only felt that this man was very fierce in
one move and one style. He couldn't see what kind of skill, which was
unheard of and unseen before. The tricky place was a bit like Gu Xiang,
but he was better than Gu. Xiang should be too clever. Anyway, it is by no
means inherited from any of his grandparents ... Zhou Zishu's eyes
narrowed slightly, and a faint guess began to start in his heart.

At the same time, he laughed a little. He couldn't tell the history of the
rivers and lakes. There were not a lot of them, but they all got together this

At this time, Zhou Zishu suddenly felt that a drop of water fell from the
sky, and the wind seemed to be cooler. After a few drops of rain fell, the
rain suddenly became dense, and a night rain came so silently.

Zhou Zishu wrapped his robes tighter, straightened up the two long legs
that were coiled up, hung from the wall, and raised his voice to the two
people who were huddled together: "I said Senior Ye, Brother Wen, this It's
raining, it's strangely cold, shall we almost be scattered? "

——That tone is not like watching a trick of two top masters, it is like
watching a monkey show.
Ye Baiyi snorted, pulling his body backwards three feet away, and when he
landed, he slightly trimmed his messy placket. His sleeves that had drifted
out of the dust were torn by Wen Kexing-Zhou Zishu Jue Wen The
passenger bank has fallen short of this particular love of tearing the
sleeves of other people because it is not a hobby for outsiders.

Wen Kexing was even more embarrassed. He covered his chest and
stepped back, only to feel that the five internal organs seemed to be
shaken, and he spit out a blood spit before he was swept by the wind in the
palm of his hand. Brother Rib is still healthy.

Ye Baiyi glanced at Wen Kexing silently and said, "You are already at the
end of the crossbow. If you just keep on, within ten moves, I will definitely
take your life."

Wen Kexing stood with his bow slightly on his shoulders, and looked at Ye
Baiyi coldly.

Zhou Zishu had to sigh and said, "Senior Ye, as a senior man, why do you
want to kill the juniors?"-Hurry back to your old mountain forest to plant
flowers and birds, why bother to run away all the way Dongting, when is
this **** stick?

Who knows, this sentence seems to remind Wen Kexing, this person
remembers to eat and remember to continue to talk lowly: "You old thing
is a yellow flower tomorrow, if you can live to that time, within ten years,
I Will definitely take your life. "

Ye Baiyi seemed to have heard a big joke, and when he heard it, he
laughed. His stone-faced bodhisattva face still had a thrilling smile. Zhou
Zishu was so worried that the stiff facial features He was cut off by his too
violent expression.

I only listened to Ye Baiyi and said, "Take my life? Okay, okay-fifty years,
nobody has dared to say such a thing to me, and I will wait for you to take
my life."
When he was about to leave, he seemed to think of something, and looked
back at Zhou Zishu thoughtfully, and remained silent for a long while,
saying, "I can't help you with your injury."

Zhou Zishu didn't move, and his heart was a little funny. Feeling that the
tone of this white robe speaks too much of himself, he said, "Seniors are
not necessarily omnipotent. No one expects you to have a way."

Ye Baiyi shook his head and said, "Your meridian is dead, just like the old
tree is rotten in the roots, it is to remove the poison on your body, and it
will not help, but because there is no resistance, the internal force will
wither. It ’s time to go to see King Yan after breaking the pulse. "

Wen Kexing was shocked, and turned his head to look at Zhou Zishu in
disbelief-the man was still sitting on the wall hanging his legs, very
relaxed, thin rain hit him, and his black hair was wet. Like a gloomy dim
light, if he hadn't seen his shot in the crypt that day, it would hardly be
seen, this is a wounded person.

Zhou Zishu Lang laughed and said, "Will I be sure to die?"

Ye Baiyi nodded frankly.

Zhou Zishu looked at him, and suddenly felt that this white robe was
probably living in the mountain for too long. In addition to the rice bucket,
he was a bit lacking in mind and sighed, "Senior, why are you scolding a
bald donkey as a monk? I haven't offended you again, so don't tell me to
know this again and again. It's not good news. "

Ye Baiyi looked at him silently for a while, then suddenly said nothing and
turned away.

Zhou Zishu had originally suspected that he had asked him to come out for
something else, but this meant that most of the old confused had forgotten
the incident after a fight. Without going to remind him, he jumped off the
Seeing that Wen Kexing still looked at him with an unclear way, he greeted
him, "What are you still doing silly? Are you injured or ..."

The rest of his words disappeared, because Wen Kexing suddenly came
over, approached him, and touched his face with his cold hands.

The rain slipped from Wen Kexing's face, and there was nothing but the
sound of gurgling water. He was expressionless, his messy hair clung to
his pale face, and the eyes were black, which made Zhou Zishu think of the
way he casually glanced from the restaurant when he first met him.

I only listened to Wen Kexing: "When I was young, my mother forced me

to study, and my father forced me to study martial arts. In the village
where we lived, all the children were sneaking chickens out of the trees
and climbing trees. Only me was in the yard Reading and practicing
swords, I had to go out to relax when it was dark, and every time I just
joined the game cheerfully, the father and mother of other children called
them to go back for dinner. "

Zhou Zishu felt that the action was awkward, and he wanted to tilt his head
away, but he saw the slightly blank look of Wen Kexing, the rain was
pressing on his eyelashes, he blinked quickly, the rain He ran down his
chin along his cheek, giving the illusion that he was crying.

"I particularly hated my father and mother at that time, so I was angry
with them. My father told me, 'You do n’t work hard, your boss is sad.'
When I grow up, I will be late. I think I will grow up. It's too late to steal
bird eggs and hit marbles. "

Wen Ke paused, put the word "late" in his mouth, and repeated it again,
like chewing the bitterness deliberately, then hooking Zhou Zishu's neck
and hugging him, like a body The overgrown, yet immature big child,
hugged him with grievances.

Zhou Zishu sighed. The word "late" is bitter. In his life, has he tasted it too
many times?

Then Wen Kexing let go of him and asked, "Is your injury unsaved?"
Zhou Zishu laughed at himself and shook his head.

Wen Kexing was silent for a moment, and then asked, "How many more

Zhou Zishu calculated and said, "It's been two or three years."

Wen Kexing laughed, and Zhou Zishu felt that he was smiling a little bit
wrong, so he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you?"

Wen Kexing shook his head, took a step back, and then took a step back
and said, "When I want to play happily in my life, I couldn't be happy.
When I grow up, I want to learn literature with my parents , And no one
taught it, you said ... wouldn't it be out of date? Fortunately ... "

He narrowed his smile, turned and walked away, leaving Zhou Zishu in a

Fortunately, I haven't liked you so much--

Liangyu knows autumn, Qingwu always dies, stays in the bitter cold for a
long time, and slaps on for so many times ... but it's just a "meet to hate
each other".

The author has something to say:

Well, thank you guys for voting, but you must pay attention to it ~ The
matter of blending is really necessary for this thing ...
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 30: Rainy night
Gu Xiang held an umbrella in his hand, still holding one in his arms, and
shuttled in the night rain. Her little embroidered shoes stepped on the
bluestone, splashed with water to wet her trousers, and a cold wind blew.
She fought a chill and felt that she was too dedicated.

Then she looked up and saw the man walking alone in the rain.

Wen Kexing's whole body was soaked, his clothes were affixed to his body,
his placket was loose, and he looked a little embarrassed, but he didn't

Gu Xiang caught up and called, "Master!"

Wen Kexing didn't look back at her, but apparently heard it, stopped and
waited for a moment. Gu Xiang hurriedly trot up to him, handed the
umbrella over, and felt in his heart that it was not worthwhile to come out
in a bitter rain and rain—according to the owner's usual conduct, looking
at him like this, Gu Xiang thought that he had reached some Happily gone
to see people.

So he smirked and asked a little in disapproval: "Where is the master


Wen Kexing opened his umbrella and took a few steps before he said
lowly, "Fight with someone."

Gu Xiangshun asked, "Fight in bed?"

Wen Kexing glanced back at her, and Gu Xiang immediately slap gently
on his face with a kindness, and said solemnly: "Ah, look at this bird's
beak, what nonsense? Can you tell the truth casually? Is the fact that the
sun rises to the east can be read casually ... "

"Axiang." Wen Kexing didn't pick her up and interrupted her.

Gu Xiang blinked his eyes, the rain was getting heavier, and the water
vapor lifted up a layer of confused white mist, which made her a little bit
unclear on Wen Kexing's face, and only when he was silent for a long time,
he lowered his eyes and murmured "He said ... he was going to die."

Gu Xiang said "Ah", didn't respond, and asked, "Who is going to die?"

"Zhou Su."

Wen Ke's jargon paused. I wondered whether it was to shift emotions or to

let Gu Xiang understand. As he continued to move forward, he calmly
explained: "He has internal injuries. I saw him at the beginning. He was so
agitated that he thought it was nothing, and today I know that it is
incurable, and only two or three years of life are left. As soon as I heard it,
I knew who he was ... Hey, I knew it so, I What do you do with him? "

Gu Xiang opened her eyes, she was a bit difficult to digest this reality, and
for a long while she asked indifferently: "Zhou Su?"

"Well." Wen Kexing said in a low voice. "I used to realize that he couldn't
be a 'skylight' person. There was no access in that place. Everyone who
tried to escape must be subject to the seven" knacks for three tricks. " ,
And then people will pay full martial arts, lose six senses, and become a
fool who can keep secrets better than the dead. I first realized that people
who have been nailed by the Qiqiao Sanqiu ca n’t be like him ... Listen to
another today It was only with a person's voice that he realized that most
of his special methods had reduced the harm of the ugly nail, but he could
not live for more than three years. "

Gu Xiang had never heard of it, and the atmosphere did not dare to listen
to it. At this point, he asked: "Master ... how did you know?"

"Me?" Wen Kexing smiled oddly. "If I don't know a little more, can I live

Gu Xiang dumbfounded for a moment, then asked again: "That ... that
Zhou Su, he ..."
"I've seen a man who escaped from the skylight before." Wen Ke paused
for a moment before continuing. "No one has escaped the punishment of
the living dead, but he escaped, I guess he is at least big Above the steward
level, maybe even ... the former leader. "

Gu Xiangqi said, "If he is the leader, why would he want to run away ..."
Then she suddenly paused, as if she realized something, and said nothing.

Wen Kexing's footsteps were extremely fast, as if he wanted to throw away

something behind him. The Gu Xiang people had short legs and had to trot
before they could keep up. The two of them were silent for a while, seeing
As Wen Kexing walked faster and faster, Gu Xiang suddenly asked,
"Master, are you sad?"

Wen Kexing fluttered and asked, "What am I sad about?"

Gu Xiang thought about it, too, she really didn't understand what Wen
Kexing was sad about. Just listening to him chuckling, his feet rubbed
across the ground almost empty, and he said, "He has an easy face, but I
don't know if he is really a beauty ... Besides, I like the fragrance, softness,
fineness He's skinny, even if he has a beautiful face, he won't satisfy my
appetite. "

Gu Xiang used light work, and some could not catch up with him, and
blurted out: "The master didn't say it clearly, he likes a narrow waist and a
tall, beautiful pair of Hu Die bones ..."

"You remember wrong." Wen Kexing interrupted her for a moment,

without knowing who to explain to, adding, "I just ... feel sorry for him
with the same illness--Axiang, don't follow me."

Gu Xiang said "Ah", Wen Kexing's shadow flickered, and she was already
a few feet away from her in a blink of an eye. Gu Xiang was aggrieved and
asked loudly, "Master, why? I asked you to mess with you again?"

Wen Kexing had disappeared into the rain curtain, and only one word
drifted into her ears far away: "You talk too much."
Gu Xiang was left alone and pitifully alone. She stomped her hate and
yelled, "Good intentions are not good!"

Then she raised her head, looking in the direction that Wen Kexing
disappeared, and suddenly remembered his wet back, her shoulders wide
and straight, and she walked in the rain alone, unwilling to wait for her
step. He was empty beside him, but walked without squinting, as if he had
walked alone and did not know how far.

Some felt he was pitiful.

I just feel the sympathy and sympathy for the same disease ... But that
person is just a transitory passer. For three or two years, isn't it a flash of

Below the Xiling, the cold wind was blowing rain, and the fireworks in the
room went out to the end. Who in the world can sing and lose immediately,
and now there is wine now and drunk?

Can you?

No one knew where Wen Kexing went this night.

In the early morning of the second day, when the genius just showed a
white belly, Zhou Zishu's room door was shot loudly. He opened the door,
Cao Weining nearly rushed in, pulled him and the monkey hurriedly ran
out, and ran sideways: "You Staying in the house is down-to-earth, your
apprentice's life is almost gone! "

"Who?" Zhou Zishu passed an extremely chaotic night, only feeling that
the paste in his brain had not melted, and then he reacted, frowning, "You
said Zhang Chengling? What happened to the moth, How old is he? "

Cao Weining sighed: "I think he must have been robbed this year, one after
another, and I don't know what happened. So many people don't want him
to stop-there was a surprise attack last night to kill the child. Fortunately,
The hero Zhao who was next door was shocked, and then the thief was
caught. As a result, the man was a dead man, and he was poisoned by
taking poison. You said ... "

Cao Weining's words paused for a moment, and there seemed to be some
doubts. He remembered what Uncle Mo Huaikong said earlier today-so
many big people gathered in Dongting. Who are they and can't live with
such a small child who is not so prosperous? From this point of view, it is
more like killing people than killing the roots.

Although Cao Weining's thought was relatively simple, he also felt that he
was wrong. It was a kind of wrong atmosphere-although now being
suppressed by the nobles and others, the doubts and speculations among
people are still spreading silently and invisibly like the plague.

What is that glazed armor?

When Zhou Zishu arrived, Zhang Chengling and Zhao Jing's house had
been surrounded by three layers inside and outside, Zhao Jingchi / naked
upper body, with blood on his shoulders, sitting on a long bench Someone
was bandaging him. The old man's face was ugly. He had a knife on his
waist, and the blood on the blade had not been wiped clean.

There were two dead men on the ground, all of whom were bluish-purple.
It looked like they should be killed by poison. A hook was dropped beside
a corpse. Zhou Zishu saw it at a glance--the poisonous scorpion's hook.

The poison scorpion is actually divided into three, six, nine, etc.,
depending on how much the buyer pays, and it is cheaper, such as the
group that helped Zhang Chengling out of the funeral and ghosts that day,
only works and does not sell his life. For the price, you can also buy the
dead in the poisonous scorpion.

Once I was caught by these deadly scorpions, it was very troublesome, and
I did n’t know how many people in the other party. After a wave of
failures, another wave came, endlessly begging and believing, and they
were not afraid of death. , When the task is completed, go back to the
fragrant and spicy, and if it is not completed, kill your life.
So correspondingly, the price is definitely not cheap.

Who spent so much capital to kill Zhang Chengling? Do they think that
this little bunny puppies can pierce the sky, or will they grow three heads
and six arms in the future?

Suddenly, Zhou Zishu had a thought in his mind, saying that Lao Tzu had
been mixed for so many years, and the number of people who missed me
was innumerable. Until now, he has not received such top-level killing

As soon as he turned to Zhang Chengling's gaze, he had some subtle


However, the young man stood in a small corner, beyond Zhou Shu's
surprise. He didn't seem very surprised, nor did he see the fear, but just
bowed his head, as if looking at the two bodies, as if thinking When he
was thinking of something else, he showed a hairpin above his head, and
was extremely silent. When someone asked him something, he just nodded
and shook his head without saying a word.

Gao Chong bent down a little and asked Zhang Chengling in a cheerful
manner: "Cheng Ling, do you know these people?"

Zhang Chengling glanced at him, lowered his head again, and shook his

So noble, he put his voice softer, reached out and touched his head, and
said, "Child, don't be afraid, so many uncles and grandpas are for you. You
tell me last night, these two Wicked, have you said anything to you? "

Zhang Chengling didn't meet his gaze. When he asked, he just shook his
head again. Gao Chong also seemed a little confused. At this moment, a
person next to him suddenly interjected in a yin and yang manner:
"Master, what's the use of asking you this way, some of us know that these
two are dead men of poisonous scorpions. Will the killing knife speak?
Jokes! You might as well ask this child if he knows something that others
don't. "
It was Feng Xiaofeng who spoke. He did not sit on the shoulders of the
mountain slaves this time, but stood on the ground. Because of his height,
he had to raise his head and pose with a nostril to catch rainwater. He
breathed so well that he put his hands on his chest and made him look, and
couldn't help but want to flatten him a bit.

The mountain slave stood behind him without a word, with a rough face,
almost like a Rakshasa ghost in the script.

Even Gao Chong heard his words frown. Zhao Jing was quit. He stood up
and pointed at Feng Xiaofeng's nose and cursed: "Smelly dwarf, you can
also say that, conscience told the dog to eat? "

Feng Xiaofeng sneered: "Dr. Zhao, after you took over the orphan of the
Zhang family, you didn't leave him at all. When he was always with him
like that, what was it for? You know what to do and do n’t take others for
granted. fool!"

Feng Xiaofeng stared at Zhang Chengling, who wasn't looking up, and
yelled, "Child, can you tell the truth, Zhangjia's glazed armor, do you
know where it is? Is it on you? Is it later? By this Zhao ... hey, did Zhao
heroine swallow it privately? "

Zhao Jingnu said: "Feng Dwarf, I **** / your ancestor eighteen


Gaoshan slave suddenly raised his head, glaring at Zhao Jing. When Feng
Xiaofeng waved his hand, Gaoshan slave stood back to him again and
again. Feng Xiaofeng then said: "Dr. Zhao, you are so angry and angry,
wouldn't you be out of favor? "

Zhao Jing really wanted to learn from him.

Gao Chong stopped him, and Shen said, "Bonder brother, if we have no
basis, we'd better say less and hurt our feelings-come with a few people
and pack up the corpse, and the rest, let's do it in the long run ... "
However, at this time, someone said: "Master, you always close the door
and talk about things, but who can't listen? Who can't listen? While the big
guys are here, ask the child to ask, isn't it? Is it good for him, don't you
save his life for two days at both ends? "

Zhang Chengling raised his head at this time, his face was very pale, and
his eyes were lost. He just felt that everyone was watching him, everyone
was pointing at him, and everyone was forcing him—to them A saying-but
he really didn't know anything.

Zhou Zishu has always been accustomed to hiding in the crowd, and not
many people will ever notice him. At this moment, he was so caught in a
group of people, looking at Zhang Chengling's confused look, and
suddenly a anger burst into his heart.

He wanted to push everyone away, pull the boy out, and take him away
from the place where the dirt was hidden. Can I do that, or is Zhou Zishu?
Move afterwards, think twice, these are the things engraved in his bones.
There is no detail at all, they are all one hundred points of caution, stay
behind the scenes, and never show their face.

In those years, even the emperor said that he was getting more and more
stable, and he didn't reveal any flaws ... But Ye Baiyi's old thing said that
he was hiding his head and showing his tail.

The author has something to say:

There are two chapters ^ _ ^ on the first day of V, thank you for your
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 31: Shelling
Suddenly, Zhou Zishu felt a gaze on him. Someone seemed to stare at him
specifically, then turned his head, and just hit Ye Baiyi's sight. Ye Baiyi
was also standing in the crowd, not far from him. There was nothing to
say. He didn't even nod his greetings. He still looked at him without
blinking, and his expression was calm, like saying to Zhou Zishu It's the
same as when "you're going to die".

You're dying, and you've been a turtle with a shell all your life—Zhou
Zishu said silently in his heart, and he thought, what's the big deal, I've
come to this field, and gave it forward What paves the way, and what is the
plan? If a person has never been impetuous in his life, isn't he too
depressed and sad?

Suddenly, he realized that in fact, his wish was only to be a king of eight
without a shell.

The clamoring crowd suddenly heard a chuckle, and his laughter

supposedly shouldn't be highlighted in the noisy crowd, but I don't know
what method the man used, and everyone's voice was suppressed by birth.
Then, a man with a yellow face and a shameless appearance came out and
whispered, "You, everyone in the court, embarrassed a child. What is the

Zhang Chengling opened his eyes, opened his mouth, and silently called

Cao Weining recommended Gao Chong for Zhou Zishu, so Gao Chong
paused and called out his identity: "Brother Zhou."

Gao Chong only felt very strange. At this moment, the man was wearing a
peculiar style of masters. It stands to reason that he should definitely not
forget to look at it. However, when Cao Weining brought them to
Gaojiazhuang that day, he did not notice At this point, even until then, he
could barely remember his surname Zhou, but he couldn't remember his
name. Gao Chong's heart was a little surprised.

I saw Zhou Zishu beckoning to Zhang Chengling and said, "Little ghost,
come here."

Zhang Chengling immediately rushed into his arms without saying a word,
just like seeing his dad.

Feng Xiaofeng said sharply, "Who are you?"

Zhou Zi embraced Zhang Chengling's shoulders, tilted his head and looked
at Feng Xiaofeng, and when he saw him, he felt very upset, so he provoked
slowly: "Don't you even recognize your father?"

Feng Xiaofeng was furious, and this time he did not wait for him to speak.
He shouted at Zhou Zishu with a roar, and his body was very huge. Every
step on the ground seemed to affect the ground and shock him. Similarly,
then the mountain shouting tsunami rushed over, and with a meteor
hammer as big as a human head in his hand, he had to hammer Zhou Zishu
into a meat sauce.

He seemed to treat everyone who dared to insult Feng Xiaofeng as if he

killed his father and his enemies, and the relationship between the two was
really weird and weird.

Zhou Zishu's figure flickered but was no longer in place. By the way,
Zhang Chengling was taken away, and the meteor hammer hit the ground,
which actually knocked the bluestone slab out of a large pit.

Gao Chonglian looked on, and thought that this person's light work seemed
to have reached the point where he could be absorbed into the world, and
he could still have such a speed while holding a person.

When the mountain slave missed it, he lifted his hand and swept out with
another hammer, "humming". Zhou Zishu saw the timing, and his toe was
slightly on the chain, and he pulled up two feet high, and then made a kick
on the hammer by the direction of the meteor hammer, and I did n’t know
how big his foot was. Anyway, when people reacted, the meteor hammer
had already made a circle and rushed towards their master.

Alpine slaves are not very flexible, they are unavoidable. In anxiety, he
had to hold his body tightly, withdraw his head, leaned to the side, yelled,
and slammed it with his shoulder. He flew out and fell to the ground.

Feng Xiaofeng screamed, as if the meteor hammer was hitting himself. At

this moment, he couldn't even care about others, so he flew up to see his
alpine slave first. Alpine slave's shoulder was shattered to one side, but
after all, he was thicker and thicker than others, alive and conscious, and
curled up into a huge pile on the ground, without speaking, his eyes looked
so painfully Feng Xiaofeng.

Feng Xiaofeng then looked up, and cast his eyes fiercely on Zhou Zishu.

Zhou Zishu faced Shen Shui, and said, "He wants my life, but I don't want
his life." Then he pulled Zhang Chengling and said, "Let's go."

"Stop!" This time it was Hua Shan who was in charge of Qiu Ling. As soon
as he stood up, several major martial arts behind Hua Shan faction
followed him. Yu Qiu looked at Zhou Zishu very poorly, and then hugged
rashly Holding his fist and gritting his teeth, he said, "This knight, you just
took this child away from the heroes in the world, but you didn't look at
the big guy too?"

Zhou Zishu glanced at him, and asked lightly, "What about Yu said?"

Yu Qiu said: "If you can go, you can tell him why he was chased by him
three or two times. Does the Zhang family have anything to do with Liuli
Jia? Who is Liuli Jia now?"

Zhou Zi Shupi smiled glanced at the head of this bitter and hostile
Huashan, lowered his head, and asked Zhang Chengling: "Do you know
what he is talking about?"

Zhang Chengling tightened his lips and shook his head.

Zhou Zishu asked again, "What did he want to say if he asked you?"

Zhang Chengling reached out his hand and carefully held his clothes
without saying a word. Zhou Zishu nodded, and then turned back to Qiu
Yun and said, "Yu head, you can ask if you don't have to answer. We'll just
leave it there and it will be good in the future."

Yan Yan pulled Zhang Chengling to raise his leg and walked away. The
Zodiac leader of Cangshan behind Yu Qiu sneered and said, "No one in the
eyes of a kid!" This zodiac is very unreliable. He has a black egg face,
which is as crooked as possible, and he prefers to follow the old fan Yu
Qiu who is holding a folding fan all the year round. He does not know
what he thinks .

At this moment, he was dissatisfied, like a huge potato bouncing.

Zhou Zishu laughed secretly, saying that no one in his eyes was right,
anyway, these hen-like goods can only be whispered, none of them can be
seen. Seeing that the zodiac was delivered, Zhou Zishu Zhang Zhangling
The hands never let go. The crowd only felt a flower in front of them, and
the two of them did not know how many moves they took. Then the
zombies groaned and took three steps backwards, spitting a spit of blood.
Then he sat on the ground with one butt.

Into a baked potato.

Immediately under the court, "Master!" "Head!" Exclaimed.

Yu Qiu anxious, pointed at Zhou Zi and said, "Where did the demons come
from, are they with the group of evil spirits? Don't let him go!"

If you can't hit it, you will buckle up a big hat. Zhou Zi shouted and
twitched Zhang Chengling. He didn't intend to entangle with them, and it
was a few feet away in a blink of an eye. There was chaos in the field, with
Cao Weining stubbornly defending him, those who were sublime and
impassioned, such as the sublime Zhao Jing, and others who were choked
by a group of rice barrels headed by Qiu Yu and followed the incident for
unknown reasons .
Yelling, it's like a dog market.

Zhou Zishu walked through the crowd like a ghost, and occasionally shot a
few to hit him. Zhang Chengling in his arms, because of the relationship
between Liujia, has become a piece of flesh and bones that everyone wants
to take a sip, Yu Qiuyu suddenly turns into a mad dog, chasing after him.
Zhou Zishu only felt that the head of Huashan was like an old woman, and
it was not over!

Then my heart burst into flames, paused, and turned around, intending to
touch him.

At this moment, suddenly a whiplash burst into the air, just intercepting
the way of Qiu Yun, and then a rush of wine rushed towards the face. Zhou
Zishu took a closer look. The man in a messy clothes was actually last
night. Wen Kexing who left without saying a word of greeting.

I saw Wen Kexing's eyes were red and red, and his steps were cluttered
with drunkards. He smiled at Zhou Zishu very arrogantly, and planned to
look back at Bai Meisheng, but was destroyed by a wine drinker-- He said,
"Axu, you ... you go first, I will stop you ... they."

Before he said this, the man was stunned. It looked like a tumbler in the
wind, shaking his head and tail, and it was frightening to look at it.
However, he turned to Yu Qiu to greet him. All of them hid.

In the left and right shaking, his whip was thrown in a random way, and he
did n’t know what happened, so “just right”, he got entangled in Qiu Ling
’s calf, and in front of the eyes, he tripped the head of Huashan. Malaysia.

Wen Kexing also rubbed his eyes vigorously, while stepping on the Yangge
steps like the noodles with soft legs, he tilted his head and looked at the
shameful and indignant Yu Qiu, shaking his hands in front of his eyes and
saying with a big tongue: That ... two or two heads, you ... you drink too
much? What do you do on the ground? "

Zhou Zishu glanced at him, shaking his head in his heart, feeling that this
time the Huashan faction was going to wear out with Wen Kexing.
He led Wen Kexing to this situation without delay. He picked up Zhang
Chengling and took it away. He didn't know where to get the two horses.
He threw Zhang Chengling on the horse and took him away. go with.

Zhang Chengling couldn't ride-he just couldn't do anything. He didn't go

far enough, but he couldn't catch up with Zhou Zishu, and dangled on

Zhou Zishu sighed in his heart, knowing that he was a rotten tree, he did
not ask him as a beam, and abandoned the horse after running for a while,
and led Zhang Chengling into a deserted yard that had been inhabited for a
long time. After a long day, the teenager took a rest.

After a while, the gate of the courtyard was suddenly pushed open from
the outside. Zhang Chengling immediately jumped up all around, but saw
that Wen Kexing walked in step by step.

At first Zhang Chengling thought he was pretending to be drunk. However,

at this moment, he found that he was almost indistinguishable from north
to south, and walked a few steps like a headless fly. Flick forward and fall

Zhou Zishu quickly lifted his face and saw that Wen Kexing was ruddy and
showed no signs of injury at all. He also smirked at him. He held Zhou
Zishu's legs tightly with his two arms and rolled them aside. Lying on the
ground, I wonder whether he used his legs as a pillow or a quilt.

Zhou Zishu couldn't help but asked, "Did you fall into the wine jar?"

Wen Kexing said with a big tongue, "I found a wine, a wine cellar
yesterday ... well, I spent a night in it and drank a dozen altars ... happy,

He really drank too much. When he laughed, he couldn't stop. He hugged

Zhou Zishu's legs and buried his face in his mouth.

Zhou Zishu watched his head tilted aside without words, and Qingtian
woke up and fell asleep day by day, so he concluded that the man was full.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 32: Rong Xuan
Let's say that the three of them patted their **** and walked away. At this
moment, Gaojiazhuang was messed up. Cao Weining was still indignant
with the people next to him, saying that the matter was obviously unkind
to Huashan. Mo Huaikong He pulled him and ordered briefly: "You shut up
for me."

Cao Weining turned to look at his uncle, and just wanted to say uncle how
can you bow to the evil forces? Then he saw Mo Huaikong pointing at Yu
Qiu and said, "Did you ever find him alive in search of death? Shut up,
shut your fart and watch it honestly!"

Cao Weining shut up honestly.

He looked around for a while, then lowered his voice, and asked Mo
Huaikong, "Uncle, you said that the heroes Zhao and Gao, how could it be
so easy for Brother Zhou to take the Zhang family's children away?"

Mo Huaikong stared forward with a pair of hawk-headed eyes, and Wen

Yan glanced at Cao Weining coldly, extruding a sentence from his teeth,
and said, "Are you eaten by your dog?"

Cao Weining was scolded by him for a long time, and he didn't see any
blush. He was still very sincerely waiting for the uncle's confusion. Who
knew that Mo Huaikong twisted his face and ignored him, Cao Weining
wanted to understand after a while. I found that I was really eaten by the
dog, and I could n’t even see it—it was clearly his uncle!

Master Tsam came hurriedly. He was also followed by a middle-aged man.

This man was thin, a black suit, his mouth was pointing down, and there
were two non-shallow decrees, with eyebrows and eyes closed. Liang, at
first glance, knows that he is a messy master. Seeing this farce scene,
Master Cimu had no choice but to use Shaolin's roaring shout. Many
martial arts called him with such a roar that his hair turned black, and the
crowd calmed down.
Gao Chong and Zhao Jing met the man behind Master Cimu, but both
stood up. Zhao Jing took the lead to break the identity of the man and
shouted, "Brother Shen Shi!"

Cao Weining only heard Mo Huaikong's "slap", and then asked in a pinch,
"Uncle, who is this?"

Mo Huaikong frowned and said, "This is Shen Shen, the owner of the Shen
family in Shu, who is like a big girl in the ordinary days. He never walks
out of the door and stays at home, raising a white face in the house, lest he
tan him. Yes, why are you so willing to wear a fine-skinned meat today
and go all the way to Dongting to see the sun? It ’s strange. "

Cao Weining didn't hear of this person, so he made a stupid "ah", Mo

Huaikong didn't get used to his stupid look, and glared at him. He
explained: "Most of your age I do n’t know. At the beginning, the five
most prestigious people on the rivers and lakes were the Zhang family in
the south of the river, the Zhao family in the Tai Lake, the Gao family in
Dongting, the Shen family in Shu, and the Lu family in Taihang. However,
in addition to Gao Chong and Zhao Jing, the Zhang family There is only
one person left. The Shen family has long been washing their hands in
Jinpen, regardless of the affairs of the rivers and lakes, and the Lu family
has no one. The five big families have long lost their names, and many
young people no longer remember them. "

Cao Weining calculated with a finger, and asked, "Sir, uncle Zhang, count
the descendants of the Zhang family. This brings us to four surnames.
Where are the five?"

Mo Huaikong said impatiently: "That was because the owner of the Lu

family had died of illness for the first ten years. He had not accumulated
any morals in his last life. He had died in this life. When I fell in love, I
entrusted my family property with a few apprentices to the Taishan
School. Now Hua Qingsong is here, isn't it Lu's family? You do n’t
understand how shit, there are so many questions? Do n’t tell others I'm
your uncle, shameful! "
Seeing what Shen Shen said to Master Qimu lowly, Master Qimu sighed,
recited a Buddhist chant, and nodded. Then Shen Shen stood up and took
back a box that was held by the children of the Shen family, and opened
the box. There was a small parcel wrapped in silk. Shen Shen opened the
package, only to hear someone gasp. Cried out, "It's Liulijia!"

Cao Weining also stretched his neck to see, and saw that the contents of
the box were completely exposed, but it was a very delicate piece of
glazed glass, but his palm was large, and a faint light shone in the sunlight.
If you do n’t say, who knows, it ’s this gadget that set off such a big storm?

Yu Qiu's throat moved slightly, his voice cleared, and he murmured, "Is
this really one of those five glazed armors?"

Shen Shen said: "It's true." After he said this, he turned his eyes to the

The expression on Gao Chong's face was indistinguishable, and he was

silent for a while, then said to Deng Kuan on the side: "On the shelf on the
left side of the door of my study, there is a dark grid behind the Book of
Rites in the third box. You put it Open it and bring me the contents. "

Deng Kuan was unknown, so he took the order, and returned a short time
later, and touched a small box in his hand. Gao Chong took it, sighed, and
opened the box in public, side by side with the small box of Shen Shen.
The legendary glazed armor appeared in front of everyone in this way.

I only listened to Gao Chong said: "To this day, old people must explain to
you. Liulijia is indeed a total of five pieces. These years, in fact, five of us
are holding one piece. Brother Lu a few years ago When he died, he
entrusted his piece to the hero of Taishan, but he didn't want to ... he was

Master Cimu took the conversation and said, "Amitabha, the old man
knows a little about this."

Everyone turned their eyes to this shaolin monk, who was kind and
shameless, and only heard him say, "I don't know who is present, who
remembers the martial arts catastrophe thirty years ago."

As soon as this remark was made, some older people's faces had suddenly
changed, and even Ye Baiyi, who had been watching the lively side, looked
up slightly.

At this time, Zhou Zishu also relied on his memory to tell Zhang
Chengling, who was completely covered in stock, the old things of the
Zhang family. Wen Kexing slept on the side without knowing what was
happening to him. He was opened by Zhou Zi, still tightly holding his
sleeve and not letting go. He was lying there leaning back and forth.

When Zhou Zishu was pulled out by Cao Weining in the morning, he was
preparing to eat something. Before he had time, he had to wrap it up and
take it away. Then he took it out to Zhang Chengling and watched the boy
gobble it.

"Thirty years ago, I just knew about it. It was about when your father was
young. There was a martial arts wizard named Rong Xuan in the rivers and
lakes. I also like Yunyou to make friends with all parties. It is said that the
young generations of the five big families were very close. Now the five
big families are no longer mentioned, but as the descendants of the Zhang
family, you always know? "

Zhang Chengling nodded, still having dim sum on his mouth, and said,
"But my father never mentioned him."

"Not only did your father mention that his name has been a banned word
for the past thirty years," Zhou Zi sighed, and then said, "Rong Xuan
married his relatives later. It is said that his wife is also an outstanding
girl. Very beautiful, but from the Valley of Divine Medicine ... "

His voice suddenly stopped here, and he looked down at Wen Kexing on
one side, and said that his heart was also the origin of Divine Doctor
Valley. Is this also a coincidence?

As soon as he looked up, Zhang Chengling looked at him without blinking

and said that Zhou Zishu had some doubts in his heart, but did not show
them in front of him, and then continued: "The two are deeply
affectionate. They are immortal relatives, but who knows, One day, that
Rongxuan's wife was killed. "

Zhang Chengling froze and asked a silly question: "Why is that?"

Zhou Zishu laughed and killed someone. Is there any reason?

He thought about it and explained, "Most of the time ... the husband is
innocent, and guilty of guilt. I have never seen Rong Xuan's
swordsmanship. I only heard that the word" unprecedented "is truly
forbidden. He has not arrived. In the year of his establishment, he formed
his own school and created the legendary "Fengshan Sword". In this life, I
have never seen the Fengshan swordsmanship that split the mountains and
the sea, but it is also a great regret. His Fengshan sword is divided into two
volumes. The first volume is a martial arts mental method, the second
volume is a sword move, the second volume is his own creation, the first
volume, the legend is a secret book he passed down from ancient times,
and his heart is compiled. You know ... It's the word 'peerless master' that
makes people crazy. "

Zhang Chengling asked: "What happened then?"

"Later, Rong Xuan's heart was so violent that he went into a demon,
changed his temperament, and began to kill innocent people. As a last
resort, the five major families of the year took this head, and even called
the Shanhe Ling to join him in pursuit of killing-count, It has been more
than thirty years since the last time the mountain and river came to this
world. Later, Rong Xuan fled into the Green Cliff Mountains of
Fengyashan, where there were one who pursued him led by the five major
families. In the fierce battle, I don't know how many people have died. It
is said that the dead can still cry at night. Who can think that those who
used to wear a pair of trousers are so good that the swordsmen are facing
each other?

So-called affection in this world, isn't Chengdu so impermanent?

He paused for a moment and nodded: "Yes, Fengyashan Green Bamboo
Ridge is Ghost Valley. No one understands why the evil spirits of that year
stood by Rong Xuan. I do n’t know how many days and nights the battle
was fought In the end, Rong Xuan committed suicide. The heroes of the
world were damaged by more than half, and the five major families have
also been stunned. It is also because of that time, both sides were really
hurt, and after that, there were rules that Ghost Valley could not get in and
bought three. Ten years of peace. "

When Zhou Zishu said here, he also frowned. The story was only heard,
and he did not add his own guess. In this way, there are many unknowns,
such as what happened in Fengya Mountain However, how did Rong
Xuan's wife die, how could such a wizard who should have become a grand
master fall to Ghost Valley and work with those people? Fortunately,
Zhang Chengling is not a savvy child. He just listened inexplicably and
didn't understand much.

How many of these things have been buried for so many years?

Those who participated in it either died or kept silent, and even the
skylight could not collect the truth of that year. Zhou Zishu suspected that
... the glazed armor was the relic of the battle of Fengyashan that day.

In the evening, Zhou Zishu finally opened the hand of Wen Kexing and
dragged his clothes, hit some wild animals back, roasted and ate, he
wondered, it does n’t matter where he goes, but he brought such a small
thing, It is a burden.

But he didn't want to force him, just let Zhang Chengling himself think
about where to go.

Wen Kexing was so drunk that he got dark all day and was still paralyzed
in the same mud. Zhou Zishu also taught Zhang Chengling a few tips and
asked him to comprehend it by himself. I don't know how long after that,
he was a little confused to fall asleep, and suddenly felt that he was
fumbling with one hand, and went to unbutton the button of his coat.

Zhou Zishu grabbed the door and opened his eyes.

At this time, Wen Kexing was still half drunk. When he was caught, he
didn't panic. He just smiled at him in the dark, and justified: "I just want to
see what the legendary Qiqiao Sanqiu nails look like. Looks like, I didn't
want to treat you, nor did I deliberately play hooliganism. "

What is called "explanation is concealment, concealment is the wrong

beginning", a specific explanation was given by the insignificant man
named Wen.

He was grasped by Zhou Zishu on one wrist, and the other was propped on
the ground, almost half-volted on Zhou Zishu. Zhang Chengling had
already fallen asleep at this time. Both of them breathed and spoke very
lightly, in the dark. There is an inexplicable ambiguity.

Wen Kexing suddenly got closer, unbuttoned his robe, wrapped it around
him, raised a strand of hair in his horns, and whispered, "Axu, 'Zhouxu' is
your real name?"

Zhou Zishu shook off his hand, pushed him away, and said with
confidence: "What jokes are you brother Wen saying? It's like 'Wenkexing'
is your real name."

Wen Kexing raised his eyebrows and asked in a softer voice, "What do you
call me?"

Zhou Zishu was silent for a moment before he whispered, "Brother Wen,
are you really Wen? I think you should be Rong."
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 33: Ghost master
Wen Kexing slowly sat upright and looked at him silently. He crossed his
two long legs, banged his fingers on his knees, and whispered, then said
softly: "I don't have a surname, I only hate someone who hasn't seen that
surname in this life or this life, otherwise see him once and slaughter him
once . "

Zhou Zishu couldn't see any surprise on his face. He paused after hearing
his words and said, "Oh? It seems I guessed wrong, I thought ... I thought
the ghosts of today Lord, it is the descendants of the family. "

In the darkness, only Zhang Chengling's soft snoring sounds could be

heard. The two were not far away, but they were silently dead. I didn't
know how long it took before Wen Kexing slowly showed a smile. This
smile is not the same as his silly face and invisible eyes. There are no
smiley lines in the corners of his eyes. His dark eyes are still cold,
reflecting the faint light, looking sharply, raising his eyebrows slightly,
revealing a smile on his skin. With a smile: "Oh?"

Zhou Zishu's voice was so light that he didn't even move his lips, but his
speed was extremely fast: "The joyous and devastating ghosts spent money
on the poisonous scorpion, all the way to decorate the little ghost.
Actually, he didn't want to kill him, but wanted to know very much In the
tragic case, has he ever seen a person with one finger missing? As far as I
know, the ghost Xue Fang was hanged by one finger. But that day he met
that in the ruined temple. From the beginning of the group, I knew that the
Zhang family's case was not done by the people in Guigu. "

Wen Kexing seemed to be interested and asked, "How did you know?"

Zhou Zishu smiled softly: "From the hundred thousand evil spirits, he was
escorted to Taihu without any injuries, with all arms and legs. If I had such
a great skill, I would have ruled Wulin for a long time, and I am still here.
What a mess? "
Wen Kexing looked at him with a very hot gaze and said, "... you don't
have to be so humble."

Zhou Zishu continued: "But why do hid and zombie ghosts chase this little
ghost? I think there may be only one explanation, no matter who made
Zhangjiazhuang's case, there must be a green bamboo ghost in the middle,
out of the valley, Involved in it, happy and bereavement doubt ... Or, if you
want to make others doubt, that person is a hanged ghost. On the other day,
when the black man killed by Gu Xiang in the ruined temple was dying, he
said one ' Zi 'word. What about Zi? I think ... wouldn't it be Zisha? "

Wen Kexing nodded and said, "Yes, the two of them followed Jiangnan all
the way to Taihu, and they followed Dongting all the same. They came by
coincidence and appeared suspiciously. I also killed the little ghost in the
crypt. I was afraid he would reveal my identity ,Right?"

Zhou Zishu said: "It's not difficult to guess. Brother Wen, looking at the
whole rivers and lakes, there are too few people who can't guess the way.
The southern Xinjiang and northern deserts are not counted. The Central
Plains Martial Arts can count them with one hand at best After so many
days with you, wouldn't it be silly if you didn't understand it? "

Wen Kexing was silent for a while, without saying yes or no, "噗嗤"
laughed out, nodded, and said, "You know too much, Zhou ... the landlord?
Master Zhou?"

Zhou Zishu laughed: "Now there is only one Caomin, the ghost master is
really kind." When Wen Kexing just named "Qiaoqiao Sanqiu Nail"
directly, Zhou Zishu knew that he might have guessed his way.

The two were speechless. At that moment, Wen Kexing was no longer a
chubby masculine, and Zhou Zishu was no longer a tramp in the wild and
downcast-the secret master of Fengyashan and the skylight. The former
leader of the two in a deserted house silently confronted each other, more
like a silent contest.

The only witness was still asleep on the side.

Zhou Zishu took a glance in the direction of Zhang Chengling and pressed
his voice lower: "Do n’t the ghost owner follow the child, because he
thinks he knows something, for example ... the jealousy left Ghost Valley
and then chased him afterwards. Who are the people? "

Wen Kexing asked with a smile: "How do you know that I'm following

Zhou Zishu laughed: "Don't you follow him, can't you follow me?"

Wen Kexing just laughed. It was so easy for people to misunderstand that
he was looking at a lover affectionately. When he smiled, Shu Zi felt a
little hairy. For a long while, Wen Kexing asked lightly: "Axu, you Don't
you think we are getting better together? "

Zhou Zishu firmly said: "I don't think so."

Wen Kexing looked at him, still only with a gentle face that made people
feel cold. Zhou Zishu and him looked at each other for a long time, and
suddenly asked, "What medicine did you take wrong, or the sequelae of
practicing magic?"

Wen Kexing suddenly grabbed his fingers gently, groped to hold his palm,
held it, lowered his head and kissed him gently on the back of his hand,
and asked, "What do you say?"

Zhou Zishu immediately got goosebumps and pulled back his hands, only
to feel that the gentle touch of that lip was entangled with the entangled
eyes of the man, and he felt that he was crazy and sick, Then he laughed
dryly: "Brother Wen's appetite is really good."

Wen Kexing said shamelessly: "It's easy to say, I just have an appetite
when I see you. What can you do?"

Immediately waiting for Zhou Zishu's interface, Wen Kexing continued to

pull away in a marginal way: "Still many years ago, I saw a dead body on
the side of the road, my hair was dying, scattered into a ball, and my
clothes could not see the original Color, with a flesh-colored face on it, the
nose was shaved off, not even the outline of the five senses, and the body
was pierced by a gun from the front chest to the back, under the sphenoid
bone, I looked a few more Seeing that pair of bones, you knew that this
lifetime must have been a peerless beauty. Later, what do you guess? "

Zhou Zishu took a deep breath, but Wen Kexing rushed in front of him and
said, "I have never seen human bones in my life, so, Ah Su, you simply
washed Yirong and let me also Hugs and kisses have been enjoyable.
Beauty in the world is rare, but it is not particularly rare. I have read the
aspirations of the beauty in the world, and I have never been entangled.
Maybe I have seen your original appearance. One night, I don't forget. You
... I want to live with you forever. "

Whatever Zhou Zishu wanted to say, everything came to his lips. As soon
as he heard this, he forgot his words and stared at him dumbfounded.

Wen Kexing laughed back and forth, pointing at Zhou Zi Shu: "Frighten

"Your mother." Zhou Zishu commented briefly, but after a pause, he

thought of something, and suddenly patted his shoulder, and said, "Forget
it, you will change your grief."

Wen Kexing froze and asked negligently, "What?"

Zhou Zishu no longer talked to him, but leaned on his side and closed his
eyes to raise his soul.

Why do I still remember the characteristics of a dead man so clearly after

many years, even what he wears, and his hair repeats all the scores? It
must have been recalled countless times, already engraved in my heart,
and pretending to say nothing about Dong Laxi repeatedly, lest I forget his

Zhou Zishu just knew that feeling inexplicably--maybe they met by chance
in the vast crowd, and they didn't know each other's details, but this didn't
prevent them from being born confidants.
On the second day, Zhou Zishu and Zhang Chengling left the deserted
courtyard—of course, with an uninvited surname Wen, a follower. Zhou
Zishu plans to go to Ping'an Yinzhuang again to see how they checked the
entrustment last time, and to learn a lot about things in order to put
something in Zhang Chengling's empty brain, so that he can not
understand Know silly practice.

Zhang Chengling soon realized that it was very painful to learn something
with his cheap master. He just memorized a long list of slobbering and
unintelligible formulas, and he didn't care if others understood or
remembered, Ca n’t live, this is even taught to you. The beautiful name is
“Master leads into the door, and practice is personal.”

Zhang Chengling only felt that the threshold led by Master Zhou was too
high, it was even higher than the mid-mountains of other people. It was in
the clouds and mist, and his mind was even more muddy. The stupid look
made Zhou Zishu very impatient, and he slapped his palms on the back of
his head, cursing: "Are you talking about it or hanging yourself?"

Zhang Chengling knew he was stupid and didn't dare to talk back. He
looked at him with a grievance. Zhou Zishu said, "What?"

Zhang Chengling said, "Master, I don't understand."

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Zishu felt that he had a patience with his
Master, so he was forced to hold down his temper, slowed down his
speech, and consciously asked, "Why don't you understand?"

Zhang Chengling glanced at him and lowered his head silently,

whispering: "I don't understand anything ..."

Zhou Zishu silently looked away and looked away. After holding it for a
long time, he couldn't help it, saying, "Is that the thing on your neck is the
head or the night pot ?!"

Wen Kexing followed him to pick up the music, and when he saw the
situation, he stepped forward and pulled them apart, automatically
thinking of himself as a loving father next to Yan's mother. Alright, will
you teach your disciples? How clever will make you foolish. "

Zhou Zishu said: "Why not, my brother-in-law taught me by myself."

Wen Kexing opened his eyes slightly and wondered: "What do you do
when your teacher can't recite the tactics and can't practice?"

This is a long time ago, and Zhou Zishu frowned for a while, then said, "I
asked him to copy the basic Qi training recipes three hundred times. No ...
no need to sleep, I asked someone to lock his bedroom in the middle of the
night, and told him to comprehend it in the snow. "

Zhang Chengling heard a secret shiver. Wen Kexing sighed for a long
while before sighing: "Make my brother ... really fatal."

Zhou Zishu stepped in a footstep, and suddenly said, "He's not dead, he's
dead." Both Zhang Chengling and Wen Kexing looked at him. His yellow
face didn't show the slightest clue, Zhou Zishu was not very gentle. Slap
Zhang Chengling's head and tell the truth flatly, "Study hard. If you want
to live a few more days, you must have the ability."

Then he threw Zhang Chengling to Wen Kexing, leaving a sentence: "I'm

going to see a friend, and you can see him for a while." Then he played a
little work and left without looking back, leaving only Zhang Chengling
and Wen Kexing. Two faces looked at each other.

For a long while, Wen Kexing said deeply: "Your master is very reasonable
and must have the ability-forget it, he is not there, let's change our mind,
and then I will tell you the story of that red baby. the second half."

Zhang Chengling was unpromising, and immediately regained his spirit.

The two walked to the nearest restaurant while listening to Wen Kexing
said: "What can those monsters and monsters do? Red child thought for a
long time and tried countless ways , Finally let him come up with an idea,
just a magic weapon-"
The two of them spoke well, one was very popular, and the other was very
happy on the way. They wanted to walk into a restaurant. Suddenly, they
heard only one girl behind them shouting, "Master! Master, I can find

Wen Kexing and Zhang Chengling turned around and saw Gu Xiang
leaping up and down, surprisingly, she still followed Cao Weining behind
her. Wen Kexing couldn't figure out how to mix the two goods. Before he
asked, he listened to Gu Xiang's crackled beans and said, "I missed you
yesterday, so I went to find out, but I heard this brother Cao Say you and
Zhou Su took the kid from Zhang's house, he volunteered to take me out to
look for you! "

Cao Weining smirked, and even said, "Be self-serving, self-serving."

Gu Xiang continued: "Master, Brother Cao is not only human, but also
very knowledgeable. I tell you ..."

Wen Kexing simply wanted to pretend he didn't know the two of them, and
pulled Zhang Chengling and walked into the restaurant.

The author has something to say:

Today, I was actually treated as a little loli by a strange monster ...

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 34: Demon girl
When Zhou Zishu walked into Yinzhuang again, it was not the shopkeeper

A man with a chubby figure and a blessed face heard him coming and
strode out. The man narrowed his eyes and his nose, and his face looked
like a big white bun steamed from a steamer. favorite. Yinzhuang's
shopkeeper slightly bowed his waist, followed two steps behind this man,
with a very respectful attitude.

When he saw Zhou Zishu, he paused for a moment, and then asked
tentatively: "Are you ... Gongzi?"

Zhou Zishu laughed and said, "Why, Ping An won't recognize it?"

It turned out that the man who was greeted was Song Daping, the head of
the “Ping An Yin Zhuang”. Song Ping An was originally a housekeeper on
the Nanning Prince's Mansion. When the master died, he came out by
himself and relied on a little savings to do business for a few years. , They
have done a great job.

His industry is found all over the country, and he travels around the year,
no one knows where he is. Many merchants know that Song Da is in
charge. He is very savvy when it comes to doing business, but he is a rare
and unscrupulous person. He is kind-hearted. After one or two visits, his
word of mouth is very good, and even the way is broad, and the Song
family is flourishing. stand up.

Song Ping'an was very excited, and ordered the shopkeeper to snooze. He
dismissed the young man and cleared the field. He asked Zhou Zishu to sit
down and said, "The minions were near Yangzhou. When they heard the
news, they immediately rushed in, and the people there have been
negligent. Son? My master has been thinking about you for years! "
Then Ping An lowered his voice: "Thank you very much, Mr. Zhou, and
concealed the news that my family member was leaving Beijing.

Zhou Zishu took a sip of tea and laughed: "It's just a matter of raising his
hand, how is Qiye always good?"

But I thought in my heart that your family member would get rid of it as
soon as possible, and everyone would be able to live a peaceful life.

Ping'an laughed: "It's so good, so good, the troublesome son remembers

that the villain sent a letter back when he received the news. Only
yesterday he received a reply from the master saying that he and the witch
are coming here, ten and a half months. I think we will be there ... "

Zhou Zishu heard that, his calm face twitched immediately, and his heart
said that the Central Plains martial arts was already chaotic enough. The
scourge had to come and mix with one foot. It was really a bad time. He
also said politely, "How can you work hard for Qiye and Dawu?"

Ping'an said: "Is there anything? My master lived in southern Xinjiang for
a long time and was very busy doing nothing. He just came out to move
his body and bones. The master said that he had agreed with his son that
year, and he would have to say something beautiful for his son in the
future. South Xinjiang ’s sister-in-law is a wife. ”

Zhou Zishu sweated and busyly said, "Just a joke, a joke ..."

He thought of somehow in the deserted courtyard the day before, and Wen
Kexing solemnly said, "I want to live with you forever," and felt like
sitting on a chair under the bottom like a nail. It's so uncomfortable.

Ping An greeted him with a few words, and then said the main topic, "The
son came to ask about Liulijia, and the slave asked the people to pay
attention. These days I know something-the son knows, yesterday a man
named Shen Shen The man appeared in Dongting with Abbot Shaolin, and
brought a piece of glazed armor? "

Zhou Zishu said: "Shen Shen, the owner of the Shen family in Shu?"
Ping An nodded: "Yes, this person hasn't asked about the world for a long
time, but this time suddenly appeared, apparently hearing the news of the
Zhang family's death, he couldn't wait."

Zhou Zishu turned sharply and immediately responded, saying, "Yes, the
Lu family in Taihang did not leave any sons at first. Only a few
apprentices, who were unwieldy, were handed over to the head of Taishan
Huafang. ...... Can it be possible that the five glazed armors in the legend
actually belonged to the five big families of the year? "

Ping'an said: "Zhou Gongzi really knew everything, and when Shen Shen
appeared, Gao Chong also acknowledged Liujia, and there was a piece in
Gaojiazhuang. Finally, he said the ins and outs of this thing. Have you
heard of it? Yin Yang Book "Fengshan Sword" and "Liuhe Divine Gong"? "

Zhou Zishu frowned slightly and nodded: "I only heard a little about the
book of yin and yang, I do n’t know if it is true or false. It is said to be the
sacred object of the Valley of Divine Medicine. The peerless master Rong
Xuan, who had fallen into the magical way before, created himself. The
lower part is a sword trick, and the mentality of the first part is he learned
from the "Liuhe Divine Gong", which was passed down from ancient
times. There are many defects, which are very obscure and easy to get into
the magic, but they are also very powerful. There is no such thing as a
competitor in the world ... Noble meaning cannot be said. The secret in the
glaze is Rong Xuanliu. The next two martial arts classics? "

Ping An nodded and said, "Exactly, according to Gao Xia, Rong Xuan went
into the devil in the past, on the one hand, it was the pain of bereavement
of his wife, but after that, his magical hair was also caused by improper
practice. After Rong Xuan died, several of them found After seeing
Liulijia, they saw that the two great skills and the sacred medicine of the
Valley of the Holy Medicine 'Yinyang Book' are contained, but anyone
who practiced kungfu could not fail to dump it. They only thought that this
thing was too dangerous, so they took Liuli The armor was broken, and it
was agreed that each of the five families would save one piece, and no
more magical powers would appear.
Zhou Zishu frowned after hearing this, and then nodded very slowly,
saying, "This is what Gao Chong said ..."

Heian face said shamefully: "Slave is really limited."

Zhou Zishu shook his head with a smile and said, "Skylight and
Sijizhuang, the inside story of the tragedy 30 years ago is still unknown,
let alone a businessman? It has helped a lot-but then, the five big families
Holding a piece of glazed armor, what about the Zhao family? Zhao Jing
didn't give a statement? "

Ping An nodded and said, "The owner of the Zhao family claimed that the
glazed armor of the Zhao family was stolen and was missing. Once he said
this, everyone at the scene was about to cause trouble. The head of
Huashan seemed to have conclusive evidence, saying It was like Zhao
Jingfu swallowed the glazed armor of the Zhang family. The person sent
by the slave yesterday said that the head of Huashan almost started to fight
with Zhao Daxia. "

Zhou Zishu remembered the piece of glazed armor that he saw in the crypt
that day, most of which was lost by the Zhao family. One of the two who
died the night must be Yu Tianjie and Mu Yunge. Unfortunately, the
mantis caught him. After the cicada and the yellow sparrow, a small ghost
in Guigu got a bargain, and then the glazed armor ghost sent the **** to
Wen Kexing's hands and told the party to steal it, but now the party is dead
and suspected to be dead. Joyous and derelict ...

Zhou Zishu just felt uncomfortable as if he blocked a big rock in his heart.
He kept fighting against the bitter water. Can his mind be more

He had a hard time to stay safe, and went back to Zhang Chengling all the
way. When Chong Chong said, Zhou Zishu was not fully convinced-he had
to deal with a lot of true and false news, and reported it to the emperor. For
one thing, there are often many causes and consequences that need to be
verified, and all are not flawed before they dare to submit. Therefore, no
matter what you hear, you are used to be doubtful and ready to overthrow
what you know before.
After entering the restaurant, he looked up at Wen Kexing's Zhang
Chengling and Cao Weining and Gu Xiang. Zhou Zishu also said, Why did
these four people come together? Later, he found that Zhang Chengling
and Wen Kexing each occupied a corner of the table, their expressions
were very dignified, and they were a little bit unclear. So they raised their
legs and went upstairs to say hello. They heard Cao Weining's emotions

"... In fact, what I am most worried about is the fact that the backyard of
the middle class is on fire. Everyone hurts harmony for this glazed armor.
Wouldn't you hear the story of the second 'Li' killing the three men? This
is the scene of the 'deceased as if ...' "

Gu Xiang asked silly and innocently: "What's dead?"

Cao Weining said patiently: "'Zi is by the river, the deceased is like a
husband'. It is Lao Tzu and his elderly man who wandered in his sleep one
day as if he had reached the river. Looking down, the dead were together
with the flowing water. Down the river, very sad, feeling it ... "

Gu Xiang widened his eyes and said, "Master, Brother Cao knows so
much, and where will he drop his bag!"

Zhou Zishu knew why Zhang Chengling and Wen Kexing were so
dignified. At the moment, nothing seems to be happening, they made a
spin under their feet, turned around and walked out.

Who knew it was Wen Kexing's sharp-eyed and low-mouthed one? This
person was typically dead and had to be dragged on his back, and
immediately exclaimed excitedly, "Axu, how do you go out? Wait for a
long time, come over ! "

... Zhou Zi reassured that the devastated Ghost Valley host really lost his
grandmother for eight years.

Wen Kexing opened a chair cheerfully, asked Zhou Zishu to sit down, and
poured him wine himself. He said diligently, "Come and taste the good
wine of this restaurant. It tastes good."
Zhou Zishu expressionlessly tried to express his condemnation with his
eyes. Wen Kexing and he stared at him for a long while, then suddenly
whispered, "This is still under broad daylight ..."

Gu Xiang met, while covering Zhang Chengling's eyes with his hands, he
said bitterly, "The dog's eyes are blind."

Cao Weining blushed and became stuttered and said, "Gu, Gu, and Gu girl,
in fact, you don't need to envy Brother Zhou and Brother Wen as deep as a
girl. If a girl is a beautiful family, she will ... There are good people
secretly admiring ... "

Gu Xiang blinked at him with big ignorant eyes and asked, "Ah? Really?
Where is it?"

Cao Weining stared at her dumbly, and for a long while, she said
unansweredly, "Gu girl, can I, I, or I call you Xiang?"

Zhou Zishu bowed his head intently and drank, telling himself not to listen
to indecent assault, just like sitting on a needle felt, but felt that his tongue
was numb with vomiting, and for the first time in his life, he did not drink
the contents of the cup.

However, at this moment, a person came in suddenly at the door, and when
he saw the person, the noisy restaurant suddenly quieted down—this is a
woman who came in without squinting, and saw the shopkeeper holding
the plate staring at him dumbly. She smiled slightly, and the plate in the
shop used to be a goose went to the ground and broke.

She was so beautiful. Most people who saw her felt it at that moment. This
was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen. Even Gu Xiang stayed
for a while. Lala Cao Weining's sleeve, whispered: "Look at her, but don't
you be a fairy?"

Who knows that Cao Weining just glanced down at Gu Xiang's eyes, and
then regained his attention, whispering: "This woman's eyes drift and drift,
the photo book says it's called peach eyes, and her mind is definitely not
right, not as good as ... ... "
The words behind him were so low that Gu Xiang, who was staring at the
beauty, did not notice.

However, Wen Kexing laughed aloud, and said that Cao Weining was not
clever, so he didn't get used to other people's eyes. He was so straight-eyed
and narrow-eyed as Gu Xiang.

The beauty glanced around, then went upstairs, and walked towards them,
she didn't see anyone, she was locked on Zhou Zishu alone, and her pair of
affectionate eyes seemed like she could only pretend Next week, Zi Shu
will be alone and come in all styles, stand beside him, bend down and
breathe like Langland said to him, "I ask you to invite me to drink, will

This is a big peach blossom that fell from the sky. Anyone can be smashed
and turned dizzy. However, Zhou Zishu didn't wait to speak. I saw a
sudden hand stretched out from the side, separated between them. Xing
politely poked his hand into Zhou Zi's arms, thundered out his money bag,
shoved it into his arms, and said calmly, "Girl, I can't do it."
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 35: Green demon
Zhou Zishu raised his head and looked at the beauty. The expression on his
face was quite soft, and he whispered, "Girl, do you recognize you?"

The beauty smiled: "Will you not recognize me, wouldn't you like to invite
me to drink?"

Zhou Zishu smiled and said, "Why not? Don't say a pot of wine. With a
character like girl, you just want to eat my meat, drink my blood, and
never blink in the next-Xiao Er , Put a good pot of wine. "

Then he paused, glanced at Wen Kexing, who looked poor, and pointed
him to the shopkeeper: "Let him account."

Gu Xiang was the first time to see such a colorful look on his host's face,
and he suddenly felt that the meal was worth the death.

The beauty smiled tremblingly, her voice was like silver beads falling
from a jade plate, and the charm of Qin Song's song was nothing compared
with her. The wine was quickly delivered and Zhou Zishu said, "Girl,
please sit down."

The beauty leaned softly on his shoulder and said softly, "If you don't sit,
I'll leave after drinking."

Zhou Zishu uttered "Ah", showing a slight disappointment, but Wen

Kexing snorted and said, "Yeah, the table is a bit crowded."

The beauty glanced at Wen Kexing and drank it from the glass. She even
looked better than anyone else. She raised her hands and cast her feet
everywhere. Zhou Zishu's eyes were reluctant to leave her face. I saw that
the beauty put down the empty wine glass, stretched out her finger and
stroked Zhou Zishu's face, and asked, "I'm leaving, can you follow me?"

Zhou Zishu said nothing, stood up and followed her, without even
returning one. Just listening to the "snap", the chopsticks in Wen Kexing's
hands were broken into two pieces. Gu Xiang and Zhang Chengling
immediately bowed their heads, pretending that they saw nothing. Cao
Weining was indignant, pointing at the dog and the man's direction away:
"Brother Wen Wen, you have a deep affection for him, how can he see so

Forget about it? Seems not right, Cao Weining bit his tongue.

Wen Kexing turned his head to look at him. For the first time, the silly boy
with the surname Cao felt so pleasing to his eyes, so he looked sobbing for
comfort-this time Gu Xiang bit his tongue.

However, Cao Weining pondered for a moment, and then straightened out
to Wen Ke: "This thing ... I always think it's not that simple, hey, Brother
Wen, it's just my mouth that is fast, you must not go to your heart, Brother
Zhou is not like that person , There must be some distress as a last resort,
and you must not misunderstand him. "

Gu Xiang immediately echoed: "Yes, master, don't get me wrong. Look at

Zhou Su's heels are directed at you. You can see how reluctant he is."

This time, even Cao Weining heard Gu Xiang's dislike, but looked at her
helplessly and embarrassedly.

Zhang Chengling said: "Sister Gu Xiang, stop talking."

Wen Kexing suddenly stood up without a word, turned around, and left,
chasing Zhou Zishu, leaving three people facing each other. Gu Xiang
swallowed and whispered, "My host is in a hurry."

Cao Weining shook his head and sighed: "It's really raining at night, how
much tears ... It is a word that has hurt the most since ancient times. What
can I do?"

Zhang Chengling said, what else can I say? So he said nothing in silence
and bowed down to eat.
The beauty has always taken Zhou Zishu to a small alley, turned left and
right, entered a small courtyard, and a few plums were planted in the
courtyard. Before the flowering season, the beautiful woman opened the
door of the house, and then a faint The subtle fragrance came from the
nose, and the beauty rolled up the bead curtain, leaned halfway by the
door, and said with a smile: "Why, wouldn't you go in?"

Zhou Zishu glanced in her eyes. From the open door, you can see the
fragrant screen inside, the dressing table tilted in a corner, a woman's long
dress and a rouge box hanging next to the bronze mirror. Uncovered, the
makeup is scattered-the legendary gentle township is just the same.

Zhou Zishu smiled and shook her head: "The girl's boudoir, how can you
enter casually in the next smelly man?"

The beauty smiled: "You will return the gentleman. I invite you to come
in, will you not come in?"

Zhou Zishu smiled again, looked down at the tip of his shoe, and said:
"The girl atonement, there is one more courage underneath, but I dare not
drill into the room burning rouge grave, that is to stand Go in, come out
sideways. "

The smile on the corner of the beauty's mouth froze slightly, and then she
smiled again, "You men, don't you say that the peony flower is dead, and
it's okay to be a ghost? Why are you all following me, will this be useless

Zhou Zishu said: "Say this, but it is better to be alive. You can live longer
and live under the peony flowers a few more times. Do you mean?
Besides, I do n’t have the At first glance, you can see the charm of this
man not marrying. This self-knowledge is still there. The girl is too
exalted. Let's not hurry up, just say what you have planned, say it, maybe
... negotiate. "

The beauty held him, sighed quietly, and said, "Who can go without
running to you? Your group, not women, or ignorant children, and a silly
boy, all in one heart On the silly girl, another ... "
She paused slightly: "The other one is even more strange. I haven't looked
at me since I went in. I just stared at you as a 'stinky man'. Do you think
it's strange? Hey, it seems Go, there is only a normal man like you. If I do
n’t run to you, who else can I run to? ”

Zhou Zishu coughed, and immediately regretted asking the question

himself, so he said directly: "If the girl came running with glazed armor, I
can go back. I don't have Zhang's glazed armor, but I heard yesterday that
Gao Xiaxia And Shen Xia each came up with a piece. If you have a heart,
you might as well go to them and ask. "

The beauty narrowed her eyes slightly and lowered her hand holding the
bead curtain, whispering softly: "I will always take all the glazed armor,
no matter who owns it, and if you say no, how can I believe you? Do n’t
you like to lie? ”

Zhou Zishu just leaned under the plum tree. He neither nodded nor shook
his head. He stared calmly at the beauty's face for a while, and suddenly
said with emotion: "Girls describe manners in many women I've seen, they
are also regarded as Outstanding. "

This sentence was originally a good word, but I don't know why, the
beautiful woman heard it, but the smile on her face could not be
maintained immediately, and she asked sternly, "What did you say?"

Zhou Zishu shook his head and whispered softly: "I just said that the girl's
person is already beautiful. Even if the facial features are ordinary, it is
another kind of beauty that is difficult to hide. Why should you be
obsessed with skin, but rather inferior? Friends have said that the face is
natural, what it should be, what it looks like, with a little change, it can
show people the clues. I think the girl is also exquisite in craftsmanship,
why can't this reason?

The beauty's face chilled: "Then you still come with me, isn't it to
humiliate me?"

Zhou Zishu just shook his head and said softly: "It doesn't mean that
underneath."-Yi Rongzhi, laymen can't see it, there are more insiders.
Zhou Zishu is used to watching people, at first glance, I know that
although this woman is pretty in appearance, she is certainly not young,
but the color of her face and the skin on her hands is very natural. It is as
natural as possible, without any flaws. The world can do this. To a degree
... only the unique skill passed down from Sijizhuang that year-although I
don't know where she learned from.

I saw the beauty suddenly sneer and said, "Okay, then I'll let you know."

She took a piece of Kampa and a small bottle of medicine out of her arms,
poured the potion on the pad, and began to wipe her face. The beautiful
picture-like face peeled off little by little with her action, and the skin
faded. The color and facial features changed shape, and then from the left
half of the face, peeled off a cicada-like human skin mask, just like the
legendary painted skin.

Zhou Zishu held her breath. The woman was not ugly. Although not as
shocking as her paintings, she was definitely a beauty—if it was n’t for the
weird and scary burn scar on her left half of her face. .

At that moment, he knew who the woman was, so he blurted and asked,
"Are you ... the green demon Liu Qianqiao?"

The green demon Liu Qianqiao is definitely not a good thing. It is said that
she has thousands of painted skins and is proficient in charm. She loves
avatars to seduce young men and attracts people to death. She didn't know
how many cases she had done, but she was so changeable that no one could
catch her.

Liu Qianqiao sneered: "This time, do you understand why I must get the
glass armor?"

Zhou Zishu Moran for a moment: "You are not to seal the mountain sword,
you are to the book of Yin and Yang."

She has a lot of changes, but her face can't shine under the broad daylight.
A woman loves beauty and justice. An ordinary woman can do a lot of
amazing things for a good skin, not to mention that she was.
If you are proficient in easy surgery, if you ca n’t keep your heart and you
are clinging to the skin, you can exchange thousands of masks for it. You
often do n’t know who your first name is, whether it ’s beautiful or ugly.
Isn't the madness far away?

Zhou Zishu shook his head and said, "The glazed armor of the Zhang
family is really not on any of us."

Liu Qianqiao sneered, showing a short sword in his hand, and did not say
hello. He stabbed at Zhou Zishu. Zhou Zishu turned around and turned
away, clasping her wrist with his fingers, but unexpectedly, her wrist
suddenly A circle of hedgehog-like needles popped up, all glowing blue
light, and then a cloud of mist emerged from her sleeve. Zhou Zi quickly
drew back her hands and closed her breath for three steps. Liu Qianqiao's
figure flickered and was gone.

Only one sentence was left: "You wait!"

Zhou Zishu sighed, suddenly worried about the way forward, there is a
green demon today, who will come tomorrow? Zhang Chengling is the
biggest trouble in the world. No wonder that the two old foxes who
sublime Zhao Jing took the scourge away by themselves that day.

He turned around and walked out before pushing open the courtyard door.
Suddenly, he extended a hand on the side. His movements clasped his
shoulders electrically. Zhou Zishu reflexively retracted his shoulders and
narrowed his elbows. He smashed it, and the man gave him a stubborn
snorting sound, and rushed to him with a sigh of relief, and shouted,
"Murder a husband ..."

Zhou Zishu kicked him open, folded his arms over his chest, and frowned,
"Master Wen Gu, have you forgotten to take your medicine today?"

Wen Kexing gritted his teeth and covered his ribs with a grinning look, but
he said stubbornly, "You went away in front of my face and the woman!
You followed her to this place. , Solitary boys and widows in broad
daylight ... "
Zhou Zishu blurted out the sentence: "Isn't it time for you to go to Golan
Yuan and fooling around?"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Zi's remorse almost swallowed
with his tongue, and his heart must have been confused. This kind of
remark could be said.

