Operational Life Cycle Impact Assessment Weighting Factors Based On Planetary Boundaries

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Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105498

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Operational Life Cycle Impact Assessment weighting factors based on T

Planetary Boundaries: Applied to cosmetic products
Marcial Vargas-Gonzaleza, , François Wittea, Patricia Martzb, Laurent Gilbertb,

Sébastien Humberta, Olivier Jollietc, Rosalie van Zelmd, Jacques L'Haridonb

Quantis, Paris, France
L’Oréal Research & Innovation, Aulnay-sous-Bois, France
University of Michigan, MI, USA
Department of Environmental Sciences, Institute for Water and Wetland Research, Radboud University, P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, the Netherlands


Keywords: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is frequently used by companies to assess the environmental performance of their
Planetary Boundaries products and services using a large set of environmental indicators. However, LCA practitioners and decision-
Weighting approach makers are often unable to prioritize environmental indicators evaluated in LCA and tend to focus on indicators
Life Cycle Assessment they consider material from a partially subjective standpoint. The current paper showcases how a set of
Planetary Boundaries-based weighting factors for issues related to Environmental Quality, Human Health and
Resource Depletion, aligned with the European Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) suggested environmental
indicators, was developed based on previous work done by Bjørn et al. This new set of values was then tested on
several products from cosmetic company L’Oréal. Results show a clear dispersion, with several impact cate-
gories, such as Climate Change and Particulate Matter coming out as significantly more critical than other,
proving the usefulness of the suggested values. And while some current limitations and possible improvements
still need to be considered, the approach enriches the debate by defining thresholds for ecosystem or human
resilience, thereby enabling reflection on how these issues should be collectively addressed.

1. Introduction categories are the most relevant for the assessed company or product?
Weighting methodologies should therefore play an essential role in
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has become the go-to methodology for simplifying LCA output, which ultimately would help identify priorities
companies to track the environmental performance of their products and define environmental strategies. However, key decision-makers still
and services (Berry and Rondinelli, 1998; De Benedetto and Klemeš, have trouble prioritizing environmental indicators evaluated in LCA
2009). The methodology assesses potential environmental impacts and focus on indicators they consider material from a partially sub-
along a product or company’s value chain, examining a number of jective standpoint (Pizzol et al., 2017; Schmidt and Sullivan, 2002).
impact categories and providing quantified results. These results are This is mainly the result of lacking robustness in weighting approaches
usually presented as a series of disaggregated impacts that can be dif- in LCA, often seen as being too “value-based” (Pizzol et al., 2017;
ficult to interpret as a whole. Normalization and weighting methodol- Schmidt and Sullivan, 2002; Eldh and Johansson, 2006). According, to
ogies were developed as an analysis mechanism that would help iden- Pizzol et al. (2017), the most commonly used approaches can be clas-
tify the major issues to address. Normalization allows the practitioner sified in 4 categories: “distance” to a defined target (e.g. regulatory),
to express results after the characterization step using a common re- their economic cost (e.g. monetization), panel weighting (e.g. expert
ference impact (such as a company or a region) (Pizzol et al., 2017). knowledge, stakeholder perception) or binary weighting (i.e. environ-
This answers the question: What is the magnitude of my product’s im- mental indicators are either included or excluded). These weighting
pacts compared to a selected reference? Weighting systems on the other approaches do not necessarily reflect urgency, reversibility or criticality
hand are used to prioritize among impact assessment indicators, as the and are therefore inadequate in terms of aptly differentiating environ-
weights applied reflect, in theory, the relative importance of impacts mental issues. And even though these limitations are known, recent
(Pizzol et al., 2017). It answers typically the question: Which impact developments still focus on traditional approaches such as the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: marcial.vargas-gonzalez@quantis-intl.com (M. Vargas-Gonzalez).

