EXERCISE (Fourth Meeting.)

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EXERCISE (fouth meeting)


Focus: Correctly choosing between other commonly confused words

Directions: Underline the words that correctly complete each of the following sentences.

1. In 1941, nylon was first used to make stockings, and the year (ago/before) it was
first used to make toothbrush bristles.
2. The Missouri River is about (double/twice) as long as the Colorado River.
3. Catherine Esther Beacher established schools in Connecticut and Ohio, and
(after/afterward) founded the American Women’s Educational Association.
4. (Most/Almost) antibiotics are antibacterial agents, but some are effective against
fungal, protozoal, or yeast infections.
5. At 8 weeks of (age/old), red foxes begin to get their adult markings.
6. Chuck Berry was one of the (soonest/earliest) and most influential performers of
rock music.
7. Long before Columbus, various thinkers believed that the earth was
8. Apricots, (some/somewhat) smaller than peaches, are known for their delicate
9. Huge radio telescopes aimed into space may someday (say/tell) us whether
intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe.
10. Except for humans and apes, all mammals can produce vitamin C in their livers,
so they (ever/never) suffer from a lack of it.
11. One of Canada’s most beautiful botanical gardens is Butchart Gardens
(near/nearly) Victoria, British Columbia.
12. When the Hopi Indians perform the Snake Dance, the dancers handle (alive/live)
13. Approximately 85 (percentage/percent) of the bauxite produced in the United
States is mined in Arkansas.
14. Artist Clementine Hunter continued to paint until she was more than 100 years
15. The period immediately (after/afterward) the Civil War is known as
16. The (most/almost) familiar type of pump in use today is the piston pump.


Translate into good English

1. Jika kamu berhenti berbicara sebentar dan memberi kami ketenangan, saya
akan sangat senang untuk meminta yang lainnya menjaga suasana tenang ini
selama pertemuan.
2. Bahkan seminggu setelah kembali dari rumah sakit, jane masih merasa lemah
dan butuh istirahat.
3. Lily melingkari lima iklan di Koran minggu lalu. Dia sudah mencari pekerjaan
selama tiga bulan dan dia mulai merasa gugup untuk menemukan satu
pekerjaan karena uang yang diberikan oleh orang tuanya kepadanya sudah
mulai habis.
4. Jika saja dia lebih memenuhi syarat, dia akan segera menerima tawaran

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