Wen Kexing first froze, and then posted it with a smile on his face, "Since
I decided to entangle you, I have never touched anyone else."

Zhou Zishupi smiled and said without a smile: "Thank you Master Gu for
your love, I'm really sorry, but I didn't decide to get involved with you."

Wen Kexing thought for a while, and seemed to think it made sense, so he
nodded: "That's true-but you can just feel at ease, and I can listen to the
corner at any time."

Zhou Zishu asked: "Master Wen Gu, do you know how to write the word"
shameless "?"

Wen Ke said loudly: "When it is time to be shameless, you must be


Zhou Zishu lowered his head and exhausted the strength of the nine tigers
and two tigers before he flattened his fingers into a fist and flattened them.
Who knows that the five fingers seemed to hurt the acacia, and they
desperately tried to get together, and were very excited The earth wanted
to look at the man's face in front of him.

He then forced himself not to look at Wen Kexing's face, and turned away
in a smoky way-even he had forgotten to return with his money bag.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 36: not regret
There is an old man in the corner. The shop's younger kind-hearted and did
not drive him away. The old man ’s body seemed to be shrinking, his face
was wrinkled, he was wearing a worn-out cotton coat, his thin beard was
messy, his hands were closed, and he kept kneeling on the ground The
ground was raving about the passing people, with a broken bowl beside it.

Zhang Chengling looked at him with eyes full of Cao Weining's talk: "...
there is a chrysanthemum fragrance coming from bitter cold ..."

"No, Brother Cao, chrysanthemums bloom in autumn. Is it so cold in


"Cough, most people who sing poetry groan without disease, do nothing,
they are a bunch of people who have nothing to do in the study, chanting
the wind and the moon, it is normal to know what season chrysanthemums
are opened!"

"Oh, it really is a bunch of nerds who want to make a fart, don't understand
anything, hahaha ..."

Cao Weining and Gu Xiang discussed Fenghuaxueyue and poetry, and they
really drove people crazy. Zhang Chengling endured again and again, and
finally couldn't hear anymore. Then he found out a few copper plates, went
downstairs, and leaned over to The begging old man's bowl.

The old man whispered and said, "Good people, thank you, goodness, great
compassion, and goddess of mercy, bless you ..."

Zhang Chengling pursed his mouth and smiled very reluctantly. He

thought his father was really a good man. God blessed him for a lifetime,
and that night, the **** was drunk and he didn't see it, his father died.

Good people rely on God to bless them, but bad people can survive
fiercely. Isn't this ridiculous?
He sat on the steps and naturally meditated on what Zhou Zishu taught
him. He was still puzzled, thinking and thinking, like a little monk reading
the sutra, and then went to God, his eyes flew far away. I wonder why
Master hasn't returned yet? The first thing Master would do is definitely
curse again. Who makes himself so stupid?

Half-old child, the flesh is growing madly. Just arrived in Zhaojiazhuang a

few months ago. Zhao Jing just asked someone to make clothes for him.
Now he looks small on his body. His pants are short and he ridiculously
shakes above his ankle. .

Zhang Chengling lowered his head, stretched his fingers and pinched his
trousers, rolled it up and put it down—I thought to myself, I didn't mean to
be so stupid. Who doesn't want to be smart, learn the skills early, and
avenge the family earlier?

He remembered that when he was young, the master who taught him
martial arts sued his father. His father just touched his head and said to the
master with a smile on his face: "Take care of yourself. The five fingers
are not the same length. Well, my child had a fever when he was a kid, a
little bit slower than others, but he is also a good boy. In the future, I do n’t
expect him to be very successful and take care of himself. ”

If there is an emperor in this world, then a trafficker must also be killed,

or is it okay?

Zhang Chengling thought that he was born to be a "trafficking man", but

God wouldn't let him be safe, but would force him to grow up like Master,
and grow up like Uncle Zhao. Isn't this to break his life?

The little boy had all sorts of things in his mind. He couldn't figure out
how Master taught him. He couldn't figure out the swordsmanship of his
predecessor. He couldn't figure out his destiny. He couldn't figure out
where he should go. ——If you can't live, then die.

The desire to die was too painful. His eyes were sore and he couldn't help
crying. He couldn't help thinking of Master's flat face again, thinking of
him saying, "You're not a man anymore. "Urine", then stung back again.
Zhang Chengling fought against the heavens and the heavens, and did not
notice that the entertainer in the restaurant covered with black gauze was
plucking the strings and slowly approaching him ...

Let's say Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing, the two of them had to leave the
alley in a strange atmosphere, and suddenly heard a woman's scream not
far away, Zhou Zishu's footsteps were a meal.

Then the two saw a flash of white shadow in front of them, and a "thump",
the green demon Liu Qianqiao was thrown to the ground like a marijuana
bag, rolled aside half a circle, trying to get up, probably was What
acupuncture point was sealed, and went back down again.

It is this old man who eats the leaves in white clothes, who is ignorant of
pity and cherishes the jade.

Pointing at Liu Qianqiao, Ye Baiyi asked Zhou Zishu: "What is this ugly
dog like an ugly dog?"

This sentence almost pierced Liu Qianqiao's dead point. The woman's gaze
toward Ye Baiyi seemed to be to make him a thousand swords, and Zhou
Zishu knew immediately-most of the strange name Ye is Because he
played a bachelor for a lifetime, a product like him, if a woman is willing
to spend time with him, the sow will not need to be on the tree, it must be

Wen Kexing caught up, grabbed Zhou Zishu's wrist, stepped forward, and
stared at Ye Baiyi—I do n’t know why, the host Wen Gu was very hostile
to his old predecessor. Of course, this reason may be similar to The Wolf
Dog's instinct to care for food-just listening to Wen Kexing asked very
unpleasantly, "Why is your ghost still alive?"

Ye Baiyi glanced at him and ignored him. It seems that since Wen Kexing
said the grand words of "Determine your life within ten years", Ye Baiyi's
tolerance for him has increased a lot, just pointing at Liu Qianqiao gently:
"I came after a little thief and was about to catch him. The woman
suddenly jumped out and stopped me without saying a word, so that the
little thief escaped."
Zhou Zishu frowned at Liu Qianqiao, and asked Ye Baiyi: "A thief? The
predecessor is so inhumane to fireworks on the earth, even when he
catches the thief? What thief is so amazing and stole?"

Ye Baiyi said, "On the second night you left, Gaojiazhuang was stolen.
What else could you have stolen?"

Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu glanced at each other with a shock in their
hearts-who is that who can steal things from Gaojiazhuang, who is under
strict alert right now?

Ye Baiyi glanced at Zhou Zishu and said, "Boy, you better be careful, you
should die carefully."

The response is as fast as Zhou Zishu can't help but hesitated. What is the
relationship between Shen Shen's death and his care? What should be done
to make him careful and not have time to speak? Wen Kexing has asked
him for him: "What's the matter? ? "

Ye Baiyi said nothing, looked up behind them, and a very light line
appeared between his brows--the stone Buddha frowned.

A cold hum rang from behind the two, and one said, "Naturally has
something to do with you. On that day, Lord Gao received a note that
said," If you want Zhang Chengling's life, you will use glass armor to
replace it. " I was worried that the son of the deceased chased him out
immediately. When we found him, he was already a corpse, and he was
carrying a note similar to that of Gao Xia, and Gaojiazhuang was stolen
that night. You said, What does it have to do with you?"

After listening to the chaotic footsteps, Zhou Zishu knew that a large
group of people were coming. He was suddenly suspicious and turned
around. It was the Cangshan leader Zodiac that was photographed by him
that day, the Zodiac. When I said this, I was very proud. With the respect
of the hoe, it was like a big mouse with its tail up in the sky.

Zhou Zishu didn't know why. Suddenly he felt itchy, and wanted to shoot
him again.
Yu Qiuchi calmly stood not far behind the zodiacs, and asked like a
sinking face, "Can you explain to me, the son of the family you took away
from the eyes of the family that day? Where have you been? "

The so-called one autumn rain and one cold weather. After the autumn rain
that night in Dongting, the weather was almost dead. At that time, the head
of Huashan was still able to shake the fan, and stood on the street and
questioned Zhou Zishu clearly. The taste of world independence-probably
the people around him couldn't bear Xu Qingfeng, so they told him to run

Zhou Zi paused, lowered his head, smiled suddenly, and asked, "Why, you
think ... I took away Zhang Chengling and got Zhangjia's glazed armor. It's
not his quality, but he used it as a quality. Zhuang wants to get the other
two? "

Zodiac: "Isn't it?"

Zhou Zishu looked up at the sky, suddenly sighed softly, and shook his
head: "I was wrong, how can I think that the pig's brain can think of human
ideas ..."

Wen Kexing feared that the world would add indiscriminately: "Knowing
what is wrong can change, and there is nothing good about it."

"You ..." Zodiac talents wanted to step forward, only to see Qiu Qi "snap" a
folding fan, one-handedly stopped in front of him, and said to Zhou Zi:
"Zhou Gongzi, then, may I ask, Ye Shaoxia chasing one Gaojiazhuang
sneakily came to this place, why did the thieves disappear, but they saw
two, and ... "

He glanced down, exactly as Liu Qianqiao's eyes met, Liu Qianqiao gently
shivered as if he had been covered by cold water, but Yu Qiuyu laughed
and prolonged his voice. : "Oh? This lady, is it the legendary green demon
Liu Qianqiao? The ever-changing gods and ghosts are unpredictable, and I
can't see him today. What a true glory. "
As soon as the words "Green Demon Willow Qianqiao" came out, a large
group of people behind Qiu Yi flashed with surprise, disgust, or scorn, and
it seemed that the woman's reputation had deteriorated to a certain extent.
She was sealed by Ye Baiyi's acupuncture points, and she couldn't rush
when she tried her best, so she fell to the ground, her face flushed, and the
scar on her left cheek seemed to be boiling again, which was even more
disgusting and terrifying.

Zhou Zi inexplicably remembered the moment she entered the restaurant.

She was very graceful and graceful like an immortal. It instantly attracted
everyone's admiration, and then walked in such a squint, though knowing
that she was not worthy of sympathy, But still vaguely felt her pitiful.

A face is actually so heavy either?

Liu Qianqiao looked at Yu Qiuyu, opened his mouth, seemed to want to

say something, his lips twitched slightly, but swallowed back.

Ye Baiyi suddenly said, "Not him."

Yu Qiuyu smiled and said, "Ye Shaoxia is still young, and he has lived in
Changming Mountain for a long time. He doesn't understand the sinister
mind of the world. If Zhou Gongzi said that it had nothing to do with this
matter, would he dare to take off his shirt and call us See if you have that
ghost on your lower back? "

Wen Kexing shouted immediately, "What? I can't take it off, what do you

Yu Qiuyu ignored him and focused on Zhou Zishu alone. He asked, "Zhou
Gongzi refuses, is there something inhuman on him?"

Seeing no one? Suddenly, Zhou Zishu felt a ridiculous feeling in his heart,
thinking that it was all ridiculous-there was nothing on his back waist, but
there were seven nails on his chest, but it was not the same as that ghost
face, and it was also an inhuman thing. What?
He suddenly laughed and thought: What can I not see? When the first
emperor was there, he set up a series of policies and swept the two princes,
and it was me who killed a series of court worms. When the northern
barbarians invaded the Central Plains and smashed the capital, it was me
who stayed at Cheng Wumen. The rivers and mountains of Daqing are now
slowly recovering from the wind and rain, showing a little bit of anger, so
that all of you can live and work in peace, so that you can eat and drink
without any problems-the things behind the bustling world It ’s all my
first-hand cooking—I used vicious things and harmed others, but now I
can still hold on to the stubborn life and build up good deeds. From the
beginning to the end, I have a clear conscience. What ca n’t be seen? !!

Zhou Zishu's eyes glanced at Yu Qiu, and he was silent for a moment, and
said gently, "Yeah, what are you?"
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 37: farce
For more than ten years when the half was not a ghost, he was as hard as a
stone, never hesitated, and never lost heart. At the age of fifteen years old,
he supported the Four Seasons Villa as a child. At the age of eighteen, he
encountered a prince, He Lianhe, and he was stirred up by a young man. At
the age of twenty-three, he built a "skylight".

Even though Qing Shi couldn't leave his name, these miles and mountains
would remember his dedication.

When Zhou Zishu said this, the corner of his mouth was raised slightly, but
it was more like a bitter smile, but his gaze swept over, but it seemed like
a cold light that couldn't be spoken. At that moment, the zodiac's footsteps
shrank, and his heart Suddenly a desire to step back was born. But he
swept over Qiu Yan, and stiffened his head again.

The Zodiacs have always felt that Yu Qiuyu and his dead son are small
faces with nothing to do, nothing can be done, relying only on the fading
martial arts behind them to support their faces, and they can barely be
among the major martial arts. . The Cangshan faction has a good
relationship with Huashan. The Zodiacs feel that they are looking at the
face of intergenerational friendship, helping this little white face
everywhere. On the one hand, they are self-confident, and on the other
hand, they are looking at Qiu Yu's pity.

In the face of such a poor and reckless man, how could the zodiacs retreat?

He measured the big group of people behind him, and his heart suddenly
became thick. He said that with so many of us, even if one person stepped
on you, it was enough to step you into noodles, so he exclaimed with
anger: "If you have anything to say to him, you'll know it at the first trial!"

His voice exploded, just as Qiu Yan's ears rang, and Yu Qiu's frown gently,
unconsciously fanned a few of his folding fans of landscape painting, his
head slightly sideways, in his heart Bored with the goods of the Zodiac, I
just feel that this person is not good enough, and his behavior is more like
a mountain villager. The butcher who kills pigs and meat at the vegetable
market is much more elegant and simple-minded. I also like to walk
around, and I can hear it with a mouth ten miles and eight villages, lest
others don't know he exists.

Yu Qiuyu sneered and looked at Zhou Zishu. He didn't pick up the words
of the zombies. He thought that if Huashan hadn't been weak these years,
and he was worried that he wouldn't be able to stand alone, which one
should be called brother or brother with this stuff of **** and balls? If
these two sisters are willing to take the lead, let him go. It is just that the
two do not know the source, the depth, and the ancient monk's descendants
do not know what attitude they are, and they use him to test the water.

So the embarrassing thing happened-the original meaning of the zodiac

was to shout this throat, call Qiu Yan to catch up, and then a large group of
people rushed up behind him. He didn't use any effort himself, still
waiting proudly there. Now, who knows that Qiu Yan didn't say a word,
just waiting for him to charge, and a group of people behind him just
looked at him for no apparent reason, and no one moved a step.

Dozens of people were congested in this small alley. At that moment, no

one was talking. Even the sound of the needle falling to the ground could
be heard.

Wen Kexing has lived this half of his life, but he has not seen such a
spectacle. He always wanted to laugh, cry, cry, and want to play gangsters,
and gangsters. At the moment, he did not leave these heroes alone.
Laughing back and forth together, pointing at the zodiacs and yelling at
the Zodiac, "I said, a few of you, don't you rehearse, forget the words? Go
ahead, dare to sing the big show without stepping on the field? But there is
no reward. . "

Ye Baiyi looked aside for a while, and said in his mouth, "This is all
messy." Then he turned and walked away, regardless of Liu Qianqiao, Bai
Ying disappeared for a while.
Zhou Zishu thought this was a farce, so he didn't want to care about this
group of people anymore, so he had to leave. The Zodiac screamed, "The
boy is off!" Then he jumped up, Zhou Zishu's figure suddenly pulled up,
his head He did not return, and said in his mouth, "Go!" The long-sleeved
roll was actually two strengths, hitting the zodiac shoulders on one side
and the other one on his knees, then the zodiac was really good-looking
Like all filial sons and grandsons, he lost his word.

Wen Kexing was so happy that he could not stand up against the wall. For
the first time, I found that this week, Xu not only attracted people, but also
had a spirit of jokes that he didn't know about himself. It was so funny.

However, before he laughed, he was very sad. Yu Qiuyu focused on Zhou

Zishu while everyone's eyes were on, and suddenly he got into trouble. The
sword screamed out of the sheath, and he didn't say a greeting, then poked
straight at Wen Kexing's neck. .

Although he just aimed at Zhou Zishu just now, it seems that he has not
seen the character Wen Kexing at all, but he has always been paying
attention to this person-Wen Kexing is turned into gray, and the handsome
Huashan head will remember, It was he who told himself to fall in front of
so many people, and he did not report this revenge. Yu Qiuyu felt that he
was just like a man—of course, the head of the Yu was completely
worried, because he even The vengeance has come, and I am afraid that
there are not many dumb people in the world who take him as a man.

When Wen Kexing patted his body on the wall, he lay down and avoided it.
Yu Qiu was reluctant to give up, and "Swipe to brush" a few swords
arrived again. One trick was more vicious than the other, and Wen Kexing
wondered that day was true. I drank a lot of wine, but I was so drunk that I
did n’t know where tonight and evening. I could n’t remember the “little
holiday” like that of Yu's head. Even if he thinks about it, I do n’t think it
’s the same—it ’s not Jiao Didi. The big girl wants to be beautiful, and she
can just make a big fuss when she falls down.

So at this moment, I do n’t know how I ’m an “innocent” passer-by. I ’m in

charge of this place. Seeing the other person ’s posture is like robbing his
daughter-in-law—Wen Kexing is very wronged because the world is so
big. Most people will not have a man-in-law.

He didn't take any shots, backed up again and again, saying "I mean, what
do you mean?"

Yu Qiuqi sneered: "Demons crooked, and everyone in the world wins it.
Originally, everyone was shouting, saying more is useless and suffers

Wen Kexing flashed a sword on one side of his face, accurately stretched
out two fingers, caught Qiu's sword, and sneered: "Everyone shouts? Sorry,
I'm not a mouse, but please Okay, do n’t be as bitter as you are a mouse
medicine! "

He gave a soft whistle, and Yu Qiu's sword was folded in his hand.

Weapons and weapons, insulting others in the martial arts, is estimated to

be ranked after killing fathers and wives.

Yu Qiu's eyes were all red, and he patted Wen Kexing's chest with one
palm, and at the same time he flew to kick him at the same time. The
speed of speed was almost like a trick that had been worked out.
Fortunately, the zodiac was "rolled out". In the future, the group of people
behind him who seemed to be lively finally reacted that they should be
demonized and demonized. They all entangled Zhou Zishu. No one saw
this small corner. foot".

Alas, weird things happen every year, this year is especially many!

Wen Kexing turned over, and as soon as he lifted his knee, it was lying on
the bone of Qiu Yi's leg, and immediately he heard the bone "snap" and

At the same time, one palm was up against him. Yu Qiu only felt a surge
of sea-like internal force coming along the palm of his hand, and was
shocked to pull it out, but it was too late. The palm seemed to be sucked
by the other side. The Neilishan Hu tsunami generally surged along his
meridians, almost blasting him.

At that instant, Yu Qiuyan raised his eyes in a panic and saw the
expression of this grinning man without a serious face in front of him-
indifferent and indifferent, careless, just like a real monster, killing like a
numb, unmoved.

Immediately after hearing a woman scream, a violent small wind swept

across, and a few pins as thin as a cow's hair rushed at Wen Kexing. He
almost spread out on the hillock and shot a palm from the air. The fine
needle was smashed by him, but his palm strength remained. The woman
who came after it had no time to dodge, was hit by his palm, flew out, and
hit the wall severely.

Only then did Wen Kexing see and sneak in him, that is, Liu Qianqiao,
who did not know when he rushed to the acupoint. He first stunned, then
understood what it was like, and shouted: "Axu, come soon, I saw traitors /
love! "

Zhou Zishu simply didn't know what to say about him. He turned around
and pushed out a person who would send him up to find death. He leaned
over and raised Liu Qianqiao, saying briefly, "Less nonsense, go!"

Wen Kexing responded immediately and ran away with him.

The two of them picked up by light work, and they did n’t know how far
they had run. They threw off the clown jumping clowns early, and Zhou
Zishu stopped and threw the breathtaking Liu Qianqiao under a tree. She
has several big holes.

Wen Kexing hugged his chest with both hands and laughed: "Okay, you
took her away, and the reputation of the demon's crooked road is even
more solid." He thought about it, and said with pride, "Okay, Anyway, I
don't have a good reputation. You are my own, and that's a bit of a misery.
Zhou Zishu didn't look at him, leaned over to look at Liu Qianqiao's injury,
and found a small bottle of medicine out of his arms. Regardless of the
three or seventy-one, the dead horse was treated as a living horse doctor,
and she first stuffed one in. Said: "Lao Wen, the mouth is used to talk and
eat, not to fart-one more effort, she was killed on the spot."

Wen Kexing heard the impatient "Old Wen" who was a little impatient, but
he couldn't say the familiar "Lao Wen", and he was immediately full of
anger. As for the latter sentence, he automatically thought that "hitting is
cursing and kissing is love".

Liu Qianqiao coughed, and this slight movement almost made her fall
apart, and her eyes glared at Zhou Zishu, reluctantly, "What kind of kind
are you ...?"

Zhou Zishu ignored her, but just squatted down and asked, "I asked you,
where did you learn the easy way?"

Liu Qianqiao never thought that this was the problem as soon as he opened
his mouth. He then hesitated, and then he uttered a stern breath, and said
sternly, "What's your matter?"

Wen Ke Xingyan said, "Miss Liu, is it possible for you to change your
appearance, or to win the glaze, all for the sake of Qiu Yun? Then I can
persuade you that women are not afraid of being ugly, stupid or afraid. It ’s
just that you do n’t have eyes. The goods are so good that you can see
them. How did you find us? How did Ye Baiyi chase a man in black to the
alley? Who deliberately misled, called Do you think that the black man
who ran away was Yu Qiuyi, and even shot against Ye Baiyi? Who
identified you in front of everyone? Fool, he used you as a shield. "

He broke through the "girl" mind of this woman who was no longer two or
eight, and was even more frightening than the "ugly eight monsters" in
front of Ye Baiyi. If Liu Qianqiao had a little energy to move, he would get
up and kill him. Already.

Zhou Zishu said, "You shut up."

Wen Ke got the order, and immediately squeezed his lips tightly, he
couldn't wait for his lips to grow.

Zhou Zishu estimated the age of Liu Qianqiao, staring at her face with a
pair of eyes, and suddenly asked, "Have you ... ever met a stranger without
eyebrows, half-starved and injured?" Have you eaten him? "

When his master Qin Huaizhang was young, he was once chased by the
enemy and was seriously injured. He fell into a farm and was penniless. It
is said that thanks to a little girl with a scar on his face, he secretly
brought him food. Helping him through the most difficult time, Qin
Huaizhang didn't want to report it. It was a pity to see that her appearance
had been destroyed. It was a pity that she taught her a few easy-going
skills, but did not expect that she would be harmed in the future.

Liu Qianqiao did not speak on his mouth, but a flash of surprise flashed on
Wen Yan's face, Zhou Zishu understood, looked down and thought, took
the bottle of wound medicine out of his arms and placed it in front of Liu
Qianqiao. He said, "You'll do it for yourself."

Then he got up and left.

Wen Kexing was rushing to Zhou Zishu, and said in his mouth, "She
secretly calculated that you are so good to her, but it is ..."

However, his voice suddenly stopped, because he saw Zhou Zi walking

away, and took another bottle of potion from his arms, and rubbed it on his
face. It was not obvious at first. After a few more wipes, he gradually
showed a different complexion. .

Wen Kexing didn't blink his eyes.

The author has something to say:

In order to play the radiation, tile raised a pot of grass, and today I found
that it is about to die because of thirst, so I threw it into the basin and
soaked == that ... will it die?
Alas, I ca n’t even feed a pot of grass ...
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 38: Rob
The sallow-yellow complexion was slowly washed away, and his chin
seemed to have been shaved off of a layer of meat. He took something that
Wen Kexing had never seen before, and the bone-like outline of the knife
was revealed.

Wen Kexing held his breath unconsciously, and watched his fingers move
Yirong from his face--

Unlike the little boy who smiles like a flower in Luoyang City, nor the
clear-eyed celebrity with the eyebrows and cheeks on the upper floor of
Dongting, this is a man's face, not to mention color, only black and white-
pale and shaved His cheeks were thin, his lips were as thin as a line, and
his eyes were dark. The contours of the eyebrows were very deep, and the
eyelashes were thick, half-hidden by his heavy-colored eyes.

Yes, at that moment, Wen Kexing could only think of such a word-heavy
ink, and in his eyes, the blackness that could not be melted was
precipitated. Only when the angle changed, a layer of seemingly non-
existent, restrained, flowed. Guanghua.

He suddenly found out that in fact, the other person did not remove the Yi
Rong in his whole life, and in his heart, he should have always been like
this. Now he sees that he looks exactly like his imagination, like ... I've
known him for a long, long time.

Wen Kexing rolled his throat unconsciously and said, "Axu ..."

Zhou Zishu inadvertently said "um" and wiped the last point left on his
face. He has been carrying this for a long time. He almost thought that it
was his own face, and wiped all those things off suddenly. It turned out to
be a bit unsuitable. I originally planned to pass this face. Who knows that
the trouble is so easy to follow? Is it necessary to change a human skin
mask for two days in three days?
He suddenly felt bad again

Wen Kexing moisturized his lips and whispered, "I ... have you said that I
actually like men?"

Zhou Zishu glanced at him with an expression of "nonsense, don't I know",

remembering what it was like, took out a human skin mask from his arms,
threw it into the arms of Wen Kexing, and commanded: "I don't want to
Continue to trouble and bring it. "

The man's leather mask was very well-crafted. If it was usual, Wen Kexing
would study it with great interest, but at this time, he didn't even look at
the thing, just stared at Zhou Zishu. Asked solemnly: "So are you planning
to seduce me?"

Zhou Zishu lived at such an old age, consciously that he was a pure man
from head to toe. He had never been teased by a man with such a wretched
look and so solemn tone. He always felt that Wen Kexing was not in
trouble with his eyes. There is something wrong with my eyes-either I
have two holes in my heart, or I am open, otherwise why is the beautiful
girl lad full of streets not entangled and playing around his disgusting

So he ignored him and, as he walked, felt another human skin mask and
buckled it.

Wen Kexing staged a big move from a beautiful man to a wretched

middle-aged middle-aged man, only to feel that his own internal organs
had turned over, and he could not wait to press his eyes in the water and
wash them. What he saw was absolutely terrible, and he shouted, "It's so
hurting, you can change it for me!"

Having said that, he reached out to do the labor for him and helped him
remove it.

Zhou Zishu felt that he was making troubles unreasonably, and his face
flickered away. Who knew that Wen Kexing was so obsessed and chased
after him with all hesitantness-so the two people who had just been
unanimously to the outside world, when the external problem had
temporarily gone, he Once again, he returned to the state of internal
fighting, and you hit me indiscriminately in the same place.

Zhou Zishu punched the clavicle to Wen Kexing, but Wen Kexing did not
dodge. Zhou Zishu didn't plan to really kill him. The electric light fire
moved his fist up two inches and rubbed his shoulder. However, Wen
Kexing took this opportunity to grab his hand and said with an eyebrow,
"Oh, to discuss things, I think you are also a bachelor, shall we make it?"

When he talked, he always had such a grinning look, his eyes narrowed, as
if he didn't let people see his expression, and deliberately did not let
people know whether he was sincere or fake, Zhou Zishu was impatient.
Asked quietly, "What do I want you to do?"

Wen Kexing approached him, raised his hand to the height of his chin, and
gently rubbed with the tip of his chin, and then when Zhou Zishu was
struggling with his goosebumps, he suddenly shot his hands on his face.
The mask was taken off, tossed aside, and lowered his voice and asked,
"What do you say?"

Zhou Zishu rolled his eyes, looked at Wen Kexing for a moment without
expression, and suddenly laughed. The pale part was too pale, and the
thick part was too deep. It always made people feel so indifferent.
Righteousness, only when he smiled, his eyebrows stretched out, the
corners of his mouth seemed to be left with a slight score, and pale pale
lips floated in almost invisible colors, but for some reason he looked a
little cute. This lovely man also lowered his voice, and asked, word by
word, "Keep you up, but keep eating meat while you're in famine?"

When his low, whisper-like voice sounded, Wen Kexing almost exploded
his scalp. Before he could understand what he said, he kicked him hard, his
knees were soft, and he almost came to the ground with a five-body
projection. Zhou Zi Shu shook him away and strode away, and found a
human skin mask and put it on-it was even more ugly than the previous

Swaying proudly away.

Besides, the two uncles left leisurely and flirted, Zhang Chengling was
sitting alone on the steps thinking about life. He didn't know what
happened. When he reacted, he was taken care of by Gu Xiang. The collar
was thrown aside after being stung, then warm blood fluttered on his face,
screaming and exploding, Gu Xiang's pretty face was full of killing, the
dagger in his hand was dripping blood, and under his feet was Only then
was the hand of the black harpist who was playing around with the harp ...
and a small serpent broken in two.

The violinist jumped away from the window with a pale face, Gu Xiang
knew that this place should not be stayed for a long time, so he pulled up
Zhang Chengling and said to Cao Weining, "Go, leave here!"

Her voice only fell, and I didn't know where the ten-odd black men came
from, and everyone took a hook-this is the second batch of poisonous
scorpion dead!

Everyone in the restaurant, including the shop's second child, retreated

before things got worse, and there was no time to close before meals. Cao
Weining asked in a loud voice: "What's going on? Why do these people
suddenly come up? What are they going to do?"

Holding a dagger in his hand, Gu Xiang slowly swept over the poisonous
scorpion. Feeling a little sweaty in his palm, he gently turned the dagger in
his hand by an arc, secretly crying. They actually encountered the
poisoned scorpion dead at this time, and it was easy to go out, but in case
she looked at it, told the little ghost to have three strengths and two
weaknesses. In the style of her master, she must not tear her alive?

The poisonous scorpions seemed to be very frightened of Gu Xiang, and

slowly approached from all directions. Gu Xiang Yuguang swept to the
blank look of Cao Weining and Zhang Chengling, who apparently had little
fighting power. She really felt that the wind was bleak. This is her life. The
most unlucky moment.

Then he said to Cao Weining briefly, "Have you forgotten? The dead man
of the poisonous scorpion will kill the little ghost."
Cao Weining said "ah" and remembered that the dead people in
Gaojiazhuang were like this, so they immediately guarded, shaking out
their swords, and commanded Zhang Chengling on one side, "Don't leave

As soon as Gu Xiangxian's eyebrows were twisted, he decided to preempt

the attack, put a hidden weapon in his hand, and spit it out without the
same money, and then the melee began--

Zhou Zishu suspected that Gu Xiang was "Guigu Zisha". The little girl is
not old, but she has a lot of skills, and her martial arts are definitely not
weak. Although Cao Weining's ability in poetry and songs is a bit painful,
it is also a sword of Qingfeng. The best apprentice in this generation is the
one who has never been able to practice because of unscrupulous reading
activities. The two are really good at joining forces, even if the opponent
is a dead scorpion.

It can be destroyed, and there is a small burden Zhang Chengling.

Gu Xiang never killed or set fire in his life like this-I saw Cao Weining
was entangled by a dead man, not to be warned, and asked another to
bypass him and fling to Zhang Chengling. In anxiety, Cao Weining raised
Zhang Chengling in a hurry. Throw it at Gu Xiang, Gu Xiang said "Ouch"
and had to catch it, but that was also a hundred-something heavy
individual. She was bumped back three or four steps, and it was easy to
stabilize. The poisonous scorpion that almost caught her hair, the hidden
weapon popped on the tip of the shoe popped on the lower abdomen of
another poisonous scorpion.

Daoguang Jianying passed by Zhang Chengling's head and passed by. He

wondered whether he had been cut off after a while. He had to reach out
and feel it. Then he endured Gu Xiang and Cao Weining and threw him
like a sack. Go, dancing in the air, almost dizzy.

Waiting for a scuffle to come to an end, Gu Xiang's trousers have been

stained with the blood of the other side, and she has a hook on her waist.
Fortunately, she flashes fast, otherwise the little beauty will become a half
beauty Now, a pretty face lost his blood, and Cao Weining was no better
than her. She was extremely embarrassed.

In this place, almost only three of them are left.

Gu Xiang cut off immediately: "Go now, otherwise there will be more
trouble, fast!"

Cao Weining and Zhang Chengling looked at each other with bothers, so
they had to follow her, but only heard someone groan / groan in the corner,
Zhang Chengling turned back and saw the old beggar begging out of the
dead pile, already scared to pee. The trousers, the broken bowl containing
the copper coins fell down, the copper coins were scattered all over the
place, and the blood was blistered. The old beggar could not stand up, his
voice changed the tone, and he trembled and said, "Kill, kill!"

After all, Cao Weining was a celebrity, and he was educated by

righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and childhood. He frowned at the
moment. This is not a good thought. Only then did he pay no attention to it
and even involved the old man. Then he went up and asked, Have you ever
been hurt? "

The old beggar looked up at him blindly, for a long while, and then said,
"Ah ..." It seemed as if he was too scared to speak.

Zhang Chengling went up and said softly, "Grandpa, run away, the bad
guys are coming."

He gave the old beggar a copper plate just now, and the other party
recognized him at the moment, and he said, "Oh, oh, dead man!" While he
grabbed Zhang Chengling's arm. Gu Xiang watched coldly, suddenly his
eyes were frozen, and he jumped over from the side like lightning,
chopped his hand at the old beggar.

Cao Weining exclaimed, "No, Ah Xiang!"

But it was too late. The short dagger in Gu Xiang's hands attacked the old
man aggressively. The old man seemed startled, but his hand shrank
quickly enough, but Gu Xiang did not give him the opportunity, and
suddenly changed his tactics. The last hand, it was fed into his neck,
punctured the aorta, and blood spewed two feet high.

Cao Weining and Zhang Chengling stared dumbfounded at the **** girl
like Shura on earth.

Gu Xiang pulled the dagger from the old man's body without expression,
raised his sleeve and wiped the blood on his face. He raised his eyes and
saw his two scared, scared, and unspeakable expressions. Asked, "What?"

Cao Weining pointed at the old man's body, and his tongue was knotted:
"He ... he's just ... just an old man asking for food, you ... you kill him ..."

Hum, the famous door is decent-Gu Xiang's eyes are cold, without
explanation, he turns around and puts the dagger into the sheath, and picks
up Zhang Chengling indiscriminately and walks away.

Who knew that Cao Weining was chasing up carefully, and for a while, he
murmured, "I don't mean that ... Axiang, I didn't say that you did
something wrong, didn't ... It doesn't mean that you just kill someone
casually, it's Wan If you are wrong, in case he is an ordinary old beggar,
just in case ... you know in the future, I'm afraid you will be uncomfortable
in your heart. "

Gu Xiang paused for a moment, and she was silent for a while before she
said roughly, "Shit, what can I be sad about?"

Cao Weining sighed softly and said, "It's going to be sad, but you don't
know it ... Well, let's go quickly. Brother Zhou and Brother Wen don't
know where they went, Another group of scorpion snakes, I am afraid that
others will be sorry for us! "

Gu Xiangbian flattened his mouth, said nothing, and thought to himself,

Cao Weining ... Although a bit lacking in mind, in fact, people are not bad.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 39: Flee
When Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing rushed back, Gu Xiang and they were
gone. Only the dead bodies in one place were left. People in Gaojiazhuang
were dealing with them, and they looked around in a big circle to see the

Wen Kexing is still not very used to the feeling of covering something on
his face, always feeling that the thin mask like a cicada is about to fall off,
and then he sees that Zhou Zishu, who is just being hunted down, is all
right Just like that, he walked over in a big manner ... as if he was not

For the first time, Wen Kexing knew that someone with a ghost in his heart
could be so righteous, and it turned out that he had a skin on his face, so he
followed it surprisingly.

Several people were exploring the body on the ground, and Mo Huaikong
of the Qingfeng Sword School was among them. He looked dignified and
apparently recognized Cao Weining's handwriting. Wen Kexing looked at
him for a while, and gathered Zhou Zishu's ears and said, "Look at the
expression of the old man named Mo. Will Cao Weining's kid elope with
Gu Xiang?"

Zhou Zishu said, "You are too shit."

He then looked at the corpse on the ground, his brows locked, and felt
something awkward. What kind of man was the poisonous scorpion? Just
the two unreliable one and a half children, can they cope? Is it dead or
alive today? Where did you go?

Wen Kexing thought for a while, and said, "Now that the glass scorpion
and poisonous scorpion are all over the city, if Gu Xiang's silly girl should
run to no one's place."
Zhou Zishu glanced at him, quickly withdrew from the crowd, and said in
his mouth, "What are you waiting for, chase?"

The two of them came and ran fast, and almost no one noticed. Wen
Kexing comforted: "It's okay, Gu Xiang's girl is not so useless as you
think, and there is Cao Weining."

Zhou Zishu frowned at him, and suddenly asked, "What does Master Wen
Gu worry about the life of the little ghost so much?"

Wen Kexing smiled. He felt such a grin. The mask on his face was a little
wrinkled. When he was about to fall off, he reached out and pressed it. It
looked strange, and asked in his mouth, "What does Master Zhou do so
worry about the little ghost?" Life and death? "

Zhou Zishu said, "That's my apprentice."

Wen Kexing answered: "Your apprentice is my apprentice, who do we both

talk to?"

Zhou Zishu said: "... you two and me-don't talk nonsense, do you want to
know something from that little ghost?"

"I'll tell you as soon as I kiss you." Wen Kexing gave him a wink at him,
but unfortunately the man's leather mask on his face was not human-like,
such a self-serving romantic look swept over, the effect It's scary.

Zhou Zishu immediately turned his head silently, panicked very much, and
felt that he could not live without evil, and said, "Aren't you afraid of
getting sores?"

Wen Kexing replied shamelessly: "I'm willing to die."

Zhou Zishu then ignored him again, thinking about it, and then said, "From
the origin of Rongxuan and Guigu, I am afraid that the place where the
five big families got the glass armor should be in Ghost Valley. This time,
the news of glass armor Leaked, all the people in the rivers and lakes are
eager to rush, can it be that which evil spirit moved everyone's heart and
went out of the valley privately? Is it possible that he also happened to be
connected with the Zhang family's extermination case? "Just right" that
night saw the daring evil spirit? "

Wen Ke paused and asked, "Otherwise, if you don't know, who else can I

Suddenly Zhou Zishu glanced back at him, and asked, "Is there any other
important inside story, even the owner of Guigu Valley, who was absent
from the house?"

Wen Kexing said nothing, just stretched out a finger with a smile, pointed
to his lips, looked at Zhou Zishu with great anticipation.

Zhou Zishu pretended not to see anything, pondered for a while, and asked,
"What if you found this person?"

Wen Kexing said gently and even with a little smile: "Cooking skin and
cramps, thousands of knives." Seeing Zhou Zishu looking at him with a
complex expression, Wen Kexing laughed again, very embarrassedly. Said,
"-It scares you."

Zhou Zishu Gan laughed: "Oh, I'm really scared."

Wen Ke is thinking, this old fox who can't slip.

Zhou Zi reassured, this pretending bastard.

The two looked at each other with distorted faces and smiled at each other,
and then hurried on their way to pick them up when the three were still out
of breath.

Gu Xiang, they did n’t actually run to no one like Wen Kexing expected.
After all, it ’s easier to kill and set fire in inaccessible places. The three of
them wiped the blood on the rush, and ran toward the downtown. However,
the goal of these three people is too obvious, Gu Xiang can't do much
work, Gu Xiang regrets this decision.
They were intercepted by several people. The leaders were Feng Xiaofeng
and Gao Shan, followed by an old man and an old woman. One man was
walking with his left hand and the other was walking with his right hand.
Silver, with a dozen pounds of gold jewellery on her body, the old woman
smeared with grease, a face can be matched with the monkey's butt.

Cao Weining sweated in the palm of his hand at once-this pair of old goods
is more difficult than Feng Xiaofeng. It is the legendary "Peach Red Lady"
and "Green Willow", a pair of old and unscrupulous. Now, you can do
anything shameless.

I only heard Feng Xiaofeng laugh sharply: "Zhang Chengling, after all,
you are also decent, and the heroes of the world are now planning to get
justice for your Zhang family. You are better off, but you follow two
demons who do n’t know where they come from. Run away, is it going to
bring your dead ghost back to life? "

Zhang Chengling's complexion changed immediately. He was not good at

arguing with others. He was always clumsy and just shouted at him: "You
... you nonsense, my master and senior Wen are good people!"

Gu Xiang was shaved by the poisonous scorpion's hook at the waist, and
she was still bleeding. Although she had taken the poison, she still had so
much cold sweat that she had no patience. She said, "What's the matter?"
Feng Xiaofeng, make way for your aunt, don't think you can't cut you if
you are short! "

Feng Xiaofeng screamed, "Where's the stinky girl?"

Then he pulled out a machete behind him and rushed to Gu Xiang. Cao
Weining was busy with a sword to intercept his blade and tried to make
sense, saying, "Feng Feng, A Xiang is a junior, you and her generally
know, and say Wouldn't you go out to your prestige? "

Feng Xiaofeng originally focused on Zhang Chengling, only to see him,

and then he froze, wondering: "How can the boy of the Qingfeng Sword
School be with them all the way?"
Cao Weining said with a grin: "Senior, I'm afraid there is some
misunderstanding ..."

Feng Xiaofeng hummed and held the sword in his hand, only listening to
the Taohong wife behind him interjecting: "Since this is the case, Lao
Feng, you should also be a little calm and irritable-the boy of Qingfeng
Sword School, you will This little ghost has found it. It's good. It's a good
thing. The wife thinks you have a future. "

Cao Weining, while secretly alerting, had to drag Gu Xiang to prevent her
from rubbing her fire. The cold sweat on her forehead was almost
dripping, and she had to say, "Yes, thank you, old senior ..."

The Taohong woman waved her hand slowly, Yi Yi said with angrily,
"Zhang Chengling, follow us."

Zhang Chengling immediately took two steps back, staring at her with a
pair of big glasses with vigilance. Cao Weining moved a half step to the
side, blocking Zhang Chengling, and asked tentatively, "Is the predecessor
out for Zhao Ling or Gao Xiang to find Cheng Ling? This is still very

Tao Hongpo sneered, and asked her geologically, "Boy, why do you ask

Cao Weining blocked Zhang Chengling and stepped back two steps, still
cautiously said: "Seniors forgive me, juniors just take care of him on their
behalf, dare not give this little brother to others at will, it is necessary to
pay, but also must be heroes or Zhao ... "

Liu Luweng struck the ground with a cane and sneered coldly, "Do you
think you are a character? Today, you have to let go, if you do n’t let go,
you have to let go!"

His voice only came to an end, and he and Tao Hongpo had hit him at the
same time, waved the big crutch and smashed his head.
Cao Weining didn't dare to entrust him, and then he stepped back and held
it up. He shouted to Gu Xiang and said, "Take him first, quickly!"

Gu Xiang's thoughts turned very fast. She knew that Cao Weining was a
member of the Qingfeng Sword School. No matter what, these old
monsters were afraid of Mo Huaikong and Mo Huaiyang, and they had to
be merciful with three points. His life, so hesitant, said, "Take care of

Pull Zhang Chengling and run in the other direction.

Where Feng Xiaofeng was willing, he had to chase him. Gu Xiang's eyes
were frozen, his hands suddenly retracted into his sleeves, and Zhang
Chengling was pushed hard to avoid Feng Xiaofeng, but he rushed to the
mountains by this push. The meteor hammer of the slave and the mountain
slave immediately smashed over, Gu Xiang avoided it smartly, and
suddenly raised his hand and sprinkled a handful of white powder. The
mountain slave did not escape, and he screamed in the middle of the door.
His eyes were red and red. Swollen, can not open, he rubbed with his
hands, but also rubbing bleeding, Gu Xiang started the vicious, but
actually used a vicious trick to abolish his eyes.

Feng Xiaofeng turned to the slaves of the mountain, and said in a horror,
"Ashan, what are you ...?"

The mountain slave just screamed like a wild beast, grabbed his eyes hard,
Feng Xiaofeng rushed up and hugged his arm, the two rolled into a ball,
and it took nine cattle and two tigers to seal it. After reaching the
acupuncture point of Gao Shan, Feng Xiaofeng looked at his eyes, his
heart was cracked, and he yelled, "Xiaojian / People leave!"

But where are Gu Xiang and Zhang Chengling?

Gu Xiang concluded that this place was too crowded to take, and he took
Zhang Chengling to the wilderness and ran out of his heart, and was
anxious in his heart, and he thought for a moment that the master and
Zhou Su were out of tune. At least one of them could be found. How about
it? After worrying for a while, Fang was forced to do such a trick. Would
Feng Xiaofeng be ashamed and angry at Cao Weining? Don't kill that silly
boy, right?

However, she was worried that Cao Weining didn't have much time,
because the third batch of dead poisoned scorpions was waiting for a
rabbit in a forest on the outskirts of the city.

Gu Xiang was crying secretly in her heart. She was injured, and she did n’t
know how long she could sustain it. She did n’t even have a person to ask
for help. She stuffed a short sword to Zhang Chengling, and desperately
pushed him out. "Run!" Then he flew up like a flying swallow and dared to
meet the poisonous scorpion dead.

Zhang Chengling panicked and ran to the forest with tears. He shed tears
as he ran, how did he think he was so useless and how he always affected
others? First Master, then Brother Cao and Sister Gu Xiang ...

However, the reality did not give him time to hurt, sadness and sorrow. A
few screams rang in his ears, and three or four men in black came out from
different directions, which blocked all his ways. Zhang Chengling stood
there with only a dagger Gu Xiang had just given him. He was holding it
like a child's toy.

The hooks in the hands of the black assassins came cold, approaching. At
that moment, Zhang Chengling was suddenly aroused with blood. He
thought, why do you all want me to die? What did I do wrong? Why can
anyone live, I can't? !!

A man in black accelerated, and the hook swept over him like a huge
scorpion. Zhang Chengling stepped forward with his left foot. Somehow,
he remembered what Wen Kexing said to him that night-- Like a hawk
catching a rabbit, like opening a bow without regret, the top is weak, the
pressure is overwhelming—he suddenly jumped back, stepped on the
trunk, and leaped high, and the whole person flew towards the cold light,
that For a moment, my heart was empty, there were only two words:
The dagger is connected with the scorpion hook, and the sound of metal is
uncomfortable, and the voice of Wen Kexing remembers in the ear: if it is
not infinite, then the sword is like a floating flower, which is unstable and
floating. There are thousands of them, all of them. His blade was pinned
by the hook, Zhang Chengling scrambled to remove one of his hands,
twisted his hand and pierced his hand out, desperately sending the dagger
into the chest of the man in black.

The poisonous scorpion hummed before he died, and Zhang Chengling was
still unbelievable. For a moment, his heart was filled with joy, fear, and a
lot of emotions, but before he could taste it, another poisonous scorpion
had arrived. Zhang Chengling raised his hand to stop, but was frightened
to find that a black gas started to flow from the place where the palm was
torn by the hook, and then his whole body became weak. He shook,
couldn't stand anymore, and sat down on his knees.

Zhang Chengling closed his eyes in despair, and said, "Is this going to

However, the fatal blow didn't come down. Zhang Chengling waited for a
long time before he glanced at it, and saw that the poisonous scorpion had
an arrow in the chest, split his eyes, and then fell suddenly, and then a
man's voice was behind him. It sounded and said, "You kill and set fire
during the day. Why don't I remember that the folk customs in Dongting
have deteriorated so much?"

The author has something to say:

Guess who is coming? Hehe hehe

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 41: despair
Zhou Zishu used to go to Ping'an Yinzhuang. He always went in with his
legs raised. Who knew that after the shopkeeper let him into the lobby
today, he first fell down with Wen Kexing who looked around like a
countryman entering the city. After having a cup of tea, he stood on the
side with a smile on his face, and said in his mouth, "Just a moment,
Grandpa Zhou is here, and today Qiba is here, and the master will report

Zhou Zishu jumped in his heart, suddenly "near hometown timid."

Wen Kexing asked indifferently: "Hey, it's not that Gu Xiang and Zhang
Chengling are in this way, it's not necessary to bring the two little broken
children out directly. They also informed something and followed Wangfu.

Zhou Zi Shu Moran said nothing, and his heart-feeling Wen Kexing was
really a **** and a man, even guessing one.

For a moment, Ping An came out quickly and said, "Zhou Gongzi, Master
and Witch are waiting for you inside."

When Wen Kexing heard the word "Big Witch", it was a shock. What "Big
Witch" was in his heart? Could it really be the mysterious Witch of South

-This Central Plains martial art is really getting more and more chaotic.

Too late to think about it, Wen Kexing followed Zhou Zishu into the inner
hall and pushed open a wooden door that was a few years old. There was a
small yard, a row of osmanthus flowers, and when they entered, they
smelled a fragrant fragrance. When I brought it into a room and opened
the curtain, the heat inside came at once. Wen Kexing looked up and saw
that there were two men besides Gu Xiang and Zhang Chengling.
His gaze involuntarily confronted the man in black, but only for a
moment, the next moment, the two nodded at the same time to each other
at the same time, and looked away to show concession.

Wen Kexing looked at another person casually, thinking that this was
probably the "seven grandfather" that the shopkeeper said. At this glance,
he couldn't help secretly amazed, and he said that he had seen a lot of
good-looking people in the world, but none of them could compare to this
person-his eyebrows were so beautiful It was a little frivolous, and he was
rather overwhelmed by the expensive air of one person, but exposed a
little indescribable romantic style. The word "Zhilan Yushu" was just for

The next moment, he listened to Zhou Zi with a respectful cry: "Seven

Lord, Dawu."

Qiye gave him a handful of smiles, looked at his face again, and said with
emotion: "I haven't seen you for many years, Zishu, your taste ... It's more
and more dare not to agree."

Zhou Zishu laughed. He reached out his hand and gently wiped it, then
wiped off the human skin mask on his face, put it in his arms, and smiled
bitterly: "For so many years, dare to wear a beauty face 'hidden head and
exposed tail', except for the little girl , I also only know the one silly boy
in Jiuxiao. "

His brother Liang Jiuxiao who died in the Battle of Beijing at that time
was a regret of his life. Zhou Zishu never dared to mention it, as if it had
been so long, and the scene was like a dream, but now facing the deceased,
it seems Back to the capital of the thirty-month-long Wangyue River,
those old people and old things flashed in front of him one after another,
and then blurted out and said the person's name.

Speaking out, in fact, it's nothing, except that the chest seems to be called
out, and it's empty like a missing piece.

Qiye smiled, sighed, and looked at Zhou Zishu again before frowning:
"How do you clear this look?"
Zhou Zishu shook his head and smiled: "It's hard to say a word, maybe ...
it's getting old."

Wen Kexing is a good man. When he comes in, he admires it, but he feels
that the "seven masters" is absolutely terrible, but at this moment he is
inexplicably dissatisfied. He thought, for so long that he had softly and
hardly soaked, if it wasn't for Yu Qiu and others who were embarrassed,
I'm afraid I haven't had a chance to see the true face of the man. The man
came in and said in a few words that he wiped his human skin mask. And
know his real name ...

Wen Kexing was angry.

Ping An asked the two of them to sit down and give them tea. They only
listened to Qiye and asked, "Is it always good in Beijing?"

Zhou Zishu leaned on the back of the chair. At this moment, it seemed as if
his whole body was relaxed, and he slowly said, "People who have good
skills and those who have good looks, Princess Jing'an married to Xiao
Hou Ye Yunxing, and the couple went far northwest. It's considered to be
rooted there, the emperor ... It's also very good. I just got a little prince
this year, but I'm going to take a step first. I can't keep up with the three
princes' full moon wine. "

The two of them answered one-on-one, both of which were unhurried. The
big witch didn't interrupt, but listened in silence on one side, the incense
burner seemed to slow down as time passed.

Wen Kexing felt that there was a strange aura between the two men. He
had never seen such a quiet and unscathed Zhou Zishu sitting there
drinking tea and gossiping, feeling that they had not seen each other for
many years. My acquaintances and old friends met at first sight, but there
was no joy, but there was no need to say something as light as water, but
they were in common.

He felt that this "seven grandfather" was not pleasing to his eyes, and said
to his heart, where did this little white face come from? "Seven Lords" and
"Seven Lords" did not dare to reveal even their first names and surnames,
it was definitely not a good thing.

Wen Kexing then very displeasedly tore off the human skin mask,
beckoning Gu Xiang and Zhang Chengling, who had already looked at
him, beckoned, "Come here, two of you."

The other three people all looked at him for a while. The slightest feeling
of nostalgia on Qiye's face had not faded, and he asked, "What is this?"

Zhou Zishu hesitated for a moment before he said, "A river ... a friend ..."

However, before he said this, Wen Kexing suddenly grabbed Zhou Zishu's
hand on the small table and put it on his chest. He squinted at Zhou Zi and
said, "Friends from the rivers and lakes? Didn't you and me So, what are
you going to do, Ah Su?

At that moment, the expression on Qiye ’s face could be said to be

“amazed”, and even the big witch who had been silent for a while paused,
and the black eyes swept between them, and finally his eyes were
strangely set at The hand that Wen Kexing was pulling.

Zhou Zishu freed his other hand and bounced gently on Wen Kexing's
elbow. He forced him to release his hand, and then continued to hold the
tea bowl calmly. Generally speaking, "It's called Wen Kexing. People are
insane, they always talk nonsense, Qiye shouldn't be surprised. "

Qiye was dumbfounded for a while before he finally couldn't stand it, and
said, "Peace, what's your use of long eyes, don't you add water to Zhou

Zhou Zishu Rumeng awakened and put down the empty tea bowl, and had
to give Wen Kexing a stern glance. Wen Kexing accepted it with regret,
exposing a smirk that made people hate itching.

Qiye continued to sigh in horror: "I want the Gold Cup and Cui Qiao to be
right and wrong, and now the moonlight river piled with grease powder
and those carved jade blocks, I don't know what it looks like now In that
year, Beijing was in a hurry. You and I once agreed on the high-rise
building that if you come to Japan, you will be drunk. However, I have
waited for wine in Nanjiang to cool down, so people have no intention to
come. "

Immediately afterwards, his voice turned, and Taohua's eyes narrowed, and
he deliberately said: "Zishu, you missed the appointment, but I never did,
and now you remember that you said you should ask me to find a thin
waist for you Girl, I noticed a lot, I don't know ... "

The big witch gave a cough, and even a little smile appeared on his cold
face. Zhou Zishu felt that he couldn't wait any longer, so he stood up and
hurriedly punched, and said arrogantly: "Ah ... what, Qiye arrived
Dongting, the driver is tired, we will not disturb ... "

Qiye said: "Actually we are not tired at all."

Wen Kexing shouted at the same time: "What? You have said that, A Su?"

Immediately, the room was silent, and a few people widened their eyes
wide, until Gu Xiang, who was rough, suddenly patted Zhang Chengling's
head, who was completely absent, and said with emotion: "This is how
much Acacia knows in one night. Xiaochengling, I think it's the two of us
to rescue Brother Cao. This group of people is only jealous of fighting for
the wind, which is totally unreliable. "

Qiye laughed and said, "The little girl doesn't need to worry. You say that
your brother Cao is a person of the Qingfeng sword school, and those
weirdos don't dare to treat him. But if you are not ready, you will be in a
hurry. After he was accused, it would have added trouble to him—Zi Shu,
how long would it take for you to leave? Sit back for a while, the ancients
often sigh that there is no one in Jin Serenity, and now you and I finally
meet again. Once, you still have a glass of old things in the future, so why
rush? "

Wen Kexing only felt that this person was talking and pulling and writing,
and it was irrelevant. The more he looked at him, the more displeasing he
was. I thought it was "elegant and false, and vulgar." Nonsense Many
people really hate people, neither can beauties, nor can peerless beauties,
so they pulled Zhou Zishu and said, "Yes, yes, don't disturb the rest, we
still have something ..."

The big witch smiled and shook his head, while laying down his hands and
holding the playing pieces, and stood up and said, "Zhou Zhuang, I look at
you, you look bad, describe it as stagnant, can you explore your veins?"

Zhou Zi was relieved, but Wen Kexing held his hand tightly.

The joke on the face of Qiye disappeared, and he frowned and asked,

Da Wu said: "I need to look at this to be able to say it correctly, but IMHO,
Mr. Zhou Zhuang, I look at you as if the meaning of the lamp is exhausted.
What happened?"

Wen Kexing heard the words, slowly let go of Zhou Zishu, his unruly
complexion dignified.

Qiye suddenly said, "Why, He Lianhe wouldn't even let you go?"

"Helianchi" is the name of the emperor today, and he blurted out

indifferently, but no one noticed the details at the moment. All the people
who knew or did not know were watching Zhou Zishu.

Zhou Zishu had to smile a little, stretched his wrists, laid it flat, and
handed it to Da Wu, and smiled: "Qiye, what is there, what kind of person
is he ... aren't you more clear than me? "

The big witch put three fingers on Zhou Zishu's pulse. The brows frowned
and tightened. It took a long time before he let go of him, sighed softly,
and asked, "I've heard that the skylight has a seven-knack, three-kill ..."


"You nailed one every three months, and told it to grow into your body,
and the meridians are dying bit by bit, so that you won't be sloppy and
save a little internal force, will you?"
Qiye's eyelids jumped, Zhou Zishu still smiled: "The big witch has good

The big witch ignored him, but just walked on his back and slowly paced
in the room. Wen Kexing suddenly felt a little panic, opened his mouth,
but did not make a sound, but Qiye asked him for him: "Wuxi, Do you
have a way? "

Dawu didn't say a word for a long time, heard the words, and thought
about it for a while, then slowly shook his head: "If you nailed seven nails
at a time, although people are unconscious, I may still manage to pull
them out Afterwards, if you take good care of yourself, you will be able to
recover a little bit, but once the nail on your body is pulled out, your
internal force will surely break all the meridians that are about to die, and
then the gods will have no way ... "

Ye Baiyi had already said this once, Zhou Zishu waved his hand and
expressed his unwillingness to listen to it again. When the big witch just
spoke, he didn't say it, after all, he still had a few periods in his heart,
otherwise he would not Hand over your wrist.

He didn't know when it started--perhaps it was the noisy people around

him, maybe it was a mix of many disturbing things, and he was nostalgic
for the world.

At this moment, when I heard Dawu say, I felt a little bit upset in my heart,
and barely laughed, "I should have told me this earlier. If I had known that
Dawu was so amazing that the nails could be pulled out, the skylight
would be changed. A safer way is to leave no fish missing. "

Dawu looked at him with a pair of eyes, still thinking about the
countermeasures carefully. Without answering, Zhou Zishu nodded to Qiye
and said, "Let's leave first and see you later."

They came to the door and suddenly heard the big witch say, "Wait, or ..."

Zhou Zishu is still okay. Wen Kexing has grabbed him. His iron-like hoop
was on Zhou Zishu's wrist, and he nailed him in place. He turned back and
asked politely: What is the big witch thinking? "

The big witch hesitated a moment before he said: "Zhou Zhuang, if ... if
you abandon all your skills, maybe I can have two points to keep you safe

When Zhou Zishu heard the words "abandoned his skill", an indescribable
smile floated on his pale face, raised his hand to stop his voice, and gently
asked: "Abandon this. What else do I have in my body? Am I still me? If
not, why am I still alive? "

Then he broke away from Wen Kexing and turned away. The big witch
talked to his mouth, but he still didn't say it, but turned it into an inaudible
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 42: Make a noise
Zhang Chengling followed behind the two men in perplexity. He felt that
after the Master changed his appearance, it seemed that the whole person
had become a little different. The atmosphere was extremely depressed,
and even Gu Xiang on one side did not dare to make noise. He did not dare
to follow.

As long as you usually get together, you have to say one sentence to the
other and keep talking to each other to release too much energy. The two
people did not say a word, but they went their own way. Zhou Zishu even
had a human skin. The mask was not brought back again-anyway, no one
recognized him right now.

He felt as uncomfortable as suffocation in his chest. In the words of the

big witch, it was as if he had given him a severe blow to his chest—to
dispose of his martial arts, Fang had 20% hope, so he would rather not
have this hope, just like that Die slowly and calmly.

Throughout the ages, I do n’t know how many people in the martial arts
have fought for a cheat book. That time, they have been trained for
decades like winter, nine, and summer, and they have been struggling for
decades. I realized it.

That's not just something outside, it's not just a skill, it's the essence of a

What does it mean to abandon martial arts? It's as if a person has no soul,
it might as well become a fool at the beginning, and feel stunned.

Dawu naturally understood this, so in the end, he just sighed and did not

If the Seven Souls went to Liu Shao, if this last dignity was lost, wouldn't
it be only one death that the floating life owed? He really wanted to live,
but he didn't want to die.
Suddenly, Zhou Zishu couldn't help but sing a long song: "If Yu Yu is
going to be too late, I am afraid that I will not be able to live with the age;
the magnolia of the pilgrimage will be the place where Xi Lanzhou stays;
The sequence of Qiu Qi; but the sprawling grass and trees are afraid of the
twilight of beauty ... "

The voice was a little hoarse, one word at a time, hiding the sadness and
anger, but left the indescribable anger and arrogance. This innate
arrogance came to an end, struggling for thousands of miles in three
mountains and six rivers Between the rivers and mountains, the Jiuqu disc
lingered in the chest for too long and too long, and finally broke his throat.

That day was gloomy, the land was down heavily, and the whole world was
looking away. There was only such a path covered with grass and dead
trees. The unrelenting wind didn't stop there. Xiao Xiao came hurriedly
through the crevice forest, crying like a mountain ghost. A thousand years
is like a day, and ten thousand years is like a day.

The wind swelled Zhou Zi's wide jacket sleeves, as if to tell him to go with
the wind. Wen Kexing raised his head, staring at the back of Zhou Zishu's
skinny bones. The long hair of the horns was curled like a whip by the
wind. He pulled his eyes on his side, and closed his eyes. Feeling the hot

The cold wind slammed into Zhou Zishu's throat. His tone, which he didn't
know where to go, stopped abruptly, and his waist coughed slightly. On the
nearly transparent lips, there was only a point between the two lips. The
thin and thin line could see the bleeding. , But as if with a smile, Yin Hong
Yin Hong.

Wen Kexing suddenly looked up, looking at the general sky that was about
to fall, and then a little bit of cool things fell on his face-this was the first
snow in Dongting.

Why are heroes dead? Why is Hong Yan finally old?

Wen Kexing suddenly felt an unspeakable gloom rising in his chest, as if

for himself and for others, almost overflowing, he refused, his fingers
trembled, only felt that there seemed to be a desire to tear the heaven and
earth The desires / desires of the Eight Wastelands and Six Harmonies, he
wanted to question the heaven ... What is creation, and why is he born to
be a man, and must be at the mercy of creation?

Gu Xiang trembled as she watched her master turn back, and asked her
with a smile: "Axiang, do you like Cao Weining's silly boy?"

Gu Xiang looked for a moment, staring blankly at him: "Master ..."

Wen Kexing asked again, "Do you think he is OK?"

Gu Xiang only felt that his eyes seemed to be looking into her heart, and
suddenly a strange emotion rose in his heart, thinking, "How is Cao
Weining?" She thought about the man seriously and said to herself, "In
case you are wrong, in case you know in the future, I'm afraid you will be
sad", thinking that he erected a long sword hard and reached the top. Live
the pair of old fairies, look back in a hurry, the sentence "You take him
first, hurry up!"

Gu Xiang suddenly remembered that no one had said to her yet, let her go
like this, I do n’t know why, her eye circles suddenly became red, and then
nodded dumbly, but her mouth just said, "Big brother Cao is very good,
will Speak and learn ... "

Wen Kexing laughed silently: "Yes, he can say such things as" Spring
Sleep, Sleeping, Sleeping and Dying ").

Gu Xiang heard that he seemed to be saying something ironic, so he

retorted seriously: "Spring is sleepy, autumn is short, summer is snoring,
and people are all sleepy in spring. Is n’t he asleep or awake? I think
Brother Cao makes sense. It's not even a little bit better than those nerds
who say "chrysanthemum fragrant from the bitter cold" with their mouths
closed. "

Wen Ke looked at the young girl with red cheeks narrowly, nodded
suddenly, and said, "OK, let's save him."
Gu Xiangyi: "Ah, that Qiye was not ..."

Wen Kexing suddenly interrupted her, and said loudly, "If you want to save
someone, you will save someone, if you want to kill someone, you will kill
someone. You can do whatever you like. See who in the world dares to
stop Lao Tzu from going on the road. What so many crooked things? A
sour scholar with a small white face, knows the fart! Ah Su, will you
come? "

Zhou Zishu laughed and said, "Dare not to be accompanied."

Wen Kexing's mouth slightly twitched, but his brows were raised,
revealing an indescribable murderous look, which made his masked face
look a little scary, saying, "Okay, Xiang, who are you willing to save? Just
save it, I'll accompany you for a big fight. "

Cao Weining was very embarrassed at the moment. His body rolled up and
down like a mud monkey, his clothes were tattered, and his eyes were
swollen, some could not be opened, his hands were tied behind him, his
sword left him, and he was pushed all the way Walking stumbled, Feng
Xiaofeng roared and screamed from time to time in his ears, but for some
reason he was very quiet.

He thought that he was really out of luck. The ancestor of the Qingfeng
Sword School was "the sword is in the people, the sword is broken, the
righteousness is cut, the demon is cut and the demon is removed". Now
that his long sword has been folded, he may be regarded as It doesn't
matter if you go all the way with the demons, Cao Weining always feels
that he is not a big man who is lazy and lame, and who is lame with
martial arts. He is worthy of conscience in all things, and he deserves it.

He only saw Brother Zhou's good deeds and Gu Xiang, a thin and thin girl,
who was desperately protecting the children of the Zhang family. Instead,
these well-known righteous people were fighting hard.

What is positive and what is evil? Cao Weining's greatest advantage since
his inception is that he can think of it.
The Qingfeng Sect taught him the way of good and evil, but did not teach
him the way of fame and fortune. So what if everyone said he was bad, and
all said he had gone astray and fell away? Cao Weining thought about it,
and felt that it was very uncomfortable, but he felt uncomfortable. He
didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him, so he had to think
bluntly, not to say that I was good, then let it go. No one can hinder
anyone, except ... it seems a little sorry to Master and Uncle.

Cao Weining seemed to be discounted by a male Liuliu with a rib, and his
chest felt hot and painful between his breaths, and he was a little confused.
They threw him to a dark place, and he didn't see it, so he closed it first.
Eyes, adjust his breath, plan to raise his spirit first, and then escape—he
still intends to escape. It does n’t matter how others are. Gu Xiang takes
Zhang Chengling alone, in case he ca n’t find Brother Zhou and Brother
Wen. , Isn't it troublesome to meet poisonous scorpions again?

I do n’t know how long, a sudden commotion came from outside, only one
of his very familiar voices roared loudly: "You fart! We Qingfeng Sect,
when did the demon crooked out? I was looking at the peach red willow
green you two An old monster doesn't look good! "

Then Cao Weining's eyes lighted up, the door closing his hut was opened,
and a group of people came in. He narrowed his eyes, looked like a bear,
carefully looked over, and found that the anger in the crowd was exactly
him. Uncle Mo Huaikong, Cao Weining thought, broken, my uncle is going
to explode.

Mo Huaikong was already mad—the moment he saw Cao Weining, he

yelled violently, shoved his sleeves and pushed Liu Lugong to a big
buttock. He was not respected at all, and Taohong was angry, screaming:
"Mo Huaikong, what are you crazy?"

Mo Huaikong was also unambiguous, and shouted back in front of

everyone: "That was my nephew. What bad thing he did was naturally my
brother in charge clearing the door and using your old monster dog to lick
the curtain. Point your finger at your feet ?! "
Cao Weining couldn't help but cry out, saying that although the uncle was
bad-tempered, he still turned towards him. Who knew that Mo Huaikong
said again, "You have to look at the master!"

Cao Weining felt silent and burst into tears.

Feng Xiaofeng screamed suddenly, pulled a gauze slave who had been
covered with gauze over his eyes, and pointed at Mo Huaikong: "Well, you
are a breeze sword school, ask you what a good teacher nephew has done?
The little demon girl who was with him poisoned Ashan's eyes and
couldn't catch the little demon girl, so I was going to dig out the eye of the
boy named Cao! "

Mo Huaikong just wanted to talk, just listening to someone who snorted

beside him, and said, "A young girl is so vicious at the moment of her
shot. It can be seen that she is also a little witch. Why is Cao Shaoxia
indifferent to this way? Women mingle together and ask for advice. "

Then he blocked Mo Huaikong's words back. Mo Huaikong looked at Cao

Weining with a dark look, and the latter opened his mouth and called
aggrievedly: "Uncle."

Mo Huaikong angrily said, "Who is your uncle?" He took a step forward,

took Cao Weining's collar, and whispered, "They said, who is the person
with you? Say!"

Cao Weining opened his mouth and whispered, "That's ... Ah ... Xiang, Ah
Xiang is not a bad person, uncle, Ah Xiang ... Ah Xiang ..."

Tao Hongpo sneered: "Axiang? It was so sweet."

Yu Qiuyu, who hurried back from the other direction, also interjected
calmly: "Young people are bewildered by beauty, and there is nothing
wrong with it. As long as you are rehabilitated, you are not unreasonable
and narrow-minded ..."

Before she finished, Feng Xiaofeng was angry: "I'm going to dig her
I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, and successfully
smashed the field of the head. Yu Qiuya gritted his teeth and couldn't wait
to trample the dwarf to the ground.

At present, noble Zhao Jing, Master Tzumu and others are busy handling
prudent funerals, and they are not here. This group of dragons has no
leader, and you are even more reckless in saying a word to me. In a jump,
Cao Weining stunned the whole person from the ground, gritted his teeth
and said, "Negative obstacles, honestly, where did the little demon robbed
Zhang's child?"

Cao Weining laboriously opened his mouth and said, "Axiang didn't ..."

Mo Huai slaps his hands in the face like a pig's head, just right, just listen
to a clear voice saying: "Where is the little demon girl, look at your old
shameless people, if you have the ability Come catch me! "

Cao Weining exploded in his head—Axiang!

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 43: Save people
Gu Xiang appeared at the door in such a big way, and she looked fearless,
and then she saw the tragic situation of Cao Weining, and immediately
raised an unknown fire in her heart, sneer: "I also said that you are all
famous But you ca n’t beat other people to attack it. There is this tradition
of daring! Zhang Chengling, come out to me, and you tell them, where did
I hijack you? ”

Everyone saw this. A shrinking young man behind her seemed to make
him say something in a crowded place, and he was a bit embarrassed. In
addition, Feng Xiaofeng and others were so fierce that they called He
couldn't help but wince. Zhang Chengling stepped up to Gu Xiang step by
step with a big girl and a daughter-in-law, and said softly, "Sister Gu Xiang
never hijacked me, I followed them."

Liu Lugong said angrily: "No bullshit, boy Zhang, how old are you and
learn to be beautiful? Can you be blinded by these demon?"

As soon as Feng Xiaofeng saw that Gu Xiang's eyes were red, he took out a
large knife and cut it at her: "Dead girl, leave your eyes!"

Gu Xiang took three steps back sideways, avoiding the blade that looked
like him, flew over the beam, and condescendingly said: "Feng Dwarf, that
stupid big man has followed you for eight lives of blood mold, the girl is
kind and soft, but let him Blind pair of tricks, if you run into someone
else, you have his life, not to mention that you are okay to find something
to affect your mountain slave, hum ... "

Her last snor was a little lacking in breath, and the girl's body was writhing
on the beam of the house in a panic, while avoiding the siege of a group of
people, she secretly focused and approached Cao Weining.

The zodiac also flew up onto the beam, intercepted Gu Xiang, and didn't
say a word of greeting, attacked her. Gu Xiang, but the hero did not eat,
and jumped on the other beam, and he stretched out like a monkey. Living
in Yokogi, the body made a beautiful spin in the air, as if something was
thrown out of his hands, and his mouth said, "Here!"

The zodiac called her a fright. Who knew what poisonous hidden weapon
was in the hands of the little demon girl of unknown origin, then snarled
and took a big step back, but there was nothing, look again, Gu Xiang has
already He shook him off and laughed without looking back: "Ugly
monsters, scare you!"

Mo Huaikong dropped Cao Weining, who was frightened, and watched

indifferently. He thought that his idiot nephew had suffered a disaster. The
little girl had obviously got away, but came back to save him. It is also a
kind and righteous thing, which is a little bit difficult. point.

