Forces and Resultant

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Engineering Mechanics
It is that branch of Applied Science, which deals with the laws and principles of Mechanics,
along with their applications to engineering problems. It studies the effects of forces on rigid
It may be divided into the following two main groups: 1. Statics, and 2. Dynamics

It is that branch of Engineering Mechanics, which deals with the forces and their effects, while
acting upon the bodies at rest.
It is that branch of Engineering Mechanics, which deals with the forces and their effects, while
acting upon the bodies in motion. The subject of Dynamics may be further sub-divided into the
following two branches: 1. Kinetics and 2. Kinematics
It is the branch of Dynamics, which deals with the bodies in motion due to the application of
It is that branch of Dynamics, which deals with the bodies in motion, without any reference to
the forces which are responsible for the motion.
Matter, Particle and Body
Matter: Matter is anything that occupies space, possesses mass and offers resistance to any
external force.
Particle: A particle is an object that has infinitely small volume (occupies negligible space) but
has a definite mass which can be considered to be concentrated at a point.
Body: A body has a definite shape and consists of numbers of particles.
Rigid body or nondeformable body: A rigid body exhibits no relative deformation between two
parts when it is acted upon by a force system. It means the size and shape of the body does not
change under the action of forces, how large they may be.
Elastic body or deformable body: An elastic body undergoes deformation but regains its original
shape and size after removal of the external forces.
Plastic body or deformable body: A body undergoes deformation but partially regains its original
shape and size after removal of the external forces.

Force is an external agency that tends to change the state of rest or of uniform motion of a body.
It is a vector quantity and its unit is Newton (N).
Specification of a Force
 Magnitude of the force (i.e., 100 N, 50 N, 20 kN, 5 kN, etc.)
 The direction of the line, along which the force acts (i.e., along OX, OY, at 30° North of
East etc.). It is also known as line of action of the force.
 Nature of the force (i.e., whether the force is push or pull). This is denoted by placing an
arrow head on the line of action of the force.
 The point at which (or through which) the force acts on the body.
 Line of action of force

Principle of Transmissibility of Forces (Shifting property of force)

It states, “If a force acts at any point on a rigid body, it may also be considered to act at any other
point on its line of action, provided this point is rigidly connected with the body.”
Sometimes, a force is required to be transferred to a point not lying on the line of the action of
the given force. In that case, the force acting at a point (point A) can be transferred to a new
point (point B) not lying in the line of action of the given force by the same force in the same
direction, but accompanied by a couple.

System of Forces
When two or more forces act on a body, they are called to form a system of forces. Following
systems of forces are important from the subject point of view:
 Coplanar forces. The forces, whose lines of action lie on the same plane, are known as
coplanar forces.
 Collinear forces. The forces, whose lines of action lie on the same line, are known as
collinear forces.
 Concurrent forces. The forces, which meet at one point, are known as concurrent forces.
The concurrent forces may or may not be collinear.
 Coplanar concurrent forces. The forces, which meet at one point and their lines of action
also lie on the same plane, are known as coplanar concurrent forces.
 Coplanar non-concurrent forces. The forces, which do not meet at one point, but their
lines of action lie on the same plane, are known as coplanar non-concurrent forces.
 Non-coplanar concurrent forces. The forces, which meet at one point, but their lines of
action do not lie on the same plane, are known as non-coplanar concurrent forces.
 Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces. The forces, which do not meet at one point and
their lines of action do not lie on the same plane, are called non-coplanar non-concurrent
Resultant Force
If a number of forces are acting simultaneously on a particle, then it is possible to find out a
single force which could replace them i.e., which would produce the same effect as produced by
all the given forces. This single force is called resultant force and the given forces are called
component forces.


Composition of Forces (many to one)

To Compose – to add – to join – to combine – to assemble – to unite
The process of finding out the resultant force, of a number of given forces, is called composition
of forces.

Resolution of a Force (one to many)

To resolve – to divide – to split – to cut into pieces – to break into parts

The process of splitting up the given force into a number of components, without changing its
effect on the body is called resolution of a force. A force is, generally, resolved along two
mutually perpendicular directions. In fact, the resolution of a force is the reverse action of
composition of forces.
RESOLVE – to divide – to break into pieces – to cut into many parts


Rx =

Law of Resolution
It states, “The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a no. of forces in a given direction is equal
to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction.”
Applying law of resolution in the x-direction,
Rx =+ F1x - F2x - F3x +F4x…………. + Fnx
i.e., R.cosθ =  ΣFX (1)
Again applying law of resolution in the y-direction,
Ry = +F1y + F2y - F3y – F4y …………. + Fny
i.e., R.sinθ =  ΣFY (2)