Received 19 April 2018; Received in revised form 28 April 2019; Accepted 19 June 2019
1470-160X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Vargas-Gonzalez, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105498

willingness to pay (Itsubo et al., 2015; Murakami et al., 2017). 2. Materials and methods
In 2009, Rockström et al. (2009) introduced a new concept of Pla-
netary Boundaries, which LCA experts now strive to integrate in their The present paper focuses on leveraging publicly available data and
daily practice (Tuomisto et al., 2012; Sandin et al., 2015; Ryberg et al., models, to create a weighting framework based on Planetary
2016). Indeed, defining thresholds at the planetary level allows them to Boundaries that completes and improves the previous work done by
prioritize the most pressing environmental issues. Further along the Bjørn (2015). These changes include thresholds for Human Health and
line, Bjørn et al. (Bjørn et al., 2015; Bjørn and Hauschild, 2015; Bjørn Resource Scarcity indicators and which improves existing data on
et al., 2016) improved available data for LCA practitioners, by defining Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP). For all other in-
normalization and weighting factors for indicators at the midpoint level dicators (Climate change, Ozone depletion, Acidification, Terrestrial
based on the concept of Planetary Boundaries – and this for most en- eutrophication, Freshwater eutrophication, Marine eutrophication,
vironmental indicators recommended by the ILCD Handbook (European Land use, Freshwater ecotoxicity and Water resource depletion), the
Commission – Joint Research Centre – Institute for Environment and initial values developed by Bjørn (2015) and based on their contribu-
Sustainability, 2010) and Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) in- tion to the Ecosystem Quality AoP were considered.
itiative (European Commission, 2012). It should be noted that the in- The first step in identifying improvement actions focused on asses-
dicators were not necessarily based on the values developed by sing the overall coherence of values presented by Bjørn (2015). This
Rockström et al. (2009) but follow the same philosophy. was accomplished by comparing the estimated value of average impacts
The concept of Planetary Boundaries is closely related to that of suggested by the authors to measurements done in Europe and other
“carrying capacity”. Bjørn et al. (Bjørn, 2015) define “carrying capa- regions across the year. Following this initial assessment, a deep eva-
city” as “the maximum sustained environmental interference a natural luation of data and models used by Bjørn (2015) was done. This in-
system can withstand without experiencing negative changes in structure or cluded a review of each reference used and an assessment of the dif-
functioning that are difficult or impossible to revert”. Depending on the ferent parameters’ coherence. This analysis allowed us to point out the
environmental indicator under study, this can either refer to maximum most likely sources of uncertainty and focus on improving these with
concentration levels (e.g. Eutrophication) or the resources available for data considered more recent or robust. This lead to the use of tools such
extraction (e.g. Water depletion) that the environment can sustain. as the TM5-FASST tool, developed at JRC Ispra, and which allows the
Carrying capacity values calculated following current impact assess- evaluation of emissions effect on large-scale pollutant concentrations
ment methodologies have been developed (Bjørn, 2015) in order to and their impact on human health and plants (OECD, 2016).
streamline planetary boundary inclusion in LCA; allowing practitioners The second step, consisted on defining corresponding weighting
to assess the extent to which a given product or service weights in on factors for every indicator in the ILCD methodology (as recommended
the maximal interference an ecosystem can withstand. In this case, by PEF), eventually devising a Planetary Boundaries framework beyond
Planetary Boundaries were used to develop normalization factors that the ecosystem quality AoP. There was, however, no need to develop
could be applied with specific impact assessment methodologies and “carrying capacities” as described by Bjørn (2015), the goal being to