He glanced at Cao Weining's stupid look that was shaking left and right
and couldn't wait to pull Gu Xiang. He squeaked his lips, and his heart was
difficult to get tangled. Anyway, some people are willing to marry a
Hedong lion in the future. suffer.

Just as it happened, Tao Hongliu Lu scrambled up and left Gu Xiang in the

middle. Gu Xiang was unambiguous. He lifted his leg and the small dagger
popped out, and aimed at Liu Lugong's forehead. That Liu Lugong still has
some skills, do not dodge or dodge, cross the crutches for a while, Gu
Xiang only felt a strong wind hit, knowing that he was out of reach,
quickly shrinking his legs, shrinking fast enough, on the tip of the shoe
The dagger was broken.

Gu Xiang immediately turned around and wanted to re-execute the trick.

Who knew that Tao Hongpo had touched her from behind.

Gu Xiang anxiously said, "I'm going to die, you guys still watch the fun!"

Just listening to a chuckle, then Tao Hongpo felt a strong wind hitting her.
When she hit her back heart squarely, she had no time to hide. She could
only try to throw it forward, and the whole person was like a big one. The
gecko caught on the beam of the house, and Gu Xiang took the opportunity
to jump down from the beam. Everyone found out that she almost scared
Taohong to a good thing. In fact, it was a walnut shell ... still half .
Then there was a sound of "gripping" walnuts at the door. I saw a
handsome man holding a small packet of walnuts in his hand. He crushed
with **** and the walnut shell burst open. Then he threw the walnut
kernel into his mouth. Eating with relish, he was followed by a man who
was even more sorry, the two of them looked like a mother-in-law, and
their blushing eyes were swollen.

The person holding the walnut was still polite and said to the person next
to him, "Aren't you going to eat?"

The man next to him leaned back as if he were hiding from the beast of the
flood, with a look of disgust: "Take this thing further."

The man who took the walnut laughed, "Yeah, dignified ... would you even
be afraid of eating walnuts? Fool, this is a good thing. Eat more clever and
fill your brain."

The man next to him stepped forward, stretched his arms around Zhang
Chengling's shoulders, and said in the mouth, "The same is true for the pig

Yu Qiu frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

I saw the man who embraced Zhang Chengling pushed the boy forward,
and whispered in his ear: "I don't see him pleasing to the eye, and you give
me a shot."

Zhang Chengling grew up and looked at him stupidly: "Master ... I ..."

"What are you? They bullied you sister Gu Xiang, and you just watched
next to it? Is it a man?"

Zhang Chengling stretched out a finger and pointed it at Qiu Ling, and at a
loss pointed to himself: "This ... that ..."

The weirdo couldn't get used to the look of his mother-in-law, and
stretched out a kick to his ass, Zhang Chengling took two steps and almost
flung into Qiu's arms.
Yu Qiuxi was overjoyed, and he softened his voice and said to Zhang
Chengling, "Children of the Zhang family, come to me."

Zhang Chengling still had a pair of perplexed eyes, almost like a bunny
who couldn't find his home, and the man holding the walnut chuckled,
"You're too cruel."

The man next to him said calmly: "When the young eagle grows up, he
will be taken out of the nest by the eagle, and I am also for his good."

Zhang Chengling, who was regarded as an eagle, took a step back timidly,
almost like Yu Qiuyu as an old pervert who catches children. Feng
Xiaofeng was not as polite as the head of Huashan, and he thought to
himself that it seemed that the little thing named Zhang was with them. It
would be good to catch him, not to be afraid to keep these people, no
matter who he is. Just don't kill him.

Then he went out and reached for Zhang Chengling.

Zhang Chengling turned around and ran without any excitement, and
yelled, "Mother, he wants to catch me!"

The person holding the walnut laughed, and touched the person next to
him with his toe: "I said, your little eagle has blown hair."

"The mud doesn't get on the wall." The man whispered, and suddenly gave
a slap through the air. Zhang Chengling felt a strong surge in the air, as if
someone had pushed him hard and blocked his steps. Then he just felt like
a marionette with his arms raised and rushing towards Feng Xiaofeng,
Zhang Chengling closed his eyes in fright, shook his fist subconsciously,
and his fist was in the middle of Fengfeng's nose.

Shocking the dwarf, Zhang Chengling opened his eyes and looked at his
fist with dizziness, unable to believe it. Just listening to one person's voice
entering the room, Master's voice sounded in his ear, cursing: "Stupid,
what's going on, kick him in the middle point!"
Zhang Chengling did it subconsciously, only to feel that the power hadn't
dissipated, as if it had been imbued on his limbs, pushed him forward, and
actually flew the Feng Xiaofeng out.

Yu Qiuhao exclaimed, "Who are you?"

The weirdo didn't speak, and took a slap behind Zhang Chengling, Zhang
Chengling yelled and slammed at Yu Qiuyu, Yu Qiuyu's gaze was fixed,
and he pulled out / extracted a sword that he didn't know where to find it
He greeted him, seeing that Zhang Chengling was about to hit his sword,
only to scare the young boy fart and urinate, while involuntarily running
forward, while shouting arrogantly: "Master saves!"

The voice in his ear said again: "His sword tip is trembling, he must have a
back move, step back to Jiu Gong, take his elbow."

Zhang Chengling heard that it made sense, and he couldn't help but take a
step forward diagonally, and turned to the edge of Qiu's sword. Yu Qiu
immediately trembled with his sword. His leg took another step forward,
his posture was awkward, and it was weird and cumbersome, but somehow
escaped the sword of Yu Qiuyu. Then he obeyed Master ’s instructions to
"take his elbow", and then closed his eyes. Closed, gnashed his teeth and
bumped into it.

It was Wen Kexing who whacked the walnuts. At the sight of this scene, it
was almost unbearable. The original Zhou Zishu taught Zhang Chengling
was the Liuyun Jiugongbu which is one of the best skills. Immortals are
like it too. Chic and beautiful, Wen Kexing knew for the first time that
someone could walk this Liuyun Jiugong step like a bear dancing.

On the one hand, Zhou Zishu frowned, and found that although the child
was awkward, he did not take the wrong step under his feet. I knew that
Zhang Chengling was serious and learned the tactics. After going back, the
same steps were taken thousands of times, so that he became so nervous,
but his feet were not chaotic.

Yu Qiuqiang was very hurt when he met Wen Kexing on that day. At this
moment, Zhang Chengling was hard-hearted, and the weapon he put on in
his hand was immediately released. He was furious and said, "Don't let
them run away!"

When the crowd heard the words, they immediately surrounded them. This
was not what Zhang Chengling could handle. Wen Kexing stuffed the
remaining half of a walnut into Zhou Zishu and said, "Give it to me,
Grandpa, I will teach this group of grandchildren!" They burst into the
crowd with a big laugh.

Zhou Zishu always felt that walnuts were very disgusting, and the taste
was disgusting. They looked like human brains. They pinched with **** in
disgust, and stretched their arms to stay far away from themselves, while
continuing to "pass into the room" "Guide Zhang Chengling, watching the

Gu Xiang took the opportunity to approach Cao Weining, kicked a person

who tried to stop her, and stared at Mo Huaikong fiercely, saying that I
care who you are and dare to stop me, so I want you to look good!

Who knew that she hadn't come near, and suddenly saw that Mo Huaikong
said "Ouch" and bent down, his face seemed still very painful, pointing at
the inexplicable Gu Xiang gasping out of breath: "This … This little
demon girl is so good… I am so terrible! ”

Then he sat on the ground with a stun, and closed his eyes tightly.

Gu Xiang and Cao Weining looked at each other, neither of them reacted.

Mo Huaikong, who closed his eyes, suddenly opened one eye and swept
towards them, whispering: "Not running anymore, are you stupid?"

Gu Xiang immediately drew / extracted the dagger, cut the rope on Cao
Weining's body, and Cao Weining jumped down, lowering his voice in a
low voice: "Thank you, Master."

Gu Xiang followed and said, "Father, you are so memorable. I will

definitely set up an arch for you when you go back!"
"Your mother, you just set up a torii, your whole family sets up a torii!"
Mo Huaikong pretended not to close his eyes, and at the same time he was
scolded in his heart, and found that the little girl like Gu Xiang looks like
a dog. It really didn't make people talk.

Seeing that Gu Xiang and Cao Weining had run away, Zhou Zishu suddenly
swayed over, picked up Zhang Chengling's neck, and threw him as a
mallet. Zhang Chengling's legs were smashed by him. On the zodiac's
chest, the zodiac was smashed back a dozen steps. Zhou Zi Shushun
shoved the bag of walnuts into Zhang Chengling's arms, and said to Wen
Ke: "You don't want to leave it, don't leave!"

Wen Kexing "haha" smiled and flew forward, saying in the mouth: "The
green mountains will not change, the green water will flow forever,
everyone stays with you!"

Later, they went side by side with Zhou Zishu, who was holding Zhang
Chengling. The two men's meritorious deeds came out with all their
energies. Where others could keep up, they disappeared in a blink of an

The three of them ran a long distance before they stopped. Zhou Zishu
lowered Zhang Chengling, took off the human skin mask, unfurled his
entire jacket, and lowered his head, but saw Zhang Chengling's eyes
looking at him brilliantly, as if the animals were begging. He paused in his
hand. His previous tradition was that the younger brother had to punish
him if he had something wrong, so that he could remember whether to eat
or beat. The younger brother had a good place to not boast, so that he
could be proud and complacent, but seeing the child's expectation, his
heart was not softened. After a while, I thought about it and just said, "It's
okay to do light work."

Zhang Chengling just blossomed. Who knew that Zhou Zishu turned his
face immediately and scolded, "What a pride, look at your courage. When
you encounter something, you know that crying father and mother are
Zhang Chengling fell down again, and suddenly covered his back with a
warm hand, and saw Wen Kexing smiled and said to him: "Don't listen to
him, his little face is as thin as paper. It is easier to be shy if he takes off
his mask. ... "

Before he finished speaking, he saw Zhou Zishu turned back with a smile,
saying quietly, "Lao Wen, what are you talking about?"

Wen Kexing reconverted from kindness: "I said that you are almost
unpredictable and thunderous, your skin is not thin at all, you are not
ashamed, and the awl is impenetrable."

Zhou Zishu suddenly stretched out a hand to hold his cheek, Wen Kexing
clasped, Zhou Zishu didn't say a word, but leaned very close, and stared at
him deeply without blinking.

Zhang Chengling looked at this and looked at that. He didn't know what
the two of them were doing. He had a great deal of incense. Zhou Zishu
released Wen Kexing with a smile, and his fingertips popped on his
earlobe, and laughed. Road: "It's red."

Wen Kexing took a firm step-same hands and feet.

Zhou Zishu laughed.

Suddenly, his laughter ceased, and Zhang Chengling and Wen Kexing
looked up along his gaze, and saw a man in white looking blankly at this
side, standing not far away.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 44: During shu
At first glance it was Ye Baiyi, Wen Kexing's face became ugly. When Ye
Baiyi blinked at Zhou Zishu's face without blinking, Wen Kexing's face
became harder to look.

Zhou Zishu was a bit surprised, and he saluted a long distance, saying, "Ye

Ye Baiyi looked at him for a while, and then said, "Is it you? Aren't you
human-like? What do you always do to make yourself a ghost?" The
ancients still said, "You can't change your name, you can't change your
name." What's more, aren't they born of natural parents? Don't you know
what it means to be "bright and light"? "

Zhou Zishu looked up at the sky, as if he could suppress the desire / desire
in his heart to shoot Ye Baiyi flat. After a short while, he lowered his head
and showed a humble smile. He said gracefully: It must be. "

Ye Baiyi nodded indifferently and said to them, "Follow me."

Wen Kexing felt that the old man was simply unreasonable, so he sneered,
"Who are you, do I know you?"

Ye Baiyi turned his head, and there was no particularly happy or unhappy
expression on his face, but he was silent for a moment and asked: "Thirty
years ago, Rong Xuan and his wife Yue Fenger, and Liulijia's mess What is
the situation, don't you want to know? "

Wen Kexing, who had already turned around, stopped suddenly, his face
was facing the ground, so that no one could see sadness and joy.

A few people were so stalemate for a while, Wen Kexing turned his head
and asked in a very strange tone: "Why do we ... want to know about Rong
Xuan and his wife?"
Ye Baiyi sighed suddenly and said, "When you live to my age, you will
understand that sometimes it is not as difficult as you think to see what a
person wants."

Wen Kexing immediately saw that his tone of relying on the old and
selling the old was unpleasant.

Zhou Zishu glanced at him and asked, "Is the senior knowing what is

Ye Baiyi smiled—his stiff face always made him unable to see whether he
really wanted to laugh, or a smirk of yin and yang, and then just listened to
him and said, "What do I know? I just don't see the sky in Changming
Mountain An old fool who has lived for many years, what can you know? "

He turned his back to them, and walked forward: "But I know that
someone may know what happened then."

Zhou Zishu commanded Zhang Chengling and said, "Follow me." He

caught up, and Wen Kexing was a little strange, so he asked, "Who is so

Ye Baiyi didn't turn his head back, and a few words floated out of his
mouth: "Xinzhuang Dragon Sparrow."

Zhou Zishu's brow frowned, and he couldn't help saying: "It is true that
there is such a village in the land of Shu, but it is hidden in the mountains.
That Zhuangzi actually seems to be mobile. I have asked people to draw a
map several times, but every time the person who corrects the map vowed
to say that there is no problem, and then go to visit, the ghostly place
Zhuangzi is still missing ... "

Ye Baiyi said: "You waste."

——The dog's mouth cannot vomit ivory.

Zhou Zishu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened his fist and
clenched, and looked at Ye Baiyi's head in silence. The more he looked,
the more he felt that the shape of that head was very suitable for being
stung. While Zhang Chengling was pulling his clothes corner, he opened
his mouth to ask what, and Zhou Zishu gave him a stern glance,
impatiently dragged his clothes back, and cursed: "You guys in your teens,
if you have something Speak, what do you mean to be a little daughter-in-
law? "

He was clearly outraged, Zhang Chengling shrank his neck and couldn't

Zhou Zishu glanced at him again and said, "What do you want to say, say

"Master, Master, are we going to go to Shu?"

Zhou Zishu was stunned, what was his heart, a long way. So Zhang
Chengling couldn't live by himself. After asking such a word, he was
tortured by the evil master Zhou Zishu all the way, sometimes calling him
upside down, walking upside down, and sometimes he stretched out a hand
to hold his shoulder. To make the young man go forward as if he was
carrying a mountain with all his strength ... it's better to die.

Wen Kexing didn't say anything, still squishing his walnuts and eating,
while disgusting Zhou Zishu, he seemed to be thinking about something
thoughtfully, and saw Zhou Zishu no longer care about Ye Baiyi. The old
live donkey whispered to Ye Baiyi and asked, "What is the relationship
between you and Rong Xuan? Why do you know what happened 30 years

Ye Baiyi glanced at him, groaned for a long while, and when Wen Kexing
thought he was going to say something, he only listened to him in a bird's
beak and said, "How do you look like an old lady who loves to chew the
tongue, what? Ask them all? What's your business? "

When Wen Kexing pressed his fingers hard, the walnut shell was directly
torn apart by him, and he slammed away a distance of one foot. With a
strong wind, like a hidden weapon, Zhang Chengling immediately hid
away to avoid a fire in the city gate. Cormorants and pond fish.
Wen Kexing only thought about opening his mouth to talk about him a
little more. Who knew that there was a flash of light in front of him? He
looked intently, and found a silver wire in Ye Baiyi's long hair. Then he
wondered: "Hey, surnamed Ye , You have white hair. "

I don't know if it was his illusion. At that moment, Ye Baiyi's pair of

wooden eyes seemed to quickly flash a light, so fast that people couldn't
tell. He couldn't help but reach out to touch his own hair. Halfway up, but
put back again, just said lightly in the mouth: "Have you never seen white
hair? It's rare and strange."

Wen Kexing thought about it, also, this old monster is old, if it is
necessary to change the bones of a person, what is the long white hair?

Then he couldn't find any more. Ye Baiyi had the ability to tell people not
to provoke him. From Dongting to Shuzhong, he was like a walking
dummy along the way. Only when he ate, the mountain blew the tsunami
and swept away. Qian Qian's posture like a roll of seats can let others know
that he is a living creature.

Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing were so bored, so they could only quarrel
with each other, making noises, and at the beginning Ye Baiyi listened
calmly and calmly. After hearing this, they really felt that the two of them
were indifferent, saying: " You two have the ability to get up and go to bed
and talk, what are you talking about? Two big cocks, like two big cocks,
can't you stand up, or are the big girls playing men's clothing, what
pretence? They are funny, shut up! "

Zhang Chengling was walking upside down in accordance with the

methods taught by Zhou Zishu. The retrograde qi was very sad. When he
heard this, he froze for a while, then the half-old child understood
something dimly, his face flushed. The internal interest was a mess, and he
fell down sideways, and blushed around his neck and shouted "Ouch"

If it wasn't for Ye Baiyi's claim to be able to find "Xinzhuang", Zhou Zishu

and Wen Kexing would like to work together to teach the dead old man a
meal. The two looked at each other very tacitly, but Wen Kexing somehow
glanced at the handsome man. Reluctantly suppressing the angry face, his
eyes went down uncontrollably. Through his placket, he could see the flesh
inside. He imagined it by himself, his throat moved up and down, and
suddenly felt Ye Baiyi said It also makes sense.

The two's last entertainment project was gone, so they teamed up together
to toss Zhang Chengling.

Zhou Zishu called him to "gather together and walk on all four limbs. If he
would flow into the sea, dredge the meridians, and reverse it, it would be
free." Wen Kexing secretly told him "You have unstable internal interest
and your skills are too shallow. , The internal interest should be scattered
and should not be gathered, should be step by step, feel the authenticity of
your body, let it be. "

Both people sounded very reasonable. Poor Zhang Chengling didn't know
who to listen to. One head turned into two big ones. The qi in the body
gathered and dispersed for a while, and then went forward and backward.
He also had to accept Zhou Zishu's special training method-not even
seeing how hard he worked, the hand that pressed on his shoulder was like
heavier weight.

Zhang Chengling couldn't help but worries a little. He felt that he was
being held down by Master like this for a long time. The appearance of
Feng Xiaofeng's teeth dancing claws appeared in his mind, and he could
not help but fight a shiver.

Zhou Zishu didn't know what he was worried about. He just felt that the
child was working hard, but he didn't know anything about it. When he
taught Liang Jiuxiao, he always thought he was too stupid. By comparison,
Liang Jiuxiao is a peerless clever egg.

If it hadn't been for grinding his temperament early in the middle of the
years, Zhou Zishu felt that he had patted the heart of this unlucky child
with one palm.

Zhang Chengling is actually wronged. The effort of Wen Kexing and Zhou
Zishu is not a way of life. If they are taught by one person, they can still
enter the country. Whoever will not teach the disciples, you can only say
one word to me. It does n’t matter if others understand it or not,
sometimes I ’m talking and I ’m going to quarrel. When I ’m too busy, I ’ll
go out and fight back. It ’s very aggressive, but in the end it ’s always red
and white. Ye Baiyi narrated on the side, saying that they "this is the name
of learning and doing wrong", and only said Zhang Chengling while
imagining and embarrassing, but still didn't understand anything.

The days passed, and he felt that his skills meant that he could not move
backwards. The hand that Master pressed on his shoulders was like day
after day, and it was so hard that he could not breathe.

In fact, Zhang Chengling's method of studying kung fu is very dangerous.

If he changed his person, the hand that Zhou Zishu had been pressing on
his shoulders could virtually adjust his internal interest for him, so that the
two of them would be tossed into trouble.

They walked very fast, and within a few days, they had already left
Dongting's right and wrong place and reached Shuzhong.

Zhang Chengling was really unable to walk on this day. He gritted his teeth
and forced himself to walk out of Shilili, only to feel that the temples were
suddenly moving, panting with a big mouth, and the heart of his chest was
about to jump out. Every time you lift up, use your whole body.

Zhou Zishu's voice sounded coldly in his ears: "Why, this will not work?

Wen Kexing glanced at him, raised his eyebrows, and seemed to feel that
Zhang Chengling was pitiful, so he couldn't help but interject: "Axu ..."

"You shut up." Zhou Zishu's eyebrows didn't move, there was almost no
humanity, and he ordered, "I'm telling you to go."

Zhang Chengling's eyes had begun to bloom, and he wanted to speak, but
he couldn't tell, and his mouth would leak out. By then, Zhou Zishu's
skinny hand could press him like a carrot In the ground.
There are many mountains in Shu, which are undulating everywhere, as if
it is endless. Zhang Chengling's heart suddenly rises, and the road will
never end. The sense of despair, his legs trembling more and more, and he
barely looks up to see Master His face, Zhang Junxiu's side face was still
cold, and he didn't even look at him, like a ruthless stone statue.

"Thanks for a long time, leaving the post of Governor, like Baichuan
entering the sea, without trace--"

"The internal interest is tangible, the spirit is like a snake, and it is

continuous, free to travel--"

At that moment, facing the mountains in the middle of Shu, Zhang

Chengling was forced into a state of despair, and suddenly a word
flickered across the flash of light in his mind--tangible and infinite!

He just felt that his chest suddenly filled up, his vision became more
blurred, but he could feel the changes in his body more and more. The
internal contents of those limbs and bones had always been there, but he
could not move, and this thought suddenly felt The stock surged, shaking
Zhou Zi's palm on his shoulders.

The last thing he saw was Zhou Zishu's expression, then his eyes were
black and his head fell down.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 45: Hope
Zhou Zishu frowned and looked at his shaken palm. When Ye Baiyi turned
back, he said coolly, "Yes, you finally forced him to death. Are you

Only Wen Kexing had a bit of conscience, bent down and picked Zhang
Chengling up, palms against his back heart, and a thin ray of instinct hit
him into the body. After a while, he gently "snucked". With a sound, he
said, "This boy ... the meridians are inherently much wider than the
average person, is it a wizard?"

Zhou Zishu said: "Yes, he was injured by Charisma that time, and I found
out when I helped him adjust his breath."

He took Zhang Chengling from Wen Kexing. The teenager was pale, his
eyebrows were still wrinkled tightly, and his trousers were hung above his
ankles, which was a little cramped, like just a month and a half of work, he
grew taller again. Some more. Zhang Chengling was born in the Zhang
family and was the only son of Zhang Daxia. For so many years, he should
not have been so bad. When Zhou Zishu healed him that day, he found that
the foundation of the child ’s internal strength was so strong that he did n’t
use it. Out.

It's like a young child with a sharp weapon but no chicken hands.

Ye Baiyi was also very interested in seeing this. He stretched out a hand
and pinched Zhang Chengling up and down, wondering: "There are such
people in the world, their brains are stupid, but their bones and bones are
very good. God is asking him to let him OK, or is it bad for him? "

Then he took a look at Zhou Zishu and said, "He has a wide and smooth
meridian, which is an excellent material, but his perception is too poor,
but it is more difficult to touch the door than others ... Well, you can force
him a little bit, anyway I can't die in half. "
Fortunately, Zhang Chengling passed out.

Because of Zhang Chengling, the other three decided to find a place to live
on the same day, and waited for the little ghost to enter the mountain. In
the middle of the night, Zhou Zishu was woke up by the nails on his body
as usual. He curled up into a ball, pressed his fingers on his chest, and did
not adjust the internal force to suppress it. He just lay on the bed with his
eyes open, looking at the moonlight that shot into the window. It looked
like a daze—feeling those nails on my heart.

Compared with the past, Qiqiao Sanqiu's nails are now not only painful.
The original feeling of someone stirring with a small knife in his chest
seems to be lessened, or he may be numb to it, and Gradually, a feeling
was felt as if something was pressing on his chest, and the breath became
no longer smooth, and it seemed more and more obvious these days.

Zhou Zishu knew that this was a symptom—in three years, he had gone for
less than a half.

A long time ago, he always thought that the extra three years was a kind of
grace, but now he knows that this is another kind of torture.

It ’s not terrible to die—in the past two decades, it ’s not easy for him to
live to this day. All the methods he used to force Zhang Chengling to learn
kung fu were the ones he experienced as a kid, even harsher, even he did
n’t have the child That talent can bear those harshness unscathed. He has
experienced enough things so that he can not fear anyone or anything in
this world, he is not afraid to live, what is terrible to die?

What made him uncomfortable, however, was that it would take days to
die for the past three years.

He has endured so much, he has a firm mind, never had death, but he has
to wait for death in the most free, carefree, and most wanton days, isn't it

Zhou Zishu found that this was probably another stupid thing he did.
At this moment, his door was knocked gently from the outside, Zhou Zi
was relieved-Wen Kexing and Ye Baiyi never knocked on the door. He got
up from the bed, a dull pain in his chest, almost let him lie back, Zhou
Zishu clenched the sheets unconsciously with one hand, took two deep
breaths, and insisted that his vitality would press the feeling of suffocation
After going back, he opened the door with a somber face.

Zhang Chengling stood outside, hesitantly holding up a hand, as if to

knock again, and the door opened. When he saw Zhou Zishu's face was not
good, he immediately seemed to have done something wrong with himself.
Guilt bowed his head in pain, and a mosquito buzzed in his mouth,

Zhou Zishu frowned, and asked, "What do you do?"

Zhang Chengling swiped down at the corner of his mouth, showing an

expression of crying, "Master, I just woke up ... I can't sleep."

Zhou Zishu clasped his hands on his chest, leaned against the door frame,
and sneered: "So ... you mean, let me sing a lullaby to coax you to sleep?"

Zhang Chengling's head was buried lower, Zhou Zishu was simply worried
that his neck would be broken. At this time, it was already deep winter.
Even in the middle of Shu, it was quite cold in the middle of the night.
Zhou Zishu suffered internal injuries, some were not cold-resistant, only
felt that the small wind was blowing on him, and he was still a little cold.
At the same time, looking at Zhang Chengling impatiently, he asked, "Can
you hurry up, have something to say, and fart quickly?"

Zhang Chengling whispered: "Master, I dreamed of my father again, it's

been so long. Why do you say I haven't forgotten it? Am I particularly

Zhou Zishu froze for a while, Zhang Chengling thought he didn't want to
care about himself, and secretly raised his head to look at him. He
regretted that he ran over so rashly, only to find that Zhou Zishu stepped
aside and gave him a gentle nod. Head and motioned him into the room.
Zhang Chengling followed him like a pardon.

Zhou Zishu lit the lamp, and there was no water in the room, so he picked
up a cup, took off the jug, poured half a glass of wine, and handed it to
Zhang Chengling. Zhang Chengling didn't know his liquor, and drank it.
He felt that a small fire burned from his throat all the way into his
stomach. At that time, his face became red and he was speechless.

Zhou Zishu looked at him stupidly, his flat face couldn't help but loosen
slightly, and turned his head and smiled slightly.

This is the first time that Zhang Chengling has seen him as a "Master
Yan", and smiled at him with his own face. He didn't even dare to come
out and looked at him stupidly.

When Jiangnan met in the past, he was helpless. He was the only man
beside him who talked to others and talked about himself, so he was like a
drowning man who caught a life-saving straw. Can't stop wanting to be
close, but I'm afraid that I'm annoying-although Master does seem to be
annoying him all the time, slowly, this cautiously becomes awe, every
time I talk to him, I must tremble.

But even so, every time he felt sad, he couldn't help coming to him—in
Zhang Chengling's heart, Master and Dad really looked different from
head to toe, but for some reason, he just felt that they were the same.

Tall, powerful, and ... good for him.

Zhang Chengling said, "Master, let's follow Senior Ye to the divination

village and ask about Liulijia. After asking about things many years ago,
do you know why they are killing my father?"

Zhou Zishu raised an eyebrow, avoiding stress and said lightly, "Who
knows then."

Zhang Chengling frowned, meditating for a while, and said, "Master, do

you say that someone will kill someone for no reason? I think so much,
they want to kill my father, is it because my father has done something

Zhou Zishu thought about it, the question was too big, he stopped him, and
for a moment I didn't know what to say. Looking down at the little ghost,
he still looked sad and frowning, and then raised his collar. , Dragged him
out of the house, and said, "Since you sleep a lot during the day, and now
you are so tired that you ca n’t close your eyes, it would be better for the
stupid bird to fly first and practice well. I think I'm not enough to force
you, so you can have energy have a bee in one's bonnet."

He said, grabbing a handful of small stones from the ground, and suddenly
bent to Zhang Chengling and bounced out, Zhang Chengling was dodged,
and he was in the middle of his head, "Ouch", when the small stones
arrived again, he had to climb the ground with flashes. Open, just listen to
his demon master shouting: "I don't have the trick of" dog eating / ****
"in my kung fu."

Zhang Chengling had no time to think about it. He could only cope with
the small stones covered by Luo Di's net that day. Until Zhou Zishu
finished playing with a stone, he was relieved. Before he could spit it out
completely, he Listening to Zhou Zishu said: "You are the Liuyun
Jiugongbu? The spiders climb better than you! The first few styles look
like a little, what are the last few styles? You are here, give me from
beginning to end Walk again and interrupt your dog leg by mistake! "

Zhang Chengling was frightened and scared. He was like a toddler. He had
to think carefully before raising his leg. He walked more carefully than the
old lady with a lame leg, lest she step on the ground like an ant. He had to
sneak a glance at Zhou Zishu from time to time, always worried that he
suddenly got into trouble and really broke his dog's leg.

Zhou Zishu sat down, and his heart was really unproductive. His chest was
still stuffy, and he couldn't help it. He turned his head and coughed, and his
pale side face floated with ominous blood. It seemed a bit shocking.

At this moment, he just felt warm behind him, and then turned around, and
saw Wen Kexing wondering when he was standing behind him, wrapped a
big badger around him, and quietly sat beside him. After a while, Wen Ke
Xing asked headlessly: "Does it hurt?"

Zhou Zishu said, "Otherwise, you try?"

Wen Kexing suddenly tentatively reached out his hand and gently lifted his
placket. Zhou Zishu didn't know why and didn't avoid it. He just sat there,
shaking his hip flask with half a pot of wine. Wen Kexing saw his chest as
thin as a finger, and the nail nailed to the top of his chest, his eyes flashed,
and he took a deep breath and closed his placket again.

The two sat side by side, but at the moment were relatively speechless.

After a while, Wen Kexing asked: "I said, after so many years, it was so
hard for me to find such a fate, can you not die?"

Zhou Zishu asked: "Is it up to me?"

Wen Kexing stopped speaking, and suddenly he sighed and looked away, as
if he didn't want to see Zhou Zishu anymore, his eyes only stared at Zhang
Chengling, who wobbled right and left like a baby in the yard, and picked
it up from the ground. A pile of stones popped up in the middle of Zhang
Chengling's buttocks, and then said: "Little devil, the so-called light body
kung fu, in the final analysis, is a word of" quick ". Are you embroidering
there, is it light footwork? It ’s all imaginary. Maybe there ’s a footwork
for jumping the god. You ’re a good step. Is it slow and useful? ”

Zhang Chengling looked at the two of them aggrievedly, and found that the
two had differences not only in terms of practicing qi, but also in terms of
practicing light power, and this day could hardly pass.

Wen Kexing kept saying "Hurry up" beside him, holding a small stone and
chasing after him. Although Zhou Zishu didn't say a word, he could not
stay away from Zhang Chengling's feet, waiting to see him wrong, with
excuses. Break his leg--

This place is thrilling.

Zhang Chengling sighed silently, and suddenly remembered that his long-
cherished wish was not to be a master of masterpieces. If it were not for
the sudden tragedy of the Zhang family, he would only want to open a
snack shop in the future to support his family and honor his father.
Welcome to send.

He never dared to say this wish, but now he is almost timid even thinking
about it.

Early the next morning, Ye Baiyi ate eight cages of buns and drank two
bowls of porridge from the sea. Finally, when Zhou Zishu and the three of
them were preparing to change tables, he announced that they would take
them into the mountain today—he already wanted Figure out how to break
the formation outside the Xinzhuang.

The author has something to say:

It's raining today, it's so cold {{{(> _ <)}}}

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 46: Unlucky
Several people have been following Ye Baiyi in the mountains, and
around, they walked into a forest, and once Zhou Zishu entered the forest,
for some reason, his whole body was involuntarily tightened-he could not
tell this Lin Zi has some mystery, but has a sense of crisis from instinct.

Looking at Wen Kexing, who was very noisy along the way, he closed his
mouth at this moment, and even Ye Baiyi's expression was dignified.

Only Zhang Chengling is unknown, so he just secretly rejoices that he

seems to be able to take a holiday today. Master has been holding his arm
with one hand. The fingers are thin and strong. Particularly secure, Zhang
Chengling was obediently dragged away by him, and the dark center was
full of bloom.

Ye Baiyi kept saying something, and occasionally stopped to write on the

ground with a small branch. Wen Kexing was very interested at the
beginning. Standing beside him for a while, I felt a little confused. He
turned dizzy and turned back in silence, stood side by side with Zhou
Zishu, and whispered: "Aren't you going to see what he does?"

Zhou Zishu said very consciously: "Look at what he does, I don't


However, he frowned slightly again, and also lowered his voice to Wen Ke.
"Supposedly ... the people I sent also had masters and people who were
proficient in Qimen Jiajia. Why couldn't one find the Xinzhuang?"

Wen Kexing asked casually, "Don't you say someone has drawn a map?"

Zhou Zishu said, "Yeah, when he took someone to find a map he had
drawn, he never returned."

Wen Kexing gave a solemn glance at the back of Ye Baiyi squatting on the
ground, and pressed his voice even lower: "If even ... folded here, do you
think this old food is reliable?"
Zhou Zishu just wanted to speak. Before a voice came out, he saw Ye Baiyi
stood up and turned back to him coldly and said, "The rest of the road is
dangerous. Don't want to die, just step on my footprints."

Zhou Zi shook his nose, and saw Ye Baiyi glance at him, sneer: "Proficient
in Qimen Panjia? Their heads are so useless, can they not be rice buckets?"

Yan Yan turned and left.

Zhou Zishu and the other three had strange faces—whoever saw Ye Older's
appetite with his own eyes, and heard his ears say that others were rice
buckets, his faces would be strange.

However, weird and strange, except for Zhang Chengling, the two adults
were not indifferent. They immediately followed, and Zhang Chengling
glanced at the sight of the increasing number of bones of various animals
on the roadside. After walking for a while, he even saw several human
bones. The corpses were separated, which was terrible, and he hurriedly
asked Zhou Zishu: "Master, the person we are looking for, what do we
want to live in such a place? What about? "

Zhou Zishu tilted his head and glanced at him, and said, "How do I know?
The forest is big, and every bird has a cricket."

Zhang Chengling carefully straddled a section of a human thigh, and

couldn't help asking: "He lives in such a remote place, and he has built
many of these institutions. He was shocked step by step. If he came out by
himself, he would get lost. What to do? Isn't it the same as putting a
mouse clip under your bed? "

Zhou Zishu Qi said, "Put a mouse clip under your bed?"

Zhang Chengling said, "When I was a kid, there was a mouse in the room.
I couldn't catch it. I put two mouse clips under the bed and slept. As a
result, I forgot it the next morning. Folded. "

When Wen Kexing heard that “噗嗤” came out vocally, Zhou Zi sighed
and watched him almost carelessly speak with one foot, then he stunned
him, and said, “Shut up, look under your feet, Want to die? "

Zhang Chengling put out his tongue, Zhou Zishu said coldly again: "Don't
use others as your own, how many people in the world are as stupid as

Wen Kexing took the topic and said to Zhang Chengling gently: "The
reason why the world hides is actually only a few reasons. Or it may be
that this person feels that there is an enemy who wants to kill him, but he
has to shrink to one. You can't go anywhere ... "

Zhou Zishu intercepted and said, "Like a ghost valley?"

Wen Kexing glanced at him and said, "If you want to say that ... that's

Zhou Zishu then took the opportunity to ask, "So what did the owner of the
valley do when he was angry and resentful, so he had to hide in the valley
of ghosts?"

Wen Kexing didn't care about the temptation when he saw the stitches. He
just said frankly: "Am I? I'm naturally special, I haven't done anything, so
I went in, and now I don't understand. Good people, how did they live with
a group of evil spirits for so many years. It is really mud and not stained,
and it is clear that they are not demon. "

Zhou Zishu laughed and said nothing, totally when he farted.

Wen Kexing sighed and said, "Axu, you're really hurting me-little devil, do
you think I'm a good person?"

Zhang Chengling had a good temper and martial arts, and the predecessors
who could still tell the story were worshipped in five bodies. When asked,
he said nothing and immediately nodded.

Wen Kexing was so touched, he touched his head and said with emotion:
"It's still good for the child, he has conscience, knows how good others
are, and he remembers that, unlike some people ... hmm!"
Zhou Zishu didn't say a word. He was also the leader, like Gao Chong, who
led a group of people who thought he was right, or like himself, he led a
group of killers and spies, which was not the same as the owner of
Guigugu. As long as Gao Chong uses the words "the righteousness of the
world," he can make those people draw the ground for himself, and the
people of the skylight basically come in to give him life and give it to the
emperor. Behind that organization is the heavy royal power that has
formed to this day. No one except him himself dare to challenge it.

But Ghost Valley is different, because Ghost Valley is a group of desperate


They are like a group of extremely vicious poisonous insects. They are
locked in a small, narrow cricket, and killing each other is the only way to
survive. Hundreds of thousands of dark places, either you die, or I live,
without morality, without justice, only the strong are respected, and finally
only strong enough and vicious enough to devour everything, that worm
that has become the king of the king can see the sun again.

Wen Kexing's disguise was too good. Many times, even Zhou Zishu would
have mistaken this as a mere ordinary man.

Just listening to one side, Wen Kexing continued to say to Zhang

Chengling, "In addition to being afraid of being chased by others, there is
another reason for someone to hide from others, which is sad. He knew in
his heart that the person he wanted to see was never seen again. He simply
buried himself here, and after a long time, he could comfort himself that
he didn't find it, just because he couldn't find it. "

Then he sighed softly and continued: "If your master is gone in the future,
maybe I'll find a place like this to hide, otherwise I will run out and see the
beauty running across the street. Would n’t it be sad for the one you want?

Zhou Zishu laughed and said, "I thought you were going to live with me
and die."

Wen Kexing also laughed: "I said you didn't believe it."
Zhang Chengling interjected next to him, "Like ... like Yu Boya fell on the

The expressions on the faces of the two men were blank at the same time.
Zhang Chengling looked at this and looked at that again. I didn't know
what I said wrong. After a while, I heard Wen Kexing whispered: "No one
in the world understands mountains and rivers, and it's right ... ... but that's
not right. "

He glanced at Zhou Zishu, but Zhou Zishu looked away. Wen Kexing
stopped speaking, but just followed Ye Baiyi tightly.

Suddenly, Ye Baiyi stopped for a moment, stopped, listened intently, raised

his palms to stop their steps, and whispered, "Closure."

Zhou Zishu grabbed Zhang Chengling's hand and suddenly tightened. Then
several people lowered their heads at the same time. They just felt that the
ground beneath their feet seemed to be shaking. There was a "humming"
sound, and Wen Kexing immediately gave Zhou Zishu With a sad
expression of "I say this food is unreliable and you don't believe it", Zhou
Zishu had no time to pay attention to him, because the next moment, a
strong rush from the ground rushed up, and it seemed to crack and shake A
few people rose up at the same time.

Zhou Zishu grabbed Zhang Chengling and tapped on a large branch, but
the branch was like a fake, and when he tapped it, it broke down and fell
straight down. Zhou Zishu was shocked in the air and turned in the air.
Body, toes hooked on the trunk, who knows in a blink of an eye, the big
tree fell so suddenly.

Zhang Chengling put his face in his arms, and suddenly remembered a
word taught by Mr. Shu when he was a kid-leaning down the mountain and
shaking it from tree to tree.

It turned out to be true ... Sure enough, he didn't listen to the old man, and
he didn't spend money on losses.
The entire earth was sunk in. The ground seemed to have opened an
unknown big mouth to swallow everyone in. Zhou Zishu finally swept out
four or five feet away by the power of the fallen tree. He just stood still,
and before he could breathe out, he frowned—in a blink of an eye, Wen
Kexing and Ye Baiyi were gone!

Then, his feet fell empty, and the whole person fell down. Zhou Zishu
immediately understood the reason why they were gone. In the flashlight,
he had no time but to protect Zhang Chengling in his arms. It was dark and
he stepped on the air. That part of the place seemed to be alive, and quietly
closed again.

I don't know how deep this hole is, and Zhou Zishu said with ease that it
was not about to fall to death? He suddenly lifted his breath, and patted his
palm on the stone wall below the slope. I don't know how strong it was.
The stone wall was recessed by him. The stone debris turned around and
the two fell. However, Zhou Zishu took the opportunity to stretch his leg
and kick the wall lightly, and performed his boundless and skillless skills.

When I saw him, he seemed to be sticking to the wall, but he was a bit
bigger, forgetting that his skills are not what he used to be, and he was
holding a big boy like Zhang Chengling, just like this The internal interest
was a little stagnant and tight. Zhou Zishu Fang was not good at secretly,
but saw that the wall he had dented was trembling again, but he didn't wait
for him to respond. A sharp sword came across the gap, and he almost
wore them both. Into sugar gourd.

The two men were startled, Zhou Zishu had no choice but to relax his feet,
and the two continued to fall down.

Fortunately, this is almost the end. Zhou Zishu landed on both feet and
released Zhang Chengling. Fortunately, the illuminated little night pearl
that fell in the crypt with Wen Kexing was still on the body. Although it
was only a little shimmer, it was enough. He can see things, and Zhou
Zishu doesn't know how he has such a relationship with the ditch, thinking
whether this is a crime or a mole?

At this moment, Zhang Chengling whispered suddenly: "Master ..."

Zhou Zishu "shushed" him and lowered his voice: "Don't make a noise."

Zhang Chengling was so frightened that his voice changed his tone: "No ...
Master, look ..."

This time, he didn't need to point his finger, Zhou Zishu saw it himself-in
the narrow and narrow stone room, not far from them, there were two
bright eyes, looking at them quietly.

Zhou Zishu held up the night pearl and saw the whole picture of the thing-
it was a large python, with a waist so thick, was vomiting a letter, and
stared at them with stunned eyes.

Blessing Wushuang arrives, misfortunes do not come alone, Zhou Zishu

licks his lips, at this time he deeply understands what it is to drink cold
water and plug his teeth.

Zhang Chengling was somehow scared to the extreme. Instead, he talked

loudly in his ear: "Master ... Master, I ... I heard that this big python is
moving so fast that mortals can't hide at all, It ... It probably has a bad
mouth. Before eating, you must pinch the person first. Once ... when it is
entangled, the person will be strangled, the bones of the whole body will
be crushed, and the internal organs will be squeezed into a ball. , It
becomes a facial pocket with only a skin bag, and then it feels digested,
and swallows again ... "

Zhou Zishu reached out and held down the "white clothes" soft sword on
his waist, gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up, mouth!"

Then, in the snoring of Zhang Chengling's crying father and mother, the
big python raised his head and hurled at them quickly.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 47: puppet
The boa constricted higher than Zhou Zishu, opened his mouth and bit it at
Zhou Zishu's throat. Zhou Zishu threw Zhang Chengling into the corner,
hiding short, and pulled out a white sword with his backhand, and chopped
the sword here. Beast neck.

The blade of the white clothes hit the skin of the big snake, and it seemed
as if a spark had been wiped out. The big snake hadn't even scratched the
skin on its neck, flung the long tail, and rubbed it over the shoulder of
Zhou Zishu, if not He flashed fast, this time can discount his neck, "snake"
a snake tail fell to the ground, hitting a flying sand and stones.

Zhou Zishu stepped back three steps, and he felt awkward, knowing that if
he wasn't holding white clothes in his hand, he was afraid that the ordinary
sword would have been broken by this one.

He immediately felt that something was wrong, and suddenly a thought

crossed his mind-when the big python opened his mouth and rushed at
him, he didn't smell fishy! This beast is a perennial Ru Mao drinking
blood, how could there be no gas in his mouth?

Zhang Chengling stretched his head and stretched his head, looked at it for
a while, and suddenly said, "Master, this seems to be a fake snake!"

It didn't matter as soon as he made a noise, the big snake immediately

excited, raised his neck, hissing in his mouth and turned to him. Zhang
Chengling didn't seem to be so scared. He jumped stupidly from the
ground. He still reached out and patted his trousers. He pointed at the big
python who was ready to give him a mouthful and said, "Master, look, this
snake is really true. The same ... "

He didn't finish a word, and the python had rushed at him.

Zhang Chengling was so scared just now that it was fake, and he was
heartless and heartless, as if he felt that the fake snake didn't need to eat
people, and there was no danger. Zhou Zishu simply didn't know what to
say about him— -Is there a difference between being wrapped in a face
pocket by this snake, or being swallowed after being wrapped in a face

But when he saw that he was going to lose his life, he couldn't ignore it,
Zhou Zi jumped up comfortably, a Dapeng spread his wings and flew to
the snake's head from one side, and bent the snake's head in a direction,
the fake snake I don't know what material it is made of, it is extremely

Zhou Zishu fell to the ground, only feeling his calf pain.

Zhang Chengling was afraid to speak this time.

The moment Zhou Zishu landed, he saw a black hole behind the snake, and
he had an idea in his heart, and whispered to Zhang Chengling: "I will lead
it away in a while, you run into that cave, but do n’t go in, at the door Wait
for me, hear nothing. "

Zhang Chengling nodded obediently.

The snake shook his head, as if he had tasted it again. Zhou Zishu quickly
pushed Zhang Chengling: "Go!"

Zhang Chengling rushed forward with his eyes closed and headless. He
almost collided with the python, almost as if he was performing what is
called "head rat walking". Zhou Zi was so frightened that he fought with a
sword, right in the eyes of the python. I gave birth to one of those eyes that
I didn't know what the material was, and the python suddenly couldn't take
care of Zhang Chengling, and rushed to fight Zhou Zishu to death-of
course, it wasn't originally alive, and it was difficult to die again. .

Zhou Zishu climbed up the stone wall, took a sigh of breath, and choked
up two or three feet. The big python immediately chased it, biting it
tightly. Zhou Yushu Guang glimpsed that Zhang Chengling had run to the
opening of the cave, looking anxiously. On this side, he felt relieved and
kicked the stone wall suddenly. The whole person turned over in the air, as
if folded in half, and fell down from the narrow space.

The fake python was so meticulous and embarrassing that he followed him
and folded it, but the space was too narrow, and its waist that could break
the sword was not as soft as Zhou Zishu's.

Just listening to the sound of "click it" in the air, then Zhou Zishu fell to
the ground and rolled away-but he was more concerned, the fake snake
was only half short and half connected, and it was stuck in a narrow place.
In the mouth of the cave, a huge tail swayed in the air, giving birth to a
little joy.

Zhang Chengling immediately rushed up, "Master, are you not injured?"

Zhou Zishu looked at him and said nothing. Zhang Chengling was very
nervous, blinking his eyes. If the master was usually too powerful, Zhang
Chengling would just jump up and touch it again to make sure he had short
arms and short legs.

Zhou Zishu sighed, hit him on the back of his head, and said, "Internal
injuries-that also made you angry, follow me."

Zhang Chengling shook his head and followed him carefully into the cave
where the snake was guarding.

This is a narrow passage, very narrow. There is a door in front of it. Zhou
Zishu stood at the door, reached out to stop Zhang Chengling's footsteps,
and whispered: "Stand against the wall, flash."-Such a small space Here, if
there is a mechanism popping up if the door is pushed open, it is

Zhou Zishu hesitated for a moment, and cautiously, said to Zhang

Chengling: "Hold your breath."

Then he pushed open the small door twelve minutes with vigilance, the
door shaft made a "squeaky" sound, the dust fell, Zhou Zishu's whole body
was tightened, but nothing happened.
He raised the night pearl in his hand and looked at it, and saw that it was a
small stone room full of dust. There were two people standing in the
corner, but they were motionless. Zhou Zishu grabbed Zhang Chengling's
front flap with one hand, carefully approached the two people, and walked
in. It was discovered that it was not a human, but two dolls.

Life-size, a man and a woman, actually scored nothing, as if living, eyes

were looking at the door, as if staring at the two intruders.

Zhou Zishu frowned, and his heart was so strange that he didn't want to be
called Sheshanzhuang. There was no popularity in this village, and there
were strange weirdoes everywhere. With the lesson of the fake snake in
front, Zhou Zishu didn't dare to enlighten him. He observed the puppet His
joints seemed to be a lot more flexible than that big snake, and it would be
impossible to repeat the tricks, so he whispered to Zhang Chengling, "You
go ahead, slow down."

Zhang Chengling walked cautiously, Zhou Zishu leaned against him and
walked backwards. His eyes did not leave the two figures for a moment.

At the end of the stone room, Zhang Chengling whispered, "Master, there
is another door in front of me."

Zhou Zishu heard a crossword in his chest, called Zhang Chengling to give
way, turned over to the side, and pushed open the age-old door. In front of
him was a bottomless passage, Zhou Zishu whispered, "Go. "

The two entered the passage one after the other, and Zhou Zishu hesitated
before leaving—the two puppets, like any other puppet in the world, had
no life and would not move, but I do n’t know Why, he just felt the hair on
the back, and then subconsciously closed the small door behind him and
plugged the door bolt.

So he didn't see it. When he closed the door, the eyes of the two puppets in
the stone room turned at the same time for a week, as if looking back at
his back.
There seemed to be an echo in this small passage, echoing the footsteps of
the two, and seemed particularly lonely and saucy, and also extremely
gloomy. Zhang Chengling suddenly got goosebumps inexplicably, and
whispered, "Master, I ... I'm a little scared."

He regretted it immediately, thinking that Zhou Zishu was going to scold

him. Who knew Zhou Zishu gently raised his hand and placed his palm on
his shoulder. His hand was so thin but so warm, Zhang Chengling tilted his
head, Seeing Zhou Zishu's side face through the light of the faint night
pearl, she felt as if she had taken a reassurance pill.

I do n’t know how long the stone gallery is. It ’s almost impatient for Zhou
Zishu to reach the end. Zhou Zishu thought to himself, and did n’t know
where Ye Baiyi and Wen Kexing had just arrived. He was n’t particularly
worried. Someone can survive the slump, that is, the two goods, but he
himself, with Zhang Chengling at such a critical moment, can only make
troubles, it is more troublesome.

At the end of the stone gallery, there is another door. This time it is a gate.
The sight seems suddenly clear. Zhou Zishu pulled Zhang Chengling
behind him and pushed open the door. It looks like a hall, an empty hall,
Zhou Zishu's eyes Looking down, I found that the ground was actually
black and gray.

Zhang Chengling leaned out of his head and looked at his master in doubt,
wondering why Zhou Zishu stopped here.

Zhou Zishu used to be cautious, so he found a piece of broken silver from

his arms, stretched out his hand and bounced out, and fell to the dark gray
ground. The broken silver rolled twice, and nothing happened-he was
slightly relieved. However, at this moment, a drop of water fell on the
roof, and under the gaze of the two people's four eyes, it just dropped on
the silver thrown by him, and then the broken silver was just on the

Then something more terrible happened. Drops of poisonous water fell to

different places, getting denser and denser. In the end, it seemed to be
Zhou Zishu understands why the ground is such an ominous gray-black.
After being washed by such terrible rain, people may even turn their bones
into gray.

His heart was cold-there were no traces of snow on the world, but he never
drifted from the rain, and the dripping water did not touch the light work.

Zhou Zishu took a step back and said, "This road is nowhere, go back."

The two men turned around and heard another footsteps coming from the
long stone corridor.

Da da da--

Zhang Chengling was almost entangled in Zhou Zishu, stuttering, "Master,

master ... Master, is this ... is this haunted?"

Zhou Zishu raised a finger, motioned him to shut up, and turned his head
to Zhang Chengling and said, "Close the door, and save it for a while,
quickly, and then you hide at the door and don't make a noise."

Zhang Chengling immediately complied. The footsteps grew faster and

denser, and finally changed from walking to running like a rush. Suddenly,
there was no sound. The light of the night pearl could only shine on a
small area in front of him. Zhou Zishu had to He listened attentively, but
he couldn't hear the breath of the second person in this shattered stone
gallery except Zhang Chengling.

Then a flash of light flashed in the darkness, Zhou Zishu subconsciously

lifted a white sword, and the opponent's epee was pushed down, making
him tingle in the tiger's mouth, and in the flashlight fire, Zhou Zishu saw
who the other party was. Cold sweat came down-the man holding the epee
was the man in the small stone room.

Zhou Zi's thoughts turned sharply, and he immediately realized the poison
of the designer's mind in this place. If he just touched the organ in the
small stone room, I'm afraid he would take Zhang Chengling back
immediately. Although difficult, it is not extinct for a master who can deal
with fake pythons.

The designers expected it, but they wanted to lead them into this
impenetrable situation. In this small stone corridor, it is difficult for you
to perform the work of the world. It is to block all the way of people.

Zhou Zishu was crying bitterly in his heart, and pulled back with his back.
The sword in white hit the doll's arm and couldn't cut it—whether it was
made of a material with the snake or not, it must be as hard as possible. ,
The puppet then wielded the sword mechanically and chopped it over.

Zhou Zishu grasped the timing, and made a flick to make a clever move.
The white coat flipped a sword flower lightly, and the blade edged against
the blade. Then he slammed his strength. The epee in the hand of the doll
was split in half by him.

Zhang Chengling had never seen anything like this, and the atmosphere
did not dare to stare.

But the doll didn't care, opened his fingers mechanically, threw down the
epee, and then carried his arm over—he was not afraid of pain and death,
and his whole body could be used as a weapon. Zhou Zishu became two
big with one head, and grabbed the arm that was swinging. If it was an
ordinary person, I'm afraid he would be taken down by his arm, but the
doll was so hard that he pushed him all the way back. Until Zhou Zishu's
back was stuck to the door of the stone room behind him.

Zhou Zishu withdrew his hand and flinched. The door made the puppet
make a big hole. He was very grateful that he had planned ahead and
called Zhang Chengling to close the door. However, the next moment, he
could n’t be grateful because he was Behind the man, I saw another
woman. This thing seemed like it wouldn't turn and could only go forward.

She walked forward and slid straight to Fang Chengling, who had shrank
to the other side to avoid Zhou Zishu and the puppet.
Zhou Zishu exploded his scalp, dwarfed the male doll's cross arm, and
slammed into Zhang Chengling. The female doll's movement seemed to be
faster. He only had time to protect Zhang Chengling, a long flute in the
doll's hand. Sweeping over like a long stick, the place was too small, Zhou
Zi could not avoid it, and was only able to take a hard hit on his back, and
immediately spit out blood.

With his arms on the wall, blood dripped from his mouth onto Zhang
Chengling's shoulders, his body fluttered uncontrollably, almost pressing
the boy. Zhang Chengling couldn't wait to be afraid at the moment, so he
stretched out his hand to support him. Zhou Zishu tried to hide beside him.
The woman even rubbed his scalp with a second blow.

He almost let go of his white clothes, and his chest was trembling with
seven jewels and three autumn leaves, his eyes were black.

Zhang Chengling said angrily, "Dare you hurt my master, I have fight with

Regardless of whether they want to pounce on the puppet, the cub is

always timid when it should be timid, but timid when it should be timid.
Zhou Zi took a slow step without holding him, and looked at Zhang
Chengling Zhang Ya flapped his arms at the frosty woman puppet. He was
defenseless and almost seemed to bite her with his teeth.

"Little ghost ..." Zhou Zishu wanted to say something, but his mouth was
choked by his own blood, and he coughed.

Just as it happened, the stone gallery wall next to the woman's doll
suddenly collapsed, the woman's doll could not dodge, and was pressed
underneath. The iron flute was still waving in his hand, and a embarrassing
man broke in, coughing and beating himself Du Chen said, "What the ****
is this ... Ah Su!"

Zhou Zishu breathed a sigh of relief, and was almost unconnected. For the
first time in his life, he was so happy to meet Wen Kexing.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 48: Danger
The woman puppet still stretched her legs and feet on the ground. Wen
Kexing didn't pay any attention at first. She almost stepped on it and was
swept away by the flute on the ground before jumping away. The man
puppet had pulled her arm out of the door hole. Turning this way, Wen
Kexing lifted Zhang Chengling, waved and threw it into the wall hole, then
leaned down to hold Zhou Zishu, and jumped in.

The man even chased after him, Wen Kexing turned around and stared at
the doll with caution. Who knew that the doll could only turn in two
directions, forward or backward, without the function of left and right, it
could not find a person, and kept on There, back and forth, the long flute
on the woman's puppet swung her leg, which was really a shield attacked
by the spear of the child, a loud noise, both puppets fell down, and the man
puppet suffered When they attacked, they used their arms to pinch the
puppet's head, and then the two of them killed each other and stunned

Wen Kexing was relieved, and whispered to Zhou Zi: "Don't talk." Then he
closed his acupuncture points and lowered the person, watching the blood
on his chest frowned, and said to Zhang Chengling. : "You devil, go and
take a look there, if there is one ..."

He paused, not knowing how to describe it, then reached out and gestured,
and said, "It's a foot tall, and rolling things like you are rolling over, just
run and come back and tell me."

Zhang Chengling said "Oh" and asked, "Senior, my master ..."

Wen Kexing seemed unusually impatient and interrupted him with a cut:
"It's okay, I can't die."

Zhang Chengling asked again, "Senior, what are you talking about?"
"I don't know," Wen Kexing sighed, pointing at the blasted wall, "it was the
result of that blast."

Zhang Chengling followed his fingers and suddenly felt indifferent. He

thought that the predecessor who looked very powerful was also chased
after, and he dared not say anything, and ran to the other end nervously to

Wen Kexing reached out to untie Zhou Zishu's clothes, and the latter
pressed his wrist, and Zhou Zishu laughed dumbly: "What do you do to
take advantage of me?"

Wen Kexing opened his hand and poked lightly on his chest, saying
quietly: "Just a few words, you are almost blowing the lights and pulling
wax, and you are still poor."

Zhou Zishu felt that his life was complete. He had just been scolded by an
old foodie, and was humiliated by a big talk.

Wen Kexing carefully untied his clothes. His eyes flickered unconsciously
when he touched several nails on Zhou Zishu's chest. Zhou Zishu didn't
care. He felt that his chest and his back were on fire when he breathed.
Similarly, I knew that the injury was not minor. I am afraid that the bone
was broken and the lungs were injured, so I forcibly did not cough, and
even the breath was kept low to avoid aggravating the injury.

Wen Kexing turned him over and saw the injury on his back at a glance.
He couldn't help but take a breath and said coldly, "Just a little more, that
thing can break your spine, do you believe it?"

Zhou Zi's whispered like a gossip: "Don't talk nonsense, if I can interrupt
the spine with a dummy, I have no face to live on."

Wen Kexing snorted, put his hand on his back, carefully examined his
injury, and for a long while, sighed, "Are you stupid? Don't you know it
He didn't know where he pressed his finger. Zhou Zishu snorted
immediately. He didn't say a word for a moment, only half a while, gritted
his teeth and said, "You ... might as well give me a shot, try it for yourself

Wen Kexing was rare and silent, so he straightened Zhou Zi, reached out to
his back heart, and passed his anger. He didn't dare to force too hard, lest
he touch the nail on his chest like Ye Baiyi did last time.

Wen Kexing's practice in his life has always been to kill and hurt people.
This is the first time that he has tried to save people with such care, as if a
butcher picked up the embroidery needle, and it was almost a trembling,
and his forehead was sweating.

After half an hour, he put the amp on and released Zhou Zishu, telling him
to lean over his shoulder against the wall. Zhou Zishu knew that he had
limited physical strength and did n’t waste much, but he closed his eyes
and raised his head, and a little blood on the corner of his mouth had not
been wiped clean. His pale face grew even more shocking.

Wen Kexing looked at him for a while, and suddenly couldn't help but
leaned down, gently covering the corner of his mouth, and licked a little
bit of his blood. He seemed to sigh and reached in / Zhou Zishu In their
hair, the two breathed very close together. Zhou Zishu didn't know when he
opened his eyes, but didn't waste his energy to avoid him. He just
whispered: "It's a villain who is in danger."

Wen Kexing didn't raise his eyelids, and said in a low voice, "It's as if you
are a gentleman."

He chuckled and exhaled, as if whispering, Zhou Zishu's calmness finally

couldn't hold it anymore, and he opened his face a little uncomfortably, but
was pinched by his chin, and asked, "Do you have a conscience? I heal you
Isn't there even such a benefit? "

Zhou Zishu was silent for a long while, and finally said, "I have no
intention of selling myself for the time being."
Wen Kexing laughed: "Do you know what happens when the situation is
not as good as others?"

Zhou Zishu raised his eyebrows, and looked at him with a kind of "people
can still be shameless" eyes. I only heard Wen Kexing attach to his ear and
whispered: "Strong, buy, strong, sell."

Zhou Zishu smiled bitterly: "You're very interested."

Wen Kexing's gaze stared at him for a while, then he let go of him, folded
his hands behind his head, stretched his legs and stepped on the other wall,
and lay down, proudly: "But You can owe it first. "

Zhou Zishu was exhausted, so he stopped talking about him and closed his
eyes half-stunned and half-sleeping.

Wen Kexing knows his patience. A few of them, except Ye Baiyi, no one
understands this inexplicable and mysterious Qimen Jiajia technique. They
walk around without a fly and may encounter something. Zhang Chengling
now It's a little ghost with no full hair. Zhou Zishu is also seriously
injured. It's better to stay in place and take a break, and take a moment to
think about it.

Zhou Zishu's breathing was low, but it was very even, as if he was asleep,
Wen Kexing turned his face to look at him, and suddenly remembered
what the Southern Xinjiang Witch said-"If you waste all your power Go,
maybe I can have two points to keep you alive. "He couldn't help but sit up
straight, put his strength in his palm, and slowly raised it, maybe ...

His palm hesitated before he pressed it. Suddenly one hand stretched out
of the air, and his cold fingers caught his wrist. Zhou Zishu didn't know
when to open his eyes, and the two eyes met in this small space. .

Zhou Zishu's eyes were very calm. He couldn't hear any waves in his tone.
He asked, "What are you doing?"

Wen Kexing said nothing.

Zhou Zishu sighed suddenly, looked away, and said blankly, "Others don't
understand, don't you understand?"

Wen Kexing slowly lowered his eyes, half a moment, and gently put his
palm to one side.

"Yes, I understand." He said, sending his arm down suddenly, and the
ground was pressed firmly by his palm with a half-inch deep stamp. He
tried to persuade himself, repeating Once again, "I understand ..."

Zhang Chengling did not know when he fell asleep, nor how long he fell
asleep, and was suddenly awakened by a loud noise not far away. He
jumped up, twisted his neck with vigilance, looked around, and then held
his shoulder with one hand. Zhang Chengling stunned and turned back
suddenly, only to find that he was the master he couldn't even stand the
day before.

Zhou Zishu coughed lowly, held Zhang Chengling and instructed: "Don't
move around, follow."

As soon as Zhang Chengling turned his head, Wen Kexing followed him.
The boy looked at this and then that, and asked, "Master, is your injury

Zhou Zishu didn't look back, saying, "I'm not human?"

Zhang Chengling thought about it, too, so badly hurt-and ignored Zhou
Zishu's bad tone, he went up again and asked, "Master, can you ... can you
go by yourself?"

Zhou Zishu took a deep breath. Not only was his body hurting, but his
brain was hurting. He asked, "What else do you think I'm doing?"

Wen Kexing turned his head and laughed, Zhang Chengling scratched his
head and said, "Master, I mean ... you are so hurt ..."

Zhou Zishu glanced expressionlessly at him: "Do you think I should be

weak in this ghost place? Do you want to carry me?"
Zhang Chengling had to show filial piety, and Wen Kexing immediately
said, "I can carry you, I can hold you."

Zhou Zishu turned his head and coughed, bowed his shoulder and pressed
his chest injury, and said briefly: "Don't talk nonsense."

The three of them followed the tunnel carefully and cautiously approached
the place where the loud noise happened. Zhou Zishu cautiously, put the
night pearl into his palm, and immediately went dark. Wen Kexing stepped
forward to hold Zhou Zishu, dragged him to his side, reached out, took
Zhou Zishu's white sword, and drew his finger on the blade, showing a
little praise on his face, and then his wrist The sword trembled, and the
sword stabbed out.

The man at the corner couldn't wait for a flick, and actually stretched out
his finger to deflect his sword tip. Wen Kexing then changed his moves.
The soft sword was in the hands of Zhou Zishu, and it was very clear and
very clear. , But like the bones of the cheekbones, weird.

In the darkness, the two passed ten times in the electric light fire, but after
Zhou Zishu frowned for a moment, he suddenly said: "Senior Ye?"

The other person hummed slightly, Zhou Zishu lifted the night pearl again,
and saw Ye Baiyi's unusually stinking complexion. Wen Kexing then
withdrew his sword and hugged his fist with a smile: "Misunderstanding
and misunderstanding are pure misunderstandings. "

He is obviously talking about ghosts-Zhou Zishu can still guess the other
party's whereabouts after hearing the sound, not to mention that he
personally fought in the battle. Wen Kexing clearly borrowed the name of
darkness, and wanted to do what he wanted. Seeing him The prejudice of
this old senior is still somewhat deep.

Ye Baiyi glanced at Zhou Zishu and frowned, "How can you make this
person look like a ghost?"

Zhou Zishu was able to save a little effort and lean as little as possible,
leaning sideways against the stone wall, and after waiting for his
comment, he said kindly: "The junior is too useless, it is a rice bucket."

Ye Baiyi unexpectedly glanced at him, nodded, and said, "You know what
you know." He looked around and beckoned to three people: "Here we are."

Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing knew that this old thing was not vegetarian.
They were pleased to ask him to take the lead. The two placed him at the
bottom, sandwiched Zhang Chengling in the middle, and walked. Wen
Kexing suddenly stuck it up and reached out to embrace Zhou Zishu's
waist. He silently pulled one arm over his shoulder.

Zhou Zishu glanced at him and frowned, "I'm stupefied?"

Wen Kexing sighed: "The old monster is here, what are you good at?"

Strange to say, the two people were in distress every now and then, but
they felt that this place was like a ghost hole, followed by Ye Baiyi, but it
was surprisingly smooth. The four did not know how many laps they had
made, and walked to a hall-like hall. The place was calm and calm when I
went in. Who knew that after a while, there were countless one-foot-high
**** rolling in all directions.

Wen Kexing subconsciously pushed Zhang Chengling behind him, and

then picked up Zhou Zi Shu Fei and took out three or four feet. This thing
can make him exhausted. I do n’t know how to do it. If he touches it, it
will explode. This stuff chased in the tunnel for a long time, and I felt like
I was a big mouse.

Ye Baiyi didn't panic. Seeing those **** coming in like a tide, he suddenly
sang and pushed forward with a volley. I didn't know what trick to use.
Zhang Chengling's eye tipped and saw the slate under his feet instantly.
Broken, the first ball that rolled over burst into the air, and then a chain
reaction almost occurred. A series of explosions, Ye Baiyi's hands arrived
there, but it seemed to erect an invisible wall. Are all blocked out.

Wen Kexing also turned his head and looked at Ye Baiyi's back
Later, I only heard Ye Baiyi shouting, "I'm not getting out!"

He reached for a hand and a large slate fell on the wall of the hall, and a
figure flashed out of it.

Zhou Zishu and others looked at Ye Baiyi's sight, and they all froze for a
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 49: Finches
The man looked at his face, but in his thirties, he was a paralyzed, with his
limbs shrunk to the size of a child, and his exposed arms shriveled, only
his head was large, and his neck was crooked to one side. Not like people
at all, terrible. He was sitting in a wooden wheelchair, and the wheelchair
slowly slipped out of the hole.

Ye Baiyi frowned slowly, staring at the man, and suddenly said, "You are
not a dragon sparrow."

The finches and his Xinzhuang have been legends for decades, and the real
finches can never be so young. The man in the wheelchair gave a sharp
laugh and said, "I am certainly not."

His eyes were huge, and Wen Kexing secretly bit Zhou Zhoushu's ear and
said, "Do you think his eyes are going to fall out?"

Zhou Zishu only felt that he was boring. It seemed that no matter what the
occasion, he had to be pinpointed and bored once to get back the book, so
he ignored him.

Just listening to the man in the wheelchair screamed, "Who are you? How
dare you break into Xinzhuang?"

Ye Baiyi looked at the man and felt that he was weird and strange. He was
not like a good guy, so he reluctantly pressed his temper and said in a
human tone: "I have something to see the dragon bird."

In Ye Baiyi's words, this was a good word, but in the ears of others, it was
still a stupid and rude idiot, so the man in the wheelchair turned his head,
and Jushu's eyes looked up and down. For a long while, he chuckled coldly,
"The old immortal bone dregs of the finches are gone, what are you asking
him for?"

The ditch between Ye Baiyi's eyebrows grew deeper and deeper, staring at
the human being: "The finches died? How did they die?"
The man in the wheelchair proudly said, "Of course I killed it."

This is too incredible. When the three masters of the world trespassed into
Xinzhuang, they were also very embarrassed and almost broke inside.
With a person who couldn't even walk, he could enter unscathed and kill
the owner of Xinzhuang ?

Ye Baiyi apparently did not know what was implicit, and looked at the
person, saying, "Don't fart anymore, if you can kill the finches by yourself,
I can shake the tree, unless you are his son, let him lie down. Let you chop
whatever you want. "

Upon hearing this, Wen Kexing knew that it was going to be bad, and
immediately said to Zhang Chengling: "Go out, run away!"

Sure enough, before his words were heard, the weird man in the
wheelchair yelled, "Look for death!"

Then he raised his hand and patted him, and saw the densely popped
human figures on the walls of the whole hall, and then dozens of bald and
glossy puppets poured out from all directions, Zhang Chengling ran out,
and did not escape. I ran into a puppet full of arms, the puppet was quite
rude, and raised his arms to open him.

Zhou Zishu immediately popped out with his fingers, hitting Zhang
Chengling's knee, and told him to "knob" and fell to the ground with a
thud, and then he barely avoided it. Zhang Chengling crawled over the
ground with a roll, and looked around for a week with his mouth open,
sighing: " Master, aren't we here in Yincao Difu? "

Zhou Zishu sighed, knowing that he was born with the word "delicate", he
patted Wen Kexing's arm, sandwiched Zhang Chengling between them,
and stood back against Wen Kexing, whispering: " This dummy is hard and
undead, but it is also good. "

Wen Kexing wondered: "What else is good?"

Zhou Zishu said: "One is not jumping, the other is stupid."

While he was talking, two puppets had attacked from both sides, Wen
Kexing was holding Zhang Chengling, and Zhou Zishu seemed to have a
rhinoceros, and leaped in two directions at the same time. The two puppets
immediately lost their targets and bumped into each other. Together,
lingering on the ground.

Wen Kexing glanced at him and covered Zhang Chengling's eyes with a
wry smile, and sighed, "The one who is up and down, looks like the Spring
Palace is moving."

As soon as Zhou Zishu fell to the ground, a man immediately hit him with
a big stick and smashed him. He turned around and flickered away. He felt
a pain from the chest to his throat, which was like a fire. I'm afraid a slight
cough could bring out a mouthful of blood. Then he bit his teeth firmly
and held back his cough.

The puppet didn't hit a stick, and continued to chase unwillingly. When his
chest swept across, Zhou Zishu leaned back and ducked away, Wen Kexing
saw it, and couldn't help but said with emotion: "This waist is really soft."

Then before raising the third stick of the puppet, he raised his hand and
threw Zhang Chengling into the volley. Seeing Zhang Chengling's six gods
waving his arms and legs, like a toad cramp, he said, "I teach you Did your
sword invite you to dinner? "

Zhang Chengling uttered "ah" and rushed to the doll that was pressing
Zhou Zishu, standing high, and threw the doll out of balance. One man and
one man fell at the same time, and he rubbed in a panic. Jumping up with a
sore buttock, he panicked and asked, "Senior, I ... what should I do?"

