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Medical Engineering & Physics 33 (2011) 1127–1135

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Activity classification using a single chest mounted tri-axial accelerometer

A. Godfrey a,∗ , A.K. Bourke b,c,d , G.M. Ólaighin b,c , P. van de Ven d , J. Nelson d
Clinical Ageing Research Unit, Newcastle University, Campus for Ageing & Vitality, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 5PL, United Kingdom
School of Engineering & Informatics, NUI Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland
National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science, NUI Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland
Wireless Access Research Group, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Accelerometer-based activity monitoring sensors have become the most suitable means for objective
Received 29 November 2010 assessment of mobility trends within patient study groups. The use of minimal, low power, IC (integrated
Received in revised form 3 May 2011 circuit) components within these sensors enable continuous (long-term) monitoring which provides
Accepted 6 May 2011
more accurate mobility trends (over days or weeks), reduced cost, longer battery life, reduced size and
weight of sensor. Using scripted activities of daily living (ADL) such as sitting, standing, walking, and
numerous postural transitions performed under supervised conditions by young and elderly subjects, the
Physical activity
ability to discriminate these ADL were investigated using a single tri-axial accelerometer, mounted on the
trunk. Data analysis was performed using Matlab® to determine the accelerations performed during eight
Discrete wavelet transform different ADL. Transitions and transition types were detected using the scalar (dot) product technique and
ADL vertical velocity estimates on a single tri-axial accelerometer was compared to a proven discrete wavelet
Postural transitions transform method that incorporated accelerometers and gyroscopes. Activities and postural transitions
Scalar product were accurately detected by this simplified low-power kinematic sensor and activity detection algorithm
Dot product with a sensitivity and specificity of 86–92% for young healthy subjects in a controlled setting and 83–89%
for elderly healthy subjects in a home environment.
Crown Copyright © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IPEM. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction during daily activities involving locomotion and postural changes

[11]. However, the use of this system incorporated a complex
The study of ambulatory human motion with accelerom- wavelet approximation algorithm and while only one sensor (gyro-
eter and (or) gyroscope-based mobility monitors has become scope) was used its power consumption was still quite substantial
increasingly extensive in many areas of biomedical electronic at 4 mA, which limited its recording period to 12-h. Another sys-
research. These research areas include the monitoring of the tem incorporating gyroscopes for fall detection have used multiple
patients (old and young) suffering from: falls, Parkinson’s dis- gyroscope sensor configurations with individual power consump-
ease, venous ulceration, back pain, osteoarthritis, mental disorders, tion of up to 6 mA (milliampere) each [12].
obesity, etc. [1–9]. Reduction in sensor size and cost [10] cou- Previous ambulatory systems utilising just accelerometers have
pled with more powerful data mining techniques has enabled the also been researched [13–15]. Karantonis et al. [14] adopted the
researcher to apply both single and multiple sensor arrays to these use of a single tri-axial accelerometer at the waist for the detec-
groups. tion between periods of activity and rest, postural orientation,
Coley et al. [11] adopted the use of a single gyroscope sensor walking and falls. The authors also aimed to provide a distinction
to study shank kinematics during stair ascent/decent and walking between the upright postures of sitting and standing based on tilt
compared to a reference motion capture system. A negative peak angle differences [14]. However, this method is based on prede-
was observed during level walking and stair descent. The system termined thresholds and as a result Karantonis et al. found that
returned a relative error of <8% in identifying periods of stair ascent subjects could either be sitting or standing, depending on various
other parameters (the type of accelerometers used by these authors
had high power consumption, >4 mA). Laboratory testing carried
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 191 248 1245.
out by these authors involved six subjects resulted in an overall
E-mail addresses:,
accuracy of 90.8% across 12 tasks (283 tests) across a variety of
(A. Godfrey). movements [14]. Godfrey et al. [16] undertook a comprehensive

1350-4533/$ – see front matter. Crown Copyright © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IPEM. All rights reserved.
1128 A. Godfrey et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 33 (2011) 1127–1135

