Emerging Markets: Has China Caught Up in It?

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doi:10.1145/1787234.1787245 Ping Gao and Jiang Yu

Emerging Markets
Has China
Caught Up in IT?
An assessment of the relative achievements in IT infrastructure, firms,
and innovation in China.

h i n a i s e m e rg i n g as a new mobile Internet connectivity, and the
economic superpower, but like.
is it also emerging as an IT China has also pushed ahead with
superpower? Certainly it national informatization programs
has gone a long way toward initiated in 1994 with the creation
catching up and even leading in some of the National Information Infra-
fields. We can understand its “tech- structure Steering Committee. This
no-nationalism” as the foundation. launched various “Golden” projects
But—as recent difficulties with Google such as Golden Bridge, Golden Card,
illustrate—it must also address ongo- and Golden Customs, which have built
ing challenges before the superpower a national platform for providing com-
label can be applied. mercial Internet services, constructed
a national credit card network, and
Understanding Catch-Up linked customs points through a na-
IT infrastructure and services. When tional EDI system, respectively. These
China started economic reform in the are now just one small part of an over-
early 1980s, its information and com- all drive for e-business, e-commerce,
munications infrastructure was weak. and e-government that has created
In 1980, the Chinese mainland had more than 100 national information
just four telephones per 1,000 citi- systems that provide a true “digital
zens. In contrast, just over the border Internet users in China. economy” infrastructure. Annual
in Hong Kong—still a British colony trade in China’s B2C market, for ex-
at that time—there were approxi- deployed in 1994. By 2001, China was ample, is now around $3 billion (to-
mately 460 phones per 1,000 citizens.1 already the world’s largest mobile tal e-commerce is approximately 100
Even in the 1990s in Beijing, a two- to telecommunications market. The lat- times greater) and is growing at a rate
three-year wait was required to have est figures show more than 640 mil- of about 50% per year.
a telephone line installed in a typical lion subscribers in 2008, and a 19% All of this has been built around a
household. From that point, though, annual growth rate during the 2000s.5 fast-growing e-infrastructure: by 2009,
a combination of very strong demand, Contrast this with the U.S., which had China had the world’s largest popula-
heavy state investment plus supply- 270 million subscribers and an 11% tion of Internet users (more than 300
Photogra ph by Im aginechina vi a A P Images

side support from government to the growth rate, or Japan with 110 mil- million) and the largest population
monopoly supplier ensured a major lion subscribers and a 5% growth of broadband users (more than 100
change. The most recent figures indi- rate. During this period, China’s mo- million). For a long time that popula-
cate the number of fixed-line subscrib- bile telecommunications networks tion was restricted to large cities and
ers had reached more than 310 mil- upgraded to GPRS and EDGE, and are coastal provinces. But the 2004 Village
lion; or 230 per 1,000 population.7 now adopting 3G technology. As For- Access project ensured that, by 2007,
The mobile telecommunications tune 500-listed companies, the three 99.5% of all administrative villages
market has similarly gained rapid mo- operators own nationwide networks were connected to the telecommunica-
mentum since 2G digital systems were and provide value-added services, tions infrastructure.6

