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1. Your information will remain confidential. NAME:

2. Please do not skip any questions. AGE:
3. Please be honest in answering the questions. OCCUPATION:


 Status of agriculture in Ranchi:

1. Is farming your main occupation? Yes/no
2. Do you have your own land or you work on someone else’s land?
3. For how many years you have been engaged in farming?
4. Is agriculture income the only source of income or there is some other source?
5. How many members in your family participate in farming?
6. In your opinion, what is the biggest problem faced by the farmers in Ranchi?
7. How would you rate the overall condition of the farmers in this country: good,
better, bad, worse?
8. In the last three years did any of the crops in your area get destroyed? what is
the main reason behind such destruction?
9. In case of excess production, what do you do with your crops?
10. Do you have warehouse to store and protect the remaining crops?
11. Do you have easy access to the market? Do you use MANDI?
12. In your knowledge has anybody in your village or area committed suicide in
the last 5 years?
13. As compared to the last 5 yrs, what is the economic condition of your
household today: much better/better/remained same/became worse/became
much worse.

 Agricultural practices:
14. What are the different practices that you have adopted for farming?
15. What kind of agricultural inputs do you use for farming?
16. Which crops do you produce & how many times in a year?
17. Do you produce same types of crops throughout the year or different crops?
18. Which crops do you mainly grow?
19. Which type of seeds do you use: hybrid/ genetically modified seeds?
20. Which type of fertilizers do you use: organic/ chemical?
21. How frequently do you use pesticides?
22. What are the common sources of irrigation: private pumps/ bore
wells/canal/government tube wells/water tank?
23. How many hours do you get electricity for farming?
24. Are the irrigation facilities largely dependent on the availability of electricity?
25. Without electricity on what means of power do you depend upon for
agricultural work? (i) Use own generator/engine (ii) Use rented
generator/engine, (iii) Fully dependent on electricity (iv) Rain (v) Canal (vi)
Other (Specify)___________

 Farming amid decreasing popularity and technological developments:

26. In your opinion, how good is city life in comparison with village life: good/
somewhat good/ not good at all.
27. Would you quit farming if you get employed in the city? Would you leave
farming and take that opportunity for a better income?
28. If taken loan, then the loan you took for farming was used mainly for which
29. What is your opinion about agriculture related policies of the government,
whether these policies are benefiting the rich or the poor?

 Awareness about government programmes and policies:

30. Are you aware of the various farming schemes launched by the government?
31. Do you have a bank account, post office account and Aadhar card?
32. Have you heard of the ‘Direct Cash Transfer Scheme’? (According to this
scheme, subsidy will go directly to your bank account).
33. Some farmers believe that subsidy for agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers
etc should be directly deposited in farmer’s account so that they can use that
money as per their needs. What is your opinion about the same?
34. Have you heard/read about any of the schemes related to farming? Have you/
your family benefitted from these schemes:
(i) kisan credit card, (ii) loan waiver scheme, (iii) national agricultural
insurance scheme, (iv) gramin beej yogna, (v) rashtriya kisan vikas yogna, (vi)
national food security mission, (vii) krishi vigyan Kendra, (viii) agricultural
technology management.
35. Do you get information or help related to agricultural matters like soil test, use
of fertilizers etc. from officers of agriculture department? Yes / No
36. Do you know about Minimum Support Price? (Under MSP, purchases are
made by the farmers at the rates declared by the government and are lower
than the market prices).
37. Do you sell your crops to the government purchase centre?
38. Are you happy with the rates of crops decided by the government?
39. How often do you insure your crops - always, sometimes, never ?
40. Have you heard about the Land Acquisition Law? Yes/no (To purchase land
through fair compensation for govt. or private work and the land acquisition
through common consent of farmers).

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