Recently, research has been carried out into investigating if

accurate mobility monitoring and activity classification, includ-
ing posture transition (without the need for thresholds) can be
achieved using a single chest mounted sensor [17]. The sensor
used in that study by Najafi et al. [17] consisted of a bi-axial
accelerometer (current consumption 0.6 mA × 1) and single axis
gyroscope (4.5 mA). The authors achieved high accuracies but the
resulting activity algorithm was complex and computationally
The aim of this pilot study is to determine, if using a
single trunk mounted low power tri-axial accelerometer, can
sufficient and accurate detection of postural activity (PA) and
posture transition (PT) be achieved from a less complex activ-
ity algorithm. Once these have been detected, PTs will help
in determining the type of activity and also better assist
in understanding the problems occurring during daily activity
Fig. 1. Site of sensor attachment on the chest. (falls, postural stability, etc.) [17]. The improved arrangement

review of accelerometry and its application for human movement (a) provide a more straightforward, low power sensor array (one
and activity detection. The authors direct the readers to that body tri-axial accelerometer) and
of work where earlier systems and their description, accuracy, etc. (b) a reduction in the computational intensity of the activity clas-
are presented. sification algorithm.

Fig. 2. A flow chart summarizing the VESPA algorithm. This new algorithm eliminates the need for complex computations on gyroscope signals to eliminate drift introduced
by integration. Simple vertical velocity estimates and scalar products provide a complete activity monitoring system on a single accelerometer-based sensor.
A. Godfrey et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 33 (2011) 1127–1135 1129

Fig. 3. (i) sin() after applying the DWT with decomposition into 9 scales by a fifth order Coiflet wavelet (coif5). (ii) Original vertical acceleration signal (avs ). (a, iii) DWT(avs )
between the scales of 5 and 9 with a coif5 wavelet. The circles (green) represent the detection of the type of transition, here it is a SiSt. The nearest maximum and minimum
to the time of posture transition tPT . (b, iii) Similar analysis/technique as (a, iii) but here showing a StSi. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

2. Methods subject were recorded during each activity. The inertial sensor con-
sists of a tri-axial accelerometer sensor, consisting of two bi-axial
2.1. Sensor design Analog Devices ADXL2101 accelerometers which are sensitive to

In this study, the sagittal, frontal and transverse accelerations as

well as pitch, yaw and roll angular velocities of the trunk, of each 1
ADXL210 and ADXRS300, Analog Devices BV, Limerick, Ireland.
1130 A. Godfrey et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 33 (2011) 1127–1135

both static and dynamic acceleration with a range of ±10 g and

consumes less than 0.6 mA each. The inertial sensor also included a
tri-axial gyroscope sensor consisting of 3 uni-axial Analog Devices
ADXSRS3001 rate gyroscopes. The ADXRS3001 is capable of mea-
suring angular velocities in the range ±300◦ s−1 and provides an
analog output voltage with a current consumption of 6 mA. This
inertial sensor was positioned on the sternum, Fig. 1.
A portable battery-powered data-logger (Biomedical
MonitoringBM422 ) was used for data acquisition and attached
at the subject’s waist by means of a belt attachment. The sensor
signals were recorded at a frequency of 1000 Hz (hertz) and
resolution of 12 bits. Each signal was low-pass filtered using a
second-order low-pass Butterworth two-pass digital filter, with a
cut-off frequency of 17-Hz.
The sensor arrangement (sensor held both accelerometers and
gyroscopes) allowed for more efficient data collection. Once the
scripted activities were performed, accelerometer and gyroscope
data from the sensor were downloaded from the data logger
and analysed with a specially written Matlab® program. The
accelerometer data collected were to be analysed separately by
both methods (newly proposed algorithm and that used by Najafi
et al. [17]) for direct comparison. The following section describes
in more detail how the data were collected and analysed.

2.2. Experimental design

The experimental design consists of two stages:

