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Yayen, Don Alphonse S.

BSHM 3A March 18, 2021
1. The Consumer behavior shown in the case stated in the situation was personal
consumption and social class in the society. Personal consumption because it helps your
personal needs to have satisfaction and in order to have a luxurious things specially the
famous brand. The consumer behavior for being high class in the society that he or she

2. When putting a business there is a lot of things to consider in the side of consumers.
One of the things that the business owner will considered is to study the consumer
behavior, it is because to identify the target market and the product and services that
you are going to sell and offer to the consumers. It involves the different behaviors of
the consumer when it comes to their preferred products and services and their buying
behavior is also the important thing. If you know the preferences and wants of your
target costumers there will be no room for improvement.

3. A lot of companies investing just to have a research in the community or in the society
to know the consumer behaviors and with that research they will going to know what
are their target markets, products and services that will be putting up. They consider
the social class, personal, physical, psychological and mental aspects of the consumers.

4. The stages the leads to the people to buy luxurious product are product choice and
purchase and search for information. The Product choice and purchase is the minimum
requirement of the consumer and their ability to purchase what they want and it reflects
in their social class in the society. And lastly, the search for information, as I observed
in our society, having a luxurious things will defined your wealth in life and because
of that one of the stages that leads in the consumer to buy luxurious things.

5. Low-involvement products are products that has been not expensive or the usual
product that we encountered unlike to high-involvement products contains an
expensive materials and have a branding. The risks may take to the buyers when they
purchase a low-involvement products was high possibility in terms of the maintenance,
affordable and more availability in the market. Unlike to the high-involvement products
there is a chance of long lasting usage but expensive, and it is only purchased in the
selected luxurious brands.

6. These companies engage in high-involvement products, because they are much known
in their luxurious branding and a high quality products and services they offered in the
valued consumers. These branding is a famous in the world because of their ability to
maintain their reputation as quality and high-end products.
1. Uber – “the Smartest Way to Get Around”
This application will help us to find the right and fastest route to our work. No hassle and
stress free application and also you can use all the time when you are driving any type of
2. Apple IPhone - “the Experience IS the Product”
This brand of IOS or Apple IPhone is known for their unique and one of a kind gadgets,
products and services. You can experience all the features
3. Metrobank - “You’re in Good Hands”
Meaning to say that you are in the right bank. It set up a steady and solid organization that
sticks just too global prescribed procedures through their devoted group that follows
magnificent hard working attitudes, great administration, cautious arranging, and dynamic.
4. Shangrila Hotel and Resorts – “To embrace a stranger as one’s own. It’s in our nature”
They say that Filipino is one of the hospitable people in the world. Weather it is stranger
of a Filipino they will treat equally and treated like a family.
5. Philippine Airlines – “The Heart of Filipinos”
These means that it is generous heart forgiving to a fault and hospitable. A heart that always
preserves helps and loves. It is our pulse and way to connect in the world.

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