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1. Your sister has a very negative view of others.

Give her three concrete

suggestions to improve her social perceptions.

2. Explain the difference between self-concept and self-esteem.

3. Give an example of a co-culture currently experiencing a communication

barrier within the dominant culture in the Philippines.

4. Give a specific example of a cultural norm and a country that experiences

that norm.

5. Describe how the self-concept develops from the perception of one’s own
behavior and from comparisons with other people.

6. Explain how the self improves and organizes our memories.

7. Describe two ways in which people can enhance their self-image and cope
with their faults and inadequacies. Explain how these self-enhancing
biases can promote positive mental health.

8. Describe Terror Management Theory and discuss how it explains modern-

day life.

9. Explain how a person could use perception-checking with nonverbal


10. Your mother is yelling at you for coming home late, saying that she loves
you and was concerned about you, but doesn't understand why you are
reacting poorly to her message. Explain the concept of paralanguage to
explain your reaction. 

11. Adolescent sexuality in teens

12. Social construction of Gender and Sexuality

13. Cybersex

14. Discrimination based on the sexual orientation presentation

15. Homosexuality and its effect on society

16. In choosing between the people you love or the one that love who will

17. When will be the right time you will end the relationship you have
towards someone.

18. Friendship or love life?

19. What do you like best about me?

20. If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the

21. What was your favorite game as a child?

22. If you could visit one place on Earth where would you go?

23. What makes you the angriest?

24. What always brings a smile to your face?

25. Which song reminds you the most of your life?

26. Which is more important, truth or happiness?

27. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

28. What is a cause that is worth dedicating your life to?

29. How much do you change when you know no one is around?

30. Who would you most like to sit next to on a 10 hour flight and why?

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