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VastuShastri Khushdeep Bansal

Learn to Use the Power of Remedial Symbols to

Live with more Happiness, Love and Prosperity
First published in 2012 by


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Copyright © Vastushastri Khushdeep Bansal


Compilation and Editorial: Nitin Gupta

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At the time of setting out for creation on earth,
Devshilpi lord Vishwakarma saw his son Aparajit in
deep thoughts. The father, affectionately, asked the
reason for Aparajit’s doubts.

Aparajit was well aware of human mental aptitude

on earth; so he asked his father, lord Vishwakarma,
how that divine Vastu Shastra of building would
become immortal and continue benefitting the
mankind forever; in case that Vastu Shastra should
get deformed & extinct with passage of time.

“Son, formulate it in writing”, said lord Vishwakarma.

“But, formulas might get distorted”;

“Engrave them on stones creating Shilalekhs”;

“They would break, father”;

“Convert structured divine voice into musical

creations in Sanskrit”, son;

“But father, with passage of time, change of language

will lead to change of meaning”.

Son Aparajit’s doubts formed a solid base for the

destruction of knowledge. So lord Vishwakarma
started meditating on it.

“Son, make a symbol of knowledge and convert it into

sculpture (shilp). Sculpture, in the form of symbols,
will become immortal. Symbols only, will always
serve as the medium of desired conversation between
inner being of humans and the mysterious powers of
Nature. Symbols will always be admired and will
become a medium of sincere silent expression.

Aparajit, the first sculptor, got rid of all his conflicts.

14 Mahavastu remedies
Getting the medium to immortalize the Invisible, he
set to create ‘symbol-sculptures’.

Symbols are powerful and have their own language

and effects. They have been old friends of mankind,
guiding and supporting the process of human
evolution. Right from ancient times, man’s life
has been strongly connected with and related to

Symbols are the formulators (sutradhar) of the

conscious and the subconscious mind and have
been handled with great care. Man possessed
this knowledge from early times and, according
to linguists, language developed from symbols.
Symbols are an integral part of human life and mind,
even today. The human subconscious mind (Inner
mind) only understands the language of symbols.

The expansion of the subconscious mind is in two

domains—one, the subconscious mind (Inner mind)
of the human being, and second the inner space of a
building. The human mind gets programmed from the

space where it lives—the space inside the building.

The philosophy of MahaVastu believes that bhawna

(emotion and intention) is the daughter of bhavana
(building). Emotion and intention are the driving
forces of your life.

The centre of the entire human existence is

the Inner mind only. It is the Inner mind which
conducts and manages the infinite processes of the
body, whether it is blood pressure or heartbeat.
Even the processes, which we remain unaware of
throughout our lives, are run very smoothly and
precisely by our Inner mind.

The analogy of computers serves best to understand

the process of both, conscious mind and the Inner
mind. The conscious mind is the monitor, and the
Inner mind, the Central Processing Unit (CPU).

The CPU works according to the information

registered on the monitor. It does not perform any
analysis on its own. The language of the CPU is

16 Mahavastu remedies
altogether of a different type. Ninety five percent of
regular computer users do not know that language,
though it is used to programme computers. A
computer programme is like a set of instructions,
written in that particular language.

Similarly, the conscious mind gathers information

through the five senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin);
pictures through the eyes in form of paintings and
colours; sounds in the form of music or noise through
the ear; and touch from textures through the skin.

Different objects in the external world create a

complex language for the Inner mind. Information
picked unknowingly by the Inner mind creates the
life you actually live. The core of the MahaVastu
remedies is to gain an understanding of this language
and to use it to manifest the desired life.

When placed in a building, a symbol has a significant

meaning—it says something to our Inner mind, which
then begins to act accordingly. This activates the
natural earth powers to generate the special process

towards the fulfilment of our desires—once these
powers sense our desires, they programme our Inner
mind accordingly. Thus, the powers lead us towards
the achievement of our goals, the purpose of life.

Thus, by placing an appropriate symbol in the

appropriate MahaVastu zone related to our wish,
we can programme our space for its fulfilment.
For example, for a loving relationship with
your spouse, put a symbol of Love Birds in the
MahaVastu zone of relationships. Your space
will get programmed accordingly, and you and
your spouse will subconsciously start behaving
in a manner conducive to a cordial and loving
relationship between the two of you.

This is the Space Programming Technique of

MahaVastu which is discussed in detail in the
MahaVastu Course. MahaVastu is unique because it
helps us read the symbolic messages of the universe,
and take the desired steps to convey our wishes to the
universe through the use of symbols.

