Limit Support Pressure of Tunnel Face in Multi-Layer Soils Below River Considering Water Pressure

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Open Geosci.

2018; 10:932–939

Research Article Open Access

Weiping Liu*, Lina Hu, Yongxuan Yang, and Mingfu Fu

Limit Support Pressure of Tunnel Face in

Multi-Layer Soils Below River Considering Water
Pressure plex geological conditions can pose serious technical chal-
Received December 20, 2017; accepted November 18, 2018 lenges to shield tunnel excavation [4]. The support pres-
sure counteracts the effective earth and water pressure. In
Abstract: This paper presents a method to determine the
order to ensure safety against the collapse of the tunnel
limit support pressure of tunnel face in multi-layer soils
face, it is essential to have a reliable analysis of tunnel face
below river considering the water pressure. The proposed
stability and predictions of the limit support pressure.
method is based on the 3D Terzaghi earth pressure the-
The limit support pressure of the tunnel face is the pri-
ory and the wedge theory considering the water pressure.
mary concern in stability analysis [5, 6]. The limit equi-
The limit support pressures are investigated using the limit
librium method [7], numerical method [8, 9], and experi-
equilibrium method and compared to those calculated
mental method [10] are used to analyze the stability of the
using a numerical method, such as FLAC3D. Four cases
tunnel face and support pressure. For the experimental as-
focusing different combinations of three layers are ana-
pects on the stability of the tunnel face, Zhou et al. [11]
lyzed. The results obtained by the numerical method agree
used the in situ method to analyze the deformation that
well with the predictions of the proposed limit equilib-
takes place close to the tunnel face. Messerli et al. [12] in-
rium method. The limit support pressure obtained using
vestigated the limit support pressure of the tunnel face in
the limit equilibrium method is greater than that obtained
sand using experiments. Idinger et al. [13] used centrifuge
by the numerical method. The limit equilibrium method is
model tests to investigate face stability on a small scale
safe and conservative in obtaining the limit support pres-
tunnel in cohesion-less soil, with the slip surface arising
sure. The proposed limit equilibrium method is expected
from a tunnel invert propagated at an angle of approxi-
to be easily adaptable and to enhance the reliability of
mately 45∘ + φ/2 to the horizontal. Chambon et al. [14]
tunnel design and construction in multi-layer soils below
also studied tunnel face stability using a centrifuge test,
and analyzed the effect of tunnel depths on the collapse
Keywords: Tunnel face; Limit support pressure; Multi- forms of tunnel faces.
layer soils; Limit equilibrium method; FLAC3D Numerical models are increasingly being used to as-
sess the stability of tunnel faces. Zhang et al. [15] used
a 2D numerical approach to study face stability during
the slurry shield tunneling process. Chen et al. [16] con-
1 Introduction
structed a 3D discrete element method to analyze the face
stability of shallow shield tunnels in dry sand. Zhang et
With a rapid increase in the construction of subways,
al. [17] adopted 3D numerical simulations to analyze the ef-
shield tunnel technology has been widely used in the con-
fects of diameter-to-depth ratios and soil properties on the
struction of tunnels [1–3]. Tunnel face stability is a key
tunnel face stability. Hasanpour et al. [18] simulated the
construction consideration in shield tunnel projects. Com-
single shield, double shield, and universal double shield
for excavation of deep long tunnels. Graziani et al. [19] con-
sidered the creep effects for the Brenner Base Tunnel. Liu
*Corresponding Author: Weiping Liu: School of Civil Engineering et al. [20] conducted a numerical analysis to investigate the
and Architecture, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China; influence of different construction schemes on the tunnel
Email: heave.
Lina Hu, Yongxuan Yang: School of Civil Engineering and Archi- The wedge limit equilibrium model has become very
tecture, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China
popular in calculating the stability of the tunnel face [21–
Mingfu Fu: School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Nanchang
Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330099, China 24]. Lee et al. [25] revealed the influence of steel pipe-

