Existing Methodologies:: Adopted Methodology

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By Online CS Master  On Tuesday, December 03, 2019  With No Comments 

Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods

applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of
the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of

Existing Methodologies:
          Now a days, there are number of methodologies exists.
People used a variety of model according to their needs and
nature of their work.

Waterfall Methodology:
          It goes to the cycle of analysis, design, coding, testing, and
maintenance. The simplest version of the waterfall methodology is
called the "waterfall" methodology.
Ø By consulting the system with users, the systems services,
constraints and goals are defined.
Ø The requirement is classified into hardware and software
systems. It gives overall architecture of the system.
Ø The system is installed and gives to practical use.  The system
checks the errors, corrected them and improves it.

Spiral Methodology:
          The spiral methodology is used to avoid the risk that
might be faced in development of software. The spiral model
is very sensitive to risks. Due to its spiral nature the
development and maintenance run in parallel. This method is
used for development of large-scale and in-house software.
There are two dimensions in a Spiral Model:
Ø A Radial dimension which represents the cumulative
cost to date
Ø An angular dimension which represents the progress
through the spiral

Adopted Methodology:
          As per requirement, we will adopt the methodology named
is VU process model. The description of VU process model is
such as:

VU Process Model:
VU Process Model is the combination of waterfall methodology
and spiral methodology. It is also called hybrid approach of system
development. It has five phases.

The five phases of the VU process model are following:

v Gathering and Analyzing requirement
v Planning
v Analysis and Design
v Development
v Final Report

In the requirement phase, the system goals, services and

constrains are established after discussion with user. The planning
phase is synchronized effort to find all the potential to tackle each.
This phase usually involves a lot of brainstorming within software
development team as well as with respective client. It maximizes
the quality of system and minimizes any risks and errors.
Reasons for choosing the
There are following reasons for choosing the VU Process

v Our project is divided already into different phases i.e.

gathering and analyzing requirements phase,
planning phase, analysis and design phase,
development and final project report phase and final
report/viva phase.

v We will complete each phase in sequence and we will

submit it to our supervisor. He will suggest us about
the improvement in each phase before starting the
next phase. We will make improvement in that phase.
This process will be adopted due to the spiral nature
of VU Process model.

v When the phase is well-improved and well worked-out

and also accepted by our Supervisor then we will
proceed to next phase. This will be done due to the
waterfall nature of the VU Process model. Hence
both models are suppressed in single form and that
will be our VU process model. It will provide error free
result as each step is done in a sequence.

Work Plan (Use MS Project to create

Schedule/Work Plan)
Gantt chart is the tool used for planning and scheduling of projects.
The Gantt chart of my work plan is such as:
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