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Introduction of London Visiting Volunteers

Dear Bro. Almoner,

The Masonic Charitable Foundation’s (MCF) President has written to the Metropolitan and
Provincial Grand Masters asking them to support the introduction of a very important change
to the way the MCF manages the completion of applications for assistance from Freemasons
and their families.

Following a successful trial involving seven Provinces, the MCF Board of Trustees had
decided that all application forms for individuals requesting assistance should be completed
with the help of local representatives who have been vetted by and received relevant training
from the MCF itself. These representatives are known as Visiting Volunteers. The rollout of
this initiative commenced early in 2017 and its aim is to have sufficient individuals recruited
and trained by the end of 2018. London Visiting Volunteers have successfully completed the
selection process and training days.

The purpose of this letter is to enable you to inform your Lodge members regarding the new
Process for making any application to the MCF.

With effect from 26/02/2018 London’s Visiting Volunteer team go live and from that point
onward will be responsible for the completion of all applications for assistance made to the
MCF on behalf of individual Freemasons and/ or their families who live in a London Postcode
area. Those living outside London will be supported by a nominated Provincial Visiting
Volunteer. If you find your Lodge has someone that is in need, they or the Lodge Almoner
should contact the MCF on the MCF enquiries email - or call the MCF
dedicated Freephone enquiries line - 0800 035 60 90 or they can write to the Masonic
Charitable Foundation, 60 Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5AZ. The Almoner can also
contact the Lodge’s allocated Almoner Liaison Officer (ALO). His email address can be found
using the team details search page within the Met G. Almoner section of Porchway. A
Visiting Volunteer will then be assigned and responsible for arranging and carrying out the
visit to complete the MCF Application Form(s), collect necessary documents and to compile
a report for the charity to consider. It should be noted that Lodge Almoners are also able to
accompany Visiting Volunteers on the home visit depending on the applicant’s wishes.

This new system for applications is part of a new way of working in order for the MCF to put
its beneficiaries at the heart of the application process and to ensure that it is giving the best
possible care and support to them that it can.

It should be highlighted that at the same time the Foundation and the Metropolitan Grand
Almoners team are keen to develop the support it provides to Lodge Almoners to assist them
in their role of being the “caring heart” of the Lodge and to deliver pastoral support when
needed. Almoner workshops are available to all and can be booked via Porchway or your
ALO. The MCF are also is in the process of meeting with Provincial Grand Almoners around
the country to devise materials to assist in the objective of ensuring all Almoners have the
information and training they need to successfully undertake their most important office.
The introduction of Visiting Volunteers is an important initiative fully supported by the
Metropolitan and Provincial Grand Masters. It will deliver an effective, efficient and fairer
application process whilst maintaining the personal interfaces, all of which will provide the
best possible service to the Masonic “family”. I hope you will join us in providing your full
support to facilitate the introduction of the Visiting Volunteer scheme.

If you have any queries on the above please do not hesitate to contact the MCF or your
Almoner Liaison Officer who will be pleased to assist you.

Yours sincerely and fraternally

John Winter
Metropolitan Grand Almoner

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