Lesson Objectives: To Present The Correct Usage of Preposition in English

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Lesson Objectives

❑ to present the correct usage of preposition

in English

❑ to describe the several different functions of


1 Department of Languages


Preposition of Time

Preposition of Place

Noun + Preposition

Adjective + Preposition

Verb + Preposition

2 Department of Languages
1. Introduction
What is Preposition?

❑ A preposition is a word which shows relationships among other

words in the sentence.

❑ The relationships may include direction, place, time, cause,

manner and amount.

✓ She went to the store. (Direction)
✓ He came by bus. ( Manner)
✓ They will be here at three o’clock. ( Time)
✓ It is under the table. ( Place)

3 Department of Languages
2. Preposition of Time

❑ IN , ON , AT

General Specific

4 Department of Languages
2.1 Preposition of Time
( In → General Condition)
❑ Centuries → The 1900’s
❑ Decades → The 90’s
❑ Years → 1900, 2000
❑ Months → March
❑ Weeks → 5 weeks
❑ Seasons → Spring
❑ Period of time → The future
❑ Parts of the Day → The Morning
❑ Holidays → The Easter Holiday

5 Department of Languages
2.2 Preposition of Time
(On → Specific Condition)
❑ Time → The weekend
❑ Days → Monday
❑ Dates → April 3rd
❑ Street → Columbus Street
❑ Avenues → Seventh Avenue
❑ Specific Days → My Birthday
❑ Day + Part of Days → Sunday Morning
❑ Holidays with “ Day” → Easter Day

6 Department of Languages
2.3 Preposition of Time
( At → Very Specific Condition)

❑ Hour → 8 A.M /P.M

❑ Time → The Moment
❑ Parts of the Day → Midnight
❑ Holidays Without “ Day” → Easter

7 Department of Languages
Other expressions
❑ at the moment = at the present
❑ in a moment = a moment from now

❑ on time = punctual , not late

❑ in time = soon enough

❑ at the end = at the time when something ends

❑ in the end = finally

❑ We do not use at/on/in before last/next/this/every

Eg. I’ll see you next Friday. ( not on next Friday)
8 Department of Languages

1. I’ll be there --------- the afternoon.

2. Mr. Benn is busy --------- present.
3. I last saw her --------- Christmas Day.
4. I’ll see you --------- Friday Morning.
5. He can run 100 meters --------- 11 seconds.
6. I went to bed --------- midnight.
7. The telephone and the doorbell rang ------- the same

9 Department of Languages
1. in

2. at

3. on

4. on

5. in

6. at

7. at

10 Department of Languages
3. Prepositions of Place

Ref: www.pinterest.com

11 Department of Languages
3.1 Prepositions of Place ( IN )

Within somethings , somethings inside the edges

❑ containers, enclosed spaces
✓ There is nothing left in my cup.
✓ I’ve got the key in my pocket.

❑ areas, regions, cities

✓ Rigolisa is a small village in the mountains.
✓ We are going for a drive in the country.

❑ buildings, rooms
✓ Can you take a seat in the waiting room please?
✓ I left my bag in your office.

12 Department of Languages
3.1 Prepositions of Place ( IN )

❑ water
✓ There are some people swimming in the pool/in the river/ in the

❑ liquids
✓ Careful! There is a lot of chill in that sauce.
✓ Do you have milk in your coffee?

❑ Printed materials
✓ There are a lot of advertisements in the newspapaer.
✓ Can you find me in this picture?

13 Department of Languages
3.2 Prepositions of Place ( On )
❑ on a surface → on the table
→ on the carpet

❑ floor → on the first floor

→ on the fifth floor

❑ right / left → on the right

→ on the left

❑ public transport → on the bus

→ on the plane

14 Department of Languages
3.2 Prepositions of Place ( On )

❑ media → on TV
→ on the Internet
→ on a website

❑ water → What’s that on the water?

(= floating on the water)
→ We’ll take you out on the lake.
( = in a board on the lake )

15 Department of Languages
3.3 Prepositions of Place ( At )
Specific Point , Points in Space
❑ at a point
✓ Please leave your key at reception.
✓ Turn left at the traffic lights.
✓ Do you know that man standing at the door?

❑ public places and shops

✓ I study Design at university.
✓ Let’s meet at the station.

❑ Addresses
✓ They live at 14 , Pyay Road.
✓ I will meet you corner at the Pyay Road and Insein Road.

16 Department of Languages
Other Expression
❑ top / bottom / end of
✓ Write your name at the top of the page.
✓ Janes’ house is at the other end of the street.

❑ group activities
✓ Were there many people at the party / at the conference / at the wedding.
✓ I saw her at a concert on Sunday.

❑ at home / at work
✓ I’ll be at work until 5:30 but I’ll be at home all the evening.

17 Department of Languages
3.4 Prepositions of Place ( Compare)
❑ Compare in, at, on
✓ At = at a point
✓ In = in a space
✓ On = on a surface

For Example,
✓ I’ll meet you in the hotel lobby.
I’ll meet you at the entrance to the board.
✓ There is some water in the bottle.
There is a label on the bottle.
✓ There is some body at the door.
There is a notice on the door.

18 Department of Languages
Other expressions
❑ in and at for buildings
➢ can also use in (or) at with buildings
➢ usually say at when we say where the events take place.
Eg., You can buy something in a supermarket (or) at a supermarket.
The meeting took place at the company’s head office.

❑ in and at for towns

➢ normally use in with cities , towns and villages
➢ can use at (or) in when you think of the places as a point or station on a
Eg., Sam’s parents live in Nottingham. ( not at Nottingham)
Does the train stop at (or) in Nottingham. ( = at Nottingham’s station)

19 Department of Languages
Other expressions




20 Department of Languages
Other expressions
❑ To

go to China been to Rome

come to my house get to London
trip to Paris
visit to the zoo go home
be taken to hospital get home
drive to the airport arrive home
21 Department of Languages
Other expressions

❑ Into

Enter ( a room/ a building/ a car)

• go into the room
• got into the car
• flew into the kitchen

Opposite of into

• She got out of the car and went into the shop.

22 Department of Languages
Other expressions
❑ in the sun (= sunshine)
❑ in ink / biro ( not write with biro)

❑ on strike
❑ on a diet
❑ on fire
❑ on the whole (= in general)
❑ on purpose (= intentionally)

23 Department of Languages
1. There was a long queue of people ______ the bus stop.
2. I like the picture hanging ______ the wall ______ the kitchen.
3. Paris is _____ the river Seine.
4. We normally use the front entrance but there’s another one _____ the
5. Shall we travel ______ your car or mine?
6. He is a student ______ Birmingham University.
7. What time does this train arrive _____ London?
8. I read the letter and put it back ______ the envelope.
9. I’ve put on a lot of weight. I’ll have to go ______ a diet.
10. There are no trains today. The drivers are ______ strike.

24 Department of Languages

1. at 6. at
2. on , in 7. in
3. on 8. in
4. at 9. on
5. in 10. on

25 Department of Languages

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