Firstly, the chest-mounted sensor was evaluated on young
healthy subjects (YHS). This involved the testing and compari-
son of a new single tri-axial accelerometer activity algorithm to
a proven method of activity and postural transition detection using
accelerometers and gyroscopes [17]. Previously, the proven (ref-
erence) method, performed over 349 PTs, achieved a sensitivity3
and specificity4 of 93% and 82% for sit-to-stand (SiSt) and 82% and
94% for stand-to-sit (StSi) transitions, respectively. Sensitivities and
specificities were, respectively, 90.2% and 93.4% in sitting, 92.2%
and 92.1% in “standing + walking” and finally 98.4% and 99.7% in
Secondly, once the new technique was compared against the Fig. 4. (a) DWT of the vertical acceleration (avs ), the green ‘’ represents the peaks
corresponding to actual walking steps. The red ‘’ corresponds to peaks that were
reference method, the single tri-axial accelerometer sensor and
excluded, as they were less than the timing criteria as outlined by Najafi et al.
new algorithm was tested on elderly healthy subjects (EHS) in their (<0.25 s) to be considered as steps. (b) Vertical velocity estimate obtained during
home environment. a period of walking for a YHS. The green ‘’ represents the peaks corresponding to
Stage 1: Ten YHS were recruited. These young adults ranged in actual walking steps. No spurious peaks were detected. (For interpretation of the
age from 21 to 29 years (23.7 ± 2.2 years). All gave written informed references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
the article.)
consent and the University of Limerick Research Ethics Committee
(ULREC) approved the protocol. All subjects wore an ambulatory
recording system that included the kinematic sensor attached to • a6: sitting down on and standing up from a bed, (height
the chest. Each subject performed 8 different activities of daily liv- 53.5 ± 1.8 cm);
ing (ADL), where each was repeated a total of 3 times at their own • lying down and standing up from a bed, (height 53.5 ± 1.8 cm);
pace, under the supervision of one of the study investigators. These • walking 10 m.
activities included:
These activities were to be detected using a previously validated
• a1: sitting down and standing up from an arm-chair, (height method [17] and the new classification algorithm (VESPA), as pro-
42.6 ± 1.1 cm); posed in this paper. The postural transition duration time for each
• a2: sitting down and standing up from a kitchen chair, (height transition was also calculated and compared for the two methods
46.2 ± 1.0 cm); within this age group (results Fig. 6(a) and (b)).
• a3: sitting down and standing up from a toilet seat, (height Stage 2: Upon the completion of Stage 1, ten EHS performed
43.0 ± 0.8 cm); the same ADL procedures as the young adults, under the super-
• a4: sitting down and standing up from a low stool, (height vision of one of the study investigators, in their own homes.
39.2 ± 1.5 cm); These were community-dwelling elderly subjects, 3 female and
• a5: getting in and out of a car seat, (height 52.0 ± 1.7 cm); 7 male, were monitored. They ranged in age from 70 to 83 years
(77.2 ± 4.3 years). All subjects gave written informed consent and
the ULREC approved the measurement protocol. However, these
Biomedical Monitoring Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland.
elderly subjects wore only the kinematic sensor equipped with a
Measures proportion of actual positives which are correctly identified. single tri-axial accelerometer (ADXL210 × 2). The purpose of this
Measures proportion of negatives which are correctly identified. stage, is to show that the validity of the new Velocity Estimate
A. Godfrey et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 33 (2011) 1127–1135 1131

Fig. 5. (i) This the calculation of  from the scalar (dot) product (a• b) of the static vector, a, and the tri-axial accelerometer output, b, for change in body tilt – SiSt or StSi.
(ii) Original vertical acceleration signal (avs ). (a) SiSt transition for a YHS – for comparison with Fig. 3(a) – shows the potential of the new VESPA algorithm over the previous
method. (iii) Vertical estimate for the transition of SiSt – greater maximum positive peak in vertical estimate, |b| > |a| (a and b determined from t(PT) – nearest maxima). (b)
StSi transition for a YHS – for comparison with Fig. 3(b). (iii) Vertical estimate for the transition of StSi – greater maximum negative peak in vertical estimate, |a| > |b| (a and
b determined from t(PT) – nearest maxima).
1132 A. Godfrey et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 33 (2011) 1127–1135

Fig. 6. (i) Posture duration (TD) times standing to sitting (StSi) for young healthy subjects as determined by both methods for PTs (mean with standard error). (ii) Posture
duration (TD) times for sitting to standing (SiSt) young healthy subjects as determined by both methods for PTs (mean with standard error). (iii) Standing to sitting (StSi) and
sitting to standing transition (SiSt) duration times for elderly healthy subjects as determined by the VESPA algorithm (mean with standard error).

