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Practical Research 2



What is research? It defined as a careful, detailed and systematic study of a specific problem,
concern, or even issue to establish facts. It has been said that research helps discovering and creating new
knowledge. But what makes a research, practical? Practical research means actual doing or using of
something rather than theories and ideas. It involves inquiry and immersion activities in order to achieve the
correct information. After studying the different kinds of quantitative research, let us know the importance of
quantitative research across fields. Therefore, at the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Illustrate the importance of quantitative research across fields; and
2. Differentiate kinds of variables and their uses.
We will be proceeding with our lesson proper with the use of the following e-learning platforms;
1. Edmodo;
2. Zoom;
3. Google meet; and
4. Messenger/messenger chat room.


After studying the different kinds of quantitative research, let us know the importance of quantitative
research across fields. Please watch the video found on the link below.
It’s importance to social inquiry is for better understanding of the behavior and social interactions
among individuals while in the field of information and communications technology it is to examine the
trends and tendencies in the use of information technology. When it comes to arts, it is to investigate methods
or approaches that enhance one’s creativity that is contradicting to science, it’s importance is to determine
the effectiveness of a newly developed medicine, treatment, or approach in addressing health problems. In
field of agriculture and fisheries, it is to examine how agriculture in a particular community is influenced by
global trends and for sports, it is to understand the relationship between one’s health and athletic
performance. Lastly in the field for business, it is to assess approaches that will help companies in their
decision-making practices.
Let us now know what are the variables and its kinds and their uses.
Variable is defined as a measurable characteristic that varies. It may change from group to group,
person to person, or even within one person over time. A variable that shows the effect of manipulating or
introducing the independent variables is called dependent variables. For example, if the independent
variable is the use or non-use of a new language teaching procedure, then the dependent variable might be
students' scores on a test of the content taught using that procedure. In other words, the variation in the
dependent variable depends on the variation in the independent variable.
Independent variables are those that the researcher has control over. This "control" may involve
manipulating existing variables (e.g., modifying existing methods of instruction) or introducing new variables
(e.g., adopting a totally new method for some sections of a class) in the research setting. Whatever the case
may be, the researcher expects that the independent variable(s) will have some effect on (or relationship
with) the dependent variables.
The variable that refers to abstract processes that are not directly observable but that link the
independent and dependent variables, it is called intervening variables. For example, if the use of a
particular teaching technique is the independent variable and mastery of the objectives is the dependent
variable, then the language learning processes used by the subjects are the intervening variables.
Moderator Variables affect the relationship between the independent and dependent variables by
modifying the effect of the intervening variable(s).
Unlike extraneous variables, moderator variables are measured and taken into consideration. Typical
moderator variables in TESL and language acquisition research (when they are not the major focus of the
study) include the sex, age, culture, or language proficiency of the subjects. The variables that are not
measured in a particular study must be held constant, neutralized/balanced, or eliminated, so they will not
have a biasing effect on the other variables. Variables that have been controlled in this way are called control
variables. It is called control variables.
The last kind of variable is called extraneous variables.
These are those factors in the research environment which may have an effect on the dependent
variable(s) but which are not controlled. Extraneous variables are dangerous. They may damage a study's
validity, making it impossible to know whether the effects were caused by the independent and moderator
variables or some extraneous factor. If they cannot be controlled, extraneous variables must at least be taken
into consideration when interpreting results.
Anameyy Layn (2019). The importance of quantitative research in different fields. Retrieved from:

Asturias, P.A., Samar, G. and Damilig, A.D. (2016). Practical Research I. Manila, PH: Hunt Publishing

Barrot, J.S. (2017). Practical Research 2. Quezon City, PH: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Extraneous Variables (2014). Retrieved from:

Laderas, J.M., (2017). Practical Research 2. Retrieved from

Moderating Variables Made Easy (2015). Retrieved from:

Prieto, N. G., Naval, V. C., & Carey, T. G. (2017). Practical Research 2 for Senior High School:
Quantitative. Quezon City, PH: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Sage Publications (2016). Qualitative Research Methods. Retrieved from

The Variables Of Research (Independent vs Dependent (2017). Retrieved from:

Types of Variables in Statistics and Research Independent Dependent Categorical Continuous Variables
(2018). Retrieved from:

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