18 Mahavastu remedies
It is only through a healthy balance between Existence
and ourselves that we can ensure good health, wealth
and prosperity. The occurrence of an imbalance
between the Existence and us is the root cause of all
the problems that we face in our day-to-day life.

MahaVastu is dedicated to developing an

understanding of the naturally occurring energies,
as well as, the knowledge of maintaining a balance
between these energies in our living space, our home.
MahaVastu Programming makes an imbalanced
situation harmonious and balanced.

All through MahaVastu Programming, you should be

very cautious in the use of symbols. This forms the
fourth and final step, namely, the finishing touch to
be performed in the building, in order to complete
the process of desired manifestation. Before the
application of the MahaVastu remedies, all the three
steps of the 4-Step MahaVastu must have been
completed in your building.

The first step is that the location of entrance should be

Panchkosha – The Five Layer of Human Being

analysed and corrected, without doing demolitions,

by using MahaVastu techniques. Only a correct
entrance connects the inner space of a building with
the universal space. This is exactly like connecting a
computer to the electric supply.

The second step is, analysing the strengths and

weaknesses of the 16 MahaVastu zones to evaluate
and to understand the powers that continually shape

20 Mahavastu remedies
your life situations. And, the third step is to attain a
balance of the five elements by suitably analysing the
Cycle of Creation and the Cycle of Control.

Without completing these three steps, the fourth

step, i.e., MahaVastu Programming with objects
will not work properly. For the application of
MahaVastu Programming, one must analyse the
Kosha (among the Panchkoshas) with which the

MahaVastu Shakti Chakra

problems are connected.

To solve problems related with the Annamaya Kosha;

restoring the elemental balance and correcting the
entrance effects is sufficient. For problems pertaining
to the Pranmaya Kosha and Manomaya Kosha,
the application of ‘MahaVastu Shakti Chakra’ will
produce the desired solutions. The issues related

22 Mahavastu remedies
with the higher level of Manomaya Kosha and
Vigyanmaya Kosha, will be addressed by applying
MahaVastu Programming in combination with the
three steps given above.

In MahaVastu Course, it is ensured that a learner

becomes well versed in identifying the disturbed
kosha leading to the problem, while analysing and
evaluating the existing buildings and then, carrying
out remedial measures with the application of the 16
MahaVastuTM Techniques.

Only after gaining a thorough understanding along

with practical observations, one should decide the
course of action to bring about the desired results in
problematic life situations.

Do not be hasty; remember—Nature takes her own

course and works at her own pace, but she is far more
effective than we can imagine. Moreover, if you need
to address more than one problem in a given time, it
is advisable to deal with them one by one.

The same holds true for wishes and desires you
may want fulfilled. Never try to set everything right
at the same time. Prioritise your wants and work
accordingly. You will notice that very often, a single
problem has many manifestations.

In such a case, treating one of these manifestations

usually eliminates the problem and all its various
forms. The application of too many remedies may
also cause imbalance. So, normally, you should
deal with only one problem at a time. If you feel
that the situation is too complicated, then consult an
experienced MahaVastu expert before you proceed.

Symbols used for remedies, in the present book, have

been useful to mankind since ages. In India, books on
Vedas, Puranas, Astrology, Tantra, and Vastushilpa have
been containing this knowledge right from centuries.

Chalukya king Shri Someshwar dev (III) (1126.36), in

12th century, did excellent compilation of sculpturing
in his book – ‘Abhilashitarth Chintamani’.
‘Manasoullas’ created by the king is also a part

24 Mahavastu remedies
of this book. ‘Aparajit Prichcha’ created by Shri
Bhuvenedev, also provides a vast collection of Vastu
and Architectural knowledge (shilp gyan).

A crisp description of sculptures (shilp) and sculptors

(shilpi) is also found in books – Matsyapuran,
Agnipuran, Mansaar, and Vishnudharmottar puran.
Vrihatsanhita and Vishwakarma Prakash are also full
of sculpture (architecture) related knowledge.

Their mutual conjunction and usage methodology

are definitely modern, as per the requirement in
contemporary buildings and life style. The basic
reason for that is that the problems in modern life are
also modern.

In this book, these applications have been presented

as the essence of Vastu remedies done over more than
two decades. You can use them yourself as well as
for the benefit of others to live with more happiness,
love and prosperity. The following are some of the
symbols which when used judiciously, completely
transform your life.


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