and Scalar Product Activity (VESPA) algorithm on EHS where their performed by subjecting the accelerometer to a number of known
movement or postural transition signatures (pattern) may differ static angles versus gravity [19].
from YHS.
2.4. Signal processing
2.3. Calibration
The methods used to determine the subject’s activity were the
Calibration of the tri-axial accelerometer and gyroscope sen- use of multi-resolution analysis in the form of the discrete wavelet
sors was performed using previous methods as outlined by Bourke transform (for comparison purposes) and the new VESPA algo-
et al. [4]. The method of gyroscope calibration works by comparing rithm.
the standard deviation of three gyroscope signals to a 3-element
Gyroscope Static Threshold Vector (GSTV). The GSTV elements are 2.4.1. The discrete wavelet transform
the mean and standard deviation of each axis of the tri-axial gyro- The purpose of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is a
scope held static for a period of 5 s [18]. Accelerometer calibration is time-frequency representation of a signal. The DWT owes its
A. Godfrey et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 33 (2011) 1127–1135 1133

Table 1
Sensitivity and specificity of PT and walking for the 10 YHS and 10 EHS using VESPA and the method by Najafi et al. (mean ± standard deviation).

VESPA Total PT Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)

StSi SiSt Lying Walking StSi SiSt

YHS (N = 10) 42 ± 0 92 ± 9 85 ± 11 100 ± 0 100 ± 0 85 ± 11 92 ± 9

EHS (N = 10) 42 ± 0 89 ± 8 83 ± 11 100 ± 0 98 ± 1 83 ± 11 89 ± 8
Najafi et al. [17]
YHS (N = 6) 57 ± 9 82 ± 15 93 ± 7 100 ± 0 96 ± 1 94 ± 6 82 ± 15
EHS (N = 9) Not reported

functionality to the fast pyramid algorithm [20,21]. The pyramid 2.4.3. VESPA algorithm – scalar product
algorithm has both forward and backward (inverse) algorithms to This paper proposes a new method for trunk angle tilt estimation
compute the wavelet transform. The backward algorithm recon- using a tri-axial accelerometer mounted at the chest. This novel
structs the original signal from the component wavelets [21]. The method makes use of the scalar (dot) product. This method deals
DWT is given in Eq. (1) in terms of its recovery transform, where with vector multiplication as is defined by Eq. (3), where a, is a row
d(k,l) is a sampling of the wavelet coefficients at discrete points k vector and b is a column vector of equal length.
and l with the mother wavelet, [20]: ⎡ ⎤

∞ n

x(t) = d(k, )2−k/2 (2−k t − ) (1) a · b = [a1 · · ·an ] ⎣ .. ⎦

= al bl = a1 b1 + · · · + an bn (3)
bn l=1

Here we apply the same techniques adopted by Najafi et al. to For angle tilt detection the vector a, is a 1 × 3 matrix rep-
validate the new algorithm of activity monitoring with the use of resenting the mean output value from each axis of the tri-axial
a single tri-axial accelerometer – VESPA. Use of the DWT by Najafi accelerometer during which the patient is standing and inactive.
et al. was two-fold: Similarly, b, is a 3 × N matrix, which represents the accelerometer
output for each axis, where N denotes the length of the accelerom-
(a) Firstly, DWT (with a suitable mother wavelet between the eter signal, over the entire recording period. The scalar product of
required frequency bands/scales) eliminated low frequency a and b is represented in Eq. (4). Thus, the resulting vector, or angle
drift which resulted when the gyroscope signal was integrated tilt (), is a 1 × N matrix represented in Eq. (5). The value represents
to determine change of trunk tilt (). the angle difference away from the static vector, a:
(b) Secondly, the DWT was applied to the vertical acceleration
(avs ) to determine the type of postural transition (StSi or SiSt) b11 b12 ··· b1N
transition. A combination of these techniques subsequently a · bN = [a1 , a2 , a3 ] b21 b22 ··· b2N
determined the time, t(PT), and duration of the postural transi- b31 b32 ··· b3N
tions, TD [17]. N


The wavelet toolbox of Matlab® was used to calculate the dif- = al bln · · · al blN (4)
ferent wavelet transforms used in this study. l=1 l=1 n=1