Taking the opportunity to take a breath, Zhou Zishu grabbed his collar,
threw him back to Wen Kexing again, and said in his mouth, "Don't make a

The three of them were purely implicated, and the situation was not bad.
Ye Baiyi, who spoke directly and offended the host here, was miserable.
The dense dolls surrounded him so tightly that the old things were getting
older and getting older. Be stubborn, you have to stubbornly confront those
puppets, and just listen to the "cracking" over there, it is as lively as the
New Year.

Zhou Zishu reached out his fist against his chest, forced a bite of sweet
blood back, and said to Wenke, who came by, "This won't work, I'm afraid
it won't last long. Who knows how much **** there is in this ghost

Wen Kexing said: "This place is called Xinzhuang. I see that there is only
one living thing, and the rest are all this stuff."

Zhou Zishu narrowed his eyes: "It makes sense, and it seems that only one
can be killed."

The two looked at each other, and they were not good dates. Wen Kexing
once again threw Zhang Chengling as the slave of the high mountain slave
and watched him overwhelmed with a weeping cry. Zhou Zishu flew
forward and rushed out before the fallen puppet threw his arm to the death
of the little ghost. , Tossed him aside, then lightly touched the ground with
his toes, and flew like a swallow at the weird man in a wheelchair.

The man whispered, "Another one is looking for death." Leaning back, he
saw a dozen iron chains suddenly flying under the wooden wheelchair,
with a spear tied in front of each chain, from all directions Direct shot to
Zhou Zishu.

Zhou Zi took a sigh of relief, a catty drop fell from the air, swayed under
his feet, and swayed behind a cricket, and the spear that followed
immediately would hit the puppet, the tip of the gun bent back, but the
iron cable would The puppet wrapped the bitch.

Zhou Zishu threw it out with long sleeves, and said in his mouth, "Don't
you use a hidden weapon?"

The weird was startled, slammed the handle of the wheelchair, and
suddenly held up an iron umbrella, but after waiting for a while, nothing
happened-these scary cheap tricks were learned by Zhou Zishu and Gu
Xiang, and they don't care now Any master who is low-handed is not
polite, and he uses it to him.

The weird man found that he was fooled and irritated and waved the iron
umbrella, but there was no figure of Zhou Zishu in front of him. He
couldn't care about Ye Baiyi either. He looked around and heard someone
laugh on the roof: "I said stupid, you Why give a mallet a needle? "

The weird man looked up, Wen Kexing descended from the air, holding a
large stick that fell out of which puppet, and smashed it in the head. Who
knows where on the wheelchair suddenly burst into a billowing explosion?
Wen Kexing could see the nemesis, yelled at the stick with a strong blow,
and flew the ball out. He didn't notice where the thing was hit by him.
After all, he heard Ye Baiyi roar: "Do you die, boy Wen?"

Wen Kexing rolled over in the air and looked back. When he saw Ye
Baiyi's gray-faced face, he immediately rejoiced and turned to the
wheelchair geek and said, "Hurry up, give me another ball."

He only made the wheelchair so smoky, but he didn't wait for any
response. He just heard a clear howling sound in his ear. As soon as he
tilted his head, he saw a clear sword light. He pointed directly at his throat,
and he Knowing that he was terrible, he didn't dare to enlarging it. He
opened the iron umbrella and stood in front of himself again, and then he
planned to escape from this hall.

The next moment, the man in the wheelchair stopped moving, and his eyes
were wider than the average person's two circles, and he looked down
unbelievably. He didn't expect that the other person's hand was actually A
soft sword, a soft sword that can be controlled at will.

This was the last thought in his mind-Zhou Zishu's white clothes
penetrated his throat.

Zhou Zishu succeeded in a blow, and did not stop. He heard that the puppet
was chasing after him, and he jumped into the air without turning his head
back. Since jumping over the wheelchair, the puppet hit an obstacle and
immediately hit him with a stick. With a sound, I shattered the incredible
magical wooden chair, the parts of the machine fell all over the floor, and
then all the puppets in this hall stopped as if they had been fixed.

Zhou Zishu fell to the ground, and while the long-awaited Wen Kexing
immediately reached out to catch him, he kissed him on the face and
praised, "Good sword!"

Zhou Zishu wiped his face as if he was drooling after being licked by the
dog, pushed him away, and said blankly, "So cheap."

With a somber face, Ye Baiyi picked up Zhang Chengling, who was

tripped on the ground by a fallen puppet, and strode over without saying a
word. He patted Wen Kexing with one palm, and the latter hid with a
hippie smile. Wen Ke Xingbian hides and said: "Oh old senior, why do you
still care about these trivial matters with the younger generation?"

Zhou Zishu sighed, coughed lowly, and sat weakly on a fallen puppet,
saying, "You two will stop for a while, I say old Mr. Ye, who is not a rice
bucket, you have a look at it. These institutions, think of getting us out. "

Ye Baiyi glanced at the fragmented wooden wheelchair, and said, "All the
organs have been smashed by you, make a fart." Turning and striding
toward the wall hole where the wheelchair stranger came out, Zhang
Chengling rushed over and asked quietly: " Are you okay, Master? "

The child was stabbed several times by two people as stones, but he did
not cherish resentment. He was still thinking about his master's injury.
Zhou Zishu called his pure and caring eyes, and suddenly felt that he was
not Something is gone, so it is rare to say gently in the wind: "It doesn't

Zhang Chengling then squatted down with his back to him: "Master, I'll
walk with you on my back."

Zhou Zishu laughed and laughed, patted his shoulder, stood up and said,
"Okay, I don't expect you."
After only two steps, Wen Kexing could not help but came over and
stopped him. Zhou Zishu said comfortably that this guy was not enough to
take advantage of him, and then hit his elbow to hit him. Wen Kexing said:
"You save effort For a while, the old foodie will have to count on you to
fight if you can't play with these institutions. "

Zhou Zishu thought about it too, and leaned on him by his strength. He felt
relaxed, and felt that he was almost falling apart.

This is right, just listen to Ye Baiyi saying, "You all come."

The three followed up the hole in the wall, and there were no holes in
there. The entire wall was complicated and complicated, and it was
actually a map of Xinzhuang.

Wen Kexing looked up dumbly and looked around for a while, before he
said, "This ... even if it's for me, I don't understand."

Zhou Zishu chuckled, "It's great, so am I."

Ye Baiyi glanced at the two of them, and finally he was speechless. He

directed Zhang Chengling, "You follow me." Zhang Chengling kept up
with him, and saw Ye Baiyi touching the wall and touching it on the wall. I
didn't know what the tinkering was, but the wall opened at once, exposing
the various organs inside, which was simply amazing.

Zhou Zishu looked up and sighed, "This man who built Jianzhuang is
really a strange man." Zhang Chengling gave Ye Baiyi a fight, and he
tossed for a long time, just listening to the roar, that room Ding Lian
opened a wall next to it, revealing a row of steps.

The four of them walked up carefully, and they didn't know how far they
had gone. Several of them even returned to the ground, with wind,
sunshine, and plants—a nice little yard.

Ye Baiyi said: "This is the real Xinzhuang."

He looked around and suddenly strode to a small iron fence hut at the door.
The room was under a big tree, spooky, the windows and the door were
sealed. It was like It's a prison.

Ye Baiyi took the palm of his hand and lifted the iron door down. Then the
art master pushed the door boldly, and the three followed him, and then
stood with Ye Baiyi-only in this small prison There is a bed, a person tied
to it by a large iron chain.

An old man with gray hair and eyes blind, because he has been blind in the
dark for a long time, as if he heard a voice, turned his head, his skinny
body can't help shrinking.

For a long while, Ye Baiyi asked, "Are you ... a dragon sparrow?"

The author has something to say:

The bad road has been customized ~ I'm sorry everyone, the first time I
made this thing, it was a little clumsy, and some children said that the
cover was too ugly, cover my face ...

I must make it as decent as possible when driving Qiye

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 50: key
The old man turned his ears sideways to them, nervously twitched. The
chain on his body rang "thinly" with his movement. Zhang Chengling
secretly pulled La Zhou Zishu, and whispered, "Master ... that chain, is Did
it penetrate his lute bone? "

Zhou Zishu "hushed" him and frowned, finding that the chain on the old
man was not wrapped around him, but passed through, from the lute bone,
from the knee bone, and the wound was so rotten Bones, Zhou Zi Shujue,
so it's not easy to be alive.

The room was smelly and drowned everywhere. The clothes of the old man
could not see the original color, and the cover could not be seen. He
opened his mouth, as if he hadn't spoken in a long time, and spoke slowly
and vaguely. He asked hoarsely, "Who are you? Dragon? Filial?"

Ye Baiyi asked, "Is Long Xiao a paralyzed man in a wheelchair? He is

dead-who are you?"

The old man heard the words, and he froze for a while, then suddenly
opened his mouth, his face seemed to show a laugh, but there was no
sound, and then a few drops of muddy tears slowly leaked out of the corner
of his eyes, and they slipped down instantly, then Gone. Ye Baiyi ignored
him, but just squatted down and studied the bunch of iron chains on him,
making him seem crazy and cry for a while.

After a long while, Ye Baiyi reached out to Zhou Zishu and said, "Bring
your sword to me."

Zhou Zishu knew that he wanted to split the iron cable with a white sword,
so he untied it and handed it up. Ye Baiyi took the white sword, and the
chopping hand slashed down at an iron chain. However, there was a
scream, and the iron cable didn't move. There wasn't even a gap, but the
white sword in his hand trembled.
Seeing Zhou Zishu was very painful.

The old man suddenly said, "You don't have to ... work hard, it's useless."

Ye Baiyi asked, "What have you done that is so angry, that the paralytic
hated you like this?"

The old man was silent for a while and said, "I did ... the only thing I'm
sorry for him is to feed him ... a son."

Several people looked at each other. After knowing why Ye Baiyi said the
phrase "unless you are the dragon bird and his son", Long Xiao became
angry and angry on the spot-this old food was so godlike that he could tell
him such incredible things. in.

After a while, Wen Kexing suddenly asked, "You said he was a dragon ...
wouldn't it be filial piety?"

Zhou Zishu felt that he didn't open the pot, so he gave him an elbow. Wen
Kexing did not dare to hide, and suffered, and looked at him with rubbing
his ribs.

The old man laughed mutely: "My previous life was a crime of murder and
arson. This life has been revenge!"

The old man leaned on the bedpost, stretched out his orange-like hand,
rubbed the bedpost, and spoke for a while. His tongue looked sharper and
said, "This is the bedroom where I and Yuchai were. The beast was born
here. I wanted to come to my husband and wife, but both died in his hands.
Hey, isn't it his life? "

Zhou Zishu asked in a soft voice: "Yu chase is a lady?"

The old man's face was really terrible, and the beauty, ugliness, joy, and
happiness were no longer visible. However, the word "yu chase" was
mentioned. The gully skin seemed to have a lot of slack, and a tear stuck
to him. In the deep wrinkles at the corners of his mouth, the flickering
ones didn't fall down, he sighed: "Because I didn't have any children, after
Yu chased away, I built Xinzhuang and dismissed my servants ..."

Zhang Chengling glanced at Wen Kexing in surprise, and felt more and
more that his predecessor was amazing. He even said that, and only
listened to the old man, then said, "I promised Yu chase. I must raise the
small animal well, but He was born to be unable to stand up, so I learned
everything I had learned in my life, and thought that even if he had no
other ability, he had the ability to settle down, oh! "

Ye Baiyi asked, "So, what is he going to do to imprison you?"

The old man trembled and remained silent for a long while before
whispering, "It's for the book of yin and yang."

Except for Zhang Chengling, the other three were all staring at each other,
staring at the half-dead old man without blinking. Zhou Zishu couldn't
help but asked softly, "Is it ... Ms. Rong's Yin Yang Book?"

The old man nodded and said slowly: "Life and death, reverse yin and

The legendary divine medicine relic of the valley, the world's incurable
diseases, all-encompassing, the green demon hopes that it can heal his
face, who would be more eager for it than a person with a big mind but
born with paralysis?

Zhou Zishu's thoughts turned extremely fast and asked, "Isn't the book of
yin and yang combined with Feng Shanjian and Liuhe Xinfa, which were
sealed into the glazed armor together? Could it be that he thought the
glazed armor was with you?"

"Glass armor?" The old man grinned and shook his head. "You are all
wrong. The glaze armor was made by me that year, but it is just a lock. If
you want to get something sealed inside, five pieces of glaze armor. It
doesn't work, six pieces, seven pieces, eight pieces, it doesn't work, it
lacks a 'key'. "
Ye Baiyi raised an eyebrow: "The key is in your hand?"

The old man said, "I don't.

Ye Baiyi asked, "Who is in your hands?"

The old man smiled with a mockery: "Yes, you don't believe it, he doesn't
believe it."

Zhou Zishu looked at him for a long while, and suddenly asked, "Senior
Dragon, do you know who holds the key?"

The old man turned his face to face Zhou Zishu, as if he could be seen, and
nodded, "Yes, I know-I sweared that the key was missing, no one can tell
anyone, no one can tell, Long Xiao ... ... Long Xiao is crazy. "

Ye Baiyi narrowed his eyes and asked aggressively: "So, what happened to
Rong Xuan and others 30 years ago, are you an insider?"

The old man nodded silently, but before Ye Baiyi asked questions, he said
again, "I can't say, Rong Xuan and his wife have a life-saving grace. I
promised Mrs. Rong that I couldn't say."

Ye Baiyi chuckled coldly: "This can't help you."

The old man laughed, labored to move one leg, fumbled for the iron chain
that penetrated the kneecap, raised it to him, and still said lightly: "What
else can you do with me? Long Xiao that little beast ... ... has locked me
for three years, what can you do to me? "

Zhou Zishu watched the old man with air in and air out leaning on the foot
of the bed, with a little smile and indifferent appearance, suddenly
remembered the words of General Fan Yi's old saying, "Dead and
unavoidable, Drink wine and settle down? "Can't help but guess, who is
this finches?

Amazing. For one person, avoiding the crowds, he built the unpredictable
Sheshanzhuang in one hand. For a commitment and a secret, after three
years of purgatory life on earth, he was even his own son. , Failed to tell
him to relax ... Zhou Zishu suddenly felt that the entire rivers and lakes,
because of the lingering old man in front of him, no one can be regarded as
a hero.

Wen Kexing's arm holding him suddenly tightened, as if to tighten his

entire body tightly, Zhou Zishu frowned slightly and turned to look at him,
only to see Wen Kexing staring blankly at the dragon Que, there is no
meaning of laughing on a face. For a moment, Zhou Zishu even felt that
there was a flash of water in his black eyes, but only for a moment, he

Just listen to him say to Ye Baiyi: "Hey, old monster, people would not say,
don't be offensive."

Ye Baiyi ignored him, grabbed the arm of the dragon sparrow, and said
coldly, "I don't want to know what glass and key, I just want to ask, how
did Rong Xuan and his wife die?"

He gripped too tightly, the blue tendons on the back of his hands burst out,
and the pain on his face became clear, but he still said, "I don't ..."

Wen Kexing frowned, laid Zhou Zi down, and handed it to Zhang

Chengling to help him, angered for unknown reasons: "Old monster, are
you endless?"

Then he didn't say a word of greeting, and suddenly broke into trouble and
attacked Ye Baiyi's heart.

Zhang Chengling, while holding Zhou Zishu, opened his mouth dumbly,
watching Wen Kexing and Ye Baiyi dazzle their hands. He didn't
understand why the people who had just joined the alliance all the way
suddenly turned their faces.

The two men were not small when they started to move. The prison cell
that trapped the finches almost shook the mountains. The two demolished
their houses and stunned each other. Ye Baiyi scolded, "Boy, what are you
crazy about?"
Wen Kexing sneered coldly: "It's not pleasing to you, I want to slap you,
can't I?"

Zhang Chengling didn't understand and asked Zhou Zishu, "Master ..."

Zhou Zishu ignored him, his eyebrows were locked, his heart seemed to
suddenly rise to a rough outline, suddenly opened up, he pushed Zhang
Chengling away, walked to the dragon bird, and sat down.

Long Que listened and asked, "Are you hurt?"

Zhou Zishu said, "Your son is hurting."

The Lark laughed and said dumbly, "Okay ... look at me, you're fine."

Zhou Zishu didn't say a word, carefully studied the iron chain on his body,
and talked about the organs. He had ten tricks and nine tricks. Nothing was
known. But when it comes to torture, no one is more familiar than the
former skylight leader. However, Zhou Zishu glanced over and over again,
but could not tell what the iron chain did. He gave up and said to Long
Que: "I am powerless. Now your son is dead, what do you do?"

Long Que thought about it and said calmly: "Then I ought to die too-I
should have died, he wouldn't let me, and no one cares about me now. The
last thing I regret in my life is I ’ve brought up Yuchai ’s son. I know he ’s
my son, but I always think he ’s going to Yuchai ’s life. If ... these years,
my father is a good man, and it ’s not harmful. Got him. "

Zhou Zishu felt that this statement made sense and did not know how to
comfort him. At the end, he admitted frankly: "Good."

At this time, Ye Baiyi and Wen Kexing had really lifted the roof, and the
two jumped out to fight, but the dark cell was brightened. The finches felt
the sunlight, and reached out with a trembling hand. , Sighed with

Zhou Zishu was about to talk again, only to hear Ye Baiyi outrageously
irritably: "What fun are you kid doing? The last name is Long, I must
know what happened to Rong Xuan, that's my apprentice!"

A throat roared out, and even the queen finch stopped, and Wen Kexing
swept past and stiffened in the air, maintaining a ridiculous posture,
looking at Ye Baiyi queerly, Xindao Rongxuan and Long Que were one For
generations, Ye Baiyi is the master of Rong Xuan ... Can this surnamed Ye
be a thousand-year-old tortoise?

Ye Baiyi gave him a cold glance, turned to go back to the house, stood in
front of the dragon bird, and said stiffly, "Rong Xuan stole half of the
Liuhexin method from me and went down the mountain. Because of what
he left behind, the Central Plains Wulin convened a mountain and river
order, shouldn't I know what happened that year? "

Long Que asked: "You are Ye ... Ye ..."

"I am Ye Baiyi."

Long Que took a deep breath and shook his head and sighed, "I never
thought that my predecessor was still alive ..."

An old man with white hair, called a young man to be a senior, the scene
in front of him is very weird.

Zhou Zishu thought for a while and interjected: "I accidentally broke
through Xinzhuang's organs and encountered two dolls, one male and one
female. There are many puppets in this village. That pair looks like a real
person. Senior Dragon, your pair of puppets, are you and Mrs. Zong, or
Rongxuan? "

The finches closed their eyes, and for a long while, said, "It's Rongxuan

Zhou Zishu whispered softly: "Then they broke their respective heads with
each other."

The dragon's hand shook invisible, and Ye Baiyi immediately asked,

"Rong Xuan is out of control?"
Long Que nodded silently and said, "Yes, before Mrs. Rong died, he went
into a demon. Mrs. Rong died in his hands."
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 51: Old things
"At that time, Rong Xuan and I, as well as several other people, were all
still young. They thought they were good, they smelled like each other,
and they had some friendships. They often talked and drank together. Rong
Xuan is the one with the highest kung fu and understanding in our day.
Later, Rong Xuan suddenly burst out with emotion, saying that if the boy
was born in the world, wouldn't it be regretful if he hadn't completed an
industry and had spent his entire life in obscurity? "

Long Que spoke very slowly, and said last time, it was necessary to stop
for a while, I do not know if it is physically exhausted, or those things
have been too long, you need to remember carefully. Ye Baiyi didn't see
anything on his face, but Wen Kexing stopped and listened infrequently.

"Rong Xuan said that martial arts methods are extensive and profound, and
the martial arts of the major schools in the rivers and lakes have their own
strengths and weaknesses. Every few hundred or hundreds of years, there
are wizards in the martial arts who are born and become a grand master.
This is the case with Cangshan, but the successor is often weak, but the
stereotyped imitation of the predecessors, one generation is not as good as
the next, there will be a decline, and there will be a death. The major
factions are all blessed, and the effort is like pressing the bottom of the
box I do n’t want people to see it. In the long run, I do n’t know how many
magical skills have been lost. Rong Xuan feels that the martial arts thing
is stupid ... ”

When I heard this, Ye Baiyi couldn't help but sneer: "These words were
originally said by me, but the kid was just according to the original
Xuanke. All the people who claim to be from which school still think they
are pretty good, don't need to look, they know they must be Rice buckets,
what others learn and what they learn, what is the difference between
monkeys trained in juggling entertainers? As for extinction, is n’t
extinction also written by people, robbing their heads to compete for a
cheat book written by others, It ’s still awesome to pick up people ’s teeth,
do you think your parents have two heads, or do you not have a head? ”
Zhou Zishu heard a smile and couldn't help but smile slightly. Who knew
Ye Baiyi glared at him immediately and said, "What are you laughing at?
You were taught by Qin Huaizhang's incompetent things."

Long Que heard it, and remained silent for a long while, and said, "The
predecessor is indeed a strange man."

Then he went on to say: "So he came up with an idea, and a few of us

privately agreed to agree to steal their martial arts from their homes, put
them together, build an arsenal, and integrate them, to create a
masterpiece of the masters of the family. I made the arsenal's organ, which
is the legendary complete glazed armor. After opening, we need a key. The
glazed armor is kept by us separately, and the key is kept by Mrs. Rong ...

Ye Baiyi interrupted him again: "Gathering the strengths of all the

families? There is nothing in this world that is as long as it is long-he is
farting, can King Kong Palm and E's Eyebrows fit together? Can the man
be stuffed into the skirt of the little girl? The child understands the truth-if
you can really understand the true essence of martial arts, flying leaves,
and ebbs and flows, if you ca n’t, steal Every book in the world is just a
copy. "

The queen bird was silent, but sighed long.

Among them, Zhou Zishu understands that others have no idea about it.
Whether it is stealing other people ’s secret books or leaking their skills to
outsiders, it is a taboo in the rivers and lakes. As soon as he heard it, he
understood that Zhao The reason why King Zhao Zhao was expelled from
the house, he couldn't help but ask: "The few people you said were the
rising stars in the five major families of the year, such as Zhao Jinggao's
Shen Shen generation?"

——No wonder Gao Xia kept silent about Liulijia and was vague in the

Long Que nodded and smiled bleakly: "Yes, ridiculously we thought we

were the first to break the boundaries of all martial arts-and Rong Xuan
took out the half-bodied Liuhexin method."

The eyes of several other people concentrated on Ye Baiyi involuntarily.

Zhou Zishu couldn't help but ask, "Senior, what is Liuhexinfa?"

Ye Baiyi frowned, with no rare words, saying: "The legend of Liuhe Xinfa
is an ancient thing. The real Liuhe Xinfa has actually been lost for a long
time, and one of my friends ... accidentally got its remnants, and it took
twenty years. , I completed a copy myself, divided into two volumes, and
the next volume was stolen by Rong Xuan. The first volume was left on
Changming Mountain that year and was destroyed by us ... "

Zhou Zishu immediately got two messages from his words. One is a
person who talks with Ye Baiyi's peers on the Changming Mountain, and
the other is a man who dare to complete the ancient things. He is definitely
an expert. Bai Yi said, "When did I say that I am an ancient monk?"
Meifeng asked lightly. Could it be that the talent is a real ancient monk in
Changming Mountain?

So Ye Baiyi went down the mountain alone under the name of an ancient
monk, because the real ancient monk could not move, or ... was no longer

These thoughts flickered in his mind for a moment, only listening to Long
Que continued: "We have all read that half of the ancient book. The
content is too high and profound. No one can understand. During that time,
everyone They are all sleepless and forget to eat. They hungrily searched
in the vast books, hoping to find a little clue to explain the mind-its
attraction is too great. Rong Xuan said that if he can penetrate the book, he
can Seeing the Eight Wilds and Six Harmonies, the true harmony of man
and nature. "

It is a realm of ancient legends. Everyone is pursuing that realm. They will

be the best. No one can resist that temptation.

However, there has never been a so-called shortcut in this incident. For
example, Tiancaidibao will always grow in the most dangerous places. The
more things that can make people stronger, the harsher the test of people's
mind will be, and the more profound martial arts will be. , The easier it is
to get into trouble.

Ye Baiyi was silent this time.

"Rong Xuan is the farthest and deepest obsessed among us. He is almost
obsessed with that mentality, but none of us noticed that because we were
all obsessed at that time-until one day, he said He finally learned that the
original intent of the so-called Liuhe Xinfa is to break through and stand
on its own. "

Ye Baiyi shuddered and murmured, "What ..."

Long Que's hand was shaking, and his whole body was shaking: "Liuhe
Xinfa said," Go to the extreme, Fang spies the heavenly gate. "What is
going to the extreme? It can be self-defeating martial arts, it can be self-
broken meridian, It could even be self-defeating ... "

A weird look appeared on Ye Baiyi's face, and asked, "Do you think so?"

The dragon bird just nodded and saw Ye Baiyi suddenly burst into laughter.
When he laughed, his face was stiff, and the corners of his eyes could not
be squeezed with a smile, but instead he twitched unnaturally. : "Self-
defeated martial arts, self-destructive meridian, self-destructive ... Haha,
you want to come out."

Long Que muran said, "At that time, we were all crazy. Everyone became
more and more irritable, especially Rong Xuan. He said that if you want to
be first, you must have first. The courage to dare to follow the path that
others dare not think of ... At that time, Yu Zhuan was already pregnant
with Rokko. Although I was affected by the demon book, I did not reach
the point of leaving my wife and son, so I quit first. It was dangerous and
they asked me to defend the law. "

He took a deep breath: "They chose the hour, and they sat in a circle. If
they didn't succeed, they became benevolent, but at that time, except Rong
Xuan, everyone else was on the cliff."
Ye Baiyi said coldly: "People are practicing martial arts, but for status,
ambition, and not for martial arts. It is not worth taking such a big risk,
but only Rong Xuan is the real martial artist. There is nothing unexpected
about this. of?"

Long Que nodded and said: "He broke his heart, with a smile on his face,
but he was frustrated. We didn't dare to go out and waited for a long time
before we realized that he was wrong ... The big dream wakes up here, all
of us, sitting or standing, are stupid. Although Mrs. Rong can't martial
arts, but comes from the Valley of Divine Medicine, there are countless
living people. Naturally, she is unwilling to die, so she calms down and
takes out Eighteen silver needles were inserted into Rongxuan ’s chest. For
three hours, he just kept a little warmth in his chest, and he had a weak
breath. We all thought he was alive, but he could n’t wake up, clearly. Just
a living dead. "

"Mrs. Rong washed her face with tears for three days, and finally decided
to return to the Valley of Divine Medicine and steal the yin and yang book.
She would not martial art, this trip was dangerous, so I went with her, and
it was still I who brought the thing into the world between."

Wen Kexing suddenly looked at Zhou Zishu, pursed his lips, interrupted
the queen sparrow for the first time, and interjected and asked, "Well ... the
yin and yang book, can you really save those who have broken their

Zhou Zishu heard a moment, and when he looked up, he just met his gaze,
and suddenly felt his chest was hot-even the great witch of South Xinjiang
shook his head and was wounded to death, but someone still remembered
for him Why is this necessary? He wondered blankly, the world meets like
Pingshui, but it is not possible to be a guest from another country ... Is that
person really sincere?

Once again, he couldn't help looking away, only to feel that Wen Kexing's
sight fell on him, as if he had weight and temperature.

Long Que sneered: "A medical book is really a sacred thing. What is the
Valley of Divine Medicine? Can it be hidden by hanging a card with
hanging pots? What is the so-called Yin-Yang Book? To repair a person's
heart, you need to exchange a living heart that has just been pulled out of
someone else ... What kind of sacred thing is it? "

Zhou Zishu asked: "Mrs. Rong really ..."

Long Que was silent for a long time, then sighed: "It is natural to be close
and distant, she is not a saint, but a woman who has betrayed her husband
for the sake of her husband. This is not right among us outsiders."

"Rong Xuan is alive." Ye Baiyi said.

"Yes," said Long Que, "not only did he live, but it was a coincidence, or his
mind was really so strange. When he woke up, his body was so full of
anger and life and death that he actually got through half of it. He didn't
even have the opportunity to let Mrs. Rong lean on his shoulders and cry
for a while, and went directly to the retreat to complete the first half. "

Ye Baiyi commented: "little beasts."

Long Que continued: "I did n’t know much about what happened
afterwards. Neizi was in a hurry. I just stayed with her. She was extremely
dangerous during her delivery. The doctor reluctantly pulled their mother
and son back from the gate. , Her body was hollowed out, and I stayed with
her for half a year, and finally the doctor could n’t get back to heaven,
finally ... "

He said, tears came from the corner of his eyes, and slowly shook his head,
saying, "I'm discouraged, and a friend accompanied me to go back to
them, so I want to stop it ... back to the arsenal, who knows what
happened? I happened to meet Mrs. Rong, who was seriously injured and
was dying. She had Rong Xuan's sword in her chest. Both hands were
bloody. I wonder if I was stupid or I came back from the madness. I just
looked at it side by side. She. My friend was impulsive and cut his sword
at him. I wanted to stop it. It was too late. Fortunately, Rong Xuan shook
his heart and fell in love, and ran away. At that time, Liu Lijia had
disappeared, and Mrs. Rong was dying. The key to that arsenal was handed
to my friend, and we took a poisonous oath. In this life we will never
reveal a word, so that no one can open the arsenal. "

His words fell, and a few of them were speechless. For a long time, Zhou
Zishu asked: "Did Rong Xuan's crazy hair later be chased into Ghost
Valley and then besieged to death?"

Long Que sighed, and said, "I have already returned to Xinzhuang at that
time, and don't ask about the world again, Jomo, that's it."

"Good death." Ye Baiyi closed his eyes, and clenched his arms tightly
against the white sword's hilt. The green tendons on the back of his hands
burst out. The hilt was actually squeezed into a powder by him, and the
blade scratched him. The palm of his hand fell to the ground, Ye Baiyi
seemed to be unaware, but repeated it again and again, "Dead ... well."

After saying that, he didn't say a word of greeting, turned around and left,
but he shook for a few moments and disappeared.

Zhang Chengling heard everything from start to finish. If they were both
silent, they couldn't help but ask boldly, "Old man, what do you do?"

Long Que pondered for a long while, groping for Zhou Zishu's clothes, and
whispered: "Young man, do something good, take your sword, and give me
a good day, Long Xiao's evil barrier will not let me die, now he I also went
to see King Yan, and I can go down and settle accounts with him! "

Before Zhou Zishu had time to speak, Wen Kexing stepped forward, bent
down, carefully supported the dragon's body, stretched out his palm, and
reached his chest. It was rare and respectful to say, "I can shatter you
instantly The meridian will be very happy, senior, you think about it. "

Lonely laughed: "Okay, okay, you are doing good deeds, do it ..."

His "hand" words only fell, and Wen Kexing softly put his fingers there,
and suddenly the lizard laughed, his whole body twitched, and that smile
remained on his face forever.
Zhang Chengling couldn't believe it, and said bluntly, "Old man ..."

Wen Kexing reached out and closed Long Que's eyes, and told him to lie
flat. He touched Zhang Chengling's head and said, "Don't humiliate him
any more. He is a hero, and he deserves to be a hero."

He paused and comforted Zhou Zi: "I want to stay for a while and see him

Zhou Zishu stood up, holding on to the bed pillar, and said, "Okay."

Then he went out and Wen Kexing stopped him: "Axu, stay with me and
raise your wounds."

Zhou Zishu said with a smile: "Is this a good one, is that a good one? Since
it is not good, I still have a good time to eat, drink and play ..."

Wen Kexing bowed his head and whispered softly, "Then ... you should
stay here with me for a few days?"

Zhou Zishu paused, and remained silent for a while, then said: "Okay."

The author has something to say:

Everyone said that the custom cover of the bad track was too ugly, so ... I
decided to change it again. I will talk about it tomorrow and see if I can
remove the cover. If not, I'm afraid I will reopen it. I'm really sorry for
everyone. Especially children who have already bought

If you reopen, the money will be returned to your account. I can only
trouble you to fill out an order again. Sorry.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 52: Yamai
In the end, Wen Kexing failed to put the corpse of the dragonfinch off the
bed that was pierced by the big iron pillars, and had to set the bed together,
kill and set fire to the end, and carry out the evil goodness.

Zhang Chengling stood not far away, looking at the burning smoke, and
suddenly his nose was sore, and somehow came from it. At this time, a
hand was placed on his shoulder, Zhang Chengling looked up dimly, and
saw Zhou Zishu's eyes glowing with fire, I do not know whether it is
sadness or joy, I do not know whether to say to him or to himself: "What a
cry, how can anyone not die?"

These are the rivers and lakes. Some people laugh and drink wildly. There
are no traces of treacherous movements. There are no traces. Someone
silently walks to the end in such a inaccessible place. There are only a few
strangers with no thoughts. Take him to the Huangquan Road that is cold
and sparse. Every day, young people are ecstatic to get closer to their
dreams, and every day, some people die.

The three of them settled down in Sheshan Village. Wen Kexing found a
large stone and erected it in front of the small cell with the blackened
walls. It was engraved with "Bingchen Year, the 8th day of the first lunar
month". The date is said to be written slowly until the beginning of next

Zhou Zishu laughed and declined to comment. Zhang Chengling listened,

but faintly rejoiced-he also felt that the organs here were heavy and weird
everywhere, but now he felt that this place was like a paradise, so he didn't
have to fight desperately. There is no need to be chased by anyone. Every
day, I just practice and daze and get scolded by the master ... scold it, just
scold, anyway, the master ca n’t really cut off his head as a night pot. One
truth too.

There are several rooms next to the cell, some of them are guest rooms,
some of them seem to be lived by people, but no one has been living for
many years, and they have been ruined. Zhang Chengling, in order to
express his filial piety, hastily packed up— —Although it is still very
unsightly, but a few people are accustomed to the heavenly scenes, so it is
just fine.

That night, when Zhou Zishu lay down and stumbled to sleep, he heard the
door squeak open, a blast of cold wind poured in, and the person quickly
closed it. Zhou Zishu was awake at that moment. , There is no sleepiness,
but I do not know why, but did not open his eyes, as if he did not care.

Wen Kexing held the quilt and smiled cheaply and lewdly. He stood beside
his bed and said, "I can't live in that room, and there is a puppet in the
corner, a spider web in my head, like a little ghost, lying down. When he
opened his eyes on the bed, he stared at him with big eyes ... "

Zhou Zishu closed his eyes and interrupted him, "You can turn him over."

Wen Kexing lowered the quilt in his hand and said, "I'm not interested in
my ass. You go inside and make room for me."

Zhou Zishu said nothing, pretending to be dead.

Wen Kexing educated: "Axu, you must be compassionate in your life. You
say you must build morals and do good. We have died together for so long.
You have n’t even half a bed, is it appropriate? "

Zhou Zishu opened his eyes and glanced at him, and said, "I just felt
inappropriate, but now I feel very suitable ..."

His voice stopped abruptly—because Wen Kexing decided to move faster

than his heart, and started doing it himself, he just pushed his hand under
his leg and bent his shoulders, lifted him up, and moved three feet into it.
Sitting down happily, Dove lay down on the nest.

At the end, a contented sigh was also issued.

The bed was not small, but as soon as he squeezed it up, he immediately
felt that it was difficult to even turn over. Zhou Zishu stiffened
unobtrusively, barely turning over, and turned his back to him, turning
himself Stuck in the quilt, as if you can't wait to sleep, but opened his eyes
the moment he turned around, only to feel that nothing could close.

Wen Kexing seemed to feel that his bed was exceptionally comfortable. He
turned over, moved, and looked like a big monkey scratching his head.
This place is so big, and the other party ca n’t wait to make a small
earthquake on the bedboard. Zhou Zishu felt every movement, and felt a
sudden anxiety in his heart, and he wished he could kick him down.

After a while, Wen Kexing finally stopped. Zhou Zishu Qiang forced
himself to close his eyes, trying to ignore the people behind him, but
listening to Wen Kexing suddenly said: "Axu ..."

Zhou Zishu ignored him, and then he heard the sound of hair and pillows
slamming each other. About the man turned his head to look at his back.
When thinking of this, Zhou Zishu suddenly felt uncomfortable on his
back, as if there was a little bug. After crawling like it, Wen Ke paused,
and found that Zhou Zishu didn't want to talk, so he stretched out a claw of
Lushan, gently put it on Zhou Zishu's side waist, and whispered: " Ah Su ...

When Zhou Zishu was standing, all his hairs stood up, turning back in
anger, cursing: "Don't you sleep? Go back to your own room and talk to
the dummy!"

Wen Kexing pillowed his bent arm, looked at him sideways, and said with
confidence: "I'm here, and you're going to sleep without saying a word,
don't you know that I feel bad about you?"

Zhou Zishu said that the shamelessness of this man had reached the point
where there were no ancients and no comers. He couldn't think of anything
to say to him. Wen Kexing's dog paw on his waist seemed to be
motionless. Jian Jian stunned in place for a while, Zhou Zishu
subconsciously wanted to pat his hand away, but when he saw that Wen
Kexing's dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, he changed his mind
and turned over again. Lie down, there is a lot of meaning to sleep on this,
a sentence: "You do it yourself."
Then he went very stiffly.

Wen Kexing percussion for a while, seeing that he is indeed a rare master
in the world, full of determination, he also smiled silently behind him, and
closed his eyes gently.

Until midnight, Wen Kexing suddenly felt that the people around him
twitched slightly, and immediately woke up, knowing that it was midnight.

Xu Shi's cold quilt didn't keep warm. He fell asleep and fell asleep, and the
two rolled to the same place. Zhou Zishu's back was slightly bent, and it
looked like he was in his arms. Zhou Zishu would not sleep in the middle
of the night. I have long been used to it. Only when I opened my eyes and
heard the breath of someone nearby, I remembered that there was such a
person around me, and I was a little embarrassed. Gritted my teeth.

Wen Kexing frowned, his arms tightened, raised his upper body slightly,
and vacated a palm against his back, but did not dare to act lightly, and
only asked softly, "Why, it hurts?"

Zhou Zishu didn't speak, he just consciously bent his back even harder,
and clenched his fingers in the quilt—it would be the best to alternate with
this midnight every day. After passing through, he would be able to adjust
his breath and feel better.

He closed his eyes, and in the cold winter months, his forehead was
sweating, trying to keep his breath as flat and slow as possible, but even
so, Wen Kexing still heard some unstable shaking between his breath.

He silently embraced Zhou Zishu's entire shoulder and back, wrapped his
other hand around his waist, and told his head to lean against his chest,
gently calming him like a child with a nightmare. Holding his back.

Zhou Zishu's rare obedience.

At that moment, they were all awake, but they were silent, Wei Yang
passed by the window at night, time and pain seemed to be extremely long,
so long that they had to be unforgettable.
Zhou Zishu's mind was a bit stubborn, thinking of breaking up the
platform in the day to make it worse, but at night, it seemed as if they
depended on each other. Isn't that impermanence?

The author has something to say:

Hehe, a little less ...

The tragedy is like this ... I repaired the system, installed the software, and
connected the net. I thought it was great, so I jumped on QQ for a while,
but who knew it was extremely sad, only a quarter of an hour, and the
display was I finished the dishes completely and tossed for a while. It was
identified as a hardware problem and was beyond my ability. I decided to
call customer service for repair tomorrow ...

In addition, the bad track reopened today ~

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 53: New year
When Wen Kexing said that he could do it, he put that big stone, and his
name was to slowly write the epitaph to Father Long. It was really "slow",
just like embroidery, so many words were engraved in a day. You have to
look up and look left and right. You have to rhyme and style well. You
have to take a few steps back after you finish writing, enjoy it yourself,
carry your hands on your back, shake your head, and treat yourself as if Li
Du is alive.

Looking at the content again, it is literally a thousand words away, three

papers can't see a donkey hair, and it is free to play at will. Even Zhang
Chengling looked at it and felt that senior Wen was too focused when he
wrote this epitaph. Long seniors have forgotten.

Zhou Zishu was drifting in the rivers and lakes when he was young. He
always had rough skin and thick meat to fight stubbornness. After two
days of sickness and crookedness, he jumped up alive and tossed Zhang
Chengling in the small courtyard of this villa and walked through the wall,
suffering. It was unspeakable, but the young man dared not have half a
complaint, lest his master say that he was hurt and wanted to leave.

But probably this winter was too cold, even Shuzhong was frozen, people
and animals were a little lazy, and Zhou Zishu really forgot to leave this

After Laba, after a small year, although this big Zhuangzi has only three
people, it is still lively and lively.

On that day, Zhou Zishu shrank for a long time in the arms of Wen Kexing,
so that the second day of Wen Kexing was a little sincere and horrified-he
knew that if he was hurt, he would definitely suffer, but he did n’t know
that he would suffer such a great crime. When he got up, he regarded Zhou
Zishu as a porcelain man, and he didn't dare to mess with him manually.
But who knows, he watched with sincerity for two days, and found that
this week the porcelain was almost heartless and heartless. He was a man
who did n’t remember to eat or beat. Every day dawned, and the pain
passed, and he seemed to forget his claws. Generally, you should be joking
and joking. You should scold your mother and scold your mother. You can
wash your face and wash your face. At breakfast, you can continue to play
like a flying god.

I knew in my heart that some people aren't born with a delicate life. It is
better to be sorry for a pig than to be sorry for him.

When Long Xiao was there, villagers from the mountain came up with
supplies every month. He was very cautious, he only controlled Qiang to
give things and did not see anyone.

It's almost New Year's Day. Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing studied it for
most of the day. During the two rounds, the two of them had four or five
different nicknames with the theme of "waste" and different appearances. I
was not listening to everyone's words either, so Lord Wen Gu had to
condescend to hold the map and fumble to pick up the New Year's goods.

A group of honest villagers always saw only dummies. This time suddenly
they saw a flesh and blood, and the sky descended to the sight of them.
They thought that the **** had finally descended, and they worshiped at
the back of his meritorious deeds. Worship again.

The three of them happily packed and waited for the New Year.

What is Chinese New Year? The people worked hard for a whole year, they
did n’t want to eat, they did n’t want to wear it, I hoped that God would
leave a meal, I hope that the world will be peaceful and safe, I hope that
the family will come back and reunite in the end-it is not easy to live, I
hope However, my heart is not injustice, but it has been so for thousands
of years, and this grievance has settled into the bones, no longer showing
the mountains and the water.

Only on the day of the New Year, suddenly let go, put a few firecrackers
crackling, make a big move, and take out the things you don't want to eat.
Even if Kaichun then tightens his belt. Looking forward to such a replay
throughout the year, even if it is too poor to clang, as long as there is a
family, this night is to be photographed.

Master Wen Gu did not expect that he had one day to handle the Chinese
New Year's Eve dinner in his lifetime. Zhang Chengling was a young
master. Although he tried to express his filial piety, he was clumsy, but he
couldn't handle it. As for Zhou Zishu, the former Uncle, still uncle now.

Wen Kexing felt that this matter was very memorable, so he took a lot of
thought and was so busy that he first instructed Zhang Chengling: "Little
ghost, kill the chicken."

Zhang Chengling froze, looked at the murmuring chicken, pointed to

himself, and said, "Senior, I ... Zai ... it?"

Wen Kexing said funnyly, "Will it be able to kill you? Go ahead, the
chicken must be stewed early, and it will take a long time to taste."

Zhang Chengling took the knife in trembling, walked lamely, and gathered
courage. He raised his hands, closed his eyes with a gritted tooth, and then
hacked down. The chicken fluttered aside and hid away, snarling his neck.
Screaming, quite meant to fight him to the end.

Zhang Chengling carefully took a step forward, boldly reached out and
grabbed, the chicken saw that he was strong and strong, jumped very
fiercely, pecked down at his hand, Zhang Chengling was frightened and
quickly retracted his hand, and the chicken had to go in. , Step by step, one
person and one bird do not know who is going to kill who, so they
whispered in the small yard, crying and screaming.

Zhou Zishu drew a piece of grass, squatted at the kitchen door, and
watched it very joyfully. When Wen Kexing saw him idle, he stretched out
his toes and nodded him, and instructed: "Bull knife, go and kill the
chicken. "

Zhou Zishu raised an eyebrow and glanced at him, only listening to Zhang
Chengling yelling, "Master, help!"
So Uncle Zhou finally said nothing, and obediently killed the chicken. He
killed Lisuo and slaughtered the animals. The rooster fighter finally
withered in his hands, and he did not even have the last words to die. Zhou
Zishu's effort to open his stomach was even more remarkable. After a
while, he cleaned up the chicken, washed his hands and turned around, and
was doing nothing.

Wen Kexing looked at his finished product and felt that he was very
virtuous, and then chopped the vegetables while directing: "Give me the
fire in the stove."

Standing next to the cooktop, there was a cricket, with his head lowered
and unshakeable. It can be seen that these things are not done by people in
weekdays. Zhou Zishu picked up and set it aside, only listening to Wen
Kexing I did not forget to take the time to make a joke and said, "The
unfilial son of the dragon is really too ignorant to enjoy. If he eats, he must
eat it with his own hands. "

He gave Zhou Zishu a wink and said, "When you taste it at night, you can
eat it."

Zhou Zishu ignored it, squatting on the ground and studying the cooktop
like an enemy, clumsily picking up the fire tongs, reaching out to hold it,
how could I feel awkward, then changed the position to hold it, and
researched it repeatedly. Several times.

Wen Kexing waited for a long time and didn't move. He tilted his head and
couldn't help but said, "Okay, what's the power of you and it looking at
each other with affection? Quickly start a fire."

Zhou Zishu had done this kind of thing, and took a large bundle of
firewood to take it for granted. He pushed it in, tilted his head and looked
at it. Seeing that it was not filled, he thought it would be troublesome to
add more firewood later. Thinking of doing it once and for all, he held
another bundle, stuffed it in a brain, and nodded.

This was incredible. The fire didn't see a few stars. The black smoke came
out first. He hid quickly, took a big step back with his fire tongs, and
stared at the stove in confusion. Come over to rescue, chop out more than
half of Chai He, turn your head and cough twice, and say, "Ancestral, you
want to burn the house?"

For a moment, Zhou Zishu dumbfounded and judged with a word and
pretended to understand: "This wood is not good, the smoke is so big, it is
probably too wet."

Wen Kexing also burst into tears and asked to go out, with Zhang
Chengling's big eyes and small eyes, waiting to eat.

When the sky was getting dark, Wen Kexing prepared this big table for the
big New Year's Eve dinner, and it became colder and colder outside. The
northwest wind blew the window sash "stop", and there were several small
stoves in the room. However, it was steaming, the wine was warming, and
the aroma gradually came out. Zhang Chengling followed the dishes with
joy, and sat down, feeling like he was fascinated by the heat.

He thought that he would never have a home again in this life, and he was
destined to be displaced in this life. Who knew that he could still have
such a decent year, he felt that most of his grievances had dispersed, and
looked at Zhou Zishu with a jerk. Looking at Wen Kexing, I thought this
would be an eye-opener.

Zhou Zi Shuping made a good wine. He smelled the maggots when he

smelled the taste. He poured himself a cup, lowered his eyes, and smelled
it for a while, then took a sip, only the wine made by the farmer. It is not a
famous product, but it contains a scent of indescribable fragrance, which
melts on the tip of the tongue, and keeps all the internal organs warm and

He remembered that at this time in previous years, the capital was the
most lively, there was a night market, and Wang Yuehe sang on the moon,
Jin Wu could n’t help but the bustling life, but the glass of fine wine for
decades in that glass seemed to be stained with butter The same qi,
drinking in the mouth, and always thinking about other things in my heart,
then tasteless, no such fragrance.
Suddenly a pair of chopsticks was inserted into the bowl, and some dishes
were given to him. Zhou Zishu looked up suddenly and saw Wen Kexing,
who has always been unscrupulous and unhappy, looked at him with a soft
smile and said, "Eat, drunkard."

He felt as if there was a string in his heart that was slightly flicked.

I saw Wen Kexing suddenly sighed and said with emotion: "This is really
the year I have had the most like in my life."

Zhang Chengling did not know where he was sacred, but just listened in
fog, only to Wen Kexing and then said, "In previous years, today, it was
just dealing with a bunch of people who were flattering or bad-hearted,
and then two with Gu Xiang, Like that, after drinking a few glasses of
wine, and having nothing to say to her, she spent another year in trouble. "

He shook his head: "Without a home, how many years will it take? It's
boring to ask for yourself."

In Zhang Chengling's eyes, this senior Wen immediately became a poor

man with a bleak life, and felt sympathy in his heart. Zhou Zishu looked at
him with a smile and said, "What about your red ... blue-eyed confidant?"

Wen Kexing said: "One pays to get drunk, and one laughs and sells
himself. What is it like? Ah Su, good Chinese New Year, don't be jealous."

Zhou Zishu very much wanted to use wine to splash him. In the end, he
couldn't bear it, hesitated again and again, and poured it into his mouth.

After having a hot dinner, Zhang Chengling pulled out a firecracker

without knowing where he was, and then put it in the yard. It was booming
and the firecrackers were young. He was like a careless teenager and
laughed. .

Zhou Zishu was sitting on the steps, and the cup kept burning. Wen Kexing
also sat down and caught his hands to grab his wine glass. He smiled at
him squinting, and deliberately found the place where his lips had just
touched, leaving the rest. I drank half a glass of wine and licked it at the

Zhou Zishu turned his head away from looking at him, but felt that his ears
were a little hot, and Wen Kexing held his hand with a smile, and pulled it
into his arms to keep warm.

I feel that this year has been the fastest one in my life.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 54: Dream
It's night.

Winter has passed. It was just when the warmth was still cold, and there
was a slight chill in the clear air of the plants and trees, and the chill
seemed to be particularly obvious near the water.

The stream of talented rivers flowed quietly. A man in a red suit stood by
the river with a **** red birthmark on his cheek. He tilted his head to pay
close attention to the movement around him. With one hand stretched out,
his fingers were slightly bent and dropped to his side. He could see clearly
the skin-like luster on the moonlight.

Suddenly, several dark shadows rushed around him, and Sun Ding flew up,
and quickly engaged with these people in night clothes.

Among the top ten most insidious ghosts in the Valley of Ghosts, they are
headed by "Happy Zombies", "Hanging Ghosts", and "Immortal Ghosts". It
is not that other evildoers are not powerful, but these people have already
taken root in Ghost Valley. It will also attract and suppress people, and has
become its own forces.

Sun Ding ’s pair of Rakshasa palms does not say that there are no ancients
and no comers. At least for now, the Central Plains Wulin is the only one.
The middle one is killed instantly within three steps. A blood-red palm
print will be left on the body. Wear it all the way to the back.

Suddenly he was besieged late at night, and he was not panicked, as if he

was not scared at all. A pair of poisonous palms were flying around, and
after a while, the group of small bugs who saw from him were fleeing and
fleeing. Already. Sun Ding didn't chase, just leaned down, picked up a
corpse's clothes, and sneered when he saw the ghost face tattooed on the
corpse's waist.
After about half an hour, a person appeared from behind him, came over,
frowned, leaned over the ghost's face on the body's waist, and asked,
"What's going on?"

Sun Ding folded his hands back to his sleeves and gave him a slight
glance, saying, "Lao Meng, you are late."

——This old Meng was exactly when Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing were
deeply trapped in the enemy ’s hole that day, Gu Xiang found a helper for
digging the ground. He was still a normal burlap sackcloth. The left foot
was a little sloppy, but it wasn't obvious. You can see it carefully. He was
plain-faced, and if he was not serious, he looked kind-hearted, and in front
of him was covered with a large apron commonly worn by pig-killing
butchers—like Wen Kexing said, and changed into a butcher.

Lao Meng took off the mask on the corpse's face, squatted on the ground,
pondered for a while, stood up again with a sigh, and shook his head, "It's
Xue Fang's person."

As soon as he looked up, he saw that Sun Dingzheng was staring at his big
apron with interest, and then explained: "Bring him in the order of Lord
Gu, do you have any comments?"

Sun Ding sneered, and said, "Gu Zhu? So a thing that's not stubbornly
offspring, is it worth you to put him on a pug-like bustle?"

Lao Meng's face did not change, and after listening only said, "You can say
the same in front of him."

Sun Ding seemed to think of something, his eyes twitched, he snorted

coldly, and became smarter, no longer tangled in this topic, pointing at the
corpse on the ground and saying, "Since this, Lao Meng, you might as well
report it to the Lord of the Valley." In order to let him know and know how
Xue Fang was so bold, he went out of the valley to violate the rules
without saying, but now he was so angry that he wanted to kill me. "

Lao Meng frowned, and said, "I haven't been able to contact Gu recently
Sun Ding said impatiently: "What about Zisha?"

Lao Meng shook his head again and only asked: "In your opinion, is Xue
Fang doing this for Liuli Jia?"

When he mentioned the word "liujia", Sun Ding's gaze flickered quickly,
and even when he looked elsewhere, his mouth just said: "Xue Fang's heart
is so big, I advise you ... also If you are the owner of the valley, it's better
to be careful, otherwise ... hum. "

Lao Meng was silent for a while, and suddenly asked, "Did Shen Shen kill

Sun Ding paused, raising his eyebrows, prolonged his voice and asked,
"Why, are you trying to test me?"

Lao Meng smiled unclearly, stuck out a finger and poked at his chest,
lowered his voice, and said, "Brother Sun, we don't speak secretly, Liulijia,
who doesn't want to? Said to be a hanged ghost, even the underlying ghosts
are eager to move. Even a long-tongue ghost dare to set a trap crypt to
fight the fortune teller .... Who gets the glass armor, who is the owner of
the wind cliff mountain below "If you don't want to, what do you keep
staring at that little Zhang?"

Sun Ding froze, and a while later said, "I want the kid named Zhang to
identify Xue Fang!"

Lao Meng just looked at him with a smile, and did not make a judgement.
Sun Ding has always hated Lao Meng's smile, only to think that this
person laughs in a particularly secretive way, just like his lunatic master
Wen Kexing, which makes people indifferent. Explaining what he was
thinking, he impatiently said, "What impermanence, what do you mean?"

Lao Meng shook his head and smiled: "This, Brother Sun doesn't have to
worry about it. The child whose name is Zhang is now with Gu Zhu. As
long as he remembers, he can be identified at any time-Shen Shen is dead,
two in Gaojiazhuang A piece of glazed armor was missing, and I think we
should grab Xue Fang first, and then do a good job, what do you say? "
Sun Ding narrowed his eyes, and fiercely looked at his gentle face for a
while, grunted coldly, and turned away.

At this time, in the Sheshan Villa surrounded by thousands of mountains in

Shu, the Wen Guzhu in their mouth was grabbing a quilt with Zhou Zishu.

Spring has already begun, and Shuzhong is warming up quickly. The

reason for "clothing for years to be cold like iron" is obviously
diminished. Zhou Zishu also specifically instructed Zhang Chengling to
pick up a room for the dog skin plaster named Wen, but Still can't stop the
momentum that he got in at the point.

And this person kicked his nose on his face, and from the beginning of his
own luggage, he became more shameless and ran over with his bare hands
in the air.

A tattered quilt was pulled by the two of you. I pulled it over. The catcher
dip in clothes and fell to eighteen. Martial arts tried everything, and they
almost sweated until the last two. It's too warm to cover the quilt.

Zhou Zishu was not in its heyday. After a hundred and ten rounds, he lost a
move. Wen Kexing proudly held half of the quilt in one hand and pressed
Zhou Zishu's wrist against the pillow with the other hand. Necked his neck
and showed him a little white teeth, and beckoned to him, "Ah, you come,
I'll hug you to sleep, to ensure that it is not cold."

Zhou Zishu really wanted to kick him, so he looked at him three times
down and sneered, "You are not fragrant or soft, and you have ribs on your
chest. It ’s better to hold a bedboard. "

Wen Kexing immediately stared, grabbed his hand and put it on his chest,
and said, "Nonsense! I'm not a row of ribs, I don't believe you touch it!"

Zhou Zishu lifted his feet and bent his leg, and retracted his hand, as if he
encountered something dirty, and threw it in the air. Wen Kexing held the
quilt and watched him screaming strangely: "There are weird things every
year, and those who take advantage of it don't care. You who take
advantage of yourself are so blindly reserved. Generally this situation is

Zhou Zishu was not prepared to listen to him continue to talk nonsense,
put on his clothes, decided to make it impossible to hide, to change to a
room to sleep, terribly squeezed with Zhang Chengling, and told the little
ghost to hit the floor.

Who knew that Wen Kexing's hand holding the quilt suddenly turned out a
weird arc, and leaned on his shoulder, Zhou Zishu immediately sank his
shoulders and elbows to remove him, and then he suddenly felt a
numbness in his whole body. Before anyone could stand up, he fell down
and fell right in the arms where Wen Kexing opened and waited there, and
a melon seed shell fell on the quilt surface ... He was in the way of this

Wen Kexing continued with a smile in his ear: "Generally, in this case, it is
a desire / dissatisfaction, only to be a guilty conscience, you see, don't you
give it away?"

Zhou Zishu was speechless. He really couldn't figure out why someone had
slept at night and had to put a seed shell on his body to sneak attack on
others as a hidden weapon at any time.

Wen Kexing laughed, as if seeing what he thought, added: "I actually still
have walnuts, do you eat them?"

Speaking of the word "walnut", Zhou Zishu raised a goosebump, and

Qiangqi reluctantly laughed, "Why, you hold me, do you still want to

Wen Kexing rolled his entire body into the quilt, while turning his eyes,
and pressed his shoulders with both hands, he ran along the edge of his
lining, and his mouth hurriedly joyfully said, "Nothing, nothing."

Wen Kexing's shot was not heavy, and Zhou Zishu's acupuncture point was
rushed away. It was just when Wen Kexing's hand became less and less
ridiculous. Since he left Beijing and entered the rivers and lakes, his body
was injured, and the second thing happened. One after another, I did n’t
have that mood. Zhou Zishu really did not get close to people. Wen Kexing
twitched gently, just as if he had set a fire on him. Seeing that the situation
was going to get out of control, Zhou Zishu gave a shudder. Holding his
wrist, he gritted his teeth and said, "Gu Zhu is very kind. I still ... respect,
thank, not, sensitive."

Wen Kexing laughed: "You're right, you're wrong, but you are

Zhou Zishu stiffened out a smile: "I really deserve it."

The two were in a stalemate. Suddenly heard an exclamation from Zhang

Chengling's room next door. Zhou Zishu frowned and pushed away Wen
Kexing. He threw his robes behind him with a thunderbolt and started to
run. Wen Kexing shook his head. He sighed, moved his five fingers closer
to the tip of his nose, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then
followed slowly.

Zhang Chengling was just stunned by the dream. When Zhou Zishu pushed
in the door, he found that he was closing his eyes tightly. He didn't know
what he was muttering. He was sweating with punches and kicks. Zhou
Zishu pushed him in general and found out Failing to awaken him, he took
his wrist and shoved a small amount of infuriance into it. Zhang Chengling
shivered and shouted, "Don't kill him!"

Then he sat up abruptly, his eyes slowly drifting away, revealing a little
puzzled look, looking at Zhou Zishu, and shouting, "Master ..."

Zhou Zishu patted his head, pressed him without a word, pulled him under
the quilt, and said, "Let's sleep." Then he sat by the bed, leaned on the
bedpost, and clasped his hands on his chest. Keep your eyes closed, as if to
accompany him.

Zhang Chengling was silent for a long time, and suddenly pulled Zhou
Zishu's clothes gently, whispering: "Master, I just dreamed about ... a man
with a tightly wrapped body, holding a knife, put it on my little mother's
On the neck, he asked my father, 'Where is the thing?' Is it just ...? "
Zhou Zishu opened his eyes. At this moment, the door was opened from
the outside, and Wen Kexing came in. He heard his face look upright and
asked thoughtfully, "What does that person look like and what are the

Zhang Chengling thought for a while, then shook his head with guilt and
said, "I can't see clearly in my dream ..."

Zhou Zishu remembered the words that the happy and bereaves forced the
young man that day, and then he asked, "Have you seen that man's hand
has no five fingers or four?"

Zhang Chengling shook his head again and looked at him with wide eyes.
Zhou Zishu sighed, patted his head, and whispered: "You sleep ..."

The two sat and stood, Gu silently, until Zhang Chengling was breathing
evenly, apparently falling asleep, Zhou Zishu pulled his quilt up, stood up,
and went out with Wen Kexing.

Wen Kexing sighed suddenly, stretched his hands behind his back and held
him, resting his face on his shoulder for a long while, and then whispered:
"These days, it seems like a good dream ... but how can I wake up so fast?
What about? "
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 55: Wall root
Walking path, Luoyang River, Lanyuan is not empty, pedestrians are
getting old. It is said that there are infinite Yan Zhao daughters. On the
golden ladder, the wind and the wind blow from the east of Luoyang, and
the wind passes from the west of Luoyang.

The rule broke, and someone was drunk with the wine.

East is everywhere, the bustling is old, there are a few thin horses on the
official road, are walking leisurely.

The two men were long and sturdy, just one of them, with some sickness
on their faces, hanging a hip flask around their waists, and not rushing to
drink, just holding it in their hands, shaking it all at once, including I
tasted it for a while, then swallowed slowly, I don't know what I was
thinking. A tiger-headed teenager followed behind them.

It was Zhou Zishu and his party who came out of Fang Shu.

Wen Kexing looked on the side and found that the person took a sip and
then a sip. Then it took a long time for a large pot to reach the bottom.
When he saw it, he couldn't help but send him in his mouth to hold him.
The forearm said, "Alcohol, almost?"

Zhou Zishu glanced at him obliquely, changed the hip flask and said, "The
tube is so wide, are you my daughter-in-law?"

Wen Kexing then reached out to grab his hip flask, and said in a straight
line: "Even the skin relatives have it. Can you just throw me away?"

Zhou Zishu laughed as he saw Zhaozhao Zhao: "I'm afraid you're


Wen Kexing, regardless of Zhang Chengling's presence, continued to say

shamelessly: "It's okay, anyway, now I can't see or use it. I also keep my
eyes open every night."
Zhou Zishu slipped his hands, and the jug was taken away by Wen Kexing.

Zhang Chengling put his head down behind them, almost trying to get into
the seam.

Wen Kexing took his jug, took a big sip, and smiled at Zhou Zishu,
squinting, and said, "Wine is not good wine, but it tastes really good,

Zhou Zi Shuran looked at him for a while, and suddenly urged the horse to
get closer, and put it in his ear, saying, "Mrs. Is this a lonely sleepless
sleep / dissatisfaction? I really treat you badly for my husband, I wash it at
night and wait I must call you ... "

Wen Kexing was so impatient that he was empty, and the jug was snatched

Zhou Zishu learnt his look and slanted his eyes. The corners of his eyes
were slightly narrow. When he glanced over, he didn't see a bit of
charming. Instead, he couldn't tell the meaning of narrowing. He proudly
lifted the jug toward Wen Kexing. He waved a few times and then took a
big sip of contentment.

However, I suddenly felt that a small thing slipped into my mouth. Zhou
Zishu spit it out and spit it out. At that time, he almost jumped directly
from the horse's back-it was actually a small walnut!

Zhou Zishu's appetite was as if he was spitting out of his mouth, not a
small walnut kernel, but a human brain, glaring at Wen Ke Road: "You

Wen Kexing hurriedly humbly said, "Where and where, transferee!"

With a blank face, Zhou Zishu pointed at him and said, "You ..." I felt that
my stomach was tumbling. I felt nauseous no matter how I felt, but
couldn't help but think about it.
Wen Kexing came slowly and took one of his hands. He actually put out
his tongue, rolled a roll on the palm of his hand, and rolled away the small
walnut kernel. He chewed a few times and laughed, "Sangong, you all So
grown-up, what about picky eaters? It's just too ridiculous. "

Zhou Zi turned his face silently, not looking at him for a long while, then
said quietly, "I want to divorce my wife ..."

Wen Kexing laughed.

Zhang Chengling looked at the two old and unruly people with a red and
green face, and it took a long time to get up the courage, and then he
stumbled slowly, stuttering, saying, "Master, Master, why should we go to
Luo , Luoyang? "

Zhou Zishu's nausea has not been suppressed, and he glanced at Zhang
Chengling with a green face in his face, and said impatiently, "Go and see
who wants your life."

Zhang Chengling looked at him unknowingly, opened his mouth, and said,

Wen Kexing held one hand loosely on the stable, raised one hand to
scratch his chin, and asked, "At that time, there were two groups of people
who hired two groups of scorpions, and wanted the life of this little ghost.
... "

Zhou Zishu interrupted him: "The hilarious ghost in red clothes should not
want to kill him, he should do it early, and he won't abandon him for so

Wen Kexing turned back, looked at him thoughtfully, and said, "So you
want to find out the people behind the poisonous scorpion corpses? Could
it be that you came to the scorpions? Difficult If you don't become a
poisonous scorpion, you are in Luoyang? "

Zhang Chengling admired Wen Kexing adoringly, but he felt that the
predecessor was really wise, and he was so clever. Zhou Zishu coldly
hummed: "You have so much nonsense to show that you are better than
that little ghost ? "

Wen Kexing was thick and thick, and he ignored it, and then asked, "Can
you even know where the poisonous scorpion's nest is?"

Zhou Zishu subconsciously wanted to take another sip of wine,

remembering what was put by the **** named Wen in the jug and sent it
to his mouth, then he had to put it down again. He hated others for spoiling
the wine, so he stared at Wen Ke severely. A quick glance, said coldly,
"You don't know it doesn't mean I don't know either."

Wen Kexing hurriedly coaxed: "That's what it is, Master Zhou is really a
brilliant martial artist with eyes open to the sky, why should I wait for
such a flat-headed person to look back?"

Zhou Zishu only felt that his tongue was slippery, and he got into the car
with nonsense. He wanted to slap him very much. After thinking about it,
he felt afraid that he couldn't beat him. Then the man turned his head and
turned away from it.

The three went all the way to Luoyang City. In a restaurant, enough to eat
and rest enough, Zhou Zishu called Zhang Chengling into the room.

Zhang Chengling was unknown at first, so Lediandian ran away. Who

knows that Zhou Zishu said nothing and patted his shoulder with his palm.
Zhang Chengling knew immediately that this was another exam for Master
anytime and anywhere. Open, describing it as wretched under his arm.

Zhou Zishu frowned, and found that this little ghost has a talent. No matter
how smart and handsome the move is, in his hands, he will become
ashamed like a donkey, but if he is wrong, his move makes it not. wrong.
He sat still, then palmed up, and covered Zhang Chengling inside.

Zhang Chengling said "Oh," he lay down flatly with a "thump", his spine
was pinching the ground, and loach squirmed a few times on the ground,
crawling up and down again, jumping on the table with a loud noise,
hiding After Zhou Zishu's third palm, the big toad jumped up and down,
his four feet hit the ground at the same time, turning over and not standing
firmly. He sat on the ground with his buttocks, flipped his legs backwards,
and avoided. Zhou Zishu's kick swept out of the chain was actually

Just turning on Zhou Zishu's nose was also crooked, pointing at him and
saying, "How much good does the store give you, so that you can do the
best you can to clean the floor?"

Zhang Chengling stood up, holding his sleeves and blowing his nose,
looking down at Zhou Zishu, whispering: "Senior Wen and Wen said ... all
the moves that can save lives are good, you can't follow the moves when
you start Come, forget to be in a hurry and adapt yourself ... "

Zhou Zishu said angrily: "Wen Kexing, you roll in for me, you crooked
dates, you have to mislead others, and teach others to crook dates like

Wen Kexing was leaning on the door frame at this time, standing and
watching the excitement, and he didn't know where to get a packet of
walnuts. The walnut kernels were filled with words, and the speech was
vague. When he heard the words, he raised his clothes. With half a sleeve
on his face, he looked at Zhou Zishu with a resentful look, and said
tremblingly, "Xiangong, are you ... are you abandoning your wife?"

Zhang Chengling looked at the senior Wen sympathetically. He felt that

although he was not in the hall, he was able to get the kitchen. Although he
was a bit uncomfortable, he was able to beat and thicken the skin. It was a
rare talent. It was really pathetic to be rejected by Master.

Zhou Zishu didn't want to talk to the two of them any more, so he told
Zhang Chengling: "Stay in the restaurant for a few days yourself. Waiting
for me here, I will explore the scorpion's territory."

Zhang Chengling said, "Master, I'll go with you!"

Zhou Zishu said: "Go to hinder?"

Zhang Chengling just pursed his lips, his face reluctantly reluctant,
whispered: "Master ..."

Zhou Zishu kicked him on his thigh and said, "Are you still going to be
fed? Get off, wait for me to come back, if your kung fu is still practiced
like this bear, interrupt your dog's leg."

Zhang Chengling was driven away in grief, and his fingers counted, he
could hardly count how many dog legs he would be interrupted in a day.

When Wen Kexing saw him go out, he immediately rushed up and said,
"I'm with you ..."

Zhou Zishu took a moment to hide behind, reached out his finger against
his chest, looked at the packet of walnuts in disgust with his eyes, and
regarded Wen Kexing and walnuts as the five poisons and four evils.

Wen Kexing smiled flatteringly, shoved the small paper bag containing
walnuts into his arms, rubbed his hands vigorously, and followed him

Wen Kexing followed Zhou Zishu all the way to the outskirts of Luoyang,
turned into a small alley, passed a bunch of lush plants, strung on a street,
Wen Kexing looked up, only felt that the place was very familiar-the lights
were ambiguous, flowers The fragrance of wine is clearly a place of

With a strange expression on his face, he pointed to the singing girl

playing the harp on the small building and asked, "The old nest of the
poisonous scorpion ... in this place?"

Zhou Zishu glanced at him and laughed: "Okay, you don't have to be
serious, as if Lord Wen Gu is a spotless water lotus."

He lifted his feet to leave, Wen Kexing quickly grabbed him, and
whispered, "Isn't that ... all family members, Zhou Xiangong?"
Zhou Zishu pinched his chin, Wen Kexing looked at him with affection.
Zhou Zishu shuddered and commented, "Mrs. Wen, you are really

Then let go of him and shuttle back and forth between the seekers.

Wen Kexing said in his mouth, "Okay, dare to steal food in front of me.
When I am dead, let you know what hedong lion roar is."

He took a deep breath and brewed his feelings before yelling, but at the
end he was discouraged again, shook his head, had to raise his heels, and
comforted himself, "Three from four virtues, three from four virtues,

Zhou Zishu Yi was bold, so he stood up in front of everyone's eyes. The

drunk fat man in front of his eyes only felt a small wind blowing, sobered
up, looked up, and did not even see his personal image. Wen Kexing
followed closely, and at the feet of the two, they gently tapped the tiles
above the song tower, passing by without stopping.

Later, Zhou Zishu turned in a nice arc in the air and fell into a small
backyard. Wen Kexing looked around. He could hear the sound of pushing
cups and changing cups from the red men and women, and thought with
interest: "If the old nest of the poisonous scorpion is in such a place, they
will always want to be dissatisfied. "

Zhou Zishu walked along the root of the wall, and Ningshen heard an ear
under each room, and distinguished carefully. Wen Kexing was amazed.
He just felt that he could look upright at the root of the wall. This person is
really amazing.

Then Zhou Zishu stopped behind a room, compared to Wen Kexing's "Here
is Here" gesture, and stayed there, motionless.

Wen Kexing listened attentively to an ear, and immediately understood the

mystery here-he knew that Zhou Zishu was not listening to the human
voice, but the "creaking" movement of the bedboard inside.
Then he came over and deliberately posted him tightly and listened to the
girl's shouting / bed sound.

The author has something to say:

Caught a cold ... o (> _ <) o ~~ crawl away

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 56: Black crow
Zhang Chengling returned to the room, and couldn't sleep over and over
again. The shadow of a tree with new buds on the window hit the window.
When the wind blew, the "rustle" moved more and more. "Wife-in-law",
this place became "Zhangya dance claws, monsters and monsters."

He first reluctantly sat there shaking his head and shaking his head to back
the tactics-this habit has been scorned by the two people and I don't know
how many times, senior Wen said, you have to memorize this thing
without saying a word, how can it be integrated ? His master is more
straightforward, but he simply said that if he understands the practice, it
will be natural. He has never seen anyone in his life who can learn a
broken formula more than the four books and five classics. It can be seen
that Zhang Chengling is stupid, almost stupid. Be creative.