30 communications of t h e ac m | au gust 2 0 1 0 | vo l . 5 3 | no. 8


Of course, China will win most abso- companies in 2008.3 Huawei achieved
lute IT numbers counts because it has a significant milestone in 2009 when
the world’s largest population. Take Some Chinese IT it won 4G roll-out contracts in Norway
relative figures—for example, 48% mo- and Sweden that beat rivals Nokia and
bile device penetration compared to firms have evolved Ericsson in their home markets.
87% in the U.S.; 6% broadband penetra- from this domestic IT innovation. As noted earlier, be-
tion compared to 23% in the U.S.—and fore the 1990s China mainly depended
the country is no longer the world lead- platform to innovate on foreign technology. Since then the
er, but catching up. Considering rela- enough to compete nexus of government and Chinese
tive growth rates, one should modify firms has adopted a twin-track ap-
that to “catching up quickly.” And globally. proach to creating domestic technolo-
taking into account the availability of gies: boosting supply by investing in
services and standards then at least R&D, and steering local demand by
for a significant proportion of China’s buying locally innovated products. To-
population, the message is “already day, in areas such as PCs and consum-
caught up.” er electronics, Chinese technology
IT firms. In 2006, China Mobile be- was thus forced to look to foreign part- dominates the domestic market. Con-
came the world’s largest mobile op- ners, with imported technology domi- struction of the nation’s IT infrastruc-
erator, with the world’s biggest mo- nating. As a result, nearly all leading ture has been predominantly based on
bile subscriber base. The Financial IT firms have a joint venture or foreign indigenous products.
Times ranked it fifth in a 2007 list of independent investment operation Some Chinese IT firms have evolved
the world’s most valuable brands,4 re- in China. Initially a sign of weakness, from this domestic platform to inno-
flecting the broader globalization of though, China has managed these rela- vate enough to compete globally. Hua-
Chinese telecommunications firms. tionships, and ensured the large influx wei can again provide an illustrative ex-
This has seen international strategic of foreign capital, technology, and ex- ample: FastCompany rated it among the
alliances set up between China Mobile pertise has acted as an impetus rather world’s top five most innovative compa-
and Vodafone, and China Unicom with than a restraint to local firms. From be- nies in 2010, along with Facebook, Ama-
Spain’s Telefónica. And ambitions have ing a stunted consumer market, China zon, Apple, and Google.2 That rating re-
gone beyond just alliance: in 2007, Chi- has grown to be one of the world’s larg- flected Huawei’s relentless investment
na Mobile purchased Pakistan’s Paktel est producers of IT equipment, includ- in technology R&D; spending some 10%
and used this as the launching pad for ing mobile systems and computers. In- of revenue on R&D centers based not
its own international brand, ZONG. digenous manufacturers have become just in China but now in India, Europe,
In IT services, local firms are the key international players. and the U.S. It is the single largest ap-
dominant force in the domestic mar- Perhaps most notable has been the plicant under the international Patent
ket. Shenzhen-based Tencent, for ex- performance of Lenovo and Huawei, Cooperation Treaty.
ample, has over 500 million registered set up in the 1980s. Lenovo achieved Government has also played a role:
users and a 78% share in the instant global attention and reach through its through investment and policy deci-
messaging market. Some firms have 2005 purchase of IBM’s PC division. sions China has moved to sixth in the
been able to grow even further. Chi- This purchase was an iconic statement global patents league table. The qual-
na’s Alibaba.com is the global leader of changing fortunes that led the firm— ity and utilization of such patents out-
in the B2B market with 47 million us- still one-quarter-owned by the Chinese side China is sometimes limited, but
ers covering virtually every country government—to be the world’s fourth- the Chinese government is also play-
in the world. Its 2007 $1.7 billion IPO largest PC maker in 2009 with approxi- ing a higher-level game. Understand-
was the largest for any Internet firm mately $15 billion in sales. ing the importance of standards in
since Google. Google, like Amazon and Huawei’s rise has been even more the internationalization of IT, it has
other major Internet firms, has set up dramatic given its beginnings with a pushed to have Chinese-developed
in China; such firms often create lo- staff of 14 and some $3,000 of capital standards recognized and used. In
cal joint ventures that help develop lo- distributing imported telephone ex- this endeavor, it has had some suc-
cal partners. (At the time this column changes. By 2009, it had 90,000 employ- cess in breaking beyond the confines
was written, Google relocated part of ees and worldwide sales of more than of the domestic market. The Inter-
its search services under the domain $21 billion covering mobile, networks, national Telecommunication Union
name Google.cn to Hong Kong, but terminals, and value-added services. In has ratified three main 3G standards
maintained its sales group and R&D just two decades, it has not just caught based on CDMA. China’s TD-SCDMA
functions in mainland China and has up, but in some areas taken over. It is now competes with W-CDMA (origi-
not closed its site in China.) the world’s number-two firm in tele- nating from Japan and Europe) and
Foreign firms have also been impor- communications equipment and CDMA2000 (originating from the
tant in IT manufacturing. In the early number one in subfields such as mo- U.S.). The TD-SCDMA standard is
1980s, when China was first targeting bile switches and next-generation net- widely used in China but is also start-
IT, its manufacturing industries were work technology. BusinessWeek rated it ing to experience international de-
poor in both quality and innovation. It one of the world’s 25 most influential ployments: first in Ghana but also