2.4.2. VESPA algorithm – velocity estimate (a · bN )

N = cos−1 (5)
|a| · bN
It has previously been suggested by Degen et al. [22] and Bourke
et al. [23] that velocity estimates provide an approximation most
similar to velocity profiles. This can be derived from a tri-axial The scalar product of the accelerometer signal results in the
accelerometer (TA) by numerical integration of the norm of the change of trunk tilt of the wearer. This method was compared
TA signals after the magnitude of static acceleration (gravity) is directly with the method adopted by Najafi et al. [17] for activ-
subtracted, Eq. (2): ity classification. A full representation of the VESPA algorithm is
   presented in Fig. 2. It is proposed that the use of this scalar prod-
vve = a2x + a2y + a2z − 9.81 ms dt (2) uct method will provide a more simple and straightforward activity
algorithm for the detection of sitting to standing and standing to sit-
Degen et al. [22] removed drift from the signal by applying a ting transitions. The added benefit is that this algorithm can be used
multiplication factor of 0.9 (damping factor) to the positive acceler- on inertial sensors that incorporate a single tri-axial accelerometer,
ation values during integration. Kangas et al. [13] removed drift by thus eliminating the need for gyroscopes. Practically this leads to
subtracting a high-pass filtered root-sum-of-squares signal prior to a simple sensor design and will prolong the activity measurement
integration and only integrating over a short period (the pit before capabilities of inertial sensors as gyroscopes draw more power from
the impact). However, Bourke et al. [23] removed integration drift batteries.
by band-pass filtering the vertical profiles using a 2nd order Butter-
worth band-pass filter with upper and lower cut-off frequency of 3. Results
15 Hz and 0.15 Hz respectively as it produced more accurate results.
Similarly, this method is adopted in this study. 3.1. Stage 1 (YHS): discrete wavelet transform validation
The vertical velocity estimate (vve ) was used to detect walking
and to differentiate between the postural transition of StSi or SiSt. Lying was detected by the orientation of the vertical accelerom-
If the absolute value of the negative peak around t(PT) was greater eter axis (avs ) with a sensitivity of 100%. In the lying state the
than the absolute value of the positive peak, the transition was accelerometer axis measures 0g (g = gravity, 9.81 ms−2 ) while in the
deemed to be StSi. The opposite was the case for SiSt, see Fig. 5(a) standing or sitting state the value is approximately –1g. Fig. 3(a) and
and (b). (b) shows the resulting postural transition signals achieved from
1134 A. Godfrey et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 33 (2011) 1127–1135

Table 2 posture transition (these duration times are presented in Fig. 6(a)
Step count for a chest mounted device determined by (a) DWT method (Najafi et al.)
and (b)).
applied to the vertical acceleration (avs ) and (b) VESPA derived step count from the
vertical estimate.

Subject DWT(avs ): YHSa VESPA: YHSa VESPA: EHSb

3.3. Stage 2 (EHS): application of VESPA in a home environment
1 23 16 26
2 28 26 27 Having obtained satisfactory results in Stage 1, the kinematic
3 32 26 21
sensor with a single tri-axial accelerometer was applied to an
4 35 33 24
5 38 35 11 elderly healthy group within their home environment for concept
6 25 25 23 testing. Here the elderly subjects performed the same activities
7 30 28 15 as the young subjects. Lying was detected with a sensitivity of
8 27 31 51
100%. StSi was detected with a sensitivity and specificity of 89%
9 24 25 29
10 35 34 26
and 83%, while SiSt had a sensitivity and specificity of 83% and 89%
Total 297 279 253 respectively. Table 1 shows the overall sensitivity and specificity of
a transition detection for the 10 EHS. Walking was identified with an
YHS = Young Healthy Subjects.
EHS = Elderly Healthy Subjects – this was a self-selected distance chosen by the accuracy of 100% over an unmeasured controlled distance and the
patient. total number of steps recorded, Table 2. Posture duration times are
presented in Fig. 6(c).