only for some impact categories. define distance-to-target, rather than available working space. In these
This improvement, however, focused solely on impact categories in cases, the weighting factors are based on the ratio between the current
the “Ecosystem Quality” area of protection (AoP), leaving major issues level of emissions and the desired level of emissions (instead of the
uncovered, like resource depletion and particulate matter formation. current concentration).
Moreover, the global coherence of the values thus defined has yet to be Work on indicators in the Human Health (Ionizing radiation,
measured against field observations, cross-scale aggregation being a Human toxicity (Cancer effects) and Human toxicity (non-cancer ef-
major challenge for this type of assessment. fects)) and Resource Depletion AoP followed a different approach.
Additionally, this value set could not be directly applied to LCA Firstly, existing literature was reviewed in order to identify relevant
regardless of impact category, as Bjørn et al.’s approach to quantify information on thresholds and international recommendations on
carrying capacity does not necessarily match traditional impact as- concentrations or emissions (in the case of Human Health indicators)
sessment indicators used in LCA nor the European Product and on resource use (for resource depletion). Secondly, publically
Environmental Footprint (PEF) suggested list of environmental in- available data was assessed to identify information on current emissions
dicators. Made aware of such impediments, these scientists developed a or concentrations of assessed substances at the global level, as well as
list of weighting factors based on a “distance-to-target” basis, by com- information on resource extraction and use in the world. Finally, spe-
paring carrying capacity and current emission or consumption levels. cific models presented in the next section were developed in order to
These values could then be used as a weighting factor applicable to compare both relevant data and assess the desired reduction factor in
traditional impact assessment methodologies, in turn pinpointing issues order to develop a set of weighting factors.
where current emissions or consumptions were higher than the defined Using inventory datasets co-developed by L’Oréal and Quantis, this
carrying capacity. This ratio, which is used as a weighting factor, is value set was then tested on the typical formula of 2 cosmetic products
referred to as a “reduction factor” in the current paper and is defined for (an anti-dandruff shampoo and a hairspray) and compared to the values
each impact category by the following formula: presented by Bjørn (2015), with a view to analyze how such changes
affected results and refine the assessment of their environmental pro-
Current Global Impact file. The Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) results were obtained
Reduction Factor =
Carrying Capacity through L’Oréal’s in-house environmental assessment tool using all PEF-
recommended indicators and follow recommendations from ISO 14040
The current paper aims to provide a new list of weighting factors (The International Standards Organisation, 2006) and ISO 14044
covering all impact categories in the ILCD impact assessment metho- (International Organization for Standardisation, 2006) standards, in-
dology and subsequently tested in a case study of typical cosmetic tegrating all life cycle stages from raw material production to formula
products from cosmetic company L’Oréal. This lead to a global assess- end-of-life.
ment of their products’ influence on the environment across all impact These LCIA results were normalized using an updated version of the
categories recommended by the European Commission for PEF projects. normalization factors recommended by PEF (Benini et al., 2014). Both
As such, these factors could be a first step for companies to identify the original set of weighting factors and the one developed in this work
which issues are environmentally significant at marketed product level. were then used to test the consequences of the new values on the
overall analysis of the weighted LCA results. This allows identifying
how a given product contributes to attaining the carrying capacity for

