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Psi Kepribadian 1
(3 SKS)
Ahmad Gimmy Prathama Siswadi,
Nurul Wardhani
R. Urip Purwono
Airin Triwahyuni
Revealing Who We Really Are
When you meet someone for the first time, do you
ever wonder whether the person is putting on a front,
maybe trying to show himself or herself in the best
possible light? Increasingly, such first meetings are occurring on online social
networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace. More than 700 million people worldwide have

profiles on social networking sites (ComScore, 2008). How accurately do these online profiles

reflect their owners?

Recently, a team of personality psychologists, led by Mitja Back, sought to address this very
question, and the results might surprise you. The researchers asked 236 U.S. and 103 German

college students to complete a measure of their personality characteristics. Back and colleagues

then compared these reports to the information on each student’s online profile (Back & others,

2010). The results? The online profiles were well matched to the students’ actual characteristics.

In other words, rather than presenting an idealized version of themselves, the participants had

used their online profile to express their real personality. Indeed, Back and colleagues suggest

that this is the very reason for the popularity of social networking sites: They give us a chance

to share who we genuinely are.

We leave evidence of “the real us” in many of the settings we occupy in life—not just on

websites but also in offices, classrooms, bedrooms, and dorm rooms (Gosling, 2008a). “Who

we really are” is the topic that occupies personality psychology, our focus in this chapter.

Characteristics and Characteristics and Characteristics and

principles common to principles shared with principles particular to the
human beings those similar in individual
identification and affiliation
General Psychology Unique pattern of growth
Including : Group differences based and development
on demographic and socio
Human Learning cultural variables Handycaps, body form, life
Human Development Ethical values and history, pattern of events
Psychophisiology tradition
Environmental Language Characteristics Particular pattern of traits
psychology Sex and age related and abilities
General laws of variations
communication Organizational affiliations Experience of self, self talk
Family traditions

The Psychology of Personality and Personality Assessment

Figure 1-1 Components of The Psychology of Personality and Personality Assessment (Sundberg, 1977, 8)
a dan b : kompleksitas nature dan nurture
c : accidental influences
d : pilihan/free will/choices
Tujuan Umum
•  Setelah MK ini mahasiswa dapat
menjelaskan latar belakang, sejarah,
prinsip-prinsip, dan pendekatan
psikoanalisis (baik dalam riset, aplikasi,
dan pengembangan ilmunya) dalam
memandang kepribadian, serta mencari
contoh-contoh relevan dalam kehidupan
berdasarkan prinsip serta pendekatan
tersebut secara tepat.
•  (Mencakup penguasaan teori
psikoanalisis klasik dan kontemporer)
Formal Goals
1.  Menguasai teori-teori kepribadian
2.  Mampu menganalisis persoalan psikologis nonklinis dan persoalan
perilaku, serta menyajikan alternatif pemecahan masalahnya yang sudah
3.  Mampu menyampaikan gagasan secara tertulis, menampilkan presentasi
secara efektif, dan menggunakan teknologi informasi secara
4.  Menunjukkan perilaku yang didasari oleh sikap ilmiah serta pemikiran kritis
5.  Mampu mengelola diri sendiri,orang lain, maupun instrumen psikologi
dalam kegiatan-kegiatan akademik profesional
6.  Mampu memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komputer dalam kegiatan
akademik profesional
7.  Menguasai konsep teoritis perilaku individu dan kelompok yang didasari
oleh ajaran pokok psikologi (kepribadian, perkembangan, sosial, dan fungsi-
fungsi) terutama dalam konteks klinis, pendidikan, industri dan organisasi
8.  Mampu mempublikasikan pemikiran maupun hasil penelitian melalui forum-
forum ilmiah, jurnal ilmiah, dan atau media massa
Prinsip-prinsip Tingkah Laku
(Kepribadian) Manusia
•  Tingkah laku adalah akibat
•  Tingkah laku selalu memiliki tujuan dan goal directed
•  Tingkah laku adalah hasil interaksi antara faktor
lingkungan dan ‘bawaan’
•  Melalui interaksi antara faktor lingkungan dan
‘bawaan’ tersebut, individu mengembangkan pola
•  Individu berbeda dalam hal nilai-nilai pribadi, sikap,
kepribadian, dan peran. Namun sebagai anggota
kelompok dapat terjadi share dalam hal values dan
•  Group/kelompok dapat membentuk tingkah laku
•  Motivasi terutama merupakan bentuk dari social
10 Feist−Feist: Theories of I. Introduction 1. Introduction to © The McGraw−Hill
10 Feist−Feist: Theories of I. Introduction 1. Introduction to © Companies,
The McGraw−Hill
Personality, Seventh Personality Theory 2009
Edition Seventh Personality Theory Companies, 2009

4 Part I Introduction
Part I Introduction

No two people, not even identical twins, have exactly the same personalities.
No two people, not even identical twins, have exactly the same personalities.