Rcos(theta) = Rx = +F1x - F2x - F3x + F4x +……………Fnx applied in x-direction

Rsin(theta) = Ry = +F1y + F2y - F3y - F4y +……………Fny applied in y-direction

Methods for the Resultant Force

Though there are many methods for finding out the resultant force of a number of given forces,
yet the following are important from the subject point of view :
1. Graphical method. 2. Analytical method.
The resultant force, of a given system of forces, may be found out graphically or analytically by
the following methods:
1. Parallelogram law of forces (applied to two forces) – Graphical method
2. Triangle law of forces (applied to two forces) – Graphical method
3. Polygon law of forces (applied to several forces) – Graphical method
4. Cosine law method (applied to two forces) – Analytical method
5. Method of resolution (applied to several forces) – Analytical method

Parallelogram Law of Forces (applied to 2 forces only)

It states, “If two forces, acting simultaneously on a particle, be represented in magnitude and
direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, their resultant may be represented in
magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram, which passes through their point
of intersection.”


Triangle Law of Forces (applied to 2 forces only)

It states, “If two forces acting simultaneously on a particle, be represented in magnitude and
direction by the two sides of a triangle, taken in order, their resultant may be represented in
magnitude and direction by the third side of the triangle, taken in opposite order.”
P, Q R

Third side of
Taken as any two
the triangle in
sides of a triangle Scale: 1 cm = 25 N/ 10 N
opposite order
in same order
P = 100 N = 4 cm/ 10 cm

Q = 75 N = 3 cm/ 7.5 cm

R = OB = 6.4 cm x scale (25

N) = 160 N (ANS)

Alpha = 17 deg

Polygon Law of Forces (applied to several forces)

It is an extension of Triangle Law of Forces for more than two forces, which states, “ If a number
of forces acting simultaneously on a particle, be represented in magnitude and direction, by the
sides of a polygon taken in order, then the resultant of all these forces may be represented, in
magnitude and direction, by the closing side of the polygon, taken in opposite order.”
Scale: 1 cm = 20 N


F1, F2, F3, F4, …..Fn R = 0 (Equilibrium condition)

Will make an open polygon This is the closing side of the

in same order polygon in opposite order

Cosine Law Method (applied to 2 forces only)

Consider the two forces F1 and F2 acting on a particle as shown in Figure. Let the angle between
the two forces be θ. If parallelogram ABCD is drawn with AB respresentingF1 and AD
representing F2 to some scale, according to parallelogram law of forces AC represents the
resultant R. Drop perpendicular CE to AB. ,


F1 sin 
tan  
F 2 F1 cos
6N R = 10 N


Alpha = tan-1 (6/8) = 36.87 deg

Note (1): The above two formulae are valid only for the two given forces are of like nature,
i.e. both forces are either aray from the point or both are towards the point.
Note (2): If both forces are of unlike nature, the above two formulae are modified by
changing theta to (180-theta).
R F12  F22  2 F1F2 cos 

F2 sin 
tan  
F 1 F2 cos  R= 10 N
In general, R F12  F22  2 F1 F2 cos 6N 1(4/3)=53.13
F2 sin  Alpha= tan-1(0.75)
tan   900 = 36.87 deg
F 1 F2 cos
Here +sign for like forces and –sign for unlike forces
F2 sin 90 F 8N
tan    2 , Here alpha is with F1
F 1 F2 cos 90 F1
R= 14 N= Greatest
tan   , Here alpha is with F2 resultant

F2=16 F1=8 N
N R=8N

P=100 N

Theta= 100 N
R = 2Pcos(theta/2) =

R=sqrt(32 + 32)




60 N

80 N

R=100 N
R= 2Pcos(theta/2)

= 2Pcos60 = P
Resolution Method to find Resultant of Several Forces
Applying law of resolution in the x-direction,
Rx =+ F1x - F2x - F3x + F4x…………. + Fnx
i.e., R.cosθ = ± ΣFX ±117.6 (1)
Again applying law of resolution in the y-direction,
Ry = +F1y + F2y - F3y – F4y …………. + Fny
i.e., R.sinθ = ± ΣFY ±52.3 (2)
Squaring and adding equations 1 and 2
R2 = (117.6)2 + (52.3)2
R = sqrt[(117.6)2 + (52.3)2] magnitude
Dividing equation 2 by equation 1
tan(theta) = 52.3/117.6 = 0.44
theta = tan-1(0.44) = 21.8 deg direction
1. Resolve all the forces horizontally and find the algebraic sum of all the horizontal
components (i.e., ΣFx) as given by Eq. (1).
2. Resolve all the forces vertically and find the algebraic sum of all the vertical components
(i.e., ΣFy) as ven by Eq. (2).
3. Squaring and adding the above two equations, the magnitude of the resultant is given by;

