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Phase diagram for pure water 2


Why study phase equilibria?

Some properties of materials are functions of their

 These microstructures can be altered by
thermal treatment.
 For example, steel alloys undergo phase
transformations at various temperatures,
resulting in different mechanical properties.
We can take advantage of these phase changes to
create materials with desired properties.

Why study phase equilibria?
Heat Treatment of

Phase Changes


Mechanical Properties of Materials

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Phase Definition

 Homogeneous portion of a system that has uniform
physical and chemical characteristics
 A single-phase material is one that has the same
composition and structure at every point.
 Every pure material is considered to be a phase; so
also is every solid, liquid, and gaseous solution.

Phase Definition

 Each phase will have its own

distinct properties
 A boundary separating the
phases will exist across
 A discontinuous and abrupt
change in physical and/or
chemical characteristics will
occur across the boundary.

Phase vs Component
 Pure FCC Al is a single-component (Al), single-phase
(FCC) system.
 A mixture of pure ice and pure water is a single-
component (H2O) system composed of two phases.

Single component in two phases

Phase vs Component
 A mixture of BCC iron and FCC iron is also a single-
component system composed of two phases.
 A solid solution of Cu and Ni is a two-component single-
phase system (since Cu and Ni are soluble in each

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Microstructure and Phase
In metal alloys, the microstructure is characterized by
 the number of phases present,

 the relative proportion of these phases, and

 the manner in which the phases are distributed or


Microstructure of a lead tin

alloy (50 wt% Sn – 50 wt% Pb)

Lead rich -phase (dark)

Tin rich -phase (light) 10
Microstructure and Phase
In metal alloys, the microstructure depends on variables
such as
 the alloying elements present,

 the concentration of the alloying elements, and

 the heat treatment of the alloy

 i.e., the temperature, the heating time at the

elevated temperature, the rate of cooling to room

Phase Equilibrium
 It refers to the state of a system in which the phase
characteristics remain constant over indefinite periods
of time.
 A system at equilibrium is a system in its most stable
 At equilibrium, the free energy of the system is a
minimum for some set combination of temperature,
pressure, and composition.

Phase Equilibria

 In solid solution systems, a state of equilibrium

is never fully reached because the rate of
approach to equilibrium is extremely slow.
 Such systems are said to be in a metastable
 A metastable state or microstructure may
persist indefinitely, experiencing only extremely
slight and almost imperceptible changes as
time progresses.

Phase Equilibria
Often, metastable structures are of more practical
importance than equilibrium ones.
 For example, some steel and aluminum
alloys rely for their strength on the
development of metastable microstructures
during carefully designed heat treatments.

Phase Diagram

 a graphical representation of the phase present in

a compound and the
 Includes material composition, temperature and
pressure over which the phases are stable
 also called an equilibrium diagram

One-Component Phase Diagram

 Also called a unary phase

 Also called a pressure-
temperature (P-T)
 The composition is held
constant (i.e., the system
is a pure substance)
 Least complex class of
phase diagram

Phase Diagram for Water
 The phase diagram is composed of regions of pressure
and temperature where only a single phase is stable.
 Note that if the pressure and temperature are specified,
the equilibrium state of the system is established.

Phase Diagram for Water

Phase Diagram for Water

Phase Boundaries

Phase Diagram for Water

Invariant Point
(Triple Point)

Invariant/Triple Point
On the water phase diagram, three-phase equilibrium
occurs at a fixed temperature and pressure.
 Equilibrium in which there is no freedom to change
variables is called invariant.
 The invariant point for water, as mentioned
previously, is also called a triple point, since three
phases are in equilibrium.

Binary Phase Diagrams

These are maps that represent the relationships

between temperature and the compositions and
quantities of phases at equilibrium.

Binary Phase Diagrams
 Pressure is held constant while temperature and
composition may vary

Copper – Nickel Phase diagram 23

Solubility of sugar (C12H22O11) in a sugar-water syrup
Binary Phase Diagrams

Many microstructures develop from phase

transformations that occur when the temperature is
altered (such as in cooling).

 Transition from one phase to another

 The appearance or disappearance of a phase.

