Benefits of Building PC

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The benefits of building your own PC

Building your own PC may sound like an ordeal at first, and even though it’s certainly more
challenging and demanding than simply choosing a prebuilt computer, it’s also much more
rewarding, on both a personal and practical level.

While some pros of the DIY method may be rather obvious, others aren’t, which is why PC Builder
has compiled a list of the most distinctive benefits of building your own PC.

Saved Costs

Buying a prebuilt PC entails paying not only for the parts, but also for the labor, associated with
putting them together. But building your own PC completely eliminates this costly service.

Furthermore, since you will be tailoring the computer exactly to your needs, you won’t have to settle
for certain components that are part of the prebuilt package and might add to the cost, but not to
the value for you in particular.

In fact, the ability to cherry pick brings us to the next benefit.


The allure of building your own PC stems largely from the personal element involved in the whole
process. And while the rightful sense of satisfaction that washes over you every time you start your
custom-made machine is undeniable, it constitutes a more sentimental aspect of the whole
experience. What we are referring to when we say “personal element” is the unmatched freedom to
customize your build to the very last detail.

This sacred process is one of those few cases in which you are allowed to have whims, since you’ll be
the one satisfying them. You’re free to spend as much time as you want scouring for the right parts
which would ultimately make up the perfect configuration. No more compromises – the only
restrictions you face are the compatibility of the different components.

Cheaper, Easier, Fore-Sighted Upgrades

Putting a PC together can keep paying dividends long after the computer is ready.

On the one hand, once you know how the process works, you’ll be able to replace and upgrade parts
by yourself instead of paying other people to do it for you. Considering how quickly new can become
old and obsolete in the rapidly developing tech landscape, the costs of having professionals install
upgrades constantly can quickly add up. This is why having such DIY abilities and knowledge can save
you a decent amount of money in the long run.

Furthermore, being able to carry out upgrades alone gives you tremendous autonomy. You won’t
have to comply with someone else’s schedule, bring your computer to them or make yourself
available for house visits. You can just do the upgrade whenever it suits you.

Last but certainly not least, hand-picking the components means you can do so with foresight,
leaving leeway for future upgrades and thus stretching your dollar as much as possible.

Better Cooling System

The cooling system is often one of the weakest chains in prebuilt computers, which doesn’t hold up
particularly well under the pressure of intense gaming.
The problem stems from builders giving their full attention to the more prominent computer
components and not leaving enough space for airflow, fans, and cooling radiators, forgetting that the
cooling system is the lungs of the operation.

By building your own computer, you can make sure your case accommodates enough fan slots, cable
management, and even liquid cooling radiators, as without those, even the most powerful PC isn’t
worth much.

Higher-Quality Parts

When you build a PC yourself, you know exactly what’s inside of it. This may not sound like a
privilege, since you’re supposed to know that anyway, however, that’s not exactly the case.

The reality of it is, a lot of times, big, reputable manufacturers actually use lower-class components
they get good deals on. Even when the parts aren’t necessarily lower-class, they still may not be the
ones advertised, because sometimes, manufacturers will run into issues with suppliers and have to
look for alternatives.

In short, it’s possible that two of the exact same, prebuilt models may actually differ on the inside.
Conversely, with a DIY PC, what you see is what you get.

Better Warranties

When you buy your parts individually, you get longer warranties as opposed to the usual year-long
warranty you get for your whole prebuilt PC.

Furthermore, with a custom-made PC, in the case of malfunctions, you only need to send the part
that needs repairing as opposed to the entire computer.

Learning Process

The learning curve that goes with building a PC cannot be overlooked.

You’ll be equipped with a much more in-depth understanding of the interconnected mechanisms and
processes that go on behind a computer case, and respectively with the ability to tackle a lot of
issues which you’d otherwise need professional assistance for.

Building a PC by yourself isn’t easy, but considering how much you get out of it, it’s actually nowhere
near as hard as it should be.

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