Then Zhang Chengling suddenly remembered that Master and Senior Wen
had gone out. This huge restaurant seemed to be alone, so he trembled.
When he felt something was going to happen, he uneasily pulled the bed
curtain down, and The quilt was pulled over his head, as if it was safe to
do so--and he didn't know what he thought.

He waited and waited, listening carefully to the movement in the master ’s

room next to his ears—of course, he completely ignored the fact that even
if Zhou Zishu came back, he could not hear it with his ability—like a
disturbed rabbit, I've been waiting for most of the night, and I didn't hear
any movement. Finally, I still couldn't resist the acacia disease on the
upper and lower eyelids, and fell asleep.

Until the next morning, woke up by the movement of other tenants, Zhang
Chengling climbed up and ran to his master's room. Then he was
disappointed to find that the pillows were cold. Did not return. Restaurant
Xiao Er came up to say hello to him, but Zhang Chengling couldn't, and
went downstairs to have breakfast by himself.
He couldn't lift his spirits stupidly, feeling that he was a bit wasteful. For a
guy of 15 or 16 years old, his pants were getting shorter every day, but he
always seemed to be standing still. Uncle Li saved his life, then met
Master, then Master sent him to Taihu, followed Uncle Zhao to Dongting,
and found Master ...

It seems that no matter where he goes or what he does, he is not free and
autonomous, but just follows others ignorantly.

Zhang Chengling absent-mindedly wrapped buns, and for the first time
pondered the question of where to go from here.

Just then, there was a small riot at the door, Zhang Chengling took the bun,
looked back, and stopped with the others in the shop.

I saw a dozen women coming in at the door of the restaurant. These

women were all black, like a group of crows, and flew in together. I can't
see how they look-because everyone has a mask on their faces, like the
crudely made smiley doll masks sold to children on the streets during the
holidays, but these pale dolls are hanging on the corners of their mouths.
In addition to the smile, there were bloodstains, eyes wide open, and he
looked like a ghost.

The first person glanced at the dull little two one, and said coldly: "By the
head of a person, one person puts on a bowl of plain noodles, and one more
look, then you dug your eyes!"

Her voice was rough and hoarse, with indescribable malice, and sounded
like an old lady. When she glanced away, the people who looked secretly
immediately lowered their heads—these girls did not look like good
people for a long time. No one wants to get in trouble when walking.

The headed old lady in black sat down and beckoned, beckoning, "Take
care of that little bitter person, and set off immediately after eating."

The women in black under her hands did not make nonsense, and sat down
satisfactorily. Zhang Chengling saw it clearly. There was also a young
woman with a shawl exuding a trembling hair. They were held by them and
pushed over. He looked intently, only startled, and thought to himself,
"Isn't this Miss Qian Jingao who is the heroic hero? How was she caught
by these black people?"

The wolf-ridden woman was Gao Xiaoli. She did not see Zhang Chengling,
her mouth was broken, and she was so hot that she worked hard.
Immediately, she felt a pain in her waist, and felt half-numb, and a woman
pressing her shoulder retracted the long needle that had just pierced her
waist, and said coldly in her ear: "You feel, Am I just going to make you a
dead man who can't even stand up? Or should I make a few strokes on your
shiny little face? "

Gao Xiaoli didn't dare to move. Her eyes were red, and she was frightened
and angry. The woman stepped on her knee fiercely, and almost told her to
go to the ground and scolded: "Then you will be honest!"

Zhang Chengling hurriedly lowered his head, pretending that he hadn't

seen anything, avoiding the eyes of the woman in black, and seeing that
she had sat down, then carefully raised her head and looked at Gao Xiaoli

He has always had a good impression of Gao Xiaoli. He felt that this was a
soft and beautiful sister who spoke softly and softly. When she saw that
her face was still bruised, it was obvious that she had been beaten. Groups
of women in black are not good.

He then looked at the door again, thinking anxiously, Master, why haven't
they come back yet?

This group of people in black is obviously on the move, unlike Zhang

Chengling who chewed slowly and filled his stomach, and immediately
put down the money to leave, but Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing have not
yet returned. meaning.

Zhang Chengling couldn't sit still.

Strange to say, as long as Zhang Chengling is in front of Zhou Zishu, it

seems to be a special waste. The word "waste" is often hung by his first
impatient master that day. Moreover, he himself has The master relied on
it, as if there were mother-in-law's children. A trivial matter called
"Master Help", all his powerful Master scolded him to rescue him.

At this time, Zhou Zishu was absent. Instead, he was calm and daring, and
secretly called Xiao Er, so he told him so carefully and chased up

On the other side, Zhou Zishu, who had not returned overnight, had an
adventure with them.

As Wen Kexing listened to the sound of the bed and people becoming
more and more unscrupulous, he couldn't help but have some doubts. The
place of fireworks is generally in the heart. These good things are in the
boudoir of the pick-up girl. Silly, it's so empty under the bedboard that she
didn't know that she lived in a large nest?

He pulled Zhou Zishu's hand and wrote on his palm, "Who's room?"

Zhou Zi paused and said, "Big scorpion."

Wen Kexing was even more puzzled. Could it be that the head of the
poisonous scorpion had let the sister Yao pick up customers in his own
bedroom? He thought in horror, would it be impossible for the scorpion to
be so poor that he could not support him by killing and setting fire?

Then he stroked on Zhou Zishu's palm again: "Mother Scorpion?"

Zhou Zishu shook his head, and Wen Kexing was even more puzzled. He
listened intently for a while, and found that there were actually three
people in the room, but the man and the woman were in a fierce battle, and
they almost obscured the voice of the other person. Now, although the
extra person breathed lightly, but still could hear a little rush, Wen Kexing
became even more frightened, and the scorpion head's hobby was really

So he wrote, "Isn't he OK?"

Zhou Zishu paused for a long time, then nodded cautiously.

His face reflected the moonlight that had just risen, and his official
business affairs face looked as if Lord Zhou was dealing with national
affairs, not listening to the roots of the wall. Wen Kexing looked at him,
and felt that the world was awe-inspiring. Second, no one can be first.

After a long while, the sound inside slowly subsided. Zhou Zishu felt that
it was almost the same, and waited patiently for them to leave. Who knew
that for a moment, the bedboard started to creak again. It seemed to be
more lively-Zhou Zishu's brows frowned, and he said that the two were not
over, that would have to be skinny and thick, thick and heartless, in order
to have a personal viewing next to him Work hard!

Wen Kexing was almost amused by his tangled expression, listening to the
sound of the room in the ear, and the intermittent singing of the front yard,
looking at the people in front of him, his eyes lingered around Zhou
Zishu's waist and legs in particular-- The two of them were quite
interested, and they had nothing else to do, so they stared at the place
where they did not look at it.

After he was so impressed, he raised a hand and placed it on Zhou Zishu's

side waist. Zhou Zishu's brows frowned even more, and he tilted his head
to glance at him. Wen Kexing raised a forefinger in his mouth with a
smile. Side, looks very innocent.

Zhou Zishu felt that he was a little over-sensitive by his tossing. He

thought about himself as a big man, and touched it. If he wasn't taking
advantage, he ignored him.

Wen Kexing got cheap and continued to sell well, slowly moving the palm
down, and he became more satisfied. I felt that this child looks really
smooth, but it is slightly thinner, but thinning also has the benefit of
thinning, if you take off your clothes , This small waist can be grasped, but
it feels even more.

Zhou Zishu reluctantly returned his hand to slap on his respectful hip,
cooperating with the scream of the woman in the house, twisting his two
fingers, blowing his breath gently, and squinting Wen Kexing One glance
and chuckled.

Wen Kexing's wink sank immediately, holding him tightly, and kissing
Zhou Zishu before his smile disappeared. None of them dared to make any
move, they could only compete with each other very limitedly. The first
time was that Zhou Zishu didn't respond. The second time was that he was
hurt and was sad. This time it was the first time that he met his opponent.

These two people, one who lingers in the flowers, makes countless
flowers, and takes the world as his duty, one gets out of the capital of the
30-year-old Wangyue River and is accustomed to pushing cups and
changing scenes. They are all old-fashioned, they are lips The
entanglement must be either the east wind overwhelming the west wind, or
the west wind overwhelming the east wind.

I do n’t know how long it has been, I was almost suffocated in my chest in
one breath, and even the two wonderful voices in the house were quiet, so
Wen Kexing released Zhou, who was also unstable and still struggling to
relax. Holding his hand, he leaned very close.

He suddenly stopped smiling, just watching Zhou Zishu quietly. At that

moment, there seemed to be a thousand words and a thousand words to
say, but after all they fell silent. The people in the room sighed, and the
singing from the front yard became clear. The female voice sang softly,
"Recall Mei Xiazhou, Zhemei sent Jiangbei ..."

Wen Kexing wrote in the palm of Zhou Zi's palms: "I only hope that my
heart is like my heart, and that I will not miss his love."

Zhou Zishu looked at him for a long time, palms closed gently, and gently
pushed Wen Kexing's fingers into the palm, but only touched, and then
separated again, he lowered his eyes and once again avoided Wen Kexing's
eyes He sighed indifferently.

At this moment, a male voice in the room whispered contentedly: "OK,

you go." Then a door rang, and Zhou Zishu took the opportunity to stand
up like a bird, silently landed on the roof, and gently lifted the tile out
Gap, looking into it.

Wen Kexing looked at his fingers, as if the temperature in the palm of his
hand was still there, but the night breeze was too cold, and it fluttered
lightly, and then disappeared. At that moment he couldn't tell what it was
like in his heart, he could only laugh at himself and smiled bitterly.

The author has something to say:

It will snow tomorrow, o (> _ <) o ~~

Too sad, too sad, too sad ...

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 57: gambler
Zhou Zishu thought that the action was already very light, but who knew
that the people in the room seemed to have already noticed it, but he raised
his head so loudly that he just met his eyes.

Zhou Zi shuddered, and saw the man smiled at him, and he was
embarrassed to be too small, turned over from the roof, knocked gently on
the window, and said loudly: "The uninvited guest is not invited, the owner
forgive me."

The window was pushed open from the inside. A plain-clothed man stood
inside, holding a cup of tea in his hand, his eyes lingered on Zhou Zishu's
face, and he scanned Wen Kexing again, smiled, and asked softly: "If two
people want to see it together, they can knock on the door, why are they so

The voice of his speech seemed to be imaginary, especially soft, lest his
voice be loud and startle something. He was so gentle, with a single eyelid,
a courageous nose, but also very human-like, just looking at the face,
really I can't see that he was the head of a scorpion who had lost his life
for eight years.

Zhou Zishu's face was naturally thick, and he didn't feel cramped when he
heard the words. He said generously: "Thank you for your kindness-it's not
necessary, we don't hide it, we have something to ask for."

The big scorpion glanced at him and groaned, "There are only two things
that come to me, either for my children to kill and set fire, or to ask, who
actually let my children go The murderer and the arsonist are capable of
two men, I am afraid it is the second one? "

Zhou Zishu calmly said, "Yes."

The scorpion set the tea bowl aside, held his hands on his chest, and
looked at him playfully: "What can you give me?"
Zhou Zishu said bluntly, "You just mention it."

The scorpion saw him very bold, with a look of wealth and fearlessness,
and then he looked at him with a slight timid look. Generally speaking,
people like this are either too arrogant and think that heaven and earth
have entered Jinshan and Yinshan. Things, things you can't get, or ... just
make up your mind and decide to hang on.

If you ask the price, I will never sit back and pay.

The scorpion slowly said, "Can you tell me to sleep with me, do you

Zhou Zi looked critically at his face, and looked around his waist, legs and
**** again, and then reluctantly agreed: "Okay."

Wen Kexing, who was listening with enthusiasm, immediately protested,

"No! The two of us have been sharing the bed for so long, and I haven't
seen you so happy!"

Zhou Zishu lifted his eyelids and asked him, "What should I ask, do you
know the answer?"

Wen Kexing froze.

The scorpion laughed, licked his lips, his eyes turned fiercely between
them, then took out a small jar from his arms, shook it twice, poured out
two dice from it, held it in his palm, whispered softly "It's better, you bet
me and win me a game, I will tell you one thing and lose me a game ..."

Wen Kexing whispered to Zhou Zi: "I finally know why he is in a hurry to
make money. With this hobby, his family business is not enough for him to
lose. You have never heard of 'winning with one heart and winning with
two eyes. , Three meals are tasteless, limbs are weak, five industries are
deserted, six relatives are not recognized, Qiqiao smokes, Bafang borrows
debts ... '"

Zhou Zishu stepped on him.

The scorpion chuckled: "It makes sense for you to say so, but isn't it a big
gamble in my life? Many people want to kill me. When I die, they win,
and if I don't die, they will always be stunned. Uneasy, someday, someone
who came to urgency came. You said, wouldn't it be boring if it were
smooth and smooth all your life? "

Zhou Zishu interrupted the in-depth discussion about life between these
two youths and asked, "What about losing you?"

The scorpion stared at him at an angle, saying slowly: "Don't worry, I don't
want your money or your life. If you lose a game, you two will do a show
for me, and I will be refreshed. ——It's just that the two of them weighed
in. They lost too much, but it was not easy to end. "

Zhou Zishu didn't say a word, and firmly said: "There will be a period

At the same time, Wen Kexing cried out, "I think this bet is fine!"

Zhou Zishu pretended not to know him, and walked out indifferently. The
scorpion said behind him, "I'm afraid. I just asked me to make an offer."

Zhou Zishu's feet kept on, and his mouth just said lightly: "I'm all old
people, and I'll just let the jifa go."

Wen Kexing laughed along the side: "That ... Brother Scorpion, forgive
me, my family, everything else is fine, but my face is tender and my skin
is too thin ..."

Before he finished this sentence, he saw Zhou Zishu turned back

expressionlessly and said to the scorpion, "What do you say, bet?"

Sometimes, it doesn't matter if the law is used, it depends on who made it.

Only then did Scorpion lift the dice cup in his hand, and Zhou Zishu
sneered, "It's just a little trick, I'm afraid we just got a night out and can't
tell the difference."
Scorpion frowned, thinking about it, turned around and walked into the
room, Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu jumped in through the window. I saw
that the scorpion turned out a pack of small needles as thin as a cow's hair,
and Zhou Zishu's brows frowned-he had done this thing.

The scorpion twisted a small needle and licked it lightly with the tip of his
tongue, and said, "This is not too late to poison, so let's bet. Who eats
more, OK?"

Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing looked at each other. At that moment, the two
of them were at a loss, thinking at the same time-why is Ye Baiyi not here?

The scorpion narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to bite. The needle
was like noodles, and he bit it into sections. Then he swallowed the needle
like this. Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing looked at each other. I did not
expect this big scorpion. After all, it was an iron-toothed copper tooth.

Scorpion asked with a smile: "Is the gambler or a coat?"

Wen Kexing seemed very eager to choose the latter. Zhou Zishu suddenly
picked up a wine glass from the table, opened his own jug, poured a full
glass, reached out and pinched two needles, a pinch at the fingertips, the
two The small needle turned into a pile of powder, which melted into the
wine in a blink of an eye. He looked up at the scorpion. The scorpion was
quite graceful. He raised his hand to ask him to invite first. Zhou Zishu
frowned and drank the wine in the glass. After lighting the bottom of the
cup, Wen Kexing watched his face coldly, and felt that the taste of the
drink would not be better than that of the walnut.

The scorpion smiled: "This man, don't blame me for not reminding you.
You eat with wine like this, but you can eat more of my belly than me. Can
you two want to deal with me together?"

Wen Kexing waved his hands and said, "No, no, no, you do n’t have this
Yaxing and teeth, you can do it yourself."

Zhou Zishu smiled suddenly and said, "I ate two, and you ate one. I think it
is enough to win you."
His words did not fall, he made a cheap move, slap on the table, those
cattle hair needles flew up and down, the cold light overflowed, the
scorpion only felt a force hit, subconsciously drank, bent down Flashed
over, and then turned back, and saw that all the ox hair needles on the table
rubbed his body and nailed them in the wall, but it was a few inches deep,
but I could n’t take it anymore.

Wen Kexing couldn't help screaming well. He said that Axu's move was
really shameless, much like his own style.

The scorpion frowned, and then slowly unfolded again, still asking
arrogantly: "What's your name?"

Zhou Zishu said: "Free your surname Zhou."

Scorpion nodded: "Brother Zhou is very hardworking and thoughtful, but


He stretched out his palm, and a thin needle lay flat on his palm. The
scorpion passed it to his mouth and laughed: "This time, I am afraid it is a
flat hand."

Zhou Zishu unhurriedly stretched out his palm, only to see that he didn't
know when he had hidden a needle. He didn't want to eat, but just sent that
needle to the scorpion. The scorpion's complexion changed suddenly, only
to find that the root of his hand was actually short, and he didn't know
when he was cut half by the palm of his hand.

Zhou Zishu crushed the fine needles in his hands into powder, and
laughed, "Two and a half, how do you say?"

The scorpion stared at him fiercely. Both Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu
thought he was going to have trouble. Who knew that the character of this
big scorpion was not good? What do you ask, bet on losing? "

Zhou Zishu said: "Except Sun Ding, who paid for Zhang Chengling's life?"
The scorpion paused, and looked at the two of them again, and seemed to
understand, saying: "Zhang Chengling? Oh, I know who the two are ... But
my people lost your trace in Dongting, unexpectedly I've found it, it's
amazing-come with me. "

He lifted the bedboard while talking, and digged in. Zhou Zishu and Wen
Kexing followed closely behind.

The two followed the scorpion all the way into a secret passage-this place,
with rouge powder dais outside, but an eerie gloom inside, very weird. The
scorpion took them both round and round the road, I do not know how
many steps down, this is the end, Zhou Zishu looked, and saw that this is a
dungeon, a depressing, human-like, but not human-like The roar rang and
the two could not help but be alert.

The scorpion took off the torch on the wall, stood in front of a prison cage,
and said with a smile: "The two can come and see this thing. It's an old

He might be stimulated by light, and a pale shadow slammed at the

scorpion, blocked by the prison door, and then gazed at them with a sullen
expression. Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing saw clearly that there was a
monster in it, just like the inhuman monster they encountered in the
mysterious crypt that year!

I saw the scorpion looking at the monster tenderly, as if it were a peerless

beauty, and whispered softly: "These are our medicine people. They were
people before their first birthday. To this day, I was born with copper and
iron bones and murderous. He is really a good child ... just not obedient,
maybe the medicine used has hurt his brain, and it will be perfected in the
future. "

The playfulness on Wen Kexing's face was gone, and Shen Sheng asked:
"The crypt was set up by you, and the buyer is a long tongue ghost?"

Scorpion said: "That's right."

Wen Kexing intercepted him and said, "Fart, the long tongue ghost has
been slaughtered by me, and who is the one who hunts down Zhang
Chengling in Dongting?"

A sly smile appeared on the scorpion's face, saying, "I only said that the
buyer was a tongue-in-law, and did not say that no one was behind him."

Zhou Zishu said: "Ah, this is another question, do you mean, would you
like to know the answer and bet again?"

The scorpion stooped slightly and said, "Brother Zhou is forgiving."

Zhou Zishu shook his sleeve impatiently: "What do you say, bet?"

Scorpion laughed: "I bet on those gadgets, I'm not as good as Brother
Zhou, and I'm not as smart as Brother Zhou. I'm afraid I have to lose
again. It's better for us to go by God, go up here, go out to the street, one
of you. People blindfolded. From then on, when the hand touched the stone
lion at the corner of the street, they started to count and see if the
twentieth person was in front of them, male or female. How about that? "

Wen Kexing couldn't help but said, "This bet is very meaningless. I can't
see any benefit to you."

Scorpion calmly said, "It doesn't matter what you gamble on. For me, the
important thing is a gambling word. It's like someone else is hungry to eat,
thirsty to drink water. If you don't let me gamble, I won't be able to live ...
you say What about? "

Wen Kexing sighed, only to find that there are strange things every year,
this year is really many, so he stretched his fingers and pointed at Zhou Zi
and said, "Blind his eyes, so that he doesn't feel that my intention is

Zhou Zishu glanced at the scorpion without objection, Wen Kexing groped
for a long time from his arms, found a sweat towel, covered Zhou Zishu's
eyes, grabbed his arm, and said to the scorpion: "Please first . "
The three men slammed on the ground again, all the way to the street of
Huahua with this cat hiding style, Scorpion said: "Brother Zhou, you can
meet the lion with your hand raised, please invite first, please bet. "

Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing shared the same voice: "Men."

Although there are flowing orioles in the shuttle here, the fans are more
mobile. Since this big scorpion has a generous head, they are disrespectful.
Can't wait to lick his lips: "OK."

The moment Zhou Zishu raised his hand, the scorpion began counting
people-eighteen, nineteen ...

Even Wen Kexing made him a little nervous. Zhou Zishu had already taken
off his blindfolds and looked at them without blinking. The twentieth
person passed by. He was wearing a robe with long hair. Crown man!

A smile slowly appeared on Zhou Zishu's face before he began to speak,

but as the man approached, his smile froze on his face, but Scorpion
glanced at them both proudly, and suddenly took a step forward. Stopping
the passer-by, startled the passer-by, only listening to him softly and
whispering, "This is a place of fireworks. It is very inconvenient for the
lady to enter. The reputation of the girl's house is important, please come

The delicate white face of the "man" rose in color, the scorpion said
"offended", and suddenly shot off the silk scarf around the neck of "his"
like a flash of electricity. "The throat is so smooth that you can't see a little

The scorpion turned around with a smile, put his hands in his sleeves, and
slowly said to Zhou Zi: "Brother Zhou, what do you say?"
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 58: thrilling
Zhou Zishu was very panicked in his heart, feeling that this world had
changed, and people's hearts were no longer there. A big girl in the middle
of the night actually ran to the land of Hualiu to have fun, and she looked
up at the night sky and said, "This ... ... "

The scorpion snorted and said, "They are scholars, and they pay attention
to 'the words must do, the actions must be fruit'. The sons and daughters of
the rivers and lakes say 'a gentleman, a horse and a whip'. Spitting a nail,
can Brother Zhou just want to keep his word and fat? "

Wen Kexing was afraid that the world would slap Zhou Zi on the waist
without chaos and said, "That is, sneaking and slipping is okay. It's not
shameful to speak, even I can't bear to be with you."

Zhou Zishu patted his salty pig hand and thought to himself: You are
compassionate, don't go with me.

He glanced at the scorpion, said nothing, and turned his head back.

The scorpion's expression was loosened, and then a smile appeared. He

looked really good, but he didn't look good, his mouth seemed a little
crooked, and he looked particularly disgusted, and his eyes fluttered with a
wave / wave. It is a bit insignificant. Wen Kexing suddenly felt a bit of a
sense of crisis, looked at Zhou Zishu's back, and looked at the person next
to him, feeling that in front of who and what ... something needs to adjust
his mental state.

However, he soon realized that he was actually more concerned.

The scorpion stood at the door of the scented house with his arms on his
arms. The bed seemed to have been brought in to clean it up, and the bed
hangs half loose. The scorpion asked: "Two people need to bathe and
change clothes and use nothing. ... to help? "
Zhou Zishu rolled up his sleeves and said very bachelor: "You don't have
to be so troublesome.

The scorpion stunned and patted with his hands after a while. A servant-
dressed man ran over in a small step, bent down and stood in front of him.
What the scorpion ordered in a whisper, Zhou Zishu added quickly: "A
sword is required."

The servant went down, and the scorpion looked at him, wondering, "Isn't
Brother Zhou going to play tricks again?"

Zhou Zishu leaned on Erlang's legs, and sat on the bed, laughing, "You
watched how much meat rolled around all day, tired or not? Wait a
moment, I want you to watch something fresh."

Wen Kexing didn't say a word beside him, he was very savvy. He wondered
if Ah Su could be able to withstand Lai, that's good, save the big scorpion
cheaply. If you really want to ... wow, marry the chicken and the chicken
and the dog. Dog, of course, he could not help but give up his life to
accompany the gentleman.

For a moment, pen, ink and paper were all readily available. Zhou Zishu
stood up and reached out to the scorpion, saying, "Please wait."

The scorpion was naturally in no hurry, closed the door of the room with
his hand, held the teapot, and drank it himself—I saw Zhou Zishu's pen
without hesitation. Looking at the posture, it was quite a bit of a sense of
daring everyone. After just a few clicks, it became a sheet, set aside to air,
and extended the magic claw to the next sheet of paper.

Wen Kexing didn't know what he was going to do. He curiously stood and
stretched his neck and looked at it. The more his face looked weirder, the
more he raised his eyebrows, and finally he flew out of his face. He
seemed to know Zhou on the first day. Like Shu, he felt like he was
sighing. I didn't know how to express it, so I stood with a solemn
expression and stood beside Zhou Zishu.
It took a while to make a note of incense. Zhou Zishu had already used up
more than ten sheets of paper with a sharp knife, and when he was done, he
threw the pen aside, picked up the last one, dried it gently, and then dried
the first one. When he got up, he patted the wall with the palm of his hand,
and the soft rice paper was trapped in the wall. His hands kept moving, and
a dozen rice papers were lined up in order in a moment, and all were
photographed on the wall.

The scorpion's complexion was already blue-I saw the dozen or so sheets
of rice paper with very simple lines, which were drawn like ...

Very simple Spring Palace map, there are only two villains, a circle
represents the head, and a few strokes are stretched out to draw out the
body and limbs ... Well, the limbs, although they are simple to draw, the
figures are still lifelike. In the end, the whole process was painted exactly,
and people looked at it one by one, but there was really an illusion that the
people in the painting were moving.

Wen Kexing paused for a long time and tried to be as fair as possible:
"Axu, I don't see how you can do that."

Zhou Zishu was kind and polite: "Sculpture of worms, shame and shame."

Wen Kexing noticed that his skin was getting thicker and he didn't know
what to say. The scorpion clasped the tea bowl in his hand firmly on the
table, stood up with a "teng", and angrily replied: "Brother Zhou is teasing

Zhou Zishu put his hands in his sleeves and said without hesitation: "What
does this say? I asked who was going to kill Zhang Chengling. The lord
told us who the buyer was, and didn't say who was behind him. At the
command, isn't this also a hole in the air? In this case, you only say that
the two of us will do a show for you ... "

He reached out and knocked on the painting on the wall, and said, "The
two of us will do a show for you-there is something different in the
painting, and I would like your advice."
Wen Kexing seemed to be afraid that the scorpion could not understand,
and enthusiastically explained, "It's too bad, my craft is not very good.
Come, if you can't understand, I can tell you, the villain above ,it is

Zhou Zishu glanced at him obliquely, interrupting him coolly: "An

explanation is a cover, why do you?"

The scorpion's fist clenched and squeezed a few words out of his teeth:
"Too much bullying!"

The words didn't fall, and he didn't see how he moved. On the other hand,
seven or eight poisonous scorpions in black came out from nothing. Wen
Kexing and Zhou Zishu didn't seem to be astonished. Wen Kexing also
laughed: "Here is the next point It is really ashamed that the romantic
affairs will be watched by everyone. "

The poisonous scorpions were not prepared to make nonsense, and did not
say hello, so they collectively trained to jump up like two people. Zhou
Zishu raised his hand and patted the small table in front of him, taking the
opportunity to quickly back. It was almost midnight, and his chest began
to produce a little dullness, so he was not stubborn, and the man did not
want to lose sight of Wen Ke, and said, "I leave it to you."

Then he flicked away from a poisonous scorpion and leapt away from the

Wen Kexing smiled bitterly. For the first time in his life, he was doing the
mess for others. Seeing that Zhou Zishu had run away, his men no longer
showed mercy, and shot out with a single palm. A scorpion in front of him
turned out to be like him. This palm dries the essence, and the part of the
skin exposed on the face of the calcium carbide fire quickly shrinks and
dies, and the eyes glaring out of the eye socket, like a dead body, died.

Wen Kexing looked at his palm and sighed softly: "Just a joke, why is
Brother Scorpion angry?"
The scorpion calmed down, raised his hand to stop his poisonous
scorpions, looked at Wen Kexing alertly, and asked, "Who are you?"

Wen Kexing looked up at him and said, "Until now, if your Excellency
doesn't know who I am, wouldn't the poison scorpion be too useless?"

The scorpion seemed to think of something, and the corners of his eyes
jumped abruptly. Wen Kexing lowered his voice, as if he was not prepared
to hear it, and laughed: "Which is the same as the evil devil, why bother
each other?"

He turned around and walked away. Although the man laughed and didn't
see any maliciousness on one face, I don't know why. At that moment, he
had a strong **** meaning that was hard to ignore, and many poisonous
scorpions were present. Forced by his breath, no one dared to step forward
to stop it.

The scorpion suddenly stopped him and said, "Don't you want to know
who bought the dead ..."

Wen Kexing glanced back at him and said, "Thank you, I want to

He flew out of the window and chased Zhou Zishu away. In a blink of an
eye, the figure disappeared, and only a word whispered in his mouth
seemed to stay in place: "If I am too stupid to think about it, how? Don't
you want to make the skinny crooks cramp skin? "

Fengyashan, Qingzhuling, there are evil spirits.

Zhou Zishu didn't go fast. He pondered all the medicine people he saw in
the basement of Scorpion, thinking about the legendary long tongue ghost-
Long tongue ghost obviously recognized Wen Kexing, but he still wanted
to kill him. Sure enough There are many stories in it. The long tongue
ghost doesn't seem to have much ability. Who is behind him?

Was it the Sun Ding in red who was skeptical, or was the six-fingered
ghost Xue Fang that he said made a ghost?
As it happened, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps coming to this side.
At this time, the night was already deep, and the street had already been
changed. Zhou Zishu subconsciously flashed into a side road, reluctantly
exerting power to suppress Qiqiao Sanqiu. Don't call it too violent, listen

The man seemed to be getting closer. Although his footsteps were messy,
but he could hear someone with light merit, but I didn't know why, but his
breathing was extremely heavy. It seemed that ... he was hurt?

Before Zhou Zishu had time to see who it was, he heard a person
approaching behind him, his spine stiffened, and he turned his fingers and
claws toward the man's throat, but was stopped in the middle—Wen
Kexing patted his chest and grieved. Bently looking at him, he made a
"murder husband" lip, Zhou Zishu put his hand back, and continued to look
in the direction of the voice.

The ran over was still an acquaintance, that is, the green demon Liu
Qianqiao who had found him because of Liuli Jia. She didn't have a easy
look this time, revealing her terrible appearance, and described her as
embarrassed and her hair spread out. With blood on the corner of his
mouth, Zhou Zishu frowned gently.

May wish to stretch out an arm behind him, hold his waist around him,
hold one hand against his chest, and just listen to Wen Kexing whispering
in his ear: "Do n’t hold it down, it will make it more painful tomorrow, we
are here Wait a while. "

Zhou Zishu frowned, "Then ..."

Wen Kexing "hushed" him, just holding him gently, a tiny amount of
internal force came along his palms, combing his meridians, but he didn't
dare to force it a little, lest the action would shake a lot His nails, Zhou Zi
paused, and did not refuse, but closed his eyes, no matter who ran past,
they all went through this place first and then said.

Let's say the two of them didn't return overnight. Zhang Chengling went
after the group of black women on his own initiative. He didn't dare to get
too close, lest he be found, and afraid someone would recognize him, and
picked it up on the side of the road. A piece of mud, a face was smeared,
and his hair was chaotic, only pretending to be a little flower.

After chasing for a whole day, these women are like ascetic monks, their
feet are extremely fast, and they do not rest. Only when the sky has
darkened again, they stop in a small inn, Zhang Chengling looks coldly,
only feels high Xiao Lian was really miserable. Being dragged all the way
by these women, he thought that if she walked for a few more days, she
would probably have half her life left.

It was a bold decision he made to come out without permission. He could

not help the second time when he was bold, so he planned how to rescue
the Miss Gao while he was at night.

He watched the women in black enter the inn, and then put a handful of
mud on his hand, followed it in the appearance of begging, and wobbled
around, asking for three or five copper plates, remembering the height I
was pushed into which room, and then I squatted outside the inn, like a
real little beggar, with his head down, sitting on the steps with his knees,
and no one paid attention to him. Still everywhere, he waited until late in
the middle of the night before he sat up, moved his hands and feet that had
been numb, ready to sneak in.

He lied about Liu Yun Jiugongbu's secret in his mouth, as if he could

become more powerful when he read it, and passed silently in the middle
of the guest room.

Suddenly, without being wary of a dark shadow falling from the sky—it
was actually one of those women in black, she didn't say a word, and
started to move up.

Although Zhang Chengling didn't have much self-confidence, after all,

after two years of mastering / teaching by Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu,
coupled with hard work, it has been a long time ago, and Yuyu slipped out
of the same way, and did not bump into each other , And then fight each
other in one move.
However, after a while, the woman seemed to realize what she said, and
then she made a fool, and then she disappeared from Zhang Chengling's
eyes. Although Zhang Chengling's martial arts progressed, she was
inexperienced, startled, and looked around. The woman in black slammed
out from behind him. Zhang Chengling felt only a numbness in the
shoulder and neck, and then covered his mouth with one hand, and was
abducted by the woman.

The author has something to say:

Severe cold, final exam, month of thesis, I am still updating, tears ran, I
am really hardworking!
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 59: Meet again
There is only one sentence in Zhang Chengling's heart-finished!

In the past, following Zhou Zishu, whether it was right or wrong, long or
short, all of the masters who were born with hard work thought about it.
Zhang Chengling, a stupid child, couldn't possibly keep up with the ideas
of the two, so he was so lazy. In the evening, my mind is empty and I don't
want anything. This will be nothing to rely on, but my brain will be
surprisingly flexible.

He wondered why those women hated Gao Xiaoli so much and took her
away, regardless of being dragged down by her schedule, but also to
control her food and drink? Obviously she was useful to them. Otherwise,
she would have died long ago. The most indispensable in the rivers and
lakes is the fierce people who stare and kill people. Then ... have been
arrested by them this time, would it be necessary for them to go to trial?

Zhang Chengling made up his mind. Even if he tried him, he could not
confess his true identity. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble. He has more
and more-but what if Gao Xiaoli recognized him?

There was a rumbling in his head, and he was dragged out of the inn by the
black woman's marijuana bag to a small corner next to the stable, but the
woman suddenly put him down, Zhang Chengling looked at her in
surprise, but the woman He waved his hand to unlock his acupuncture
point, pulled down the mask on his face, and asked, "Are you Zhang
Chengling's little useless?"

Zhang Chengling's eyes first widened, and then she almost cried with joy,
and almost rushed up, barely suppressing the trembling voice, shouted,
"Sister Gu Xiang!"

He opened his arms as if he wanted to hug her, but Gu Xiang held it with
one hand and pushed it aside. Gu Xiang solemnly said: "Men and women
are not fat, I am a family member, you Don't move your hands. "
Zhang Chengling blinked his eyes and looked at her for a long time,
suddenly realized: "Well? Have you married Brother Cao? I understand,
are you and him ... a quilt?"

Gu Xiang's face turned red, and Zhang Chengling stared at him with an
eyebrow. "What are you talking about? Which junk teaches you these
messy things?"

The difference between a young girl and a mother-in-law is that the young
girl is tough again, just when she talks about other people's affairs. When
she gets to her head, she always has a tender face. Zhang Chengling was
actually innocent in his mind. No matter whether he was on the Zhang
family or on the road to exile, no one really told him how those things

Only in his two old and dishonest masters, you can play each other with
my own words, listen to some clues, and then combine your own
imagination to come up with "a quilt has slept, it is a husband and wife".
In conclusion, in the pure heart of the young man, the quilt became a
magical ritual, like a glass of wine.

He didn't think there was anything impure, so he asked it out, Gu Xiang

was blown up, and he raised his hand to teach this babbling gangster.
Zhang Chengling was busy reading the formula while hiding away—this is
almost With his mark in mind, he can't do anything without thinking about
the secret.

Gu Xiang snorted again. When she first started, she felt that the little ghost
had some skills. If she did n’t have a few tricks that looked familiar, she
could barely recognize the black light, and then looked up and down Zhang
Chengling and said, "There is a day No, are you better off, my master and
your master? "

Zhang Chengling explained how he was ruthlessly thrown away by the pair
of dogs and men. Gu Xiang heard a slap, and slap his hands on the back of
his head, yelling, "You have hard wings? Do you know who those people
are, even me and ... and Brother Cao dare not act lightly, what heroes do
you pretend to be? "
As I was saying, another person jumped on the wall, dressed in a black
mask and wearing a woman's long dress, saying, "Axiang, why have you
been so long, I thought ..."

When he opened his mouth, he was actually a man. When he saw Zhang
Chengling, his voice suddenly stopped, and he took off his mask, which
turned out to be Cao Weining.

Cao Weining stared at Zhang Chengling before staring at him: "Ah ... you,
Zhang Chengling, that little guy, how do you make yourself a little face?
Your master them?"

Zhang Chengling honestly had to say it again, Gu Xiang quickly

interrupted: "Don't talk nonsense first, quickly get the girl with the highest
surname before you say it."

She drew a piece of paper from her arms, with crooked lines and a few
ghostly symbols that no one could understand, Gu Xiang said, "I have
drawn out a few rooms in this inn, this The circled place is where Gao
Xiaoli is being held—when I saw a ghost, I thought they looked at her in
turn. Who knew that these women seemed to be very wary, and even their
own people would not believe it, only that Gao Xiaoli was only touched by
the mother-in-law's confidants. "

Cao Weining came together, tapping his chin and asking, "What shall we

Zhang Chengling was eager to try, as if he was risking an addiction, so he

made an idea: "Let's go and toss a little bit of movement, I will lead them
away, you will save people, and then we will reconcile."

Cao Weining said: "Good idea!"

Gu Xiangliang said authentically: "We have a man with the same ability as
your master or my master. You can just rush into the fight and grab
someone without thinking about it-kid, if you have studied for a few days,
you just want to treat others." Lead to '?'
Cao Weining immediately changed his mind and said: "Yes, Ah Xiang
makes sense."

Zhang Chengling glanced at him silently, thinking that even if Gu Xiang

said "Cao Weining is a **** king bastard", he would nod his head like this
and said "Axiang is right".

Gu Xiangyun thoughtfully analyzed: "Those mothers-in-law are not

ordinary people. The person headed by them is called" Black Mother-in-
law ". Legend has it that they came from southern Xinjiang and would be
witches and the like ..."

When Zhang Chengling heard the word "Southern Xinjiang", he couldn't

help but interjected: "How come, the big witch is a good man ..."

Gu Xiang gave him a white look: "What about the big witch? He manages
the 100,000 mountains in southern Xinjiang. Could he even take care of
the Cordyceps that live in it? Besides, I said only legend ..."

Cao Weining immediately said: "That is, we Central Plains people have
always been very secretive about the south, but in fact it is not very clear."

Zhang Chengling had to look at Cao Weining silently.

Gu Xiang continued: "How powerful this mother-in-law is, I can't say well
... Anyway, I can't fight it, Brother Cao, if it is a normal fight, maybe I
have a bit of certainty, but following this path, I watched coldly, I think
there must be other means for Granny Hei, this is difficult, let alone that
they are many. "

Cao Weining suggested: "Otherwise ... let's blow the incense?"

Gu Xiang said, "Do you think Mother-in-law of Heilongjiang will be your

Taoist or my Taoist? The Central Plains are not as good as the South
Xinjiang people, you ..."

She seemed to want to scold someone, took a look at Cao Weining, and
swallowed it back. She was his own man and didn't have the heart.
Cao Weining said eagerly, "It makes sense, that's what happened. I'm so
stupid, I'll just listen to you."

The three tanners decided to take care of Xiangma first, and she
commanded like a demon.

Zhou Zishu survived the three-minute effort after midnight, and felt that
Qiqiao and Sanqiu nails were not so painful, only to find that the posture
of the two was really wrong, and they coughed, earning from the arms of
Wen Kexing. Wen Kexing looked at him leisurely and asked with a smile:
"Axu, the picture of your palace is so lifelike, so easy to swipe, is it a thick

Zhou Zishu also replied with a smile: "I have won prizes and awards, but I
am graffiti."

Wen Ke Road: "Oh? Can the graffiti be so expressive?"

Zhou Zishu turned his head and walked out of the alley. He bent over and
looked at the blood on the ground carefully. He said to him, "It seems that
she ran there, but how could Liu Qianqiao be here?"

Wen Kexing followed him behind him, sighing: "Axu, why are you so
polite to me? With this idea, you can talk openly and talk about the
location problem. "

Zhou Zishu calmly said: "There is no need to discuss this matter."

Wen Kexing smiled wryly, "That's better."

Zhou Zishu interrupted his dream: "Don't dream anymore."

After speaking, he followed the blood stains, and Wen Kexing followed
him, apparently not in the state-right now he was busy with sperm on his
brain, but he didn't care whether Liu Qianqiao was dead or alive.

The two followed the trail and chased out. On the way, Zhou Zishu
suddenly asked: "The long tongue ghost is going to kill you, and the
people behind him are going to kill you ... why?"
As soon as Wen Kexing was still noisily chattering and silent, Zhou Zishu
thought he was not prepared to answer, and then he listened to Wen
Kexing: "You think, why am I the owner of Ghost Valley?"

Zhou Zishu glanced at him and said smoothly: "You have great power."

Wen Kexing smiled slightly, his smile was a bit far-fetched, and he faintly
contained some crazy things. He said, "I'm the owner of the valley,
because they can't take me anymore. The blame will be written off. If it is
a paradise, will it not be crowded out? "

Zhou Zishu thought and understood this with his toes, but at that moment,
he was still silent ... as if he just wanted to hear the person speak it out.

Wen Kexing then said: "Under the Wind Cliff, there is no morality. Either
you eat me or I eat you. No one can help me. I want to kill anyone, so I am
the owner of Ghost Valley. They can't kill me for a while and only listen to
me. But this doesn't mean that they don't want to kill me. If they have a
chance, they will still toss and toss ... For example, some people think that
they got Rong Xuan's cheats in the year, so I can sharpen my big devil. "

Zhou Zishu looked at him and said, "In order to kill you, the evil spirits
risked 'sunburning' by the sun, breaking the rules and making waves?"

Wen Kexing laughed silently: "That's because the evil spirits are not very
patient. They have not been able to stay in that position for three years.
This is my eighth year. They lay there unwillingly, and you said they were
not in a hurry? "

Zhou Zishu was silent for a long time, and said, "If I can live longer, I can
think that I can stop you from going back and be a little white face to
support you."

Wen Kexing gave a meal, turned his face and looked at him, as if
confirming whether he was joking or not, for a long while, he said, "You
said ... want to support me?"
Zhou Zishu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter in which seat. If you are
trapped in one seat, you will feel uncomfortable. This feels ..."

He paused, and the rest of the words fell into a shallow smile-it felt like
nothing better than him.

The day is dawning, and soon, Liu Qianqiao's trail is broken. The two of
them find a place for a while, and find nothing. When they are about to go
back, suddenly, a woman's scream comes, Zhou Zishu frowns, and then
starts to perform , Went in that direction.

The two concealed their breath, eased their steps, and hid aside, and saw
Liu Qianqiao hit an arrow on his shoulder, still struggling to fight with a
person, and that person turned out to be familiar ——Actually, they are
Zodiac from Cangshan School.

The author has something to say:

Keke, it's late today, mainly because I had an accident ==

I felt dizzy when I took a shower, and then I felt like I was standing
upright, but it wasn't until a girl ran up to pull me that I found out that I
was horizontal ...

The intermediate process forgot to open up the perspective of God, so I ca

n’t test how this five-body casts the ground == But fortunately, I ’m an
adult who weighs more than ninety pounds, and the center of gravity has
moved down by more than half under the effect of gravity acceleration.
Where it hits, you can see that the character is still good ...
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 60: Couple
Zhou Zishu couldn't figure out how these two people came here, and they
gathered together to get together. Wen Kexing was spending a lot of time
watching the excitement.

Liu Qianqiao was originally injured, and the zodiac pressed again and
again. Seeing that she was a little bit left and right, she was forced to
retreat. The zodiac soared, slashed across the knife, and drank in his
mouth. The old face was actually It flashed a little bit of stingy, fierce and
fierce, and was not refreshed by Zhou Zishu's heroic attitude when he
kicked and flew.

Sure enough, he is a knowledgeable person who is strong when weak, and

strong when weak!

Liu Qianqiao hurriedly set up a dagger and set her head up. It is said that
her sword was several inches longer than Gu Xiang's dagger, but after all,
one inch was short and one inch was dangerous, and she did not have so
many tricks on Gu Xiang. She just called the Zodiac's blade to wipe her
fingers, and felt Morin's murderous intention. Then the short sword broke
off from the hilt, Liu Qianqiao fell into the ground and rolled away.

These two were chasing after each other, one was running wildly, and it
was a deep relationship of love. Seeing that the Zodiacs chased the girl
like a beast and ran away, Wen Kexing only took Zhou Zishu for a
moment, and was interested Means: "That girl is in distress, don't you

Zhou Zishu lamented that this person was so boring, so he did not even
look at him in return and said, "I'm afraid of being jealous for your

Wen Kexing was silent for most of the day, and said positively, "Axu, you
are serious, don't always take advantage of me."
Zhou Zishu could not help but glanced at him, wondering, wondering if the
surname Wen knew the word "serious"? I saw Wen Kexing's brows
frowned, his attitude was positive, and he was serious and honest: "I am
easy to vengeance, you always teased me, I will remember in the future
when I was in the ceremony of the week, I could n’t hold it. you."

Zhou Zishu was dumbfounded: "You have more thoughts."

Then he followed the trail of the green demon Liu Qianqiao without
thinking, and thought to himself, when the three of them were hiding in
Shu in the first half of the year, something must have happened in the
rivers and lakes. When in Dongting, There was already a faint meaning of
a kind of rain coming from the mountains, and at that time they left
Dongting and went to Xinzhuang.

Zhou Zishu Yuguang glanced at Yu Wenxing, who was walking behind

him, thinking, "He, as the host of Ghost Valley, couldn't see the situation at
the time, so he started to play around and follow. Ye Baiyi is gone? Do n’t
you be afraid that someone will get Rang Xuan and the key and get Rong
Xuan ’s martial arts. Will it be against him? ”

According to Zhou Zishu's observations, Liu Qianqiao and Huashan sent

the middle-aged beautiful man Yu Qiuyu who loved the fan a little, and the
zodiac was not Yu Qiu's follower? Why let him chase Liu Qianqiao like
this? What good is Liu Qianqiao's death for him ... or is Yu Qiu and the
Zodiacs inward?

Zhou Zishu's eyes flashed, thinking of the two glazed armors stolen by
Gaojiazhuang-that time Shen Shen died, and in the cave ground
surrounded by many masters, the people in Guigu were not easy to mix in,
it was likely that there was an inner ghost He used the name of Guigu to
steal the glass armor, and then reminiscent of Yu Qiu's only son Yu
Tianjie, who died outside Zhaojiazhuang, and killed Tianjie's long tongue
ghost, but there was a glass armor ...

Zhou Zishu thought to himself that if he was a thief, would he have to

inherit his father and son?
The more he thought about it in his heart, the more suddenly he screamed
and pulled his thoughts back. Zhou Zishu looked up and saw that Liu
Qianqiao's arm was cut off by the zodiac life. After taking four or five
steps back, he finally couldn't hold it, and "plopped" to sit on the ground.

The zodiac raised the blade cheerfully and approached her step by step,
and said in her mouth, "Why, wouldn't you give things up?"

thing? what? Zhou Zishu frowned, could it be that Liu Qianqiao's and Yu
Qiu's private relationship was known? Is it true that the Zodiacs felt that
the glazed armor stolen by the adulterer / husband was in the hands of the
adulteress / woman?

He hid in the dark and looked at the zodiac. He said that his head looked
like a potato, and his daring function was similar to that of a potato—even
if Qiu Zhen really couldn't conceal the east window incident, such an
important thing, he How could this be given to this woman?

If the previous inferences are true, it is clear that Yu Qiu's slippery look at
the big event is not good, so he pushed the silly girl into the top cylinder,
but Liu Qianqiao was still deeply affectionate, and he couldn't bite.

At this time, Wen Kexing gave him another sting, Zhou Zishu's thoughts
were interrupted again, and he gave him an impatient glance, saying,
"What are you doing?"

Wen Kexing laughed and pointed to the **** violent incident not far away,
whispering: "You want to know so much, why not save her and ask her?"

Zhou Zishu felt that he had no good intentions, and then instinctively
replied, "Why don't you save?"

Wen Kexing said: "I can't save. I am a beautiful and elegant person in
Yushu. I can't save a woman. Otherwise, she will look after me in the
future. I don't like women. Wouldn't I have failed her? Yinde, you can't do
it ... "
Zhou Zishu felt that this man was crazy and crazy, regardless of the
occasion. When he looked at his sarcastic bag, it was not pleasing to the
eye, so he slammed a button on his neckline and held it in his hand before
hitting it. Who knows? Without waiting, Zhou Zishu suddenly looked
away, grabbed Wen Kexing and flashed to the side-someone came!

The two men flickered away, and heard a hum in the forest, Zhou Zishu's
ears moved unconsciously, Wen Kexing looked funny, could not help but
flick with his hands, was pinched his wrists, and received a warning by the
way Look.

Then two shining figures flashed out even under the condition of black
light blindness-it is the two old goods of peach red willow green.
Humming was Tao Hongpo, who stared at the zodiac with a mean face, and
said angrily, "If you surnamed Huang, you are going to swallow it alone?"

I don't know if it has been mixed with Wen Kexing for a long time. This
sentence suddenly caused Zhou Zishu to have a little bad association. Then
he subconsciously glanced at Wen Kexing and saw him stare at these four
people strangely. With a sigh, she slightly tilted her lips, and passed the
voice into the room: "It's such a romantic affair with high moon, dark
wind, unique taste, and a large number of people, it's really a shame for
me to be shallow ..."

Zhou Zishu froze on his wrist, Wen Kexing had to shut up. The two
listened attentively to the words over there, and saw the zodiac grinning at
the old couple without a smile, and raised their voices a lot, saying, "How
dare to work for two, such a thief woman, a younger brother People can
catch it. "

Liu Lugong glanced at him coldly, and said in his mouth, "You don't play

The Zodiac said nothing, and took a step back to avoid the suspicion, but
the knife in his hand did not return into the sheath. Instead, the guard was
sternly guarded, as if to explain what looks beautiful and deviating.
Taohong mother glanced at him alertly, looking at Liu Qianqiao like a
serpent, and said, "Little girl, mother-in-law asks you what you better say,
which saves your mother-in-law's trouble and saves you from suffering."

Spring cold is still expected, but Liu Qianqiao is as if it was picked up

from the water. Her cold sweats, her broken arm failed to stop bleeding in
time, her face was extremely pale, and her body was shaking like a leaf in
the wind, still Looking at these three men stubbornly, gritted his teeth as
much as possible to stop the trill: "If you want to kill, kill, what is it?"

If a person like Liu Qianqiao said this, he would probably know nothing.
To her, what is more important than life?

I couldn't understand the three balls, and saw Tao Hongpo sneer: "Toasting
without eating and drinking!" She suddenly reached out and drew a short
scream from Liu Qianqiao between the flashlight and fire—Peach Red The
mother cut her other arm off.

With no support, Liu Qianqiao had to twitch and fell to the ground, kept
standing up, panting like a dying fish, squirming on the ground, trying to
sit up.

Liu Qianqiao's eyes were scattered, but his mouth still said lowly: "If you
want to kill ... just kill ..."

The Zodiac smiled slowly and said slowly: "Sister Taohong, if she died
like this, it would be a bad thing. She has already hit me. This is the end of
a strong crossbow. You still have to keep your hand a bit ...... The woman
said, isn't there such a great way? "

He was insignificant in appearance, and even more indifferent when he

smiled, Wen Kexing sighed vicissitudes: "After the Yangtze River pushes
forward, I think he is more like a big devil than me."

Zhou Zishu finally knocked the clasp out of his hand. He didn't save his
energy. This time he caught off guard on the zodiac's wrist with a knife. He
actually gave his wrist a hole, and the zodiac killed the pig. Shouted.
Zhou Zishu was originally unwilling to gossip, and Liu Qianqiao was not a
good thing. He replayed her once, and it was already because of her easy-
changing method, which may have something to do with the seniors of
Sijizhuang. . But for a while, he suddenly felt that such a woman who had
been foolishly waiting for a **** all her life to death would die cleanly,
and there was no need to be humiliated by the goods of the zodiac.

It's counted that the three people such as Huang Daoren have not seen
Zhou Zishu's true face. At first glance, the three of them stunned. Liu
Lugong stared at him and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhou Zishu picked up the corner of his mouth and smiled, and did not
answer. Suddenly, he took the light work, and the torrential rain swept
over, picking up Liu Qianqiao's short sword. The zodiac only felt that the
figure in front of him was a flower. Flashing in front of him, he hid
subconsciously, his alert throat was cold, and the zodiac bowed his head in
disbelief-he was so crossed on his neck!

My neck cracked-this was the last thought of the zodiac, and the blood on
his neck spurted several feet, and he twitched and fell suddenly, becoming
a dead man.

Zhou Zishu gently touched his toes, half-turned, and the dagger was still
dripping blood in his hands. His long hair was only **** with a piece of
cloth tape. At this moment, a few strands of long hair fell down, swinging
near his cheek. In the morning light, there was a very pale and handsome
face, as if with a little smile, looking at the peach red and green willow.

Tao Hongpo and Lu Liugong couldn't help but take a step backward.

Zhou Zishu's feet slowly walked towards them as if he could not help, the
blood dripped along the tip of the short sword to his hand, and fell along
the way along his fingers.

At that moment, the pressure from the young man almost exhausted the
peach red and green willows, and the peach red woman roared and
slammed her cane to Zhou Zishu, who seemed to be out of sight in a blink
of an eye. The ground suddenly, Tao Hongpo suddenly felt a crisis, barely
lifted her breath, rolled forward, and at the same time, behind her was a
cold, a strong attack, Tao Hongpo's eyes turned black, and she blew a lot of
blood-she felt her own internal organs. They are shattered.

Lu Liugong's eyes widened, looking at Taohong wife who flew out

unconsciously, and looked at the young man turning to him again. Without
hesitation, he left his wife and ran away.

Zhou Zishu did not chase him, but lowered his eyes, lowered his short
sword, and knelt beside Liu Qianqiao, reaching out to seal the acupuncture
point near her **** wound, but Liu Qianqiao looked up at him with
extreme amplitude. She shook her head gently—she was going to die, she
knew in her heart.

Wen Kexing also came out of the hiding place and stood silently behind
Zhou Zishu.

Zhou Zishu asked softly, "Liu Lijia is actually at Qiu Ling. He ran away
and asked you to lead them away, didn't he?"

Liu Qianqiao just glanced at him without saying a word.

Zhou Zishu sighed, "I don't have much interest in Liulijia. You are going
to die. Why is it hard to nod?"

Wen Kexing chuckled and said behind him, "Girl Liu, I could have told
you that Qiu Yan is not a good thing."

Liu Qianqiao opened her mouth, her voice was very faint, Zhou Zishu had
to lean her ears slightly, only to hear her mouth say: "Ping ... Pingjiang ...
Liu Seqing, Huayue Yaoxiang ... Keep. Year after year, Every time, every
time ... "

Then a little light disappeared in her eyes, her head was crooked, and she
was angry, and her mouth smiled softly, which softened her half-cheeked
face. She hided her face because of this flawed face Throughout my life, I
was destined to come and go like this.
It was just that I didn't finish reading "Sheng Chazi" for a long time.

Zhou Zishu sighed, reached out and closed her eyes gently.

The two listened only to an old, hoarse laughter behind them. The peach-
red woman fled fast, was seriously injured by Zhou Zishu's wind, and was
not dead. She was hemoptysis while pointing at Liu Qianqiao and
laughing: " Husband and wife ... They are the same birds, and the disaster
is about to fly ... not to mention that she, her and that surname Yu have no
names, haha ... Since ancient times, women have been infatuated with
love, men are lucky, she ... can't even understand It can be seen that it is
not unjust to die, not unjust! "

Zhou Zishu glanced back at her, didn't care about her, just got up and
strode back.

Wen Kexing and he walked one after the other without knowing how far
they were before they suddenly said, "Your kung fu seems to be a lot
higher than when I first saw you ... what happened?"

Zhou Zishu stepped back and looked back, Wen Kexing's face was rare and

Zhou Zishu smiled, pointed to his chest and said, "When I first saw you, it
sealed half of my internal force."

"now what?"

"Now it's back to 80% of my heyday."

Wen Kexing didn't seem very happy when he heard the words. He just
stared at him silently. Zhou Zishu turned his head and continued to walk
forward. He said indifferently, "When I die, I will come back to my full
strength. . "

The author has something to say:

Qiye has customized it ^ _ ^

What ’s the big change? I fixed the typos and sick sentences, deleted a
little nonsense, and then split the last unexplained Fanwai into a Heliandai
and a Wuxi, each of which was completed. The specific content can be
found in the title. figure it out
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 61: Put in array
Cao Weining and Zhang Chengling each had a dung bucket in their hands,
and the smell was so foul, Cao Weining thought with joy, that Ah Xiang
was really resourceful and female Zhuge.

Zhang Chengling didn't have his realm, only felt that Gu Xiang was
missing eight virtues.

The two were doing hard work, covering those dung buckets with lids, and
putting a lot of cover on them. Under the direction of Gu Xiang, they were
placed on the roof and on the ground, placing the most disgusting man in
history. Dung bucket array.

Teacher Gu Jun himself ran far away, covering his nose. After setting them
up, they called them over, covered their noses and whispered to Zhang
Chengling, "Did you remember the route I said?"

Zhang Chengling nodded and said, "Relax, Sister Gu Xiang, I will take a
good step in Liuyun Jiugong, otherwise Master interrupts my dog leg."

Gu Xiang poked his head with his fingertips and said, "If you take the
wrong step, you will become a bed bug."

She glanced at Cao Weining again, waving her hand, and ordered:

The figures of the three separated in the night. Gu Xiang was batted on the
eaves like a bat. The whole person was motionless. The girl's eyes were
surprisingly bright in the darkness, like a small animal waiting quietly for
predation. Then she His eyes flashed, Yu Guang swept through the fire in
the backyard, knowing that Cao Weining was already there, just wait for
the fire to start ...

Then I just listened to Cao Weining's throat in the backyard and said, "The
big thing is bad, the house will fall!"
Gu Xiang was so angry that he almost turned aside. Cao Weining thought
that Gu Xiang was on the house, so he screamed out such a sentence, and
when he said it, he also responded that he said something wrong and
quickly changed his tongue: "No, no I mean, let ’s go! Let ’s go! Let ’s run!
The house is burning! ”

A moment later, the inside of the inn followed the commotion, and several
women in black rushed out. The other people in the inn were noisy, and the
other guests in the inn were noisy. Gu Xiang turned it down. Put on the
mask, mix in casually, and then quietly throw a few flare from the wide
robe sleeve, and the flare quickly rushed out, exploded in the noisy crowd,
the small flames screamed and screamed Four times, I do not know who it
was, shouted "come to the house on fire", and then everyone ran in
different directions, and even scattered those women in black.

Gu Xiang frowned secretly. This chaos was a little bit more than expected.
The following things need to be done with care. Who knows that God is
helping her, just as she is standing in the corridor stupidly? The crowded
black woman suddenly shoved her and said loudly, "Go and see the girl
with the last name, I'm afraid someone did it on purpose!"

Gu Xiang couldn't wait to laugh three times, and was taken by her
obediently, and walked into the house where Gao Xiaoli was imprisoned-
her heartbeat was getting faster and faster, she was very excited. The
woman holding her was very alert, and when she was about to push the
door in, she looked back at Gu Xiang in surprise and asked, "What are you

Gu Xiang sank in his heart, pretending to be in the trenches, and said

quietly, "I ... I ... afraid ..."

I don't know who this woman thinks of her. It is estimated that the girls of
this age are similar in shape. She gave Gu Xiang a contemptuous glance,
and pushed the door to enter, while humming from her nose, saying, "
Look at your wacky baggage, keep me at the door, dare to let people ... "

She didn't finish talking, and suddenly her waist was cold, and she looked
up at Gu Xiang in disbelief, only feeling a numbness, an indescribable
coolness spread down her waist, and even if she couldn't move, she stood
straight. Falling forward, Gu Xiang reached out to help her, and said
quietly, "Be careful of the threshold."

Then she closed the door from the inside in a hurry, and saw Gao Xiaoli
was tied to the table. There was another woman in black in the room.
When she heard the movement, she just turned on the light. When she
looked over here, she saw Gu Xiangfu. The unlucky ghost who lived at the
beginning looked helpless.

The other woman in black came over, squatted down, and said anxiously,
"What's wrong with her?"

Gu Xiang said lowly, "I ... I don't know. She suddenly fell down like this,
but don't it be a sheep-horn wind?"

The woman in black was just checking the situation of her companion, and
suddenly heard Gu Xiang playing such a sentence, she immediately raised
her head vigilantly: "You ..."

However, Gu Xiang was waiting for her early, raising her sleeves, and a
white smoke rushed over to the woman in black and covered her face. How
could the woman in black not know how powerful it was? When it was
cold, Gu Xiang popped a dagger in her hand, and while she was out of
breath, she was fascinated by Bai Yan, and cut her neck with a knife.

Gu Xiang had always been fierce, and the woman's vocal cord broke
instantly, and she fell to the ground without a word. Gao Xiaoli has been

Gu Xiang took off the mask on her face, dropped it aside, and said in her
mouth, "Stupid lady, white-faced is also afraid." She talked on her mouth,
but her hands did not stop at all. She cut off Gao Xiaoli's body a few times.
The rope, Gao Xiaoli, was shocked and happy, so he had to stand up. If he
was grateful, he had n’t had time to exit. Suddenly the door was opened
from the outside. Cao Weining rushed in and rushed in, saying, "Axiang,
hurry up! Can't live! "
At this moment, Zhang Chengling climbed out of the window, beckoning
them forcefully, Gu Xiang pushed Gao Xiaoli, and said to Zhang
Chengling: "You carry her!"

The three had discussed it earlier. I saw Cao Weining quickly put on the
mask again, and put on a black long dress. Zhang Chengling, regardless of
Gao Xiaoli, ran back quickly, Gu Xianghe Cao Weining pretended to be
behind, and Gu Xiang shouted, "Where does the thief run!"

The two of them pretended to be chasing, while pretending to be weak. Gu

Xiang pretended to limp. Cao Weining covered her chest as if to shake at
any moment. Suddenly, a strong wind struck behind her, and the old black
mother-in-law's hoarse voice sounded. Get up: "Give me away!"

Then the whirlwind passed them both.

A group of black women followed in the footsteps of the black

grandmother's mother-in-law, surpassing these two good sisters who were
"gravely wounded" and still did not forget to chase the enemy.

Gu Xiang and Cao Weining glanced at each other, stubbornly stubborn,

stubbornly stubborn, and ran along the agreed line.

Besides Zhang Chengling and Gao Xiaoli, it ’s much more dangerous. Gao
Xiaoli did n’t know why he had to carry himself, and he kept saying
something, and he felt that he had affected him, and she had already
recognized Cao Weining and Zhang Chengling. At this moment, I was
moved and said, "Little brother, let me down. I still have the skill and can
run with you."

Zhang Chengling recite the dictations intermittently, and in his busy

schedule he replied: "No, we have to go a little longer." Thinking of the
"fat bucket array" in front of him, he was no longer distracted and
concentrated on carrying the dictum.

Gao Xiaoli knew what was going on, and when he saw him solemnly, he
knew what arrangements they had, so he kept silent and stopped disturbing
him. Seeing that his body looks like a ghost, I don't know what method it
is, and he is secretly quite shocked. This is just a year less than a year ago.
What kind of adventure did the boy have that he was so powerful?

When he smelled a scent of spleen, Zhang Chengling knew it. His strings
were tight. Hearing in all directions, he knew in his heart that the black-in-
law mother-in-law was about to catch up. It is, but now he remembers that
he is still carrying a person, and this person is still counting on himself to
save his life. He is nothing. If this lady Gao was caught by the bad women,
she would not end well, so she felt tall. , The whole body is full of
strength, and he yelled, speeding up again.

On this night, Zhang Chengling actually defeated the only one who was
just a little bit. He had no idea how much he had improved, and then went
out. I am afraid that the skill must also go to the next level, all the
thoughts are ruled out. Only Gu Xiang said in his mind. You can't go
wrong in one step.

The recipe in his mouth recites faster and faster, and the whole person's
afterimage generally follows the route of the dung bucket array that they
laid down in advance. Seeing that they were going to chase them soon,
who knew that the thief was suddenly accelerating, and where he was
willing to go, he rushed to the chase immediately.

Suddenly, she felt a line in the air trapped her sleeve, and a traction force
came. The first reaction in Blackhead's mother-in-law was that there was a
mechanism. She had no time to think about it, fled away, and hid in the
dark. One of the dung buckets suddenly splashed on the place where she
was standing, and the contents were splashing out.

No matter how a black mother-in-law is a woman, and she has some

cleanliness, how can she withstand this? For fear of something splashing
on her, she stepped back three or four steps. She only felt something under
her feet, and she murmured, After listening to the sound, he escaped again,
and the man had not yet landed. The third bucket was rolled down by the
second one. He was impartial and poured a black mother-in-law's face.

This old lady is so mad that she ca n’t wait to yell, “Little thief, I ’m going
to crush you!” But you ca n’t open your mouth, for fear that a tragedy will
happen with one mouth. The teenager carrying Gao Xiaoli is long gone.
Traces, she wanted to smash the corpse, but there was no target.

Her disciples were no better than her. One by one in this dung bucket array,
the black women who were coaxed by the cowhide and blocked the gods
and the Buddha were so indescribable. .

When Zhang Chengling arrived at the meeting place, he let Gao Xiaoli
down. He was out of breath. Gu Xiang and Cao Weining had already
waited there. When they saw the two, they immediately came to answer.
Zhang Chengling said: "She, they ... won't chase it back, right? "

Gu Xiang patted his chest and said, "It's impossible, but if she's still a
mother, she didn't say she dared to run at night with her dung on her face!"

Cao Weining said with excitement: "Axiang is putting on too much time!"

Gu Xiang was a little embarrassed by him, he waved his hands and said,
"Study and sell now, this is what the seventh master taught me ... Oh, yes,
the seventh grandfather also said that if you see Zhou Xu, they want Write
to him! "

Gao Xiaoli is grateful and Gu Xiang is busy sending a letter to Qiye and
Dawu again. The four of them tossed for a night, replaced their body, and
led by Zhang Chengling back to the inn where Zhou Zishu lived. They
would go to peace with the two men.

Gao Xiaoli was very silent along the way, although Cao Weining had
questions in their hearts, but Zhang Chengling would not ask, Cao Weining
checked her eyes and realized that she was in a bad mood, so she was
embarrassed to ask, Gu Xiang was totally unconcerned, and ran to Zhou
Zishu cheerfully The inn, and under the guidance of Zhang Chengling,
went to the door of Wen Kexing's house and shouted, "Master! You don't
think I ..."

Before she said a word, she saw the door of a nearby room opened, and
Wen Kexing gave her a severe look at her, and lowered her voice, "What
are you arguing about, Ah Su falls asleep."
Gu Xiang stayed there with his mouth wide open, pointing at Wen Ke's
sidewalk: "Master, you, you, you ..."

Zhou Zishu was a dead person and was woken up by her voice, so she got
up helplessly, came out wearing her clothes, nodded first to Gu Xiang and
Cao Weining, and gave Zhang Chengling a vicious look, then she saw him
unexpectedly After Gao Xiaoli was a little surprised, she passed over a few
people, stood in front of her, and asked, "Miss Gao, why are you here?"

Gao Xiaoli had met Wen Kexing and heard his name was A Su. He
immediately responded. Who this strange man might be in front of him
asked: "Yes ... Zhou ..."

"That's right." Zhou Zishu nodded, and saw her describe how embarrassed,
so he called Xiao Er to prepare her room and eat.

Gu Xiang still stared with wide eyes on one side: "Master, you finally gave
him ... he gave it to the beast?"

Wen Kexing glanced at her, and then glanced at Cao Weining, who was
pleased with a smirk, and looked like Yue Zhang, commenting: "Don't
think you have an in-laws, you can be presumptuous."

Then disregard the young couple, walk down and close Zhou Zishu's robe

Several people were neatly packed, and then sat down. Zhou Zishu
previously listened to Gu Xiangyu's rescue process and met Gao Xiaoli.
Then he asked softly: "Miss Gao, why are you alone here? , Was caught by
Mother-in-law of Hei Ye again? Where is the hero?

Gao Xiaoli was silent for a long while, and suddenly cried out with a
"wow", and said abruptly: "My father ... my father is dead!"

The author has something to say:

I read all the messages ...

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 62: balance
As soon as she said this, several people froze for a moment. Zhou Zishu
sat up a little, but didn't ask, waiting for Gao Xiaoli's emotions to be
released, and she thought about what looked like, and frowned.

Wen Kexing glanced at him, and naturally took a small cage in the bowl in
front of him, glancing at the corner of Gu Xiang's eyes, busy bowing his
head in disguise, half a moment, and raised his head sneakily. Then,
looking around the two men, he thought about it and felt unbalanced, so he
also caught Cao Weining, and Cao Weining was immediately flattered.

It was only Zhang Chengling, feeling sick with Gao Xiaoli, and he could
n’t bear to see her cry. He was clumsy and did n’t know what to say. He
had to be careful to accompany her with sadness, half a moment, and then
came out a word , Said: "Miss Gao ... Don't be sad, my father is dead ..."

Zhang Chengling bit his lip, scolded himself in his heart, and felt that
there was no reason to say this sentence. Is your own father dead, should
anyone else's father die? He was a little helpless. Gao Xiaoli didn't take it
seriously, knowing that he was kind, he barely squeezed a smile at him, be

Cao Weining said aside: "I heard that some time ago, Gao Xia personally
escorted the body of Shen Xia to Shu, and then ... what happened?"

Gao Xiaoli reached out and wiped away the tears, lowered her eyes, and
her face calmed down—the first time they saw this girl, she was sensible,
but after all she was a young lady with pride and respect. With a little
immortality. However, in just a few months, she had experienced too
much, as if she had suddenly become another person. Her voice was still
shaking, but her mood was under control.

Softly: "At that time, Dad said that he would send Uncle Shen to the
heroes for a ride. He was going to take me and Brother Deng, but the day
before he left, he suddenly changed his mind and left me. I ... I was
fighting against him for a while, and quarreled with him, but my dad was
so stubborn that he didn't take me, and said ... I also said a lot of bad
words, like what is happening right now, maybe halfway There will be
many situations, people in Ghost Valley are still shaking outside, and I
will drag them down and the like ... "

A drop of tears rolled down her cheeks, and Zhou Zi said steadily, "I want
to come to make Zun think of something, and it's inconvenient to say it.
That's why I care about your safety and leave you behind."

Gao Xiaoli nodded: "But I ..."

Zhou Zishu said: "If you are safe, you have left his blood in the world, and
you will not disappoint your father's hard work."

Gao Xiaoli bit his lip for a long while, then said, "I don't have a feeling in
my heart. I want to wait for them to go away and then follow up secretly.
Who knows Dad ... Dad actually sent someone to look at me and took it
with me. Brother is gone. I took a mad bet for more than half a month, and
watched my brother let me out, saying that it was also arranged by my
father, and he wanted to take me to a place to meet with them. At that time
... I felt something was wrong. . "

Several people couldn't care about eating, while listening, only Wen
Kexing's expression was fairly bland, not to interrupt, just to eat slowly
and rarely, and occasionally give Zhou Zi a chopsticks.

Gao Xiaoli said, "I ran away secretly while they weren't paying attention,
and wanted to find my father in Shu. Who knows ... who knows that I
encountered Brother Deng halfway, he was seriously injured, and someone
chased him."

Cao Weining asked: "It's Ghost Valley ..."

Suddenly, Zhou Zishu interrupted him, and asked, "Do you know the
person who chased him down? Is it someone in the Dongting Heroes
Cao Weining looked at him with a stunned look, swallowed saliva, and
said neatly, "Zhou ... Brother Zhou, don't you say that okay?"

Zhou Zishu leaned on the back of the chair and said softly, "Listen to Miss
Gao, the heroine is taking people from various majors. If he is really a
ghost valley, how can they chase when they are crowded? Kill Deng Kuan?
Whose life is that?

