Ideal Gases Exam-6636

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The decrease in internal energy of

3lb of an ideal gas is 325BTU when the
pressure decreases from 100psia to 20
psia and volume increases from 1.5ft3
to 4.5ft3. Cv = 0.25BTU/lb°R.
Determine ΔS (BTU/°R).
2. A rigid vessel of volume 0.5m3 (Vessel X)
containing H2 at 200K and a pressure of
60kPa is connected to a second rigid vessel
of volume 0.8m3 (Vessel Y) containing Ar at
300K at a pressure of 40kPa. A valve
separating the two vessels is opened and
both are cooled to a temperature of 150K.
What is the final pressure (kPa) in the
3. A certain gas with a value of k = 1.3
has an initial enthalpy of 61.34BTU
undergoes an isobaric process until its
enthalpy becomes 184.03BTU. The
temperature change of the gas is
1080°R. Determine ΔS (BTU/°R).
4. An unknown ideal gas is cooled
under constant pressure from 200°C to
50°C. Assuming cp = 1 kJ/kgK,
determine the change of entropy
(kJ/kgK) of the gas.
5. A gas whose composition is not
known has 42.2 KJ of work input at
constant volume of 566 liters. Initially,
P1 = 138 KPaa, T1 = 26.7°C, T2 = 82.2°C.
What is the change in internal energy
(KJ) if cp = 1.21?
6. A 1m3 rigid tank with air at 1 MPa, 400K
is connected to an air line. The valve is
opened and air flows into the tank until the
pressure reaches 5 MPa at which point the
valve is closed and the temperature inside is
450K. The tank eventually cools to room
temperature of 300K. What is the pressure
(MPa) inside the tank?
7. Why there’s no constant
temperature specific heat?
8. A 1lit gas is allowed to expand at
constant temperature until it reaches its
final volume of 3lit and its pressure is 1atm.
It is then heated at constant volume until it
reaches a pressure of 3atm. The increase in
internal energy is 456J. Find the heat (J)
absorbed by the gas during this process.
9. Why is cp should be
greater than cv?
10. A cylindrical storage tank having an
internal volume of 0.465m3 contains
methane at 20°C with a pressure of 137bar.
If the tank outlet is opened until the
pressure in the cylinder is halved,
determine the mass of gas which escapes
from the tank assuming the tank
temperature remains constant.
11. A rigid tank of 20ft3 contains air at
100psia and 70°F. The tank is equipped with
a relief valve that opens at a pressure of
125psia and remains open until the
pressure drops to 120psia. If a fire causes
the valve to operate, what is the quantity
(lbm) of air lost due to the fire?

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