Open Access. © 2018 Weiping Liu et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License.
Limit Support Pressure of Tunnel Face in Multi-Layer Soils Below River Considering Water Pressure | 933

reinforced multi-step grouting on tunnel face stability us-

ing the limit equilibrium method. Xu et al. [26] calcu-
lated support pressure using the nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb
failure criterion. Broere et al. [27] calculated the required
limit support pressure using a time-dependent ground-
water flow water model and the limit equilibrium wedge
model. Leca et al. [28] assumed that the failure zone con-
sisted of a series of conical bodies and derived the limit
support pressure. Several researchers [29–31] derived the
limit support pressure for tunnel face failure by assuming
that the failure zone is a different shape. Zhang developed
a horizontal slice method based on the limit equilibrium
analysis theory to analyze tunnel face stability in soft sur-
rounding rocks [32].
When the shield tunnel excavates below the river bed,
high water pressure is encountered in the site [33]. Water Figure 1: Wedge stability model

pressure plays an important role in stability of tunnel ex-

cavation, and it may cause the stability of the tunnel face The inclination of wedge α is
to become difficult to control [34]. If the applied face pres- φ
sure is less than the limit support pressure, the tunnel face α = 45∘ + (2)
will collapse. The shield tunnel is inevitably constructed The other side length of prism is
below the river, so the research on the stability of the tun-
nel face in multi-layer soils below river is significant. In B
L= (3)
tan α
this paper, the limit equilibrium method which takes wa-
ter pressure into account is proposed for the calculation of Consider an element having a dimension dz within a
the limit support pressure, and the solutions are compared prism of height H as shown in Figure 1. The upper and
with the numerical results for verification. The numerical lower vertical force of element are, respectively,
analysis is carried out using FLAC3D [35]. P1 = Aσ v (4)

P2 = A (σ v + dσ v ) (5)
2 Methods
where σ v is the effective earth pressure from the overlying
The limit equilibrium method first proposed by Horn [36] is prism, A is the cross-sectional area of prism.
used to analyze the tunnel face stability. The tunnel face is The vertical friction applied to the lateral side of the
supposed to be three-dimensional failure mode. The sim- element is
ple mechanism model of face stability is illustrated in Fig- f = k0 Uσ v tan φdz + Ucdz (6)
ure 1. The tunnel face mechanism approximates the circu- where U is the girth of prism, k0 is coefficient of earth pres-
lar face by means of a square and consists of a wedge and a sure at rest, and k0 = 1 − sin φ.
right-angled prism. The wedge is assumed as a rigid body. The vertical equilibrium equation of dz reads as fol-
B,L,H are the width, length, and height of the prism, re- lows
spectively. The soil is assumed to obey the Mohr-Coulomb
failure condition with cohesion represented as c and fric- k0 Uσ v tan φdz + Ucdz + A (σ v + dσ v ) − Aσ v = 𝛾 Adz (7)
tion angle represented as φ. where 𝛾 is the gravity of the soil.
The side length B of the square is approximated by set- From the equilibrium equation of the forces acting on
ting its area equal to that of the circular tunnel face [36, 37]. the wedge Eq. (7), with boundary conditionsz = 0, σ v =
1 2 p0 , p0 is the surcharge on the surface. The effective earth
B2 =πD (1) pressure acting upon the wedge can be calculated using
where D is the tunnel diameter. the following equation.
(︂ )︂
A𝛾 − Uc −zUk0 tan φ −zUk0 tan φ
σv = 1−e A + p0 e A (8)
Uk0 tan φ
934 | Weiping Liu, Lina Hu, Yongxuan Yang, and Mingfu Fu