Although no single definition is acceptable to all personality theorists, we can

Although no single definition is acceptable to all personality theorists, we can
say that personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique character-
say that personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique character-
istics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior. Traits con-
istics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior. Traits con-
tribute to individual differences in behavior, consistency of behavior over time, and
tribute to individual differences in behavior, consistency of behavior over time, and
stability of behavior across situations. Traits may be unique, common to some group,
stability of behavior across situations. Traits may be unique, common to some group,
or shared by the entire species, but their pattern is different for each individual. Thus
or shared by the entire species, but their pattern is different for each individual. Thus
each person, though like others in some ways, has a unique personality. Character-
each person, though like others in some ways, has a unique personality. Character-
istics are unique qualities of an individual that include such attributes as tempera-
istics are unique qualities of an individual that include such attributes as tempera-
ment, physique, and intelligence.
Definisi Kepribadian
•  Kepribadian adalah organisasi dari sistem
psikofisik yang dinamis yang digunakan
individu untuk menyesuaikan diri secara
unik dengan lingkungannya.
•  Semua sifat dan karakteristik yang relatif
permanen dan secara konsisten
melandasi perilaku manusia
•  Idiographic: person centered; studies the within-subject organization of
personality (eg. case study)

•  Nomothetic: variable centered; studies relations between variables for the

general population (eg. correlational methods)

---> Pre-scientific methods? Physiognomy and phrenology

radical biological determinism!


Good Theory

1. Generate Research
2. Is it Falsifiable ?
3. Organized and explain knowledge
4. Practical solutions
5. Internally consistent
6. Simple / Parsimonious
Asumsi dimensi-dimensi dalam
konsep manusia
1.  Determinism vs Free choice
2.  Pessimism vs Optimism
3.  Causality vs Teleology
4.  Conscious vs Unconscious
5.  Biological vs Social
6.  Uniqueness vs Similarity
Key Terms and Concepts
• The term “personality” comes from the Latin persona, or the mask that
people present to the outside world, but psychologists see personality as
much more than outward appearances.
• Personality includes all those relatively permanent traits or characteristics
that render some consistency to a person’s behavior.
• A theory is a set of related assumptions that allows scientists to formulate
testable hypotheses.
• Theory should not be confused with philosophy, speculation, hypothesis,
or taxonomy, although it is related to each of these terms.
• Six criteria determine the usefulness of a scientific theory: (1) Does the
theory generate research? (2) Is it falsifiable? (3) Does it organize and
explain knowledge? (4) Does it suggest practical solutions to everyday
problems? (5) Is it internally consistent? and (6) Is it simple or
• Each personality theorist has had either an implicit or explicit concept of
• Concepts of human nature can be discussed from six perspectives:
(1) determinism versus free choice, (2) pessimism versus optimism,
(3) causality versus teleology, (4) conscious versus unconscious
determinants, (5) biological versus social factors, and (6) uniqueness
versus similarities in people.
Approach Summary Assumptions Typical Methods Sample Research Question

Psychodynamic Personality is characterized by The most important aspects of Case studies, projective How do unconscious
unconscious processes. Child- personality are unconscious. techniques. conflicts lead to
hood experiences are of great dysfunctional behavior?
importance to adult personality.

Humanistic Personality evolves out of the Human nature is basically Questionnaires, Can situations be changed
person’s innate, organismic good. By getting in touch interviews, to support individuals’
motives to grow and actualize the with who we are and what observation. organismic values and
self. These healthy tendencies can we really want, we can lead enhance their well-being?
be undermined by social pressure. happier, healthier lives.

Trait Personality is characterized by Traits are relatively stable Questionnaires, Are the five factors
five general traits that are repre- over time. Traits predict observer reports. universal across cultures?
sented in the natural language behavior.
that people use to describe them-
selves and others.

Personological To understand personality, we The life story provides a Written narratives, TAT How do narrative accounts
and Life Story must understand the whole unique opportunity to stories, autobio- of life experiences relate
person. We all have unique life examine the personality graphical memories, to happiness?
experiences, and the stories we processes associated with interviews, and
tell about those experiences make behavior, development, and psychobiography.
up our identities. well-being.

Social Cognitive Personality is the pattern of coher- Behavior is best understood Multiple observations When and why do
ence that characterizes a person’s as changing across situa- over different situa- individuals respond to
interactions with the situations he tions. To understand person- tions; video-recorded challenging tasks with fear
or she encounters in life. The ality, we must understand behaviors rated by versus excitement?
individual‘s beliefs and expecta- what each situation means coders; questionnaires.
tions, rather than global traits, are for a given person.
the central variables of interest.

Biological Personality characteristics reflect Biological differences Brain imaging, twin Do genes explain
underlying biological processes among individuals can studies, molecular individual differences
such as those carried out by the explain differences in their genetic studies. in extraversion?
brain, neurotransmitters, and personalities.
genes. Differences in behaviors,
thoughts, and feelings depend on
these processes.

FIGURE 12.10 Approaches to Personality Psychology This figure summarizes the broad approaches to personality described in this
chapter. Many researchers in personality do not stick with just one approach but apply the various theories and methods that are most relevant to their
research questions.
Perbandingan asumsi dasar dari berbagai perspektif
teori kepribadian yang utama

Freedom vs. Determinism Determinism Freedom Determinism


Nature vs. Nature Nurture Interaction Nature

Conscious vs. Unconscious Varies Conscious Unclear

Person vs. Person Situation Person Person

•  Theories of Personality : Calvin S. Hall &
Gardner Lindzey
•  Feist & Feist : Theories of Personality
•  Sumber-sumber lain tentang Psikoanalisis
dan Freud

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