Gao Xiaoli shuddered: "Yes ... you are right, you are a decent man. They
said that my father was the murderer who killed Uncle Shen, that he was
the culprit who killed the Zhang family and the head of Taishan. The
collusion of the ghosts is to ... want to get Liulijia, and also said that Rong
Xuan and others tossed it out, and stole the martial arts cheats of various
factions, with my dad involved. For the sake of his reputation, he hid this
paragraph. You have to kill and kill yourself, swallow alone ... "

Zhang Chengling's eyes widened and he suddenly stood up: "What? He ..."

Zhou Zishu glanced up at him, and said coldly, "Little ghost, sit down for

Zhang Chengling looked at him: "Master, she said ... she said ..."

Gao Xiaoli's voice rose sharply, screaming: "It's not true, they're bullshit,
they're wrong with my father, my father is not that kind of person!"

Zhou Zishu just said lightly: "Yes, Gao Xia is really not that kind of
person, Miss Gao, you continue to say."

His voice was low and low, as if there was a special appeasement. Gao
Xiaoli glanced at him and felt that he had overreacted, a little stunned, and
slightly lowered his eyes, and then said: "Brother Deng told me to run
away ... … I was frightened, I could only panic, and I was afraid that
others would catch up with me, avoiding the crowd along the way, my
brother was seriously injured at the time, I do n’t know if he ... Is he still
... ”
Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing looked at each other. From this point of view,
Deng Kuan was probably too fierce.

Cao Weining said: "Later, you panicked and accidentally met the black
grandmother's mother-in-law. They didn't pay attention to revealing their
identities, but they got upset and caught it?"

Gao Xiaoli nodded: "It wasn't that I accidentally exposed it. Someone
caught up with me. During that period, the black grandma's mother-in-law
stepped in and took me away ... They thought that the glass armor was in
the hands of my father, and now He died, and those ghosts must be in my
hands ... "

It is simply another Zhang Chengling.

Gu Xiang interjected: "Well, yes, last time after we separated in Dongting,

Brother Cao and I met Qiye and they said they were going to save Zhou Su
with an idea, and they followed us for a while, I just do n’t know where
you went to get rid of the **** to get married ... ”

Cao Weining heard her more and more unsettling, and quickly interrupted
her with a cough.

Wen Kexing paused, ignored Gu Xiang nonsense, and asked, "Qiye said
there is a way?"

Gu Xiangdao: "The big witch said he thought of some, let us contact them
after finding Zhou Su-the group of black-in-laws is said to be the remnants
of the black witches of the southern Xinjiang then, and was killed by the
big witches in early years. Where did I lie to a bunch of silly girls who
followed them as believers, and have been breathing for many years, this
time it was mixed with water, and the big witch said that they had been
completely wiped out. Brother Cao and I were all right, so I went to watch,
all when Jide is doing good, who knows that I met Gao, this time Jade is
making a big deal! "

Wen Kexing looked at her in amazement, frowning slightly, but said

nothing, but instead asked Zhou Zishu, "Look?"
Zhou Zishu was silent for a long while, and sighed, saying: "The people
who know the truth are almost dead, and there is only one left. We have
already won or lost. Why do you ask me such a question?"

At the same time, Qiye and Dawu, who are being discussed, are also in an
inn. Qiye is having a good time with a chopstick, and he is quite childish
trying to put a chopstick upside down on the table. on.

Unfortunately, the head of the chopsticks is not flat and slightly curved.
After working hard for a long time, he is still unsuccessful, but he is still
playing with perseverance.

The big witch looked at him for a long while, and finally sighed, softly
like coaxing a child: "Beijing, stop playing, eat well."

Qiye answered, but still didn't leave the chopsticks. The big witch had to
feed him bite by bite. This southern big witch looked cold and didn't talk
much, but he seemed to have endless patience with Qiye.

Qiye was used to feeding and eating, and the big witch couldn't help
asking: "What are you doing?"

Qiye said, "I want to put this chopstick up."

The witch frowned, not understanding what he meant, so he took the

unfortunate chopsticks out of his hand and poked it gently on the table.
The table surface was made like tofu, and he was asked to poke. When a
hole came out, the chopsticks stood firmly inside.

Qiye glanced at him: "You are brute force, you can't do this."

The witch smiled indulgently, but said nothing, but watched him play with
it in silence, while feeding him food.

Qiye said to himself: "One can't stand, you need to find another one."

He said, picking up another chopstick, for a long time, the two chopsticks
really let him stand upside down on the table, supporting each other, Qiye
carefully lifted his two hands away She spoke very lightly, as if she was
afraid that her breath would become stronger, and she blew down the
chopsticks that had finally stood up.

Just listen to him saying, "Balance-it's not easy."

The witch was slightly puzzled and asked, "What did you say?"

Qiye said with a smile: "For a round, if you want a long-term stable result,
you must have a balance. A balance is a balance, and a balance is a
balance. The way of balance is ..."

The big witch pinched the bridge of his nose and interrupted him:
"Beijing, don't pull it."

Qiye was not angry, as if he was used to being interrupted. He continued:

"If you want to balance, there are many conditions and it is extremely
difficult to achieve. First of all, you must get both sides to be equal, not
strong or weak, otherwise the strong one The weak side must be swallowed
up. Even a close match is not enough. A close match can also fight for
your life. There must be some natural or artificial barriers that cannot be
surpassed. Both sides have to cast squirrels. Both parties have concerns
and refuse to open this head ... Generally speaking, to achieve such a
perfect and beautiful balance result, it is composed of various
coincidences, that is, God's cloth. If it is artificial, you need to work step
by step, be careful with layout, and make mistakes in one step, then you
lose. It's especially easy to get out of this game. "

He said, reaching out to extract one of the chopsticks, and the other fell
down, just hitting a plate of meringue snacks, smashing some small

Qiye laughed: "Just take one of the boards like this, and the balance will
be broken immediately. But ... why should you take this board?"

The witch wondered, "What do you see again?"

Qiye took up the tea bowl, lowered his head, took a sip, and shook his head
and smiled, "You can't say it, you can't say it."
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 63: The night before
A thunder broke through the night of late spring and early summer, and
Xingyue was invisible.

The icy rain fell, washing up the world's Fang Fei in April.

The roof of the inn's old house was leaking. There was only a little bit of
light in the room. A man in a red suit, with a dignified face, flicked the
lantern with his fingers, killing his face.

It is Sun Ding.

Suddenly, a breeze came in from outside the window, and the lights
flickered slightly. Sun Ding's eyes stared and he looked up at the
poisonous scorpion in black coming out of the window, waiting in silence
for the news.

The poisonous scorpion in black took a note from his arms and handed it
over. Sun Ding picked it up, looked it over, put his hand on the lamp, and a
bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face, making him Those half faces were
even more red and scary. He raised his hand and pulled up his sleeve. The
palm of his hand had turned purple, and he grabbed it in the air, as if he
had caught something and crushed it into pieces, then twisted his fingers

The poison scorpion seemed to have received instructions and turned

around and jumped out of the window.

They were like performing a silent puppet show.

Sun Ding lifted his head slightly, with a sloppy expression on his face, and
said to himself, "Xue Fang, you are finally ... showing up."

He wrapped his big **** tightly, like a bat, with a crazy smile on his face,
and went out-he and Xue Fang have been fighting for eight years, and how
many more years are there in life? The owner of Fengyashan should be
changed. Xue Fang was removed and Liulijia was obtained. Sun Ding
believed that there would be no one who could stop him in this world.

No one restrained him from coming out of that seductive place, and the
hypocrisy and sectarianism would be swept away by him eventually-what
is right and wrong in this world?

But the king is defeated.

Xue Fang had already shown his mark, and he was waiting to be
completely beaten by him.

At the same time, in the inconspicuous place in Liuxiang, Luoyang Flower

Street, the scorpion's head was dark, playing with a black and white ****
in his hand, separated for a while, mixed together, and a profound smile
slowly appeared on his face. .

Zhou Zishu and his party stayed in the inn, waiting for Qiye and Dawu.
When they were in Shuzhuang, and they did not think about Shu, they did
n’t know if the dream was awake or not. Control the rapid changes.

The five major families have long since fallen apart, and their former
glory has not fallen under the three-foot loess. Only Gao Chong and Zhao
Jing are left with fruitful results.

When Gao Chong colluded with Ghost Valley and hanged ghost Xue Fang
to remove the last obstacle, Zhao Jing, he finally conspired and was

Suddenly, everything can be explained clearly-knowing the position of

each piece of glass armor accurately, knowing everyone's weaknesses, can
easily steal glass armor from Zhaojiazhuang, and can play the heroes of
the world in the applause , Deceived Shen Shen's glazed armor, and
guarded the thief ... In addition to the mountains and rivers to make the
master Gao Xia, what else can do?

The people who had been twirled with each other finally realized that they
had all kinds of tastes in their hearts for a while, and they didn't know how
to sigh.

Gao Chong laughed and died, seeming crazy, hanged the ghost Xue Fang
and was missing. Zhao Jing was seriously injured and Liu Lijia

Then there were rumors that, before heading to the Shen family, Huashan
head Yu Qiu had conspired with the noble night ... Yu Qiu's son Yu Tianjie
escaped from Zhaojiazhuang on the day he lost his glazed armor in
Zhaojiazhuang. At first, everyone thought he was killed by a hanged ghost,
but the corpse that was found had no head. In retrospect, who was really
sure at that time, the deceased was Yu Tianjie?

Do you need to talk about these twists and turns?

Deng Kuan is dead, Gao Xiaoli is missing, Gaojiazhuang seems to have

premeditated, all the birds and beasts are scattered, and Yu Qiu's
whereabouts are unknown-the worst situation is that all five glass armors
have fallen into evil Ghosts. Thirty years ago, the arsenal was about to be
opened, and the madman's Liuhexin method was about to see the sky again

Wuyuan in the Central Plains, the darkest time has come.

Waiting for the seventh night at the inn, after a while at midnight, Zhou
Zishu took a breath and couldn't sleep from side to side, holding the wine
jar, holding a broken bowl, and sitting on the rooftop with a mouthful.

Sitting in the courtyard, Gu Xiang looked up at the sky with a confusion,

his back to Zhou Zishu, and with her skill, he couldn't detect anyone on the
roof behind him.

Rarely noisy, she sat quietly with her cheeks stretched out, her slender legs
stretched out, holding a piece of grass in her hand, shaking it all at once,
like this, it was a bit like "This star is not last night "Who is the wind and
the midnight snack" taste.
Wen Kexing opened the door, looked at Gu Xiang's back, and suddenly
sighed, as if he had some kind of "My daughter has grown up", he slowly
came out of the room and looked up. Zhou Zishu glanced and sat quietly
beside Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang glanced at him, saying lethargically: "Master."

Wen Kexing smiled. This time he smiled without the crooked suffocation.
It was very mild and almost gentle. He asked, "Why, you quarreled with
Cao Tsai? Anymore? "

Gu Xiang continued to be lethargic, saying: "He dares, my old mother hit


Wen Kexing introspected himself. A good girl, who looks like a dog, has a
nose and eyes, how can you develop this virtue for yourself?

He yawned and patted Gu Xiang's head lightly, asking: "What's the matter,
you don't sleep in the middle of the night? What kind of spring sadness
and autumn hurt you in the yard?"

Gu Xiang glanced at him sternly, holding his chin in his hands, and said

Wen Kexing sighed softly and patted Gu Xiang's head and said, "I said,
why did you start to save people with Cao Ning ’s silly hat? You also
accumulated good deeds ... Why, are you afraid that the masters of the
Qingfeng sword school will not Let Cao Weining want you? "

Gu Xiang lowered her eyes, like she was still a very young girl, chucking
her cheeks and biting her lips without talking, and used her index finger to
dig out the bricks on the floor.

She is more afraid than she is. She is not afraid of what she looks like, but
she is afraid of mentioning her origin.

Even if she is invincible in the world of martial arts, even if she looks like
a country, she ca n’t defeat her. She says you are a good girl, who believes?
Beneath Fengya Mountain, there is no one, will there be a good girl? When
I was a baby, I was picked up by the insanely devastated ghost valley
owner, and kept by my side, without father and mother, seeing with my
eyes open, whether it is killing or being killed, will it become a good girl?

Even Gu Xiang herself was confused. She never wanted anything,

occasionally unscrupulous, and sometimes petulant, although sometimes
her temper was not so good ... but she knew for the first time that she was
a woman who couldn't see her light.

The ugly daughter-in-law can see her in-laws, but she is Zisha, and she
dares not.

Gu Xiang thought for a long time, finally squeezed out a smile, and said to
Wen Kexing: "It's still good in your family, one person is full of the family
and not hungry, and there are no seven aunts and eight aunts ... oh!"

Before she said this, she was smashed by something on her head. When
she looked up, she saw Zhou Zishu look down at her from the rooftop, and
the wine bowl in her hand disappeared, just smirking with a smile. Gu

Gu Xiang was smashed in pain, covering his head, and said to Wen Ke:
"You don't care about him!"

Zhou Zi Shu Fei got down from the roof, patted Wen Kexing on the
shoulder, and commanded: "Go, warm the bed for my grandpa."

Wen Kexing agreed very diligently, and left without saying a word. Gu
Xiang widened his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling that either the
world was upside down or she had nightmares.

Zhou Zi sat down comfortably, sighed, and said, "What are you worrying
about blindly, I haven't worry about it yet-I thought I could still have a
year and a half of good work, but now it looks like it doesn't take that long,
press The big witch said, my meridians can't support my internal force ...
This effort has become a burden. Maybe when I saw the lamp and the wax
pot, I saw the king go. "
Gu Xiang stared at him with wide eyes, wondering what to say, for a long
time, he whispered, "You are really out of luck."

Zhou Zishu didn't expect her stinky mouth to say anything nice. When she
heard the words, she couldn't help laughing and shook her head: "Your
mother, Gu Xiang, if you are not a little girl, I have to take a day. You can't
do it eight times. "

Gu Xiang carefully moved his **** to the side and looked at Zhou Zishu
alertly. Later, when he saw that this person was just drinking and didn't
really want to do anything to her, he was relieved and thought about it,
comforting with compassion. Said: "Seven Lords said that the big witch
might come up with a way to save your life?"

Zhou Zishu took a sip of wine in his mouth and carefully tasted it for a
long time, as if he couldn't bear to swallow it. It took a long time to say,
"It's difficult."

Gu Xiang blinked his eyes and frowned, as if he didn't understand

something. After a while, he gently stroked Zhou Zishu with his toes and
asked, "Don't you want to live?"

Zhou Zishu glanced at her and said, "You don't want to live."

"Then why did you ..."

Zhou Zishu laughed.

Looking at the man laughing slowly and silently, somehow Gu Xiang felt
that his heart was beating a little bit fast, and he looked away quickly,
saying that red-face was a scourge, and a good-looking man was also a
scourge. Just listening to Zhou Zishu said, "For me, there are only two
paths in this life-either to live well or to die well. For this, I can stand for a
while, but no one can stop me."

He is good at calculation and sometimes soft-hearted, but when he

shouldn't be soft-hearted, he can feel like a rock. He can be ruthless
towards others and himself. He has never been wanton, never wants to
endure what he wants, even if he pays a price that others do n’t seem
worth, he never looks back, and never regrets it.

Yang Tian laughed and went out, is my generation prone?

Zhou Zishu looked at Gu Xiang and said quietly: "Girl, how are you, you
have the final say, others do not. It looks very clever. Why do you want to
understand it?"

Gu Xiang was almost foolish, Zhou Zishu emptied the jar of wine in his
hand, threw his hand aside, and turned back to the room.

He pushed the door open, suddenly reached out a hand in the darkness,
hugged him tightly, and threw the door up. Zhou Zishu did not resist, as he
threw himself onto the bed, his eyes slowly raised, and Wen Kexing faced

Silently, Wen Kexing suddenly lowered his head and kissed his lips like a
bite. His breath was slightly frantic, with an indescribable danger. For a
short while, Zhou Zishu suddenly pushed him away and raised his elbow.
He hit Wen Kexing's ribs, rolled over and pressed him underneath,
supporting his hands on both sides, his scattered hair hanging down his
horns, and landed on Wen Kexing's chest, only those eyes in the darkness ,
Amazingly bright.

Zhou Zishu asked, "If I die, don't you lose?"

Wen Kexing didn't squeak, suddenly turned his head, biting Zhou Zishu's
wrist firmly, it was like drinking his blood and eating his flesh. Zhou Zishu
frowned, but didn't hide, just He bit him without a word, and the blood
slowly flowed out, flowing down the corner of Wen Kexing's mouth onto
the quilt, and instantly wet a large area.

I do n’t know how long, Zhou Zishu ’s arm there began to tremble slightly,
Wen Kexing slowly closed his eyes, loosened his teeth, licked his wound,
then sat up and pulled him to In his arms, Fengxue stopped bleeding, and
said, "Loss, I haven't lost such a lifetime."
Zhou Zishu laughed silently and said, "Crazy."

The lunatic ripped a piece of cloth from his lining, wrapped his wrists,
then lifted the quilt, wrapped them in, and soaked in the **** smell,
hugged and fell asleep.

Three days later, Qiye and Dawu finally arrived.

The author has something to say:

Merry Christmas in advance everyone ~

On this daddy's Christmas Eve, I will continue to go to class ...

Mathematics class that is not cheating, not a good class ==

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 64: Bet on life
The two of them seemed to have run the entire Central Plains in a circle,
and they both felt a little bit of dust.

Not much nonsense at the meeting, the big witch checked Zhou Zishu's
body. Zhou Zishu first subconsciously handed his left wrist up and raised it
halfway. Then he remembered that this wrist was a little unsightly at the
moment, and it was quietly retracted and changed. Another one.

The witch glanced and asked casually, "Your wrist is hurt?"

Zhou Zishu calmly said, "Oh, it's all right, the dog bite."

The pulse gate is one of the key points for the Xi Wu people to guard
against. The big witch is a solid eye. He heard the words stunned. While
reaching out and holding Zhou Zishu's wrist, he wondered: "What kind of
dog is so powerful that it can treat you Bite it? "

Zhou Zishu was silent, while Wen Kexing, who was listening silently,
suddenly stretched his hand to Zhou Zishu's mouth, and sighed, "I know
that you are so careful about your revenge. For this, I did n’t let me in for
three days. It's in your room, here you are, bite it back. "

Qiye, who had just sat down and started drinking tea, was stunned by him.
Gu Xiang covered his face and turned his back, indicating that he had seen
nothing and heard nothing.

Zhou Zishu's eyes twitched slightly, reaching out and pulling away Wen
Kexing's hand, his face was unchanged: "You have to be a little bit

Wen Kexing laughed, but this smile was a bit perfunctory. He seemed to
have no energy to play with Zhou Zishu, and completely turned his
attention to the big witch, staring at him without blinking, like a big witch
Suddenly flowers appeared on his face.
After a short while, the big witch let go of Zhou Zishu's wrist, and Wen
Kexing immediately asked, "How?"

The big witch hesitated, and said truthfully, "It's more serious than I
thought-Master Zhou, have you been hurt again these days?"

Zhou Zishu retracted his wrist, gently adjusted his sleeves, and lowered his
eyes. If he smiled casually: "If people are floating in rivers and lakes, how
can they not be attacked?"

After all, the big witch is from the southern Xinjiang. There are some
slight differences between the facial features and the Central Plains. The
eye sockets are extremely deep, and it seems that the eyes are darker than
others. He looked at Zhou Zishu for a while, and it seemed Of course, what
is like, said: "Zhou Zhuang, if I have no confidence at all, I won't come to
you, to give you a block, you can rest assured."

Zhou Zishu looked up at him and smiled reluctantly, "If it is a waste of my

martial arts ..."

At that moment, the man's face had a fragile fragile touch, even though the
trace disappeared, it seemed to be dazzled by others. Seeing the score, Da
Wu nodded and said, "I won't mention those words again. I have a way to
keep your martial arts and your life."

Wen Kexing straightened up to say anything, but Zhou Zishu suddenly

interrupted him and asked, "Can I save my life, but also my martial arts ...
What do I need to pay?"

There was no clue on his face, but he didn't look happy, his eyes sank, and
he was very cautious, as if he was not discussing his injury with a friend
and a doctor, but was negotiating with someone, cautiously Thorough, all-
inclusive, full of heart——

How can there be such an easy thing in the world? Fish and bear's paw can
never have both. Zhou Zishu felt that although he didn't live long, it was
enough for him to understand the truth. There was no truth about the pie
falling from the sky. Even though the two people in front of him were
barely called friends, even in the way of the big witch. Clear, but still can't
believe it easily.

Because ... I hope this kind of thing will hurt people.

Qiye gently held the tea bowl in his hand and said, "In the past six months,
we have searched a lot of places-you also know the forces of the Witch
Doctor Valley. You still helped build it in the past, as long as All the
medicinal materials that can be obtained in this world can be said to be
irrelevant, but these few medicines are relatively rare, so we still need to
find them all now. "

As he said, the big witch pulled out a small bottle from his arms in
cooperation, and Zhou Zishu took it. As soon as he opened the lid, there
was a full bottle of small pills, and a bitter medicine smell floated out.
"You take these medicines and take them at midnight. They can suppress
the onset of your Qiqiao Sanqiu nails, and you can also slowly remove the
poison from the nails."

Qiye continued: "Although poison is troublesome, it is still a small matter.

The key is that your meridians are nailed. If you rashly pull them out, the
meridians cannot bear your internal force. You are not willing to give up
power. It will definitely take some effort to cure it. I'm afraid it's hard. But
... "

He smiled and looked at Zhou Zishu: "Others or can't stand it, I think, you
can try it."

The Dawu went on to say, "We need a man with strong skills who can
instantly break your meridians around you-you can do it yourself."

Gu Xiang, Cao Weining and Zhang Chengling were stunned while

listening, Gu Xiangne asked intently: "Shocked ... Is the body meridian

The big witch looked up at her, and did not deny it, saying, "It is possible,
but Zhou Zhuang's skill is so strong that he won't be discouraged
immediately. During this time, someone kept his heart ... "
Wen Kexing asked: "Do you mean, reshape the meridians?"

The witch nodded.

Wen Kexing opened his eyes and asked, "Can you do that?"

The big witch paused, and he spoke very cautiously, never saying full
words, saying: "I only have 30% certainty when I do it, but it depends on
whether ... the owner can survive it."

"30% ..." Wen Kexing frowned. "Is it only 30%?"

The witch nodded and said, "Forgive me for learning."

Zhou Zishu laughed loudly, and the last haze on his face was also cleared:
"Okay, don't say 30%, I'm willing to gamble, and there is no loss anyway."

He put away the small medicine bottle, solemnly punched Dawu and Qiye,
and said, "Thank you."

Dawu didn't say anything, just nodded lightly, as if he didn't give someone
a bottle of life-saving medicine, but two gimmicks, Qiye smiled, "Thank
you, Wuxi, this silly boy, if you don't let him I paid back the kind of
friendship we owed you back then, I'm afraid it's going to be unreliable in
this life. "

The big witch glanced at him and didn't refute, but just said, "It's not easy
to reshape the meridians. I need an extremely cold place, so you will
probably suffer some chills in the future, but you can recover your skills
slowly. Conditioning is not a problem. "

Wen Kexing thought about it and asked, "In your opinion, what about the
top of Changming Mountain?"

Legend has it that the top of the Changming Mountain is like a fairyland,
with ancient monks and immortals on it, and the clouds and mist are
lingering on the mountainside. The ice and snow on the top of the
mountain do not change all year round.
Wen Kexing said: "It's a coincidence that the old food owed me and I don't
know how much money to eat. Let's go to his old nest and let him manage
the food-Ah Xiang."

Gu Xiang immediately answered.

Wen Kexing said to her, "Would you like to run a leg for me and get me Ye
Baiyi, and I'll prepare two street dowry for you?"

Gu Xiang bargained: "Three."

Wen Kexing took a pat on her head: "Two and a half, okay? Don't get
cheap and sell, go."

Gu Xiang rubbed his head and pulled Cao Weining to go back to pack his
luggage. Wen Kexing stopped Cao Weining and said, "Don't listen to her.
Packing things like this would require you to be a big man. Don't get used
to it. She has no shape and looks like you. Come with me. Little devil, do
n’t stop learning. You have been lax in your practice for the past few days,
are you waiting for your master to scold you? On. "

After all, Cao Weining was dragged out indiscriminately. Zhang Chengling
was a acquaintance. He glanced at his master and realized that his eyes
were starting to look bad at himself, so he immediately slipped out with
his tail, and as soon as the room was clean, The remaining three are Zhou
Zishu Qiye and Dawu.

Qiye looked at Wen Kexing's back, and suddenly said, "You… friends,
rivers and lakes, isn't it easy to come. Do you follow him all the way?"

Zhou Zishu froze, did not deny, but looked up at him, wondering what
Qiye suddenly said, and saw Qiye smile again, and said, "But it ’s really
good for you, except ... It's good to have never seen anyone like you so
much. "

Zhang Chengling was chanting his secrets in the small yard, as if he

practiced kung fu like a slap and a glance. In fact, at this moment, so many
people came and so many things happened. The young man's heart could
not help but feel a little bit floating. He also wanted to follow Gu Xiang
And Cao Weining went to Ye Baiyi. Zhang Chengling reacted slightly
slower than other children, but he was not stupid.

After listening to Grandma Hei's mother-in-law about it, Zhou Zishu didn't
say anything other than punishing him for one more hour of daily practice.
Zhang Chengling did this impulsively, but it also allowed Zhou Zishu to
see the child's potential-after so many and so cruel things, he still kept the
purest thing in his heart, never covering his cowardice, but When it's time
to be brave, it never disappoints.

Zhou Zishu always felt that a boy with no scars on his body grew up
smoothly and was a waste that would never fly under the wings of others.

Zhang Chengling himself also reflected on himself — he could n’t rely on

Master for a long time. Master taught him a lot of stuff like a duck, and he
learned everything by rote, but he did n’t understand it in many places,
even if a master broke up and shattered it. Speaking, I still don't
understand, he needs to experience.

Now that the injury on Master's body is at a critical moment, Zhang

Chengling feels that he should not just follow him around, and should go
out and do something for him.

He thought wildly, and the moves he practiced were messed up.

Wen Kexing saw it from a distance, and said nothing, and he was very
confused. He only had 30% certainty. He had countless lives and deaths in
his life. Every time he could survive 30% surely, but ... It's Ah Su.

Wen Kexing didn't return until Cao Weining called him, Cao Weining
looked at him carefully, waiting for him to speak. Gu Xiang said that she
was raised by this man, and Cao Weining suddenly raised a feeling of
respect and fear for "Old Taishan" to him, accompanied by a laugh:
"Brother Wen called me out ... ... "

Wen Kexing glanced at him, and suddenly it seemed like he didn't know
where to start. After thinking for a while, he said, "I ... Axiang, who was a
half-old child, I picked up. She I also knew my father and mother. She
died. She was too young at the time and was hidden by her mother. The
enemies didn't notice it and let her take her life. "

Cao Weining didn't dare to breathe, and listened almost with pious

Wen Kexing continued: "She is not my girl ... Although we have always
been a master-servant, I did not treat that girl as an outsider, just like my
own little sister."

He smiled and paused, adding: "If it is a pretender, I look at her when she
grows up, and it is a bit like my daughter. The place where we lived as a
child was very unpopular, and I myself was a The child, who stumbled
with her, burned her mouth the first time she fed her, and now it is not
easy for Axiang to live to such a large scale, in fact ... she is not easy to
blame. "

Cao Weining vaguely knew what he was about to say, and he said
straightforwardly: "Brother Wen is assured that from now on to the death
in my life, I count all the time, and there will never be a moment when I
will live up to Ah Xiang."

Wen Kexing glanced at him, and said with a smile, "Don't say so much."

Cao Weining held up a hand, pointing to the sky and swearing: "The
Emperor Empress Dowager learned from all the facts."

The genius Cao was afraid that Wen Kexing would not believe it. He said
in anxiety that the only sentence in his life was wrong, but he was still
listening to something that was not making people laugh. He said, "Every
time goes by, there is no such thing Expiry. "

Wen Kexing glanced at him strangely and asked, "Even if she might not be
what you think? Even if ... you will find that you don't actually know her?"

Cao Weining said: "Be assured, I know her naturally."

Wen Kexing laughed, picked up a small pebble, threw it towards Zhang
Chengling, and said loudly, "Little devil, what daydreaming? Don't take it

Don't worry, I naturally know her—Axiang, you have a lot to worry about.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 65: Startle
The two were entangled in the fragrant warm quilt. The room was full of
lascivious / extravagant atmosphere. The scorpion sat on the side,
watching without any movement, like a ghost.

The two people on the bed seemed to be getting more and more engaged,
and the call was getting louder and louder. If you look carefully, this time
he chose two youngsters. It took a while for the two youngsters to calm
down from the aftermath of love / lust. , The two looked at each other,
draped in clothes, came to the scorpion half-covered, kneeling on one

The scorpion put down his glass discerningly, glancing around the flushed
faces and bodies of the two teenagers.

At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside, a gust of wind
blew in, and a young man kneeling on the ground flinched, and a tall
masked man stood at the door.

The scorpion didn't look up, as if he didn't know that someone was
coming. He reached up and pinched a young man's chin, forcing him to
raise his head and look carefully—the young boy was born with pink
carvings, a pair of eyes blinked, Actually, there was a flood of water, a
sharp chin, a tender little face, a boy and a girl.

The scorpion shook his head and sighed in disappointment: "It's not good,
I'm so feminine, I can pinch the fat powder."

The masked man strode in, as if not completely taboo, and heard a glance
at the trembling pair of teenagers and said, "It's just two rabbits, aren't
they all such piss, what's the matter? Bizarre? "

The scorpion waved his hand, and the two boys made a ritual like amnesty
and crawled away from his room. The scorpion slowly poured himself a
glass and said, "It's boring not to be a genius. If this man is the same as a
woman, why should I play with a man? It's a pity ... the last time they were
called away."

The masked man sat down and asked, "Oh, can you run these little things
by yourself?"

The scorpion glanced at him with a smile and continued to say slowly:
"Not my people, but two unscrupulous guests-speaking, you probably
know one of them, I look at him like you A big man. "

The masked man froze, paused, and asked, "Is ... he?"

Scorpion said: "Who knows?"

The masked man was silent for a long while, and couldn't sit still. He
stood up, walked a few steps in the room with his hands on his back, and
muttered to himself: "He disappeared a while ago. This would come here
... he said that he would Come and catch Xue Fang, recover the keys, and
try not to get the attention of the martial arts, but you're out of control
again, what does this man mean? "

The scorpion thing repeats itself: "Then who knows ..."

The masked man stopped suddenly, raised his hand to interrupt the
scorpion, and asked, "Don't say this, have you solved Sun Ding?"

The scorpion responded, kicked out a box from under the table, and rubbed
the ground in front of the masked man. The man tossed the box away with
his toes, and there was a human head inside, which was already a little
rotten. The piece on his cheek The red birthmark can still be seen. The
masked man breathed a sigh of relief and laughed: "One is solved, this is
good, and the other is easy to handle. Haha, happy zombie ... Zhao Jing
released the news of fake Xue Fang , No one else is okay, but this fool got
hooked and just made me wipe out. "

When the scorpion heard the words "the rest is easy to handle," there was a
faint flash of light in his eyes. Do n’t laugh deeply: "Yes, the others do n’t
need to worry, they will always solve them one by one. . "
Suddenly, he put the wine glass on the table, his eyes cleared, and said,
"Nothing else to say, where are Zhen Xuefang and your so-called 'key'?
Are there any clues now?"

The masked man shook his head and asked, "Neither do you?"

Scorpion frowned: "It's weird ... this man seems to have evaporated from
the world. Where can he go?"

The masked man groaned for a moment and said, "I'm not busy looking for
him, I'll get all the glazed armors before I say, Zhao Jing's heart is getting
bigger and bigger, he seems to have realized that I hid the 'key'- I'm sure
that his next step must be to plant the whereabouts of Liulijia on the head
of Guigu, and then make a secret Chencang, and then consolidate his
power. At the moment, the Central Plains martial arts are noisy, and
everyone doesn't know what is going on. After hearing his encouragement,
it was hard not to follow him. He was going to use Ghost Valley to start
the operation. "

The masked man snorted and said, "Cooperating with Zhao Jing, I already
knew that there would be such a day, nothing, just ..."

The scorpion raised his eyes and looked at him, and asked, "Why, you got
the idea of your family's owner?"

The masked man laughed: "But a lunatic, at best, has the ability to fight
and kill with a thick skin and thick flesh. It is finally useful to him, so let
him fight with that Zhao Jing. Since he has arrived in Luoyang , I also met
you, but I have to work harder, 'Please' his old man is coming out to work.

Scorpion nodded and said, "It's easy."

At this time, the group of people being calculated was still at ease.

Zhang Chengling said that he wanted to go out with Gu Xiang and went to
Zhou Zishu. Zhou Zishu rolled his eyes and gave a two-word reply: "Fart."
Zhang Chengling opened his mouth and decided to study like Senior Wen,
stubbornly chasing him, chasing Zhou Zishu like a cockworm for a whole
day, and chasing him until the night when he returned to the room. Zhou
Zishu took the door and he stretched out a foot Stuck there, holding the
door frame, looking up at his master stubbornly, begging: "Master, let me
go, I can't do nothing, I ..."

Zhou Zishu's eyes sank. He didn't have much patience. Right now, he was
in a good mood. He let the little entangle all the way. It would be
annoying. He lifted his feet and darted to his chest. Zhang Chengling
thought he was trying his own kung fu. , Flipping back in a measly
manner, avoiding this, and just when he was about to speak, Zhou Zishu
"touched" and closed the door.

Wen Kexing didn't know when he was behind Zhang Chengling,

Mochizuki sighed: "Well, this time the door is not accessible."

Zhang Chengling shook his head, Frost's eggplant stood aside, listening to
Wen Kexing's tone, as if he was too tired to get in. Wen Kexing sighed
again and said quietly: "Man, always staying alone on the vacant room,
easy to desire dissatisfaction, desire to be dissatisfied, easy to do
something that loses his mind, loses his reason ..."

Although Zhang Chengling's reaction was a little slow, but after all, he was
not stupid. There was an illusion of murderous steamed buns popping from
the top of Wen Kexing's head. He was immediately shocked, jumped up,
and disappeared into his sight. in.

Wen Kexing looked at his back, as if he was still a little confused and quite
confused. He raised his hand and knocked on the door while holding his
hand against the window, ready to break into the window at any time.

Who knew that the door opened from the inside, and Wen Kexing, who
was going to do bad things, was wrong. Until Zhou Zishu turned his side
and let him in, he still rarely said stupidly, "You ... let me in?"

Zhou Zi gave him a glance, raised his eyebrows and said, "Do not come in,
don't come in." When he raised his hand, he would close the door. Wen
Kexing quickly pushed away his hand, got in, and smiled.

Zhou Zishu turned on the light. He didn't mean to rest at all. He bent down
and poured two cups of tea. He sat down at the table and lowered his
eyebrows. He didn't mean to be joking. There was something serious to
say. Like.

Wen Kexing looked at him for a while with a smile on his face, and slowly,
the expression on his face also converged, holding a tea cup, but holding it
in his hand instead of drinking, he leaned on the back of the chair and
stretched. With their legs folded, they looked at Zhou Zishu side by side
and asked, "Why, do you have something to tell me? Did you decide to
make a promise in the future, or ..."

Zhou Zishu Shu interrupted him with a smile, looked up at him and said,
"Don't you have something to tell me, Lord Wen Gu?"

Wen Kexing's voice got stuck in his throat. He opened his mouth, half a
moment, shook his head, and said, "The great witch in southern Xinjiang is
a very powerful person. You can follow him, I'm relieved."

Zhou Zishu dipped his fingertips on the table and drank tea on the table,
and asked, "Gone?"

Wen Kexing looked up and looked at him. Looking through the eyes, this
man softened his handsome face under the lamp, thinking of a lot-he felt
as if he had known this person for a long time, and when he saw the bones
behind him, he was very moved, and later, he liked it His identity, thinking
... The leader of the skylight was originally such a person. He suddenly felt
that the other person was like another self in this world, all lonely wolves
trapped by beast clips, desperately unable to escape. , Would rather bite his
leg severely.

He couldn't help but follow him all the way, looked at him, then suddenly,
knowing for the first time in his heart that he can live like this, can he also
live like this?
After thinking about it, I got stuck, and I couldn't get out. Wen Kexing
unknowingly reached out and touched Zhou Zishu's face last time, his
fingertips were slightly curved, but he was only holding it gently. The
man's not delicate skin and his cocoon covered with the wounded palm
touched slightly. He suddenly said, "Don't you die, if you die, wouldn't I be
alone if I live alone?"

Zhou Zishu held his wrist, but did not shake him off, and smiled: "If there
is a line that can live, I can't die. The life is mine, the martial arts is mine,
God gave me this way It's not so easy to take my things again. "

Wen Kexing could feel his breath with his fingers, and he narrowed his
eyes, seeming to say foolishly: "That year, an owl flipped the red water in
the hands of a villager ..."

Zhou Zishu looked at him, and asked the question that he had asked softly
without changing his face: "Why do the villagers hold a bowl of red

Wen Kexing smiled slowly and said, "Water has no color, but if human
blood falls in, doesn't it turn red?"

Zhou Zishu looked at him, no longer speaking, Wen Kexing seemed to

return to God suddenly, his free eyes came clear, and he smiled and looked
at him and said, "Axu, why don't you sleep with me once, so Once you and
I are concerned, you will not die easily, nor will I die easily. Do you think
so? "

He seemed to be joking, but Zhou Zishu didn't answer the question. He just
looked at him with a strange look. After a while, he asked, "Are you

Wen Kexing laughed, leaning towards him, almost rubbing his lips and
saying, "Is that sincere, can't you see?"

Zhou Zishu froze slightly, and whispered, "I ... I can't see it. I haven't seen
it sincerely in my life. I can't tell. Are you?"
Wen Kexing's fingers climbed up his shoulders, pulling down his bun, and
a black hair fell away, instantly making the tough man look a little more
fragile. His laughter converged and his voice returned. Light, but landed
and said, "Yes."

Then close her eyes and stick to Zhou Zishu's lips, sinking the turbulent
heart to the bottom, no longer worry.

Zhou Zishu slowly raised his hand. It took a long time before he landed on
his shoulder, and his fingers grabbed the cloth on his shoulder.

Suddenly, a scream exploded in the night, and Zhou Zishu's gaze was
immediately clear. Wen Kexing's actions stopped, and the two of them fell
to the ground together in this ambiguous posture at the same time.

Wen Kexing hung his eyes expressionlessly, pulled the placket folded
between himself and Zhou Zishu, and whispered softly, "At this time ...
you said, should I steam the come or braised it?"

The author has something to say:

Sorry, everyone said that it was updated in the morning. It was too
uncomfortable to get up this morning. There is really no way to sit. I can
only get up and write a few words, and then I ca n’t stand it and lie back,
intermittently ...

Forgive for incoherence

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 66: Night raid
The scorpion was standing in a dark place where the moon was not
shining, and his whole body was covered in a large hooded robe. The
breeze swelled like a ghost in the corner.

He was holding a beautiful boy in his hand, just one of the two who just
stepped down from his bed. The boy was wearing a tight night clothes and
a chain was hanging around his neck. The other end of the chain was in the
scorpion's hand. Here, it looks like a dog with red lips and white eyebrows.

Scorpion stretched out his fingers and gently combed the boy's hair,
sighing: "If we don't remind Master Wen Gu, that great man, I am old and
gentle in this life, Baiyun doesn't envy Xianxiang. Well, if the heroes are
so ambitious, who will reveal the true face of that hero? "

The beautiful teenager narrowed his eyes as if enjoying himself, and

unconsciously pinched the scorpion's fingers, hoping to get more caress.
Several dark shadows rushed into the small inn, and the people who were
implicated in the misfortune were awakened from their sleep, and the
screams sounded. Suddenly, a door opened, and a half-sized boy with an
untidy clothes crawling from it. Ran out, a poison scorpion behind him.

The scorpion looked on coldly, and saw that the young man described that
although he was both ridiculous and ridiculous, the steps under his feet
were not disorderly. It turned out to be a wonderful light work. He didn't
seem to be awake and did not have the sense of resistance. Li wow
shouted, "Mother, why are these people in the dark winter, awake and
awake, and I have not dug your ancestral graves!"

The final word "ah" broke and turned into a scream. A small needle like a
cow's hair was released in the hands of his poisonous scorpion. Zhang
Chengling slammed in a posture similar to that of a dog. On the ground,
the fleshy worm wriggled around with his buttocks, and then deftly rolled
to the side, flying up to his feet, climbing up a few steps by the wooden
post on one side, turning back when he twisted, holding in his hands
Something, slammed the poisonous scorpion behind him, and said in the
mouth, "Look at my needle!"

The poisonous scorpion bent back almost subconsciously-Zhang

Chengling has been deceived since he was born, and finally succeeded in
cheating with a series of cheap tricks by Gu Xiang and his master, who did
not use any means to show face. Once, when someone else was in full
bloom, he climbed up like a bear holding a wooden post, and explained
proudly, "Haha, you are too stupid. This is how my master taught me to

Just listening to one voice angrily said, "Non-sense, when did I teach you
such a trick?"

Poor that poisonous scorpion, only to react, to catch up, suddenly a gust of
wind struck behind him, he could not turn his head, his head rolled from
the neck to the ground, Zhang Chengling's laughter got stuck in his throat,
looked stunned and wondered where he was Come out of Wink.

At that moment, with his eyesight, he could only clearly see a residual
image passing through the air, and then the poisonous scorpion separated
his head. Wen Kexing stood aside indifferently, lowered his head, and
there was no blood on his clothes. Then, there were only four fingers of the
left hand dripping blood.

He didn't have a sword or other sharp weapon in his hand, but he didn't
know what method he used to actually "cut" the poisonous scorpion's head
with his bare hands. Could it be that he could condense into a sword by
pointing at the wind? The whole person of Wen Kexing is like the evil
spirit that Difu climbed up. There is no special solemn expression on his
face, which makes people want to retreat.

Zhang Chengling opened his mouth, holding the pillar, speechless.

At this time, Gu Xiang, Cao Weining, Gao Xiaoli and others also came out
to join the war circle. Zhou Zishu appeared at the door unhurriedly, opened
the small medicine bottle given by the big witch, and swallowed it without
water. A pill, hands clasped to his chest, his belt still loosely tied, and did
not take out the white sword, his eyes skipped Wen Kexing and others,
directly to the scorpion standing in the shadow.

The windows in the large witch's room had already been pushed open. He
didn't blend in, but leaned against the window to look aside, and frowned
when his eyes fell on Wen Kexing.

Qiye put on his coat and asked behind him, "What do you think of this
man's kung fu?"

The witch groaned for a moment and said, "If it's true kung fu, Zhou
Zhuangzhu might be able to fight with him when he was hey, but he really
started to work, and he would definitely not win."

Qiye took a moment to froze and asked, "What about you?"

The big witch shook his head: "I would never fight this person unless it
was a last resort."

He stared darkly at Wen Kexing, who was standing in the middle of the
courtyard. Wen Kexing seemed to smile slightly, raised his hand, and
licked gently on the four fingers dripping with human blood, leaving on
his lips. The next blood stain was red.

Either the big witches themselves or Zhou Zishu, they may also be rare
masters in the rivers and lakes, but the kung fu is taught by the master, and
then taught by others, and then slowly explored and practiced hard.

Although the practice is personal, after all, there is a master leading the
door. Their motivation to learn kung fu is nothing more than long-term
ability and realization of their dreams. Although they ca n’t see it, others
have a real presence. The ingenuity that goes on, but this person is

This man's martial arts has been honed between decades of **** death and
death-he has no tactics, no way, only choices to live or die again and again.

This is probably the scariest martial art in the world.

The scorpion opened his mouth slightly, his voice trembled. I did n’t know
whether it was fear or excitement. He shrank his fingers and scratched the
beautiful boy in his hands. The young man ’s facial features wrinkled
slightly, showing a painful expression. He said, "If I say that he is not the
owner of Ghost Valley, I will not believe it if he is killed."

He suddenly released the teenager he was holding and patted him on the
back of his head, saying, "You will meet the very lucky child, play with
him, and we will chat with you."

The boy flew out in response, and his martial arts were not weak.

At the same time, the scorpion screamed as a whistle, and all the alive
poisoned scorpions jumped out of the circle and ordered neatly beside

The scorpion stepped out of the dark, stood in front of Wen Kexing,
hugged his fist and said, "The two are meeting again."

Wen Kexing let go, and a poisonous scorpion's body fell to the ground. He
glanced at the scorpion, and he was very impatient and asked impatiently:
"Are you looking for death?"

The beautiful boy brought by Scorpion had flew to Zhang Chengling.

Scorpion stopped looking at him indifferently, but Zhou Zishu, who had
not moved, looked up and looked at the two teenagers who had been
fighting. It seemed to move slightly. Moved, hesitated for a while, but still
didn't intervene-the beautiful teenager started fiercely and fiercely, at first,
he only pushed Zhang Chengling into a desperate situation.

However, Zhou Zishu can see that if the efforts of these two people are
poor, there is no way to go. He already knows that Zhang Chengling is the
kind of person who is forced to enter a desperate situation but will enter
the country. Anyway, there are so many people beside him , I'm not afraid
that there is any difference between the little ghost, so they had to go.

Scorpion laughed: "I dare not dare, but I am still very sad. Now that our
goal has been protected by the owner, we are eating the bear heart leopard
gall, but we dare not break the ground on the old year. "

Wen Kexing looked at him impatiently, as if he was going to screw his

head off to talk nonsense.

Scorpion continued: "I came here, but I was entrusted to pass a word to
this young master Zhang."

Wen Kexing looked up and glanced at the two teenagers who had been
playing on the house, and didn't bother to pay attention to him again. He
walked back to Zhou Zishu with a stinky face, lowered his eyes slightly,
and narrowed his expression in his breath. He whispered, "Did you take the

Zhou Zishu responded casually, and asked the scorpion, "What is it?"

The scorpion stood with his hands up, looking up at Zhang Chengling, who
was still hiding in Tibet just now. Although he was still embarrassed, he
could still play a few tricks. He couldn't help but "snapped" and saw that
the teenager didn't know When I found a sword that was like torn copper
and iron, it was used for practice at a glance. In the seemingly
unscrupulous move, it seemed that two extremely sophisticated
swordsmanships were hidden, a peaceful and moderate, Quite the
gentleman's spirit of the Warriors, another kind of lightness and chic, if it
is fully used, it should be as beautiful as flowing clouds.

The two swordsmanship was combined by the boy in a clumsy and

rampant way. The donkey's lips were not right and the horse's mouth was
wrong. What a weird look, but there was a weird harmony.

The scorpion also looked at it. Within ten strokes, the seemingly
aggressive offensive of the child he raised must be resolved, and he
sighed, "Are you a master?"

He suddenly raised his voice and said loudly, "Master Zhang, do you want
to know who is really hurting your family?"
Zhang Chengling was shocked when he heard the words, and the chain on
the opponent's neck flew over, entangled with the sword in his hand, which
was not a very powerful weapon. It was broken into two pieces by such a
twist, and the beautiful boy immediately Chasing after victory, raised a
dark knife in his hand and waved it.

Zhang Chengling rolled in a hurry, and had no choice but to raise his foot
and kicked the young man. The teenager was frightened and angry, but he
had to turn sideways.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but look weird.

Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing looked at each other and said in unanimous
tone, "What kind of apprentice do you teach this?"

Wen Kexing stared, "It's your apprentice."

Zhou Zi said with confidence and confidence: "Fart, this apprentice who
can't do anything but shamelessly indecent, how can I teach, it is
obviously a breed with you."

Zhang Chengling jumped up, stepped on Liuyun Jiugongbu at full speed,

and the beautiful boy behind him followed the eaves and walked the wall.
After hearing only the scorpion's surprise, he laughed and said, "It's an
eclectic child-tell you the truth, kill your father, kill the person in charge
of Taishan, and secretly be the owner of the Shen family. The people who
planted mischief to the heroes were actually one. "

Zhang Chengling asked loudly, "Who is it?"

The scorpion asked, "Who are you? Now anyone can secretly mobilize the
world ’s heroes to siege the Valley of Ghosts while secretly holding the
glass armor, while slaying all the people inside, and then kill all the people
in the Valley of Ghosts' Where's the key 'and Liulijia? "

Zhou Zishu said "Ah" and looked at Wen Ke Road meaningfully: "The key
to Ghost Valley-no wonder ... we have never heard what Dragon Sparrow
said, except that the owner is calm and not surprised at all."
Wen Ke Road: "You are not surprised."

Zhou Zishu laughed: "I'm not surprised at all-Guigu has been silent for so
many years, why suddenly a traitor appears and the target points directly
to Liulijia? He is taking such a big risk, if he comes out of an empty glove
white wolf, But it's too abnormal. "

Wen Kexing hesitated for a long while, and whispered to him, explaining,
"Yes, the top ten evil spirits in the valley have been fighting more than
ever. They are led by Sun Ding and Xue Fang. Before that, I do n’t know
what method the hilarious ghost used. Most of the evil spirits fell to him.
This is because more pressure than less. In the valley, the side that is not
as good as humans will die, and Xue Convenience will take the risk ... or
he had planned such a day and stole the 'key'. "

Zhou Zishu nodded, prolonging his voice and said, "Oh, I don't know what
to do--"

At that time, there was only one person in the five major families. Zhang
Chengling was just stupid. He also heard who the person in the scorpion
was alluding to. At that moment, his heart stopped and he yelled, "You're
bullshit! That's impossible!"

Zhou Zishu raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Little devil, if you
want to be a avenue, you have to be firm. You don't need to deceive
yourself when you want to understand. You feel that he can fart, you can
naturally go in and out of your left ear."

He said, but he didn't see how to move. The figure flickered to Cao
Weining, took his sword in hand, threw it up, and said, "Then, aren't you
going to go with Gu Xiang, if you can kill That white-faced fake girl, I
promise to let you go. "

Zhang Chengling flew over to take Cao Weining's sword, and "swipe" a
long sword out of the sheath, yelled, and without hesitation, a sword was
chopped off at the beautiful boy.
He was simply using Cao Weining's sword as a golden ring sword. At that
moment, there was a kind of big opening and closing, overwhelming
posture-no one had taught him this.

The beautiful boy was startled, panic-stricken, and made a mistake, he

made a mistake in the back-he was holding one foot slightly, usually he
couldn't see it, and then retreated in a hurry, only to appear, suddenly the
scorpion face With a smile of unknown significance, Zhang Chengling
naturally saw his feet, and his eyes suddenly glazed, and a sudden sullen
hate appeared on his face, and he split it straight.

Cut the boy from his face to his chest.

Blood splattered his face.

Zhang Chengling turned his head, looked straight at the scorpion, and
asked, "You said, it's Uncle Zhao."

Zhao Jing took him all the way to Dongting, and those poisonous scorpion
killers slowly emerged—Why did Zhao Jing so easily let Zhou Zishu, who
was unknown, take him away?

Because he was away from him, it was really a killer.

At that time, all the insiders were dead. Now, there is only one Zhao Jing
left, who was injured for the martial arts path. At present, he has high
morals and looks great.

This is the truth.

The author has something to say:

Is this the truth?

Obviously not yet ... crawl away ==

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 67: Depart
The beautiful boy wasn't dead. After all, Zhang Chengling never hurt
anyone. Although he was fierce, he hesitated for a moment, but he left a
long and deep mouth on the other side, and blew his blood out.

The scorpion looked at Zhang Chengling, smiled strangely, and murmured:

"Someone in the world has such good luck, good boy, you have an
incalculable future."

After he finished speaking, he bent down and hugged the beautiful young
man who fell to the ground. The young man was twitching, looking at the
scorpion, his face was struggling, and the scorpion gently squeezed his
chin and shook his head: , Face is ruined. "

After speaking, the hand suddenly exerted strength, and the young man's
neck crooked, showing an unnatural arc, and he was strangled to death.

The scorpion did not look at his body, nodded to several people, and turned
away with his poisonous scorpions.

Zhang Chengling, holding a **** sword in his hand, stood alone in the
yard, as if shaking all over.

Cao Weining tentatively walked over, took his sword from his hand,
cleaned the blood, glanced at the young man's corpse on the ground, and
patted Zhang Chengling's shoulder, and said, "This ... we were actually
quite surprised Yes, I do n’t think he looks like a good guy. What he says
may not be true. "

He looked up as if looking for support, but saw Gao Xiaoli staying like a
wooden chicken, Gu Xiang thoughtfully, the other two ... clearly have a
long-term appearance.

Cao Weining remembered that day when Gao Xiaoli complained of the
encounter, when Zhou Zishu said to Wen Kexing when he asked, "The
people who know the truth are almost dead, and there is only one left, and
we have already seen winning or losing."

Win or lose ... see? He couldn't help but secretly shivered. It turned out
that they had thought about it at the time. It turned out ...

Zhang Chengling suddenly raised his head and said to Zhou Zishu,
"Master, I remember the day when the man was wrapped in black and
asked my father what he looked like. I just ... just ..."

He turned his head, his eyes fell on the young man's body, and his throat
moved, but he shook even more. He raised his hands and slightly stomped
his feet, and said, "He is ... so tall, his shoulders are wide, and one foot ......
One foot is not easy to see, but when I chased me, I was anxious and
walked a little bit, like him-it was the man who seriously hurt Uncle Li, he
... he ... "

Gu Xiang exclaimed in a low voice with "ah", covering her mouth with
one hand, and her eyes, which were already large, were about to stare out,
as if she had heard the worst thing in the world.

Wen Kexing glanced at her, and quietly raised a hand that was not stained
with human blood, touched Zhang Chengling's head, nodded, and said
gently: "I know."

He raised his head, his eyes seemed to look far away through the night,
and a strange smile appeared on his face, like a tired traveler. After
walking through the mountains and rivers, he finally got to see the true
face of fate In the same way, there is a little less irony, but more
indescribable relief and calm.

Gu Xiang slowly put down his hand and whispered, "Master ..."

Wen Kexing raised his hand to stop her, and said, "You are a girl who got
married and spilled water. This matter will never matter to you from now
on. You should go to Ye Baiyi and Ye Baiyi tomorrow. Naturally I won't
owe your dowry, so don't go back there. "
Zhang Chengling wants to be as strong as possible. He just decided to raise
his chest like a real man, protect the protector, and eradicate the thing that
is to be eradicated. He will never shrink back, never fear, but tears no
matter what he encounters. It seemed like he couldn't stop, falling down
one after another. He felt like he was crammed and felt like he was back to
the weak child who couldn't do anything.

The bad guy has killed his family. He wants to learn hard and be strong so
that he can protect his relatives and friends from being harmed in the
future. He can even kill the bad guy and revenge for the dead.

But that is Uncle Zhao ...

His father closed his eyes and took Uncle Li's hand, asking him to
guarantee that the person he entrusted to him was that cold night, in a
wilderness ruined temple, and Uncle Li dragged Master again, asking him
to entrust himself to People.

It was the man who was not with him at all times during those darkest
days. He was the one who had red eyes in front of the heroes in the world,
and said with a voice that he wanted to get justice for himself. He was ...

The world is too difficult and the heart is too deep. Even the closest and
most reliable people cannot be trusted. What else can we trust?

Wen Kexing sighed vaguely, stopped looking at the crowd and turned back
to the room, but Zhou Zi paused and beckoned to Zhang Chengling: "You
and me, come here."

Zhang Chengling wiped his eyes vigorously, but soon his vision blurred
again. Knowing that Zhou Zishu was the most impatient of him crying, he
twitched and said, "Master, Master, I, I didn't really want to cry, I was ... I
was ... I will be fine in a while ..."

Zhou Zishu sighed and rarely said anything. He reached out and embraced
him in his arms. He only approved a gown on the outside of his blouse. He
wore it very thin and his body temperature passed through easily. The
clothes came out, and Zhang Chengling buried his entire face in his arms.
At that moment, it was like leaning on a mountain that would never

Generations intersect, but scams and scams, Pingshui meets, but can
depend on each other.

Cao Weining pulled up Gu Xiang and left without a word. Gao Xiaoli took
a deep breath and returned to the room with a lot of thought. There were
only two masters and apprentices in the yard. The big witch looked at
them through the window. He whispered and asked, "Is that ... Zhou
Zhuang? When is he like this ..."

Qiye smiled softly, not knowing whether to answer him, or said to himself:
"Isn't he always like this, it was also to Liang Jiuxiao that year, although
his face has always been like a father like a brother who doesn't give up."
In fact, he secretly planned everything for him, but unfortunately others
did not accept him. "

Dawu turned around and looked at him. There was no light in the room.
Most of the seven grandfathers were in the dark. Only Yuehua landed on
his small half of his face, which looked unlike ordinary people. Qiye said:
"If you say that he is a good man of kindness, courtesy, wisdom, I'm afraid
he can't admit it. If it's not a good thing ... these thunderstorms he's done,
but nothing One is out of selfish desire, for himself. "

Suddenly he turned around, grabbed something, opened the door and

walked out, sighing almost inaudibly.

Qiye strode to the yard and threw the things in his arms into Zhang
Chengling's arms. It was actually a black iron sword. Zhang Chengling
took it in a hurry, stunned, and then slowly nodded after Zhou Zishu
nodded. Pull away.

The sword was so wide that it was twice as wide as Cao Weining's. It didn't
see any light. Instead, it had an old awkward atmosphere, with a faint halo,
and a deep killing intention on the edge of the sword. The average sword is
two or three times heavier.
Jian Ming was engraved with two words-"Dahuang".

Qiye said: "This was sent to me to hold and play. The style is good, but I
am not good at learning, it is useless, and it is not easy to handle. It is too
heavy and I will give it to you."

Zhang Chengling said "Ah", his eyes were red, and he was at a loss.

Qiye said: "The sword should be given to the hero, even if it is a future
hero, I have nothing to gain. There is at most one wealthy idler in this life.
Hold it, and don't let it down in the future."

Zhou Zishu said positively, "Thank you Qiye."

Qiye smiled slightly, glanced at him obliquely, and said meaningfully:

"I've been dating you for some years. I've been struggling and killing each
other together, but you're joking with others like that, why? Partially
paired with me, so serious and uninteresting? "

Zhou Zishu froze.

Qiye waved his hand, turned around and walked back, saying in his mouth,
"Zishu, I am not the King of Nanning, and you are no longer Zhou. With
your cleverness, haven't you thought about it yet?"

Zhou Zishu was silent for a moment, and suddenly a look of relief
appeared on his face, and laughed loudly at Qiye: "It's not that you dare
not make jokes, Qiye looks so beautiful, I am terrified that my vinegar jar
has turned over."

Qiye walked for a while, but was not angry, just looked back at him with a
crying smile, shook his head helplessly, and went into the room.

Zhou Zishu never slept, and taught Zhang Chengling a set of

swordsmanship in the yard. The teenager looked at the side with swollen
eyes and he was still slow to respond. The same trick, others might read it,
but he wanted to see it. Many times, the question was asked upside down,
and it was counted as the past.
At the end, he turned out the pen and paper again, and drew every move of
Zhou Zishu's teaching on the paper, and marked with tips and a pile of
messy notes next to it. He could not wait to write every word that Zhou
Zishu said.

Zhou Zishu asked: "What do you do with this? Isn't it just going to

Zhang Chengling blushed and said neatly, "Master, you have n’t practiced
in Islam before, I ... I know I am stupid, so I set a rule for each move, I
practiced 10,000 times before I started Practice the next move, and then
review it from time to time, get up early every morning and back ... back
... "

He remembered that Zhou Zishu didn't like him turning his back and forth,
and got stuck there and said nothing, carefully looked up at Zhou Zishu,
and vomited his tongue.

Zhou Zishu looked at him with complex eyes-if Dazhi is stupid, if he is

clumsy, if he is not impatient, and when he is down-to-earth-Scorpion says
that Zhang Chengling is lucky, and suddenly he feels that he is more
fortunate to be taught by the world's elite.

He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go ahead tomorrow, do what you
can, don't ... sorry for the sword that Qiye gave you."

On the second day, Gu Xiang, Cao Weining and Gao Xiaoli and Zhang
Chengling set off. On the one hand, they went to find Ye Baiyi. On the
other hand, Cao Weining was uneasy about the Qingfeng Sword School.
Gao Xiaoli and Zhang Chengling also wanted to see the truth, and decided
to go in secret Seek traces of Zhao Jing and others. Wanting to come to
high is one of the masters of the mountains and rivers. If something goes
wrong, Ye Baiyi won't stand idly by, maybe he will run into it.

After sending away the four most noisy, Zhou Zishu planned to return to
the room for a rest, and pushed the door, and saw Wen Kexing waiting in
the room waiting for him. Wen Kexing was sitting on the window with one
leg swinging outside. One leg slumped, his hands crossed on his knees,
and when he came in, he looked up and smiled.

Then he said, "Axu, I'm leaving."

Zhou Zi paused and asked, "Huifeng Yashan?"

Wen Kexing nodded: "I have been out for a long time, and I have seen
people and scenery I have never seen in my life. I should go back and
finish the business. Ah Su ..."

He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't know where to start. He

had to grab his own hair, and finally came up with a sentence: "You ... heal
yourself well, but don't allow Hongxing to come out of the wall. I will go
to Changming Mountain to find you, if……"

Zhou Zishu took out the jug, dangling it in his hand, poured himself a
glass of wine, no longer looked at him, but interrupted him with a cut: "I
see, you go, don't die."

Wen Kexing smiled silently, and said "take care", the next moment, the
figure was no longer in place, only the empty window frame was blown by
the breeze, as if there had never been a person sitting there.

Zhou Zishu drank the wine in a glass.

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 68: lay down
After Cao Weining walked for a while, she found that Gu Xiang was very
silent, and she had been silent ever since the scene the night before.

Gao Xiaoli is not very familiar with them. She is also a quiet girl.
Generally, she does not take the initiative to speak, but just follows from
afar, while carefully helping Zhang Chengling to hold the reins-the little
guy holds him in his arms. The newly obtained Great Sword was lying
dormant on the horse's back, and the saliva flowed around the horse's neck,
so that everyone's hair was wet, making the pony keep shaking his head.

Cao Weining approached Gu Xiang, leaned her head tilted and looked at
her face carefully, and asked, "What's the matter? Didn't you sleep well?"

Gu Xiangxi glanced at him, and lowered his head again. He looked like a
little daughter-in-law, but scared Cao Weining, thinking she had eaten
something, so she reached out to probe her forehead, and said that the
person who jumped up and down It's so honest, but don't you get sick?

Gu Xiang leaned back, shook his hands away, and looked back at Zhang
Chengling, who was some distance away from them, and said dumbly:
"One ... you always feel that the thick is a little silly, usually you ca n’t
hold your feet on your feet. Make a fart, what other people say is what, as
a person who doesn't seem to have a head, how can it become a big devil
who carries everyone into account?

Cao Weining chewed her words several times before she said strangely,
"Axiang, are you ... misunderstanding Xiao Zhang?"

For a moment, Gu Xiang said dumbly, "Come in the last name, Cao, and
die." When he raised his hand, he would hit him.

Cao Weining said, "Don't, if you die, you won't be a widow? If you are
young, you will be widow, how pitiful."
Gu Xiang thought about it, and felt it too. He hadn't taken the two and a
half street dowry promised by the owner, and he lost. Glancing at Cao
Weining, he put his raised hand back and decided to stop fighting.

She knew that she was not very capable, and she often couldn't understand
what the host said, but just followed him ignorantly. In addition to serving
him in daily life, she was occasionally boring. She and he ... and they are
not all the same. They cannot be regarded as a narrative flower, nor as a

She is like a child. She has only a little ghost and a little slyness who tend
to avoid harm. Although the people she met under Fengyashan are not
good things, but with the owner, none of them dare to make her idea. It is
extremely rare to keep such a naivety—she doesn't usually speculate on
people's intentions. Although she knows what is sinister, she doesn't know
what it really looks like.

Lao Meng—the impermanent ghost Lao Meng, in Taihu that year, he was
wearing an old peasant-like clothes and was temporarily seized by
himself. He dug out a crypt to pull the two wolf men out, and went there
because of a word from the owner. She found the butcher's clothes and put
it on, and smiled at everyone. She even heard someone talking behind her,
saying that he was a dog raised by the owner.

Even the dog has a three-point dog temper, and he has no dog temper.

Did he steal the key? Is he betraying Ghost Valley? Where is the hanged
ghost Xue Fang?

At the time when the Zhang family was destroyed, a fake Xue Fang came
out. Was it the name of Lao Meng? At that time, did Lao Meng collude
with the surname Zhao?

When Cao Weining saw that she was still frowning, she tried to solve her
anxiety. "Actually ... I heard Brother Zhou yesterday, and I understood a
Gu Xiang blinked with a pair of big apricot-core eyes and looked up at
him. When Cao Weining was looked at by her like this, she almost gave
birth to a kind of omnipotence, and suddenly felt like a pure man.

The pure man, is to coax her when her wife is unhappy, to be beaten by her
when she is angry, and to stand up to her when she does not understand.

Cao Weining said: "I heard them say 'lilac armor' and 'keys'. It can be seen
that they need to get the things in the glaze armor. It ’s not enough to find
five pieces of that stuff. They also need a key. This key, then In the hands
of the lame villain Xiao Zhang said. At the beginning, the villain was with
a group of Zhao Jing, and they went out to do bad things together, robbing
other pieces of glazed armor, Zhao Jing killed the owner of Shen, and
marred him. Gao Xiaxia got all the glazed armors. Now they have glazed
armors and one has the keys, so they are unevenly distributed, and they
work. "

Gu Xiang thought for a while, nodded, and said, "It seems to be the case-
who is going to kill Zhang Chengling?"

Cao Weining said: "You think, Xiao Zhang saw the bad guy that had been
hidden. Although he forgot it for a while, the bad guy was afraid he would
remember it and reveal his identity, so he hired someone to hunt him
down-right, Zhao Jing must know this, otherwise when he could n’t be so
messy, let Zhou brothers take Xiao Zhang away. When they took Xiao
Zhang away, it would be convenient for him to kill. But why is that ghost
valley? Is the bad guy afraid of revealing his identity? I thought about it
for a long time before I realized that I was probably investigating the
traitor inside Ghost Valley and found out that he was going to kill him. "

Gu Xiang looked at him in admiration, saying that he was guessed by his

blind cat when he met a dead mouse.

When Cao Weining saw Gu Xiang's expression, he fluttered more, waved

his hand and pretended to be modest: "Hu guess, Hu guess, oh, let's do it,
don't disturb yourself, go to expose the conspiracy of Zhao Jing, find Ye
Daxia, then Go back and live a good life, just follow me. "
Gu Xiang deliberately said, "Your master thinks that I have no father and
no mother. She is a wild girl. What should I do?"

Cao Weining waved his hand and said, "Then you hijack me, let's run

Gu Xiang angrily said, "Well, am I so hungry?"

Cao Weining thought for a while, and then said, "Then I will pretend to be
a flower thief and hijack you. Let's run away."

Gu Xiang thought for a while, and realized that although this was a bad
idea, he just made it up, so he nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his
small hand, and hooked Cao Weining's hand. The two of them were riding
together, which was sweet and boring.

Cao Weining thought contentedly, this is the daughter-in-law, how nice it

is to have a daughter-in-law, fragrant and soft, when she leaned on her, she
even followed her heart, smiled at herself, and immediately turned her
head, and someone gave Knowing the cold and the hot, some people made
beds and built a bed. In the future, they will build a small house, build a
small yard, and regenerate a few chubby children. Every night, I listen to
her crisply and call her home for dinner.

The more he wanted to be more beautiful, at the beginning of the poem

Xingda, he groaned: "Jinfeng Yulu meets, heaven and earth are not
counted. In heaven, I would like to be a wing bird, in the ground, I would
like to be a tree ..."

What are the meanings of those individuals, who calculate this and that
from day to night, and earn the money to rob you of my life? What's the
point of practicing the world's greatest skill, the world's first thousand

It's not that he can't marry his daughter-in-law and beat his bachelor all his

Cao Weining felt faintly, they were all pitiful.

When Qiye and Dawu returned holding a pile of medicinal materials, they
saw Zhou Zishu sitting in the yard and cutting a flute. He didn't have good
craftsmanship, and he took materials on the spot. He even cut several
scraps, and the sounds of the blows were all dumb, making wood chips.
When Qiye approached, he found that his last one had become a model.

The big witch nodded to Zhou Zishu, said nothing to him, and turned back
to the room.

Qiye sat down and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhou Zishu said lazily, "Cultivate yourself."

He put the cut flute next to his mouth, and when he blew it, he finally
heard the sound—the others played the flute, which was the immortal
sound, and when he played the flute, the magic sound was pierced through
the ears, sometimes sharp, sometimes hoarse, anyway. There is no tone in
the tone, ridicule and ridicule, this is not his own self-cultivation,
obviously the patience of the listener.

Qiye pressed his ears and took the knife and wood in his hand. His fingers
were extremely dexterous. Three or two times, a flute became shaped. In
appearance, it is no different from Zhou Zishu's works. Zhou Zi Shu took
over and tried a note in his mouth, and then heard the gap, he simply
played a folk mountain wild key, which was quite interesting.

At the end, Zhou Zishu put down his flute and laughed: "Qiye is indeed the
poem, song, song, poem, gambling, and gambling, which can hold the first
place in Beijing, which can play tricks."

Qiye smiled and asked, "He's gone?"

Zhou Zishu nodded.

Qi Ye said, "Aren't you going with me?"

Zhou Zishu said: "Of course they are going, but their side is too chaotic. A
mantis catches cicadas, and a hundred yellow finches are behind. I will go
back later, wait and see, and then I will catch him."

Qiye glanced at him and said, "Just start fishing and don't do anything
else? If he is Jiuxiao, you are not so relieved."

Zhou Zishu smiled and shook his head: "How can it be compared with
Jiuxiao? Jiuxiao is just a child, but he ... knows what he is going to do, and
I won't intervene in his affairs. He has to finish it himself."

He said, standing up to loosen his bones, inserted the piccolo cut by Qiye
and the hip flask around his waist, and turned back: "Thank you for your
flute-if I guess correctly, the scorpion is the first yellow Sparrow, I went to
make a pot of flower carvings, and was ready to follow him. "

Qiye looked up at him, Zhou Zishu turned against the light, his face was
indistinguishable, but his cheeks seemed to be inlaid with gold rims, and
he smiled, saying, "You go back quickly, don't miss the healing Timing. "

Zhou Zishu waved and strode out.

Qiye lowered his head and cut a piccolo again, blowing clean wood
shavings, and putting it near his mouth as if to see him off.

The clear and round voice sounded like the sound of wind, and the ending
rolled up gently, even if it was just a rough piccolo made of grass.

It is a pity that the flute sound is dumb before a song is finished, and Zhou
Zishu's figure has long disappeared.

Qiye lowered his eyes, smiled slightly, tossed Piccolo aside, stood up,
folded his sleeves, and turned back to the room-long ago, when he and
Zhou Zishu were still in the capital, when he was still the king of Nanning
with a hundred echoes When Zhou Zishu was still the leader of the
skylight in the dark, he thought they were a kind of person.

But to this day, he realizes that they are not the same, and he has never
been able to hold down the rivers and lakes like him. He never frankly,
watching Zhou Zishu live so neatly, he gave birth to faint envy.
Zhou Zishu lived on a rooftop in Huajie, stayed for two days, finished
drinking a dozen pots of wine, and finally waited for the scorpion to come
out with his poisonous scorpions--

Sure enough, the **** / zi was ruthless. It is estimated that the lame evil
spirit who was going to kill Zhang Chengling asked him to hook up with
Wen Kexing to clean up Zhao Jing. He deliberately called such a lame
teenager to provoke Zhang Chengling, as if he was afraid of Zhang
Chengling. For fear that Wen Kexing doesn't know who the person behind
the long tongue ghost is.

Collect money on both sides, sell on both sides, and then plan to simmer
these people in a pot while they are in a state of fierce defeat.