M. Vargas-Gonzalez, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105498

each impact category according to both methodologies. Addressing PM2.5, inh (Gronlund et al., 2015), a burden of 0.0016 DALY/person/
impact categories with overall higher results can therefore be con- year is to be imputed to a 10 μg/m3 concentration of PM2.5 in the at-
sidered more urgent or important for the assessed product. mosphere, as presented below. We can therefore surmise that an en-
vironmental burden of 0.0016 DALY/person/year can be considered
3. Theory/calculation acceptable.
Environmental Burden = inh CMax BPM2.5
3.1. Human health
In order to have a coherent approach, the same burden (hereby
3.1.1. Particulate matter called “acceptable burden”) was used as a threshold across all impact
Among other Human Health indicators included in the Planetary categories in the Human Health AoP. PEF recommendations also pro-
Boundaries framework, particulate matter (PM) garnered the most at- vide data on current emission levels (used as normalization factors) and
tention (Doka, 2015; Kerkhof et al., 2015). This is likely a consequence speak to the link between Midpoint and Endpoint indicators (Benini
of current regulation and international recommendations moving to et al., 2014), providing values for the damage per impact unit for each
define acceptable PM concentrations (and, most notably, PM2.5). Doka indicator. This made it possible to convert this threshold (defined as
(2015) and Ecofys (Kerkhof et al., 2015), for instance, compare World 0.0016 DALY/person/year) into a “reduction factor” for anthropogenic
Health Organization (WHO) recommendations for PM10 concentrations Ionizing Radiations and Toxic Emissions (see Table 1) using the fol-
to the average concentration in urban areas, with a view to determine lowing formula:
the reduction factor. The same approach guided the present article, PEF Normalization factor Damage per impact unit
though PM10 was not included in our calculations, because the impact Reduction Factor =
Acceptable burden
assessment method recommended by PEF and based on the work of
Humbert et al. (2011) focuses on PM2.5 only.
According to WHO, PM concentrations should be kept under 10 μg 3.2. Resource depletion
of PM2.5/m3 of air to ensure a healthy environment (World Health
Organization, 2006). This concentration level was therefore adopted as While physical thresholds may be defined in relation to indicators in
the planetary boundary for Particulate Matter (CMax). This concentra- the Ecosystem Quality and Human Health AoP, it seems impossible to
tion is 3.15 times lower than observed average concentrations ac- achieve the same for resource scarcity. These indicators typically de-
cording to The World Bank (2017), which mentions an average 31.5 μg monstrate how mineral and fossil resources valuable to the human
of PM2.5/m3 concentration at the global level (CAvg). It can be surmised economy are being depleted, which becomes a societal issue rather than
that this value is representative of concentrations in urban areas – a strictly environmental consideration. It could then be argued the
where measurements are routinely conducted. Population density being available stocks in any given material define the corresponding
higher in urban areas, this value can nonetheless be considered on par thresholds – but this proves contrary to sustainability principles, as it
with ongoing efforts to reduce the impact of PM on human health. could inflict unequal growth opportunities for future generations.
According to Karagulian et al. (2015) 18% of the global particulate As a result, a timeframe determined by user adaptability could be
matter concentration stems from natural sources (sea salt, dust, etc.). used to determine boundaries for each type of resources. For example,
The corresponding emissions should therefore be excluded. We con- should X number of years be necessary for all users to adapt to the lack
cluded 5.67 μg (31.5 µg * 0.18) of PM2.5/m3 is the natural average of a given resource, then available stocks should not be depleted before
concentration for particulate matter (CNat) and can only be peripherally X years. Optimal extraction rates ( opt) can be determined as follows:
reduced. Based on this, we can estimate the reduction factor for PM2.5 Available stock
emissions based on the following formula: opt =
Years needed for used adaptation
CAvg CNat
PM 2.5 Reduction Factor = = 5.97 Current extraction rates ( cur) can then be assessed to what is con-
CMax CNat sidered optimal, as a means to allocate the relevant reduction factor.
As a result, the actual carrying capacity for anthropogenic emissions The reduction factor is therefore calculated using the following for-
of PM2.5 is 5.97 times lower than current emissions. mula:
In theory, it would have been possible to use a similar approach to cur
Reduction factor =
the one used on POCP to define a carrying capacity for particulate opt
matter emissions. However, as the link between pollutant emissions and
overall concentrations was considered more direct for PM, a more This approach owes much to the work of Bruille (2014), in that the
pragmatic approach was favored. present paper directly references their proposed resource stocks, ex-
traction rates, recycling rates and adaptation periods. Using this
3.1.2. Ionizing radiation & human toxicity methodology, reduction factors were evaluated in relation to 25 key
Unlike the situation for PM, international bodies have not defined resources for which all necessary data was available. While not ex-
acceptable burdens or average concentration levels for other indicators tensive, the list of substances was hypothesized to be representative of
in the Human Health AoP, and there is no directly applicable data. In overall resource use.
order to determine reduction factors for Ionizing Radiation and Human Current extraction rates were for instance found to be up to 30 times
Toxicity, an acceptable burden has been defined applying both nor- faster than the ideal extraction rate for key resources like Indium and
malization and weighting using the approach described below. Antimony, in the absence of material substitutes engineered through
Several studies (Anderson et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2015) show PM2.5 current technology. At the other end of the spectrum, common re-
emissions affect human health, even below the 10 μg/m3 limit set by sources like perlite are depleted at a “sustainable” rate with reduction
WHO. Considering an average breathing rate (τinh) of 13 m3/person/ factors below 0.5.
day (Lee et al., 2002), a normal person may inhale up to 1.23 × 10−4 Using current Centre for Environmental Studies (CML) 2001 char-
kg of PM per year if PM concentration is at the recommended level. acterization factors (CF) as recommended by the European Commission
Bearing in mind the corresponding burden (BPM2.5) of 78 DALY1/kg (2012), an average reduction factor was calculated using the formula
below, converging on a single weighting factor aligned with the re-
levant impact assessment methodology. This approach was used in
Disability Adjusted Life Years. order to consolidate a single value, current CFs being used to create

