Phrasal Verb: Department of Languages (English)

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1 Department of Languages ( English )

What is phrasal verb?
Phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of a verb and a particle (a
preposition or adverb) or a verb and two particles (an adverb and a

Example : look into (investigate)

get away with (escape)

2 Department of Languages ( English )

Common Phrasal verb particles.

About in
around into
round off
at on
away out
back over
down through
for to

3 Department of Languages ( English )


4 Department of Languages ( English )

Some phrasal verbs are transitive. This means the verb has
an object.

For example:
I come from Rome.

In the example, “ Rome “ is the object of the transitive

phrasal verb, “come from “

5 Department of Languages ( English )

Some phrasal verbs are intransitive. This means the verb
does not have an object.

For example:
The taxi broke down on the way to the airport.

This happened to the taxi naturally, without anyone’s

action. There is no object. In this example, “broke down”
is an intransitive phrasal verb.

6 Department of Languages ( English )


7 Department of Languages ( English )



8 Department of Languages ( English )

Unfortunately, there is no rule that will tell you
if a phrasal verb is separable or non-separable
simply by looking at it.

9 Department of Languages ( English )

Non-separable Phrasal Verbs
❖ In non-separable phrasal verbs, you cannot separate
the verb and the particle
TThis sentence is correct.

Subject Verb Particle Object


They come from Germany

This sentence is wrong.

Subject Verb Particle Object

They come Germany from

10 Department of Languages ( English )

Separable Phrasal Verbs
❖ In separable phrasal verbs, you can separate the verb and the
Subject Verb Particle Object
He gave back The book

Subject Verb Object Particle

He gave the book Back

Here “gave” and “back” are separated by the object, “the book”. Both sentences are
If, however, the object is a pronoun like, me, you, her, him, it, us, them, the pronoun
must be placed between the verb and the particle.

11 Department of Languages ( English )

This sentence is correct.

Subject Verb Particle Object

She gave it back

This sentence is wrong.

Subject Verb particle Object

She gave back it

12 Department of Languages ( English )

Finally. If a separable phrasal verb has two objects, you have to
separate the verb.
This sentence is correct:
Subject Verb Object 1 Particle Object 2

He put a tablecloth on the table

This sentence is wrong:

Subject Verb Particle Object 1 Object 2

He put on a tablecloth the table

13 Department of Languages ( English )

Titles of phrasal verb
I. Phrasal verbs: the basic
II. Time: spending time
III. Location
IV. Success and failure
V. Starting and finishing
VI. Action and Movement
VII. Communication
VIII. Describing people and places
IX. Giving and getting information
X. Solving problems
14 Department of Languages ( English )
I. Phrasal verb :
the basic

15 Department of Languages ( English )

1.1 The meaning of the whole phrasal verb

Look up for information in a 3.visit someone you have

book /computer not seen for a long time

1. Look the word up in the dictionary

2. Things are looking up.
3. I’ll look you up next time I’m in London.

Department of Languages ( English )
1.2 Grammar pattern of phrasal verbs
➢ The verb is used without an object (eat out)
 We were too tired to cook at home so we decided to eat
 NOT: We decided to eat out a meal.

➢ The verb must have a non-human object (bring back

sth or bring sth back)
 This photographer brings back happy memories.
 NOT: This photograph brings back my sister.

Department of Languages ( English )
➢ The verb must have a human object
(ask out sb or ask sb out )
 I’d love to ask Sally out.
 NOT: I’d love to ask my dog out.
➢The object can be either human or non-human ( look after
sb/sth )
I’ll look after the baby while you are cooking
Will you look after my bike while I’m away?

➢The object must come before the particle ( ring sb back)

I’ll ring you back later.
NOT: I’ll ring back you.

17 Department of Languages ( English )

➢ The object must come after the particle ( look after sb /sth )
 Can you look after the dog while I’m away?
 NOT: Can you look the dog after while I’m away?

➢ The object can be before or after the particle

(drop off sb/sth or drop sb/sth off )
 I dropped off the package at her house.
 I dropped the package off at her house.

Department of Languages ( English )
Underline the twelve phrasal verbs in
these sentences.
 1 I sent off the order last week but the goods haven’t
turned up yet.
 2 I came across an interesting book in the library. I took
down the title. Here it is.
 3 We asked some friends around to watch a film, but the
video was playing up and it eventually broke down.
 4 I brought up this problem at the last meeting. It’s really
time to sort out the problem.
 5 I wish he’d stop messing us about! He’s put the meeting
off three times and now he wants to call it off altogether.
Department of Languages ( English )
Underline the twelve phrasal verbs in
these sentences.
 1 I sent off the order last week but the goods haven’t
turned up yet.
 2 I came across an interesting book in the library. I took
down the title. Here it is.
 3 We asked some friends around to watch a film, but the
video was playing up and it eventually broke down.
 4 I brought up this problem at the last meeting. It’s really
time to sort out the problem.
 5 I wish he’d stop messing us about! He’s put the meeting
off three times and now he wants to call it off altogether.
20 Department of Languages ( English )
Match the twelve phrasal verbs from sentences 1-5
in exercise 1.1 above with their meaning from the
box below.

cause inconvenience deal with stop working

find invite home arrive post cancel
write postpone not work properly mention

Department of anguages ( English ) L
1send off = post
turn up = arrive
2 come across = find
take down = write
3 ask around = invite home
play up = no work properly
break down = stop working
4 bring up = mention
sort out = deal with
5 mess about = cause inconvenience
put off = postpone
call off = cancel

Department of Languages ( English )

➢ Ex: Decide which of these sentences errors.
1. That song you just sang brings back memories of my days at

2. She looked the children after when their mother was in hospital.

3. I promised to ring my brother back. He called earlier when I was


4. We eat out a wonderful dinner last night.

5. It was a beautiful summer evening so I asked the eat out for a


Department of Languages ( English )
➢ Answer

1. Correct
2. She looked after the children when their mother was in
3. Correct
4. We ate out and had a wonderful dinner last night.
5. It was a beautiful summer evening so I asked my new
colleague out for a drink.

Department of Languages ( English )

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