Zhou Zishu was not in a hurry. He pulled out a human skin mask from his
arms and touched it. The handsome face disappeared, mixed with the
crowd, and they were not far and near.

After three or four days of follow-up, Zhou Zishu found that they did not
go straight to Fengyashan, it seemed that they had made a detour in the
middle, as if it was to deal with some troubles. Soon, Zhou Zishu
understood that this "trouble Thing "is exactly Yu Qiu.

Yu Qiuyu escaped from the calamity with the green demon, but this time
there was no such good luck. The first group of poisonous scorpions
chased him like a cat and a mouse. He could only escape fleeing, now he is
better than Zhang Chengling. To be embarrassed-no one was protecting
him, maybe a woman once wanted it, but she was dead.

Yu Qiuyu was so embarrassed that he was more like a beggar than Zhou
Zishu when he first entered the rivers and lakes. How could there be a
half-minded look at the head of that year?

The Huashan faction has re-established its leadership and no longer

recognizes him. He is like a bereavement dog--

Finally, Yu Qiu's escape route came to an end, and he was captured before
the scorpion.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 69: return
The scorpion lifted his chin with his toes, smiled, and said, "Oh, it's the

Yu Qiuyu slumped, his eyes scattered, as if a bit unconscious, he raised his

head hard, looked at the scorpion, and said intermittently, "I ... I am not ...
not here with me ... not with me ... "

The scorpion shook his head and got closer, whispering in his ear: "That
night, outside Zhaojiazhuang in Taihu Lake, there were actually three
people dead. One was Mu Yunge, the owner of Broken Sword Mountain
Villa, and the other was your baby son Yu Tianjie. And one more ... you
don't know. He died in a crypt, a long tongue ghost in Ghost Valley. Yu
head wants to hear what's going on? "

When he mentioned the word "Yu Tianjie", Yu Qiuyu looked like a fish
that was about to die from the water. He twitched his eyes, staring at his
eyes and staring at the scorpion.

Just listen to the scorpion saying: "You all knew the existence of glazed
armor before you went to Dongting, so you asked your baby son to wait in
Taihu, followed the little ghost of the Zhang family, and spied on the
glazed armor. ... Mu Yunge's deadly reminder happened to coincidentally,
and found that the Zhao family also had a piece of glazed armor. He stole
it at night, and Yu Tianjie thought he could only follow him. In fact, he
stared at Mu Yun that night. Song, there are two more people. "

Yu Qiuyu seemed to want to understand something, and it seemed that he

couldn't understand everything. He felt that everything was ridiculous, as
if there was such a hand in the bottom, holding the secretly, each of them
was just on the huge chessboard. Struggling chess pieces.

"One is Sun Ding, a happy and bereavement ghost. The reason he didn't
have time to take Liulijia was because he felt the existence of another
person, a person he couldn't afford at the time-the impermanent ghost
Meng Hui who represents the owner of the ghost valley. Unfortunately,
that was another guest of mine. Your self-righting son took the glass armor
of Mu Yunge out of nowhere, and was excited to leave, and was killed by
Lao Meng. People are the long tongue ghosts who were once under Xue
Fang and later defeated in the Valley of Gui. "

The scorpion paused and wept with tears on Qiu Yan's face, and various
unknown liquids flowed down his frosty face, looking disgusting and

Scorpion said: "What was even more unfortunate at that time was that the
great master of the ghost was meeting his little lover when the willow
head was on the moon, so Lao Meng did not dare to show up. The master's
stunt killed Yu Tianjie to get into trouble. He wanted to deliberately
mislead the ghost master. Who knew that the adult's feet were too fast, and
it was too fast to let the long tongue ghost dodge, so ... he dared to kill, and
as a result What ... "

The scorpion sneered softly, pushed away from Qiu Ling, leaned crookedly
on the back of a rattan chair where a poisonous scorpion got him
somewhere and sighed with some emotion: "What kind of person is the
most Sad? I do n’t know if I have a few pounds or two, and a big-hearted
person—at the head of the house, do you know the same heart that grows
in your chest and it grows in my chest? "

He nodded his chest lightly, looking up at Qiu Yu with pity on the ground,
shook his head and sighed, "It grows in my chest, that is ambition, and
grows in your chest, that is idiot, heart, delusion, thinking. "

Yu Qiu's look was clearer, and he suddenly asked like a mosquito: "I ... the
zombies, Feng Xiaofeng ... all of us, the vague information we got before,
is actually you ... It's all you……"

A stubborn smile appeared on the poisonous scorpion's face, saying: "Yes,

rare Lao Meng is my guest and wants to use me to kill silently, Zhao Jing
is my guest and I want to use me to restrain his partner Lao Meng, Sun
Ding is also my guest. I want to use me to create all kinds of illusions, and
to do all the things he did to Xue Fang, who is still unknown, and use the
rules of the ghost valley and the hands of the ghost master to remove his
old enemy ... … Oh, I was originally a businessman who started by killing
and selling things. He did n’t touch the water to catch a fish. How could he
be worthy of the name of the poisonous scorpion?

He shook his head and stood up. A poisonous scorpion immediately

stepped forward and covered a big cricket on him. The scorpion no longer
looked at Qiu Yi. He said, "Sijizhuang has disappeared for more than ten
years, and I heard that it was court. Running dog. Hey ... what are they?
Right now, this martial art is in my palm ... You are very lucky, you can
still meet me when you reach this field, but unfortunately I ca n’t show
mercy, Lao Meng and Zhao Jing told me to get rid of you. I really can't
bear it ... but what can I do? I can only ask you to be an understanding
ghost as much as possible, don't be grateful. "

His voice only fell, and the man had traveled far away, and the poisonous
scorpion behind him immediately followed, and Yu Qiuyu trembled
suddenly and lowered his head—a scorpion hooked through his back and
passed through. His body, running through his chest, pierced his ragged
shirt, exposing a little blue tip.

The severe pain covered him, and Yu Qiuhou hissed and screamed, holding
his poisonous scorpion and pulling the hook expressionlessly, taking out a
large piece of flesh, then turning without following him, turned and
followed. Your own companion.

Yu Qiuyu twitched. He knew that he was going to die. He had never been
so desperate in his life. The pain suddenly became dull. It started to
become numb and then became cold. He struggled to look at his eyes.
Staring wide, the line of vision was still so dim-as if there was an
irresistible force, pulling him down.

Yu Qiu's hand unconsciously grasped the grass growing on the ground,

plucked the grass uprooted, and held it spasmodically. Suddenly, he saw a
pair of shoes stopped in front of his eyes. Yu Qiuyu tried to raise his head,
but couldn't see clearly. Who is it? There are several broken voices in his
mouth: "Save ... Save ... Save ..."
The man seemed to be squatting down beside him, and said, "Pingjiang
Liu Seqing, Huayue Yaoshou. Year after year, every year ... everything ...

Those understated words seemed like a thunder, and instantly exploded in

his ear, Yu Qiu looked up blankly, still unable to see the person's
appearance, as if he had hallucinations, even the person who spoke was a
man. Women are not clear anymore, only vaguely remember ... there is
such a girl who loves to wear green clothes, "giggled" and smiled.

Liu Qianqiao, such an ugly woman, is also foolish and foolish about
herself. She is a fool, a fan, and a word that can coax her to death.

"Every time ... after the ice disappears." Those sentences that he had long
forgotten and groaned, suddenly awakened in memory at the moment
where life and death intersect, "Several times of sea level, mountains and
snow ... Don't take a look .... … At a glance of youth, only this heart ...
only this heart ... such as ... the old ... "

At first glance, you are as old as ever.

He said casually that she remembered death. He counted others and was
counted by others all his life. Only that woman really dealt with him,
missed it, and disappeared.

Yu Qiu's lips gently lifted finally did not move, his fingers were holding
the grass covered with mud, his eyes stared to the side, his pupils had
disappeared, and he took the oath of the Shanmeng oath that he did not
know the truth and the fake, reflecting ten Wan Yousen's cold road.

Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil.

Zhou Zishu squatted beside him for a while, drew his eyes as if thinking
about something, then sighed, reached out and closed his eyes, and said in
good faith: "Thank you for telling me."

Then he rose and followed the trail of the poisonous scorpion.

Zhao Jing assembled all the heroes of the Central Plains, playing the title
of "Kang Fuzheng Road, revenge and resentment", and will fight against
Fengyashan again. Thirty years ago, the vow of "no entry, no conclusion"
has been broken. In this world where the evildoers are exhausted, a
thorough cleansing must be started.

At the same time, a character who had not appeared in the sight of
everyone for a long time reached Fengyashan.

Fengya Mountain is a thousand blades, surrounded by four sides, and there

is Green Bamboo Ridge.

In the early summer, the trees and plants began to be lush, birds and birds
were running, and a small winding path went straight into the valley. If it
were not for the huge "Soul Stop" word at the intersection, it would be like
a beautiful paradise.

This is Ghost Valley.

A long, erect figure appeared near the big stone sign, looked up for a
while, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

It was Wen Kexing. He didn't know what way to go. He arrived at Ghost
Valley one step ahead of everyone. He was holding a dark horse in his
hands. The beast was like a spirit. Pausing anxiously, as if unwilling to
walk in.

Wen Kexing smiled, stretched out his horse and ran the horse's face
together, untied the **** and the saddle, patted him and said, "Let's go."

The horse was human-like, blinked his eyes and looked at him for a while,
and trot a few steps, as if he reluctantly looked back at the man and saw
him waving his hand at him. Go out.

Wen Kexing stood there for a while and sneered: "Stop the soul ..." As
soon as he raised his hand, he seemed to be wrapped in a strong wind in
his sleeve, rubbing sharply over the slate, "Boom", four The word was
wiped off by him three times, and the debris fell down one after another.
The loud noise seemed to break into Ghost Valley with the sound of wind,
echoing endlessly.

For a moment, a gray shadow emerged out of thin air, his voice was
extremely sharp, as if iron flakes passed over each other, and it sounded
goose bumps in his ears. The man screamed, "Who dares to break in ..."

The voice below him was stuck in his throat, and the gray shadow stopped
at Wen Kexing, three feet away, to see who was coming, and in an instant,
an indescribable, terrifying expression appeared on his face. Looked,
"giggle" in his throat, and said almost indifferently: "Valley, valley, valley
... Valley owner."

He immediately responded, "plopped" and knelt on the ground with his

head down, as if about to be buried in the ground, and trembled: "Greeting
to the Lord."

Wen Kexing didn't even look at him, and said lightly, "Did Lao Meng and
Sun Ding come back? Ask them to come and see me."

He didn't wait for the little ghost to answer, since he passed by in front of
him, but the grey-eyed ghost seemed to have gone through a life and death
catastrophe, and he didn't raise his head tremblingly until he had gone a
long way. The whole back was already Soaked in cold sweat.

A grievous expression slowly appeared on his face, stood up, and quietly
dived into the woods-Lord Ghost Valley, that was a real lunatic and a real
demon. He was moody and talked with people with a smile the previous
moment. Speaking, the other person's head might be choked by the next

Except for Zisha, who was raised since he was a child, for many years, no
one dared to speak out in front of him, because he is a lunatic, he loves
nothing, it seems that there is no desire, the whole person is like a machine
that can only kill machine.

No one can buy him, no one knows what he's thinking, no one knows what
he wants, no one knows when he's upset, and no one knows how to escape

Outsiders know nothing about this, but this is a land of evil spirits.

There is no morality, no humanity, only weak meat and strong food-he is

strong, so he can do whatever he wants, even if he just stands and looks at
the scenery, Lara is homely, and it will make people like enemies.

Because in general, wolves do not have patience and rabbit pulls.

But even if the lunatic doesn't look like a human, he is personal, after all,
the little ghost in grey clothes blinked-now the lunatic has reached his
death, but he doesn't know it yet.

After three minutes of hard work, Lao Meng rushed to the Yan Luo Palace.
There were no other idle people waiting in the hall. Only Wen Kexing was
alone, and a strange maid was standing next to him. Wen Kexing had
replaced a dusty servant. Dressed in a dark robe, sitting idly on a wide

His hair was loose, as if only washed, and the maid on the side was
carefully combing.

A small half of Wen Kexing's face was hidden under the black hair, and
the corners of his mouth smiled, Yin Hong was red, and the robe was ****
with a dark red belt and grass.

Lao Meng counted him, knowing that he had a winning ticket, but he could
see him, but for some reason, he exuded a little chill from his bones,
barely calmed down, knelt down respectfully, and lowered his eyes to
avoid Wen Kexing's glance Says: "Welcome to the owner."

The author has something to say:

Happy New Year 2011 everyone ~~~~~~~ Well, today I lost a big box of
desserts, and now it ’s like a mouse falling into a rice bowl ^ _ ^ 幸福 ~
This is the last change this year ~ Kill Yu Qiuyu, and let the prince of evil
spirits be fully open ^ _ ^

Foresee how the future will be, please listen to it next time ~
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 70: eve
Wen Kexing's eyes fell down, and he tilted his head slightly, looking at
Lao Meng like a curious child, as if he had seen him for the first time, Lao
Meng knelt there with his head scratched, not much time to work , He had
begun to doubt that he would tremble uncontrollably—

No, it's not the time, it's impossible for him to win this man alone. He
needs help ...

Wen Kexing suddenly asked, "Well, what about Sun Ding?"

Lao Meng knew that he would definitely ask this question at the
beginning, so he didn't panic, and said some of the answers he had
prepared—from the nest of Gao Chong Zhao Jing, speaking of the
appearance of Xue Fang, and speaking of Sun Ding The impetuousness of
life and the death to date are unknown.

Wen Kexing said "Ah" and said lightly, "As you say, Sun Ding is probably
in it?"

Lao Meng bowed his head and confessed: "It is a subordinate who is not
doing good."

Wen Kexing was silent and looked very quiet. Lao Meng couldn't help but
want to look up to see his reaction, and then suppressed himself steadily—
for eight years, this man has been a trembling existence, he was silent
Only when it became more frightening.

But who knows, he waited for a long time, but heard Wen Kexing's mouth
flutter softly: "Since the guests are coming, you can go down and prepare,
all are famous places, don't neglect."

Lao Meng finally looked up at him uncontrollably, holding the thought of

delamination, but he did not expect the other side to let him go so easily.

Wen Kexing asked blankly, "What else do you have?"

Lao Meng was very busy with his head and said, "Yes, his subordinates

He bowed his head, faced Wen Kexing, and stepped back to the door. Then
he saluted again respectfully. To turn around and leave, Wen Kexing
suddenly remembered what it was like. On. "

Lao Meng twitched slightly on his cheek, didn't dare to look up, and
stopped short as he said.

I only heard Wen Kexing said with a smile: "A Xiang found her in-law's
family, and I promised to accompany her for two and a half streets of
dowry. You can prepare for me, but don't be too shabby."

Lao Meng bowed and said, "Yes."

He withdrew, and under the sun, he gently wiped the cold sweat from his
face, and walked away. Laomeng suddenly felt an ominous premonition in
his heart. He always felt that the man seemed to have seen through it ...
Now he has seven or eight points of certainty, but there are still some
variables. For example, the hangman who has so far remained unknown.
The dead ghost Xue Fang.

Lao Meng's plan is also very simple-he knows that Xue Fang's
merchandise will never find a decent middle-class person. He had a chance
before and had contact with Zhao Jing. This time he approached the water
floor and made Zhao Jing think that The key is in his own hands, and there
is an initial alliance. At this time, the foreign enemies have gone, and the
glass armor is full. The alliance naturally fell apart, and he and Zhao Jing
were asked to fight. In the end, who opened the arsenal? People ... either
live or die.

At this time, he pushed Wen Kexing out to make them fight endlessly. Can
Xue Fang, who is holding the key and hiding his head, hide and hide
forever? He was holding the key to open the arsenal, and now all the
glazed armor was out. Lao Meng did not believe that Xue Fang could hold
Yes, another purpose of this battle was to bring Xue Fang out. At that time,
he would sit for the benefit of the fisherman and have the manpower of the
poisonous scorpion available.

After Lao Meng exited, Wen Kexing was like a little animal, reaching out
and playing with a leaf of a flower in a pot, and the maid was carefully
combing his hair. Suddenly she accidentally pulled it off. After Wen
Kexing had a hair, the man frowned slightly, and the maid immediately
fluttered to her knees on the ground. The whole person shook like a thin
leaf in a strong wind. The voice was like a gossamer: "Gu ... I ..."

Wen Kexing gently reached out and raised her chin. When she saw the
girl's face pale and frightened, she sighed, "Why, offend someone, was
pushed to serve me as someone else?"

A uglier smile than a cry appeared on the girl's face, reluctantly: "Serving
the owner of the valley is ... a blessing of slavery, it is ..."

Wen Kexing's eyes cooled down, and she let go of her, and said gently: "If
you don't like it, you don't like it. If I were you, you wouldn't want to die
in front of a big devil. But you ..."

He looked at the girl who was almost scared to death, shaking her sieve,
and the voice suddenly stopped, losing her interest in talking to her. Wen
Kexing stood up, bent down, picked up the comb that fell to the ground,
and waved, "You go."

The girl first froze, then exulted, raised her head and looked at him as if
escaped, and immediately suppressed her expression. She did not dare to
be too obvious, and whispered: "Yes."

He ran quickly, lest he change his mind.

The huge Yan Wang Dian left him alone and a pot of flowers. It was really
like the underworld, and it was not popular at all.

Wen Kexing felt that his mood had been corrupted by these people-he used
to be extremely familiar with this environment, and no one around him
would feel safe, feel relieved, but go out and come back again, he felt this
The place where he lived for eight years was suffocating.

"Actually you don't have to worry about it," Wen Kexing thought silently.
"When I found the way back to the real world, I changed back to human,
and became like I was when I was outside, casual and good. Temper, no
longer moody, no more madness, no longer alive and killing. Also ... there
will be someone with me ... he is not afraid of me, I am also good to him,
and can be a person for a lifetime ... "

He lowered his eyes, as if thinking of something, a smile that was not

gloomy or indifferent on his face, and gently let go of the rolling plant.

Alive-what a wonderful word.

Zhou Zishu's look was a little embarrassing. Anyone who has been
following this group of poisonous scorpions for more than half a month
will not look too good, but this is not too difficult for him.

The big witch's medicine is a good medicine. It almost cures the disease. It
is said that the poison that suppresses Qiqiaosanqiu can suppress it. Every
day at midnight, the pain that caused him to lose half of his life suddenly
disappears, and it makes him slightly unaccustomed. Moreover, he is not a
coquettish person. The tasks in the sunroof that require him to go out in
person are generally much more difficult than this.

After more than half a month, the poisonous scorpion and others stopped
in the small town thirty miles by Fengya Mountain. With a scorpion's
order, all the poisonous scorpions were trained to change their black
clothes and dress up one by one. The trafficker died, like a drop of water in
the crowd, and soon "disappeared" in the town.

During this period, Zhou Zi was concocted by Shu Shufa. This humble
town suddenly appeared under the calm appearance and the dark tide

The scorpion seemed to be waiting for someone, and stopped here and
refused to leave.
Within a few days, the wind came—Zhao Jing led the world ’s heroes,
posted heroic posts, and attacked the evil spirits. What is intriguing is that
he just advertised "hero posts" and failed to ask for "mountain orders."

Master Cimu was indeed a cunning old monk like a thousand-year-old

tortoise. When he died high, he smelled the wind was wrong and
immediately "dangerous." As if the Buddha finally remembered his loyal
believer, he immediately wanted to recruit him to the paradise world.

Ye Baiyi, the ancient descendant of Shanhe Ling, another monk, was also

When Gu Xiang and the other four had different missions, and after a
simple disguise, they caught up with the murderous people who went to

Cao Weining soon discovered that the Qingfeng sword school was not only
his uncle Mo Huaikong, but even his master, Mo Huaiyang, went out in

He was somewhat unsure about the situation. At that time, he was sent
down the mountain with the uncle because the master was closing the
retreat. Could it be that he would go out? The two main characters of the
Qingfeng Sword School followed Zhao Jing here. Does Master know the
true face of the hypocrite named Zhao?

Mo Huaikong has always been a thorny head, but his master Mo Huaiyang
looks a bit immortal, and he is quite capable of speaking with others. He is
arrogant and irritable to everyone, and can capture people's hearts. It is no
wonder that when he and Mo Huaikong were indistinguishable from each
other, the seat of the Qingfeng sword faction fell on him.

Gu Xiang and the four of them hired a carriage, only pretending to be

children of ordinary farmers, with some so-called "easy contents" made by
Gu Xiang on their faces, in fact, their faces were painted yellow and
yellow, making it difficult for people to see No, it is not at the same level
as Zhou Zishu's great change.
Knowing that Master Cao Weining was also there, Gu Xiang was a little
nervous—after all, the situation is unknown at the moment, and Zhao Jing
overwhelms the situation. Red, but just barely persuaded.

Only Gu Xiang of the four people can calmly think about things, so no one
else has any opinion, this time it is still the female Zhuge Axiang.

Gu Xiangdao: "This matter can't be anxious, Brother Cao, if you think, if

you rush up and tell your master, does he believe in you, or does he
believe in Zhao's" heroes "?"

Cao Weining thought about it and did not refute much. She felt that she
was right, and the wife-in-law sang and nodded, "OK, I listen to you."

Gu Xiang was relieved when he saw that he was so good at talking. In fact,
she thought of another situation-Mo Huaikong said, but Mo Huaiyang,
who suddenly descended the mountain, followed Zhao Jing in this way. He
was really blinded by Zhao Jing. Is there any other plan? She observed the
danger of being spotted several times in the past few days and felt that the
old man didn't seem to be such a simple figure.

Gao Xiaoli asked: "Girl Gu, what shall we do?"

Gu Xiang said decisively: "Wait. We haven't found Ye Baiyi now. With us,
we can't make a big deal after turning around. Don't say so many people,
it's one Zhao Jing. Kettle. Since they are going to Ghost Valley, Ghost
Valley is not a soft persimmon, there must be a big war ... "

Her voice froze, her brows frowned, and she suddenly wondered, why did
the host ask herself to find Ye Baiyi at this time? That Qiye and Dawu are
not as idle as they are, they have a wide range of ways, and tell them to go.
Gu Xiang remembered the words of Wen Kexing, saying that she was the
girl who got married and spilled water, and has nothing to do with Guigu
since then. Does he think that there is no chance of victory in Guigu?

Master, what the **** ... what did he do?

Cao Weining patted her shoulder, and Gu Xiang came back to her, and
continued: "At the moment we can do nothing, just follow them, watch for
changes, and then pay attention to the movement of Ye Baiyi."

On the surface, Gu Xiang is very carefree. In fact, she is very careful. She
is protected by Wen Kexing. After living in Guigu for so many years, it is
enough for her to have more life skills than ordinary girls. At this moment
she became the soul of four people.

They would have gone down like this without risk, but after a few days,
something unexpected happened.

Ye Baiyi-appeared.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 71: Inward
In the eyes of Zhao Jing and others who have stood under Fengya
Mountain, Gu Xiang, like a thief, touched Fengya Mountain from another
road, hiding behind a large rock, Gu Xiang grew up in Fengya Mountain,
This route is extremely familiar, and I chose an excellent place that is not
easy to find, but also easy to see where everyone is.

Zhang Chengling, they have never been to such a place, they did not know
that under the leadership of Gu Xiang, they bypassed the "Stop the Soul"
sign, in fact, they have already set foot on the site of the Valley of Ghosts,
with one foot stepping on extremely evil The gloomy place.

Fortunately, Gu Xiang hid well, and the other adults and little devils didn't
have time to pay attention to them.

Ye Baiyi came at this time. He walked alone, still in the white clothes that
looked strange and heavy, holding a small jar in his arms and carrying a
sword on his back.

Zhang Chengling said "Yeah", he was so busy that Gu Xiang covered his
mouth, no wonder he was surprised-he hadn't seen him for only half a
year, and the white silk on the leaf of Baiye had already been half white.
Looking from a distance, the stone was still carved in general. The face
without the traces of years, but with gray hair, faintly reveals a bit of

It's as if ... the time that stagnates on him suddenly moves, still can't see
on his face, only a little clue is revealed from the hair, so that when the
stone statue of him blows away, he has some preparations. .

Cao Weining stretched his neck and looked away, but his eyes fell on the
sword behind Ye Baiyi. The sword did not know where he found it. If he
didn't look carefully, it would almost make people think that he was
carrying a sabre behind him. Extremely wide and long, obliquely exposing
the head and tail from his broad shoulders, and a dragon carved vividly on
the hilt and scabbard, bowing the spine, as if you were going to fly away
from the clouds at any time, just looking at it, you can feel it That
stubbornness, like the evil spirit coming from the end of the sky.

Cao Weining murmured, "That's ... that's the ancient blade dragon's back ...
that ..."

Gu Xiang narrowed his eyes, looked around, and asked shamelessly, "What
the hell?"

Cao Weining actually trembled. He gently dragged Gu Xiang's sleeve, and

barely lowered his voice, but couldn't hold back the excitement: "The
legendary three famous swords, 'Sword No Name', have no sword name,
but they are in the sword. A famous man is extremely clear and
unparalleled in the world; he is a great sword in the sword. He is a general
in the sword. He is invincible and invincible; he is not as good as the
ancient sword dragonback. Casted by iron, the gods and Buddhas cannot be
imagined, but in the hands of ancient monks and descendants. Nowadays,
the three famous instruments have disappeared. I never thought I would
see the King of Swords today. "

Zhang Chengling heard the words "the great waste" hanging around his
waist, knowing that Qiye gave something that could not be wrong,
remembering that the old man said "the wealth is not white", he cleverly
wrapped a layer of damage outside the scabbard. Dilapidated and
nondescript cloth, Cao Weining said, "Big, big waste ... here I am."

Cao Weining almost stared out of his orbit, took it with trembling hands,
and frightenedly opened the masterpiece of Zhang Chengling—a rag with
the tip of his finger, revealing the dusty sword in the sky. Pointing at
Zhang Chenglingkou, he said, "This is a great famine, a general great
famine! You violently attack the heavens, you ... the cow chews the peony,
you burn the harp and cook the crane, you, you ... you burn the pit of

Gu Xiang “hushed” him, and the four looked, and saw that the crowd
seemed to be forced by Ye Baiyi ’s momentum, and he automatically made
way for him, all the way to the front of Zhao Jing. Ye Baiyi's face and
There was no expression, and he was extremely proud, did not dismount,
and passed through the crowd all the way up the ground.

Zhao Jingxian was amazed by his gray hair, and then his face was a little
bit unreliable. Speaking of him, his culture of life is far less exalted, but
one is to protect secrets, and the other is to injure people. Murder, that's
where I stand.

Zhao Jing barely fisted and laughed: "It's Ye Shaoxia, Ye Shaoxia is really
the time to come, come and come and fight with us ..."

Ye Baiyi still didn't dismount, looked at him lightly, and interrupted Zhao
Jing stiffly: "Liu Lijia, is it in your hands?"

The crowd was upset, and Zhao Jing's face froze.

Zhang Chengling and others listened in horror behind, Gu Xiang frowned

and asked, "What's going on, isn't he with them?"

Gao Xiaoli whispered to her and said, "Gu girl, no, Lord Ye is one of the
lords of the" Shan He Ling ". The three" Shan He Ling "can gather together
the heroes of the world, but only one of the three is in the ancient monk
senior. In his hands, the old man has n’t asked about the world for a long
time. This time about Dongting, his father went to the foot of Changming
Mountain to invite someone, and the old monk sent one of his disciples
down the mountain. Ye Daxia just guards the mountains and rivers and
usually does not talk to others. I have always been alone. "

She thought about it, and added: "Actually, I can invite the heroes, and my
father is also surprised. After all ... after all, there are rumors that the
ancient monk has passed away."

The people in the rivers and lakes only know that there is such an ancient
monk. He does n’t know who his last name is, how old he is, and the
school of origin. But it can be counted from the history of Shanhe Ling. It
’s been a long time, it ’s been a hundred years, such a long time. It is not
surprising that the "old monk" had passed away.
Zhao Jinglian's face came down. He needed to look up to see Ye Baiyi, so
he was even more unhappy, and sneered, "What does Ye Shaoxia mean?"

Ye Baiyi didn't waste much on his expression and didn't bother him. He
just glanced around and raised the volume slightly. He said, "Either you
can fight, you can make trouble, you can crumble anyone, but there is only
one No one wants to open the arsenal as long as I live. "

He is still a kind of unpredictable tone, as if Tian Wang Lao Tzu does not
pay attention to his eyes. It is Zhou Zishu's cultivation skills. He also tried
to rub him several times, not to mention these people who do n’t know his
details. Some people are cold now With a hum, he said, "Oh, the
descendants of the ancient monk really are behind the famous door, so big
tone, so big pomp!"

Ye Baiyi glanced over, almost not seeing who was talking. It turned out
that Feng Xiaofeng had never sat on his shoulder since he had blinded his
eyes, instead he regarded himself as his eyes and always took care of him.
. Feng Xiaofeng still looks like a thorny head that blows up little by little.
No one's face is given. If he is bitter and modest, he can dominate the
rivers and lakes, but he has some real feelings for his mountain slave.

Ye Baiyi said, "I'm not kidding."

Gu Xiang asked Cao Weining in a low voice, "He just spoiled the game?"

Zhang Chengling followed them to Shuzhong Xinzhuang. They knew a

little bit about the cause and effect, and then whispered to them: "That ...
Ye ... Senior, not a young hero, he is very old, it is said to be thirty years
ago Master Rong Xuan who died. "

Then he whispered the cause and effect he knew.

The other three eyes widened and narrowed for a moment, Gu Xiangcai
sighed, "My grandma ... how many years have I lived, it is a living king!"

When Cao Weining saw that she was not talking anymore, she interrupted:
"So, in fact, the most important thing in the arsenal is actually Ye ... Older
Ye? This old He also heard of Liulijia this time To investigate the truth of
that year? "

Gu Xiang pulled him, pointing at the humanity below: "Hey, look at it, it's

The four men stuck their heads behind the big rock in unison, and looked

This team of martial arts had their own misfortunes-of course, including
some particularly silly, who were really fooled by Zhao Jing, and decided
to cut evil spirits for Cangsheng. Ye Baiyi smashed down a word, it was a
stone stiring up thousands of waves.

Someone whispered that more people were under the instigation of a

caring person and Ye Baiyi's search, and coaxed Yangzi to scold: "I think
this person is very problematic. He was invited by Noble. When he was in
Dongting, It's always been around Noble, it must be a running dog! "

The gentleman Ye Baiyi always kept his mouth shut, and when he heard
that a whip was drawn, the man clearly watched the whip coming face to
face, but he couldn't escape, and he was fleeing out, leaving a blood-red
mark on his face— -symmetry.

Zhao Jing winked, and several people rushed towards Ye Baiyi at the same
time. The crowd could hardly see how he moved, and the others flew out
and rushed forward, but in the blink of an eye, they all had short arms and
short legs. Get back. And immediately Ye Baiyi seemed to have never
moved, still holding the small jar firmly with one hand and the whip in
one hand.

This man's kung fu was so horrible that Zhao Jing jumped his eyes and
listened to only one voice: "Everyone calms down first, the ancient monk
has long been highly regarded, and his descendants can't be wrong, no
matter how noble, the mountains and rivers will always return. That's
right. "
Cao Weining's eyes widened when he heard the sound—the one who spoke
was his master Mo Huaiyang, so he couldn't help getting nervous, and his
hand became a fist, sweating.

Just listening to Mo Huaiyang and Yan Yueyi said to Ye Baiyi: "Ye

Shaoxia, you have to have a basis for speaking. You ca n’t believe in it. We
are happy to believe in you and ask you to make your way, so that
everyone knows whether Liulijia is in a certain place. In our own hands,
are we being used? "

Gu Xiang watched coldly, seeing that the crowd had begun to be faintly
divided into two factions at this moment. Mo Huaiyang was very low-key
without saying a word along the way. He did not know when he could fight
against Zhao Jing's court.

This group of heroes came together and became a group of Wuhe people.
Before they went to Fengyashan, they started to choke up.

She took a peek at Cao Weining and was more certain in her heart—I was
afraid that this silly boy's master ’s trip was not small.

Zhao Jing didn't expect Mo Huaiyang to turn against the water at this time,
and he couldn't wait for this person to twitch his skin, but he couldn't help
Ye Baiyi to talk, otherwise he was guilty.

Ye Baiyi did not buy Mo Huaiyang's account, but said coldly: "To open the
arsenal, there are two things, glass armor and a key. I checked it for a long
time, and probably guessed that the key is in the hands of the ghost valley.
If they still have glass A, aren't they waiting for you to fight at this
moment? If they try to open the arsenal ... hey, I must be an exorcist. "

Zhao Jing argued: "Liu Lijia was originally in Gao Chong's hand. Before
he died, he wanted to hang the ghost Xue Fang and kill me together. He
failed to succeed. The man died. Xue Fang disappeared. He wanted to
come to Liuli Jia. he……"

Ye Baiyi sneered: "I heard that Guigu has been sending people to kill Xue
Fang, but one of the hunter's funeral ghosts died a few days ago. Then Xue
Fang is so amazing at this moment, why not open the arsenal, Still hiding?

Zhao Jingdao: "What the happy and doomed is doing is killing and
overdoing the goods. How do I know about these evils? The inconsistency
is the uneven distribution of the loot and the two losers. Moreover, the
noble people are very cunning, and there are many party feathers. Who is
it, how can I know? "

Ye Baiyi asked instead: "Oh, the glazed armor that the five major families
guarded together was lost, but Hero Zhao didn't let anyone go and tracked
down. Instead, he led someone to attack Fengyashan. What's the truth?"

His words became more and more aggressive, Zhao Jing dumbed his
mouth for a moment, then bit back and said, "According to Ye Shaoxia's
meaning, those demons who have been defeated by others can't be killed?"

Mo Huaiyang frowned, strolled behind Ye Baiyi, and then, almost half of

the crowd followed him out of Zhao Jing. Zhao Jingzhi asked: "Mr. Mo,
what does this mean?"

Mo Huaiyang said, "Dr. Zhao, don't say anything else, let's just explain it
on the basis of everything."

Zhao Jing knew that Mo Huaiyang had a different heart, and thought in a
fire, "This old ghost who was robbed by fire, if I don't do him here, he will
be a hidden danger in the future."

He thought, a finger made a small movement, and the crowd in the field
was noisy, and no one found it. Gu Xiang, they stood high and saw the
change, and saw a very humble person behind Zhao Jing. After seeing his
gesture, Diving out of the crowd, Gu Xiang kept staring, and saw that the
man retreated to the periphery of the crowd and made a gesture in one
direction. A dark shadow flashed through the dense forest with a tiny
crossbow in his hand.

Poison Scorpion!
When Cao Weining couldn't think of it, he jumped out from behind the big
stone, and was transported to the extreme. He said loudly, "Master,

Gu Xiang didn't hold it, and his heart was cold.

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 72: Exposed
Cao Weining stood up and pulled away the hidden weapon that the
poisonous scorpion shot at Mo Huaiyang. When he saw him coming out,
Zhang Chengling subconsciously made a move up and was pressed by Gu

Gu Xiang took a deep breath, and she felt that this breath seemed to sink
into her chest and could not sink. She was stuck there with the smell of
plants in the forest. Gu Xiang's fingers trembled slightly, and his fingertips
unconsciously squeezed the clothes on Zhang Chengling's shoulder, and
whispered, "Don't move, don't move."

Cao Weining suddenly appeared, and everyone stunned with him, but Zhao
Jing immediately responded and yelled, "Where did the mouse generation
hide their heads and hide their tails?"

A person next to him immediately noticed that if he was near the enemy,
he showed his weapon and shouted, "Everyone be careful, beware of evil
hands secretly!"

The atmosphere was changed again in the crowd that had just been arguing
with each other. The poisonous scorpion hidden in the dark evacuated
immediately after the blow, and it was not successful, so that this group of
black people did not even catch an assassin.

Gu Xiang looked at the score, and she was in a mess. Cao Weining went
wrong at this time. It is so chaotic at the moment. There is something like
Zhao Jing who can use it most. There is something like Mo Huaiyang who
is deeply secretive. There is Ye Baiyi rushing to find the unlucky ...

Mo Huaikong, who had just appeared by Ye Baiyi, was thinking of seizing

power, and immediately found out that it was not a good time. They were
still standing on the border of Guigu and everything was in trouble. At this
time, I saw Cao Weining, but there was not much. Think, just frowned.
Mo Huaikong knew about Cao Weining and Gu Xiang's group of people,
and he hurriedly said, "Why did your kid catch up, and embroider your
feet all the way? Don't roll over!"

As if he was just sent out by his uncle to do something.

Although Cao Ning wasn't terribly clever or stupid, he responded silently

and walked behind Mo Huaikong.

However, if it was that easy, Gu Xiang wouldn't have no idea at once-even

if others didn't care, there was a person named Feng Xiaofeng. Feng
Xiaofeng remembered that Gu Xiangdu had blinded the eyes of the
mountain slaves. Think of Cao Weining as the heir of a hill, and see him as
if he had killed his father and his enemies, and said sharply: "Cao
Weining, you still have a face in front of the big guy! The surname is Mo,
you are really a good apprentice, make a demon, stay in Beauty, help you!

Cao Weining stepped back and thought, broken.

Mo Huaiyang heard that his eyes fell on Cao Weining, his face was
slightly dark, and he asked, "What happened, where have you been?"

Cao Weining said respectfully, "Master, I met a few friends from Nanjiang
who helped them to cook some of the black witch remnants of Nanjiang. I
accidentally disconnected with my uncle. I didn't know you were here.
This time, I was looking for this Ye ... Ye ... Ye Hero, I didn't expect to be
lucky enough to meet Master. "

This remark was true, although he didn't completely tell the truth, he was
not flustered, his thoughts were clear and well-founded, and then he fisted
to Ye Baiyi: "Master Ye, under the trust of others, has something to do
with it begging."

Ye Baiyi glanced at him rather surprised: "Who? What's the matter?"

Cao Weining said: "A friend was seriously injured and needed to be treated
in an extremely cold place. I wonder if I can borrow the land of
Changming Mountain ..."

Ye Baiyi first didn't respond, and for a moment, he said inexorably: "Tell
your friend to do it yourself, there is a Changming village under
Changming Mountain, and there is a mountain road after it passes, all the
way to the mountainside. But I live near the top of the mountain. Can I go
there? It depends on your ability. "

Cao Weining knew that Gu Xiang could hear, and this was a task, so he
said, "Thank you."

Ye Baiyi nodded, as if suddenly feeling boring, he turned the horse's head

without saying a word to leave this right and wrong place. Mo Huaiyang
caught a glimpse of Zhao Jing and others who were still looking at the
matter. After turning his thoughts, he stopped Ye Baiyi and said, "Ye
Shaoxia, what you say is unclear, can't you just leave?"

Ye Baiyi glanced at him and said saltily: "What else are you going to do? I
have made it clear that the surname Zhao is not a good thing, as for you ..."

A stiff smile appeared at the corner of his stiff mouth, coldly like a
zombie: "I don't think you're anything at all."

The corner of Mo Huaiyang's eyes twitched a bit, and Zhao Jingfang was
almost forced into despair. Because of Cao Weining's disruption, he was
relieved. Seeing this situation, he said: "I Zhao is a rough man, and he
does things like you Those who have read the book are so careful and
organized that they always do what they think of-Gao Chong was my
brother before, and his mother ’s fatal friendship, I do n’t know what he is
trying to figure out. At this step, I hate him , But I hate the evil spirits
raised by these **** in Fengya Mountain! "

He had a pair of tiger eyes wide open, and at that moment it turned out to
be an angry look, and said loudly: "The case of Liulijia started in Ghost
Valley 30 years ago, and 30 years later, the catastrophe still started
because of Ghost Valley. We were not capable enough at that time to
remove these monsters and monsters, and now they are being killed by
them. It is not enough to have so many disasters in the Central Plains
Martial Arts right now? "

The noisy crowd was quiet again, Zhao Jing seemed to calm down a little,
looked at Ye Baiyi, and said sincerely: "Ye Shaoxia, you lived in
Changming Mountain all year round, I do n’t know, there are some things
in this world that do n’t look like they seem That way, I don't know who
you were so blinded that you misunderstood me ... "

He paused subtly, glancing at Mo Huaiyang.

The suggestion is self-evident-why Ye Baiyi suddenly appeared alone, and

Mo Huaiyang took the lead at this time? Isn't this well planned?

Then his eyes fell on Cao Weining and said, "Cao Shaoxia, I always felt
that you are a young talent, with a bright future, and you are honest. You
know what is courteous, honest, and shameless, and what is loyalty and
filial piety ...

Feng Xiaofeng took a step forward, Zhao Jing reached out to stop him, and
asked, word by word: "I heard Brother Feng mention that you had a fight
with them because of a little girl, and even shot a lot, many of them were
unknown People were mixed in and hijacked Zhang Chengling— "

Cao Weining stiffened his back.

The name "Zhang Chengling" is always linked to Liulijia, and it is very

sensitive at this time. Once he said this, even Mo Huaiyang's look was not
right. He gritted his teeth and said, "What is the matter?"

Mo Huaikong was informed. When the old man saw something bad, he
said quickly, "Cough, it's a little girl who doesn't know where it comes
from. He can't speak human words. It's very unconventional ..."

Feng Xiaofeng sneered, and pulled the mountain slaves to the crowd,
screaming: "Ono girl? Can't I? Master Mo means that our two masters and
servants are really useless, even one came from somewhere." The wild girl
can also spread wild on our heads, and also blinded Ashan's eyes?
Moreover ... Didn't the heroes also let go of the little devil girl that day?
Did they let them go? So handsome, can't you let it go? "

Mo Huaikong's face rose like an eggplant, and he stunned for a long while
before saying, "Put your mother's dog smelly!"

Feng Xiaofeng went crazy and yelled the mountain slave and yelled, "Old
thief, you don't need to protect the little thief, you are all in the same hill!
If you don't give A Shan a statement today, take your eyes for

So the heroes and heroes who managed to stop for a while were in trouble

Mo Huaiyang gritted his teeth and asked, word by word: "Little animal,
you said, who is that woman?"

Cao Weining lowered his head and took a step back, at the same time,
Zhang Chengling not far away could not help but "sigh"-Gu Xiang's nails
got into his flesh.

Zhao Jing sneered: "I heard that the two men who were with the woman
were weird in appearance and marvelous in martial arts. They also took
Zhang Chengling. Zhao was ignorant and unknown. Where are the two of
them sacred? "

An unknown master in the Central Plains Wulin-isn't this pointing directly

at Ghost Valley?

Mo Huaiyang raised his hand in the middle of Cao Weining's chest and
beat him back ten times. He sat on the ground without standing, and spit
out blood. Cao Weining covered her chest pale, but clenched her teeth

Mo Huaiyang stepped forward, looked at him condescendingly, and

continued to ask, "Do you say or not?"
He raised his palm and pressed it against Cao Weining's head, as if he was
going to be killed. Mo Huaikong opened his mouth and said neatly,
"Brother ..."

Mo Huaiyang chuckled: "Shut up-Cao Weining, do you say or not?"

Cao Weining closed her eyes.

Gu Xiang sighed and lowered his voice to Zhang Chengling and Gao
Xiaoli, "No matter what, you two must not come out. Remember, if you
two come out again, all four of us will die here. Have you heard?"

Zhang Chengling said: "Sister Gu Xiang ..."

Suddenly Gao Xiaoli took him, and said to Gu Xiang with a firm face,
"You can rest assured."

Gu Xiang glanced at her, nodded, and then he suddenly rose up and

appeared in front of everyone, loudly, "Well, it's my aunt, what are you
going to do to me?"

The wind and clouds change suddenly under Fengya Mountain, but the
green bamboo ridge is not calm. A little man in a gray coat went behind
Lao Meng and said something lowly in his ear. With a weird expression,
he asked, "What are you talking about? They're down at the mountain ...
who fought?"

The little nodded.

Lao Meng frowned for a long time, and suddenly laughed, the laughter
grew louder, and in the end it was almost overjoyed: "You said ... you said
Zhao Jing they even hit the foot of the mountain ... ha ha ha ha Zhao Jing,
Zhao Jing, I think he is the head wolf. If he is an enemy, who knows that it
is a sheep, it was turned against by a group of "famous decent people", it is
ridiculous! "

He laughed suddenly, and then suddenly closed it. There was no smile on
his face for a moment. At this moment, Lao Meng was no longer a gentle
and kind old man, and the muscles on his cheeks were still shaking
slightly, slowly appearing in the dark. He said, "Okay, in this case, you
don't need to worry about them, let's start accounting from the inside.
Xiaoke, go to the place where we are in the defense, all of them ... . "

The little ghost froze and suddenly understood what he was about to do,
his voice trembling unconsciously, and said, "Yes!"

Lao Meng tidy up his clothes, closed his eyes tightly, and hide Li Se, still
looks like a good old man, strode to the palace of Yan Wang.

Wen Kexing is very leisurely and he is drawing a picture. When the Lao
Meng sent a briefing, he only responded lightly, without raising his head,
bending over, as if the whole person was stuck on the paper.

Lao Meng walked in, seeing a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he
was in a good mood, thinking that this was really good for me, so he said
respectfully, "Master Gu, the other day ordered his subordinates to prepare
for him. The dowry of the girl Xiang is already in place. May I ask Mr. Gu
not to look? "

Wen Kexing responded absently, without looking up, and ticked the paper
twice with the pen tip for a long while, then said, "Well, you wait for a

Lao Meng then bowed his head and waited side by side. The incense sticks
on the table went down inch by inch. I didn't know how long it took before
Wen Kexing straightened up, raised his completed painting with
satisfaction, and shook his head to appreciate it. . Lao Meng narrowed his
eyes for a moment, and saw that the setting on the paper was very simple.
An old tree, a few big stones, a man stood there, without a face, only a
back view.

The man is a bit thin. The bones behind him can be seen through the loose
robe. Lao Meng said in his heart, this lunatic went out in a circle, did he
really think he was an individual, and learned to cause acacia?
Then Wen Kexing lowered the painting, carefully pressed it with
paperweight, and set it aside to air it. Then he turned to Lao Meng. At the
sight of Lao Meng, the gentle smile on his face immediately became cold,
and briefly said: "lead the way."

Lao Meng lowered his head, responded, and turned around, covering the
irresistible smile that flashed in the corner of his mouth.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 73: rule
Feng Xiaofeng was mad at the sight of Gu Xiang. She screamed and
rushed up, saying, "Smelly girl, I killed you!"

Gu Xiang said "Ouch" and patted his chest with a smile. He said, "You can
scare me. My name is closed. No one joins you today. Bully me a little
girl. Don't be soft. ! "

Zhao Jing drank Feng Xiaofeng and said, "Brother Feng, calm down. So
many of us are watching. If she is really not a good person, can she run

Cao Weining heard it really, knowing that they were going to use Gu Xiang
as an essay. He didn't know where the strength came from, so he crawled
up from the ground, stretched out his arm and blocked Gu Xiang,
regardless of dull chest pain. He coughed and whispered, "You, Ah Xiang
has always been innocent and can't hide his heart, but in the end he is a
junior. Even if there is something wrong, I also invite you seniors to look
at her age. Don't be sensible, don't look at her in general. "

He turned to Feng Xiaofeng again and said, "As for the hero Feng, Cao had
a word. On that day, the hero Shen was unfortunate, the glass armor was
stolen, and the Dongting people were heartbroken. Zhang Chengling was
really with us and could take away his The man is Brother Zhou, who was
taken away in front of Zhao, who was not stopped, and we took care of it.
This surname is indiscriminate, unites a group of people, and chases us
with a poisonous scorpion. Is there anything wrong with Paul? "

Gu Xiang immediately leaned his head behind him and pointed at Feng
Xiaofeng, "That is, look at his virtues, as if everyone else owed him eight
hundred hanging money. If you do n’t say anything, you will fight and kill.
Who knows if he's with the bad guys in black clothes? "

Feng Xiaofeng was so angry that he could not play Gu Xiang. He just
popped a "you" in his mouth. Gu Xiang had a bunch of words like jumping
beans. The little girl had her hands on her hips. With a stubborn look, he
pointed at Feng Xiaofeng and said, "What am I? My host gave me the little
ghost to take care of me. My aunt and grandma took him too much trouble,
thinking that everyone else is the same as you. Don't face everyone. You ...
I do n’t know if it ’s surnamed 'Fish' or surnamed 'Turtle', who knows
which temple you all belong to? Good guys and bad guys do n’t have
stickers on their faces, I do n’t think you look like a good thing, you rush
What are you trying to do to find Zhang Chengling face-to-face? It's all
the same with the surname Yu, huh! "

She rolled her eyes, as if a child was playing with a temper. Three words
and two words will be involved in Qiu Yi-now Yu Qiu can become a street
mouse and shout everyone, regardless of whether it is fake or framed,
framed, anyway. No problem on the head.

Feng Xiaofeng froze, and he was stunned, but he did not expect this floor.

Sure enough, when Gu Xiang said this, many people looked at his eyes
badly, and Ye Baiyi snorted coldly: "Like you, congenital is not a material
for practicing, it really does not help to get Liuhe Xinshu. Fight for
something? "

Ye Baiyi opened her mouth. Someone laughed at the scene, and the
mountain slave yelled and stepped on a stone, but he is just a blind man
now, what can he do with a little brute force? Cao Weining looked at their
master and servant and suddenly felt pitiful.

Maybe because of the injury, he felt particularly tired. Looking at each one
in front of him, it seemed that he was not a person, it was a wall of grass,
listening to the wind was the rain, holding the high and the low-no matter
what, he could not step on his head. , Happy to see a lively.

He stretched out La Guxiang and said, "Axiang, let's go. I'll take it."

Gu Xiang didn't talk much this time, and he was taken away honestly. Cao
Weining said to Mo Huaiyang again, "Master, apprentices are not filial,
and ca n’t obey you. I haven't had much success in my life. With the
strength, you can come up with something more than others. At that time,
you will surely have something to try first every year. "

Mo Huaiyang's face was a little stingy and looked at Gu Xiang, but he

frowned. Although this girl looked good, she always had an indescribable
evil spirit, unlike a serious girl, she had to talk However, Mo Huaikong
cried out with a loud voice: "Hahaha, I know you're an unproductive kid,
and you will have a fat son with your little daughter-in-law in the future,
so I will be an uncle to others! Go ask me Drink full moon! "

Cao Weining laughed twice, saying uncle you really think too far.
Although Gu Xiang's face was hot, he was relieved, knowing that he had

They were about to leave, and at this moment, someone in the crowd
suddenly opened their mouths-it was the man who had been standing next
to Zhao Jing and turned on the weapon when the poison scorpion attacked,
and his face was pulled diagonally. The scar has been drawn to the neck.

The man with the scar said, "This girl, please stay away. I have a question

Gu Xiang turned back, only listening to the man asking slowly: "Did you
not notice that the direction in which this girl just came out, is actually
already the place of Fengyashan Ghost Valley? She has broken into Ghost
Valley, why? By now the evil spirits haven't moved yet? "

The blood on Gu Xiang's face receded for a moment, and he only listened
to the man saying, "I think, there are two possibilities. One is the identity
of this girl ... It's very interesting, the second is it, this girl When she went
in, no one found her, but in a place like Fengyashan, she went in without
being found. Why? "

His words could not be understood more clearly, even Cao Weining
understood. He turned back suddenly, looked at Gu Xiang, but could not

Gu Xiang let go of his hand, took a step back and took another step back.
Zhao Jing narrowed his eyes, and patted the man with the scar on his
shoulder, and said aloud, "Hey, how did she say this, how old is she, and
what kind of character can't she be?"

The Scar Man laughed, "Knowing others knows their faces."

Zhao Jing patted his head, thought for a while, and said, "Oh, isn't this
very convenient? There is a clear mark on the waist of the people in Ghost
Valley. If we are all big brothers, there is nothing we can do, but not There
are also the heroines of Emei. You do n’t have to avoid suspicion in your
women ’s house, and go to a place where there is no one to identify. We
can trust the heroines of Emei to speak. ”

The head of Emei nodded and no objection.

Cao Weining turned a deaf ear, but just looked at Gu Xiang. When he saw
Gu Xiang's expression, he understood everything—in his impression, Gu
Xiang has always been a heartless, happy, and thoughtless girl with a face.
Never before has such a pale, gloomy, and gloomy appearance appeared.

She didn't smile, and her big eyes seemed to be lost. There was only a kind
of indifference, she didn't look at him, she just looked at the man with a
scar on her face, and she really looked like a female ghost.

Cao Weining remembered what Wen Kexing had said to him that night—
even though she might not be what you think, even ... you would find that
you didn't know her.

How did you answer it yourself? At that moment, Cao Weining was
slightly hesitant. At the time ... he vowed to Wen Kexing, "You can rest
assured, I know her naturally."

At this moment, Gu Xiang moved, her figure was extremely fast, and her
figure only flashed, and she passed Cao Weining to the crowd. The man
with the scar on his face was the first to bear it. No one expected her to
have such courage. , Dare to make trouble on the spot in front of everyone.
When the man saw someone who was not good, he stepped back
subconsciously, Gu Xiang sneered, and suddenly raised his hand. Two iron
chains in his sleeve shot straight at his door. The man bent over and hid
behind, who Knowing that the chain seemed to have a soul, he wrapped it
around his neck, Gu Xiang whispered in a whispering way: "If you break
into Hell, there is no way to blame ..."

Later, she tore back the chain with force, actually stirring the head of the
man with the scar on his face.

Zhao Jingnu sighed, drew his sword and stabbed Gu Xiang, Gu Xiang
didn't hide, he tried to stand up, the door opened wide and waited for him
to slap, and a hidden weapon was thrown out.

Cao Weining shouted, "Axiang!"

He ignored it and flew forward. "Dangyu" blocked Zhao Jing's sword,

grabbed the girl's hand holding the chain, and yelled, "Let ’s go, let's go
home! Ah Xiang, let go of him!"

Gu Xiang stunned and dropped her hand involuntarily, and the iron chain
fell to the ground. She was pulled unconsciously by Cao Weining and took
several steps before she asked indifferently: "Go home?"

Cao Weining took a deep breath: "Go home."

Zhao Jing sneered: "Wow, since you are the little demon girl in Ghost
Valley, you don't need to quibble. We don't let you come whenever you
want, just leave if you want!" His voice did not fall, and a strong wind
came behind him. Zhao Jing hurried away, looking back, it turned out to be
Ye Baiyi-Ye Baiyi held the dragon's back in his hand and did not unsheath
it, but only swept away, forcing Zhao Jing away.

Ye Baiyi didn't look at him, but said to Cao Weining, "The friend you just
said is the kid with the last name Zhou. If you take me to find him, I will
send you away."
The crowd was shocked by his shots, and they just watched him so much
that they would take Gu Xiang and Cao Weining away.

Mo Huaiyang finally spoke, and he only said, "Cao Weining, dare you go?"

Cao Weining stiffened his back, stood still, turned around, opened his
mouth, and said, "Master ..."

Mo Huaiyang said coldly: "You have gone with them. From now on, I am a
breeze sword school. Without you, you fall into evil. From now on, I will
send you all the same way with all martial arts and with you. Power, no,
two, stand! "

Cao Weining's body seemed to shake, Gu Xiang busy reached out to

support him. Mo Huaiyang said: "You think about it, Mo has to stumble
into hate forever."

Cao Weining stood there for a long, long time, Gu Xiangjue held his hand
for a while, then relaxed, but then tightened, listening only to him saying,
"Master, I swear to a friend, saying In my life, from that time to death, the
moment and the moment are counted, and there will never be a moment to
live up to Ah Xiang-you have taught me from a young age that I must do
what I do, and I must do it.

Mo Huaiyang's face was iron-blue, and he bit his teeth for a long while
before laughing coldly. He even said three "OK" and turned away sharply,
as if he didn't want to see him again. Cao Weining knelt down, Gu Xiang
frowned, hesitated, and followed him down. Cao Weining struck three
heads in a row in the direction of Mo Huaiyang, and every time they
landed, he immediately saw blood on his forehead, his eyes circled red,
and he lost his voice: "The apprentice is not filial!"

Then he turned to Mo Huaikong, who was also the three sounding heads,
grinning his teeth, but couldn't say a word. Mo Huaikong stared at him
eagerly, trying to say something, but felt that what he said was wrong, and
could only scold indignantly: "Fuck, what is this?"
Gu Xiang then lifted Cao Weining, and Ye Baiyi was waiting for them. Mo
Huaiyang suddenly turned around, his eyes flashed, his voice softened, and
he seemed to be a bit fragile. "Weining."

Cao Weining heartbeat: "Master ..."

Mo Huaiyang took a deep breath and hesitated for a while before

beckoning: "Come here, I have a few words to tell you."

Ye Baiyi frowned, suspecting that the master and apprentice had two
troubles, but looking at Cao Weining already gone, he turned his head to
one side—it's none of his business to die.

Cao Weining took two steps, and he knelt down and reached him in front
of his knees. Mo Huaiyang looked at him with mixed feelings, half a
moment, closed his eyes, and put his hands on his head, as if he was still
very small Like a child, sighing: "I love you the most, you generations."

Cao Weining choked, "Master, I ..."

He couldn't say any more. The tender scene suddenly changed the tone. No
one expected that after Mo Huaiyang said that sentence, the hand that
touched Cao Weining's head suddenly exerted his strength, and he was
caught off guard Pressed on Cao Weining's Tianling cover.

Cao Weining's Qiqiao suddenly bleed, Gu Xiang shrieked and screamed,

and blood splattered on Mo Huaikong. Mo Huaikong could not react,
opened his eyes and looked at the person who was still kneeling-and then
Mo Huai Yang let go of his hand, and Cao Weining fell silently to one side.

Mo Huaiyang lowered his eyes and whispered: "I have been a breeze
sword school, since the founder of the ancestors, I have always been
responsible for helping justice, loyalty, filial piety, and integrity, and have
never been a traitor. Out of such a treacherous and dishonest person, I have
to ... clean up the portal, thank the world, and call you ... "

Mo Huaikong looked at him in disbelief and yelled, "I **** / your uncle!"
Mo Huaiyang paused for a moment, and then said the rest of his words
without change: "... laughed."

Gu Xiang hurled at him, looking like crazy. At that moment, her mind was
blank, there was only one thought left, to kill—she screamed: "I killed
you, I killed all of you!"

Ye Baiyi's eyes fluttered quickly, and she stretched out her hand and gently
chopped her neck, Gu Xiang's body fell down softly, Ye Baiyi caught her,
and raised her eyes coldly to the person in front of her. Settled on Mo
Huaiyang and said, "You heard what she said."

No one answered him.

Ye Baiyi nodded his head, got on the horse with Gu Xiang, and uttered a
sentence: "I've grown my knowledge."

Gu Xiang was unconscious, but a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

It turns out ... in this world, righteousness and evil are not mutually
exclusive, not for fun. He is the right way and she is the evil way, so she is
destined not to be together. This is the rule. Rules are set and obeyed by
most people in the world. If you want to disobey, you must have the
patience and be out of the way.

If you win, you jump out. If you lose, you ...

Lao Meng didn't know that the things he had prepared were not used. He
actually prepared the "dowry" that Wen Kexing said, and put a yard full of
it, which meant "Shilihongzhuang." There are several sets of bowls,
mahogany cabinets, as well as various makeup treasure boxes, gold and
silver utensils, even Fengguanxiaxia.

At this age, President Wen Ke had never encountered any happy event, nor
had he drank a drop of wedding wine. For the first time, I knew that the
bride married a lot of people, but it turned out with the same interest. It
seems that he also picked up the "dowry painting" deliberately, stood there
and studied it for a while, and concluded that "the painter is good, but it is
not as unique as a friend of mine."

Lao Meng humbled behind him, and he asked quickly: "Does the owner
mean a different set?"

Wen Kexing turned his head to glance at him, and put the "dow dowry
picture" back with a smile, and sat down casually on a rosewood box next
to him, watching Lao Meng and said, "You know I remembered What is it?

Lao Meng's heart jumped, his intuition was not good.

Just listen to Wen Ke Road: "Fart off your pants, do more."

Lao Meng raised his head and looked up at Wen Kexing for a moment,
then lowered his head again, and said, "Subordinates ... I don't understand
what the owner means."
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 74: War
Wen Kexing looked at him silently, his eyes were like awl, as if he was
about to get into his heart. Lao Meng was suddenly flustered, and he
couldn't help but go through all his plans from beginning to end.

Rebellion—This event was not just planned by him. A long time ago,
when Sun Ding and Xue Fang began to fight openly and secretly, Lao
Meng had already begun to prepare and hang the ghost Xue Fang to steal
the key and rebel. Out, it's a chance God gave him.

He still remembers how this man got the position of the owner of the
valley eight years ago. Originally, it was just a little-known young man.
Lao Meng had never paid attention to him, but only felt that this young
man with a good eyebrow could take this place Keeping his little girl alive
is actually quite a shame.

At that time, Lao Guzhu was not the same as the current one, and he was
very particular about pomp. The palace of Yan Wang was not as cold as it
is now, and often healed by singing and dancing.

Lao Guzhu seems to appreciate him quite a bit, how can he appreciate it?
Lao Meng also couldn't say clearly. Over the years, no one dared to say
that he was transferred to be the attendant of the Palace of the King of
Kings anyway, and he was in a good mood, and occasionally gave him
pointers to work hard. Wen Kexing always appeared behind Lao Gu's host,
standing on a fixed seat, never talking, and never exceeding the moment,
like a solid wood man.

This is the wooden man, called that one night, and the screams of
heartbreak in the palace of the King of Kings are soaring into the sky that
it seems that the screams will not disappear for three days.

For three years, the host of Lao Guzhu followed him for half. Any
objection was smashed and thrown into the fire. In this way, killing a few
people, no one is stupid, no objection.
Xue Fang eats a young girl's heart every month. Sun Ding likes to drink
and drink human blood, but they all think that night is a nightmare. The
blood in the palace of the King of Kings seems to have smeared the entire
hall. The old mourner mourned for more than two hours. Some people said
that it was Wen Ke who cut the old muck into a small piece, and cut it
aside. He stopped bleeding, and then forced him to eat, and some people
said that he was peeling alive, peeling a whole sheet, and people are still

When the man came out from the inside, he wore a bright red robe. At that
moment, it was impossible to tell whether it was the original color or the
blood stained it. His face, which was never calm, was indifferent. A smile
appeared in front of everyone.

He came out and said only two words: "He died, I did it. If you are not
convinced, you can come and kill me, otherwise be honest and listen to me

Then came chaos, dogfights, and massacres—the dust finally settled.

There is no conspiracy or conspiracy, anyway, this is the way of living in

Guigu-the strong is the most respectable, and it is very simple. Wen
Kexing didn't believe anyone except the little girl who had been around
since he was a kid. The next day after he became the owner of the valley,
he immediately issued an order to empty all the idle people in the palace
of Yan Wang, etc. In this valley, except Gu Xiang No living creatures other
than that shall be within three feet of him without permission.

He was moody, cloudy, and fascinated.

Over the past eight years, he has become increasingly secretive.

Sometimes Lao Meng even has the illusion that the man from hair to
fingernails does not have a terrible blood smell throughout his body. This
is a downright madman born for killing. . Therefore, Xue Fang would
rather fight internally first than anger the lunatic when the wings are not
full and cannot be killed with a single blow.

To this day-Lao Meng thought that he was ready.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

In this turmoil in Guzhong, the ghost master wandered and returned, Lao
Meng was not idle. Right now he is confident to mobilize Qicheng people
in Guzhong, even if the man really has three heads and six arms, even if he
is truly invincible ...

Zhao Jing wasn't too worried, and then he caught Xue Fang and put the key
in his hands, and that's it. So Meng fixed his mind, looked up at Shang
Wen's eyes, and said without hesitation, "Please also The Lord expresses. "

The news of Zhao Jing and others in the foothills of Fengya Mountain not
only reached Qingzhuling. Soon, another person sent the news to the ear of
a scorpion in a small town. The scorpion was listening to a 15- or six-year-
old in the tea house The girl sang a song, frowned upon hearing it, and felt
that it was a little unexpectedly tricky.

The mantis catches the cicada, so that he can keep the yellow bird behind,
but the mantis shrinks back, and it is very troublesome to claw its feet.

The scorpion pondered for a moment, whispered in the ear of the comer,
and the comer led him back. He grabbed a handful of melon seeds and,
while eating in a good mood, kicked a poisonous scorpion next to him with
his toes, and commanded: "Sing well, give a reward-oh, the old man next
to Lahuqin is also good, together. reward."

The little girl thanked for the reward, and lifted up her grandfather who
trembled Hu Huqin and walked away slowly.

Walking all the way to the door, the old man took out most of the rewards
he had just got and stuffed it to the little girl. As soon as he spoke, he was
hoarse and very old. He said slowly, "Good boy, take Go get some nibbles
and keep your throat well. "

The little girl pushed back: "No, grandpa, you keep giving me the money
you get these days, what do you do?"
It turned out that the two were not real ancestors. They only listened to the
old man's hand waving: "Oh, hold it, hold it. I have an old man who
doesn't have tomorrow today. What do I need for money? A sick dad, can't
go out to sing with you as soon as he's cured? Besides, if you don't sing
well, who sees me as a bad old man playing the piano. "

The little girl blushed, and her hand was really tight, so she stood
helplessly, wondering what to do.

The old man did not give her a chance to refuse, holding Hu Qin slowly
turned away. As soon as I got to a place without people, it seemed like the
old man who was going to drive westward of the crane was suddenly
energized. His turbid eyes were condensed, and his eyes were surprisingly
bright, and his back was straight. appearance?

He was following Zhou Zishu, the poisonous scorpion. Only then did the
scorpion lower his voice, but no one else could hear, but Zhou Zishu's ear
strength was true. He was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Zhao Jing
to slap in the wall of the cliff. This situation is even more complicated,
which shows that in that camp, people's hearts are not the same, and how
many people are preparing for a moth to come out.

In order to force them to unanimously go outside, the Scorpion sent his

poisonous scorpion as a person in Ghost Valley to sneak attack on one
side. Zhou Zishu frowned slightly. He thought of the situation of Wen
Kexing in Green Bamboo Ridge at this time. These days, Ghost Valley
seems to be unusually quiet. The thing with the last name Wen won't ...
what happened?

Suddenly he wanted to throw the scorpion here and go directly to

Fengyashan, but after all it was Zhou Zishu, the thought just flashed in his
mind and was suppressed-the situation is very chaotic at the moment,
except for scorpions, everyone Already in the game, rushing into it, but it
is easy to see the form, it is better to follow the scorpion first.

That person ... Since he has been a ghost-gut owner for so many years, he
is still alive with all arms and legs.
Zhou Zishu struck Huqin's strings unconsciously with his fingers, making
a slight noise, and people disappeared into the alley.

The scorpion came prepared, and prepared more than thirty poisonous
scorpions to sneak attack on Zhao Jing and others. It can be seen that he
had planned to touch the fish in the muddy water early, and was very
unwilling—because all thirty people had ghost faces. Tattoos, tattoo paints
he got from Lao Meng and Sun Ding, respectively, can be described as
rainy days.

Zhao Jing and their side had gone through so many incidents, Mo
Huaikong almost fought with Mo Huaiyang, and he was easily caught. He
was heart-wrenching. Suddenly, a group of uninvited guests came by. They
were caught off guard by surprise, and this group came out of nowhere.
The men in black here are very cunning, fighting and retreating. They are
not entangled. They can't beat and run, and they will come out when they
don't pay attention.

The scar man picked up the clothes on the body of a black man, and the
ghostly face of the scorpion was exposed to the public eye. Zhao Jing
frowned and looked at Mo Huaiyang, saying, "It's time for Mo's door. Now,
let ’s discuss the problem between us later. You have lost your lovers. We
are all very sad. But this is the time of the death and death of Wulin in
Central Plains. I hope that the head of the Mo will take the overall
situation as the most important thing! "

Mo Huaiyang thought about it and realized that he could not sing a duet
with "Wu Zhonglin Wulin's Life and Death" for the time being, and he
defaulted to cooperate with Zhao Jing. This group of heroes who did not
know how long they had been under Fengya Mountain finally remembered
what they were doing. Yes, Zhao Jing ordered to kill Fengyashan.

Just to deal with Wen Kexing, Lao Meng transferred most of his
manpower to the vicinity of the Palace of the King of Yan, and he called
these heroes into a state of no one. At the touch of a scorpion, the war
finally fought.
Behind the palace of Yan Wang, Wen Kexing was surrounded by three
layers inside and three outside-he smiled and felt that Lao Meng was as
close to the enemy as he really was. The people who were still by his side
were defeated when they saw this battle. That's how Wen Kexing killed
Lao Guzhu.

In Ghost Valley, if it is not evenly matched, as long as the scene seems to

be slightly weak on one side, a large number of people will immediately
go to the other side, because "loyalty" never existed, only the weak had to
rely on the strong, once there was Stronger people appeared, this was
meaningless before.

Wen Kexing scanned the bow and arrow in the hands of the nearest person,
raised his eyebrows and looked at Lao Meng: "Xue Fang hasn't found yet,
Zhao Jing is still down the mountain, so you ca n’t wait to get me a

He still looked like he wasn't surprised or panicked. Lao Meng's heart

became more and more bottomless. Suddenly, he felt that Zhao Jing at the
foot of the mountain was also good. Xue Fang, who has disappeared so far,
is actually better than the man in front of him. does not matter.

Just when this happened, a little gray-clad ghost rushed up in a hurry, and
said loudly, "The surname Zhao came in!"

Lao Meng did not expect that Zhao Jing could settle the crisis so quickly.
There was something wrong with his intuition, but he didn't have time to
think about it. Instead, Wen Kexing prolonged his voice and said with glee,
"Gee, it's incredible, Isn't this a burning eyebrow? "

Lao Meng frowned fiercely, took a deep breath, waved his hand, the
archers at the innermost layer of the encircling circle looked at each other,
slowly lowered the tip of the arrow aimed at Wen Kexing, Lao Meng
arched at him , Still said in such a respectful tone: "Gu owner, now that the
valley has reached this field, I think we still take a step back from each
other, and in the future people will solve it, and then talk about our
First deal with outsiders, then come back to continue to talk-Lao Meng is
indeed a bad embryo, once torn his face, it will no longer be hypocritical,
but will be frank and open.

Wen Kexing clasped his arms in front of his chest, and said with a gentle
expression on his face, "I am a prisoner who has been defeated under the
ranks. What else can I say?"

The corner of Lao Meng's eyes twitched, and he reached out to make a
way, saying, "Gu Zhu, please."

Ye Baiyi did not follow them blindly, and he was not interested. He just
put Gu Xiang on the horse, holding the horse, carrying the dragon's back,
holding the small jar, and walking slowly in the opposite direction. It
didn't take long for Gu Xiang to wake up, she didn't move, but she got up
and took a moment, and lay on her back on her back, looking at the sky,
her horse bumping, as if the sky was also bumping up. .

Looking at it, the tears in her eyes soaked her hair, but she seemed

Ye Baiyi glanced back at her, rarely saying anything, just holding the
horse's path: "Wipe your tears."

Gu Xiang bit his lip for a while before whispering, "I didn't cry."

With that said, the tears seemed to be against her deliberately, falling
down one after the other, and she raised her hand and wiped it, and then it
came out. It could n’t be wiped cleanly, so she only wiped it
unconsciously. Eyes.

Ye Baiyi originally said nothing to such a little girl. Seeing her like this,
she didn't know what to do. After thinking about it for a long time, she
said bluntly, "Otherwise we will go back and collect your lover."

His original intention was to comfort Gu Xiang, who knew it made her
tears even worse.
Seeing that it didn't work, Ye Baiyi frowned, and had to say, "Don't cry,
how can anyone not die, or ... what do you say?"

Gu Xiang sat up abruptly, jumped off the horse, raised his sleeves, and
buried his face in it, as if strangling himself, it took a long time before he
raised his head again and said to Ye Baiyi: "Zhou Xu they are in Look for
him in an inn on the outskirts of Luoyang. "

Turn around and leave.

Ye Baiyi stopped her and asked, "Where are you going? You can't beat that
person, and I advise you to-"

Gu Xiang didn't look back, stubbornly straightened his back, and went
towards Fengyashan. After a few ups and downs, he disappeared.