M. Vargas-Gonzalez, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105498

Table 1
Data and reduction factors used to determine weighting factors for indicators in the Human Health AoP.
Impact Assessment Indicator PEF Normalization factor (unit/person/year) Amount of DALY per unit Reduction factor

Ionizing Radiation 1,13E + 03 2,10E-08 1,48E-02

(kBq U235 eq)
Human Toxicity, cancer effects 3,69E-05 1,15E + 01 2,65E-01
Human Toxicity, non-cancer effects 5,33E-04 2,70E + 00 8,98E-01

extraction rates that could be added together. approach, the European average fate factor (measured in ozone con-
centrations per unit of emission) was derived for each type of substance
(CFi cur , i )
Average reduction factor = (NOx and NMVOCs) with the TM5‐FASST model. This was done on a
(CFi opt , i )
1 × 1° resolution from hourly ozone concentrations resulting from the
As such, the resource depletion reduction factor should be 4.08. year 2000 reference run with TM5 chemical transport model at the
European level.
3.3. Ecosystem quality Maintaining a purposefully conservative outlook, the highest of
both calculated average fate factors (the one for NOx) was selected. By
For ecosystem quality, factors were directly taken from Bjørn (2015) replacing the previous fate factor by the new value of 2.4E-15 kg O3/m3/
and tested on several LCIA results of L’Oréal products. Using this initial kg NOx/day European emission-weighted average, a carrying capacity
list of weighting factors provided in the framework of the PEF pilot of 58.8 kg NMVOC-eq/pers/year was calculated. A reduction factor of
projects (European Commission, 2012) allowed L’Oréal to identify 0.54 was thus allotted to photochemical ozone creation instead of 12.9,
photochemical ozone creation as one of the most urgent issues for the using the following formula:
cosmetic industry. This result was a direct consequence of the initial Current Global Impact 31.7
reduction factor suggested for this environmental indicator, i.e. 12.9, Reduction Factor = = = 0.54
Carrying Capacity 58.8
meaning that current emissions are 12.9 times higher than they ought
to be in order to maintain ozone levels at an acceptable level.
This initial reduction factor was calculated considering the 4. Results & discussion
threshold applied by WHO guidelines of 3 ppm*hour AOT40 for day-
light hours during May-July (International Organization for 4.1. Results
Standardisation, 2006). AOT40 is an effect measure calculated as the
accumulated ozone exposure during daylight hours above a con- Table 2 shows the complete list of weighting factors developed by
centration of 40 ppb (Ortiz, 2015), which is measured during the period Bjørn (2015) alongside the values that have been updated or developed
from May to July in European Regulation (Ortiz, 2015) and WHO in this work (the latter values are presented in bold in the table).
guidelines (International Organization for Standardisation, 2006) and Fig. 1 presents the LCA results for an anti-dandruff shampoo for-
averaged for a 5-year period. However, different time frames can be mula integrating the entire life cycle and weighted using both set of
used depending on the growth season and rate of plants (van Goethem values presented in Table 2.
et al., 2013a, 2013b). These results show that in the case of the anti-dandruff shampoo,
Since ozone concentrations depend on multiple variables and are the impact categories considered a priority vary depending on the set of
not directly linked to the atmospheric emissions measured, Bjørn et al. weighting factors applied. The values presented in the current paper
applied a “fate factor” of 5.8E-14 kg O3/m3/kg NMVOC/day based on consider six impact assessment categories as primary, with impacts
data from van Zelm et al. (2008), in order to calculate a “carrying ca- circa one order of magnitude higher than any other impact assessment
pacity expressed at the pressure point of the impact pathway as kg category. The six major environmental indicators are ecotoxicity, cli-
NMVOC-eq/year”, corresponding to the acceptable average level of mate change, freshwater eutrophication, particulate matter formation,
emissions at the planetary scale. According to their calculations, the resource depletion and human toxicity. The first two issues have long
carrying capacity in this context would be 2.5 kg NMVOC-eq/pers/year been considered priorities by the cosmetics industry with significant
in Europe, well below the estimated current level of emissions of efforts being made on reducing the impact cosmetics might have on
31.7 kg NMVOC-eq/pers/year. those categories. For example, several cosmetic companies have de-
However, further analysis has proven that the average calculated veloped products that minimize their potential toxic effects upon
ozone concentrations suggested by Bjørn et al. were not representative aquatic species (L’Haridon et al., 2018) or need less water to be rinsed,
of the concentrations observed in field measurements. Research has reducing the carbon footprint of the use phase (Henkel AG & CO. KGAA,
shown that ozone levels can reach up to 5 ppm*h AOT40 during May- 2008). On the other hand, Freshwater Eutrophication, Particulate
July in certain areas of Europe (Ortiz, 2015), while the global value put Matter, Resource Depletion and Human Toxicity come up as being on
forward by Bjørn et al. was more than 6 times larger. This error origi- par with climate change in terms of overall importance; their presumed
nated from an outdated “fate factor”, used to calculate ozone con- relevance for the sector had however not been identified before.
centrations based on Non-methane volatile organic compounds The original values presented by Bjørn (2015) put photochemical
(NMVOC) emissions. Referencing initial work by Van Zelm et al. (van ozone creation as a major source of concern for the industry, with a
Zelm et al., 2008), this factor had indeed been used to develop the relative importance similar to that of ecotoxicity, climate change and
models underpinning the ReCiPe2008 impact assessment method freshwater eutrophication. The place of photochemical ozone creation
(Goedkoop et al., 2009). These fate factors have since been considered as a primary environmental issue for shampoo production is never-
outdated and replaced in ReCiPe 2016 (Huijbregts et al., 2017). theless questioned by the new set of weighting factors. The corrected
The new methodology developed for ReCiPe 2016 differentiates weighting factor leads to a significantly smaller importance of this in-
these “fate factors” by sub-region at the European level and by sub- dicator.
stance; the new fate factors encapsulating either a 20% variation of These observations are further corroborated by the analyses done on
either nitrogen oxides (NOx) or NMVOC emissions. Based on this other products. The results for the assessment of a hairspray product,

