4 - Historical Context 1 - IV FORM

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BTEC L3 Extended Diploma Performing Arts

Programme Title:
BTEC L3 Extended Diploma Performing Arts (Dance)

Assessor Name: Eleanor Keene

Internal Verifier Name: Charlee Prentice-Raine

Unit or Component Number and

4: Historical Context of Performance

Assignment title: 1 – Rent Original Staging Conditions

Assessment criteria targeted by
this assignment brief:

Is this an Authorised Assignment NO

Brief published by Pearson? If so,
has it been amended by the
Assessor in any way? Please give
(If using the Authorised Assignment Brief ‘off
the shelf’ with no amendments, please
answer the question marked * in the
checklist only)

Has this assignment been Yes No

submitted to the Assignment
Checking Service? NO
(If Yes, please keep a copy of the ACS
feedback with this form)


Yes, accurate details

Are the programme and unit details accurate?
are given.

Yes, a clear hand-in

date is specified for
*Are clear deadlines for assessment given?
both tasks required
to complete the unit.

Yes, the assignment

is given an
Is the time frame of an appropriate duration? appropriate amount
time to complete the

Yes, the brief is

described in such a
way that learners
Is there a suitable vocational scenario or context? can identify the
practical relevance
of the assignment to
the industry.

Are the assessment criteria to be addressed stated accurately? Yes, assessment

criteria is accurately

2019/20 BTEC Internal Verification of Assignment Brief Template

Issue Date: 29 July 2019
Owner: BTEC Assessment
DCL1 Public (Unclassified)
Version 1.0
stated with correct
wording as per the
Unit Specification.

Yes, the task clearly

outlines which
Does each task show which criteria are being addressed?
criteria are being

Yes, the task set

provides ample
opportunity for
Do the tasks meet the assessment requirements of the unit/s?
students to achieve
the criteria required
to complete the unit

Yes, the brief clearly

outlines and explains
Is it clear what evidence the learner needs to generate? the evidence that
learners are required
to generate.

Yes, the brief

explains the
requirements well
and gives examples
of the type of
evidence that would
Is it likely to generate evidence that is valid and sufficient? be considered valid
and sufficient and so
is highly likely to be
interpreted well by
learners, allowing
them to produce
such evidence.

Overall, is the Assignment fit for purpose? Yes YES No

*If ‘No’ is recorded the Internal Verifier must recommend actions detailing the issues to be addressed. The Assessor and
the Internal Verifier must then confirm that the action has been undertaken and that the Assignment Brief is authorised
for use before being issued to learners.

2019/20 BTEC Internal Verification of Assignment Brief Template

Issue Date: 29 July 2019
Owner: BTEC Assessment
DCL1 Public (Unclassified)
Version 1.0
Action required: Target Date for Date Action
(If none then please state n/a) Completion Completed


General Comments (if appropriate)

Assignment Brief Authorised for Use:

Internal Verifier signature Charlee Prentice-Raine Date 24/09/20

Assessor signature
Eleanor Keene Date 24/09/20

Lead Internal Verifier signature (if


2019/20 BTEC Internal Verification of Assignment Brief Template

Issue Date: 29 July 2019
Owner: BTEC Assessment
DCL1 Public (Unclassified)
Version 1.0

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