Ye Baiyi raised his hand subconsciously and put it on the small mountain
river pendant on his chest. He lingered for a while, and the horse on the
side was a little impatient. He took his gray hair, and he seemed to be back
It ’s the same, sighed, looked down at the small jar in your hand, turned
over, and whispered to yourself, "Changqing, you filial son, I'll get it back
for you. Don't worry, I'll make it for you I'll send you home. "
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 75: Ultimate (on)
Zhao Jing took the lead and killed someone on Fengyashan, and said
loudly: "Don't worry, everyone is just like ..."

His voice suddenly paused, his expression stunned, and he looked up in the
direction of the palace of the King of the Kings, and saw a group of little
ghosts in grey coats rushing out, silent while walking, as if his feet had not
landed across the wind. Standing on both sides, the ghost-faced flag rose
quietly, waving in the wind of hunting, the vast sunset, staining it with

A man standing tall, wearing a dark red coat, stood there sideways. Putting
your hands in the wide robe sleeves, lowering your head, there was some
carelessness, as if you didn't know what to look at in a daze.

As soon as Zhao Jing raised his hand, everyone settled with him, watching
the person with vigilance and sweeping away. Lao Meng stood a little
inside, almost to be ignored, and the man in red attracted everyone. look.
He seemed to be startled, slowly turned around, and told everyone to take
a look.

Zhao Jing lost his voice: "Is it you ?!"

Wen Kexing raised an eyebrow and whispered softly, "Ah, Lord Zhao, it's
been a long absence."

Zhao Jing had seen Wen Kexing on more than one side before, but then he
felt like this person had a soul in the shell. How he looked weird, his heart
was a little shocked, Wen Kexing walked slowly down the stone steps. As
if he took a step forward with a pressure of persecution, Zhao Jingqing
couldn't help taking a step back, and forced himself to hold back, and
asked, "You ... what are you ..."

Wen Kexing said "um", and explained very empathically: "The only reason
is that the evil spirits in your mouth are full of evil. In the past, there is
disrespect, and I hope you will forgive me."

Zhao Jing had seen him make a few shots, knowing that he was good at
kung fu, but he didn't take such a young man to heart, but felt that
something was wrong. But he didn't wait for him to think about it
carefully. There was a person rising up behind him, and he shouted, "What
a little thief pretending to be a ghost!"

Zhao Jing didn't have time to stop, and saw that the man was an old man
named Huaifeng of the Qingfeng Sword School, named Mo Huaifeng.
Zhao Jing changed his mind, knowing that Cao Weining was in trouble,
and Mo Huaikong was retreating again. This was Mo Huaiyang looking for
face, half of his hand stretched out, and then backed up silently, intending
to watch from the wall.

Mo Huaifeng didn't care whether he was bullying or not, and he wasn't

polite to others at all. The sword came out of the sheath, and the storm
rained on Wen Kexing generally. I saw the man in red in the eyes of
everyone still walking down the stone steps without slowness, did not
dodge, as if the width of each step had not changed, then Mo Huaifeng
suddenly gave a tear The screams of split lungs, the whole person fell to
one side.

Wen Kexing's hands were still hanging on his side, with a smile on his
face, Zhao Jing didn't see how he moved.

Mo Huaifeng fell to the ground, and the whole man was convulsing
constantly. Several gray-eyed ghosts standing nearby moved around him,
his face showed eager excitement, but he didn't dare to move, just staring
at Wen Ke Row.

Wen Kexing glanced at them and still whispered, "It's all this time, what
kind of kind?"

Zhao Jing and others did not understand his meaning first. With his order,
the little ghosts around Mo Huaifeng suddenly screamed like humans, and
rushed to Mo Huaifeng, who could not resist, like It was a group of young
children gathered together to play with bugs, but in the blink of an eye, Mo
Huaifeng was ripped open, and the whole person fell apart, and he couldn't
die anymore!

The blood dance spurted high, Zhao Jing's pupils shrank-this is really a

At this point, Wen Kexing was already standing three stone steps away
from him. Zhao Jing finally braced himself and took a big step back,
placing his weapon across his chest: "You ... how dare you ... ... "

Wen Kexing explained gently: "Dr. Zhao, I don't see you yet. When you go
out of Qingzhuling, it's the earth. When you are on earth, you have to be a
good person. For example, you have a child who is bullied by others. You
have to be rescued. There is a beauty who is unhappy Now, to coax
someone to eat, to pay for food, to see someone in trouble, to pull him,
what is this-this is a person. But when we are here, there is no one, the
person who is a human ... ... "

He spoke, looked back at the little devils who had just been stained with
blood, and were still about to move. He laughed, stretched out a finger,
shook it twice in front of Zhao Jing, and continued: "Get us here, you It's
dead, because we don't have old people, children, men, and women here.
We are the only ghosts who will kill you. "

Wen Kexing raised his hand in a hurry, rolled up his sleeves slightly, and
looked down at the crowd, saying, "Oh, look, there have been no foreigners
in Yanzhong for many years. I ’m so excited, so many words. Now, where
is Zhao Xiaxia sacred, that is not a human being, do you need me to
mention this truth? Do you mean it? "

Mo Huaiyang stepped forward, his face stood ugly alongside Zhao Jing,
and whispered in his ear: "Single fight alone is not this demon's opponent,
come together."

When Zhao Jing rode a tiger, he glanced over Wen Kexing and saw Lao
Meng standing a little behind the gate of the palace of Yan Wang and the
obscure look on Lao Meng's face. He probably understood the intention of
the other side. But at this moment, he had no way back, and had to roar his
head daringly and pounced.

It was like a signal. Two stalemates received at the same time, and the
melee began.

At this time, the scorpion had already reached the other end of
Fengyashan. He looked up at the rugged mountains of Fengyashan and
murmured, "Beauty is really beautiful. Fengyashan is one of the world ’s
best sights. Unfortunately, there is ... The stinging beauty can be viewed
from a distance, but not playful-do you look good? "

He asked about a masked poison scorpion around him. The poison

scorpion followed his gaze indifferently, and then as if he had received any
task, he simply said, "Yes!"

The smile on Scorpion's face faded in half, and said disappointed, "It's
really boring."

The black-skinned poison scorpion said again: "Yes!"

It seems that his mouth can only say such a word. The scorpion's interest
in viewing the scene is gone, and his face is cold, and he commands:
"They should have already started, we can go up now, just to take
advantage of the cheap-I spent a lot of money Lao Meng, my guest, is still
waiting to be with me inside and out. "

The poison scorpion on one side still said, "Yes!"

The scorpion ignored him and walked forward. The well-trained poison
scorpions immediately followed, and they didn't know if it was a group of
real people or a lot of crickets.

After walking for a while, a gray shadow flashed in front, the poisonous
scorpion in black showed his hook, but was caught by the scorpion. I saw
the little ghost glanced at the crowd in front of the crowd of black people,
probably No conclusion was found, so he turned to the scorpion and said,
"Master Impermanence told me to pick up the scorpion master here, please

The scorpion smiled and said, "There is work."

——Let everyone know what it is to lead a wolf into the room.

The sky was gradually getting dark. In front of the palace of the King of
the Kings, it was really like a hundred thousand ghosts. The corpses
overlapped, screaming and screaming one after another, no matter whether
they were ghosts or ghosts, no one could be alone. At the beginning of the
scuffle, no one could control the situation anymore, and even Lao Meng,
who was hiding behind the palace of Yan Wang, was quickly involved.

Wen Kexing's dark red robe became extremely bright at the moment, and
his face was covered with blood stains. I didn't know if it was his own or
someone else's, but he seemed to be tired and painless. Seeing no
tightness, she also stretched out her fingers and gently wiped her brow
bones, revealing a pair of black and white eyes, as if in a grand ceremony,
with a crazy and relieved smile.

I do n’t know how long this scuffle fought, Zhao Jing only felt that his
heart was beating like thunder, his eyes were dark for a while, and he was
still gritting his teeth, and then he saw the smile of Wen Kexing, and his
heart was cold—he felt This person doesn't seem to want to kill himself
immediately, like a beast catches a small prey. He has to play fast before
he wants to take the fatal sip.

Zhao Jing roared, pounced again, and slashed at Wen Kexing's chest—
opening his mouth wide, as the river flows into the sea, which is one of his
famous stunts, and the meridians in his hands were astonished by the qi.
This is a life-saving trick.

It was as lightning-strength as possible with the mighty force of splitting

the mountains and the sea. Wen Kexing made a snorting sound, which
seemed to be a little unexpected. With his skill, it was too late to
completely escape, and he slightly Frowning, but sideways to avoid the
key, he lowered his heart, resisted the knife with the flesh of his shoulders,
the blade cut into his shoulder, Zhao Jing spit out blood, was very painful,
and ecstatic.

However, he couldn't go one step deeper. Wen Kexing grasped the blade
with both hands, and vigorously took Zhao Jingzhen off the blade. He took
a step forward and retreated desperately, but it was unsupported and fell to
the ground.

Zhao Jing's eyes were dark, the mountains were upside down, and the ears
were roaring, and then a hand was wrapped around his throat, lifting him
all up. He opened his eyes desperately and met Wen Kexing's eyes.

Just listen to Wen Kexing: "Look carefully-others say I look like my dad.
It's been these years that I have grown crooked? Or have you been a guilty
conscience and you can't even recognize it?"

Zhao Jing stared blankly at him for a long time, suddenly struggling

Wen Kexing took a slow breath and sighed, "You haven't recognized me
for so long. I thought I thought I was wrong, haha ... Zhao Xia, thirty years
ago, Rongque and a person saw After Rong Xuan guilty of killing his wife
and fleeing, Mrs. Rong gave the key to that person. Only three of them
were present. Mrs. Rong died. The dragon bird didn't say who the person
was. Key. The whereabouts were leaked, so that the couple and the two of
them withdrew from the rivers and lakes, hiding in a small village in
anonymity, scared and scared for nearly ten years, escaped the world, and
failed to escape the evil spirits. What is going on? "

Zhao Jing felt only a few pains in his internal organs, his throat was stuck,
and he couldn't bring it up in one breath. He vainly used the iron-like
fingers of Wen Kexing with his hands, and his eyes began to roll up.

Wen Kexingwu said, "Rong Xuan's temperament changed a lot after he

died. Is this easy? May it change to the point where he and his wife are
murdered? Who is the mad dog who recognizes his master ... Who asked
the key to Mrs. Rong's arsenal to kill, who was fleeing because someone
came, and who was hiding in the dark, knowing the cause and effect, and
who was incapable, she sold the whereabouts of the couple Wen Ruyu

Zhao Jing was motionless, and Wen Kexing's eyes were blank, as if he
didn't know what to do tonight and evening, let his body fall to the ground,
and then stood there for a while.

At this time, Mo Huaiyang took the opportunity to seize the opportunity

and sneaked in from behind. Hearing the wind, Wen Kexing took a stun
and reluctantly raised his breath, but Zhao Jing's knife was still stuck on
his shoulder. Did not mention it!

At this moment, just listening to a flick, the volley flew over a small knife
and missed Mo Huaiyang's sword. The faceless girl stood coldly in front
of Mo Huaiyang and said, "I said, I am going to kill you."

Wen Kexing paused for a while, then said, "Axiang?"

Gu Xiang's stern face, because of his words, could not sustain it, and she
cried. She slowly turned to Wen Kexing, squeezed out a smile, and
whispered, "Master, you can save the dowry. Next, Brother Cao ... Brother
Cao ... "

Then she stunned her voice and looked away from Wen Kexing, as if she
didn't see him, she would not be vulnerable or wronged.

At this moment, a scream rang in the air, and Lao Meng closed his eyes
and revealed a relaxed smile—this is the scorpion. He knew that he had
won, and then opened his eyes again. Lao Meng's eyes suddenly burst into
cold light— —At this time, Wen Kexing was facing his back.

He raised his hand gently, and a gleam of cold light flashed in his sleeve.

Gu Xiang only felt that the tear-sucked eyes were stabbed by something,
and she suddenly rushed forward, holding Wen Kexing together, and they
both fell to the ground at the same time.
Wen Kexing opened his eyes wide, maybe it was only a moment, but he
felt that it seemed like a thousand years.

He lifted the hand that was subconsciously placed on Gu Xiang's back

when he fell, and the blood was dripping on it—the girl's entire back
seemed to have been blown away by something. He almost felt that he had
just touched it. Her bones and internal organs.

"Ah ... Xiang?"

Gu Xiang's head was on his chest, he lifted up hard, and smiled at him. Qi
Ruoyou said, "Master, I said I was going to kill him. It was bragging. I
didn't ... the ability ... you Kill me, I beg you this time, you give me ... kill
him. "

Wen Kexing nodded indifferently, and Gu Xiang's face showed a painful

expression. She felt pain and felt cold all over, as if all the temperature
had poured out from behind. She had to hold Wen Ke tightly like a little
girl. The placket of the banker whispered, "I'm dead, it's okay ... Brother
Cao definitely wants me to live well ... but me, I still live ... I can't go on
... the master ..."

Wen Kexing covered her head with that **** hand, and said softly, "Not
the master, but the brother."

Gu Xiang tried to squeeze a smile, but she failed. Her hands and feet no
longer listened, and she began to convulse, her eyes gradually fainted, and
her mouth said, "Brother, you gave me ... kill ... he ... ah ... ... "

After all, Lao Meng jealous of Wen Kexing, missed a shot, and
immediately retreated.

Wen Kexing slowly got up, laid Gu Xiang's body flat, stretched out his
hand and pulled Zhao Jing's knife out of his shoulder, half of his body was
numb and unable to lift up his strength, but the evil spirit on his body was
even more It's heavy.

He said to himself, "OK, I'll kill you."

Mo Huaiyang saw that things were not good, more cunning than loach, and
he had run away. Wen Kexing's eyes swept through the crowd, and he
grabbed a gray-eyed little ghost with his still-moving hand, one by one.
Asked, "You see, just standing next to the last name Zhao, is that the sword

The little ghost made a "chuckling" sound in his throat, tremblingly

extended a finger and pointed in a direction. Wen Kexing laughed: "Thank

Then with a hard finger, the little ghost's head shattered into a pile of
rotten meat.
Faraway Wanderers Chapter 76: Ultimate
Qiye is in the restaurant, holding a cup of tea in his hand, and fiddles with
a bunch of sticks on the table, his face is as if he is reliable.

With a little smile on his face, Dawu sat quietly opposite him, watching
him entertain himself, and felt very calm and happy in his heart.

He only heard Qiye "snap", and said in his mouth, "This hexagram ...
seems a little interesting."

The witch asked, "What?"

Qiye gave him a white look and said, "Don't you think I'm not sure?"

The big witch laughed: "When did I say that?"

Qiye calculated with his finger and said, "I was in Palm City ten years ago,
and I showed you the palmistry, but your kid said that I was all nonsense,
and I didn't touch it."

The big witch ’s eyes were bent, revealing a bit of nostalgic expression,
softly said: “Yes, I remember, you said that the sky pattern of my main
marriage is long and deep. I also said that my favorite person was also a
loyal woman. I didn't believe it at the time, but then I looked at it, except
that the 'woman' was biased.

Qiye frowned, his eyebrows trembled, as if he had avoided his eyes by

looking down and drinking tea, and muttered in his mouth, "You boy,
remember me clearly."

Wuxi laughed and asked, "Are you the owner of Zhou Zhuang, what do
you say?"
Qiye paused, glanced at those sticks and swept again, and said, "Set aside
and die, Guaxiang said ..."

He seemed to want to talk endlessly, but when he said that, his voice
suddenly stopped, the smile on his face condensed, and he tilted his head
to look downstairs. The big witch followed him, but a man came in by the
door. .

The witch also frowned. The man ... seemed to have something
inexplicable on his body. He had white hair, a epee on his body, and a
small jar in his hand. The moment he entered the restaurant, in the
restaurant The sparse Lara seemed to pause for a moment, and his eyes
were all attracted to him.

The man seemed to feel something, looking up and facing the witch.

The big witch stared at him with a stun, and said to himself: "It's the
ancient blade dragon back, this person ..."

The person who came was Ye Baiyi. He stepped forward and suddenly
walked towards the two witches. He asked, "Is there a person named Zhou

Qiye looked at the man, his heart suddenly turned, and asked, "Are you ...
Ye Baiyi?"

Ye Baiyi nodded, and sat down politely, saying, "I'm looking for Zhou Su."

Qiye said: "Zhou Xu chased the poisonous scorpion to Fengyashan.

Brother Ye can wait here, or if there is anything, I can bring it."

Ye Baiyi looked at him up and down, thought about it, and asked, "You are
the boy named Cao, who can heal Zhou Xiao's little ghost?"

Qiye pointed at Dawu and said, "It's him."

Ye Baiyi fell slightly on the witch with a bit of scrutiny, and the witch just
looked at his white hair and said, "You are the true‘ liuhexin law '? ”
He turned around and saw Qi Ye's interesting appearance, and explained
patiently: "People who have practiced the" Liuhe Xinfa "have only two
ways, either to go into the fire or to the ultimate, which is the so-called
heaven and earth. Unify without failing. "

Ye Baiyi sneered: "There is no unity of heaven and man in the world, and
if people can't distinguish each other from heaven, they will be alive."

The big witch glanced at him and continued: "The Liuhe Xinfa has reached
the top level. It can be said that it has the unique skill of the world, even
immortality, but it also has a defect. It is no longer necessary to eat warm
food, and to drink snow and water all day. Eat cold food. "

He said that Qiye's eyes fell on Ye Baiyi, who was very comfortable
holding a cup, pouring himself a cup of hot tea, and slowly sending it to
his mouth. The big witch looked at him and said, "Take your The skill
should not be full of white hair, showing death, is it because of leaving
Changming Mountain in an extremely cold place, eating and drinking
ordinary people? "

Ye Baiyi stiffly touched the corners of his mouth and laughed: "Boy, when
you live to my age, you will understand that living for a year and then
dying is a little bit worse than being a living dead in that place.
Centennial. "

The witch shook his head and said, "I live well and don't practice the
living dead."

Ye Baiyi didn't care that he was rude, but just looked at the glass of water,
as if looking through a long distance, his eyes flickered for a long time,
and he said, "Many years ago, a friend of mine had gotten into trouble and
I wanted to save He did n’t have the skill you have, only this way to go.
After he was upset, he took his wife and accompanied me to live in the
Changming Mountain, where there was a ruined temple. People under the
mountain did n’t know it, and thought they lived there. You have a Taoist
monk. "
He seemed to have said these words for too long. Even when he met two
strangers who met each other, he couldn't help taking them out and
thinking, if he didn't say it again, I wouldn't have a chance to say it in this

"My friend is dead-headed, but it's actually boring. The family of three
dangled in front of me all day, and I still feel annoying-I taught his kid's
kung fu, but I don't know when it will start. Fa was thinking. His mother
wasn't a confused woman, but she was also a mother. "

When he said that, he shook his head sadly: "Don't even think about it, if
it's a good thing, can I not give it to him? I think he is my own ..."

He couldn't say any more, just sighed.

The big witch replied: "Thirty years ago, Shanhe Ling appeared once. Are
you Master Rong Xuan?"

"It's me." Ye Baiyi nodded. "Soon after I stayed down the mountain, I
found Qin Huaizhang, the old owner of Sijizhuang, and pursued the kid's
trail. But Sijizhuang's wings were limited and his ability was limited. Only
the body of Rong Xuan was found, and the matter of the descendants of the
five major families and Liulijia was faintly touched. Later, the visit was
interrupted because of my friend, Evergreen ... He felt sorry for me and
suddenly suffered the loss of his son. , Heart disease is difficult to heal ...
people can't. "

Dawu nodded and said, "It was the senior Rong Changqing Rong." Then he
turned to explain to Qiye, "Senior Rong was called" Ghost's Hand "at that
time, and is a generation of master craftsmen. The soft swords of Zhou
Zhuangzhu are from the hand of that senior. "

Ye Baiyi's face was still stiff, but a smile was raised at the corner of his
mouth, and his fingers stroked the edge of the tea cup unconsciously, and
said with a smile, "It's him. The soft sword of the boy named Zhou is
actually a" nameless "sword. The sword has no name. My hand was
changed to 'white clothes', but the kid didn't know the goods, I'm afraid I
still don't know. "
Qiye suddenly asked: "In the years after the death of his predecessor, do
you think Chengdu is opposite to Madam Rong?"

Ye Baiyi's smile suddenly became a bit bitter, and said, "But no, Evergreen
is dead. I don't know why she still accompanies me, the old and immortal,
in the place of the living coffin. She and I have nothing to say. Here, I
practiced my skills. She lived her own life, and she nodded at first, a few
words of humiliation, and later ... Then it was really relatively silent. I
haven't said a word for more than a decade. "

Qiye gently beat on the tea cup with the stick of Gua and said nothing.

Ye Baiyi drank the hot tea with a sip, stood up, put the small jar on the
table, and said, "I'm not going back. Since you are going to Changming
Mountain with the boy named Zhou, you will help me Hyun and his wife
took it back and let the family of four go by themselves. "

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked away. Qiye suddenly

stopped him and asked, "Brother Ye, have you let that person down all
these years?"

Ye Baiyi turned his head, glanced at him, and said lightly, "Never picked it
up, how about letting it go?" Yan Ba carrying his epee and striding away-
Changqing, I finally returned your son Here you are, reunite your family,
and ask Dragonback to accompany me, the next life ... rivers and lakes will
not see you anymore.

Come back, where do I go.

Besides, on the Wind Cliff Mountain, when everyone was doing their best,
a group suddenly appeared, as if descending from the sky, headed by a
young man wearing a satin cloth, followed by a group of black poisonous

At this moment, the man with a scar on his face suddenly walked out,
kneeling on one knee, and said to the scorpion, "Lord."
It's a pity Zhao Jing is dead at this time, otherwise I don't know what to do
when I see this situation. Scorpion nodded, his eyes swept across the field,
and he was content to find that his three customers, Zhao Jing, Sun Ding,
and Lao Meng, died two and a half at the moment, leaving only Lao Meng
with blood on his face and relief. He looked at him cheerfully.

The scorpion laughed coldly, and said queerly, "Heroes, heroes, don't come

The smile on Lao Meng's face froze suddenly, and he watched the scorpion
wave his hand. The poisonous scorpions in black behind him rushed out
and surrounded the whole place. Angrily said, "What does the scorpion
master mean?"

The scorpion laughed: "Receive interest."

Then he laughed aloud, only to think that no one in the world is better than
himself. Regardless of his factions, whether you live or die, he is still not
applauded by himself.

He was so proud that one of the poisonous scorpions he brought was

unheard of.

The day before Zhou Zishu set off, Zhou Zishu took a chance and made a
poisonous scorpion next to the scorpion. He came with a Li Daitao. He
also took a risk. Fortunately, this scorpion had too much desire to control.
His People usually only say "yes". It was intended to be close to the
scorpion, and then it would be cheaper to engage in, but who knows when
he arrived in the field, he did a glance, but did not see the silhouette of
Wen Kexing!

Zhou Zishu, like an invisible man, quietly mixed in the poisonous

scorpion, searching around, and suddenly his eyes widened—after a
boulder, a familiar figure was scanned at the corner of his eye. It was ... ...
Gu Xiang?

Zhou Zishu quickly jumped into his heart, and flashed through all possible
possibilities in his head. Why was Gu Xiang here and she was injured?
Where did Wen Kexing go again?

He took a deep breath, forcibly pressed himself, pulled out of the crowd
carefully, dived down to the boulder, slowly bent down, and stood for a
while, then bent down, his fingers gently touched the girl's breath ——He
knows that it doesn't make sense to do so, Gu Xiang's body is cold, and his
face that can laugh can no longer be angry.

For a long while, Zhou Zishu straightened his waist, exhaled his chest
tightly, and spit out the mask and Yirong on his face severely. He felt hell,
where did Wen Kexing go?

At the same time, the scorpion was so proud of it that he couldn't help but
hesitated. He also found that there was no Ghost Valley Master here.

The hanged ghost Xue Fang still can't appear in this field, and the ghost
master hasn't seen the figure again—it's like a cloud covering the
scorpion's head.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt uneasy, and the more he felt
that the rest of the field were not worried, he called a poisonous scorpion,
so he asked him to take someone to search for Fengyashan in person.

Those who he fears, if they do not watch them die in front of themselves,
they will be troubled in their hearts.

Mo Huaiyang thought he had escaped. He ran for more than half an hour
on Fengyashan before he could breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly, there
was a sound of whispering movements in his ears. Mo Huayang suddenly
looked up and was shocked. Take a big step backwards.

Wen Kexing was like a living prince, slowly walking out of the other end
of the forest, holding a sword in his hand that he did not know from which
dead person, and holding it with only one hand, dragging the sword's tip to
the ground Come step by step.

Mouth said: "Mr. Mo, the trustee, I will take you on a journey, please."
Every time he took a step, the torn robe sleeves were dragged to the
ground, leaving a thin trace of blood, and his walking posture was a bit
strange. It seemed like he was dragging his body with half of his mobility,
and a small wound on his face between words. Collapsed and bleed again,
Wen Kexing gently licked the fallen blood and walked step by step.

Mo Huaiyang gritted his teeth-he knew that Wen Kexing was at the end of
the crossbow. Ghost Valley Master, was it God? He was besieged by
several masters for a few hours alone, and he hit the sword cut by Zhao
Jinglin before his death. Others should have kicked their legs and closed
their eyes. I don't believe what else he can do.

But even thinking about it, the calf was still a little trembling.

Wen Kexing tilted his head and laughed lightly. Mo Huaiyang suddenly
roared, and the breeze sword in the hands of the heads of previous
generations came out of the sheath, making a lifetime of extinction, and
the sword was impervious to the air.

Wen Ke made a move, and his hand was not neat. This move was very
stagnant. The broken sword in his hand was broken into pieces by the
Qingfeng sword. Mo Huaiyang was so happy that he cut his arm against
his lying sword. However, the person in front of him only left a residual
image and suddenly disappeared.

Mo Huaiyang yelled badly, but the next moment, his neck suddenly
became cold, and he froze.

A truncated sword on Wen Kexing's hand stuck to his throat, and his cold
fingers seemed to touch his skin. Wen Kexing sighed and whispered, "I'm
out of energy."

Then he sent his hand forward, and the blood on Mo Huaiyang's neck
spurted far away. He twitched and fell to the ground, and his throat made a
"chuckling" sound. Soon the blood was cleared and no one moved.

Wen Kexing seemed to be unable to stand anymore, hesitated, and sat

down on the ground, thinking blankly in his heart. Sorry, Ah Xiang, it was
so easy for this person to die.

Ah Xiang, such an annoying little girl ... For more than ten years without a
sun, the only living thing around him was gone.

There were footsteps not far away, and only a familiar voice said, "No
wonder I didn't see the owner of the valley. I was here to enjoy the

Wen Kexing felt that he should stand up, kill the man, and then survive,
but he suddenly couldn't lift a little energy, but felt tired, turned his head
sternly, and looked at the scorpion who smiled badly.

After 20 years of bearing humiliation, I want to do what I want to do now,

so I am here to die?

The author has something to say:

I thought it would be over ... Well, there is a chapter tomorrow ==

Faraway Wanderers Chapter 77: Ultimate (below)
Even though Wen Kexing was so embarrassed that he had air in and out,
the scorpion stood still two feet away from him, standing there with a
smile on his face, saying, "I can't think of it."

Wen Kexing was able to squeeze out a smile and asked softly, "I can't think
of anything?"

The scorpion shook his head and said, "What awesome scenery, what kind
of patience, when it comes to such a point, who knows what is happening
in this world?"

Wen Kexing took a breath and seemed to be able to reach his chest, so he
replied very weakly: "Brother Scorpion said this is too wrong. I have been
a ghost for eight years, and I have never slept for one day. What is the
scenery? ? "

The scorpion thought for a while and nodded: "Exactly, yes, people like us
don't have the happy and worry-free days of ordinary people."

Wen Kexing looked at this extraordinary man and chuckled: "I dare not
compare with Brother Scorpion like this. I can't sleep well just because I'm
afraid that others will kill me. Now ... I don't need to Scared."

The scorpion nodded and said, "Yes, you are going to die. Naturally you
don't need to be afraid of death anymore."

Wen Kexing suddenly asked: "Lao Meng-did you kill him?"

The scorpion chuckled and said, "I won't kill him, can't I wait for him to
kill me? Ghost master, your loyal old slave, but you want to die, why do
you care about him?"

Wen Kexing nodded when he heard the words, and asked, "How much live
is left in Yanzhong ..."
The scorpion felt that he was extra worried, but still said, "How much is
left to live, do you still need to say? The last name Zhao killed half, and
the remaining half wounded, naturally fell into my hands-I can't think of a
ghost The Lord is so kind-hearted that he is too busy to take care of
himself, and still thinks about the life and death of people in the valley.
The ghost masters of all ages ... you are really the most affectionate and
righteous one. "

Wen Kexing laughed silently, with some strange expressions, but calmly
said: "Brother Scorpion, evil spirits are dying, and they are evil spirits, I
am afraid it is difficult to deal with."

Scorpion said indifferently: "I have some dead men under my command.
It's not a few dozens to die, I don't care."

Wen Kexing closed his eyes and said in his mouth, "Okay, Brother
Scorpion is so courageous, so big, it is a generation of heroes ... Lao Meng,
the most sad part of people is not something else, but you are clearly in the
situation. Isn't it ridiculous to think that you are the one who holds your
son? "

In the last few words, he could only see that his lips were tilted, and it was
almost difficult to hear. The scorpion seemed to feel as if he was at ease.
He walked a little forward and agreed: "Yes, the ghost master is a man who
can see easily-put Give me your hook. "

As soon as he reached out, someone handed in a weapon. The scorpion

smiled and looked at Wen Ke, who was leaning against the tree, whose
movements had been difficult, saying, "People like the ghost master
should be my own hands. It is disrespectful. "

As he said, he put the hook across his chest, slowly walked forward, and
whispered, "On the road of Huangquan, please let the master go ahead."

Having said that, he lifted the hook high, and Wen Kexing opened his eyes
and looked at him calmly. The dark eyes seemed like a pool of standing
water, as if the person who was about to die was not him.
Suddenly, the scorpion felt a strong wind coming from one side. The
killing intention was too obvious. He was stimulated by the murderous
gas, his hairs were erected, and the hook was lifted up with a loud drink.
The visitor was in black. Man, dressed in poisonous scorpion, but not
masked. A soft sword in his hand avoided the hook, and the sacral bone
was generally wrapped around the scorpion's arm. The scorpion screamed,
his arm was rolled up by the soft sword, He fell down.

The scorpions behind the scorpion were trained immediately in order to

come up, just listening to the movement of "Ding-Dang-Dang-Dang",
dazzling, and the blink of an eye, the dust settled: one person stood,
several people lay down Now, no matter whether it is life or death, every
lying person has been cut off with an arm holding a weapon.

Wen Kexing saw the person clearly, but suddenly sighed and whispered,
"Fool, what are you doing?"

Zhou Zishu glanced at him with his eyes and sneered, "Come and collect
the corpse for you."

Zhou Qishu's nails of Qiqiao Sanqiu were suppressed by the great witch's
medicine. At this moment, his skill has been restored to 90% of his
heyday. It is a single fight in front, and the scorpion cannot be his
opponent. Besides, he just shot it. Sneak attack.

He turned to the scorpion, his sword in white drooped slightly, and said a
little stiffly, "Do you dare to move?"

Wen Kexing stared blankly at the back he was blocking in front of him, his
fingers trembling slightly.

Scorpion was painful and pale, but still gave a smile, and reluctantly said,
"Ah ... it's Brother Zhou, I don't know Brother Zhou is coming here, it's my

He glanced at the two inscrutablely, and waved, "The master is here, and I
will not be bored until we wait, we will not change the mountains, the
green water will flow-withdrawal!"
Several alive poisonous scorpions climbed up to the ground and quickly
followed the scorpion to withdraw, but Zhou Zishu didn't chase, just turned
around and watched Wen Kexing.

Wen Kexing's eyes flickered, but he just laughed and said, "You should
still be careful ..."

His words didn't fall, Zhou Zishu's eyes fixed, his body twirled, and a
white sword in his hand pulled a beautiful sword flower, "ding", and
touched something, and then a groan in the forest behind him, Zhou Zishu
Shaking his head and sighing: "Same tricks, two times for the same
person, will the so-called poisonous scorpions actually have three axes?
Based on this, is it worthy to be compared with Sijizhuang?"

Wen Kexing looked at him for a while, laughed, suddenly reached out a
hand, grabbed a volley.

Zhou Zishu frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

Wen Kexing whispered, "There is light in you ... I'll take a look."

Zhou Zishu raised his eyebrows slightly, put his hands on his chest, leaned
against the trunk of a large tree, and suddenly asked, "Actually ... there is
no hangman Xue Fang?"

Wen Kexing laughed. He was still obsessed with his fingers, and slightly
loosened, as if something would leak out of his empty palm. His voice was
still very low, angry like a gossamer, as if at any time. May be interrupted
and said, "You see it."

"What about the real key?"

"Folded and told me to throw it down from the top of the mountain." Wen
Kexing narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

Zhou Zishu nodded, and suddenly felt ridiculous—no key, and glazed
armor is also utterly ridiculous. People who fought for themselves as
corpses on Fengyashan did not understand until they died. What they are
fighting for is actually one Pile of scrap.

Wen Kexing said softly: "I spent three years secretly raising Sun Ding,
otherwise, how can such a rotten muddy man who can't get on the wall
hang the ghost chamber with impermanence ghosts?"

"Then you seduce the hanged ghosts to steal the keys when they fight to
the white heat."

Wen Kexing laughed and whispered: "I do n’t have it, they all want it-
thirty years ago, evil spirits of all sizes in Ghost Valley began to covet the
arsenal. Liulijia belonged to the five major families, evil spirits. They are
fledgling and dare not act lightly, they can only start with the keys. "

He tilted his head, coughed twice, and brought out some bloodshot blood.
Wen Kexing gently reached out and wiped the blood on his face. Then he
said, "At that time, Mrs. Rong gave the key to my father. They all thought
they were present. Only three of them were dead. Mrs. Rong died. The
dragon sparrow kept this secret until she died. If so, the world would be
peaceful, wouldn't it be good? "

"Is there a fourth person?" Zhou Zishu frowned, quickly responding, and
asked, "Is Zhao Jing? He ... he didn't have the strength at that time, and he
couldn't open this mouth to the decent people, so he secretly joined Ghost

"Probably-they're all dead anyway." Wen Kexing sneered, and took a deep
breath, saying, "It's funny that Mrs. Rong didn't tell my father in the end to
keep it secret. What was the key given to him? My father only took it as a
very important thing and could n’t lose it, so he took my mother into a
small village and hid it for ten years ... But ah, when I was nine years old,
An unlucky thing happened in the village, an owl ... "

"Okay." Zhou Zishu interrupted him, silenced for a while, then softened his
voice, and said, "Okay, all those years, you don't ..."
Wen Kexing said to himself: "My father and mother felt that they had
affected the people in the village. They had to fight them to the end, but
they sent me away overnight. I was not at ease, and I ran back secretly. I
see ... "

He sighed, slowly raised his head, looking at the dim dim light, and said,
"I saw, my father's body was broken in two, my mother fell to one side, her
hair was scattered, and her clothes were not visible. It was in the original
color, with a flesh-faced face on it, the nose was shaved, and the outline of
the facial features was not visible. The body was penetrated by a gun from
the chest to the back, passing under the butterfly bone, you know How did
I recognize her? "

Zhou Zi looked at him silently.

Wen Kexing said: "I loved beauties when I was a kid. I think my mother is
the first-class beauty in the world. She likes to stick to her and tells her to
carry me. If she is used to the butterfly bones behind her, she will never
forget. Now. "

Zhou Zishu said: "The key fell into the hands of Guigu so, how are you ..."

"Me?" Wen Kexing raised an eyebrow and suddenly laughed. The louder
he laughed, the more sobbing sound in the throat finally, it is no longer
known whether he was crying or laughing, "me? I fell down several times
on the road, long dirty as a mud monkey. When the evil spirits came to see
me, I thought I was going to die, and stood there stupidly, and came alone
to catch me. I bit him subconsciously, and he yelled, saying 'This is a little
lunatic.' Everyone around laughed, and a woman said, to strip my skin, go
back and make a human hide, I Afraid ... I thought of a way. "

Zhou Zishu's throat moved slightly, his eyebrows frowned slightly, but he
said nothing.

It's getting dark and quiet all over, Wen Kexing coughed again, and
whispered, "Oh, just under their eyes, walked up, lay on the ground, biting
my dad bite by bite. The corpse is very hard to bite. It will take a long time
to tear, and then swallow his flesh into his stomach ... It ’s not too much,
let me think for myself. Isn't it my bone blood? They look at me. Slowly, I
didn't smile anymore. The man who was bitten by me finally decided that I
was born as a ghost and shouldn't stay in the world, so he took me back to
Ghost Valley. "

Zhou Zishu leaned down, put a hand on his side face, maybe blood loss,
Wen Kexing's eyes were a little bit loose, his skin was extremely cold, he
felt warm, and tilted his head unconsciously and rubbed his palm. He said
silently: "I've been here for twenty years, the first twelve years, I've been
living hard, climbing up, desperately ... After eight years, I finally climbed
up, and prepared for my event. . "

Zhou Zishu said: "You secretly helped Sun Ding, drove the hanged ghost to
despair, induced him to steal the key, followed him, killed him, and then
disposed of his body and key together, which caused Xue Fang The
illusion of fleeing led Gu Gu to fall out of the nest, chase and kill Xue
Fang, watch Sun Ding and Lao Meng with thoughts, and watch them ... "

Wen Kexing interrupted him: "In this world, there is only one thing that
can ruin ghosts."

"It's popular."

Wen Kexing yanked his face sideways, coughed heartbreakingly, rolled

inside for a while, and the feeling of suffocation spread. Suddenly, a hand
was put on his back, and a soft internal force scattered instantly. In his
seven classics, he was slightly more conscious.

Zhou Zishu saw that he took a sigh of relief, immediately received the
power, and whispered softly: "You are out of force, but the trauma is more
serious, you must bandage to stop bleeding, otherwise I dare not help you
run the internal force."

He looked at Wen Kexing's eyes and said, "I ask you, do you want to live?"

Wen Kexing looked at him in silence for a long time, and asked, "Will you
... leave?"
Zhou Zishu smiled and shook his head.

Wen Kexing desperately clenched his teeth, held his hand, and braced
himself up: "Live-" He said, "Why don't I want to live, why can't I live ?!
The great evil live, why do I, why ca n’t I live ... I want to ... "

This breath can no longer be renewed. He fluttered and gasped. Zhou Zi

sighed, closed his acupuncture point, hugged him and walked down the

He brought Wen Kexing, who was blood, to the town, and after two full
days of delay, Wen Kexing was awake and barely able to eat. A few days
later, Zhou Zishu hired a carriage and took him in the direction of
Luoyang before he set off. He just met Gao Xiaoli and Zhang Chengling.

Zhang Chengling was still stunned. When he saw Zhou Zishu, he

immediately burst into tears and whispered, saying, "Master ... Brother
Cao ..."

Gao Xiaoli's eyes were also red, Zhou Zishu sighed and said softly, "I

The palm rested on top of his head, soothing him. Then Zhang Chengling
burst out again: "Master ... I, I also killed someone ... I killed someone ..."

Zhou Zi's hand stiffened, and Wen Kexing, who was leaning in the
carriage, also looked over, and looked at the little ghost in amazement.

Gao Xiaoli clenched his fist and said, "There is also my part, don't cry, that
person is a bad person, it's time to kill! We lost our way on Fengyashan,
and met a man dressed in colorful clothes, followed for a while, I realized
that he was the head of a poisonous scorpion, but I don't know why, the
man broke an arm, as if he had a poisonous needle ... "

Zhou Zishu's complexion looked very good, Wen Kexing couldn't help but
smile low. Zhang Chengling added: "Then that person seemed to be unable
to hold down the poisonous scorpions under their hands, and they were
inward and outward ..."
Wen Kexing asked lowly, "Did you make a scorpion while messing up?"

Zhang Chengling gave a shout, feeling that even though the other party
was a bad person, his behavior at the expense of others was also very

Wen Kexing laughed-this is the head of a god.

Later, Gao Xiaoli wiped away her tears, said goodbye to them, and went
back to Gaojiazhuang. The girl has gone through all kinds and has grown
up overnight. Zhang Chengling went to Luoyang with Zhou Zishu. After a
round with Qiye and Dawu, Zhang Chengling took the ashes of Mrs. Rong
Xuan and Mrs. Rong to Changming Mountain.

After a month of nursing, the big witch began to take nails for Zhou Zi and
reconnect the meridians.

On that day, when Changming Mountain suddenly fell in heavy snow, Wen
Kexing stood outside the house, as if he heard a call from the inside, and
felt secure. Qiye suddenly patted his shoulder behind him, and said,
"Relax, you are 30% sure of others, and you will not lose sight of Zishu."

Wen Kexing turned to look at him, Qiye laughed: "Since he can handle it,
he can't stand nailing himself in that year, will he still be afraid to pull
out? He ..."

The words behind him disappeared, but there was a smile on his face.

Qiye seems to have a strange charm, which makes people stand beside
him, and then he calms down, but Wen Kexing is only quiet for a moment,
then turns away without saying a word, thinking this little white face,
looks It's really like a fox. Be careful.

That made Qiye very inexplicable.

After three months of coma, Zhou Zishu finally woke up. He just felt that
his whole body seemed to have been removed from a heavy set of
shackles. The whole person lightened up, except for the right hand, which
was held tightly by someone. The man seemed exhausted and was leaning
aside to snore.

Zhou Zishu was stunned for a while, thinking about the cause and effect,
just like another generation.

However, in the end, he just stared at the hands of the two holding each
other for a while, and smiled slightly-it turned out that yesterday was dead
and passed by for years, but he was just waiting for such a person who can
hold hands right and wrong. .

The author has something to say:

End of the text ~

Faraway Wanderers: Extraordinary
On the Changming Mountain, there is snow all year round. Looking at
everything, everything is white, the clouds are at the feet, there are several
small cottages and a small courtyard, just like the place where the
immortals live.

Qiye is cooking wine.

A mellow scent floated out through the window quietly, it was "green ant
new wine, red mud small stove". This person seems to be able to live an
elegant and comfortable life even if he is fallen into the old forest in the

The big witch hand held a book and sat next to him. When he was
confused, he looked up and asked two sentences. Qiye looked down and
stared at the small stove. When asked, he didn't even think about it. He
came by hand--if he wasn't born in the palace, he would be enough to test
his fame on the basis of his poetry.

The big witch talked with him one by one, shook his hand, and whispered,
"Is it cold?"

Qiye put his hands around the stove, shook his head when he heard the
words, looked out the window, and suddenly smiled, "You look at this
place, it's worth saying" A thousand mountains and birds fly away, and
thousands of people have disappeared. "Live some days, I I do n’t know
where it is. ”

The big witch's heart moved and asked, "Do you like it here?"

Qiye gave him a sideways glance and laughed, "If I said I like it, wouldn't
you be able to stay with me?"

The witch pondered for a while, and said positively: "Right now the tower
is still young-but if you really like it, I will go back and teach him well.
After another two or three years, I will hand over Nanjiang to him and
accompany him. You come back to live, do you say OK? "

Qiye gave a stun, and suddenly a chuckle made a laugh, and patted him
gently on the forehead, and murmured, "You really take a mallet and take
it seriously, who wants to live in this ghost place, God The frozen ground
is still lively in southern Xinjiang. "

As soon as he lowered his head, he smiled and said, "You can drink it."
Then he reached out and took out the wine glass, carefully poured two
glasses, and handed it to the big witch. He picked up a glass by himself,
took it under his nose, took a deep breath and held it up. The eyes said,
"The so-called cold cover a hundred ugliness, only those who still boil
mellow after cooking, the top is the best, there is a way of" three cups
through the road, one fight with nature ", the world is full of sadness, only
this thing can be solved , But ... "

His voice was suddenly interrupted by a "cracking" movement, Qiye

sighed, and Ya Xing, who was drinking poems, was immediately swept
away, and he took a sip on his own, whispering, "This pair of fleas, There
was no cessation all day long. I see that Zhou Zishu is okay. Let ’s say
goodbye in two days. My ears are not clean. ”

Zhang Chengling's practice is usually unable to make such a big noise.

Generally, the two masters who are tossing down the house are doing

The big witch said that as long as he can wake up, the most dangerous time
has passed. Zhou Zishu is worthy of being beaten. He woke up for two or
three days, but he was able to get up before ten and a half months. After a
few more days, he was better, he could run and jump, and started to stop.

They do n’t know who provokes them all day. Anyway, in the words of
Qiye, one slap does n’t make a sound. From early morning to late night,
they sit down and eat dinner honestly, and they can also stir up from the
beginning. Poverty rose to two pairs of chopsticks. At first, Qiye looked at
it interestingly, but later he was annoyed. He refused to eat with the two
monkeys at the same table, so as not to catch fire in the city gate and to
catch fish in the pond.

Qiye said with a sigh of consternation: "Zishu was so stable before, how
can it be ... hey, he is really close to Zhu Zhe, and black to Mo Zhe."

The big witch smiled and said, "In fact, it ’s okay. It ’s hard to reshape the
meridians after pain, and it ’s very difficult to sort them out. It's an
extremely cold place here. It's not easy for ordinary people to return to
free movement. Not only is he active, he is forcibly pulling away the
meridians. Although it is a bit painful at this time, it will be good in the
future. "

Wen Kexing folded Zhou Zishu's shoulders with one palm, as if trying to
trap him all in his arms. Zhou Zishu turned the whole person from one of
his arms, but the person had not yet landed, and kicked Wen Ke His chin
forced him to take a step back, then flicked his fingers like a wind, and
shot secretly. Wen Kexing accidentally made a move, and his knees
softened, almost kneeling on one knee, but rolled to the side at the
moment of falling, fishing After Zhou Zishu's calf, the two rolled into a

Anyway, except for ice on the ground, it is snow. Qiye Witch and Zhang
Chengling are hiding away from them. They are clean and not dirty. After
a few laps, Wen Kexing smiled with a thief on his face. With his hands on
both sides of his head, he asked, "Do you accept this time?"

Zhou Zishu was recovering from a serious injury. In the end, he was not as
good as his physical strength. He was a little breathless and said, "... you
are too cheap."

Wen Kexing leaned close to him, and lowered his voice and laughed, "It's
you who secretly calculated me first."

Zhou Zishu suddenly said: "Hey, Lao Wen."

Wen Kexing said "um", licked his neck and asked, "What?"
"I said……"

Zhou Zishu seemed to say a few words casually, Wen Kexing didn't
understand clearly, and was a little confused, and asked, "Huh?"

With such a flash of energy, he struck an elbow on his chest, Wen Kexing
groaned, and was instantly lifted down, turning around in a circle, his
hands were held back by Zhou Zi and suppressed to the ground. The
hooligan sighed into his ear and chuckled, "How are you, this time you are
not convinced?"

Wen Kexing looked back at him strenuously and asked, "Axu, are you
going to tie me up?"

Zhou Zishu raised an eyebrow and smiled: "Good idea."

Then he reached out to knock on his acupuncture point, and saw that he
was temporarily settled. Then he was slightly relaxed. He sat on the side,
and touched his face, and said with emotion: "Little lady, I tried to restrain
you and my husband. A sweat. "

Suddenly, a hand stretched out and stuck it to his forehead, and saw the
unmovable Wen Kexing slowly climbed up, and said in his mouth, "Well?
I see, really sweating? But Don't catch cold. "

"You're going to move points!"

Zhou Zishu was shocked and the man had slipped out and looked away,
watching him alertly. Wen Kexing gave him a wink and said, "I will have

Then they rushed up again, and the two continued to shake their heads.

So in fact, the big witches still misunderstood a bit. The reason why they
fight all day and night is one aspect of meridians, and the other is because
of a problem that needs to be solved-the outcome is not divided, the upper
and lower are uncertain. When there is fire, you can only vent while
At first Zhang Chengling ran back and watched, thinking about what he
could learn, but later found that the battle was too fierce. What he could
learn except "Black Tiger's Heart" and "Monkey Stealing Peach" was "The
Great Rollover" There is really no reference value for this kind of moves,
and I feel that they are really masters, and they all return to their true
meanings, so I honestly practice his own kung fu one by one.

The young man was still wondering, Master always thought that he was
ugly, didn't he follow Wen's predecessor rolling around on the ground, very

The two masters completely reduced to two big hooligans, and

accidentally carried the wrong children to the end.

The two of them will only cease the truce after taking Zhou Zushu's daily
medicine in the evening. Because the big witch applied the medicine, he
could not bear the delicate and weak body, and it was gentle to apply the
medicine. It was all right for Zhou Zishu to toss, and all the medicine was
tiger and wolf medicine. After he took the medicine every day, it was so. I
was very sad for a while, gritted my teeth for a while, after the medicine,
my body was always sweating.

Then I washed it again, and then I rested, raised my spirits, and continued
to jump up and down the next day.

After Zhou Zishu's last medication, on the second day, the big witch and
Qiye resigned and left. Although the southern Xinjiang has always been
simple and honest, and there is a witch boy tower, this incident has come
out too long. The two were sent away. On the first day, Zhou Zishu didn't
have to endure the medicine that was drunk like Ling Chi, and there was a
strange peace that night.

Wen Kexing sipped a pot of wine into the house, got it shaking in front of
Zhou Zishu, and the other party accepted it politely. He then stuck to Zhou
Zishu's side and stared at Zhou Zishu's side. .

Zhou Zishu was stared at him, took a sip of wine, and asked, "What are
you looking at?"
Wen Kexing laughed: "Aren't you afraid of me taking medicine?"

"What medicine?"

"What medicine do you say?"

Zhou Zishu glanced at him and sneered, "You don't dare, give me the
spring / medicine, aren't you afraid I'll do you crazy?"

Wen Kezhuang frowned as hard as he said, "Yes, it's really troublesome."

He looked at Zhou Zishu with his chin up and down, and shook his head
and sighed, "You just let me do it, otherwise I'll see it again If this
continues, we both have to be monks. "

Zhou Zi gave him a glance and said, "Why didn't you let me do it?"

Wen Kexing slowly stretched a salty pig's hand to his side waist, slid up
and down in an ambiguous way, and whispered, "I'll let you do a few
tricks, but ..."

His wrists were clasped by Zhou Zishu, and the two of them controlled the
strength to avoid dismantling the roof, and then they stung again in the

Zhang Chengling came back after practicing, and it was not strange to
know that the two of them were fighting again, thinking in their hearts,
wouldn't it be to live a good life together? It seems like two children who
wander around every day. Then, with a sigh of vicissitudes, he turned
silently back to the room.

After three hundred rounds, both of them were unable to stop, so they
temporarily stopped. Wen Kexing grabbed the hip flask, drank a few
mouthfuls, exhaled, and lay down on the bed with a back and forth, waving
his hand: "No, not here. , I have no energy today. "

Zhou Zi was relieved, but waiting for this uncle's words, he sat on the edge
of the bed, pushed him in, and said, "Give me a place."
Wen Kexing moved inward, looking up at the bed veil, as if suddenly there
was a god, and he was in a daze for a long while before he said, "Axu, you
have been fully raised for a while, will you accompany me to the next

Zhou Zishu closed his eyes and raised his mind, heard the words "um",
said: "I'm almost fine now, can go down the mountain-what are you

Wen Kexing was silent, Zhou Zishu waited for a while, slightly strange,
opened his eyes, and turned his head to look, he still looks like a
wandering sky, straight eyes, and said: "What?"

Wen Kexing's eyelids fluttered, and he smiled reluctantly, whispering: "It's

nothing. My father and mother were exposed to the corpse in the wild, and
I didn't even have a coat of arms. I'm not filial. It's been more than 20
years. ... "

Zhou Zishu sighed, slowly stretched his hands around his waist, Wen
Kexing turned sideways, put one hand over his back, put his fingers on
Zhou Zishu's butterfly bone, and traced it unconsciously The outline of the
bone buried his face in his shoulder socket and said dullly, "And Ah Xiang

Zhou Zishu said: "When you were healing in the town, I went back and lay
down and found her and Xiao Cao ... Together, I went into the ground for

"Thank you very much." Wen Kexing said vaguely. He held Zhou Zishu's
hand tightly, and he could hardly say, "I have been alone in my half-life. I
thought there was Ah Xiang ... but Ah Xiang didn't Now, you have n’t been
awake at that time. I'm not as determined as Dawu, I think, just in case you
... I ... "

Suddenly Zhou Zishu felt wet on his shoulders, he couldn't help lowering
his head, but Wen Kexing waved his hand, turned off the lights, with a
little choking voice, said quietly: "Don't look at me."
Zhou Zishu never comforts people, and can only let him hold himself

Slowly, Wen Kexing's hands started to walk up to him. Zhou Zishu was a
little uncomfortable, but the man didn't mean a joke, he just kept calling
his name. Like the urgency, Zhou Zi sighed in relief, thinking, forget it, it's
strange, let him let him once.

He exerted great restraint and relaxed himself. For the first time in his life,
he handed himself over to another person unsuspectingly. His hair was
tangled, and only that person had a little whisper in his ears: "Asu, don't

Even in the extremely cold places, there is a hint of warmth, and it came
out quietly from the lowered bed tent, as if a flower could be bloomed.

In the early morning of the second day, Zhou Zishu rarely slept late, Wen
Kexing opened his eyes and looked at the person in his arms, showing a
little contented smile on his face.

As soon as he moved, Zhou Zishu woke up, only feeling that there was no
place in his body that was right, and that he was still hugged by someone.

When he opened his mouth, he wanted to curse. Wen Kexing guarded

against this hand early. At the moment he opened his eyes, he gave back
his proud smile, looking complex and looking deeply into Zhou Zishu's

Zhou Zishu, the unspeaking scolding mother, swallowed back stiffly when
she saw the red eye circles of the other side. I didn't know what to say, so I
turned around stiffly and whispered back to him: "You have to get up and
get up yourself Don't bother me. "

Wen Kexing immediately hugged him from behind, and lay back again,
converging the poor expression in the place where he could not see,
thinking sweetly, soft heart is more attractive than soft waist.
But he was not beautiful for a moment, so he started to worry again,
secretly opened his eyes and glanced at the person next to him, thinking,
but ... wouldn't it be necessary to cry every time when he thought ...

It seems ... a little tragedy.

Faraway Wanderers: Extra two previous
(A Xiang and Xiao Cao's fan, serve.)

Some people died, thinking about their whole life, and felt unconcerned,
and the three souls and seven souls dispersed for the most part, followed
by the ecstasy, and went to Huangquan Road, walking along, walking all
the way and forgetting. To Naihe Bridge. Pick up the bowl of
forgetfulness, and the past life will pass completely.

For the good, on the merit, for the evil, the Yincao should be reborn,
reincarnation, reincarnation, a hundred, still the mind is white as snow, and
start again.

Therefore, in front of people's eyes, if there is any wish that is unfulfilled,

the living person will try his best to satisfy him, so that he will not suffer
more when he walks on Huangquan Road.

Some people were still obsessed before they died, and the soul followed,
and they were also reluctant. For the three famous people in Nayang, they
told him to wash it in that Huangquan, and after they figured it out, they
called the ferryman. Come up and send for a rebirth. The living do not care
about the dead.

How long is Huangquan Road-as long as you can forget, there will be as
long. The only one who can't forget, walked up to 4,444 feet long, still
looking back, and lined up under the bridge of Naihe, waiting for the
person he was waiting for, sometimes for a day or two, sometimes Twenty
years, sometimes a mortal life.

There was someone who was waiting, but the man was so confused, he no
longer remembered himself, and occasionally, he was a young man, an old
man, and even if the meeting should not be known, he fell into tears in the
palm of his hand. Ghost chased away: "Two, the hour is here, and the road
is coming-" Earthly love, always love to say some mountain alliance
oaths, but only for decades, but for the cycle of death and life, you are you,
me It's me, isn't it funny to want to come?

Cao Weining squatted beside Naihe Bridge, listening to the ghost and
talking to Meng Po. Guichai claimed that his surname was Hu Mingxuan,
and he was very emotional. Cao Weining listened to him lingering with
Meng Po and Meng Po ignored it. He drew soup by himself, but the bridge
became more and more transfigured. According to legend, how much
water for drinking How wide is the bridge of Naihe? One cup is forgotten,
and the dust returns to the dust.

After a long day of ghosting, the ghost saw that Meng Po raised his head,
and came up to talk to Cao Weining: "Boy, what do you do without
drinking soup, wait for someone?" It is rare that such a sober person is the
ghost ghost, and he is willing to say a few words to him.

"Ah ..." Cao Weining was still talking to Guichao for the first time, and
was somewhat flattered. "Haha, yeah, you are ..." Hu Yan had no idea of
communicating with him at all, probably just bored and wanted to find
someone In the end, he directly interrupted him and said, "There was a
person before. There were people in this class. Wait for 300 years."

Cao Weining froze and asked tremblingly: "Three or three hundred years
... who has lived for so many years? Whoever he waits for, don't he be the
last name?"

"Well, do you care what his surname is? What is his surname? The
surname is Emperor in this life, and he jumps into that reincarnation
spring. He may have the surname pig and dog in his next life. Who knows?
, Pointing at Sansheng Stone Road, "He, sit there, wait for three hundred
years, and return to the place where he first met the person, but oh, how
about it?"

Cao Weining held the venue and asked, "What happened?"

"Another good match," Hu Yan booed.

At this time, Meng Po finally looked up at him and said blankly, "Hu Gui
is bad, be careful."

Hu Yan said with a sigh, "Also, this person is an emperor, and has his own
fate. He can't say-young man, who are you waiting for?"

Cao Weining said, "I wait for my wife."

Hu Yan didn't find it strange, he just asked, "How old were your daughters-
in-law when you died?"

Cao Weining honestly said: "Seventeen."

"Seventeen ... when I died, there was a seventeen daughter-in-law in the

family, unfortunately ..." Hu Yan shook his head, too old. He could not
remember the appearance of his young daughter-in-law and said to Cao
Weining: " I advise you, don't wait any longer. She is still alive in her life.
When she comes down, she will be an old lady in her seventies and
eighties. I don't remember the man at the age of sixteen or seven. I have
seen many people and wait. Go, but just look forward to one, sad one, ah,
you want to start early, fill it with a pot of Mengpo soup, any daughter-in-
law, all forgotten. "

Meng Po looked up again and said blankly, "Hu Gui is bad, be careful." Hu
Yan shut up with a grey face, but saw Cao Weining smiled, and said,
"That's right, I'm looking forward to it, the best she is I can't remember
what I look like. I carelessly passed by before me, and when I saw her
passed, I didn't worry about it. "

Hu Yanqi said, "Don't you feel unwilling?" Cao Weining gave him a
strange look and asked: "Is there anything unwilling to do, it's my
daughter-in-law, but not my enemy. Look at her." , Am I upset? "

Hu Yan laughed for a moment, and said, "You want to be open."

Cao Weining scratched his hair and said with a bit of embarrassment:
"Isn't it? I have no other benefit in my life, just want to be open to
everything ... Well, there is only one thing. I was killed by my master. I am
afraid of me. My daughter-in-law couldn't figure it out, and he was
endless. "

Hu Yanqi said, "What did you do against the law? Your master is going to
kill you?"

Cao Weining said, "Oh, what else can I do? That ’s right and evil. I said my
daughter-in-law is a wicked person in Guigu, and I had to follow her.
When the master was angry, my face didn't come to the stage, he killed me

In his tone, he stood a little relaxed and talked without backache. He

couldn't even hear how he died. Hu Yan became interested, squatted next
to him, and asked, "Do you remember it?"

Cao Weining pointed to a ecstasy whispering to the side while carrying a

ghost, and said, "I listened to the adult saying" Dust to Dust, Earth to Earth
"in the mouth, and I felt in my heart how much resentment , There is
nothing to hate, they are all settled in the ground, what a hate, isn't it
difficult to live with themselves? "

Hu Yan raised his eyes and looked at the past, and saw a black face
floating slowly in front of him, and sighed in a low voice: "Oh, you don't
listen to them, our haunting spirits in the grave will never say anything, I
do n’t know how many years I have spoken, I have n’t changed ... ”

Meng Po's eyes glared again, and for the third time she said blankly: "Hu
Gui is bad, be careful."

Hu Yan sighed and pointed at Meng Po quietly to Cao Weining: "See? We,
Meng Po too, I have been back and forth on the Heihe Bridge for hundreds
of years. She said to me back and forth, 'Hu Ghosts, be careful, this lonely
place is really lonely. "

Cao Weining smiled, while listening to the lonely ghost who was chanting
in his ear, looking around, thinking about what it would be like for Xiang
to become an old lady coming from there? She must also be a spirited old
lady, neat and spicy, she ...
Suddenly, Cao Weining stood upright and his eyes were wide. He saw a
short distance away, and the familiar girl was following the ecstasy to this
side, and she walked while she was endlessly surrounded. Interrogating
with the ecstasy, the ecstasy made her full of strength and walked her
stuffy head. She ignored her, and was anxious, so she just said "Dust to
dust, soil to soil".

Cao Weining opened his mouth and called, "Axiang ..."

Gu Xiang stepped aside, looked over his head, and froze for a while. At
first, he seemed to want to cry, but at the end he just froze, turning into a
big smiley face, and the bird rushed at him like a cry, calling: "Brother
Cao, I know where you are waiting for me!"

Cao Weining held her tightly as if she hadn't seen her in her whole life, but
then thought, Ah Xiang came like this, and didn't become an old lady. Isn't
that just a death, then she was anxious and sad again, Baigan At the
intersection, tears came down, and they fell into the yellow spring water,
swinging around the ripples, even the ferryman was alarmed.

Hu Yan closed his mouth, with a little distant smile, watching the two
embracing each other.

However, the bridgehead met, like Mianyu to the old days of the desert.

Another ghost on the bridge shouted: "Two, the hour is here, and the road
will be ---"

Like a pendulum with dedication, since last year, there was only such a
word in his mouth.

Gu Xiang looked up from Cao Weining's arms and stared fiercely at the
ghost on the bridge, cursing: "What urging? Your **** name is soul ?!"

The man on the bridge was stunned, and said to himself, Isn't this calling
Hu Yan laughed and commented: "A hot little girl, young man, has a fierce
wife at home."

Cao Weining brought tears to her mouth, but she was kind and polite:
"Ashamed and ashamed."

Hu Yan stood up and pointed at Nai Heqiao, "Come on, let's go. Do n’t
miss the timing of the reincarnation. For a moment, the rich and the rich
will become beggars on the roadside. You ca n’t say if you are fateless.
After that, the next life can be continued. "

After speaking, they led them to Nai Heqiao, stood in front of Meng Po's
Meng Po Tang, Gu Xiang hesitated, and said, "If you drink this, you will
forget, mother-in-law, can you not drink? "

Meng Po looked at her with a wood-like beauty face and shook her head

The ghost said, "Little girl, don't drink Meng Po Tang, you will be a cow
and a horse in your next life. Drink it."

Gu Xiang's eyes were red again, his head bowed, and he bowed his head.
No matter how he persuaded, he didn't want to move. Hu Yi could not bear
it, and he said to Meng Po: "Look, it's not easy for us. For thousands of
years and hundreds of years, it is not possible to see a pair of lovers who
can eventually become dependents. "

Meng Po said: "Hu Gui is worse ..."

Hu Yan quickly took over: "Yes, I speak carefully, I speak carefully." Meng
Meng hesitated for a moment, and suddenly took out two red lines from
her arms, spread them in her hands, and handed them to Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang was stunned, Hu Yan was busy and said: "Little girl, take it over,
Mengpo and her elderly people are showing compassion. This is an
opportunity that you may not be able to repair in many lives. Take it, tie it
on your wrist Up and down, I do n’t know each other in my next life. "
Gu Xiang quickly took the red rope from Meng Po and tied it to Cao
Weining and his wrists clumsily. The two then carried each other with both
hands, drank the water of forgetfulness, and then entered into samsara.

Behind me listened to the lingering voice: "Dust returns to dust, soil

returns to soil-"

And Hu Yan's emotion: "Ask what the world is like-even Meng Po's eyes
are opened."

Meng Po had to continue: "Hu Gui is poor, be careful."

Fifteen years later, in the city of Luoyang, Li Yuanwai's young lady

walked and saluted, and Li Yuanwai's early worship brother Song Daxia
came with his only son, one for Heshou and two for marriage.

This pair of children and children were raised together. The adults coaxed
the children and found that the two little guys had a red mark on their left
hand and a red mark on their right hand. Is it fate? So I ordered a baby

It was the Ome season, and Naro rode on a bamboo horse--

Faraway Wanderers: Fan Wai San Bai Yi Jiang
Legend has it that the number of days of life will be exhausted, and there
will be five declines. You will become accustomed to the state of bliss.

"Liuhe Xinfa" states that once "Heavenly Man" eats the fireworks on earth,
he will be in a state of decline, and he will have to turn pale, and his
energy will gradually weaken, while his body will gradually decline, and
prosperity will no longer exist.

Ye Baiyi felt the situation right now. His hair was getting whiter every day.
It seemed that someone was holding a brush and brushing it in an invisible
place. Confused, you will forget where you were just now and where you
are going. My spirits are also bad, sometimes I ca n’t sleep at night,
sometimes I fall asleep, and it ’s hard to open my eyes the next day until
the day.

But he felt very happy, free and free of worries, so what was said in the
"Liuhe Xinfa" was totally nonsense.

The reason is probably that he never considered himself a celestial being,

he only felt that he was a living dead.

After coming to Changming Mountain, for him, the living dead came to
life with their eyes open, even if it was only a few years, even if he would
return to the path of life, illness and death.

He eats a lot of food every day, sometimes driving a long way, just to taste
a legendary snack in a certain place. The ancients said that the color of the
food was too old, and Ye Baiyi was too old to be in a mood, so he threw
himself into the food with all his heart. He is not picky, eats everything,
and enjoys everything. Just a bowl of tofu copied by the boss in the
roadside tavern can also allow him to taste it for a long time.
For a person who has been eating cold water for a century, the sourness
and bitterness in this world are all so precious.

Ye Baiyi interviewed people who knew the old things 30 years ago and
walked through all possible paths. Finally, they found the inconspicuous
grave of Rong Xuan and Long Fenger, took back the dusty ancient blade
dragon back, and then The bones of the two joined together, cremated into
the altar, and the trustee returned it to Changming Mountain.

He had wanted to stop those who had earned it from opening the arsenal,
but after seeing a farce, he felt tired ... what did their lives have to do with

He thinks that he is just an old man who is dying. He has nothing to worry
about in his life, so he has nothing to do all day, and it is his duty to travel
all over the country, eat all over the world, and maybe until one day he ca
n’t move, where does he die? Where to count.

By the way, I still miss Rong Changqing occasionally.

Rong Changqing, Ye Baiyi's only friend in the world, has been dead for
thirty years.

But Ye Baiyi can still remember exactly what he looked like, the look of
his youthful pride, the appearance of being young and crazy, and even his

Ye Baiyi was arrogant all his life, unwilling to remember a person who
didn't matter, and the only vivid memory in his life was about that person.

Rong Changqing grew up with him since he was a child. Unlike Ye Baiyi,
who was looking for a fight at the exit, Rong Changqing is a very
flattering man who gets along well with others. I like wine, swords,
beauties, and even poetry. Give him a glass of wine, and everyone in the
world can be his friend, but unfortunately there is only one true friend-in
addition to practicing, it will only hurt Ye Baiyi.
The famous work of "ghost hand" Rong Changqing is the Great Wild
Sword. At that time, Rong Changqing was just a little-known young man.
He didn't care. He just called this handle what he later called "Sword
General". The sword was given to a wandering old beggar who gave him a
pot of monkey wine and a cheat book.

The monkey's liquor was taken back by him and separated from Ye Baiyi.
The cheats are the remnants of the legendary Liuhexinfa in later

Later, Ye Baiyi heard that by chance, the great wasteland that fell into the
rivers and lakes fell into the hands of the orphan of the Zhang family, and
suddenly felt a bit ridiculous, like these people, these things, faintly
connected into a circle, died Dead, too old, a bitter bitterness, but no one

Rong Changqing is a young man. How many martial arts people in the
world can resist the magic of unity that day? But his qualifications are not
enough--Ye Baiyi sometimes thinks back and thinks that the thing is
actually a demon book. There are all kinds of traps in it, which entice
people to go step by step until it is gone or there are thousands of people.
That one, chosen by it, became the new successor, and it turned into a
ghost-like appearance.

Rong Changqing's vertical talents, with his own strength, attempted to

complete the Liuhexin method, and finally went into magic.

At that time, Ye Baiyi was traveling and was looking at the place of
Changming Mountain. He felt that there were few people and it was very
suitable for him to close the gate occasionally. The villagers under the
mountain just called out by the name of "ancient monk".

Mrs. Rong was still a girl who did not leave the cabinet at the time.
Regardless of her fame, she stepped up the mountain carrying Rong
Changqing on her back, begging Ye Baiyi to save him.

The two tried their best, without improvement. In the end, Ye Baiyi
reluctantly decided to change his life for the sake of passing on the power
of Rong Changqing to himself. Who knew he was here? By coincidence,
he actually told him to penetrate the magical Liuhe mentality.

So many people kept asking for it. The big "pie" on this day, with a smell
of shit, fell on a person holding the thought of dying.

Rong Changqing is affectionate. He decided to repay his two benefactors

—marrying Mrs. Rong, and spending time with Ye Baiyi on Changming

He's a fool. I don't know that Mrs. Rong didn't want to spend the rest of his
life with another cold man in that kind of cold ghost place. Ye Baiyi ...
didn't want him to marry Mrs. Rong.

He is a fool. It is a fool to exchange a famous sword for a demon book, and

indulging that demon book is the second stupid thing, but in fact the first
two are not as stupid as the third one.

Is there anything more absurd than this?

Yes, something even more ridiculous is that Rong Changqing's son Rong
Xuan is a child as stupid as his elder son, and a martial artist as firm as his
master Ye Baiyi. He combines the shortcomings of all people, so this life
is destined to be a tragedy.

He did n’t understand what the martial arts man asked for throughout his
life. It was in the hands of his master and father. Why were both of them
so secretive? Listening to them said that it was a very dangerous thing, but
young people had different views on danger. To my parents.

When everyone is young, they think that they are different from others.
Others can't do it, they can do it, others will die, and they will not die.

Rong Xuan was carrying the ancient blade dragon that Ye Baiyi passed on
to him, and Rong Changqing and Mrs. Rong had a big fight. In the past,
the talent and beauty coexisted, and the woman with a firm and loyal heart
had been in the snow for decades In loneliness, she became an old and
desperate woman. She is different from them. She is a flower. It needs
liveliness, sunshine and popularity.

Thirty years of **** rain and fate have generally taken the first step-
perhaps starting with Rong Xuan, perhaps starting with Rong Changqing,
or earlier, starting with the wandering old beggar, starting with the low-
key "general wasteland" .

Maybe it's just a circle that repeats itself in people's hearts over and over
again, from generation to generation.

Thirty years later, Wen Kexing caught a little clue, shot, and turned upside

But that was a thing of the past ... One afternoon, Ye Baiyi, who drank the
last noodle soup in a tavern, suddenly thought indifferently that the living
and dead people were all a thing of the past. Already.

Those who are sad in the bureau, such as him, such as Mrs. Rong, such as
Wen Kexing, such as Zhou Zishu, such as Zhao Jing, and even Gu Xiang,
Cao Weining, they all try to "jump out."

Ye Baiyi wants to jump out of the curse of unity that day; Mrs. Rong wants
to jump out of the icy Changming Mountain; Wen Kexing wants to jump
out of the ghost and return to the earth; Zhou Zishu wants to jump out of
the skylight and feel free; Zhao Jing wants to jump out The rules of the
whole river and lake are condescending, holding hands in their hands; Gu
Xiang and Cao Weining want to break away from the deep-rooted
prejudice in the world and stay together independently.

They are entangled, scrambled, exhausted, and forgotten their lives.

It's like an abyss. Some people jump over and go out. Some people die
before they go.

And that abyss has a name called Jianghu.

No, I ’m done. I ’m so crazy, thank you all for joining me and holding my

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