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SOP Drilling


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Beranda » Drilling

SOP Drilling
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This Standard Operational Procedure (SOP)
aims to:
1.1. prevent and or eliminate work accidents
during drilling activities;
1.2. and regulate the stages and control the
drilling process according to the

This SOP describes the technical process of
drilling from the determination of the drill
point to the transfer of the drill tool to the
next point, this SOP applies to employees of
PT AE and its Contractors.

3.1. Geologists are responsible for:
a. ensure drilling activities run safely
and controlledly;
b. prepare a drilling work plan along
with the targets you wish to
c. ensure drilling activities inaccordance
with targets and work plans that
have been prepared in advance

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SOP Drilling

d. create drilling maps and drilling

e. report damage to the drill tool and
make the Goods Procurement Letter
/ Repair Letter;
f. and report the results of drilling
activities monthly into the Monthly
Report of Drilling Activities to the
Head ofEngineering Division.
3.2. Wellsite is responsible for:
a. ensure drilling activities run safely
and controlledly;
b. conduct safety talks in each work
area intended to inquire about the
health condition of subordinates,
provide guidance to subordinates
about the work to be done, the
hazards arising and the means of
c. determine the drill point in the field
according to the geologically
prepared work plan;
d. describe thecutting stones (chips)and
or the results of coring(core)into the
field book;
e. carry out the preparation, transport
andstorage of drilling samples;
f. report the results of activities in the
field to geologists daily in the
Drilling Daily Report Sheet;
g. and create drill logs and drilling data
3.3. The Head of the Drill Team is
responsible for:
a. ensure drilling activities run safely

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SOP Drilling

and controlledly;
b. ensure the condition of the drill
equipment and equipment is feasible
and safe to use to achieve the
specified results and targets;
c. coordinate with the Canteen to
conduct daily consumption of the
Drill Team during drilling activities;
d. carry out the mobilization and
demobilization of drilling devices;
e. carry out the maintenance of drilling
f. and report the damage of the drill
tool to the Geologist;
3.4. The driller is responsible for:
a. ensure drilling activities run safely
and controlledly;
b. conduct drilling activities in
accordance withwellsite's designated
c. coordinate with Wellsite in
determining drill points in the field;
d. together with wellsite carrying out
the preparation, transport
and storage of drilling samples;
e. carry out the maintenance of drilling
f. and keep the drill tool from damage,
wear or unwanted natural conditions
such as pinched pipes.
3.5. The driller assistant is responsible for:
a. assist drillers in carrying out drilling
b. and togetherwith Wellsite and Driller prepare
the drill point to be drilled next.

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SOP Drilling

3.6. The Helper is responsible for:

a. assist Wellsite, Driller and Assistant
Driller in carrying out all drilling

4.1. The drill point is a point/hole (in the
form of coordinates and elevation)
carried out drilling activities.
4.2. Chips are pieces of rock resulting from
drilling activities.
4.3. Core is a coal sample taken usinga corebarrel.
4.4. Coring is a rock cutting and lifting
activity using core barrels.
4.5. Cutting is a rock cutting and lifting
activity with open hole technique using
drill bits.
4.6. Open hole is a drilling technique without
the use ofcasing.
4.7. Casing is a sheath pipe the same size as
the drill bit to protect the pipe/drill bit
from rock collapse.
4.8. Sample is an example of coal obtained
from cutting results or coring results
that are treated specifically according to
standards and will be researched quality
in the laboratory.
4.9. Core barrel is a sample takerfrom inside
the rock body.
4.10. Split tube is the tube wherethe sample binds/keeps
it from rotating with the core barrel.
4.11. Core box is a wooden box where the
core sample is placed to facilitate the
description and documentation of the
sample core formed according to the

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diameter of the sample core and its

adjusting length (usually 1 m).
4.12. Roof is the upper limit of coal layer
contact with other rock layers.
4.13. Field books are stationbooks while
writing down all drilling activities in the
4.14. Drilling Daily Report is a daily activity
report sheet containing date, location,
tools, description of rocks and
responsible reports.
4.15. Drill Log is the result of a description
of the rocks of each drill point poured
into a column.
4.16. Drilling Data Summary is a summary
of drilling activity data.
4.17. Drilling Map is a drilling map that
includes the drill point, the situation
around drilling activities, and land
ownership when the data already exists.
4.18. Drilling Correlation is a two-
dimensional cross section image of a
designated drill section.
4.19. The drill section is a hayal line of a
collection of drill points.
4.20. Monthly Report on Drilling Activities is
a report covering the progress of the
drilling process and evaluation of the
performance of the Drill Team on a
monthly basis.
4.21. Letter of Procurement of Goods is a
letter of application for procurement of
drill tools to the management.
4.22. Tool Repair Letter is a letter requesting
the repair of the drill tool to the