M. Vargas-Gonzalez, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105498

Table 2
List of suggested weighting factors to comply with the PEF impact assessment method.
Impact Assessment Indicator Weighting Factor as presented Improved Weighting Factor, including values
by Bjørn (2015) (Reduction from Bjørn (2015) as well as revised or
Factor) developed values (Reduction Factor)

Climate change 9.36 9.36

Ozone depletion 0.28 0.28
Human toxicity (cancer effects) N/A 0.26
Human toxicity (non-cancer effects) N/A 0.90
Particulate matter N/A 5.97
Ionizing radiation N/A 0.01
Photochemical ozone formation 12.91 0.54
Acidification 0.53 0.53
Terrestrial eutrophication 0.30 0.30
Freshwater eutrophication 3.22 3.22
Marine eutrophication 0.55 0.55
Land use 9.33 9.33
Freshwater ecotoxicity 0.85 0.85
Water resource depletion 0.51 0.51
Mineral & fossil resource depletion N/A 4.08

for example, show the relative importance the six aforementioned in- Particulate matter emissions are considered one of the leading en-
dicators (ecotoxicity, climate change, freshwater eutrophication, par- vironmental causes of human disease, as the reduction factor calculated
ticulate matter formation, resource depletion and human toxicity) is one of the highest of all human health-related reduction factors. This
might have for cosmetics (Fig. 2). More interestingly, it should be noted is confirmed by WHO data, particulate matter being considered re-
that while the relevant importance of photochemical ozone creation in sponsible for 10% of fatalities at the global level (Prüss-Ustün et al.,
the assessment of hairspray is significantly reduced when using the new 2016). Similarly, climate change is considered the most urgent en-
set of weighting factors, this impact assessment category remains a vironmental challenge of the 21st century, which was indeed confirmed
major contributor to the product environmental footprint; this is most by the results obtained (World Economic Forum, 2017). Additionally,
likely a consequence of the emission of propelling gas (NMVOC) that resources overuse has become a political priority with international
takes place during the use phase, showcasing that the presented set of governing bodies, with the European Union notably encouraging a
weighting factors displays different results for different cosmetic pro- circular economy (European Commission, 2017), while land use, land
duct families. use change and land productivity are key issues in SDG (Sustainable
Development Goals) 15 according to the United Nations (United
4.2. General discussion Nations General Assembly., 2015; United Nations Economic and Social
Council., 2017). The resulting reduction factors likewise appear to
Decision-makers expect weighting factors to reflect current views on emphasize the importance of these issues at the global scale.
the most urgent issues. Something that the set of factors presented in Reduction factors values also point to significant dispersion and
this paper seems to satisfy, pointing out that some carrying capacities therefore clearly identify priority indicators (with values ranging from
have clearly been exceeded beyond earth’s regenerative capacity. 0.01 to almost 10). Moreover, weighting factors do not necessarily open

