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a. Look at the images from some famous movies. What kinds of movis are
they? Have you seen any of them? What are they about?
War horse, drama war
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: action
E.T the Extra-terrestrial: drama, science fiction
Minority Report: action, thriller, science fiction
Catch me If You Can: drama, comedy
ET.I have seen E.T the extraterrestrial, it is about the friendship of an alien
with a child. I think they have in common that they are very old movies or
maybe have one director.
b. Now look at some photos of Steven Spielberg
1. Where do you think they are?
They are on a movie set in Poland.
2. Which Spielberg movie do you think was being made?
The movie is Schindler’s list.
3. What do you think Dagmara is doing in the photo?
She is playing an extra in a party scene.
4. Do you think Dagmara found Steve Spielberg easy to work with it?
Yes, he was demanding, but very nice.

f. Listen againd and make notes under the headings

2. The worst thing about the job
When the had to shoot a scene many times, she would think it was her
fault- maybe she hadn’t translated correctly.
3. One specially difficult scene
In one scene with lots of actor they had to repeat it so many times that
Spielberg got stressed and shouted at her. Later he apologized
4. What is was like to work with Spielberg?
He was demanding, but he treated her well-like a daughter, e.g her made
sure she was warm enough.
5. Being Extra
She was going to be an extra in two party scenes, but one didn’t make it to
the final cut of the film, and then before the other scene she hurt hert
ankle just before filming, so she couldn’t be in it.
6. What happened after the movie
She interpreted for Spielber again at the premiere in Poland. He also
invited her to work for him in Hollywood, but she didn’t go.

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