standing up (SiSt transition, Fig. 3(a)) and sitting down (StSi tran-
sition, Fig. 3(b)) from a kitchen chair for a young healthy subject 4. Discussion and conclusion
by the application of the DWT and methodology adopted by Najafi
et al. Previous activity classification studies have focused on the mul-
As discussed by Najafi et al. the nearest positive and negative tiple sensor arrangements but this often involved more complex
peaks of DWT(avs ) to the local minimum point of sin() were chosen algorithm development to determine the correct activity. More
to represent the transition of StSi and SiSt. In total there were 360 recent studies have incorporated single site sensor attachment,
PTs performed by the study subjects with a sensitivity and speci- however, those sensors incorporated more high-power devices,
ficity of 92% and 88% for StSi and 89% and 93% for SiSt respectively (such as gyroscopes) thereby limiting the monitoring duration
(these findings were similar to that achieved by Najafi et al.). capability and offline analysis of the study (due to complex algo-
Walking was detected by applying the DWT to avs between the rithms). Clinically, the application of body worn sensors without
scales of 2 and 5 using a Daubechies mother wavelet of order 4 (db4) the possibility of long term patient monitoring can be limiting due
[24]. A threshold was then applied to the negative peaks of the sig- to the added burden/cost placed upon patients and researchers to
nal, Fig. 4(a) [17]. Walking was correctly identified by this method replace sensors and/or batteries. While modern day sensors with a
with an accuracy of 100%. The total number of steps detected is single site of body attachment can record for up to seven or more
presented in Table 2. days, their activity detection algorithms can be minimal due to their
Posture transition durations (TD) were also calculated from need to save battery life. The aim of this pilot study was to show
sin() as a measure of time between the two successive peaks, P1 that a suitable low-power device with a more complete and uncom-
and P2 , around the time of posture transition (tPT ), Eq. (6) [25]: plicated activity classification algorithm was possible with a single
chest worn tri-axial accelerometer device.
TD = t(P1 ) − t(P2 ) (6) The single tri-axial accelerometer kinematic sensor and sim-
plified activity algorithm was compared directly with a proven
The posture transition duration times for both methods (Najafi
sensor configuration worn on the chest (incorporating a bi-axial
method and VESPA) are presented in Figs. 3 and 5.
accelerometer and uni-axial gyroscope) that utilised a more com-
plicated activity algorithm. Firstly, the proven activity detection
3.2. Stage 1 (YHS): VESPA technique was replicated successfully and was found to have suffi-
cient accuracy with the test group, young healthy adults (YHS) for
Lying was detected by the VESPA algorithm from the angle mea- the activities performed, Fig. 3. The activities of lying, standing, sit-
sured (trunk tilt, ) by the tri-axial accelerometer of the vertical ting, walking, and postural transitions (StSi and SiSt) were detected
accelerometer axis (avs ) with a sensitivity of 100%. Fig. 5(a) (SiSt) with success rates similar to those of Najafi et al. [17]. The new
and (b) (StSi) shows the resulting postural detection method, simi- sensor arrangement and simplified algorithm (classified as VESPA)
lar to that adopted by Najafi et al. but applied to the scalar product were then applied to the same activities as performed by the YHS.
method. However, in this study both types of transitions were dis- The data is presented in Figs. 4(b) and 5 for direct comparison to
tinguished using vve . This was achieved by examining the maximum Figs. 3 and 4(a) which show the potential for the new system con-
positive and negative peak values of the vve around the time of a figuration and activity algorithm. The activity of lying and walking
postural transition (t(PT)). A greater maximum positive peak value was detected with an accuracy of 100% under control conditions.
with a SiSt transition (Fig. 5(a, part iii)) and a greater maximum This is an improvement in walking detection over the method used
negative peak value was associated with a StSi transition (Fig. 5(b, by Najafi et el. where spurious peak detection may have resulted
part iii)). Of the 360 PTs performed by the young adults, sensitivity in misclassification (Fig. 4(a)). Importantly, the activities of walk-
and specificity were 92% and 86% for StSi and 86% and 92% for SiSt ing and step counting were more clearly identifiable using VESPA,
respectively for VESPA. Table 1 shows the overall sensitivity and with the elimination of spurious peaks (Table 1 and Fig. 4) when
specificity of transition detection for the 10 YHS. compared to the method adopted by Najafi et al. [17]. This new
Walking was detected with an accuracy of 100% by examining kinematic sensor and simplified activity algorithm technique was
the negative peaks of the vertical velocity estimate, Fig. 4(b). The then applied to data recorded from an elderly group in their own
step estimation is compared to the method adopted by Najafi et al. home environment. The same activities as performed by the EHS
in Table 2. Postural duration times were also calculated for VESPA were also identified successfully with a sensitivity and specificity
based on similar peak detection during the time of a detected of 89% and 83%, while SiSt had a sensitivity and specificity of 83%
A. Godfrey et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 33 (2011) 1127–1135 1135

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