au g ust 2 0 1 0 | vo l . 5 3 | no. 8 | c o m m u n i c ati o ns o f t he acm 31


planned for South Korea and some behind the U.S., Western Europe, novation requires direction from gov-
Eastern European countries. and neighbors like Japan and South ernment. Indeed, the “Great Leap For-
Korea. Its national policies, though, ward” leitmotif in China’s history is
Explaining Catch-Up will no doubt allow the “catching up one that not just encourages this type
We answer the question posed in the quickly” to continue. For example, of “big push” approach; it shows it is
headline for this column with a mixed China has invested extensively in required for development. But gov-
but generally positive response. In IT higher education over the next few ernments may push the wrong way.
infrastructure, China is catching up years, coinciding with cutbacks in The Chinese government’s attempt to
quickly. In some areas of IT services many Western nations. have indigenous WLAN Authentica-
and innovation it has caught up. A More difficult will be China’s aim tion and Privacy technology replace
few IT firms and technologies are now for innovation leadership through Wi-Fi in the local market did not suc-
world-leading. How did this happen in techno-nationalism. One focus of the ceed. And, it forced China Mobile to
a country that, less than three decades 2006 15-year Science and Technology deploy the TD-SCDMA standard, even
ago, was decidedly “Third World”? Plan is building “indigenous innova- though this may be against the firm’s
China’s general economic growth tion.” This was made possible due to own economic interests and wishes.
has helped. So has its large size. But what had already been achieved since Only time will validate whether it was
government and its policy of “techno- the 1980s; it was desirable because right to override other voices, and
nationalism” has been a significant in- of what had yet to be achieved. But whether this standard will truly suc-
fluencing factor with a series of policies it faces three challenges. Tight gov- ceed internationally.
that made IT—especially local IT capac- ernmental control and censorship of In sum, the changes since the 1980s
ity—a priority. The general approach information, media, and the Inter- mean China’s techno-nationalism is
has been heavy control followed by net in the name of national security now a high-wire act—balancing be-
liberalization, but varied from sector inhibits innovation. For example, as tween the economic and the political,
to sector. an important propaganda channel, the global and the local, the state and
For example, in telecommunica- the broadcasting sector is tightly con- business. Its current model will re-
tions services, infrastructure was very trolled by the state; as such, broad- main central to ongoing IT catch-up
weak in the 1980s but there was some cast networks cannot converge with and leadership, with major national
local capacity. The Chinese govern- telecommunications and Internet initiatives already under way in the ar-
ment decided to retain the state mo- networks to offer new information eas of nano-electronics and 4G mobile
nopoly and granted it tax and invest- services. networking. China must hope these
ment privileges. Only as the market Indigenous innovation also faces future large-scale initiatives do not
grew was competition introduced to challenges from overseas. China’s lead it to slip off the high-wire arrange-
boost growth, moving from monopoly relations with foreign IT firms have ment it has constructed.
to duopoly in 1994, and then opening been volatile. Sometimes they seem
to further competition in 1998 and needed but not wanted; sometimes References
1. China Telecommunications Over 50 Years. Ministry of
2008. In telecommunications equip- vice versa. Sometimes they are at- Information Industry, Beijing, 1999.
ment, local capacity was too limited tacked in private but soothed in pub- 2. Fast Company. The world’s most innovative
companies, (Feb. 2010); http://www.fastcompany.com/
and risked stunting wider growth. lic; sometimes vice versa. Google, for mic/2010
Government therefore opened the example, has been welcomed, hacked, 3. Gibson, E. and McGregor, J. The world’s most
influential companies, BusinessWeek (Aug. 8, 2008);
market to foreign firms in 1982. It partnered, criticized, and tolerated— http://images.businessweek.com/ss/08/12/1211_
used the lure of China’s 1.3 billion often simultaneously—all in a short most_influential/index.htm
4. Global brands. Financial Times, London, 2007; http://
potential consumers as leverage to time span. www.ft.com/reports/globalbrands2007
5. ICT-Eye. International Telecommunication Union,
encourage Western firms to compete Google is somewhat unusual— Geneva, 2010; http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/icteye/
among themselves in offering the best China does not rely on it (the Chinese Indicators/Indicators.aspx
6. Ministry Report News. Central Government of the
technology transfer to China, and the firm Baidu dominates the search People’s Republic of China, Beijing, 2008; http://www.
greatest support to local innovation. market) and Google does not rely on gov.cn/gzdt/2008-02/02/content_879678.htm
7. Telecommunication Industry Statistics. Ministry of
The Chinese government has also China (revenue from within China Industry and Information Technology, Beijing, 2009;
created and supported a series of R&D represents approximately 1% of total). http://www.miit.gov.cn/n11293472/n11293832/
programs that bring firms, research But Google’s reaction of pulling in U.S. 8. Wray, R. and Stewart, H. Western business struggles
institutes, and universities together government assistance is not unusual. to break Chinese barriers. The Observer, (Mar. 28,
2010), 38–39
to work on R&D for key technologies. One-quarter of U.S. high-tech firms
Creation of the TD-SCDMA standard in- feel they are losing out due to the 2006
Ping Gao (ping.gao@manchester.ac.uk) is a lecturer in
volved just such a consortium. Togeth- Plan.8 Accusations of Chinese protec- development informatics at the Institute for Development
er, these initiatives and actions mean tionism and calls for U.S. Congressio- Policy and Management, and Centre for Development
Informatics, University of Manchester, U.K.; http://www.
China now has a drastically improved nal countermeasures are increasing. sed.manchester.ac.uk/idpm/, http://www.manchester.
national innovation system. Together with fallout from the Google
Jiang Yu (yujiang@mail.casipm.ac.cn) is an associate
case, this may damage foreign trade professor in the Institute of Policy and Management,
Challenges and Future Trends and investment and, hence, harm in- Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He is the editor of
the Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China.
In IT infrastructure and services novation in China.
penetration, China is still some way Thirdly, Plan-based indigenous in- Copyright held by author.

32 communicat ions of t h e ac m | au gust 2 0 1 0 | vo l . 5 3 | no. 8

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