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This agreement shall be between X, the owners of Villa (client/s), andY, the

Project : Villa Landscape

Total Project Cost : Php 130,000.00
Work days : Seven (7) days work

Scope of Work:
1. The Landscaper shall work on the four (4) areas at Villa, namely:

a. Entrance Area (front of Bedroom 1);

b. Pocket Garden (Master’s Bedroom 1);
c. Basement Area entrance;
d. Basement Area back door, and;
e. including the base area surrounding the swimming pool (as shown in the
attached sketch and description submitted.)

2. Start date and working days:

a. The work placement of plants and other garden decors and materials shall
begin on March 26, 2021;

b. The duration of the project shall take one (1) week or seven (7) days to be

3. Retention Period and Work:

a. After the project is completed or after the seven (7) work days, the landscaper
shall dedicate twenty (20) days retention to observe the stability of the newly
imbedded plants, including visiting the project site and watering of the plants
in all project areas within the twenty (20) days retention period;

b. The landscaper shall replace the newly imbedded plants should it withered
within the twenty (20) days retention period;

c. The landscaper, if necessary and possible, shall also revive the newly
embedded plants should it weaken within the twenty (20) days retention
period. Otherwise, it shall be replaced.

4. Payment Terms:

a. The Project Contract Price shall amount to: One Hundred Thirty Thousand
Pesos only (Php 130,000.00) and this shall also be considered as the Total
Project Cost.
b. Before the project starts the client/s shall be required to pay to the landscaper
the sixty (60) percent down payment or Php 78,000.00;

c. After the project work days or the seven (7) work days has been completed,
the client/s shall pay the thirty (30) percent partial payment or Php 39,000.00,

d. Upon the completion of the twenty (20) days retention period the client/s shall
pay to the landscaper the ten (10) percent retention cost or Php 13,000.00
which shall also constitute the full payment of the Total Project Cost.

e. Schedule of payment:

First Payment: Php 78,000 Before the Down payment

(60%) project starts
on March 26,
Second Payment Php 39,000 After the 7 Partial payment
(30%) days project
work is
completed or
April 2, 2021
Third Payment Php 13,000 After the 20 Full Payment
(10%) days retention
period or April
21, 2021
Total Payment Php 130,000

5. Conditions:

a. All plants, materials and workforce shall be covered by the Total Project
Price, including the twenty (20) days retention period and work.

b. The client/s may still refer to the landscaper to consult or ask suggestion
should there be any problem even after the said project has been done or
even after the contract has been terminated.

Signed: Signed:

_____________________ _________________________
Landscaper Client/s
Date: Date:

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