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4.23. Safety Talk is a K3 meeting conducted
by a supervisor with his men to provide
guidance on K3 related to the work to
be done or discuss matters related to
K3 such as procedures, recent
accidents, etc. Usually done at the
beginning of the work grind where the
condition of the employee is still

5.1. JORC Code.
5.2. SNI 7568:2010 on Mineral and Coal
Exploration Glossary.
5.3. SNI 13-6978.3-2003 on The
Competence of Geological Special
Technical Personnel – Part 3:
Exploration Drilling Technicians.
5.4. SNI 2436:2008 on Procedures for
Recording and Identification of Core
Drilling Results.

6.1. The determination of the drill pointis carried
out by Wellsite in cooperation with the
Drill Team Head, Driller, Assistant
Driller and Helper on the orders
andplans of geologists.
6.2. Making the road to the drill site can be
done in conjunction with the
determination of the drill point.
6.3. Manufacture of drill sites that include
the manufacture of lasbits, flattening
the ground for the footing of the drill

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machine etc.
6.4. Moving drill machines and drilling-
supporting equipment.
6.5. Setting and assembling drill machines
and drilling-supporting equipment.
6.6. The letter of duty to begin drilling at the
site is provided bythe Geologist
with management approval.
6.7. Drilling implementation, including the
following activities.
A. Perform non-coring drilling from the
initial depth up to the specified
depth estimate (as instructed
by geologist/wellsite). Using hq size
drill bits (length 20 cm) and AW size
pipes (length 1.5 m), then measure
and record drilling depth, cutting
description and make estimates
for coring.
B. Perform drilling (Target Hole) coring
from the estimated depth of the
coalroof or from the foundsigns
ofcoal (according to the instructions
from geologist / Wellsite). Using
DiamondCore drill bit type Surface
Set for coal coating, while for other
rock/litology layers the drill bit used
can be adjusted. The type of tube
core barrel is Triple
Tube (length1,5meters).
C. Perform the cutting and lifting of the
core sample if the corebarreltube is
full or something that requires the
samplecore to be cut and lifted
before the core sample tube is full

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(Driller decision).
D. Measure and record the depth of
cutting drilling and lifting of core
samples in the field book.
E. Measure and record the progress of
the depth of the cast in the field
F. Remove the core sample witha split tube
by spraying it using water. It is
forbidden to remove core
samples and split tubes by beinghit
-hit or in other ways that can harm
the condition of the sample core in a
state of intact and good.
G. Measure and record the length of the
sample core obtained before it is
placed on the core box.
H. Place and arrange the sample core
in the core box according to the
instructions on the treatment and
treatment of the sample core. (See
SOP Treatment and Treatment of
Coring Coal Samples )
Ⅰ. Perform casting drilling until the coal
seam is taken all or up to the
instructions of the corporate
A. Drilling is discontinued in accordance
( Geologist /Wellsite or designated).
K. Remove one drill pipe after another
that has been entered until
completion. The removed drill pipe
is collected and placed not too far

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from the drill machine.

6.8. Deassembling the drill machine until the
smallest unit to be easily transported to
the next point specified by Wellsite
after coordinating with the Driller.
6.9. Record every drilling incident in the field
book in detail(See FIELD BOOK FILLING
6.10. Fix immediately if there is damage in
the drill machine or its support
equipment/ equipment, then the Head
of the Drill Team immediately reports to
the Geologist so that
procurement/replacement measures
can be taken.
6.11. The drilled location is marked in the
form of a peg, the size of the peg is
adjusted to the diameter of the drill
hole. Write the location code and total
drill depth according to the instructions.
Or it can also be by using a temporary
peg from a tree branch. While the
location code can be written on a yellow
ribbon using a permanent black marker.

7.1. SOP Treatment and Treatment of Coring
Coal Samples.
7.2. SOP Collection and Treatment of Core
7.4. JSA Pulling Drill Pipe.
7.5. JSA Issues Core Sample.


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SOP Drilling

8.1. Drilling Daily Report Format.

8.2. Drill Log Format.
8.3. Drilling Data Summary Format

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