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The Adjective + Verb

We can use the+adjective, but the writing can be distinguished in two.

1. Social Grup
 We can use the + adjective to refer to some groups of people in society.
Example :
- The goverment cannot blind his eye with the homeless (homeless people)

 Some examples of adjectives that can be used

- Social/Economic: the rich, the poor, the strong, the weak, the hungry,
the (under)privileged, the disadvantaged, the unemployed, the homeless
- Physical/Health: the blind, the deaf, the sick, the disabled, the handicapped, the
living, the dead
- Age: the young, the middle-aged, the elderly, the old
2. Abstrack qualities
 We can use some adjectives after the to refer to things in general which have an
abstract quality.
- There are a lot of history contain the mysterious.
We can use another example like ; the unexpected,the unexplained, the absurd, the ordinary,
the old, the new, etc.
The + adjective

1 Social groups

a We can use the + adjective to refer to some groups of people in society.

In the England of 1900 little was done to help the poor. (= poor people)

Who looks after the old and the sick? (= old people and sick people)

The poor means 'poor people in general'. It cannot refer to just one person or to a
small group. Here it means 'poor people in England in 1900'. The poor is more
impersonal than poor people.

The + adjective takes a plural verb.

The old are greatly respected.

b Here are some examples of adjectives used in this way.

Social/Economic: the rich, the poor, the strong, the weak, the hungry,

the (under)privileged, the disadvantaged, the unemployed, the homeless

Physical/Health: the blind, the deaf, the sick, the disabled, the handicapped, the
living, the dead

Age: the young, the middle-aged, the elderly, the old

The adjective can be modified by an adverb.

the very rich the severely disabled

Some adjectives normally take an adverb.

the more/less fortunate the mentally ill


a In a few contexts, the + adjective can mean a specific group rather than people in

The injured were taken to hospital.

b A few adjectives can come after a/an to mean a specific person.

Now a superstar, she was an unknown only two years ago.

c There are a few adjectives that we can use as nouns, such as colour words. They
take s in the plural.

a black (= a black person) the Greens (= supporters of the green movement)

d For the French, • 2 8 8 .

2 Abstract qualities

a We can use some adjectives after the to refer to things in general which have an abstract

There are a lot of history contain the mysterious.

The human race has a great thirstfor the unknown.

The supernatural means 'supernatural happenings in general'. Other examples:

the mysterious, the unexplained, the absurd, the ordinary, the old, the new.

The noun phrase takes a singular verb.

The new drives out the old.

b A few adjectives can have a more specific meaning.

The unexpected happened. (= something that was unexpected)

Have you heard the latest? (= the latest news) Also: fear the
worst, hope for the best, in the dark

c We use the+ adjective + thing to talk about a particular quality or aspect of a

situation. This usage is rather informal.

It was an amusing sight, but the annoying thing (about it) was that I didn't have my
camera with me.

We cannot leave out thing her

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