Fig. 1. Impact assessment results for 1 dose of anti-dandruff shampoo formula (incl. use phase and end-of-life) weighted using different sets of weighting factors
(Human toxicity indicators have been added together).

M. Vargas-Gonzalez, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105498

Fig. 2. Impact assessment results for 1 dose of hairspray formula (incl. use phase and end-of-life) weighted using different sets of weighting factors (Human toxicity
indicators have been added together).

onto similar results or indicator hierarchy when applied to LCA results defined carrying capacity then damages to the different AoP should be
of different products. This proves relevant to decision-makers, as they low enough that environmental resilience is ensured. Nevertheless, the
are thus enabled to differentiate between environmental issues and issues of reversibility and criticality, often seen as limitations of the
products (as made apparent by the results of different cosmetic pro- traditional weighting approaches, are still not entirely covered by the
ducts). For the products assessed in this study this translates notably current approach. This is true since “distance-to-target” weighting ap-
through the Photochemical Ozone Creation impact category. While this proaches approaches make the assumption that the impact is linear and
environmental disturbance appears as a non-issue for products like that reduction efforts follow this same path, this could lead to the de-
shampoo, it comes out as a priority for the evaluated hairspray. This is a velopment of mitigation measures that do not secure the return to
direct consequence of the use of propelling gases (NMVOCs) in the balance.
latter. Proving that the suggested list of weighting factors is capable to Additionally, the weighting values presented in this paper are not
help differentiate among products in the same industrial sector (in this fully representative of current issues, as most should be evaluated on a
case the cosmetics industry), but also to pinpoint which environmental regional basis and not globally as suggested by some authors (Itsubo
indicators might be more important for a given industrial sector. For et al., 2015; Murakami et al., 2017). For example, results show marine
instance, in the present case, ecotoxicity shows up as a relevant issue for eutrophication as a secondary issue at the global level, with a weighting
the cosmetics sector even though the weighting factor used is inferior to factor below 1; in fact marine eutrophication is considered critical in
1 (circa one order of magnitude lower to that of global warming), al- some areas of the world (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2015). The same
though other modeling and methodological choices might also be at could be said of most assessed environmental indicators, as key issues
play. are only relevant at the local or regional level. Only climate change and
These characteristics of the developed weighting factor prove that ozone depletion – resource depletion, to some extent – can be con-
the suggested weighting factors provide solutions to some of the fre- sidered as possessing global boundaries. And while it would be possible
quent criticisms traditional weighting systems face. According to Pizzol to have regional weighting for specific environmental issues (e.g. for
et al. (2017) the panel-based, the monetary and the binary weighting concentration based categories like PM and ozone data is already
approaches face similar issues as they are often considered biased and available), the relevance of this granularity for policy makers and
need to be adapted depending on the sector being assessed as en- companies needs to be determined.
vironmental concerns may differ. And while recent developments have It should also be noted that in the current document, for each in-
suggested large-scale sampling as a solution to bias, public perception dicator, only its effect on one AoP in considered, nevertheless, several
remains a key factor in these approaches (Itsubo et al., 2015; Murakami indicators could have effects on several AoP. For example, Climate
et al., 2017). This is not a problem with the current approach, since it is Change impacts both Ecosystem Quality and Human Health. For each
not based on expert opinions, perceptions or willingness to pay. Fur- indicator, thresholds for each AoP should therefore be determined and
thermore, as seen in the results, the environmental indicators con- the most conservative value should be selected to determine the
sidered as priorities will vary depending on the product under study. It weighting factor to be used. Current work mostly focused on the most
is likely, that results will also change depending on the sector assessed, well-known affected AoP, however the assessment of other impact
pointing out issues that need to be considered as relevant for the sector. pathways would be a reasonable next step in order to confirm the ob-
A sectorial adaptation of the approach is thus unnecessary. The analyses tained values.
of further sectors should however be carried in order to anchor this Furthermore, the current approach focuses on environmental issues
claim. previously addressed by existing impact assessment methods, while
On “distance-to-target” weighting approaches, Pizzol et al. (2017) uncovered environmental issues such as invasive species, noise, re-
mention the fact that targets do not measure damage as the main lim- sidual heat, light pollution and others are excluded. They could how-
itation of the approach. Once again, this is partly solved by the use of ever be included in the current approach once the corresponding LCIA
values based on Planetary Boundaries; if emissions are below the methods have been developed.