Solubility Limit
 For many alloy systems and at some specific
temperature, there is a maximum concentration of solute
atoms that may dissolve in the solvent to form a solid
 This is called the solubility limit.

Binary Phase Systems
There are several types:
 Isomorphous

 Eutectic

 Eutectoid

 Peritectic

Binary Isomorphous Systems
 The simplest two-component system.
 Complete solubility occurs over the entire
composition range in both the liquid and solid
 This behavior is characterized as “isomorphous”.

Binary Isomorphous Systems

The lines created in this way are called phase

boundaries, and the areas enclosed by these lines
are called phase fields.

Binary Isomorphous Systems
 For metallic alloys, solid solutions are commonly
designated by lowercase Greek letters (, , ,
 The phase boundary separating the single-phase
liquid region from the two-phase (solid+liquid)
region is called a liquidus boundary.
 The phase boundary separating the two-phase
(solid+liquid) region from the single-phase solid
region is called a solidus boundary.

The Copper Nickel System
 Nickel and copper are mutually soluble in each other
in the solid state for all compositions because
 Both Cu and Ni have an FCC structure

 Both have nearly identical atomic radii

 Both have nearly identical electronegativities

 Both have similar valences

Binary Phase Diagrams

Important aspects:
Copper – Nickel Phase diagram  liquidus and solidus line
 melting points
 phase boundaries 32
Binary Phase Diagrams

Melting Points

Copper – Nickel Phase diagram

Melting Points
 For a binary isomorphous system, the solidus
and liquidus lines intersect at the two
composition extremities, corresponding to the
melting temperatures of the pure components.
 For any composition other than pure
components, melting occurs over a range of
temperatures between the solidus and liquidus

Binary Phase Diagrams
Determining Compositions

Pure  phase
Copper – Nickel Phase diagram 60% Ni, 40% Cu
Solid solution
Binary Phase Diagrams
Determining Compositions

 + L phase
35% Ni, 65% Cu

Copper – Nickel Phase diagram

Binary Phase Diagrams
Determining Compositions

Phase compositions for

 and L can be obtained
by creating a tie-line
Copper – Nickel Phase diagram across the point

Binary Phase Diagrams
Determining Compositions

The composition of -
phase is 42.5 wt % Ni
– 57.5 wt % Cu

Copper – Nickel Phase diagram

Binary Phase Diagrams
Determining Compositions

The composition of L-
phase is 31.5 wt % Ni
– 68.5 wt % Cu

Copper – Nickel Phase diagram

Binary Phase Diagrams
Determining Compositions

Phase amounts can be

obtained using the
inverse lever arm rule
Copper – Nickel Phase diagram

Binary Phase Diagrams
Determining Compositions

Copper – Nickel Phase diagram

Binary Phase Diagrams
Determining Compositions

Copper – Nickel Phase diagram

Determination of Phase
 If only one phase is present, the composition of
the phase is the same as the overall
composition of the alloy.
 For an alloy having composition and
temperature located in a two-phase region, tie
lines are used to determine the phase

Concept Check!
If a copper-nickel alloy of 70 wt%
Ni – 30 wt% Cu is slowly heated
from 1300 C

• At what temperature does the

first liquid phase form?
• What is the composition of this
liquid phase
• At what temperature does
complete melting of the alloy
• What is the composition of the
last solid remaining prior to
complete melting?
Copper – Nickel Phase diagram

Concept Check!
Is it possible to have a copper-
nickel alloy that at equilibrium
consist of an -phase of
composition 37wt% Ni – 63wt%
Cu, and also a liquid phase of
composition 20wt% Ni – 80 wt%
If yes, what will be the
approximate temperature of the
alloy? If no, why is it not possible?

Copper – Nickel Phase diagram

Concept Check!
A solid solution consists of a liquid phase (L) and a solid
phase (). The overall composition of the solid solution is
45% A and 55% B. The liquid phase is composed of 10% A
and 90% B. The solid phase is composed of 60% A and
40% B. All percentages are weight percentages.
(1) How much liquid phase is present?
(2) How much solid phase is present?


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