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SRS Document - VU final project- 2019

                            SRS Document Requirement:
                                               <Give Here Your Own Project Title>

Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Group Id: <Mention your group id>

Supervisor Name :< Mention your supervisor name>

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
Current date 1.0 Introduction of the project Write student(s)

Table of Contents

1. Scope (of the


2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements                               

3. Use Case Diagram                                                                                         

4. Usage Scenarios                                                                                 

5. Adopted Methodology

6. Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

SRS Document

Scope of Project:
<Write here in detail about the scope of your project>

Functional and non Functional Requirements:

<Write here in detail about the functional and non-functional
requirements of your system in separate headings>
Use Case Diagram(s):

<Provide here the use case diagram of your system>

Usage Scenarios:
<Provide here the usage scenarios of all use cases in table format
explaining Use Case title, Use Case Id, Actions, Description, Alternative
Paths, Pre and Post Conditions, Author, Exceptions. You are supposed to
provide a usage scenario for each of use case shown in use case diagram>

Adopted Methodology
<Write here detail about the adopted methodology for your project. You
must choose VU Process Model which is a combination of waterfall and
spiral models. More or combining two or more methodologies is
explained in SE2 (CS605) handouts. >
Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)
<Provide Gantt chart of your final project>


“mytoystore” - Online Store for Toys Shopping

Software Requirements Specification
Version 1.0

Group Id: <S1802B2509 (BC140401863)>

Supervisor Name :< Abdul Majid Khokhar>


Revision History
Date Version Description Author
1.0 Online Toy Shopping
is the Process
whereby consumers
directly buy goods,
services etc. from a BC140401863
seller interactively in
real-time without an
intermediary service
over the internet.
Online Toy Shopping
is the process of
buying toys from
merchants who sell on
the Internet.

Table of Contents

1.  Scope (of the
2.  Functional Requirements Non Functional
3.  Use Case
4.  Usage
5.  Adopted Methodology
6.  Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work
SRS Document

Scope of Project:
Purchasing and selling Toys over the internet without the need of going physically to the market is what online shopping all about. Online Toy
shopping is just like a retail store shopping that we do by going to the market, but it is done through the internet. Online Toy shopping has made
shopping painless and added more fun. Online stores offer product description, pictures, comparisons, price and much more. The online stores
can offer products that cater to the needs of consumer; cookies can be used for tracking the customer selection over the internet or what is of
their interest when they visit the site again. Online Toy shopping makes use of digital technology for managing the flow of information, products,
and payment between consumer, site owners and suppliers. Online Toy shopping can be either B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to

Shopping cart is one of the important facility provided in online shopping, this lets customer to browse different goods and services and once
they select an item to purchase they can place the item in shopping cart and continue browsing till the final selection. Customers can even
remove the items from shopping cart that were selected earlier before they place the final order. Product has great future scope. Online Toy
Shopping Internet software developed on and for the Windows and later versions environments and Linux OS. This Project also provides
security with the use of Login-id and Password, so that any unauthorized users cannot use your account. The only Authorized that will have
proper access authority can access the software.

·       Functional and non-Functional Requirements:

This phase covers all the functional and non-functional requirements that have to achieve in the my toy store.

1.  Functional Requirements:
   Ø  Main page will show different toys, categories list etc.
   Ø  Sing Up/ Login Page: Signup page will be used to register a visitor of website.
   Ø  Preview Page: When user/visitor clicks on any item, a new page for the details of the item should be shown to user/visitor.
   Ø  Video preview: There must be a video preview available to user/visitor on Preview page. A short video for the selected item should be played for
   Ø  A visitor is a non-registered user of the website.
   Ø  Can view different toys and can explore different categories
   Ø  Can register to the website using Signup page in order to make a purchase.
   Ø  User can view the information about toys. 
   Ø  Add different toys to the shopping cart.
   Ø  Buyer will have to fill a form for required details needed to confirm the order.
   Ø  A buyer can cancel an order before confirmation or can check-out from the main page.
   Ø  After collecting toys, a buyer can write feedback on webpage. 
   Ø  Updates toys information
   Ø  Manages toys repository
   Ø  Generates reports from system  
   Ø  Manages categories of toys
   Ø  Online payments e.g credit/debit card, online vouchers can be implemented later.
   Ø  Return policies might be defined as per needed.

2.  Non-Functional Requirements:
Non-functional requirements need to be fulfilling for the success of the system there are few non-functional requirements of the system.

User Friendly:

Online Store for Toys Shopping will be a user-friendly system for all the users, its interface designed to keep the understanding level of a
common user.


Online Store for Toys Shopping is a reliable system and it is able to meet all the needs and expectations of the user.


Online Store for Toys Shopping will design in such a way that in future it would be easy to maintain carries out further extension in the system.


Online Store for Toys Shopping performance will be the criteria that will describe the success of the system so, by knowing this fact this system
is designed so that it can achieve high levels of performance. This system is able to respond all users in less than five seconds.

Fault Tolerance:
This system is able to recover from failures so, whenever failure will occur system will recover from the failure.

Security/data integrity:

Online Store for Toys Shopping is designed in such a way that it can handle all the security and data integrity threats. The system will provide a
web base interface so, in order to make system secure all the user need to get authenticated. This would be helpful for the system to be free
from the spamming and other kind of things that can sacrifice its security and data integrity.

Use Case Diagram(s):

Usage Scenarios:

Use Case Title Add User

Use Case Id 1
Requirement Id 3
Description: This use case is about adding a new
user to existing system with the privileges defined at
time of user account creation.
Pre Conditions:
1.    All must-required information about the new user
should be available.
2.    Database should be available in online mode.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1.    Administrator opts to add a new
user account.
2.    System asks for necessary
3.    Administrator provides all the
required information and opts to
complete the operation.
4.    There is a problem in the data
provided; some data needs to be
-        Administrator checks the
available information and
corrects the error.
-        Administrator continues
from the step 3.
5.    System after confirmation adds the
new account.
6.    System sends the account creation
email to the administrator’s email
id and user’s email address.
Post Conditions:
-   A new user account is successfully created.
Unresolved issues:
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0
S1802B2509 (BC140401863)

Adopted Methodology
I will select the VU Process Model which is combine two methodologies that are Waterfall model and Spiral model. VU Process Model will
combine the benefits of Waterfall and Spiral methodologies.

VU Process Model

In the VU Process Model each stage of the project is improved iteratively until it is approved. If a stage has some deficiencies, these deficiencies
are iteratively identified and then improved accordingly. No next stage is started unless its previous stage is accepted. This merit of the VU
Process model is taken from the Spiral Model.
And when one stage of the project, under the VU Process Model, is well improved and accepted then the next stage is started and worked on.
This merit of the VU Process model is taken from the Waterfall Model.

VU Process Model Diagram

Reasons for choosing the Methodology

I select VU Process Model reason is that our project is divided already in different phases. In which we gathered and analyzed requirements
phase that also called SRS Document, Design Document, Test Phase 1, Final project report phase and Final report / Presentation. We will
complete each phase in sequence and submit it to our Supervisor. If any improvements require in each phase then he will recommend us about
the improvements in each phase before start the next phase. If Supervisor suggests improvement then we will make improvement in that phase.
VU Process Model will be chose due to the spiral nature of this model. When the phase is well-improved and well worked-out, and also accepted
by our Supervisor then we will proceed to next phase. This will be done due to the waterfall nature of the VU Process model.

Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)


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