M. Vargas-Gonzalez, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105498

The obtained weighting factors are nevertheless representative of dispersion and even the integration of renewable resources (plants, fish,
current LCA practices. Most environmental issues (aside from water game) which are often excluded in LCA.
scarcity) have only recently been regionalized in classic LCA studies. As
mentioned previously, these developments could eventually be in- 4.5. Photochemical ozone creation
cluded in the methodology, but strategic choices were made to conduct
the present study, which will be discussed in the following section. In the current paper, the threshold used to define the weighting
factor for POCP is based on the effect ozone concentration can have on
4.3. Human health plant growth. This ignores entirely the impacts this pollutant can have
on Human Health. This origin of this inconsistency is the desire to
The methodology presented in the current paper follows the as- improve the value presented by Bjørn (2015). However, using both
sumption all indicators in the human health AoP have the same car- approaches presented in the current document (i.e. the one used to
rying capacity in terms of DALY, surmising that all human health issues calculate the value for POCP as well as the one used for determining the
should be allocated a similar burden. This is however a somewhat ar- reduction factor for human health indicators), it would have been
bitrary decision and other approaches could be used for greater gran- possible to assess what the reduction factor would be following the
ularity. As Particulate Matter is the most common environmental human health impact pathway.
burden of disease, it could for instance be argued the threshold set by This raises a broader issue that should be addressed in future de-
WHO is only representative of society’s capacity to reduce this burden velopments: when defining weighting or normalization factors based on
rather than the actual acceptability of its consequences. Planetary Boundaries, it seems necessary to identify the corresponding
Planetary Boundaries thresholds for human health issues could in- threshold for each impact pathway in every affected AoP and the as-
stead be developed according to a harmless concentration level to be sociated safe operating space. The lowest threshold would then re-
defined for humans (i.e. a burden of zero DALY). In the specific case of present the data to use to determine the corresponding weighting
ionizing radiation, current recommendations by the International factor, as it would ensure that Planetary Boundaries for both Ecosystem
Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) limit the recommended Quality and Human Health are not trespassed.
yearly dose for Humans to 50 mSv per year (although a lower value is
recommended for the general public), a maximum level under which 5. Conclusion
radiations are considered inoffensive (ICRP, 2007). Using fate models,
further analyses may specify what this actually means in terms of By improving existing data and broadening the Planetary
emissions. The necessary data was however not available at the time of Boundaries framework beyond its initial design in order to integrate
the present study. Resource Depletion and Human Health aspects, the work presented
This type of approach could be applied to all indicators in the herewith has opened onto a list of weighting factors seemingly aligned
Human Health AoP. Their development may however be impeded by with current environmental concerns. And while it is clear that the
the current knowledge on toxicity, as data is lacking on the impact of methodology used could be enriched by integrating new concepts dis-
new substances. cussed in this paper (like gravity and reversibility of impacts) to the
framework, the proposed list should be seen as a first operational step
4.4. Resource depletion for LCA practitioners to integrate Planetary Boundaries in their LCA
studies and guide decision-makers towards prioritization and environ-
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only compared based on their availability at the planetary level. Rare priorities in this sector of activity.
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