4. The direction of the resultant force will be inclined at an angle θ with the horizontal, such

(4) theta with x-direction

tan  
F X
(5) theta with y-direction
F Y


Rcos (theta)

n forces 2n forces 2 forces Single force = R


1. If ΣFx = +ve and ΣFy = ve, then R will lie in the first quadrant

2. If ΣFx = +ve and ΣFy = ve, then R will lie in the fourth quadrant
3. If ΣFx = ve and ΣFy = ve, then R will lie in the second quadrant

4. If ΣFx = ve and ΣFy = ve, then R will lie in the third quadrant R

Short questions

1. State law of transmissibility of a force.

2. State parallelogram law of forces.
3. Discuss different force systems.
4. How to completely specify a force?
5. Distinguish clearly between resolution of forces and composition of forces.
6. What are the methods for finding out the resultant force for a given system of forces?
7. State triangle law of forces and polygon law of forces.
8. Explain clearly the procedure for finding out the resultant force analytically of several forces.
9. What are the angles between two forces to make their resultant a minimum and maximum
10. Classify the following quantities into scalar and vector quantities: mass, displacement,
momentum, area, volume, velocity, work, energy, weight, speed, temperature and force.

Numerical problems:
Resultant of two forces:

1. Two forces act at an angle of 120°. The bigger force is of 40 N and the resultant is
perpendicular to the smaller one. Find the smaller force. [Ans. 20 N]
F = small force = 40sin30
= 20 N R

90= alpha
F1=40 N

F2 sin  1
tan   =(40*sin120)/(F+40co120) = tan 90=
F 1 F2 cos  0
By cross multiplication,
F + 40cos120 = 0
F = - 40cos120 = 20 N (Ans)
Second method: (Just apply your commonsense)
Applying Sine rule,
F/sin30 = 40/sin90 F = 20 N (Ans)

2. Find the magnitude of the two forces, such that if they act at right angles, their resultant is
10 N. But if they Act at 60°, their resultant is 13 N. [Ans. 3 N, 1 N]
R1=root(10) N

3. Find the resultant of two forces 130 N and 110 N respectively, acting at an angle whose
tangent is 12/5. [Ans. 185.7 N, 30.50]
F1 = 130, F2=110, Tan(theta) = (12/5) theta = tan-1(12/5) = 67.4 deg
4. A push of 180 N and pull of 350 N acts simultaneously at a point. Find the resultant of the
forces, if the angle between them be 135°. [Ans. 494 N, 300]



45 deg

R F12  F22  2 F1F2 cos  Here take theta = 135 deg

R F12  F22  2 F1 F2 cos Here take theta = 180-135 = 45 deg

5. Find the angle between two equal forces P, when their resultant is equal to (i) P and (ii) P/2.
[Ans. 1200,
theta = ?
For equal forces, R = 2Pcos(theta/2)
P =2Pcos(theta/2) COS(THETA/2) = 0.5 = COS60
theta = 120 deg

6. The resultant of two forces P and Q is R. If Q is doubled, the new resultant is perpendicular P
to P. Prove that Q = R.
7. A boat is rowed at a velocity of 20 km/hour across a river. The velocity of stream is 8
km/hour. Determine the resultant velocity of the boat. [Ans. 21.54 km/hr, 68.200]
8. A block weighing W = 10 kN is resting on an inclined plane 20 0 to the horizontal. Determine
its components normal and parallel to the inclined plane. [Ans. 9.4 kN, 3.42 kN]
9. The resultant of two forces, one of which is double the other is 260 N. If the direction of the
larger force is reversed and the other remains unaltered, the magnitude of the resultant
reduces to 180 N. Determine the magnitude of the forces and the angle between the forces.
[Ans. 100 N, 200 N,
10. Two forces F1 and F2 are acting at a point. The angle between the two forces is 50°. It is
found that the resultant R is 500 N and makes angles 20° with the force F 1. Determine the
forces F1 and F2. [Ans. 326.35 N, 223.24 N]
11. The resultant of two forces F1 = 400 N and F2 = 260 N acting at point A is 520 N. Determine
the angle between the two forces and the angle between the resultant and force F1.
[Ans. 78.130,
29.29 ]
12. The resultant of two forces one of which is 3 times the other is 300 N. When the direction of
smaller force is reversed, the resultant is 200 N. Determine the two forces and the angle
between them. [Ans. 80.6 N, 241.8 N, 50.130]
13. The resultant of two forces is 200 N and the two forces are inclined at 20 0 and 400 with the
resultant, one on either side. Calculate the magnitude of these two forces.

