Carbon Footprint Calculation Using Input-Output Models

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Carbon Footprint Calculation

Using Input-Output Models


• Climate change and carbon footprints

• History of input-output analysis
• Fundamentals of input-output analysis
• A simple example of footprint computation
• Application to Philippine setting
• Exercise on carbon footprinting
• Conclusions

Climate Change is a Critical
Environmental Issue

Kota Kinabalu waterfront at dusk 3

Growing Concern on Carbon
• Emissions of greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2, CH4, N2O)
are widely believed to be driving global climate change
• These emissions are highly correlated with energy use
and industrial activity
• Global emissions are in the order of 30 109 tons per
• The Philippines contributes about 0.3% of global

Carbon Footprinting
• Due to the non-local effects of climate change, it is
always of interest to determine the levels of cumulative
GHG emissions associated with a product or service.

• “Carbon footprint” is a metric, usually expressed in mass

units of GHG’s per unit of output (e.g., kg CO2 per kW-h),
used to quantify how climate-friendly a given product
system is.

• Consider the problem: how much CO2 emissions are

generated to make 50 kg of rice?

Top-Down Footprinting
• Product chains or “life cycles” are often highly complex,
consisting of large numbers of interconnected activities.

• This situation leads to difficulties in developing models

 Modelling is highly data-intensive and thus time-
 A high degree of uncertainty exists in terms of different
levels of industrial efficiency of suppliers
 A tractable, approximate model capable of giving useful
results, especially for “background” systems
 Economic input-output (EIO) techniques based on the
work of Nobel laureate Leontief can be used
Input-Output Analysis:
Historical Perspective
Historical Perspective
Wassily Leontief received the
Sveriges Riksbank Prize in
Economic Sciences in Memory of
Alfred Nobel 1973

"for the development of the input-

output method and for its
application to important economic
Diverse Uses of Input-Output Models
• Economic analysis and forecasting
• Analysis of nutrient flows in natural ecosystems
and food chains
• Analysis of industrial metabolism in industrial
• Life cycle assessment and ecological
• Analysis of dynamics of energy supply chains
• Inoperability risk analysis for disasters
Limitations of Input-Output Models for
• Can provide LCIs only for pre-consumer stages
• Imported commodities should be negligible
• LCI data is normally 1 – 5 years old
• Industries are more aggregated
• Lack of sectoral environmental data in most
I/O Fundamentals
The Basic Model
 Each unit of ouput of a given
process requires a fixed set
of inputs from other
Inputs Outputs processes.
 Outputs of processes may
also serves as inputs for
other processes
 Process yields are defined
by fixed* numerical values
known as technical

*scale invariant
The Basic Model
Flow balances for m
outputs from n
Inputs Outputs processes are defined
Sj aij xj = yi ∀i

Or,in matrix notation:

Ax = y
The Basic Model
The resulting system has m equations and n
Sj aij xj = yi ∀i

For the case of m = n and the equations are

independent, a unique solution may be found
by matrix inversion:

x = A–1y
The Basic Model
As a result of the convention used in
recording transactions across economic
systems, (I – Z) often replaces A:

x = (I – Z)–1y

which is Leontief’s Nobel Prize winning

equation. (I – Z)–1 is known as the Leontief
A Simple Example of I/O Modelling

A Hypothetical Two-Sector Economy

Net economic output in million

Emissions in million kg
What is the emission intensity of
each sector in kg/Euro?

Table of Transactions

Input-Output Model

Input-Output Models with Environmental Flows

x = (I – Z)–1 y where:
I = identity matrix
g=Rx Z = technical coefficient
y = net output vector
x = gross output vector
R = direct emissions intensity
g = emissions vector

Breakdown of Total Emissions Using IO Model
0.315 kg
per Euro,
of which
33% is

0.58 kg per
Euro, of
which 9%
is indirect

What the Decomposition Means

These two “layers”

can be
superimposed to
yield the total
economic system

Application of I/O Model to Analysis of
Philippine Carbon Emissions

Input-Output Models of Carbon Emissions

• Emissions from highly interconnected economic systems

need to be modelled using life cycle concepts.
• It is necessary to account not just for direct emissions,
but also indirect emissions arising from sectoral
• Input-output based modeling is appropriate for this
application (Heijungs & Suh, 2002; Hendrickson et al.,
2006; Nguyen & Ishihara, 2006).

Overview of our Work

• Working with my economist colleague, Joel Tanchuco

• Obtained 2000 IO Tables from Philippine Government at
three levels of disaggregation:
– 11 Sectors
– 60 Sectors
– 250 Sectors
• Obtained published sectoral direct carbon emissions
• Currently reconstructing detailed/disaggregated
emissions profile from energy use statistics

Sectoral Carbon Emissions in the Philippines

Sources of Indirect Emissions

Partial Results Using 60-sector IO Tables

• Carbon emission levels per P1,000 of major agricultural

– Rice, 5.8 kg
– Corn, 5.1 kg
– Coconut, 4.7 kg
– Sugarcane, 8.5 kg
• Carbon emission levels for services provided by:
– Private educational institutions, 2,200 kg per P150,000
– Hotels and restaurants, 11.7 kg per P1,000

I/O Exercise
Aggregated Philippine I/O Data
(in billion pesos except where indicated)

Agriculture Industry Services Total

Agriculture 50 366 35 687
Industry 99 1696 537 4337
Services 22 390 264 2497
CO2 (kg/P) 0.003 0.014 0.004

Using this data, find the carbon footprint of:

(a) A 50 kg sack of rice
(b) A copy of the Philippine Star newspaper
(c) 1000 text messages
(d) One term of studying at DLSU

Final words
Other Notable EIO/LCA Efforts
• Carnegie Mellon University’s Green Design Institute has
a web-based, open access EIO-LCA model accessible at

• Leiden University’s Center for Environmental Sciences

developed the Excel/VBA program MIET (Missing
Inventory Estimation Tool) which can be downloaded

Advantages and Disadvantages
• Data on inter-industry • Gathering inter-industry
exchanges (Z) are exchange data (Z)
routinely documented by involves time delays
governments • Sectoral emissions data
• Any feedback loops are (R) may unavailable or
implicitly accounted for incomplete
• Most appropriate for low- • Effects of imports are not
resolution modelling of accounted for
“background” systems in • Accuracy is limited by the
hybrid models resolution of the EIO

Further Reading
[1] Heijungs, R and Suh, S. 2002. The computational structure of life cycle
assessment. Kluwer, Dordrecht.

[2] Hendrickson, C. T., Lave, L. B. and Matthews, H. S. 2006. Environmental

life cycle assessment of goods and services. An input-output approach.
RFF Press, Washington, DC.



[6] Nguyen, T. A. T. and Ishihara, K. N. 2006. Analysis of changing hidden

energy flow in Vietnam. Energy Policy 34: 1883 – 1888.

[7] Velasquez, E. 2006. An input–output model of water consumption:

Analysing intersectoral water relationships in Andalusia. Ecological
Economics 56: 226 – 240.

• A portion of this work was undertaken as part of the

Eurpoean Commission Asia Link Project Contract
• I also wish to thank my colleague, Joel Tanchuco, and
the National Statistical Coordination Board of the
Republic of the Philippines for providing us with copies
of the 2000 EIO Tables

Thanks for your attention

Comments and questions are welcome

Or contact me at
Phone/Fax: +632-524-0560


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