In practical engineering, the overburden layer of a ∏︁ −z i Uk0i tan φ i
+ p0 e A (11)
tunnel is often the composite layers. In this paper, the ef-
fect of a multi-layered overburden on the overlying earth
pressure also can be taken into account. A model of earth Wedge analysis based on the limit equilibrium theory
pressure calculation is shown in Figure 2. is adopted to obtain the support pressure for the tunnel
face stability. Assuming the failure criterion holds along
the failure face, a static equilibrium equation can be set
up. When a shield tunnel is located below the river, the sta-
bility analyses of the shield tunnels face needs to consider
the influence of water pressure. Water pressure is usually
considered an external force [33], and the forces acting
upon the wedge at the face are illustrated in Figure 3. A
hydrostatic distribution of water pressures along the slip
surface is assumed. There is an effective earth stress σ v at
the wedge-prism-interface, the self-weight of wedge G, the
support force P at the tunnel face, the normal force Non
the inclined sliding surface, the shear forces T on the in-
clined as well as on the sliding surface, the symmetric nor-
mal force N ′ and the shear force T ′ on the two lateral sur-
faces of the wedge.

Figure 2: Model of earth pressure calculation

It is assumed that there are n layers in the composite

soils. σ v1 and σ vi are the earth pressures acting upon the
wedge of the first and i-th layer, respectively. They can be Figure 3: Forces acting upon the wedge
respectively expressed as
The self-weight of the wedge G
(︂ )︂
A𝛾1 − Uc1 −z1 Uk01 tan φ1 −z1 Uk01 tan φ1
σ v1 = 1−e A +p0 e A (9)
Uk0 1 tan φ1
𝛾 B3
G= (12)
2 tan α
where Bis the height of the wedge.
(︂ )︂
A𝛾i − Uc i −z i Uk0i tan φ i −z i Uk0i tan φ i
σ vi = 1−e A + σ vi−1 e A
Uk0 i tan φ i The vertical mean stress σ′z on the inclined sliding sur-
(10) face
2σ vn B𝛾
The earth pressure of the No. n layer can be obtained σ′z = + (13)
3 3
using a layer to layer method.
The shear forces T on the inclined sliding surface
n (︂ )︂
∑︁ A𝛾i − Uc i −z i Uk0i tan φ i
σ vn = 1−e A
T= + N tan φ (14)
Uk0 i tan φ i sin α
The shear force T ′ on the two sides of the wedge
(︂ )︂
∏︁ −z i Uk0i tan φ i
A𝛾n − Uc n −z n Uk0n tan φ n
e A + 1−e A
Uk0 n tan φ n
i=1 B2 (︁ )︁
T′ = c + k0 σ′ z tan φ (15)
2 tan α
Limit Support Pressure of Tunnel Face in Multi-Layer Soils Below River Considering Water Pressure | 935

