Tika Melinda (1813041), UAS ESP, Belom

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Name : Tika Melinda

NIM : 1813041
Class : TBI 5A
Subject : English For Specific (UAS)

1. What are different between ESP and General English in theory and practice?
Answer: ESP is a form of English language learning where the purpose of learning is to
meet the specific needs of students according to the field of science or according to what
will make their work.
For example; If ESP is applied to health students then the vocabulary that ESP teaches is
about vocabulary in the world of health. Other things can also happen to mechanical
students and others.
Meanwhile, GE is a form of learning that seeks to provide general skills to students. The
purpose of GE learning is to develop a general language knowledge.
So it can be said that ESP is more specialized than GE. Because GE is a learning curve
for a common situation and the vocabulary taught varies from one context to another, but
can include many things, while ESP is centered on one area of study.
2. What is “Need Analysis” ?
Need analysis is an analysis that is used to know the needs of students. So, a
teacher knows what to do and what students will do in order for the learning objectives to
be achieved. In ESP need analysis is divided into three, namely:
• Analysis needs
• Analysis deficiencies
• Analysis of desires

3. What should we do to identify learners needs?

From what I know to know what students need we can do analysis related to
student needs, shortcomings and desires of students. This can be done by providing
quisioner, identifying through their daily activities. In addition, we can also know the
needs of students through evaluation. The evaluation stage can be done at the end of each
meeting or every week.

4. Answer:
a. The learners: XI Grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Muara Padang
b. Topic of the lesson: Expressing Opinion
c. Objectives of the study:
 Terminal Objective
By the end of this class, the students should be able to Expression of
asking and giving opinion.
 Enabling Objective
a. The students will be able to use expression of Expressing Opinion.
b. The students will be able to identify kind of expressing opinion.
c. The students can do this material.
d. Material
A. Expressing Opinion
If you want to ask for and giving opinion, you may say the following
expression. Expressing Asking For and Giving Opinion. Listen and repeat at the
expressing asking for and giving opinion after the recording.
Now, listen carefully.

Asking for opinion

What is your opinion?

How do you think of my idea?
Please give me your opinion.
How about…… ?
How do you think?
What do you think about…?
What is your idea?
Give me your comment
Do you have opinion of…?
What you think of…?
Giving opinion
In my opinion…
I think that….
As for as I know
From my point of view
My comment is….
To my mind

B. Listening
This is an example of asking for and giving opinion.
Dian and Boby afe in supermarket now. Now listen to the dialogue below.

Dian : Boby, do you see those shoes?

Boby : Which ones?
Dian : Look the the red ones!
Boby : Wow! That’s good
Dian : what do you think if wear them?
Boby : I think it is suitable with you and your appearance
Dian : I think so, well I will buy.

e. Activities
 Pre activities (5 minute)
- The teacher greats students
- The teacher check the students attendance list
- The teacher leads to pray together
 Main activities (35 minute)
- The teacher ask the students to open their book
- The teacher explain about material
- The teacher ask the students to listen audio dialogue
- The teacher give exercise to students
 Post activities (5 minute)
- Students give a questions
- The teacher review and conclude the material
- The teacher close the meeting.
f. Evaluation
In this evaluation the teacher give the students exercise.

Practice. Continue the dialogue below who is not spoken in recordings. You
are to be “Dian”.
Dian : ……………………………..
Boby : where is Dian?
Dian : ………………………………
Boby : wow! It is so good
Dian : ……………………………..
Boby : I think it is suitable with you and your apperance

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