Resultant of several forces:

14. The forces 20 N, 30 N, 40 N, 50 N and 60 N are acting at one of the angular points of a
regular hexagon, towards the other five angular points, taken in order. Find the magnitude
60 N and direction of the resultant force. [Ans. 155.8 N, 76.60]



Step 1: Sum(Fx) = + 20 + 30cos30 + 40cos60 (+40sin30)+ 0 – 60sin30 = ?

Step 2: Sum(Fy) = 0 + 30sin30 + 40sin60 (+40cos30)+ 50 + 60cos30 = ?

Step 3: = + 155.8 N (Ans)

Step 4: = + 76.6 deg (ANS) with horizontal

15. The following forces act at a point:

(i) 20 N inclined at 30° towards North of East,(ii) 25 N towards North,
(iii) 30 N towards North-West, and (iv) 35 N inclined at 40° towards South of West.
Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. [Ans. 45.6 N, 47.70]

ΣFx =+ 20cos30 + 0 – 30cos45 – 35cos40 = ?

ΣFy = + 20sin30 +25+ 30sin45 – 35sin40 + ?

R = 45.6 N
Theta = 47.7 deg

16. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. [Ans. 3765 N, 59.80]


origin x K
ΣFx = 0 – 1500cos60 – 1000cos45 – 500cos 30 = ?
ΣFy = -1000 – 1500sin60 – 1000sin45 – 500sin30 = ?

R = 3765 N

Theta = 59.8 deg

Extra work: To find the exact point of application of R

It is found out by the principle of moment.

Taking moment about P(origin),

M® = M(F1) +M(F2)+………….

3765sin59.8*x = 0 + 1500sin60*2 + 1000sin45*4 + 500sin30*6

X = - 2.3 m

17. Determine the resultant of the three forces acting on a hook. [Ans. 161.48 N, 18.810]

18. Determine the resultant of a system of four forces acting on a body. [Ans. 160.2 N, 24.150]

Beta = tan-1(4/3)= 53.13 deg

Alpha=tan-1(1/2)=26.57 deg

Step 1: ΣFx= +200cos26.57 – 120cos53.13 - 50cos60 + 100sin40 = ?

Step 2: ΣFy= +200sin26.57 + 120sin53.13 – 50sin60 – 100cos40 = ?
Step 3: R = ? 160.2 N
Step 4: theta = ? 24.5 deg
19. Two forces acting on a body are 500 N and 1000 N. Determine the third force F such that the
resultant of all the three forces is 1000 N directed at 45°to x axis. F N, 61.10]
[Ans. 467.2

Applying law of resolution in x-direction,

Rx = F1x +F2x +F3x +………
1000cos45 = 500cos30 + 1000sin30 + Fx (or Fcos(alpha)) Fx= ?
Applying law of resolution in x-direction,
1000sin45 = 500sin30 + 1000cos30 +Fy (or Fsin(alpha)) Fy= ?
F= sqrt of Fx and Fy (Ans)
Alpha = tan-1 (Fy/Fx) (Ans)
20. A body is subjected to the three forces. If possible determine the direction of the force F so
that the resultant is in x-direction, when (a) F = 5000 N, (b) F = 3000 N. [Ans. 36.870,
Not possible]

21. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the concurrent forces of 8 N, 12 N, 15N
and 20 N making angles of 30°, 70°, 120° and 155° respectively with a fixed line.
[Ans. 39.5 N,
22. Find magnitude of the resultant force, if 30, 40, 50 and 60 N forces are acting along the lines
joining the centre of a square to its vertices. [Ans. 28.3 N]
23. A particle is acted upon by three forces equal to 50 N, 100 N and 130 N, along the three sides
of an equilateral triangle, taken in order. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant
force. [Ans. 200 N,200°]

130 N
Fx = 50 – 100cos60 – 130cos60 = ?
Fy = 0 + 100sin60 – 130sin60 = ?
24. A triangle ABC has its side AB = 40 mm along positive x-axis and side BC = 30 mm along
positive y-axis. Three forces of 40 N, 50 N and 30 N act along the sides AB, BC and CA
respectively. Determine magnitude of the resultant of such a system of forces. [Ans. 35.8 N]
Alpha = tan_1(30/40) = 36.87 deg
Fx= 40+0 - 30cos36.87 = 40 – 30*0.8 = 40-24 = 16 N
Fy = 0 + 50 – 30sin36.87 = 50 – 30*0.6 = 50 – 18 = 32 N
R = 35.8 N

30 N
50 N



25. Forces 2, 3 , 5, 3 and 2 kN respectively act at one of the angular points of aregular
hexagon towards five other angular points. Determine the magnitude and direction of
theresultant force. [Ans. 10 kN, 60]

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