The vertical earth pressure P v acting on the top of using FLAC3D. The FLAC3D is adopted to predict the limit
wedge is presented as state and the development of deformation. An explicit La-
grangian calculation scheme is used in the FLAC3D. This is
P v = Aσ v = BLσ v (16) a forward scheme for a nonlinear problem which does not
require iteration [18]. This code can deal with the large de-
When not taking the infiltration in the excavation face
formation problem very well and can avoid the problem of
into account, the overburden strata are assumed to be per-
numerical instabilities during analysis [39–41]. Therefore,
meable with high permeability, such as sand. Thus, a com-
the FLAC3D is adopted to simulate the limit support pres-
plete hydraulic connection exists between the river water
sure. The FLAC3D model is shown in Figure 4. The three-
and the groundwater [38]. The water table can be assumed
dimensional numerical model is 40 m long, 21 m wide, and
to be at the surface of the river water for the computation
30 m high. A circular tunnel under the three layers soils
of water pressure acting on the tunnel. In this sense, the
is considered in evaluating the limit support pressure on
water pressure generated by river water can be expressed
the tunnel face. The tunnel support parameters are as fol-
(︁∑︁ )︁ lows: the segment is C50 concrete, the segment thickness
P w = B2 𝛾w z i + 𝛾w h (17) is 30 cm, the Young modulus of the concrete segment is
34.5 GPa, Poisson’ ratio of the concrete segment is 0.2, and
where 𝛾w is the unit weight of water, z i is the thickness of the density is 2.45 g/cm3 . The parameters of the tunnel and
the i-th stratum, which is located above the center point of soils are selected from the case of subway Line No.1 across
the tunnel face. the Ganjiang River. A circular tunnel with a diameter D of
According to the limit equilibrium principles, force 6 m, a tunnel depth H of 12 m, and a water depth h of 10 m
equilibrium is realized horizontally and vertically. By con- in river is assumed. The analysis is conducted using a lin-
sidering the water pressure and equating force in the verti- ear Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. Analyses are performed
cal and horizontal directions, the equations of equilibrium for the four cases, and the mechanical parameters of fric-
in the horizontal and vertical dimensions are obtained as tion angle φ and cohesion c of the soil stratum are sum-
marized in Table 1. The four cases are used to analyze the
P − P w + T cos α + 2T ′ cos α = N sin α (18)
situations with the excavation layer as cohesive soil or co-
hesive soil, and the cases of overlying soil as cohesive soil
P v + G = T sin α + 2T ′ sin α + N cos α (19) or cohesive soil. The soil thicknesses of 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 are 6 m,
6 m, 18 m, respectively. For stratum 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, an elastic
By solving the equilibrium Equations (18) and (19), the modulus Eo f 40 MPa, Poisson’ ratio ν of 0.33, and gravity
limit support force on the tunnel face is calculated as 𝛾 of 20 kN/m3 of are selected.
(︂ )︂
P = ε (σ v BL + G) − + 2T ′ (ε sin α + cos α) + P w
sin α Table 1: Mechanical parameters of soil
where ε = sin α−tan φ cos α
cos α+tan φ sin α . soil Case A Case B Case C Case D
The face stability analysis relevant to a circular rigid c /kPa φ /∘ c /kPa φ /∘ c /kPa φ /∘ c /kPa φ /∘
tunnel could be idealized. The support pressure is sim- 1-1 0 25 5 35 0 25 5 35 s
1-2 5 35 0 25 5 35 0 25
plified to be uniform [17]. The minimal support pressure
1-3 0 25 0 25 5 35 5 35
termed as the limit support pressure σ T can be calculated
with consideration of water pressure in river and is given
as The analyses of tunnel face stability and supporting
σT = 2 (21) pressure are performed with FLAC3D. The applied sup-
port pressure can be normalized by the initial earth pres-
sure [42]. The support pressure ratiois equal to the ap-
plied support pressure divided by the initial horizontal
3 Results earth stress at the center of the tunnel face. The initial
support pressure on the face is set as the initial horizon-
3.1 Results using the numerical method tal earth pressure, and is gradually reduced until the tun-
nel face collapses. The displacements in the surround-
The validity of the proposed method is evaluated in this ing ground have been highlighted. Displacement contours
section through a comparison with the numerical model
936 | Weiping Liu, Lina Hu, Yongxuan Yang, and Mingfu Fu

a variation of support pressure ratios for the case A, case

B, case C, and case D, respectively. Large displacement is
expected to occur when there is small support pressure
ratio. The displacement increases significantly when the
support pressure ratio decreases to a certain value. This
value is the limit support pressure ratio. From the results
of the FLAC3D analysis for the four cases previously men-
tioned, the calculation results of the limit support pressure
on the tunnel face are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Results with the FLAC3D

Initial earth Limit support Limit support

pressure /kPa pressure ratio pressure /kPa
A 275 0.755 207.63
B 275 0.78 214.50
C 275 0.715 196.63
D 275 0.720 198.00

Figure 4: Numerical model of calculation

3.2 Results using the limit equilibrium

around tunnel face and the displacement fields for case A, method
case B, case C, and case D are plotted in Figure 5. The mon-
itoring displacements in Figure 5 are in the horizontal di- Comparative calculations are carried out. The same cases
rection (excavation direction), and the unit of the displace- are analyzed using the proposed limit equilibrium method
ment is in meters. The displacements of the tunnel face are and numerical method using FLAC3D. The analyses of
calculated according to the different cases with a variation the tunnel face supporting pressure with the proposed
in soil layers. For case A and case B, the tunnel faces are limit equilibrium method are preformed. Table 3 compares
in cohesionless soils. Case C and case D are in cohesive- the limit support pressure obtained using the limit equi-
frictional soils. librium method with that obtained from the numerical
The failure zones in case A and case B are obviously method.
larger than that in case C and case D, and mainly concen-
trate in the upper region of tunnel face. By comparing Fig- Table 3: Results of limit support pressure
ure 5(a) and Figure 5(b), it is evident that the case A has the
larger zone of sliding, but is blocked by the cohesive soil A B C D
layer 1-2 and is mainly concentrate in the soil layer 1-3. The numerical method 207.63 214.50 196.63 198.00
sliding zone in case B extends gradually to the river bed limit equilibrium method 219.01 229.27 197.72 204.39
error 5.19% 6.44% 0.55% 3.12%
surface, the displacement decreases drastically. For case C
and case D, when the tunnel excavates in the cohesive soil
layer, the sliding zone shrinks and concentrates in front of
the tunnel face. It is obvious that cohesion has an impor-
tant influence on the failure form.
Tunnel face stability and the behavior of surround- 4 Discussion
ing soils are analyzed with varying support pressure ra-
tios at the tunnel face. Evaluating the relationship be- The results of case A and case B, which were excavated in
tween the displacement of a control point (the face cen- cohesionless soil, are different. The error of them is nearly
ter) and the applied support pressure ratio (normalized 10%, although the tunnel excavates at the same soil layer.
by initial stress) is a common way to analyze the tunnel The reason is that the upper soil layer 1-2 in case A is com-
face stability [43]. Figure 6(a) and Figure 6(b) show hor- prised of cohesive soils, which are conducive to the stabil-
izontal and vertical displacement of the face center with ity of the tunnel face and prevent the development of a fail-
Limit Support Pressure of Tunnel Face in Multi-Layer Soils Below River Considering Water Pressure | 937

(a) Case A (b) Case B

(c) Case C (d) Case D

Figure 5: Displacement contours around the tunnel face

ure zone. Thus, the required limit support pressure to keep the approach proposed herein could be applied for fast es-
the tunnel face stable in case A is small compared to that timations of the pressure needed for face support in multi-
in case B. When the excavation is in the cohesive soil for layer soils below river, with consideration to water pres-
case C and case D, their required limit support pressures sure. These values are about 5% higher than the prediction
are similar, although the cover soil layers are different. The from the numerical method. Mollon et al. [44] got a simi-
limit support pressure in case A and case B are obviously lar result for a 2D stability analysis of a pressurized tun-
greater than that in case C and case D. The main reason is nel face in sand. The proposed limit equilibrium method is
that the excavation stratum of case A and case B is cohe- also an effective method to calculate the limit support pres-
sionless soil. sure on the tunnel face for permeable overburden strata
The limit support pressures calculated by limit equi- that has a high permeability. It cannot be used for imper-
librium method are 219.01 kPa, 229.27 kPa, 197.72 kPa, meable overburden strata that has a low permeability. The
204.39 kPa for the cases A, B, C, and D, respectively. The proposed method is suitable for cohesionless soil. The pro-
results of the limit equilibrium method agree well with nu- posed method is reliable and effective when it is used to
merical calculations with respect to the limit support pres- design the tunnel excavation process.
sure, as shown in Table 3. The obtained results suggest that
938 | Weiping Liu, Lina Hu, Yongxuan Yang, and Mingfu Fu

support pressure on tunnel face with permeable overbur-

den strata that has a high permeability. This research can
provide a theoretical foundation for tunnel engineering
practices in multi-layer soils below the river bed. The next
stage of the work is studying the limit support pressure for
impermeable overburden strata that has a low permeabil-

Acknowledgement: The authors gratefully acknowledge

the financial support from the National Natural Sciences
Foundation of China (Grant: 51468041) and Jiangxi Science
Foundation (Grant: 20124ABE02106, 20161BAB203078).
(a) Horizontal displacement

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